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Summary The diffusion of small molecules (sugars and alcohols) through a dense layer of flocculating yeast has been studied and compared to the theorical value calculated from parameters such as porosity and yeast density. Lactose, ethanol and methanol were chosen as model molecules. In comparison with water, the diffusion rate of lactose is divided by three. Alcohols which cross the cell envelope diffuse relatively faster than lactose which was assumed not to penetrate the cells. An increase of the lactose diffusion rate is observed when the yeast are heat killed. 相似文献
Construction of a flocculating yeast for fuel ethanol production 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The expression vector pYX212 harboring FLO1 gene and kanMX gene was transformed into Saccharomyces. cerevisiae ZWA46. The transformant, ZWA46-F2, showed strong and stable flocculation ability during 20 serial batch cultivations. The
flocculation onset of the strain is in the early stationary growth phase, not coincident with the glucose depletion in the
culture medium. The flocculation ability of the transformant showed no difference with the initial pH ranging from 3.5 to
6.0. Furthermore, the ethanol concentration and other properties of the transformant strain ZWA46-F2 were similar to those
of the wild-type strain ZWA46. 相似文献
Summary Simultaneous production of ethanol and fructose enriched syrups was obtained from Jerusalem artichoke extract using a Saccharomyces diastaticus flocculating yeast in a continuous gas-lift reactor with internal biomass recycle. This allowed the production of 42 g/L of ethanol and 70 g/L of inulin containing up to 92% fructose (fructose/glucose ratio of 11). These results can be compared to the batch and chemostat fermentations which gave a higher ethanol concentration but a lower fructose enrichment. Mass transfert limitations can explain both the productivity decrease and the selectivity improvement in the gas-lift reactor. 相似文献
F. Remize S. Schorr-Galindo J.P. Giraud S. Dequin B. Blondin 《Biotechnology letters》1998,20(3):313-318
Construction of flocculating yeast lacking for fructose utilisation was realised by integration of the FLO1 flocculation gene in the ribosomal DNA of an hexokinase deficient (hxk1, hxk2) Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain (ATCC36859). Simultaneous production of ethanol and fructose was obtained from glucose/fructose mixtures or from hydrolysed Jerusalem artichoke extracts using the transformed yeast in batch fermentations and in a continuous reactor with internal biomass recycle. This allowed the production of 5 g ethanol/L and 48 g sugars/L containing up to 99 % fructose from diluted hydrolysed Jerusalem artichoke extracts containing 60 g sugars/L. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998 相似文献
A flocculating strain of Kluyveromyces marxianus was used for alcoholic fermentation in a continuous bioreactor working with zero residual concentration in effluent. Specific
kinetic parameters were improved by increasing dilution rate, which is similar to results obtained with ultrafiltration systems.
Specific biomass accumulation rate had always a value greater than 92.5% of specific biomass growth rate and was independent
of the dilution rate. Productivity is shown to be 12.5 times greater than in conventional continuous operation and is directly
proportional to dilution rate. Maximum biomass concentration also presents a linear relationship with dilution rate. The largest
obtained biomass concentration is 8 times greater than in a conventional continuous fermentor. 相似文献
A continuous open loop bioreactor was used to induce flocculation in an originally nonflocculent strain ofKluyveromyces marxianus. The sedimentation capacity of the isolated strain was of such a magnitude that the cell concentration inside the fermentor was 50 times larger than in the effluent. Also, a batch system was used with the same objective, but no flocculation was obtained.The kinetic parameters of the flocculent strain were compared with those of the mother strain. It was shown that both maximum specific growth rate and maximum specific ethanol production rate were lower in the flocculent strain. Ethanol had a larger inhibitory effect on the kinetic parameters of the isolated strain. Also, the batch fermentations with this strain presented a larger final biomass concentration and a reduced ethanol yield. 相似文献
