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Chemically elicited guinea pig peritoneal exudate macrophages respond by superoxide (O2-) production to a large number of unrelated stimulants. It has been found that 8 out of 10 stimulants also induce arachidonic acid (20:4) liberation and thromboxane synthesis. The elicitation of O2- production by most stimulants was reduced or totally suppressed by three procedures that inhibit the activity of endogenous phospholipases: the use of drug p-bromophenacyl bromide, elevation of the cellular cyclic AMP level, and the removal of extracellular Ca2+. O2- production in response to concanavalin A, wheat germ agglutinin, and fMet-Leu-Phe were exquisitely sensitive to inhibition of phospholipase activity. Exogenously applied 20:4 as well as other unsaturated fatty acids (linolenic, linoleic, and oleic) induced massive and instantaneous O2- production in a dose-dependent manner. Saturated fatty acids (stearic) and methyl esters of unsaturated acids were inactive. Lysophosphoglycerides were also inactive. Incubation of macrophages with inhibitors of cyclooxygenase or lipoxygenase did not prevent the elicitation of O2- production by stimulants or fatty acids. On the contrary, O2- formation was enhanced by indomethacin and indomethacin by itself was capable of evoking O2- generation. Treatment of 20:4 with soybean lipoxygenase did not abolish its capacity to induce O2- production; native and lipoxygenase-treated 20:4 exhibited similar dose-response ratios. Purified 15-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid also elicited O2- production by macrophages with a potency comparable to but not exceeding that of 20:4. Equimolar amounts of prostaglandin E2 were inactive. These findings suggest that liberation of unsaturated fatty acid (principally, 20:4) from membrane phospholipids, as a consequence of phospholipase activation, is a necessary step in the elicitation of an oxidative burst in macrophages. O2- generation is stimulated by unesterified 20:4 and, possibly, by certain metabolites of 20:4. It appears that the lipoxygenase pathway may generate metabolites with stimulating capacity while the cyclooxygenase pathway is abortive.  相似文献   

Inhibition of nitric oxide production by arginine analogues was examined in three cell systems; macrophages, CNS tissue and endothelial cells. Nitric oxide production was assessed indirectly using in vitro assays measuring nitrite production (macrophages), cGMP elevation (CNS) and acetylcholine-induced relaxation of aortic ring segments (endothelium). NG-monomethyl-L-arginine and NG-amino-L-arginine possessed similar inhibitory activity in all three assays, while NG-nitro-L-arginine displayed a striking selectivity for inhibition of brain and endothelial cell nitric oxide synthesis, with IC50 values of 0.05 microM in the CNS versus 200 microM in macrophages. These results suggest that distinct enzymes are responsible for nitric oxide synthesis in different cell types, and indicate that it may be possible to selectively modulate nitric oxide production in vivo.  相似文献   

The treatment of Lewis rat peritoneal macrophages with p1-nitrophenyl p-guanidinobenzoate (NPGB) inhibited the superoxide anion production stimulated with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA). The addition of NPGB at the time of maximum superoxide generation was still able to block the superoxide release. It appears from these findings that NPGB may block either the activation process of the membrane bound NAD(P)H oxidase or directly on the active enzyme. Other protease inhibitors such as, epsilon-amino caproic acid (EACA), pepstatin, trans aminomethyl cyclohexane carboxylic acid (AMCA), aprotinin, and leupeptin did not inhibit the superoxide release. The superoxide anion release by the xanthine-xanthine oxidase system was not inhibited by NPGB. This finding indicates that NPGB does not itself react with superoxide. It has been also demonstrated that NPGB is a good reactant toward sulfhydryl group. The relevance of these finding to experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) is discussed.  相似文献   

