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Stereoscopic depth perception requires considerable neural computation, including the initial correspondence of the two retinal images, comparison across the local regions of the visual field and integration with other cues to depth. The most common cause for loss of stereoscopic vision is amblyopia, in which one eye has failed to form an adequate input to the visual cortex, usually due to strabismus (deviating eye) or anisometropia. However, the significant cortical processing required to produce the percept of depth means that, even when the retinal input is intact from both eyes, brain damage or dysfunction can interfere with stereoscopic vision. In this review, I examine the evidence for impairment of binocular vision and depth perception that can result from insults to the brain, including both discrete damage, temporal lobectomy and more systemic diseases such as posterior cortical atrophy.This article is part of the themed issue ‘Vision in our three-dimensional world’.  相似文献   

The posterior parietal cortex (PPC) is understood to be active when observers perceive three-dimensional (3D) structure. However, it is not clear how central this activity is in the construction of 3D spatial representations. Here, we examine whether PPC is essential for two aspects of visual depth perception by testing patients with lesions affecting this region. First, we measured subjects'' ability to discriminate depth structure in various 3D surfaces and objects using binocular disparity. Patients with lesions to right PPC (N = 3) exhibited marked perceptual deficits on these tasks, whereas those with left hemisphere lesions (N = 2) were able to reliably discriminate depth as accurately as control subjects. Second, we presented an ambiguous 3D stimulus defined by structure from motion to determine whether PPC lesions influence the rate of bistable perceptual alternations. Patients'' percept durations for the 3D stimulus were generally within a normal range, although the two patients with bilateral PPC lesions showed the fastest perceptual alternation rates in our sample. Intermittent stimulus presentation reduced the reversal rate similarly across subjects. Together, the results suggest that PPC plays a causal role in both inferring and maintaining the perception of 3D structure with stereopsis supported primarily by the right hemisphere, but do not lend support to the view that PPC is a critical contributor to bistable perceptual alternations.This article is part of the themed issue ‘Vision in our three-dimensional world’.  相似文献   

Deciding what constitutes an object, and what background, is an essential task for the visual system. This presents a conundrum: averaging over the visual scene is required to obtain a precise signal for object segregation, but segregation is required to define the region over which averaging should take place. Depth, obtained via binocular disparity (the differences between two eyes’ views), could help with segregation by enabling identification of object and background via differences in depth. Here, we explore depth perception in disparity-defined objects. We show that a simple object segregation rule, followed by averaging over that segregated area, can account for depth estimation errors. To do this, we compared objects with smoothly varying depth edges to those with sharp depth edges, and found that perceived peak depth was reduced for the former. A computational model used a rule based on object shape to segregate and average over a central portion of the object, and was able to emulate the reduction in perceived depth. We also demonstrated that the segregated area is not predefined but is dependent on the object shape. We discuss how this segregation strategy could be employed by animals seeking to deter binocular predators.This article is part of the themed issue ‘Vision in our three-dimensional world’.  相似文献   

The neural responses to depth-motion stimulation have been investigated in a higher-order interneurone in the optic lobe of the blowfly. The optical stimulus was generated by an outline square or elements of a square moving in real depth. Extracellular, single-unit recording and signal-averaging techniques show that this neurone is velocity coding assuming different delay constants for the excitatory and inhibitory processes. There is no systematic response to the second derivative but a partial response in the excitatory range to the third derivative of motion. The neurone responses to motion in the horizontal direction but not in the vertical direction. When there is simultaneous motion in the preferred and non-preferred directions the neurone reacts systematically with excitation to motion in depth toward the eye, and with inhibition during motion away from the eye. This response is restricted to the frontal part of the eye while in the periphery excitation and inhibition cancel each other. The status of this neurone in the process of motion perception is discussed.  相似文献   

We describe psychophysical evidence that the human visual system contains information-processing channels for motion in depth in addition to those for position in depth. These motion-in-depth channels include some that are selectively sensitive to the relative velocities of the left and right retinal images. We propose that the visual pathway contains stereoscopic (cyclopean) motion filters that respond to only a narrow range of the directions of motion in depth. Turning to the single-neuron level we report that, in addition to neurons turned to position to depth, cat visual cortex contains neurons that emphasize information about the direction of motion at the expense of positional information. We describe psychophysical evidence for the existence of channels that are sensitive to change size, and are separate from the channels both for motion and for flicker. These changing-size channels respond independently of whether the stimulus is a bright square on a dark ground or a dark square on a bright ground. At the physiological level we report single neurons in cat visual cortex that respond selectively to increasing or to decreasing size independently of the sign of stimulus contrast. Adaptation to a changing-size stimulus produces two separable after-effects: an illusion of changing size, and an illusion of motion in depth. These after-effects have different decay time constants. We propose a psychophysical model in which changing-size filters feed a motion-in-depth stage, and suppose that the motion-in-depth after-effect is due to activity at the motion-in-depth stage, while the changing-size after-effect is due to to activity at the changing-size and more peripheral stages. The motion-in-depth after-effect can be cancelled either by a changing-size test stimulus or by relative motion of the left and right retinal images. Opposition of these two cues can also cancel the impression of motion in depth produced by the adapting stimulus. These findings link the stereoscopic (cyclopean) motion filters and the changing-size filters: both feed the same motion-in-depth stage.  相似文献   