Enhancement of tannase production by Lactobacillus plantarum CIR1: validation in gas-lift bioreactor
Pedro Aguilar-Zarate Mario A. Cruz-Hernandez Julio C. Montañez Ruth E. Belmares-Cerda Cristobal N. Aguilar 《Bioprocess and biosystems engineering》2014,37(11):2305-2316
The optimization of tannase production by Lactobacillus plantarum CIR1 was carried out following the Taguchi methodology. The orthogonal array employed was L18 (21 × 35) considering six important factors (pH and temperature, also phosphate, nitrogen, magnesium, and carbon sources) for tannase biosynthesis. The experimental results obtained from 18 trials were processed using the software Statistical version 7.1 using the character higher the better. Optimal culture conditions were pH, 6; temperature, 40 °C; tannic acid, 15.0 g/L; KH2PO4, 1.5 g/L; NH4Cl, 7.0 g/L; and MgSO4, 1.5 g/L which were obtained and further validated resulting in an enhance tannase yield of 2.52-fold compared with unoptimized conditions. Tannase production was further carried out in a 1-L gas-lift bioreactor where two nitrogen flows (0.5 and 1.0 vvm) were used to provide anaerobic conditions. Taguchi methodology allowed obtaining the optimal culture conditions for the production of tannase by L. plantarum CIR1. At the gas-lift bioreactor the tannase productivity yields increase 5.17 and 8.08-fold for the flow rates of 0.5 and 1.0 vvm, respectively. Lactobacillus plantarum CIR1 has the capability to produce tannase at laboratory-scale. This is the first report for bacterial tannase production using a gas-lift bioreactor. 相似文献
Using the recombinant flocculating Angel yeast F6, long-term repeated batch fermentation for ethanol production was performed
and a high volumetric productivity resulted from half cells not washed and the optimum opportunity of residual glucose 20
g l−1 of last medium. The obtained highest productivity was 2.07 g l−1 h−1, which was improved by 75.4% compared with that of 1.18 g l−1 h−1 in the first batch fermentation. The ethanol concentration reached 8.4% corresponding to the yield of 0.46 g g−1. These results will contribute greatly to the industrial production of fuel ethanol using the commercial method with the
flocculating yeast. 相似文献
A tubular loop reactor was used to carry out the simulated scale-up of aSaccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation. Performance of the microorganism was assessed in terms of biomass, ethanol concentration respiratory quotient and yield. The behaviour of the culture was shown to be similar in loop reactor (tc, 10s) and STR. 相似文献
S. C. Oliveira H. F. De Castro A. E. S. Visconti R. Giudici 《Bioprocess and biosystems engineering》1999,20(6):525-530
An unsegregated and unstructured model developed for a small-scale process of ethanol production in a tower reactor with cell recycle was applied to describe the experimental data obtained in a large-scale process. The model was developed considering the following points: reactor hydrodynamic behavior analogous to that of ideal CSTR, substrate limitation, inhibition phenomena linked both to ethanol and to biomass, absence of fermentation in the settler, and no loss of cell viability. The scale-up criterion consisted in maintaining an identical relation settler volume/fermentor volume on the two scales. All large-scale experiments were carried out using a flocculating yeast strain IR-2, isolated from fermented food, and identified as Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Sugarcane juice was used as the substrate source with sugar concentrations of 150?g/l. Different values of dilution rate and recycle ratio were employed (D?=?0.11–0.33?h?1, α?=?5.4–18.0) and the temperature was of 32?°C. The kinetic parameters were similar on both scales and the model predictions agreed well with the large-scale experimental data. 相似文献
絮凝酵母SPSC01为酿酒酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiae和粟酒裂殖酵母Schizosaccharomyces pombe的融合菌株,用其吸附水溶液中的重金属Cr(VI),可以大大降低生物吸附的固液分离成本。为了探讨SPSC01菌体絮凝蛋白对Cr(VI)还原吸附的影响,对SPSC01与其亲本菌株的吸附行为进行了比较。结果表明,SPSC01和其具有絮凝性状的亲本S.pombe的Cr(VI)去除速率基本同步,远优于无絮凝性状的亲本S.cerevisiae;达到吸附平衡时,S.pombe、SPSC01和S.cerevisiae对总Cr去除率分别达68.8%、48.6%和37.5%;从而证明了絮凝有利于Cr(VI)的还原、吸附,絮凝蛋白在Cr(VI)的还原吸附过程中起促进作用。通过化学屏蔽方法和傅立叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)分析,对SPSC01菌体表面吸附Cr(VI)的机理进行了研究,结果表明SPSC01菌体表面吸附Cr(VI)起主要作用的基团是氨基、羧基和酰胺基。 相似文献
