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Species prioritization for conservation is primarily based on extinction risk assessments but less on sociocultural factors that influence conservation effectiveness. Here, we prioritized mammals for conservation according to their need for conservation attention, the feasibility of their conservation, and their potential to be used as flagship species in a rural community in northeast Brazil. We assessed species occurrence and ethnobiology through interviews, camera trapping, and active searches, and developed a prioritization scheme that accounts for species’ threat level (conservation status and local hunting pressure), cultural importance, and popularity. We found Tolypeutes tricinctus as the overall top-priority species because of its Endangered status and high popularity, which makes its conservation needed and feasible, and this species a potential conservation flagship. Panthera onca was the highest priority regarding the need for conservation attention due to its Critically Endangered status but the least feasible to conserve as it was the most unpopular species. Mazama gouazoubira was the most hunted and popular species. Despite not being threatened, it may also be prioritized for conservation, given its high hunting pressure and popularity, thereby constituting a possible local flagship species. Our results show that priority species for conservation can be reliably identified based on measures of need for conservation attention and expected conservation feasibility in local scales using rapid assessments. Accounting for ethnobiology in species prioritization for conservation allows a better understanding of the needs, opportunities, and obstacles for their conservation, consequently leading to better resource-allocation decisions in different socio-economic scenarios.  相似文献   

Impacts of invasive species, and of attempts to control them, on the aquatic invertebrate fauna of Hawaii and French Polynesia are reviewed and discussed, as a foundation for determining conservation need. Aquatic insects are poorly documented in the region, with many species undescribed, so that practical conservation must be pursued with highly incomplete basic taxonomic knowledge. The establishment of at least one dedicated reserve for aquatic invertebrates is recommended for each high island in an archipelago, as an aid to safeguarding local endemic species, and other recommendations include increased monitoring for new alien species (particularly of fish), planning for removal of alien species from selected water bodies where alien species are less likely to recolonize, effective protection of key sites with high biodiversity value, and securing sites for future restoration and translocation or rare and endangered species.  相似文献   

Several species of Tettigoniidae and Grylloidea are collected and traded as singing or fighting insects in China. There is anecdotal evidence that this trade is causing a reduction in the ranges and populations of some species. However, before any conservation status can be assigned to any species reliably, it will be necessary to reconcile the long-established traditional classification system of singing and fighting insects with scientific classification, determine the ranges and monitor the populations of selected species of commonly traded species, and initiate an educational programme for invertebrate conservation using these crickets as flagship taxa.  相似文献   


The minimal-spanning-tree as a method of plotting dispersal in panbiogeographic methodology is a useful tool for the general naturalist or recreational biologist, as it enables observations of plant or animal distributions to be associated with the geological processes of an area in a disciplined but convenient way. This is achieved by plotting the known distribution of the taxa, using the current taxonomy, on a map and connecting these points by the shortest-distance tree. Interpretations arrived at by this methodology not only provide a framework for understanding of evolutionary processes but they stress the dynamics of the geological and biological systems. Panbiogeography emphasises the importance of biological communities and the significance of these areas at a regional or national level. This type of area recognition aids conservation advocates, as it helps to set priorities of areas identified as needing protection. Inland saline areas of Central Otagoare discussed by way of an example. This approach produces novel predictions about these areas that aid the interpretation of their conservation status. Panbiogeography highlights the need to advocate conservation of restricted species not only in strategic areas but throughout their natural range. Panbiogeography, by stressing the importance of the actual distribution of taxa is therefore useful in the Protected Natural Areas Programme as it enables the significance of the ecological district to be effectively assessed. Transfers of birds, reptiles, and insects are discussed in the context of panbiogeography and some of the dangers are pointed out of placing species on island refuges where they may never have been.  相似文献   