Summary A summary of colorimetry is given and the limits of color constancy mechanism under changing illuminations are discussed.  相似文献   

Humans use shading as a cue to three-dimensional form by combining low-level information about light intensity with high-level knowledge about objects and the environment. Here, we examine how cuttlefish Sepia officinalis respond to light and shadow to shade the white square (WS) feature in their body pattern. Cuttlefish display the WS in the presence of pebble-like objects, and they can shade it to render the appearance of surface curvature to a human observer, which might benefit camouflage. Here we test how they colour the WS on visual backgrounds containing two-dimensional circular stimuli, some of which were shaded to suggest surface curvature, whereas others were uniformly coloured or divided into dark and light semicircles. WS shading, measured by lateral asymmetry, was greatest when the animal rested on a background of shaded circles and three-dimensional hemispheres, and less on plain white circles or black/white semicircles. In addition, shading was enhanced when light fell from the lighter side of the shaded stimulus, as expected for real convex surfaces. Thus, the cuttlefish acts as if it perceives surface curvature from shading, and takes account of the direction of illumination. However, the direction of WS shading is insensitive to the directions of background shading and illumination; instead the cuttlefish tend to turn to face the light source.  相似文献   

The relationship between distance and size perception is unclear because of conflicting results of tests investigating the size-distance invariance hypothesis (SDIH), according to which perceived size is proportional to perceived distance. We propose that response bias with regard to measures of perceived distance is at the root of the conflict. Rather than employ the usual method of magnitude estimation, the bias-free two-alternative forced choice (2AFC) method was used to determine the precision (1/sigma) of discriminating depth at different distances. The results led us to define perceptual distance as a bias free power function of physical distance, with an exponent of approximately 0.5. Similar measures involving size differences among stimuli of equal angular size yield the same power function of distance. In addition, size discrimination is noisier than depth discrimination, suggesting that distance information is processed prior to angular size. Size constancy implies that the perceived size is proportional to perceptual distance. Moreover, given a constant relative disparity, depth constancy implies that perceived depth is proportional to the square of perceptual distance. However, the function relating the uncertainties of depth and of size discrimination to distance is the same. Hence, depth and size constancy may be accounted for by the same underlying law.  相似文献   

Can video images imitate real stimuli in animal behaviour experiments?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The use of video images in place of natural stimuli in animal behaviour experiments is reviewed. Unlike most other artificial means of stimulus presentation, video stimuli can depict complex moving objects such as other animals, preserving the temporal and spatial patterns of movement precisely as well as colour and sounds for repeated playback. Computer editing can give flexibility and control over all elements of the stimulus. A variety of limitations of video image presentation are also considered. Televisions and video monitors are designed with human vision in mind, and some non-human animals that differ in aspects of visual processing such as their colour vision, critical flicker-fusion threshold, perception of depth and visual acuity, may perceive video images differently to ourselves. The failure of video stimuli to interact with subjects can be a drawback for some studies. For video to be useful, it is important to confirm that the subject animal responds to the image in a comparable way to the real stimulus, and the criteria used to assess this are discussed. Finally, the contribution made by video studies to date in the understanding of animal visual responses is considered, and recommendations as to the future uses of video are made.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional displays and stereo vision   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Procedures for three-dimensional image reconstruction that are based on the optical and neural apparatus of human stereoscopic vision have to be designed to work in conjunction with it. The principal methods of implementing stereo displays are described. Properties of the human visual system are outlined as they relate to depth discrimination capabilities and achieving optimal performance in stereo tasks. The concept of depth rendition is introduced to define the change in the parameters of three-dimensional configurations for cases in which the physical disposition of the stereo camera with respect to the viewed object differs from that of the observer's eyes.  相似文献   

用于立体视检测的微机软件包的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了快速、方便、准确地检测人的立体视功能,根据双眼视差原理,设计了用于立体视检测的微机软件包称为立体视检测(SVT).利用该软件可在彩色屏幕(VGA)上产生静态等视差图(图中各部分的视差不随空间位置的变化而改变)、变视差图、以及在深度上的正弦波状起伏图形.叙述了设计原理和程序框图;报导了用SVT软件包对视力正常和异常儿童的立体视检测结果并讨论了其临床应用价值.  相似文献   

Necessary and sufficient spectral conditions are presented for Von Kries chromatic adaptation to give color constancy. Von-Kries-invariant reflectance spectra are computed for illuminant spectral power distributions that are arbitrary linear combinations of the first three daylight phases. Experiments are suggested to test models of color constancy using computed spectra (either exact or approximate) within the illuminant-invariant framework.  相似文献   