Fermentation of lactose to ethanol with recombinant yeast in an immobilized yeast membrane bioreactor 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A novel concept of membrane bioreactor in which living cells are sandwiched between ultrafiltration (UF) and reverse osmosis (RO) membranes was applied for lactose fermentation to ethanol by genetically engineered yeast cells. The productivity of the Lactophile 13B strains was higher than that of the Lactophile 13D strains. In both cases performance data similar to those for glucose fermentation to ethanol by Saccharomyces cerevisiae were obtained. However, the operational stability of recombinant yeast cells was improved in the new bioreactor in comparison to the stability of these cells in a shake flask. 相似文献
Xin-Qing Zhao Qian Li Lei-Yu He Fan Li Wen-Wen Que Feng-Wu Bai 《Process Biochemistry》2012,47(11):1612-1619
Flocculating yeast strains with good fermentation ability are desirable for brewing industry as well as for fuel ethanol production, however, the genetic diversity of the flocculating genes from natural yeast strains is largely unexplored. In this study, FLO1, FLO5, FLO9, FLO10 and FLO11 PCR products were obtained from 16 yeast strains from various sources, and the PCR product amplified from FLO1 of the self-flocculating yeast strain SPSC01 was used for the construction of expression cassette flanked by homologous fragments of the endonuclease gene HO for chromosome integration. A genetically engineered flocculating yeast BHL01 with good fermentation performance was obtained by transforming an industrial strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae 4126 with the expression cassette. The fermentation performances of SPSC01 and BHL01 in flask fermentation were compared using 208 g/L glucose. BHL01 completed the fermentation 8 h earlier than SPSC01, while no significant difference between BHL01 and S. cerevisiae 4126 was observed. In very high gravity repeated batch ethanol fermentation using 255 g/L glucose, BHL01 maintained stable flocculation for at least over 24 batches, while SPSC01 displayed severe deflocculation under the same conditions. The natural reservoir of flocculating genes from yeast strains may represent an unexplored gene source for the construction of new flocculating yeast strains for improved ethanol production. 相似文献
The control of poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) productivity in a continuous bioreactor with cell recycle is studied by simulation. A cybernetic model of PHB synthesis in Alcaligenes eutrophus is developed. Model parameters are identified using experimental data, and simulation results are presented. The model is interfaced to a multirate model predictive control (MPC) algorithm. PHB productivity and concentration are controlled by manipulating dilution rate and recycle ratio. Unmeasured time varying disturbances are imposed to study regulatory control performance, including unreachable setpoints. With proper controller tuning, the nonlinear MPC algorithm can track productivity and concentration setpoints despite a change in the sign of PHB productivity gain with respect to dilution rate. It is shown that the nonlinear MPC algorithm is able to track the maximum achievable productivity for unreachable setpoints under significant process/model mismatch. The impact of model uncertainty upon controller performance is explored. The multirate MPC algorithm is tested using three controllers employing models that vary in complexity of regulation. It is shown that controller performance deteriorates as a function of decreasing biological complexity. 相似文献
Summary A system coupling fermentor and decantor permitted strong accumulation of yeast flocs that were homogeneously suspended in the reactional volume. At 100–190 g/l glucose feed practically total substrate conversion was attained. At 130 g/l glucose feed the highest productivity (18.4 g.l.h) and the highest ethanol yield (90.6%) were reached with biomass levels of 80–90 g/l. We observed that the stability of this system is limited when a critical fermentation rate (D.So) close to 39–40 g/l.h (with corresponding ethanol productivities of 19–20 g/l.h) is reached. Higher fermentation rates provoked de-flocculation and lost of biomass.Symbols D