The binding of calcium/calmodulin stimulates electron transfer between the reductase and oxygenase domains of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS). Here, we demonstrate using electron spin resonance spin-trapping with 5-diethoxyphosphoryl-5-methyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide that pterin-free nNOS generates superoxide from the reductase and the oxygenase domain by a calcium/calmodulin-dependent mechanism. Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH(4)) diminishes the formation of superoxide by a mechanism that does not cause inhibition of NADPH consumption. In contrast, BH(4) analogs 7,8-dihydrobiopterin and sepiapterin do not affect superoxide yields. L-Arginine alone inhibits the generation of superoxide by nNOS but not by C331A-nNOS mutant that has a low affinity for L-arginine. A greater decrease in superoxide yields is observed when nNOS is preincubated with L-arginine. This effect is in accordance with the slow binding rates of L-arginine to NOS in the absence of BH(4). L-Arginine alone or in combination with BH(4) decreases the rates of NADPH consumption. The effect of L-arginine on superoxide yields, however, was less dramatic than that caused by BH(4) as much higher concentrations of L-arginine are necessary to attain the same inhibition. In combination, L-arginine and BH(4) inhibit the formation of superoxide generation and stimulate the formation of L-citrulline. We conclude that, in contrast to L-arginine, BH(4) does not inhibit the generation of superoxide by controlling electron transfer through the enzyme but by stimulating the formation of the heme-peroxo species.  相似文献   

Previous studies from this laboratory have identified in bovine pineal gland a glutamate receptor site with a dissociation equilibrium constant (KD) value of 0.534 μM and a receptor density (Bmax) value of 4.84 pmol/mg protein. This pH- and temperature-dependent binding site showed stereospecificity, was activated by Ca2+ and displayed affinity for both glutamate receptor agonists and antagonists. The role of this glutamate receptor site was investigated by studying the effects of select glutamate receptor agonists and antagonists and of γ-aminobutyric acid on the basal- and on the norepinephrine-stimulated activity of arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase in rat pineal glands that were incubated in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium at 37°C for 20 min in an atmosphere of 5% CO2/95% O2. l-Glutamate, l-aspartate and glutamate receptor agonists such as γ-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propinonic acid and quisqualate were all also potent inhibitors of norepinephrine-induced stimulation of N-acetyltransferase. On the other hand, the known glutamate receptor antagonists such as d-glutamylaminomethylsulphonic acid and γ-d-glutamyltaurine stimulated the basal activity of N-acetyltransferase.Evidence of a high concentration of glutamic acid, the presence of glutamate receptors and the inhibition by glutamate receptor agonists of pineal N-acetyltransferase compel one to speculate that, in addition to its well-known metabolic roles, glutamate may modulate in an unknown fashion the activity of melatonin synthesizing enzyme, and the functions of mammalian pineal glands.  相似文献   

Extracellular ATP itself elicited the generation of superoxide (O2-) in guinea pig peritoneal macrophages associated with an increase in cytosolic calcium ([Ca2+]i). The ATP-induced O2- generation was completely inhibited by pretreatment with pertussis toxin (PT) accompanied by the suppression of [Ca2+]i mobilization. Pre-exposure to a small amount of phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) primed the ATP-induced generation of O2- without a change of [Ca2+]i. The results suggest that ATP-induced O2- generation is mediated by [Ca2+]i mobilization and by PT-sensitive G protein.  相似文献   

Crosslinking of monomeric IgG2 molecules bound to the Fc gamma receptors on the cell surface of guinea pig macrophages generated the triggering signal for the superoxide-generating system. A binding experiment indicated that macrophages have saturable binding sites for monomeric IgG2. Scatchard analysis of the binding data showed that macrophages have an average of 4 X 10(5) binding sites per cell and the association constant for the binding was 4.2 X 10(6) M-1. Binding of monomeric IgG2 to macrophages could be detected by subsequent reaction with the 125I-labeled F(ab')2 fragment of rabbit antibody specific for guinea pig Fab. Although binding of IgG2 monomer to Fc receptor did not stimulate superoxide release, further addition of the F(ab')2 fragment of anti-guinea pig Fab antibody did induce generation and release of superoxide, and the amount released was dependent on the dose of cell-bound IgG2. When macrophages were bound with a constant dose of IgG2 monomer in the first step, the superoxide release triggered by the addition of the F(ab')2 of anti-guinea pig Fab was dependent on the dose of the F(ab')2 fragment added. These results show that crosslinking of Fc receptors triggers the superoxide generation.  相似文献   

