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K Fukuta  K Imamura  N Goto 《Jikken dobutsu》1991,40(3):375-379
Inheritance of dilute coat color with pink eye in the Japanese field vole (Microtus montebelli) was investigated by mating of the dilute mutant with a normal agouti vole and a white vole. As the results, it was cleared that an autosomal recessive gene p is responsible for the pink-eyed dilution in M. montebelli.  相似文献   

H Kudo  Y Oki 《Jikken dobutsu》1982,31(3):175-183
Microtus species are very useful as experimental small animals with herbivorous characteristics. In this report, to approach establishment of the use of Japanese field voles (M. montebelli) and Hungarian voles (M. arvalis) as experimental animals, the biological characteristics, breeding methods and reproductive performance of these animal species were comparatively investigated. The number of chromosomes of M. arvalis is 12n = 46, differing from those of M. montebelli, 2n = 30. The breeding and reproduction of the Microtus species were relatively easily accomplished in the laboratory, by giving high fiber-containing rations. These animals prove to be polyestrous and showed postpartum estrous on the day of parturition. In the breeding by the continuous mating of the same pair, there was little or no delay in implantation due to lactation, especially in M. arvalis resulting in continuous birth at intervals of 20 to 21 days. On examination of vaginal smears, Japanese field voles (M. montebelli) did not show any definite pattern whereas 23 out of 30 voles from Hungary (M. arvalis) examined showed 6- to 18-day cycles. There were remarkable differences between the Japanese voles and the Hungarian voles, both biologically and reproductively.  相似文献   

The mandibular glands of Dasyuroides byrnei were examined by light microscopy, and transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The secretory units consisted of numerous seromucous acini and a few seromucous demilunes. The seromucous acini were almost always capped by demilunes. The acinar seromucous cells contained faintly basophilic, light, coarse, bipatite secretory granules with matrix of low and moderate densities. The demilunar cells were dark compared with acinar seromucous cells and contained acidophilic secretory granules with a fibrillogranular matrix of moderate density. Preacinar cells with a seromucous nature were occasionally present at the junction between the acinus and intercalated duct. These cells had numerous basophilic granules, which were similar to those of acinar seromucous cells. The intercalated ducts consisted of simple cuboidal light cells that had a few small electron-dense granules. The striated ducts were composed of tall columnar light cells containing numerous vesicles, but no secretory granules. The mandibular acini of D. byrnei were composed of two cell types having a seromucous nature, unlike those of the opossum and many other mammals.  相似文献   

The mandibular gland of the pika was examined by light microscopy, and transmission and scanning electron microscopies. The acinar cells were noted to be composed of serous cells and seromucous cells. The serous cells containing granules of moderate and high densities were slightly basophile and strongly positive to PAS, but were not stained with AB. The seromucous cells possessing less dense granules were light and moderately positive to PAS and AB. A sexual dimorphism was observed between these cells: Serous cells were considerably more frequent in males and seromucous cells were more numerous in females. Intercalated duct cells consisted of cuboidal light cells containing a few vesicles in the apical region. Striated ducts were comprised of two portions--a secretory portion and a typical striated portion without secretory granules. The secretory portion was composed of light and dark cells having secretory granules varying in size and density. The epithelium of typical striated portion consisted of light and dark cells containing fine vacuoles and vesicles.  相似文献   

The mandibular gland of the Djungarian hamster was examined by light microscopy, and transmission and scanning electron microscopies. Its acinar cells reacted with periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) and were weakly stained with alcian blue (AB). There were intercellular canaliculi between the acinar cells. These cells therefore appeared to be seromucous. The acinar epithelium was composed of light cells containing various spherical secretory granules. The granular cells of the mandibular gland possessed many acidophilic granules exhibiting a positive reaction to PAS stain. They were frequently observed at the junction of the acini and intercalated ducts in all mandibular glands examined. All of these cells were light and contained secretory granules of varying size and density. The intercalated ducts consisted exclusively of light cells possessing a few round granules of high density in the apical region. The striated ducts were comprised of two portions--a secretory portion and a typical striated portion without secretory granules. The secretory portion consisted of light, dark and specifically light epithelial cells containing acidophilic granules, which exhibited a strongly positive PAS reaction. The epithelium of typically striated portions was composed of light and dark cells containing fine vacuoles in the apical region. The mandibular gland of the Djungarian hamster revealed no histological differences between sexes.  相似文献   