An assessment of animal species diversity in continental waters   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
There is a need for monitoring the status and trends of freshwater biodiversity in order to quantify the impacts of human actions on freshwater systems and to improve freshwater biodiversity conservation. Current projects carrying assessment of freshwater biodiversity focus mainly on leading-better-known groups such as fish, or identify keystone species and/or endemic freshwater systems for conservation purposes. Our purpose is to complete these existing projects by providing quantitative estimates of species number for all freshwater groups on each continent and/or major eco-regions. This article present the results of the first implementation phase carried out from September 2002 to June 2003 and which addressed only freshwater animal species. The project consisted of: (1) compiling existing data from literature, web sites and museum collections; (2) contacting scientific experts of each group to provide a ‘to the best of their knowledge, estimates of species numbers. In this study, we consider as true freshwater species, those that complete part or all of their life cycle in freshwater, and water-dependant species those that need freshwater for food or that permanently use freshwater habitats. The current order of magnitude for known freshwater animal species world wide is 100 000, of which half are insects. Among other groups, there are some 20 000 vertebrate species; 10 000 crustacean species and 5000 mollusc species that are either true freshwater or water-dependant species. The study highlighted gaps in the basic knowledge of species richness at continental and global scales: (1) Some groups such as Protozoa, nematodes or annelids have been less studied and data on their diversity and distribution is scarce. Because current richness estimates for these groups are greatly biased by knowledge availability, we can expect that real species numbers might be much higher. (2) Continents are not equal in the face of scientific studies: South America and Asia are especially lacking global estimates of species richness for many groups, even for some usually well-known ones such as molluscs or insects. The second phase of the project will address freshwater plants and algae. The present status should be considered as a first sketch of the global picture of freshwater biodiversity. We hope that this project will initiate interactive exchange of data to complete and update this first assessment.  相似文献   

自然保护区被公认为是生物多样性就地保护最有效的方式之一。基于全国自然保护区基础调查,通过分析我国自然保护区内野生哺乳动物种群数量的分布情况,在全国尺度上对自然保护区内591种哺乳动物的就地保护状况进行了评估。根据评价指标体系,将我国哺乳动物就地保护水平划分为"有效保护""较好保护""一般保护""较少保护""未受保护""保护状况不明""未予评价"等7个等级。结果表明,除未予评价的35种外,其余参评的556种物种中,共有534种在自然保护区内得到一定程度的保护,占总数的90.36%。其中有效保护、较好保护、一般保护、较少保护的物种分别有145、60、100种和229种,分别占总数的24.53%、10.15%、16.92%和38.75%。此外,有22种物种保护状况不明。针对不同保护体系中的哺乳动物的就地保护状况进行评价,研究共涉及国家重点保护野生动物140种和列入中国物种红色名录的427种,其中分别有109种和409种在保护区内得到不同程度的保护。总体来说,虽然有90.36%的哺乳动物在保护区内得到不同程度的保护,但保护状况良好(包括有效保护和较好保护)的比例明显较低,保护状况仍然不容乐观,保护力度有待加强;对于保护状况不明的物种,有必要对保护区开展更加全面、细致的科学考察以进一步确定其保护现状;对于确未受到自然保护区就地保护的物种,需要通过完善保护区网络,将其纳入自然保护体系之中。  相似文献   

Legal instruments for species conservation have been criticised because they take a long time to draw up and implement and because invertebrates are highly underrepresented. For these reasons legal documents need regular re-evaluation as more data and effective methods are available. The effectiveness of the Hungarian legislative texts was assessed by the congruence between protection status and conservation priority of the species. Species were prioritised according to the conservation priority index (CPI = MRI × PBR), which included mollusca rarity index (MRI) and protection-by-reserves score (PBR). Mollusca rarity index was an additive scoring method including global range size, local frequency, and a correction factor due to the biased frequency estimate or special importance of some species. PBR scores expressed the lack of congruence between distribution of reserves and distribution of species. I used the distribution data of 121 Hungarian land snail species based on 10 × 10 km resolution grid system. Current protection status of the species was associated with rarity, whereas the congruence between species occurrences and the location of existing reserves has been overlooked. Based on the 25% of the species with highest CPI scores, the species Helicigona planospira was highly recommended and 9 other species was recommended for protection. Two thirds of the occurrences of the strictly protected and endemic species Hygromia kovacsi and more than 25% of the occurrences of 10 protected species were located outside of current reserves. Local populations of these species need monitoring in order to detect changes in the area of occupancy.  相似文献   