Abnormal melanogenesis results in excessive production of melanin, leading to pigmentation disorders. As a key and rate-limiting enzyme for melanogenesis, tyrosinase has been considered an important target for developing therapeutic agents of pigment disorders. Despite having an (E)-β-phenyl-α,β-unsaturated carbonyl scaffold, which plays an important role in the potent inhibition of tyrosinase activity, cinnamic acids have not attracted attention as potential tyrosinase inhibitors, due to their low tyrosinase inhibitory activity and relatively high hydrophilicity. Given that cinnamic acids’ structure intrinsically features this (E)-scaffold and following our experience that minute changes in the chemical structure can powerfully affect tyrosinase activity, twenty less hydrophilic cinnamamide derivatives were designed as potential tyrosinase inhibitors and synthesised using a Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons reaction. Four of these cinnmamides (4, 9, 14, and 19) exhibited much stronger mushroom tyrosinase inhibition (over 90% inhibition) at 25 µM compared to kojic acid (20.57% inhibition); crucially, all four have a 2,4-dihydroxy group on the β-phenyl ring of the scaffold. A docking simulation using tyrosinase indicated that the four cinnamamides exceeded the binding affinity of kojic acid, and bound more strongly to the active site of tyrosinase. Based on the strength of their tyrosinase inhibition, these four cinnamamides were further evaluated in B16F10 melanoma cells. All four cinnamamides, without cytotoxicity, exhibited higher tyrosinase inhibitory activity (67.33 – 79.67% inhibition) at 25 μM than kojic acid (38.11% inhibition), with the following increasing inhibitory order: morpholino (9) = cyclopentylamino (14) < cyclohexylamino (19) < N-methylpiperazino (4) cinnamamides. Analysis of tyrosinase activity and melanin content in B16F10 cells showed that the four cinnamamides dose-dependently inhibited both cellular tyrosinase activity and melanin content and that their inhibitory activity at 25 μM was much better than that of kojic acid. The results of melanin content analysis well matched those of the cellular tyrosinase activity analysis, indicating that tyrosinase inhibition by the four cinnamamides is a major factor in the reduction of melanin production. These results imply that these four cinnamamides with a 2,4-dihydroxyphenyl group can act as excellent anti-melanogenic agents in the treatment of pigmentation disorders.  相似文献   

To study the effect of maturation on abilities of superoxide radicals (O-2) generation in the airways, we compared stimuli-induced O-2 generation by alveolar macrophages in immature (aged 10+/-2 days) and adult (aged 90+/-2 days) guinea-pigs. The production of O-2 was assayed by chemiluminescence method, using a Cypridina luciferin analog as a highly sensitive and specific probe for O-2. Whereas no significant difference in cell components of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid was observed between immature and adult animals, O-2 generation induced by stimulation of alveolar macrophages was greater in immature than in adult animals, with significant differences observed after platelet-activating factor (100 nM) or phorbol myristate acetate (0.5 micro g/ml). The results suggest that alveolar macrophages from immature animals are far more potent O-2 generators than the same cells of adult animals.  相似文献   

The ability of thioglycollate-elicited peritoneal macrophages (PM) from young and senescent mice to generate superoxide anions (O2-) under repeated stimulation or thermal stress was studied using either zymosan, opsonized zymosan (OZ), or phorbol myristate acetate (PMA). A diminished capacity to recover from repeated stimulation was found with aging. When stimulated for a second time 24 hours after the primary stimulation, PM from young animals generated 80% of the initial O2- responses to either zymosan, or OZ. Under the same conditions, PM from senescent mice generated 62% of the initial O2- produced in response to zymosan, and 45% in response to OZ. In both age groups the response to a second PMA stimulation comprised only 10% of the primary response. A considerably diminished capacity to generate O2- was also demonstrated in PM from senescent mice after recovery from exposure to thermal stress. Exposure to 42.5 degrees C for 20 minutes was found to be the threshold temperature for irreversible loss of activity in senescent PM, whereas at this temperature, PM from young animals recovered up to 70% of their O2- generating activity. Since NADPH oxidase and superoxide dismutase activities were only mildly affected by the hyperthermia in all age groups, they could not account for the age-related decline in the recovery from stress. Age-related alterations in signal transduction or receptor alterations could possibly play a primary role in this decline.  相似文献   