The mandibular glands of 6 male and 6 female volcano rabbits were examined by means of light and transmission electron microscopy. The acinar cells of the glands were seromucous in nature, and contained faintly basophilic granules. The cells were classified into the light cells containing granules of low or moderate densities and the clear cells having polygonal granules of low density. The preacinar cells were occasionally observed at the site between acinus and intercalated duct. These cells had many weakly basophilic granules which contained fine granular materials of moderate density. The intercalated ducts were composed of light cells containing cored granules. The striated duct cells consisted of light cells and dark cells. Both of them contained a few vacuoles and vesicles, but no secretory granules. No sex-and age-related differences were observed in the mandibular gland of the volcano rabbit. The mandibular gland of the volcano rabbit was similar to the rabbit mandibular gland rather than the pika mandibular gland morphologically.  相似文献   

Phytosterols or plant sterols (PS) enter the ecosystem via pulp mill effluents. They are also consumed by the general population of developed countries in natural remedies and margarines to lower elevated serum cholesterol levels. This study screened the endocrine and enzymatic parameters of the field vole (Microtus agrestis) for the effects of subchronic PS exposure at three doses (0, 5, or 50 mg of PS kg(-1) day(-1)). PS at 5 or 50 mg kg(-1) day(-1) decreased the relative liver weight of the voles. The kidney glycogen phosphorylase activity decreased at 5 or 50 mg kg(-1) day(-1), but the liver glycogen phosphorylase activity increased at 5 mg kg(-1) day(-1). The plasma estradiol and testosterone concentrations of males were higher due to PS supplement at 5 mg kg(-1) day(-1). This can be due to increased sex steroid synthesis from PS precursors. Biotransformation enzyme activities were not affected. PS caused multiple, previously unreported effects that were more pronounced at a low dose. As 5 mg PS kg(-1) day(-1) is the recommended dose for various health products, a thorough risk assessment of the effects and interactions of PS is warranted.  相似文献   

The genetic structure and demography of local populations is tightly linked to the rate and scale of dispersal. Dispersal parameters are notoriously difficult to determine in the field, and remain often completely unknown for smaller organisms. In this study, we investigate spatial and temporal genetic structure in relation to dispersal patterns among local populations of the probably most abundant European mammals, the common vole (Microtus arvalis). Voles were studied in six natural populations at distances of 0.4-2.5 km in three different seasons (fall, spring, summer) corresponding to different life-history stages. Field observations provided no direct evidence for movements of individuals between populations. The analysis of 10 microsatellite markers revealed a persistent overall genetic structure among populations of 2.9%, 2.5% and 3% FST in the respective season. Pairwise comparisons showed that even the closest populations were significantly differentiated from each other in each season, but there was no evidence for temporal differentiation within populations or isolation by distance among populations. Despite significant genetic structure, assignment analyses identified a relatively high proportion of individuals as being immigrants for the population where they were captured. The immigration rate was not significantly lower for females than for males. We suggest that a generally low and sex-dependent effective dispersal rate as the consequence of only few immigrants reproducing successfully in the new populations together with the social structure within populations may explain the maintenance of genetic differentiation among populations despite migration.  相似文献   

