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In studies on the infection of potato cultivars with different field isolates of Phoma exigua var. foveata, cultivar × isolate interactions, although sufficiently large to influence the relative pathogenicities of isolates on different cultivars, were not substantial enough to affect cultivar ranking order. Cultivar rank was markedly influenced by pathogen isolate only when both field and culture collection isolates were compared. This suggests that the complications of cultivar × isolate interactions can be avoided in cultivar screening tests by the use of recent field isolates of high pathogenicity. It was found that cultivar was considerably more important than isolate in determining gangrene lesion size. The need to consider both lesion diameter and depth when estimating rot size following point inoculation of different cultivars was confirmed.  相似文献   

Aerial dispersal of the potato gangrene pathogen, Phoma exigua var. foveata   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A semi-selective medium for isolating the potato gangrene pathogen, Phoma exigua var. foveata, from air is described. Airborne propagules of P. exigua var. foveata were generated for at least 57 min after the start of simulated raindrop impaction on senescent potato stems bearing pycnidia from a natural infection. The number of propagules generated as aerosols was 0·17% of that available for aerosolisation. The aerodynamic particle size of at least 92% of the aerosols was in the range 2·1–4·7 μm in diameter. Using a Casella High Volume Bacterial Sampler airborne propagules of P. exigua var. foveata were detected in the open air during rainfall from September to November at three sites in Southern Scotland. They were recovered at least 800 m down wind from the nearest potato crop. P. exigua var. exigua and P. eupyrena were also recovered from the air during rainfall. Very low numbers of P. exigua var. foveata were occasionally detected in the absence of rain. The role of airborne inoculum of P. exigua var. foveata is discussed in relation to reinfection of virus-tested stocks of seed potatoes derived from stem cuttings.  相似文献   

Limited transport of pycnidiospores of Phoma exigua var. foveata within transpiring stems was demonstrated by isolating from cut mature stems placed for 24 h in a spore suspension. Pieces of shoot dipped in spore suspension and subsequently rooted contained the pathogen which was redistributed as the plants grew but without causing symptoms until after desiccation. The fungus was only rarely detected within stems growing from rotted seed tubers suggesting that spore transport in the vascular system was relatively unimportant in these experiments. Stems were readily infected from spore suspensions applied to unwounded epidermis especially when the inoculum was held in cotton wool and secured with wax film. The progressive colonisation of growing stems was demonstrated by isolations made at different positions on the stem and at different times after inoculation. In field experiments in two years stems were inoculated with four spore concentrations on four dates from late June to late August. After desiccation the extent of pycnidial lesions was greatest from the earliest inoculation date and the largest spore concentration and these differences were reflected subsequently in the incidence of gangrene on damaged progeny tubers. Younger stems may be more susceptible and infection in early summer probably results in extensive growth within the stem before desiccation and thus in massive pycnidial production.  相似文献   

The susceptibility to gangrene infection of wounds of various shapes and depths on potato tubers was studied by inflicting wounds using differently-shaped brass teeth and rods of different diameters. Inoculating wounds with spore suspensions or damaging tubers which had been previously contaminated with Phoma exigua var. foveata or which had been recently lifted from plots of field experiments showed that wounds in which tissue was crushed were most susceptible to infection. Over a wide range of inoculum concentrations and in experiments using several different cultivars the incidence of infection of any wound type was compared to that of the standard severe cut and crush wound. Using a probit transformation a linear relationship was established, the slope of the line indicating the relative susceptibility of the wound. In 1977 and 1978, crops of cv. Pentland Dell were surveyed for damage incidence, inoculum and inoculum potential on arrival at a commercial bulk store. Nets of tubers buried among the tuber bulk were recovered after storage and gangrene incidence compared with damage and inoculum assessments. Inoculum potential and incidence of severe damage both influenced disease development but damage incidence was of greater importance, showing that priority should be given to decreasing damage and to curing to promote rapid wound healing in endeavours to control the disease.  相似文献   

Experiments carried out using a point inoculation method to infect potato tubers with Phoma exigua var. foveata demonstrated considerable variation in pathogenicity among field isolates. This variation was unlikely to be due to differential reductions in isolate pathogenicities during axenic culture. However, fresh field isolates generally produced larger lesions than stored isolates. An investigation of the distribution of pathogenicity variation in the fungus revealed that differences among isolates from different lesions taken from the same potato stock were greater than those between stocks, but pathogenicity variation within each lesion isolate was small relative to that between isolates. The importance of using isolates with a high level of pathogenicity, hence recent field isolates, in studies of this pathogen is stressed.  相似文献   