The conservation of few plants produces such an emotive response as that of hardy slipper orchids of the genus Cypripedium. The genus, comprising 45 species and two varieties, is holarctic in distribution with the centre of diversity in China. Much is known about the status of some species and their populations in Europe and North America, but little information is available on the Asiatic and Mexican species. Most cypripediums are showy orchids and are well represented in herbaria, allowing an estimate of the present distribution, frequency and conservation status of the known species to be made. The authors conclude that having considered the number of herbarium specimens, nearly half of the genus may be considered threatened and in need of some legal protection if the plants are to survive in the wild. They identify a need to examine the conservation status of the taxa in in this genus more closely, and outline two important conservation tools that may help efforts to this end: the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria for the Amendment of the Appendices of CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora).  相似文献   

Insect populations including butterflies are declining worldwide, and they are becoming an urgent conservation priority in many regions. Understanding which butterfly species migrate is critical to planning for their conservation, because management actions for migrants need to be coordinated across time and space. Yet, while migration appears to be widespread among butterflies, its prevalence, as well as its taxonomic and geographic distribution are poorly understood. The study of insect migration is hampered by their small size and the difficulty of tracking individuals over long distances. Here we review the literature on migration in butterflies, one of the best-known insect groups. We find that nearly 600 butterfly species show evidence of migratory movements. Indeed, the rate of ‘discovery’ of migratory movements in butterflies suggests that many more species might in fact be migratory. Butterfly migration occurs across all families, in tropical as well as temperate taxa; Nymphalidae has more migratory species than any other family (275 species), and Pieridae has the highest proportion of migrants (13%; 133 species). Some 13 lines of evidence have been used to ascribe migration status in the literature, but only a single line of evidence is available for 92% of the migratory species identified, with four or more lines of evidence available for only 10 species – all from the Pieridae and Nymphalidae. Migratory butterflies occur worldwide, although the geographic distribution of migration in butterflies is poorly resolved, with most data so far coming from Europe, USA, and Australia. Migration is much more widespread in butterflies than previously realised – extending far beyond the well-known examples of the monarch Danaus plexippus and the painted lady Vanessa cardui – and actions to conserve butterflies and insects in general must account for the spatial dependencies introduced by migratory movements.  相似文献   

The leafhoppers, planthoppers and their allies (collectively known as the Auchenorrhyncha) are presented as a group of insects that are highly appropriate for studying grassland ecology and conservation, evaluating the conservation status of sites and monitoring environmental and habitat change. Semi-natural grasslands typically support dense populations and a wide range of species with diverse ecological strategies. Their numerical dominance in many grasslands means that they have considerable functional significance, both as herbivores and as prey for higher trophic levels. Population and assemblage studies are supported by good ecological knowledge about most species and modern identification keys. Hitherto, most studies have focused on the composition and structure of assemblages and how they are affected by conservation management. However, grasslands support many rare species with small and fragmented populations which deserve conservation attention in their own right, and recent work has started to reflect this. The effects of management on the composition and structure of grassland leafhopper populations and assemblages are described and an assessment is given of the main threats facing individual species and overall diversity. There is a need to synthesise the scattered literature on grassland leafhoppers, to provide a model for how the composition and structure of populations and assemblages respond to major environmental and anthropogenic gradients across large biogeographic areas. Such an analysis could help predict the impact of likely future changes in land use and climate.  相似文献   

