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Ha E  Yang SH  Yoo KI  Chung IS  Lee MY  Bae JH  Seo JC  Chung JH  Shin DH 《Life sciences》2008,82(19-20):1040-1043
A body of evidence indicates obesity is an inflammatory state with chronic activation of the immune system. The interleukin 4 receptor (IL4R) single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), rs 180275 (1902A>G) is well recognized for its association with atopy and other inflammatory diseases. We assessed the possible association of rs 180275 and rs 1805010 with obesity in Korean population. Study subject consisting of 876 Koreans were divided into three groups: subjects with 1) BMI<25, 2) BMI between 25 and 27, and 3) BMI>27. Analyses of genotype distributions and allele frequencies of study subjects revealed that rs 180275 polymorphism was associated with an increase in BMI in Korean population (P=0.009 and 0.011, respectively) while no association was found between rs 1805010 and obesity. We observed significantly lower percentage of rs 180275 G allele in subjects with BMI>27 than in subjects with BMI< or =27 (9.9% vs. 16.0%). Logistic regression analysis revealed that the odds ratio (OR) for an increase in BMI associated with the G vs. A allele was 0.57 [95% Confidence interval (CI)=0.39-0.85, p=0.002], which strongly implicates the protective role of rs 180275 G allele against an increase in BMI. Haplotype analysis revealed no association was present between rs 180275 and rs 1805010 polymorphisms. The frequency of rs 180275 G allele is significantly lower in subjects with BMI>27, suggesting the protective role of IL4R rs 180275 G allele against an increase in BMI in Korean population.  相似文献   

The partial pressure of oxygen and other gases dissolved in water and subjected to high hydrostatic pressure is increased. Although this was established many years ago it remains a problematical phenomenon. The review deals with some of the underlying theoretical difficulties and discusses the kinetic and environmental implications of the pressure-enhanced partial pressures.  相似文献   

The use of an ion trap mass spectrometer with three different membrane inlet probes is described. Two methods of removing water from the sample are compared. One is the use of a PTFE-silicone rubber double membrane, PTFE is relatively impermeable to water and so reduces the amount entering with the gas sample (Probe A). The second is the use of a silicone rubber membrane covered long probe, which condenses water out of the sample (Probe B). Response times (100%) for dissolved N2O, O2, Ar and CO2 without He in the chamber vary from between 158 and 684 s with Probe A. For the same probe with He, the response times were between 283 and 551 s. In the gas phase response times were between 99 and 153 s with He and 117 and 122 s without He. Probe B had 100% response of between 122 and 152 s for dissolved gases. Further extension of the probe by 2 m slowed response times as did increasing the ionisation time. Response times for Probe B increased to between 99 and 340 s when ionisation time increased from 1000 to 24,930 microseconds. Plots of output against concentration showed the steepest line of response for the short single membrane covered probe with 1000 microseconds ionisation time. Increasing the ionisation time, extending the probe and the use of a double membrane all reduced the gradient of output against concentration for every gas tested. In an intact sediment core, concentrations of O2, N2O and CO2 rose at the start and the concentration of N2 fell. As the disturbed sediment settled, this was reversed. The initial increase in O2 concentration stimulated respiration and inhibited the final pathway in dentrification producing higher concentrations of N2O and reducing the concentration of N2.  相似文献   