Apoptosis represents an important process in organ and tissue morphogenesis and remodeling during embryonic development. A role for apoptosis in shape formation of developing teeth has been suggested. The field vole is a useful model for comparative studies in odontogenesis, particularly because of its contrasting molar morphogenesis when compared to the mouse. However, little is known concerning apoptosis in tooth development of this species. Morphological (cellular and nuclear alterations) and biochemical (specific DNA breaks--TUNEL staining) characteristics of apoptotic cells were used to evaluate the temporal and spatial occurrence of apoptosis in epithelial and mesenchymal tissues of the developing first molar tooth germs of the field vole. Apoptotic cells were found in non-proliferating areas (identified previously) throughout bud to bell stages, particularly in the epithelium, however, scattered also in the mesenchyme. A high concentration of TUNEL positive cells was evident in primary enamel knots at late bud stage with increasing density of apoptotic cells until ED 16 when the primary enamel knot in the field vole disappears and mesenchyme becomes protruded in the middle axes of the bell forming two shallow areas with zig-zag located secondary enamel knots. Distribution of TUNEL positive cells corresponded with localisation of secondary enamel knots as shown using histological and 3D analysis. Apoptosis was shown to be involved in the first molar development of the field vole, however, exact mechanisms and roles of this process in tooth morphogenesis require further investigation.  相似文献   

We investigated the changes that occurred in basal and noradrenaline-induced metabolic rate, body temperature and body mass in short-tailed field voles,Microtus agrestis, during exposure to naturally increasing photoperiod and ambient temperature. These parameters were first measured in winter-acclimatized voles (n=8) and then in the same voles which had been allowed to seasonally acclimatize to photoperiod and ambient temperature (6 months later). Noradrenaline induced metabolic rate, basal metabolic rate and nonshivering thermogenesis were significantly higher in winter-acclimatized compared to summer-acclimatized voles. There was a significant positive relationship between basal metabolic rate and noradrenaline-induced metabolic rate. Body mass was significantly higher in summer-acclimatized compared to winter-acclimatized voles. There was a significant positive relationship between body mass and noradrenaline-induced metabolic rate in both winter-acclimalized and summer-acclimatized voles; however, there was no relationship between basal metabolic rate and body mass in either seasonal group of voles. Body temperature after measurements of basal metabolic rate was not significantly different in the seasonal cohorts of voles. However, body temperature was significantly higher in winter-acclimatized compared to summer-acclimatized voles after injection of noradrenaline. Previously we have found that a long photoperiod was not a sufficient stimulus to reduce thermogenic capacity in winter-acclimatized voles during cold exposure, since basal metabolic rate increased to compensate for a reduction in regulatory nonshivering thermogenesis. Here we found that a combination of increased ambient temperature and photoperiod did significantly reduce thermogenic capacity in winter-acclimatized voles. This provided evidence that the two aspects of non-shivering thermogenesis, obligatory and regulatory, are stimulated by different exogenous cues. Summer acclimatization in the shorttailed field vole is manifest as a significant decrease in both basal and noradrenaline-induced metabolic rate, combined with a significant increase in body mass.Abbreviations ANCOV A analysis of covariance - BAT brown adipose tissue - BM body mass - BMR basal metabolic rate - NST non-shivering thermogenesis - NA noradrenaline - V the maximum V recorded following mass specific injection of noradrenaline - V the maximum V recorded following mass specific injection of saline - T a ambient temperature - T b rectal body temperature - T 1c lower critical temperature - UCP uncoupling protein - V oxygen consumption  相似文献   

Summary The weight-specific oxygen consumption ( ) of prairie voles caught in winter is 24% higher at 27.5° C and 29% higher at 7.5° C than that of summer animals, thus affording a higher weight-specific thermogenesis in winter than in summer which may allow tolerance to lower thermal exposures. Coincident with the increase in weight-specific rates of oxygen consumption is a decrease in body weight. When total energetic cost to maintain an animal per unit time is calculated, the cost at 27.5° C is the same for both summer and winter animals. Further, the cost to maintain an animal at 7.5° C is less in winter than in summer. Arguments are presented suggesting that prairie voles compensate for increased weight-specific thermogenesis in winter by lowering body weight. The responses to thermal acclimation are quite different in summer and winter animals, thus implying different sorts of metabolic organization. Acclimation to 5° C effects a 26% increase in at 27.5° C of winter voles, and acclimation to 30° C does not change . In contrast, at 27.5° C of summer animals is unaffected by 5° C acclimation, and depressed 20% by 30° C acclimation. Thus, the animals are capable of considerable physiological adjustment to varying thermal conditions in different seasons.  相似文献   

