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The athymic nude mouse is a useful animal model for assaying the neoplastic growth potential in vivo of animal cells transformed in vitro. Despite the demonstrated absence of thymus-dependent immunological functions, however, the nude mouse has now been shown to reject transplants of certain highly malignant heterologous tumors. In addition, a few transformed mammalian cell lines that exhibit all or most of the cellular phenotypes usually associated with malignancy fail to grow as tumors when injected into nude mice. In a continuing study to identify the in vitro phenotypes associated with tumor-forming ability in vivo, we investigated the role of cellular susceptibility to the naturally occurring, thymus-independent lymphocytes (natural killer or NK cells) in determining tumor induction by animal cells in nude mice. A representative collection of animal cells (ranging from normal human diploid cell strains to highly tumorigenic clonal cell lines, either transformed in vitro or derived from experimental tumors) was tested to see if the ability of cells to form tumors is consistently correlated with their susceptibility to NK cell-mediated lysis measured in vitro with splenic leukocytes from nude mice. If the physiological role of the NK cells in vivo were to recognize, and possibly to destroy, incipient tumor cells in situ, a direct association between cellular tumorigenicity and susceptibility to NK activity, might be expected. If, on the other hand, the formation of growing tumors by animal cells in nude mice depended on their ability to escape the cytolytic activity of NK cells, cellular tumorigenicity would be associated with cellular resistance to NK cells. Results obtained in this study failed to confirm either of these associations. Thus, cellular suscepbibility to NK cells, at least as determined by direct cytotoxicity assay in vitro, is not a useful predictive indicator of cellular tumorigenicity in nude mice.  相似文献   

The distribution of actin microfilament bundles in cell lines 3T3B, CHO, HeLa and CLID extracted with 0.1% Triton X-100 was examined by indirect immunofluorescence using human actin antibodies and by electron microscopy of whole cells grown directly on support grids. Anchorage dependence as determined by growth in soft agar and tumorigenicity in nude mice was also investigated. Immunofluorescent staining showed that CHO and HeLa cells have normal numbers and distributions of actin microfilament bundles as compared with similarly spread control 3T3B cells. A significant fraction of the mouse CLID cells showed comparable numbers of microfilament bundles as 3T3B cells but their distribution was markedly different. In many cases the bundles radiated from a region close to the cell's centre or near its projections and usually penetrated the projections. The presence of diffuse staining in 4% of the cell population also indicated the existence in these cells of disorganized actin. Electron microscope studies of well spread regions of negatively-stained, Triton-extracted cells corroborated the observations made with the immunofluorescence technique. In 3T3B, CHO and CLID cells abundant microtubules were found, colinearly arranged with actin filaments in the thin cytoplasmic extensions. While CLID, CHO and HeLa cells showed the capacity to grow in soft agar, only CLID and HeLa cells produced tumours in athymic nude mice. The observations suggest that a reduction or disorganisation of the actin microfilament bundles may not in itself be essential at least for the non-virally transformed cells studied to show anchorage independence or to produce tumours in nude mice.  相似文献   

Macrophage-mediated inhibition of melanoma cell growth in nude mice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of macrophages or sera from tumor-transplanted or control syngeneic and allogeneic mice on the latency and growth rate of P51 murine melanoma cells were determined after transplantation into congenitally athymic (nude) mice (tumor neutralization test). Syngeneic macrophages from tumor-bearing mice (TBM) inhibited melanoma growth in the nude mouse more than control macrophages, additionally macrophages from sensitized allogeneic mice inhibited melanoma growth to a greater degree than did allogeneic control macrophages. Sera from TBM inhibited melanoma growth as compared to control cells alone. Macrophages obtained after 14 days were also cytolytic towards the melanoma target in vitro. Despite the growth of large local masses, no evidence of distant metastases was found. The nude mouse thus provides an appropriate model for this tumor to portray in vivo immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Six independently isolated adenovirus 2-transformed rat cell lines and one adenovirus 5-transformed human cell line have been examined in vitro for serum growth requirements, saturation density, anchorage-independent growth, proteolytic enzyme activity and the presence of LETS glycoprotein and T antigen. This series of adenovirus-transformed cell lines exhibits an oncogenic spectrum ranging from being tumorigenic in immunocompetent rats through to nontumorigenic in adult nude mice. The relevance of the in vitro findings to growth potential in vivo is discussed.  相似文献   