Opioid peptides are involved in various pathophysiological processes, including algesia, epilepsy, and drug dependence. A strong association between L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia (LID) and elevated prodynorphin mRNA levels has been established in both patients and in animal models of Parkinson's disease, but to date the endogenous prodynorphin peptide products have not been determined. Here, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) was used for characterization, localization, and relative quantification of striatal neuropeptides in a rat model of LID in Parkinson's disease. MALDI IMS has the unique advantage of high sensitivity and high molecular specificity, allowing comprehensive detection of multiple molecular species in a single tissue section. Indeed, several dynorphins and enkephalins could be detected in the present study, including dynorphin A(1-8), dynorphin B, α-neoendorphin, MetEnkRF, MetEnkRGL, PEnk (198-209, 219-229). IMS analysis revealed elevated levels of dynorphin B, α-neoendorphin, substance P, and PEnk (220-229) in the dorsolateral striatum of high-dyskinetic animals compared with low-dyskinetic and lesion-only control rats. Furthermore, the peak-intensities of the prodynorphin derived peptides, dynorphin B and α-neoendorphin, were strongly and positively correlated with LID severity. Interestingly, these LID associated dynorphin peptides are not those with high affinity to κ opioid receptors, but are known to bind and activate also μ- and Δ-opioid receptors. In addition, the peak intensities of a novel endogenous metabolite of α-neoendorphin lacking the N-terminal tyrosine correlated positively with dyskinesia severity. MALDI IMS of striatal sections from Pdyn knockout mice verified the identity of fully processed dynorphin peptides and the presence of endogenous des-tyrosine α-neoendorphin. Des-tyrosine dynorphins display reduced opioid receptor binding and this points to possible novel nonopioid receptor mediated changes in the striatum of dyskinetic rats. Because des-tyrosine dynorphins can only be detected by mass spectrometry, as no antibodies are available, these findings highlight the importance of MALDI IMS analysis for the study of molecular dynamics in neurological diseases.  相似文献   

Sleep and Biological Rhythms - Large disruptions of chronobiological rhythms are documented as destabilizing individuals with bipolar disorder; however, the impact of small phase altering events is...  相似文献   

M. Ugarte  K. Geraki  G. Jeffery 《Biometals》2018,31(6):1061-1073
We present further analyses of a previous experiment published in 2016 where the distribution, concentration and correlation of iron, zinc, copper and sulphur in the choroid of the eye in young and aged old world primates (Macaca fascicularis) was studied with synchrotron X-ray fluorescence with a 2 μm resolution. The results indicate that iron accumulates in hotspots in the choroid with age with fluorescence intensity ranging from 2- to 7-fold (1002–3752 ppm) the mean level in the choroidal stroma (500 ppm) and maximum iron levels in blood vessel lumina. Iron hotspots with iron ppm?>?1000 preferentially contained Fe3+ as demonstrated by Perls staining. There was a strong spatial co-localisation and correlation between copper and zinc (Pearson’s correlation coefficient 0.97), and both elements with sulphur in the choroid of young animals. However, these are reduced in the choroid of aged animals and lost in the iron hotspots. The lack of proportional co-distribution suggests that iron accumulation does not induce a concomitant increase in zinc, copper or zinc-, copper-metalloproteins. It is possible that the iron hotspots are ferritin or hemosiderin molecules loaded with Fe3+ in stable, insoluble, non-toxic complexes without a significant oxidative environment.  相似文献   

A rapid, sensitive method using liquid chromatography–electrospray mass spectrometry (LC–ES-MS) was developed and evaluated for the simultaneous quantitative determination of caffeine metabolites 1U, 1X and AAMU in human urine. This method involved a simple dilution of urine samples. The chromatographic separation was achieved on a C18 reversed-phase column using a gradient of acetonitrile in 2 mM, pH 3.0 ammonium formate as mobile phase. After ionisation in an electrospray source, mass spectrometric detection was performed in the negative ion, selected ion monitoring mode. This method yielded acceptable accuracy and precision within the range 0.25–50 μg/ml. This analytical method was applied to investigate the N-acetylator phenotype of HIV-infected patients and compared with high-performance liquid chromatography with UV detection. Its specificity was better, which appeared to be absolutely necessary to prevent errors in metabolic ratios and phenotype interpretation.  相似文献   

We study the impact of vascular pulse in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pressure measured on the lateral cerebral ventricles, as well as its sensitivity with respect to ventricular volume change. Recent studies have addressed the importance of the compliance capacity in the brain and its relation to arterial pulse abortion in communicating hydrocephalus. Nevertheless, this mechanism is not fully understood. We propose a fluid-structure interaction (FSI) model on a 3?D idealized geometry based on realistic physiological and morphological parameters. The computational model describes the pulsatile deformation of the third ventricle due to arterial pulse and the resulting CSF dynamics inside brain pathways. The results show that when the volume of lateral ventricles increases up to 3.5 times, the amplitudes of both average and maximum pressure values, computed on the lateral ventricles surface, substantially decrease. This indicates that the lateral ventricles expansion leads to a dumping effect on the pressure exerted on the walls of the ventricles. These results strengthen the possibility that communicant hydrocephalus may, in fact, be a natural response to reduce abnormal high intracranial pressure (ICP) amplitude. This conclusion is in accordance with recent hypotheses suggesting that communicant hydrocephalus is related to a disequilibrium in brain compliance capacity.  相似文献   

