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The synthesis of two fully-protected hexanucleotides (11a and 11b) via a phosphotriester approach, which is based on the use of two types of protecting groups for the internucleotide linkages, i.e. one 2,2,2-tribromo-ethyl at the 5'-terminus and four 2-chlorophenyl groups for the remaining linkages, is reported. The hexanucleotides 11a and 11b, assembled via a block-wise two-step phosphotriester method, can be deblocked conveniently to give the two hexamers 12a and 12b containing only 3'leads to5' internucleotide linkages.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence at the 3'-end of 16Sr-RNA (nucleotides 1305-1508) was determined, by the primer extension method, for Mycobacterium smegmatis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium vaccae, in addition to Mycobacterium leprae. No differences in nucleotide sequence were detected, indicating that this region of 16SrRNA is highly conserved among mycobacteria. The nucleotide sequence common to the four above-mentioned mycobacteria differs from that reported for species of other genera. For example, for helix 39 (nucleotides 1408-1491) the mycobacterial sequence has 58% similarity with the Escherichia coli sequence, 74% similarity with the Bacillus subtilis sequence and 93% similarity with the Streptomyces sequence. The observations support the assignment of M. leprae to the genus Mycobacterium.  相似文献   

The synthesis of the 6-O-DPC-2-N-methylguanosine (m2G) nucleoside and the corresponding 5′-O-DMT-2′-O-TOM-protected 6-O-DPC-2-N-methylguanosine phosphoramidite is reported [DPC, diphenyl carbamoyl; DMT, 4,4′-dimethoxytrityl; TOM, [(triisopropylsilyl)oxy]methyl]. The availability of the phosphoramidite allows for syntheses of hairpin RNAs with site-selective incorporation of 2-N-methylguanosine modification. Four 18-nt hairpin RNA analogues representing the 970-loop region (helix 31 or h31; U960–A975) of Escherichia coli 16S rRNA were synthesized with and without modifications in the loop region. Subsequently, stabilities and conformations of the singly and doubly modified RNAs were examined and compared with the corresponding unmodified RNA. Thermodynamic parameters and circular dichroism spectra are presented for the four helix 31 RNA analogues. Surprisingly, methylations in the loop region of helix 31 slightly destabilize the hairpin, which may have subtle effects on ribosome function. The hairpin construct is suitable for future ligand-binding experiments.  相似文献   

Primary sequence of the 16S ribosomal RNA of Escherichia coli.   总被引:29,自引:18,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
Recent progress in the nucleotide sequence analysis of the 16S ribosomal RNA from E. coli is described. The sequence which has been partially or completely determined so far encompasses 1520 nucleotides, i.e. about 95% of the molecule. Possible features of the secondary structure are suggested on the basis of the nucleotide sequence and data on sequence heterogeneities, repetitions and the location of modified nucleotides are presented. In the accompanying paper, the use of the nucleotide sequence data in studies of the ribosomal protein binding sites is described.  相似文献   

Cross-linking of streptomycin to the 16S ribosomal RNA of Escherichia coli   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
[3H]Dihydrostreptomycin was cross-linked to the 30S ribosomal subunit from Escherichia coli with the bifunctional reagent nitrogen mustard. The cross-linking primarily involved the 16S RNA. To localize the site of cross-linking of streptomycin to the 16S RNA, we hybridized RNA labeled with streptomycin to restriction fragments of the 16S RNA gene. Labeled RNA hybridized to DNA fragments corresponding to bases 892-917 and bases 1394-1415. These two segments of the ribosomal RNA must be juxtaposed in the ribosome, since there is a single binding site for streptomycin. This region has been implicated both in the decoding site and in the binding of initiation factor IF-3, indicating its functional importance.  相似文献   

The 16S rRNA species in bacterial precursor rRNAs is followed by two evolutionarily conserved features: (i) a double-stranded stem formed by complementary sequences adjacent to the 5' and 3' ends of the 16S rRNA; and (ii) a 3'-transfer RNA sequence. To assess the possible role of these features, plasmid constructs with precursor-specific features deleted were tested for their capacity to form mature rRNA. Stem-forming sequences were dispensable for both 5' and 3' terminus formation; whereas an intact spacer tRNA positioned greater than 24 nucleotides downstream of the 16S RNA sequence was required for correct 3'-end maturation. These results suggest that spacer tRNA at an appropriate location helps form a conformation obligate for pre-rRNA processing, perhaps by binding to a nascent binding site in preribosomes. Thus, spacer tRNAs may be an obligate participant in ribosome formation.  相似文献   

The digestion of E. coli 16S RNA with a single-strand-specific nuclease produced two fractions separable by gel filtration. One fraction was small oligonucleotides, the other, comprising 67.5% of the total RNA, was highly structured double helical fragments of mol. wt. 7,600. There are thus about 44 helical loops of average size corresponding to 12 base pairs in each 16S RNA. 10% of the RNA could be digested from native 30S subunits. Nuclease attack was primarily in the intraloop single-stranded region but two major sites of attack were located in the interloop single-stranded regions. Nuclease digestion of unfolded subunits produced three classes of fragments, two of which, comprising 80% of the total RNA, were identical to fragments from 16S RNA. The third, consisting of 20% RNA, together with an equal weight of peotein, was a resistant core (sedimentation coefficient 7S).  相似文献   