Four experiments examined the role of photoperiod in the regulation of seasonal breeding in the prairie vole. Adult male voles maintained in short (8L:16D) as compared to long (16L:8D) photoperiods for 10 wk had reduced testicular and seminal vesicle weights, but fertility was not impaired. Male prairie voles reared from birth until 35 days of age in short as compared to long photoperiods also had reduced testicular and seminal vesicle weights, as well as diminished fertility. The incidence of pregnancy did not differ between long- and short-day female voles paired for 6 days with long- or short-day males (93%, 86%, 89%, and 88%, respectively). Photoperiod did not affect the incidence or the timing of postpartum pregnancies in long- or short-day females paired with long-day males through the birth of several litters. Adult male prairie voles retain only marginal sensitivity to short photoperiods, maturing males are highly responsive to short days, and adult females are insensitive to photoperiod. These data suggest that termination of the breeding season in the autumn may be due to the lack of fecund males in the population.  相似文献   

Juvenile voles of the species Microtus agrestis investigated the bodies of other juveniles with the nose, by touching the dorsal surface from snout to tail. Play movements often followed such nosing contacts and augmented further contacts. The most important scent stimulating play was produced by the skin at the back of the head. The secretion of the nose and mouth region may convey sexual identity, the rump region and feet individual identity.
Young born in the spring and early summer often interacted and played, the autumn young seldom. The behaviour of overwintering sexually immature adults was similar to that of the autumn juveniles. It is suggested that this seasonal difference in the behaviour of juveniles has consequences for subsequent mature males, and that this developmental factor may have an important effect on the annual population cycle.  相似文献   

棕色田鼠与沼泽田鼠犁鼻器和副嗅球的组织结构   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
用组织学方法研究了棕色田鼠(Microtus mandarinus)、沼泽田鼠(M.fastis)副嗅球和犁鼻器的结构及其在两种鼠间的差异,以此探讨两种田鼠的进化机制与适应功能。两种田鼠的犁鼻器位于鼻腔前端鼻中隔基部的两侧,呈管状结构;沿着犁鼻器的长轴犁鼻管呈现不同的形态学特征,犁鼻管直接开口于鼻腔,从前向后沿着长轴旋转,中间管壁(犁鼻粘膜)变成底部,侧面管壁(假覆层上皮)变成犁鼻管顶壁,最终犁鼻管变小成为一个腺体的分支,不同部位具有不同的组织学特征。通过选取中间相似部位对两种田鼠进行比较研究,发现棕色田鼠犁鼻粘膜比沼泽田鼠厚,而其长度却短于沼泽田鼠。棕色田鼠副嗅球颗粒细胞带宽和僧帽细胞带宽均大于沼泽田鼠,而带长却小于沼泽田鼠。相关分析发现,犁鼻器和副嗅球形态有一定的对应关系,这可能和两个结构之间存在着神经投射有关。棕色田鼠幼体的犁鼻粘膜、神经细胞核、假覆层上皮、血管面积均小于成体[动物学报49(2):248—255,2003]。  相似文献   