Fibronectin (FN; also called large external transformation-sensitive [LETS] protein or cell-surface protein [CSP]) is a large cell-surface glycoprotein that is frequently observed to be either absent or greatly reduced on the surfaces of malignant cells grown in vitro. Because FN may be a useful molecular marker of cellular malignancy, we have carried out an extensive screening to test the specific association among the degree of expression of FN, anchorage-independent growth, and tumorigenicity in the athymic nude mouse. A variety of diploid cell strains and established cell lines were tested for the expression of surface FN by indirect immunofluorescence using rabbit antisera against human cold insoluble globulin, rodent plasma FN, or chicken cell- surface FN. Concomitantly, the cells were assayed for tumor formation in nude mice and for the ability to form colonies in methylcellulose. Tumorigenic cells often showed very low surface fluorescence, confirming earlier reports. However, many highly tumorigenic fibroblast lines from several species stained strongly with all three antisera. In contrast, the anchorage-independent phenotype was nearly always associated with tumorigenicity in approximately 35 cell lines examined in this study. In another series of experiments, FN-positive but anchorage-independent cells were grown as tumors in nude mice and then reintroduced into culture. In five of the six tumor-derived cell lines, cell-surface FN was not significantly reduced; one such cell line showed very little surface FN. Our data thus indicate that the loss of cell-surface FN is not a necessary step in the process of malignant transformation and that the growth of FN-positive cells as tumors does not require a prior selection in vivo for FN-negative subpopulations.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to characterize the production of chemoattractants by human melanoma lines with high (M4Be, M3Da, NTerDa) or low tumorigenic (Doc8, M1Do) potential when heterotransplanted in nude mice. Supernatants from the Doc8 and M1Do cell lines were strongly chemotactic in vitro for mononuclear phagocytes. Chemotactic activity was destroyed by proteolytic enzymes, and upon gel filtration on Sephadex G75, it eluted in the cytochrome c region corresponding to an apparent m.w. of 12,000. Upon chromatofocusing, the Sephadex-separated tumor-derived chemotactic factor (TDCF) showed an isoelectric point of 5.5 to 6. Cell lines with high tumorigenic potential contained low or no detectable chemotactic activity. When culture supernatants of cell lines with modest (M3Da) or no (M4Be) chemotactic activity were exposed to immobilized monoclonal antibodies directed against the retroviral transmembrane protein P15E, appreciable chemotactic activity was detectable (M4Be) or preexisting levels increased (M3Da). The material eluted from Sepharose-bound anti-P15E antibodies inhibited the migration of monocytes in response to chemoattractants. These findings demonstrate the coexistence in some human melanoma cell line supernatants of factors (TDCF and P15E-related inhibitor) with opposite influence on monocyte chemotaxis. That tumor cell products play a pivotal role in regulating the extravasation of monocytes into neoplastic tissues is suggested by the close correlation observed between macrophage levels in melanomas grown in nude mice and levels of chemotactic activity detectable in culture supernatants.  相似文献   

Pulmonary small cell carcinoma of the lung cells were inoculated intracranially and subdermally in nude athymic mice (Balb/c strain). There was a 100% intracranial tumor incidence in response to 1/10th the cell dose required to produce subdermal tumors in immunosuppressed nude mice. Tumors did not grow in the brains of Balb/c normal (haired) mice.  相似文献   

Embryogenic cell suspensions of Musa AAA and AAB genomic groups were cultured in a maintenance culture medium for 17 generations (lasting for 238 days). The cell growth phases and medium pH changes were also observed correspondingly. Three major growth phases of AAA genomic group have been focused, namely cell releasing, proliferation and globularization phases. During almost all the subculture generations the cell stocks of AAB ‘Raja’ were continuously characterized by proliferating cell aggregates while the globularization phase occurred only for short duration. The medium acidity levels of the cell stocks of AAA ‘Pei-Chiao’ and ‘Robusta’ were commonly scattered in a wider range of pH 3.3–5.3, while the AAB ‘Raja’ were deviated in a narrow range of pH 4.0–4.6. After subculture, culture medium showed biphasic pH changes, which were drastic pH falls followed by an auto-regulated steady-state level. The steady-state pH values in each of the three growth phases (i.e. cell releasing, proliferation and globularization phases) were of 3.3–4.0, 4.0–4.8 and 4.8–5.3 respectively. Morphological bipolarity and the efficiency in the formation of somatic embryos have been thoroughly discussed. Reported research indicates that the condition of pH below 4.6 may prevent the development of embryogenic cells towards polar growth.  相似文献   