Complete postorbital bars, bony arches that encompass the lateral aspect of the eye and form part of a circular orbit, have evolved homoplastically multiple times during mammalian evolution. Numerous functional hypotheses have been advanced for postorbital bars, the most promising being that postorbital bars function to stiffen the lateral orbit in taxa that have significant angular deviation between the temporal fossa and the bony orbit. Without a stiff lateral orbit the anterior temporalis muscle and fascia potentially would pull on the postorbital ligament, deform the orbit, and cause disruption of oculomotor precision. Morphometric data were collected on 1,329 specimens of 324 taxa from 16 orders of extant eutherian and metatherian mammals in order to test whether the orientation of the orbit relative to the temporal fossa is correlated with the replacement of the postorbital ligament with bone. The allometric and ecological influences on orbit orientation across mammals are also explored. The morphometric results corroborate the hypothesis: Shifts in orbit orientation relative to the temporal fossa are correlated with the size of the postorbital processes, which replace the ligament. The allometric and ecological factors that influence orbit orientation vary across taxa. Postorbital bars stiffen the lateral orbital wall. Muscle pulleys, ligaments, and other connective tissue attach to the lateral orbital wall, including the postorbital bar. Without a stiff lateral orbit, deformation due to temporalis contraction would displace soft tissues contributing to normal oculomotor function.  相似文献   

There has long been a problem concerning the presence in the visual cortex of binocularly activated cells that are selective for vertical stimulus disparities because it is generally believed that only horizontal disparities contribute to stereoscopic depth perception. The accepted view is that stereoscopic depth estimates are only relative to the fixation point and that independent information from an extraretinal source is needed to scale for absolute or egocentric distance. Recently, however, theoretical computations have shown that egocentric distance can be estimated directly from vertical disparities without recourse to extraretinal sources. There has been little impetus to follow up these computations with experimental observations, because the vertical disparities that normally occur between the images in the two eyes have always been regarded as being too small to be of significance for visual perception and because experiments have consistently shown that our conscious appreciation of egocentric distance is rather crude and unreliable. Nevertheless, the veridicality of stereoscopic depth constancy indicates that accurate distance information is available to the visual system and that the information about egocentric distance and horizontal disparity are processed together so as to continually recalibrate the horizontal disparity values for different absolute distances. Computations show that the recalibration can be based directly on vertical disparities without the need for any intervening estimates of absolute distance. This may partly explain the relative crudity of our conscious appreciation of egocentric distance. From published data it has been possible to calculate the magnitude of the vertical disparities that the human visual system must be able to discriminate in order for depth constancy to have the observed level of veridicality. From published data on the induced effect it has also been possible to calculate the threshold values for the detection of vertical disparities by the visual system. These threshold values are smaller than those needed to provide for the recalibration of the horizontal disparities in the interests of veridical depth constancy. An outline is given of the known properties of the binocularly activated cells in the striate cortex that are able to discriminate and assess the vertical disparities. Experiments are proposed that should validate, or otherwise, the concepts put forward in this paper.  相似文献   

Light determines macrophyte distribution, community composition and biomass in shallow lakes. Therefore, it is vital to determine the critical underwater light climate thresholds for macrophyte degradation and recovery. In this study, we first proposed a novel index, defined as the ratio of euphotic depth (Zeu) to water depth (WD), as a measure of the underwater light supply for macrophytes. The underwater light environment in Lake Taihu (a large, shallow, eutrophic lake) was then characterized based on this index (Zeu/WD) using field measurements collected from 2006 to 2013 (8 years × 4 seasons × 32 sites). The distribution of the macrophyte presence frequency (MPF, the number of investigations that identified macrophytes divided by the total number of investigations) was greater than 0.70 in Xukou Bay and East Lake Taihu over the 32 investigations, followed by the other sites distributed in East Lake Taihu. The proportion of macrophyte coverage increased with the increase in Zeu/WD. A significant relationship was observed between Zeu/WD and MPF for the 19 sites with macrophytes (r2 = 0.48, p < 0.001, n = 19). In the region with high nutrient concentrations and serious water pollution, better underwater light conditions are required for the growth of macrophytes. A Zeu/WD value of 0.80 can be regarded as the critical underwater light threshold for the growth of macrophytes in Lake Taihu. The region with Zeu/WD ranging between 0.57 and 0.80 was usually covered by sparse macrophytes; this region should be vital for macrophyte recovery and environmental management in Lake Taihu. The distribution of Zeu/WD was further obtained using MODIS satellite-derived Zeu from June to October in 2003 and 2013. Xukou Bay and Guangfu Bay in the southern part of Lake Taihu could be regarded as potentially crucial regions for the recovery of macrophytes from the perspective of underwater light and nutrient levels.  相似文献   

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