The dependence of the pressure drop (PD) along conducting vessels between the aorta and the distal end of a. saphena on the blood flow in the artery has been studied in rats. The PD was shown to react to rapid blood flow increase from 0.6 to 1.2 ml/min, with a drastic upstroke followed by a gradual decrease to the initial value within 20 s. When the blood flow was returned to the initial level the PD was recovered during 40 s. A rapid flow increase from 0.1 to 1.0 ml/min in 3 s was accompanied by proportional changes in PD. However, a slow blood flow increase from 0.1 to 1.5 ml/min in 600 s did not induce any marked changes in PD in the range of the blood flow from 0.5 to 1.5 ml/min. The observed stabilization of PD may be attributed to the property of conducting arteries to increase their internal diameter in response to blood flow increase.  相似文献   

The internalization into tumor cells of two antibodies (C242 and 454A12), which make potent immunotoxins when linked to ricin A-chain, and an antibody (A5B7), which does not make a potent immunotoxin but has proven useful in ADEPT, was evaluated. The 454A12 antibody was rapidly taken into the cells, 50% of the antibody being internalized after 2 h. The C242 antibody was internalized more slowly, approx 50% being taken up by the cells in 24 h. With A5B7, less than 10% of the antibody was internalized after 24 h. Internalization of the C242 antibody was accompanied by the appearance of antibody degradation products in the cell medium after 2 h, and this degradation could be inhibited by addition of a metabolic inhibitor that prevented cell internalization. In contrast, minimal degradation of the A5B7 antibody could be detected up to 24 h after binding to the cells. In conclusion, both 454A12 and C242 antibodies, which make potent immunotoxins, were internalized into tumor cels. The A5B7 antibody, which does not make a potent immunotoxin, was not internalized, and this property may be one reason why A5B7 has proved useful for delivery of enzymes in ADEPT.  相似文献   

In prsA (protein secretion) mutants of Bacillus subtilis, decreased levels of exoproteins, including α-amylase and subtilisins, are found extracellularly. The effect of prsA on subtilisin secretion is elaborated here. Extracytoplasmic folding and secretion of active subtilisin is assisted by the N-terminal pro-sequence of its precursor. In this paper we present evidence that the product of the prsA gene is additionally required for these processes in vivo. We examined inducible expression of different subtilisin-alkaline phosphatase fusion genes in the prsA3 mutant. We found massive degradation of the fusion proteins, and a lack of enzymatic activity in the protein secreted. We suggest that PrsA is a novel chaperone with a predicted extracytoplasmic location, and is important in vivo for the proper conformation of various exoproteins, including those with pro-sequence (like subtilisin) and those without (like α-amylase).  相似文献   

Testosterone (T) supplementation in men induces muscle fiber hypertrophy. We hypothesized that T-induced increase in muscle fiber size is associated with a dose-dependent increase in satellite cell number. We quantitated satellite cell and myonuclear number by using direct counting and spatial orientation methods in biopsies of vastus lateralis obtained at baseline and after 20 wk of treatment with a gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist and a 125-, 300-, or 600-mg weekly dose of T enanthate. T administration was associated with a significant increase in myonuclear number in men receiving 300- and 600-mg doses. The posttreatment percent satellite cell number, obtained by direct counting, differed significantly among the three groups (ANCOVA P < 0.000001); the mean posttreatment values (5.0 and 15.0%) in men treated with 300- and 600-mg doses were greater than baseline (2.5 and 2.5%, respectively, P < 0.05 vs. baseline). The absolute satellite cell number measured by spatial orientation at 20 wk (1.5 and 4.0/mm) was significantly greater than baseline (0.3 and 0.6/mm) in men receiving the 300- and 600-mg doses (P < 0.05). The change in percent satellite cell number correlated with changes in total (r = 0.548) and free T concentrations (r = 0.468). Satellite cell and mitochondrial areas were significantly higher and the nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio lower after treatment with 300- and 600-mg doses. We conclude that T-induced muscle fiber hypertrophy is associated with an increase in satellite cell number, a proportionate increase in myonuclear number, and changes in satellite cell ultrastructure.  相似文献   