昆虫是自然界中种类最多的动物,在生态系统中具有重要的作用,但是昆虫在生物多样性保护中没有受到应有的重视.多个实例证明,很多昆虫种类处在数量下降甚至绝灭的状态.究其原因,人类的认识不足是导致昆虫多样性保护未受重视的主要原因,栖息地破坏是昆虫濒危的主要原因.由于昆虫生活史的特殊性,其保护策略与大型动物的保护有很大不同.昆虫多样性的保护可以与人类活动共存.  相似文献   

The conservation status of invertebrates is usually lesser known than that of vertebrates, and strategies to identify biotopes to preserve invertebrate diversity are typically based on a single surrogate taxon, or even on the use of vertebrates as surrogates. Aim of this research is to illustrate a method for biotope prioritisation that can be easily adapted to different animal groups and geographical contexts. A two-step protocol for biotope prioritisation is proposed on the basis of a multidimensional characterisation of species vulnerability. Firstly, species vulnerability is estimated from rarity measures which include geographical range, abundance and biotope specialisation. Then, these values of vulnerability are used to rank biotopes. The method was applied here to the tenebrionid beetles, the butterflies, the birds and the mammals of the Central Apennines, a montane area of high conservation concern for South Europe. This study provides evidence for the importance of including insects in conservation decisions, because vertebrates are poor surrogates for insects. Conservation efforts in the reserves included in the study area are mostly focused on vertebrates, for which woodlands are considered particularly important. However high altitude open biotopes are crucial for both tenebrionids and butterflies, and preservation of such kind of biotopes would be beneficial also for vertebrates. The approach applied here demonstrates that (1) vertebrates are poor surrogates for insects, and (2) measures of species rarity, typically used in vertebrate conservation, can be obtained also for insects, for which a veritable amount of data are hidden in specialised literature and museum collections.  相似文献   


For insect herbivores, a critical niche requirement—possibly the critical niche requirement—is the presence of suitable host plants. Current research suggests that non-native plants are not as suitable as native plants for native herbivores, resulting in decreases in insect abundance and richness on non-native plants. Like herbivores, gall-forming insects engage in complex, species-specific interactions with host plants. Galls are plant tissue tumors (including bulbous or spindle-shaped protrusions on leaves, stems and other plant organs) that are induced by insects through physical or chemical damage (prompting plants to grow a protective tissue shell around the insect eggs and larvae). As such, we hypothesized that gall-inducing insect species richness would be higher on native than non-native plants. We also predicted higher gall-inducing insect species richness on woody than herbaceous plants. We used an extensive literature review in which we compiled gall host plant species by genus, and we assigned native or non-native (or mixed) status to each genus. We found that native plants host far more gall-inducing insect species than non-native plants; woody plants host more gall-inducing species than herbaceous plants; and native woody plants host the most gall-inducing species of all. Gall-inducing species generally are a very cryptic group, even for experts, and hence do not elicit the conservation efforts of more charismatic insects such as plant pollinators. Our results suggest that non-native plants, particularly non-native woody species, diminish suitable habitat for gall-inducing species in parallel with similar results found for other herbivores, such as Lepidopterans. Hence, the landscape-level replacement of native with non-native species, particularly woody ones, degrades taxonomically diverse gall-inducing species (and their inquilines and parasitoids), removing multiple layers of diversity from forest ecosystems.



Groups of plants that are undergoing active diversification often do not fall into neat and tidy taxonomies. In such groups it can sometimes be very difficult to establish what does, and what does not, constitute a species. This presents problems for species-based conservation programmes that are based around prioritised species-lists (e.g. the UK Biodiversity Action Plans; BAPs), particularly as the inclusion or exclusion of taxa on these lists largely determines the allocation of conservation resources. This is an important issue as almost half of the BAP priority higher plant species for which Scotland has prime responsibility are taxonomically controversial.

