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The extra- and intramitochondrial phosphorylation potentials (ΔGp(out) and ΔGp(in), respectively) generated by respiring Ehrlich ascites tumor mitochondria were determined, using succinate, pyruvate + malate, ascorbate + N,N,N′,N′-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine, and ascorbate + ferrocyanide as substrate systems. Values of ΔGp(out) exceeding 15 kcal mol?1 (62.8 kJ mol?1) in post-ADP state 4 respiration were found with succinate as substrate, in agreement with data on normal rat liver mitochondria. ΔGp(out) values exceeding 15 kcal mol?1 (62.8 kJ mol?1) were also observed with ascorbate + TMPD or ascorbate + ferrocyanide as substrates. Slightly lower values of ΔGp(out) were found with the NAD-linked substrates pyruvate + malate. The intramitochondrial ΔGp(in) developed by respiring Ehrlich ascites tumor mitochondria respiring on succinate approached 12 kcal mol?1 (50.2 kJ mol?1), in agreement with reported values on rat liver mitochondria. The prior accumulation of Ca2+ and phosphate by the Ehrlich cell mitochondria did not lower the extramitochondrial ΔGp(out) developed after a subsequent addition of ADP. Although the rate of oxidative phosphorylation of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells is reduced by intramitochondrial Ca2+ and phosphate (Villalobo and Lehninger (1980) J. Biol. Chem., 255, 2457–2464) they are still capable of generating ATP in the suspending medium against a high thermodynamic gradient, as expressed by the [ATP]/[ADP][Pi]mass action ratio.  相似文献   

A phosphorylation potential deltaGp, where deltaGp = deltaGo' + RT2.303 log ([ATP]/([ADP][Pi])), of approx. 44.3 kJ.mol-1 (10.6 kcal.mol-1) was generated by submitochondrial particles that were oxidizing either NADH or succinate. Addition of adenylyl imidodiphosphate, which should suppress adenosine triphosphatase activity of any uncoupled particles, did not raise the phosphorylation potential. Raising the Pi concentration slightly increased the magnitude of the value for [ATP]/[ADP], but this did not fully compensate for the increased Pi concentration, so that the phosphorylation potential decreased slightly as the Pi concentration was raised. The phosphorylation potential developed by submitochondrial particles is lower than that generated by phosphorylating membrane vesicles from some bacteria, and is also less than that developed externally by mitochondria, but is strikingly close to the phosphorylation potential that is generated internally by mitochondria.  相似文献   

1. The concentration of specific oligomycin-binding sites in rat-liver mitochondria is 0.12 nmole/mg protein, whereas at least 10-times more oligomycin can be bound non-specifically.

2. The activity of oligomycin-inhibited processes in intact mitochondria and submitochondrial particles cannot be restored by treatment with egg lecithin or mitochondrial phospholipids.

3. Analysis of the kinetics of inhibition of State-3 respiration by oligomycin reveals that (i) after a certain lag period the inhibition by oligomycin is pseudo-first order with respect to the respiratory-control ratio, defined as the ratio of the respiratory rate at time t to that of the final inhibited site, (ii) the value of the pseudo-first-order rate constant (k0) is dependent on the oligomycin: protein ratio, phospholipid: protein ratio, pH and temperature, (iii) the effects of various substrates and inhibitors of electron transfer on the kinetics of oligomycin inhibition can be explained by their effects on respiratory control.

4. A detailed model is proposed for the interaction of oligomycin with mitochondria. It is proposed that two conformations of the oligomycin-sensitive site are present, and that oligomycin specifically binds to the conformation that is involved in the induction of respiratory control.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out with intact mitochondria isolated from human astrocytoma, oat cell carcinoma and melanoma which were propagated in athymic mice. These human tumor mitochondria were capable of coupled oxidative phosphorylation. They also showed significant uncoupler-stimulated ATPase if defatted bovine serum albumin was included in the assay media. However, the uncoupler response curves were different and the magnitude of the ATPase activity was lower than could be obtained with mitochondria of a normal tissue, such as liver. Some of these characteristics were also exhibited by mitochondria from several animal hepatomas and Ehrlich ascites tumor. In the three tumors studied, mitochondria from oat cell carcinoma were more labile, whereas higher respiratory control ratios and greater stimulation of ATPase by uncouplers were obtained with melanoma mitochondria.The mitochondrial ATPase was not the major cellular ATPase in any of the three tumors. This was indicated by a low inhibition of the ATPase activity of tumor cell homogenates by oligomycin. A very large fraction of the cellular ATPase activities was recovered in the microsomal fractions.  相似文献   

Isolated pig heart mitochondria were found to form phosphocreatine continuously at the rate of 12.5 +/- 1.8 nmol per min per mg of the mitochondrial protein in the respiration medium without externally added adenine nucleotides, and its formation rate showed a concentration dependency with respect to creatine and phosphate. The synthesis of phosphocreatine was completely inhibited by antimycin, FCCP (carbonyl cyanide-p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone), and atractyloside. However, oligomycin had no effect on the rate of phosphocreatine formation. These results are discussed in terms of a model that heart mitochondrial creatine kinase is functionally coupled to the oxidative phosphorylating system via the action of the adenine nucleotide translocase.  相似文献   