Adjuvant arthritis was induced in rats by the injection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and its severity was scored according to the macroscopic findings of the legs, tail, and ears. The average score so obtained was lower in SOD-injected rats than in the control group. The depression of albumin/globulin ratio was inhibited significantly in rats treated with 10.0 mg/kg of SOD. The levels of acid phosphatase and beta-glucuronidase were elevated after the administration of an adjuvant, and these lysosomal enzymes showed a remarkable increase in the control rats, while the elevation was inhibited in rats injected with 10.0 mg/kg of SOD. The levels of TBA-reactive substances in the sera and synovia were elevated at 2 weeks after the injection of adjuvant and decreased thereafter. In rats injected with 5.0 mg/kg or 10.0 mg/kg of SOD, the increase in both serum and synovial levels of TBA reactants was inhibited significantly. These observations suggest that the aggravation of adjuvant arthritis may be associated with lipid peroxidation due to superoxide, and that SOD may be beneficial for the treatment of arthritis.  相似文献   

Superoxide production in alveolar macrophages is stimulated by agonists which act through Ca2+-mediated (concanavalin A) and/or protein kinase C (phorbol ester or diacylglycerol analogues) -mediated events. Simultaneous addition of saturating concentrations of concanavalin A and a protein kinase C activator (either phorbol 12-myristate-13-acetate or 1-oleoyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycerol) caused a supra-additive enhancement of the initial rate of O2-. production. This synergism closely correlated with the known time-course of Ca2+ mobilization induced by concanavalin A; however, it occurred under conditions in which protein kinase C activation is reportedly not Ca2+ dependent. Phorbol ester-induced O2-. production was partially inhibited by the Ca2+ ionophore, A23187. Although phorbol ester-stimulated O2-. production initially was enhanced by concanavalin A, the duration of this O2-. production was reduced in comparison to that induced by phorbol ester alone. These results suggest a dual role for intracellular Ca2+ in both stimulatory and inhibitory regulation of O2-. production.  相似文献   

The cofactor requirements of macrophage nitric oxide (NO.) synthase suggest involvement of an NADPH-dependent flavoprotein. This prompted us to test the effect of the flavoprotein inhibitors diphenyleneiodonium (DPI), di-2-thienyliodonium (DTI), and iodoniumdiphenyl (ID) on the NO. synthases of macrophages and endothelium. DPI, DTI, and ID completely inhibited NO. synthesis by mouse macrophages, their lysates, and partially purified macrophage NO. synthase. Inhibition of NO. synthase by these agents was potent (IC50's 50-150 nM), irreversible, dependent on time and temperature, and independent of enzyme catalysis. The inhibition by DPI was blocked by NADPH, NADP+, or 2'5'-ADP, but not by NADH. Likewise, FAD or FMN, but not riboflavin or adenosine 5-diphosphoribose, protected NO. synthase from inhibition by DPI. Neither NADPH nor FAD reacted with DPI. Once NO. synthase was inhibited by DPI, neither NADPH nor FAD could restore its activity. DPI also inhibited acetylcholine-induced relaxation of norepinephrine-preconstricted rabbit aortic rings (IC50 300 nM). Inhibition of acetylcholine-induced relaxation persisted for at least 2 h after DPI was washed out. In contrast, DPI had no effect on norepinephrine-induced vasoconstriction itself nor on vasorelaxation induced by the NO.-generating agent sodium nitroprusside. These results suggest that NO. synthesis in both macrophages and endothelial cells depends on an NADPH-utilizing flavoprotein. As a new class of NO. synthase inhibitors, DPI and its analogs are likely to prove useful in analyzing the physiologic and pathophysiologic roles of NO(.).  相似文献   