Recent research using population genetic approaches to tackle some taxonomically complex plant groups has enhanced our understanding of their biology. Such approaches provide objective and independent assessments of whether a given entity is distinct or not. This information can then be used to contribute towards the decision making process of which taxa to prioritise for conservation, and address specific questions regarding BAP listed species. In the long term, however, a broader issue needs tackling. Actively evolving groups often contain a series of localised lineages, as well as complex populations that exhibit atypical levels of morphological diversity. These types of diversity do not fit well into a ‘standard’ species-based conservation system. In most cases protection will best be supplied by designated site protection or wider countryside habitat schemes. Where additional protection is need, a conservation policy is required that accepts the diversity in these actively evolving groups for what it is, rather than trying to squeeze it into conservation legislation derived for taxa whose delimitation is routine.  相似文献   

Spatial management of the highly dynamic pelagic realm, and the highly mobile species it supports, requires dynamic processes to be incorporated into reserve design. To achieve this, planners need information on how these processes vary across space and time, and how this variation relates to species of conservation interest. This study presents a new method of quantifying variability that captures both between‐ and within‐year changes in variables of interest. We applied this method to remotely‐sensed chlorophyll‐a in the Coral Sea to find five distinct regimes of variation that serve as surrogates for assemblages of species of conservation interest. We performed a gap analysis to determine protection of the regimes both internationally and nationally within Australia's network of marine reserves in the Coral Sea. We also identified key areas for protection within each regime, in terms of chlorophyll‐a variability and species associations, and examined their protection status. Depending on conservation objectives, reserve systems that span multiple national jurisdictions and a rezoning of Australian national waters might be necessary to meet protection requirements for the regimes and for key areas within them. The current suspension and review of the Coral Sea Commonwealth Marine Reserve management plans and the recent proclamation of New Caledonia's as yet unzoned Coral Sea Nature Park offer planners an opportunity to incorporate dynamic processes into conservation planning for the Coral Sea. The method we present can be applied at other locations for time‐series of any variable/s of interest, aiding the spatial management of dynamic features in both marine and terrestrial contexts.  相似文献   

In the face of accelerating biodiversity loss it is more important than ever to identify important areas of biodiversity and target limited resources for conservation. We developed a method to identify areas of important plant diversity using known species’ distributions and evaluations of the species importance. We collated distribution records of vascular plants and developed a scoring method of spatial prioritisation to assign conservation value to the island of Ireland at the hectad scale (10 km × 10 km) and at the tetrad scale (2 km × 2 km) for two counties where sufficient data were available. Each plant species was assigned a species conservation value based on both its conservation status and distribution in Ireland. For each cell, the species conservation values within the cell were summed, thereby differentiating between areas of high and low conservation value across the landscape. Areas with high conservation value represent the most important areas for plant conservation.The protected area cover and the number of species present in these important areas were also examined by first defining threshold values using two different criteria. Species representation was high in the important areas; the identified important areas of plant diversity maintained high representation of species of conservation concern and achieved high species representation overall, requiring a low number of sites (<8%) to do so. The coincidence of protected areas and important areas for plant diversity was found to be low and while some important areas of plant diversity might benefit from the general protection afforded by these areas, our research highlights the need for conservation outside of protected areas.  相似文献   

Begonia, one of the most diverse plant taxa and the fifth or sixth largest angiosperm genus, consists of over 1800 accepted species. The number of species recognized within this genus has greatly increased over the past 20 years, rising from 80 to 200 species in China alone. Based on recent field surveys, the number of begonia species in China is predicted to be between 250 and 300. Given the large number of begonia species that still remain to be described, further taxonomical work is urgently required. This is especially true for Chinese Begonia, in which there is a huge diversity of habitat, habit, plant size, leaf type, flower and fruit morphology, and most species are narrowly distributed in isolated habitats that are subject to negative disturbances from climate change, as well as agricultural and industrial activities. Although the conservation status for the majority of species has been evaluated using the standards of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the results don't represent the truth in many species, and also about 11.5% of which are data-absent. In addition, illegal collection and over-harvesting of wild begonias for ornamental or medicinal use has increased due to the rapid development of internet commerce. Far more often than predicted, these species should be categorized as rare and endangered and require immediate protection. Ex situ conservation of Chinese begonias started in 1995 and over 60% of the total species have been so far introduced into cultivation by several major botanical gardens in China. However, only few research institutions, limited funds and human resources have been involved in Begonia conservation; moreover, no project has conducted reintroduction. Therefore, more conservation-based work remains to be done. Improved conservation of Chinese begonias in the future depends on further field survey, an improved understanding of population diversity, and integrative approaches, including in situ and ex situ conservation, seed banking, and plant reintroduction. Speciestargeted conservation zones should be established for endangered species excluded from the existing nature reserves. Additionally, laws pertaining to plant protection should be extended to prevent the illegal collection and transaction of wild plants, particularly for those species with unique habitats and small populations.  相似文献   