Inge Romslo  Torgeir Flatmark 《BBA》1975,387(1):80-94
1. Depending on the metabolic state, the addition of iron(III)-sucrose induces an inhibition or a stimulation of the respiration rate when added to isolated rat liver mitochondria.2. Under conditions identical to those used in the accumulation studies (Romslo, I. and Flatmark, T. (1973) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 305, 29?40), the ferric complex induces a decrease in the oxygen uptake concomitant to an oxidation of cytochromes c (+c1) and a (+a3). These results suggest that ferric iron is reduced to ferrous iron by the respiratory chain prior to or simultaneously with its energy-dependent accumulation.3. On the other hand, the addition of iron(III)-sucrose induces a stimulation of respiration in State 4 and State 3 provided Mg2+ is present in the suspending medium. In contrast to Ca2+, iron stimulates State 4 respiration in a cyclic process only within narrow concentration limits; at concentrations of iron above 100 μM the respiration remains in the activated state until anaerobiosis. The stimulation of State 4 respiration is more pronounced with succinate than with NAD-linked substrates, a difference which partly may be attributed to a stimulation of the succinate dehydrogenase complex.4. The stimulation of respiration by iron is approx. 3 times higher in State 3 than in State 4 and this difference can be attributed to a stimulation of the adenine nucleotide exchange reaction in State 3 with a concomitant increase in the rate of oxidative phosphorylation, although the PO ratio is slightly diminished.  相似文献   

Inge Romslo 《BBA》1975,387(1):69-79
1. The energy-dependent accumulation of iron by isolated rat liver mitochondria, respiring on endogenous substrates, is strongly dependent on the efficiency of energy coupling in the respiratory chain as measured by respiratory control with ADP and the endogenous energy dissipation. The accumulation reached a saturation level at respiratory control with ADP values (with succinate as the substrate) of approx. 4.0.2. In the presence of exogenous substrate, the energy-dependent accumulation of iron was markedly reduced, primarily due to binding of iron as carboxylate complexes having less favourable dissociation constants than the iron(III)-sucrose complex(es).3. The effect of added ATP was at least 2-fold, i.e. that of providing energy and that of chelating iron. When the mitochondria respired on endogenous substrate, the energy-dependent accumulation of iron increased at low concentrations of ATP, whereas higher concentrations (> 50 μM) gradually inhibited the uptake.4. Energization of the mitochondria by the generation of an artificial K+ gradient across the inner membrane with valinomycin in a K+-free medium increased the energy-dependent accumulation of iron.  相似文献   

R.M. Bertina  E.C. Slater 《BBA》1975,376(3):492-504
1. The effects of phosphate and electron transport on the ATPase induced in ratliver mitochondria by the uncoupler carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone have been measured at different uncoupler concentrations and compared with those of ATP, oligomycin and aurovertin.

2. The inhibitory action of respiratory-chain inhibitors on the ATPase activity, which is independent of the actual inhibitor used, is greatly delayed or prevented by the presence of uncoupler, and, in the case of rotenone, can be reversed completely by the subsequent addition of succinate (in the absence of uncoupler). These results can be explained on the basis of the proposal previously made by others that coupled electron transfer causes a structural change in the ATPase complex that results in a decreased affinity of the ATPase inhibitor for the mitochondrial ATPase.

3. Inorganic phosphate specifically stimulates the ATPase activity at high uncoupler concentrations (> 0.2 μM), but has no effect at low concentrations. The stimulation is prevented or abolished by sufficiently high concentrations of aurovertin.

4. Aurovertin prevents the inhibition of the uncoupler-induced ATPase by high uncoupler concentrations.

5. It is proposed that the steady-state concentration of endogenous Pi may be an important regulator of the turnover of the ATPase in intact mitochondria and that the inhibition of ATPase activity by high concentrations of uncoupler is at least partially mediated via changes in the concentration of endogenous Pi.  相似文献   

The binding of different uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation to rat-liver mitochondria was measured. At pH 7.2 and about 0.7 mg mitochondrial protein/ml the percentage bound of the uncoupler added was 84% for 2,3,4,5,6-pentachlorophenol (PCP), 40% for carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone (FCCP), 35% for 4,5,6,7-tetrachloro-2-trifluoromethylbenzimidazole (TTFB), 4% for α′,α′-bis (hexafluoroacetonyl)acetone (1799), and less than 4% for 2,4-dinitrophenol. These percentages are constant up to amounts of uncoupler added several times the one needed for maximal uncoupling. The values found for FCCP and TTFB are in contradiction to the proposed stoichiometric interaction of uncouplers with the coupling sites of the mitochondrial membrane.From titration experiments of the rate of O2 uptake by rat-liver mitochondria in State 4 as a function of the uncoupler concentration in the presence of albumin or of different types of liposomes the conclusion is drawn that the negative surface charge of the mitochondrial phospholipids may be an important parameter in determining the binding of anionic uncouplers to rat-liver mitochondria.  相似文献   