We have studied the time course of the absorption of bovine liver catalase after pulse radiolysis with oxygen saturation in the presence and absence of superoxide dismutase. In the absence of superoxide dismutase, catalase produced Compound I and another species. The formation of Compound I is due to the reaction of ferric catalase with hydrogen peroxide, which is generated by the disproportionation of the superoxide anion (O-2). The kinetic difference spectrum showed that the other species was neither Compound I nor II. In the presence of superoxide dismutase, the formation of this species was found to be inhibited, whereas that of Compound I was little affected. This suggests that this species is formed by the reaction of ferric catalase with O-2 and is probably the oxy form of this enzyme (Compound III). The rate constant for the reaction of O-2 and ferric catalase increased with a decrease in pH (cf. 4.5 X 10(4) M-1 s-1 at pH 9 and 4.6 X 10(6) M-1 s-1 at pH 5.). The pH dependence of the rate constant can be explained by assuming that HO2 reacts with this enzyme more rapidly than O-2.  相似文献   

Recent intervention studies revealed that beta-carotene supplement to smokers resulted in a higher incidence of lung cancer. However, the causal mechanisms remain to be clarified. We reported here that vitamin A (retinol) and its derivative (retinal) caused cellular DNA cleavage detected by pulsed field gel electrophoresis. Retinol and retinal significantly induced 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine formation in HL-60 cells but not in H(2)O(2)-resistant HP100 cells, suggesting the involvement of H(2)O(2) in cellular DNA damage. Experiments using (32)P-labeled isolated DNA demonstrated that retinol and retinal caused Cu(II)-mediated DNA damage, which was inhibited by catalase. UV-visible spectroscopic and electron spin resonance-trapping studies revealed the generation of superoxide and carbon-centered radicals, respectively. The superoxide generation during autoxidation of retinoids was significantly correlated with the formation of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine, although the yield of carbon-centered radicals was not necessarily related to the intensity of DNA damage. These findings suggest that superoxide generated by autoxidation of retinoids was dismutated to H(2)O(2), which was responsible for DNA damage in the presence of endogenous metals. Retinol and retinal have prooxidant abilities, which might lead to carcinogenesis of the supplements of beta-carotene.  相似文献   

R E Muid  B Twomey  M M Dale 《FEBS letters》1988,234(1):235-240
A 'cocktail' consisting of an inhibitor of diacylglycerol kinase (R59022, 10 microM), an inhibitor of diacylglycerol lipase (RHC80267, 10 microM), and an inhibitor of phospholipase A2 (either 100 microM indomethacin, or 100 microM sodium meclofenamate) markedly enhanced superoxide production by human neutrophils stimulated with post-receptor stimuli, fluoride and gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane. On the other hand, the response to the C3b/Fc receptor stimulus, opsonized zymosan, was marginally decreased whilst that to the Fc receptor stimulus, aggregated IgG, was virtually unaffected. Since the inhibitors used are deemed to inhibit the main routes of arachidonate production, these results call into question the role of arachidonate in the transduction of O2- generation by post-receptor stimuli, but support a role for arachidonate in receptor-mediated transduction.  相似文献   

The effect of zinc hydroxide on superoxide (O2-) production by rat alveolar macrophages was determined by chemiluminescence and by cytochrome c reduction. Zinc ions had no effect on the chemiluminescence of unstimulated alveolar macrophages. By contrast, zinc hydroxide (ZnOH2), a neutralized form of zinc ions, increased the chemiluminescence level and O2- release. Increased O2- release was inhibited by pertussis toxin, isoquinoline sulfonamide and pretreatment with EGTA. These findings indicate that zinc hydroxide formation from zinc compounds can stimulate the O2- production by alveolar macrophages by receptor-mediated and Ca(2+)-dependent process.  相似文献   

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