Earlier studies reported the enzymatic modulation of the cell surface in malignant transformation of human normal mammary epithelial cells and in conversion of mammary carcinoma. Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is a neoplasm-associated antigen, its production and release is used to monitor changes in cell phenotype. The present study shows that CEA production and release by human colon carcinoma (CCC), and by colon cells from patients with familial polyposia coli (FPC) and ulcerative colitis (UCC) is inhibited when the cells are cultured in contact with confluent normal colon epithelial (HNCEC) cell monolayer. Footprints left behind and/or conditioned media from HNCEC cells inhibited, whereas footprints left behind and/or conditioned media from CCC, FPC or Ucc enhanced CEA release. During sequential passages of HNCEC cells grown on footprints and/or in spent media from CCC cultures, HNCEC cells acquire the ability to produce and release CEA, and to develop tumors in athymic Nu/Nu mice. On the other hand, during sequential passages, CCC, FPC or UCC grown in spent media, or on footprints left behind HNCEC cells, showed significant decrease in CEA production and release, and in oncologic ability in athymic mice. It is concluded that both the extracellular matrix, and a growth-regulating factor(s) in the spent medium modulate cellular transformation. Quantitative data on CEA-release indicate that FPC and UCC represent an intermediary stage between normal colon epithelial cells and colon carcinoma cells, i.e. a preneoplastic stage.  相似文献   

Since the number of cancer-related deaths has not decreased in recent years, major efforts are being made to find new drugs for cancer treatment. In this report we introduce the gonadotropin releasing hormone-Pseudomonas exotoxin (GnRH-PE) based chimeric proteins L-GnRH-PE66 and L-GnRH-PE40. These proteins are composed of a GnRH moiety attached to modified forms ofPseudomonas exotoxin via a polylinker (gly4ser)2. The chimeric proteins L-GnRH-PE66 and L-GnRH-PE40 have the ability to target and kill adenocarcinoma cell linesin vitro, whereas non-adenocarcinoma cell lines are not affected. We demonstrate that L-GnRH-PE66 and L-GnRH-PE40 efficiently inhibit cancer growth. Nude mice were injected subcutaneously with the SW-48 adenocarcinoma cell line to produce xenograft tumours. When the tumours were established and visible, the animals were injected with chimeric proteins for 10 days. At the end of this period, a reduction of up to 3-fold in tumor size was obtained in the treated mice, as compared with the control group, which received equivalent amounts of GnRH; the difference was even greater 13 days after termination of treatment. Thus, the chimeric proteins L-GnRH-PE66 and L-GnRH-PE40 are promising candidates for treatment of a variety of adenocarcinomas and their use in humans should be considered.  相似文献   

We report the investigation of the growth properties of tumorigenic and reverted nontumorigenic Wilms' nephroblastoma cells when cultured in serum-free medium. Wilms' tumor, a pediatric nephroblastoma, has been associated with deletions encompassing the p13 band of chromosome 11 and an independent loss of heterozygosity at 11p15. Weissman et al. (Science 236:175-180, 1987) transferred a human der(11) chromosome into the G401.6TG.6 Wilms' tumor cell line via the microcell-mediated chromosome transfer technique. The resulting microcell hybrids were nontumorigenic when assayed in nude mice; however these cells retained all of the in vitro growth and morphological characteristics of the tumorigenic parental cells in 10% fetal calf serum (FCS). Segregation of the der(11) chromosome from the nontumorigenic microcell hybrid cells resulted in the reappearance of the tumorigenic phenotype in vivo. In vitro culture of these cell lines in serum-free medium supplemented with 0.1% bovine serum albumin (BSA) and 10 ng/ml Na2O3Se resulted in sustained growth of both the tumorigenic parent and the tumorigenic segregant while the nontumorigenic microcell hybrids were unable to divide. The separate addition of either 10 ng/ml of epidermal growth factor (EGF) or 5 micrograms/ml of insulin did not alter this effect. However, the addition of 5 micrograms/ml of transferrin stimulated the nontumorigenic microcell hybrid cells to grow at a rate comparable to the tumorigenic cells. In addition, conditioned serum-free medium from the tumorigenic parental or tumorigenic segregant cell lines was able to stimulate the growth of the nontumorigenic microcell hybrid cells, whereas the reciprocal experiment had no effect on the growth of the tumorigenic cells. These data suggest that the inability of the microcell hybrid cells to grow in serum-free conditions is correlated with their genetic nontumorigenic phenotype and that a specific growth factor, transferrin, can bypass or alter this negative growth regulatory pathway(s) in vitro.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to study RAS‐siRNA blocking RAS pathway and suppressing cell growth in human oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma in nude mice. The methods in this study was to construct RAS‐siRNA expression vector, establish 40 oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma xenograft animal models and divided them into five groups: control group, siRNA control group, RAS‐siRNA group, paclitaxel group and RAS‐siRNA and paclitaxel group. We observed tumour growth in nude mice, studied histology by HE staining, tumour growth inhibition by TUNEL assay and detected the RAS, MAPK and cyclin D1 protein expression by immunohistochemistry and western blot. We have obtained the following results: (i) successfully established animal models; (ii) nude mice in each group after treatment inhibited tumour volume was significantly reduced compared with the control group (p < 0.05); (iii) compared with the control group, the number of apoptotic cells were significantly increased in the siRNA control group and the RAS‐siRNA group, and the number of apoptosis cells in the paclitaxel and RAS‐siRNA group is significantly most than the paclitaxel group and RAS‐siRNA group (p < 0.05); and (iv) after treatment, RAS, MAPK and cyclin D1 expression in five groups was decreasing gradually. After adding paclitaxel, the protein expression in the paclitaxel and RAS‐siRNA group was significantly lower than that of paclitaxel group, negative control and paclitaxel group (p < 0.05). We therefore conclude that RAS‐siRNA can block the RAS signal transduction pathway, reduce the activity of tumour cells, arrest tumour cell cycle, promote apoptosis, inhibit cell proliferation and increase tumour cell sensitivity to chemotherapeutic drugs. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Homozygous nude mice and their phenotypically normal littermates were infected intraperitoneally with herpes simplex virus (HSV). Nude mice did not show increased mortality rates. In fact, at lower virus doses they were consistently less susceptible than the controls. Spleen cells from nude mice, when challenged in vitro with HSV, produced equal amounts of interferon as spleen cells from the normal littermates.  相似文献   