The spread of Phoma exigua within the potato crop   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The incidence of gangrene that developed in tuber samples harvested in a systematic way from potato crops planted with surface sterilized gangrene-free seed surrounding a small plot planted with gangrene-affected seed showed that in two out of the three years marked outward spread of Phoma exigua var.foveata occurred in an uneven manner to about 4 ft (1–2 m) from the central plot. The occurrence of var. foveata was restricted to the immediate area in and around the gangrene infection locus whilst P. exigua var. exigua was more widely and evenly distributed throughout the experimental area. The incidence of infection in and around the central plot varied from year to year and it is suggested that the main method of spread of var. foveata inoculum is by rain splash. Infection by both fungi appeared to be influenced in a similar manner in all three seasons.  相似文献   

Using a Casella High Volume Bacterial Sampler air samples were collected down wind of potato fields in central Scotland when it was raining and when it was dry between December 1978 and October 1982. Airborne propagules of Phoma exigua var. foveata were recovered from the open air during rainfall in most months of the year but the frequency of recovery was greatest in September, October and November. The numbers of colonies of P. exigua var. foveata detected during rainfall were much greater in September and October than during the rest of the year. Low numbers of colonies of P. exigua var. foveata were recovered in the absence of rainfall and their occurrence appeared to be associated with strong winds and dry soil conditions. These latter airborne propagules were detected during all the months except November to February when few samples were made. Sampling simultaneously up wind and down wind of potato fields in September and October demonstrated that the potato crop was the main source of airborne propagules caught down wind but small numbers of P. exigua var. foveata were recovered up wind in four out of the seven experiments.  相似文献   

Potato glycoalkaloids were determined in tubers of a wide range of genotypes in order to study their influence on resistance to storage rots caused by Fusarium solani var. coeruleum and Phoma exigua var. foveata. No relationships were found. This indicates that breeders selection for low glycoalkaloid potato clones is not in conflict with the demands for high levels of resistance to these pathogens. It was also observed that genotypes susceptible to skin-breaking types of, damage were more easily infected than genotypes susceptible to other types of damage.  相似文献   

Three experiments designed to elucidate the effects and interactions of different inoculation methods, inoculation positions, strains of Phoma exigua var. foveata and clones of potato tubers inoculated were analysed using as data dimensions of the lesions and a more general surface score. The assessment of susceptibility was affected by all these factors. The ranking of varieties for resistance altered considerably depending upon whether the surface area or the depth of lesions was considered. Derivation of more complex scores combining these measurements reduced the relative genetic component and hence would be of no value to potato breeders.  相似文献   

The location of enzyme activity in gangrene‐diseased tubers was determined using the nitrocellulose blotting method. The activity of aminopeptidase and esterase was located in tissues adjacent to dry rot caused by Phoma exigua var. foveata and in other apparently healthy tissues. The activity of glucuronidase, succinic and glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenases (G‐6‐PDH), however, was confined to tissues adjacent to the rotted tissue. The pathogen produces very active α‐ and β‐glycosidases, so their highest activity occurred in rotten tissue that was filled with fungal mycelium. Results suggest that all these enzymes are involved in alteration of cell metabolism and the destruction of diseased tuber tissue.  相似文献   

The nitrocellulose blotting method was adapted for locating phosphatase activities in gangrene‐diseased tuber tissue. Adenine and glucose phosphates were used as enzyme substrates. A strong dephosphorylation of high‐energy phosphates took place in the UV‐fluorescent tissue adjacent to dry rots caused by Phoma exigua var. foveata, but the enzyme remained at a low activity in the other areas of the diseased tuber. Phosphatases were probably induced by P. exigua var. foveata, and intense dephosphorylation of high‐energy compounds leads to the death of potato tuber tissue.  相似文献   