Summary This study examines the hypothesis that mammalian species with wide fluctuations in population size will have greater metabolic rates than species with smaller population fluctuations. We tested this hypothesis using two microtine rodents — the beach vole (Microtus breweri) and the meadow vole (M. pennsylvanicus). Although these species experience similar climatic regimes, eat similar foods, and have a very close phylogenetic relationship, they show marked differences in demography. Microtus pennsylvanicus is prone to large supraannual fluctuations in population size, while M. breweri is essentially acyclical. Metabolic rate (oxygen consumption) of each species was measured using open-flow respirometry at ambient temperatures ranging from 2 to 34° C. Basal metabolic rate of M. pennsylvanicus (1.81 ml O2 g–1 h–1) was significantly greater than that of M. breweri (1.39 ml O2 g–1 h–1). The lower critical temperature, estimated by continuous two-phase regression, was 28.9° C for M. pennsylvanicus and 29.8° C for M. breweri. Regression lines below thermoneutrality did not differ in slope, but the elevation for M. pennsylvanicus was significantly higher. Thus, M. pennsylvanicus has a higher metabolic rate at all temperatures examined. These results support the hypothesis that metabolic rate is positively correlated with the extent of population fluctuation. We suggest that further evidence for, or against, this hypothesis should be found by comparing closely matched species pairs, rather than resorting to confounded allometric comparisons of ecologically and phylogenetically diverse taxa.  相似文献   

Controversy exists regarding the meiotic behaviour of the giant sex chromosomes during spermatogenesis in the field vole, Microtus agrestis. Both univalents and bivalents have been observed between diakinesis and metaphase I. These differences seem to be dependent on the technique used. The present study employs electron microscopy of serially sectioned testes tubules and light microscopy of microspread preparations to re-examine the behaviour of sex chromosomes during meiosis. In microspreads, about one-third of the early pachytene nuclei examined showed end joining of the X and Y axes. The longitudinal heterogeneity of the chromosomes in the form of axial thickenings allowed the detection of two different end-joining patterns. In the remaining early pachytene cells as well as in all mid to late pachytene cells seen, the X and Y axes had, though near to each other, no contact in the form of a synaptonemal complex. If a synaptonemal complex is a prerequisite for genetic exchange, the sex chromosomes in M. agrestis males must be achiasmatic. The analysis of serial sections through an early pachytene and a late prophase I nucleus with the electron microscope revealed that the sex chromosomes occupied a common area. By metaphase I, the centromeres of the X and Y were oriented towards opposite spindle poles while the chromosomes remained attached to one another by their distal segments at the level of the metaphase I plate. As a consequence of the large size of the sex chromosomes their centromeres lay close to the spindle poles. In anaphase I the sex chromosomes maintained their metaphase position until the autosomes approached the spindle poles. During autosomal migration a medial constriction developed where the sex chromosomes were mutually associated, the X and Y became separated, and joined the autosomes. In metaphase II the chromatids of the sex chromosomes lay side by side and exhibited a delayed separation in the subsequent anaphase. It is suggested that heterochromatin, which represents a major part of both sex chromosomes, plays a role in the association of the two achiasmatic sex chromosomes in metaphase I and in the delayed separation of the chromatids of the sex chromosomes in anaphase II.Dedicated to Prof. C.-G. Arnold (Erlangen) on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

The densities of microtine rodents and their main predators,small mustelids, fluctuate synchronously in 3–5-year cyclesin central and northern Fennoscandia. Predation by small mustelidshas been suggested as one of the driving forces in microtinecyclicity, causing deep synchronous declines of several volespecies. We studied experimentally the effects of small mustelidson mating behavior, foraging, and breeding in nonwintered fieldvoles (Microtus agrestis) originating from a cyclic population.By using mustelid odors, we simulated a crash phase environmentwith high predation risk for breeding pairs of voles. In ourexperiments, 87% of the female field voles suppressed breedingwhen exposed to mustelid odors. Both female and male behaviorchanged, and no mating behaviors were observed under the simulatedpredation risk. Weights of both sexes decreased when exposedto mustelid odor, probably due to decreased foraging; weightsof the control females increased due to pregnancy; and no weightchanges occurred in control males. Decreased breeding and foragingpossibilities under high predation pressure may form the basisfor the ultimate explanation for breeding suppression. Thereare at least two different mechanisms for breeding suppression:either mating does not take place or malnutrition in femalesdoes not' allow breeding to occur. Delayed breeding under highrisk of predation, for whatever reason, could increase the probabilityof individuals, especially that of the females, to survive overthe crash to the next, safer breeding season when their youngwould have better possibilities to survive.  相似文献   

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