The composition of the T cell receptor repertoire in nude mice   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Previous results from several laboratories have demonstrated the presence of functional T lymphocytes in congenitally athymic (nude) mice. The present study represents an analysis of the T cell receptor repertoire exhibited by such cells. Clones of H-2Kb-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) were generated under primary limiting dilution conditions by using spleen cells from nude mice. These clones were analyzed on a panel of Kb mutant target cells to assess the receptor specificity of each clone. Unlike thymic bearing mice the CTL repertoires of which are exceedingly diverse, it was found that in most cases the vast majority of clones from each individual exhibited the same reactivity pattern. The particular pattern varied from individual to individual. Clones from three animals that exhibited this phenomenon were additionally analyzed by using a monoclonal antibody that can detect the utilization of the gene products of the V beta 8 family. In one animal all clones were V beta 8 positive, whereas in the others, all clones were negative. We conclude that the T cell receptor repertoire in nude mice is extremely limited and represents in vivo expansion of a relatively small number of functional precursors.  相似文献   

An analysis of the correlation between tumorigenicity and the loss of expression of the large external transformation-sensitive glycoprotein (LETS) was performed on human cell hybrids and their respective normal and tumorigenic parental cell lines. The distribution of cell surface LETS protein in a series of cell lines was examined by both specific immunofluorescent staining and by gel electrophoresis of lactoperoxidase-catalyzed, iodinated cell surface proteins. The tumorigenicity of these cell lines was assayed in nude mice. Although the series of cell lines studied provided a broad spectrum of LETS protein expression, both quantitatively and qualitatively, there does not appear to be a correlation between tumorigenicity and decreased expression of the LETS protein.In a series of transformed, nontumorigenic hybrids, the LETS protein expression was found to be altered with respect to both decreased organizational complexity and decreased content. These hybrids continue to express a number of other transformed phenotypes. Conversely, a number of tumorigenic hybrids continue to express relatively high levels of LETS protein when compared with nontumorigenic hybrids. Thus an alteration in LETS protein expression by itself, or in concert with a spectrum of other transformation properties, does not appear to be a sufficient requirement for tumorigenicity and lends further support to an apparent separate control of the transformed versus tumorigenic phenotype.  相似文献   

Biochemical analysis of macromolecular constituents of somatic cells in culture frequently requires the production of large quantities of cells from small initial populations, often a laborious and expensive procedure. Here we show that nude mice, because of their genetic immune deficiency, provide a relatively simple and reliable means of growing large quantities of cells irrespective of the species or tissue of origin. Most established animal cell lines are capable of growing as large tumors in these athymic mice. The passage of mammalian cells in nude mice does not cause either the loss or modification of specific biochemical, chromosomal, antigenic or other cellular markers, nor the induction of malignant transformation of the host cells. Tumors formed by the injected cells grow as localized, encapsulated masses, and host cell admixture due to elements of the vascular system in the tumor is variable but not extensive. Pure cultures of the original cell type can easily be recovered from the tumors if they are derived from previously established cell lines. The use of nude mice for large scale growth of animal cells is particularly advantageous for cell lines which are not adapted to mass suspension culture for highly differentiated functional tumor cells which cannot be grown in vitro.  相似文献   

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