A survey was made over 5 years of the incidence of contamination by Phoma foveata and Polyscytalum pustulans on 3-year-old virus-tested stem cutting (VTSC) stocks assessed on three occasions during the storage season, and on their daughter tubers at five farms. The contamination occurring on plants grown in small plots from stem-cutting/microplant tubers was also assessed at the farms.
Fungicide treatment soon after harvest reduced the incidence of both pathogens, especially P. pustulans . Tuber contamination was similar for samples collected after fungicide treatment and before planting. The incidence of contamination on daughter tubers, relative to that on the untreated mother tubers, was less with P. foveata but was similar or greater with P. pustulans . Contamination by both pathogens varied between farms and was reflected in the degree of contamination occurring on daughter tubers from stem-cutting/microplant tubers.
The incidence of P. foveata on stems, soil and tubers of seed stocks classified at Foundation Stock grade from various regions of Scotland was assessed over 2 years. The incidence of tuber contamination was correlated ( P < 0.05) with the amount of tuber-borne soil contamination for all comparisons, but was correlated with stem inoculum in only 7 out of 13 comparisons. The largest amounts of stem inoculum of P. foveata were found in stocks in Aberdeenshire.
These results are discussed in relation to the spread of both pathogens to healthy VTSC stocks.  相似文献   

The incidence of Phoma exigua var. foveata and Polyscytalum pustulans in dry soil and dust from potato stores was assessed at 10 farms in Scotland producing virus-tested stocks of seed potatoes derived from stem cuttings (VTSC). Samples were collected on three occasions during 1976: during the storage period (February-March), soon after the potatoes were planted (May) and just before the new crop was lifted and stored (August-October). Both pathogens were detected at all three sampling times but P. exigua var. foveata was more frequently detected at the last one than P. pustulans. Soil and dust from various sites within the stores, such as floors, ledges, graders and boxes, were contaminated by these pathogens. Propagules of both pathogens remained airborne for at least 12–17 min after the floors were swept. P. exigua var. foveata remained viable for at least 16 months in dry soil from tuber surfaces stored at 4–6°C. When VTSC tubers were dusted before planting with a dry store soil contaminated by P. exigua var. foveata the gangrene potential of the progeny tubers was much greater than that from untreated tubers or from tubers treated with an uncontaminated soil. The role of inoculum surviving in dry soil is discussed in relation to reinfection of VTSC stocks.  相似文献   

In experiments extending over 3 yr, King Edward tubers harvested on various dates from early September until early November were uniformly wounded and kept at 15 oC and c. 95% r.h. for periods of up to 21 days for wounds to cure. When tubers were subsequently inoculated with Phoma exigua var.foveata and incubated at 5 oC for 12 wk, curing for 3 and 7 days decreased gangrene incidence to respectively c. 13 and 4% of the non-cured controls. When tubers were inoculated before curing and immediately after wounding, curing for 7 days decreased gangrene incidence to only c. 68% of the non-cured controls. Curing was also progressively less effective the later the date of harvesting, suggesting that there would be advantages in harvesting potato crops early in the autumn.  相似文献   

The weight, length, breadth and depth were measured for each of 10 000 potato tubers. These were samples over 3 years of the 10 most commonly grown UK maincrop varieties. Volume, square-mesh riddle size and average projected area were also measured in the final 2 years. A multivariate log-normal distribution was found to give a good fit to the data. Illustrations are presented of how this distribution can be used to assess grading schemes.  相似文献   

Selected cultural and environmental variables were investigated for their influence on the efficacy of Phoma herbarum and Phoma exigua to cause disease on dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) under growth room conditions. In both species, mycelial fragments caused significantly greater disease severity on dandelion than spore suspensions. Mycelial age was not an important factor in disease severity caused by P. herbarum, with all cultures causing high disease ratings. However, younger cultures of P. exigua caused the greatest disease severity on dandelion, but significantly less than that caused by P. herbarum. The initial pH of the growth medium (potato dextrose broth) did not affect disease severity caused by either Phoma species. Increasing concentrations of mycelia of P. herbarum were applied to dandelions that were then exposed to various leaf wetness durations. Disease severity increased with increasing leaf wetness duration. For dandelions exposed to no leaf wetness duration, the greater the mycelial concentration, the greater the disease rating. However, for dandelions exposed to all leaf wetness durations, all concentrations of mycelia caused similar disease ratings. As P. herbarum caused high disease ratings on dandelion, it therefore warrants further investigation as a potential bioherbicide for the control of this weed.  相似文献   

A comparative ultramorphometric study of the plastid machinery of apical meristematic cells of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers in a normal state (during sprouting) and under treatment with melaphene, a growth regulator of a new generation, at a growth-stimulating concentration was performed. The area of the plastid machinery of cells was found to increase under the effect of melaphene. A stimulatory effect of melaphene on starch accumulation and development of peripheral plastid reticulum in leucoplasts of apical meristematic cells of potato tubers was discovered.  相似文献   

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