The location and frequency of RNA crosslinks induced by photoreaction of hydroxymethyltrimethylpsoralen with 30 S Escherichia coli ribosomal subunits have been determined by electron microscopy. At least seven distinct crosslinks between regions distant in the 16 S rRNA primary structure are seen in the inactive conformation of the 30 S particle. All correspond to crosslinked features seen when the free 16 S rRNA is treated with hydroxymethyltrimethylpsoralen. The most frequently observed crosslink occurs between residues near one end of the molecule and residues about 600 nucleotides away to generate a loop of 570 bases. The size and orientation of this feature indicate it corresponds to the crosslinked feature located at the 3′ end of free 16 S rRNA.When active 30 S particles are crosslinked in 5 mm-Mg2+, six of the seven features seen in the inactive 30 S particle can still be detected. However, the frequency of several of the features, and particularly the 570-base loop feature, is dramatically decreased. This suggests that the long-range contacts that lead to these crosslinks are either absent or inaccessible in the active conformation. Crosslinking results in some loss of functional activities of the 30 S particle. This is consistent with the notion that the presence of the crosslink that generates the 570-base loop traps the subunit in an inactive form, which cannot associate with 50 S particles.The arrangement of the interacting regions crosslinked by hydroxymethyltrimethylpsoralen suggests that the RNA may be organized into three general domains. A striking feature of the Crosslinking pattern is that three of the seven products involve regions near the 3′ end of the 16 S rRNA. These serve to tie together large sections of rRNA. Thus structural changes at the 3′ end could, in principle, be felt through the entire 30 S particle.  相似文献   

A gel sequencing method has been applied to two 5' end-labelled fragments of the 16S ribosomal RNA from E. coli. The procedure involves partial enzymatic hydrolysis by ribonucleases T1, U2 or A, in order to generate series of end-labelled subfragments terminating in guanine, adenine, or pyrimidine residues, respectively. The two fragments concerned were approximately 75 and 90 nucleotides in length, and both arose from the 3' region of the 16S RNA. The sequences deduced are compared with the published sequence of 16S RNA, and contribute information to the final ordering of the ribonuclease T1 oligonucleotides in the latter, as well as revealing some probable errors.  相似文献   

Examination of the nucleotides following the ATG or GTG initiation codons of a file of 251 genes from Escherichia coli has shown that 247 (98.4%) of them contain a sequence of at least three and 168 (66.9%) of them a sequence of at least four consecutive nucleotides that is complementary to some part of the 16 nt at the 5' terminus of the bacterial 16S rRNA. It is proposed that this sequence, which falls within the first 24 nt coding for the genetic message, might be involved in mRNA recognition through a mechanism analogous to the well-established 'Shine--Dalgarno' interaction with the 3' terminus of the 16S rRNA. Comparison of these data with data derived from a file of 117 'false' gene starts that have a Shine--Dalgarno-like sequence followed by a suitably spaced ATG or GTG triplet but which are believed not to lie at the beginnings of genetic messages shows the association that we have found to be statistically significant at the 99.9% level.  相似文献   

The accessibility of single-stranded sequences of 16S RNA in free state and in ribonucleoprotein particles (RNP) to complementary binding with isoplith fractions of oligonucleotides was studied. RNP had different protein composition and corresponded to intermediate stages of E. coli 30S subunit assembly in vitro. Gel-filtration was used to detect the most strong binding. It was found that S4 essentially inhibited the hexamer binding to RNA. Core proteins bound to 16S RNA strongly increased the shielding of single-stranded regions while split proteins insignificantly changed the hexamer binding. Nevertheless evidence is presented that split proteins might also interact directly with 16S RNA in the 30S subunit.  相似文献   

Chemical and genetic analysis of 16S ribosomal RNA in Escherichia coli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Comparative chemical analyses of oligonucleotides arising from pancreatic RNase digestions of 16S ribosomal RNAs from Escherichia coli strains K12 and B(H) showed that a decanucleotide fragment, (5Ap,4Gp)Cp, could be detected exclusively in strain K12 but not in strain B(H), in spite of gross similarity of nucleotide distributions between the two strains.The K12-specific oligonucleotide could not be cotransduced with streptomycin and/or spectinomycin resistant markers from K12 to B(H) by phage Plkc, indicating that the genes specifying 16S ribosomal RNA are not closely linked to these markers on the chromosome.  相似文献   

Intramolecular crosslinks have been introduced into Escherichia coli 16 S ribosomal RNA in aqueous solution by irradiation in the presence of hydroxymethyl-trimethylpsoralen. When the crosslinked RNA is denatured and examined in the electron microscope the most striking features are a variety of large open loops. In addition, because the crosslinked molecules are shortened compared to non-crosslinked molecules, there are likely to be small hairpins not resolved by the present technique. The sizes and positions of 11 loop classes have been determined and oriented on the molecule. The frequency of occurrence of the different classes of loops depends on the crosslinking conditions. When the crosslinking is done in solutions containing Mg2+, at least four of the loop classes appear with greater frequency than they do in 3.5 mm-NaCl. The loops presumably arise because complementary sequences separated by long intervening regions are being crosslinked. These base-pairing interactions between residues distant in the primary structure appear to be prominent features of the secondary structure of rRNA in solution.  相似文献   

Extensions of the known sequences at both 3' and 5' ends of 23S ribosomal RNA are presented: The 5' terminal is pG-G-U-U-A-A-G-Cp or pG-G-U... G-U-U-A-A-G-Cp, with a very short sequence between Up and Gp and the 3'terminal is G-A-A-C-C-G-A-(G)-G-C-U-U-A-A-C-C-U-UOH. These two terminal regions exhibit a high degree of complementarity. In addition, extensive complementarities are also found between the 5'terminal sequence of 23S RNA and a sequence contained in section A of the 16S ribosomal RNA, and between the 3'terminal sequence of 23S RNA and sequences in sections O and J in the 16S RNA. The degree of complementarity between the two extremities of 23S RNA, and between these extremities and regions of the 16S RNA, is far greater than would be expected on a random basis suggesting a possible involvement of this base-pairing in the functioning of ribosomes. This possibility is discussed.  相似文献   

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