dilution rate (h–1)
- E
ethanol (g/l)
- Sr
residual substrate (g/l)
- So
substrate in the feed (g/l)
- X
biomass (g/l)
ethanol yield (%)
- DSo
fermentation rate (g/l.h) (for Sr0)
- PE
ethanol productivity (g/l.h) 相似文献
The intrinsic kinetics of continuous yeast cell growth and ethanol production for a self-flocculating fusant yeast strain SPSC01 was investigated by means of mechanically dispersing the flocs and correspondingly established floc size distribution on-line monitoring technique using the focused beam reflectance measurement system, through which the floc intra-particle mass transfer limitation was effectively eliminated, but its ethanol formation metabolism was not affected. Modified kinetic models were developed, which can be used to predict the continuous kinetic behaviors of SPSC01, especially when low dilution rates are applied and limiting substrate concentrations are undetectable and almost all kinetic models developed previously are failed in predicting corresponding kinetic behaviors. Both substrate and product inhibitions reported for freely suspended yeast cell ethanol production were also observed for SPSC01 when high gravity media were fed and relatively high levels of residual sugar and ethanol presented. Model parameters were evaluated through numerical calculation method and validated by experimental data mu = 0.584C(s)/0.155 + C(s) + C(2)(s)/160.7(1 -P/125)(3.68) + 0.004 for growth, nu = 1.998C(s)/0.427 + C(s) + C(2)(s)/366.7(1- P/125)(1.72) + 0.060 for ethanol production These intrinsic kinetic models can be further used to develop the observed kinetic models that quantitatively correlate the impact of the self-flocculating yeast cell size distributions on their apparent rates for yeast cell growth, substrate uptake and ethanol production and optimize the ethanol production process. 相似文献
CANON and Anammox in a gas-lift reactor 总被引:57,自引:0,他引:57
Anoxic ammonium oxidation (Anammox) and Completely Autotrophic Nitrogen removal Over Nitrite (CANON) are new and promising microbial processes to remove ammonia from wastewaters characterized by a low content of organic materials. These two processes were investigated on their feasibility and performance in a gas-lift reactor. The Anammox as well as the CANON process could be maintained easily in a gas-lift reactor, and very high N-conversion rates were achieved. An N-removal rate of 8.9 kg N (m(3) reactor)(-1) day(-1) was achieved for the Anammox process in a gas-lift reactor. N-removal rates of up to 1.5 kg N (m(3) reactor)(-1) day(-1) were achieved when the CANON process was operated. This removal rate was 20 times higher compared to the removal rates achieved in the laboratory previously. Fluorescence in situ hybridization showed that the biomass consisted of bacteria reacting to NEU, a 16S rRNA targeted probe specific for halotolerant and halophilic Nitrosomonads, and of bacteria reacting to Amx820, specific for planctomycetes capable of Anammox. 相似文献
S. A. El-Temtamy S. A. Khalil A. A. Nour El-Din A. Gaber 《Applied microbiology and biotechnology》1985,21(1-2):65-68
Summary Liquid-phase axial mixing coefficients were evaluated in a 0.15 m x 2.0 m batch bubble column containing water and yeast-in-water suspensions of different concentrations. Air superficial velocities ranged from 0 to 0.06 m/s. Axial mixing coefficients were calculated from the residence time distribution to an NaCl tracer pulse using the Ohki and Inuoe model. No specific variations in the calculated coefficients were observed to result from the presence of yeast cells. There was fair agreement between the data thus obtained and the only available data on mixing in non-Newtonian CMC solution.Nomenclature
equilibrium tracer concentration g/l
tracer concentration at time t g/l
- dh
sparger hole diameter m
tube diameter m
axial mixing coefficient m2/s
- g
acceleration of gravity m/s2
bubbling layer heigh m
longitudinal dustance between tracer injection and detection points m
1,2,6 Eq. (3)
time s
- Ug
gas superficial velocity m/s
- Ut
liquid superficial velocity m/s
bubble relative velocity =
Linear relative velocity
axial distance m
Greek c
wet cell volume farction
- g
gas holdup
liquid holdup
viscosity of the liquid phase Pa/s
density of liquid or continuous phase g/ml 相似文献