Species loss despite nature conservation: need for action and research About 40 per cent of all plant and animal species occurring in Germany (insects, mammals, fish, birds, amphibians and reptiles) are endangered or threatened with extinction; 3–4 per cent are already considered lost. A comparison with other European countries shows that the risk situation in Germany is also very serious from an international point of view. In order to better anchor nature conservation in modern society as a prerequisite for globally sustainable development, it is necessary (1) to rethink and change the actions of each individual through education, communication and discussion; (2) to refocus policy and existing funding instruments; (3) to strengthen biodiversity and nature conservation concerns in and through universities and colleges, and (4) to invest in nature conservation in order to preserve nature as the basis of human life (ecosystem services) and on account of its intrinsic value. Conservation must be economically viable. This should not only be the case for farmers, but also for any land use that meets the requirements of nature conservation. Any conservation effort should be rewarded. To ensure that the actually set and clearly defined objectives of the EU nature conservation directives can be achieved, the Federal Working Group on Nature Conservation, Landscape Conservation and Recreation (LANA) predicts that at least 1.4 billion euros additionally will be needed annually. This would correspond to about 17 euros per inhabitant and year. This comparatively small amount would more than double the budget available in Germany for the protection of biodiversity.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an integrative framework to assess the conservation status of rare plant populations that combines population trends with four criteria to assess habitat vulnerability. We illustrate how population trends can be studied using a presence/absence method for a species that is inappropriate for a demographic study. The four other criteria concern habitat fragmentation, the human footprint in the surrounding landscape, observed impacts on a population and elements of habitat structure and quality that may impinge on population status. Each criterion is assessed with various indicators that can be adapted to the biology and ecology of the studied species. To test the feasibility of the proposed framework, we perform a case study of a Mediterranean geophyte Allium chamaemoly L., a species listed for protection in France. The results show a wide range of conservation status among a regional set of populations in the study species. Variation among the indicators used to assess different criteria illustrates the importance of assessing a range of different factors and ways to combine them if population conservation status is to be objectively identified. The study of diverse criteria may allow for a more precise assessment of the causes of differences in conservation status among populations of a single species. The framework of five criteria could be adapted by modification or substitution of indicators or adaptation of thresholds among classes, and thus be applied to other species of conservation importance.  相似文献   

Decline in the populations of bumble bees and other pollinators stress the need for more knowledge about their conservation status. Only one of the 25 bumble bee species present in Hungary is included in the Hungarian Red List. We estimated the endangerment of the Hungarian bumble bee (Bombus Latr.) species using the available occurrence data from the last 50 years of the 20th century. Four of the 25 species were data deficient or extinct from Hungary. About 60% of species were considered rare or moderately rare. Changes in distribution and occurrence frequency indicated that 10 of the 21 native species showed a declining trend, while only three species increased in frequency of occurrence. According to the IUCN Red List categories, seven species (33% of the native fauna) should be labelled as critically endangered (CR) and 3 (14%) as endangered (EN). Our results stress an urgent need of protection plans for bumble bees in Hungary, and further underlines the validity of concern over bumble bees all over Europe.  相似文献   

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