Walsh MT  Dinan TG  Condren RM  Ryan M  Kenny D 《Life sciences》2002,70(26):222-3165
There is a significant association between cardiovascular disease and depression. Previous studies have documented changes in platelets in depression. It is unknown if depression causes functional changes in platelet surface receptors. Therefore, we analyzed (1) the surface expression of glycoprotein (GP)Ib and the integrin receptor IIbβIIIa, receptors involved in platelet adhesion and aggregation, (2) CD62 (P-selectin) and CD63, integral granule proteins translocated during platelet activation, (3) platelet aggregation in response to ADP and (4) plasma levels of glycocalicin and von Willebrand factor (vWF), in depressed patients compared to healthy volunteers. Fifteen depressed patients with a Hamilton depression score of at least 22 and fifteen control subjects were studied. Platelets were assessed for surface expression levels of GPIb, IIbβIIIa, CD62 and CD63 by flow cytometry. Genomic DNA was isolated to investigate a recently described polymorphism in the 5’ untranslated region of the GPIb gene. The number of GPIb receptors was significantly increased on the surface of platelets from patients with depression compared to control subjects. Surface expression of CD62 was also significantly increased in the depressed patients versus control subjects. There was no significant difference between depressed patients and healthy volunteers in the surface expression of IIbβIIIa or CD63, or in glycocalicin or vWF plasma concentration, or ADP-induced aggregation. There was no difference in allele frequency of the Kozak region polymorphism of the GPIb gene, which can affect GPIb expression. The results of this study demonstrate that the number of GPIb receptors on platelets are increased in depression and suggest a novel risk factor for thrombosis in patients with depression.  相似文献   

AIM: The present study aims to establish that cholinephosphotransferase (CPT), the terminal enzyme for the de novo biosynthesis of phosphatidylcholine (PC), can be used as a biomarker for breast cancer in an animal model. MAIN METHODS: Breast cancer was induced by intragastric administration of dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA) in rats. The activity and expression of CPT were compared between normal breast tissues and breast tumors. To establish possible mechanistic model, we looked into other enzymes of PC biosynthesis as well as c-fos protein expression and DNA binding. KEY FINDINGS: CPT enzyme activity and its expression were significantly higher in breast cancer tissues relative to normal breast tissues. Corresponding to the increase in the CPT activity and its expression, c-fos activity and its expression were also increased in breast tumors. SIGNIFICANCE: The present study suggests that increased CPT activity and expression is associated with DMBA-induced breast cancer development.  相似文献   

Corrinoid (vitamin B12-like) cofactors contain various α-axial ligands, including 5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole (DMB) or adenine. The bacterium Salmonella enterica produces the corrin ring only under anaerobic conditions, but it can form “complete” corrinoids aerobically by importing an “incomplete” corrinoid, such as cobinamide (Cbi), and adding appropriate α- and β-axial ligands. Under aerobic conditions, S. enterica performs the corrinoid-dependent degradation of ethanolamine if given vitamin B12, but it can make B12 from exogenous Cbi only if DMB is also provided. Mutants isolated for their ability to degrade ethanolamine without added DMB converted Cbi to pseudo-B12 cofactors (having adenine as an α-axial ligand). The mutations cause an increase in the level of free adenine and install adenine (instead of DMB) as an α-ligand. When DMB is provided to these mutants, synthesis of pseudo-B12 cofactors ceases and B12 cofactors are produced, suggesting that DMB regulates production or incorporation of free adenine as an α-ligand. Wild-type cells make pseudo-B12 cofactors during aerobic growth on propanediol plus Cbi and can use pseudo-vitamin B12 for all of their corrinoid-dependent enzymes. Synthesis of coenzyme pseudo-B12 cofactors requires the same enzymes (CobT, CobU, CobS, and CobC) that install DMB in the formation of coenzyme B12. Models are described for the mechanism and control of α-axial ligand installation.  相似文献   

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