Changes in fluorescence of 3,3′-dipropylthiodicarbocyanine iodide which had been equilibrated with suspensions of the wild-type yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and of respiration-deficient mutants were followed. The changes have been attributed to changes of yeast membrane potentials, since the fluorescence with wild-type yeast could be affected in a predictable manner by uncouplers and the pore-forming agent nystatin. As in other systems, a rise of steady-state fluorescence was ascribed to depolarization and a drop of the fluorescence to hyperpolarization. (1) A considerable rise in steady-state fluorescence was brought about by addition of antimycin A or some other mitochondrial inhibitors to respiring cells. A major part of the composite membrane potential monitored in intact yeast cells appeared to be represented by the membrane potential of mitochondria. (2) Addition of D-glucose and of other substrates of hexokinase, including non-metabolizable 2-deoxy-D-glucose, induced a two-phase response of fluorescence, indicating transient depolarization followed by repolarization. Such a response was not elicited by other sugars which had been reported to be transported into the cells by a glucose carrier or by D-galactose in galactose-adapted cells. The depolarization was explained by electrogenic ATP exit from mitochondria to replenish the ATP consumed in the hexokinase reaction and the repolarization by subsequent activation of respiration. (3) In non-respiring cells only a drop in fluorescence was induced by glucose and this was ascribed to an ATP-dependent polarization of the plasma membrane. (4) Steady-state fluorescence in suspensions of respiration-deficient mutants, lacking cytochrome a, cytochrome b, or both, was high and remained unaffected by uncouplers and nystatin. This indicates that membranes of the mutants may have been entirely depolarized. A partial polarization, apparently restricted to the plasma membrane, could be achieved by glucose addition.  相似文献   

Enzymic and ultrasonic methods for isolating a respiring mitochondrial fraction from chick epiphyseal cartilage were evaluated. It was found that sonication was the method of choice. Utilizing the “Polytron,” a fraction with elevated cytochrome oxidase activity was obtained. The effects of ADP, DNP, and oligomycin on oxygen consumption indicated that mitochondria in this fraction were biochemically intact and were performing coupled oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Baker's yeast mitochondrial cytochrome b-564 is characterized by exhibiting both a labile pH-independent high-potential form (E'o, pH 7 = + 190 mV) and a stable pH-dependent (pKa = 6.8) low-potential form (E'o, pH 7 = + 70 mV). The different behavior of these two forms of cytochrome b-564 versus pH seems to be a decisive factor for transduction of redox energy into acid-base energy in oxidative phosphorylation site 2. Deenergizing treatments, such as ADP plus Pi, result in the conversion of all the mitochondrial cytochrome b-564 into its low-potential form, whereas energization with ATP specifically transforms the cytochrome into its high-potential form, the ATP effect being neutralized by the ATPase inhibitor oligomycin and by the uncoupler FCCP. Accordingly, a minimal model for coupling between redox energy and acid-base energy through an electronically energized and protonated ferricytochrome b-564 intermediate is proposed. The energy-transducing properties of mitochondrial cytochrome b-564 seems to be shared by chloroplast cytochrome b-559.  相似文献   

The buffer requirements to maintain mitochondrial intactness and membrane potential in in vitro studies were investigated, using gradient purified yeast mitochondria. It was found that the presence of phosphate is crucial for generation of a stable membrane potential and for preserving the intactness of the outer membrane, as assessed by probing the accessibility of Tom40p to trypsin and the leakage of cytochrome b2 from the intermembrane space. Upon addition of respiratory substrate in the absence of phosphate, mitochondria generate a membrane potential that collapses within 1 min. Under the same conditions, the mitochondrial outer membrane is disrupted. The presence of phosphate prevents both phenomena. The DeltapH component of the proton motive force appears to be responsible for the compromised outer membrane integrity. The collapse of the membrane potential is reversible to a limited extent. Only when phosphate is added soon enough after the addition of exogenous respiratory substrate can a stable membrane potential be obtained again. Within a few minutes, this capacity is lost. The presence of Mg(2+) prevents rupture of the outer membrane, but does not prevent rapid dissipation of the membrane potential. Similar results were obtained for mitochondria isolated and stored in the presence of dextran or bovine serum albumin.  相似文献   

It has been found that oligomycin inhibits up to at least 50% state-4 mitochondrial respiration. A time dependence of oligomycin inhibition has been shown. A titration curve for state-4 respiration of sigmoidal profile has been presented. The possibility of misreading this oligomycin effect, so far never reported, has been excluded by evaluating the quality of mitochondrial preparations used in respect to their morphological, functional and electrochemical properties. The conclusion has therefore been put forward that the most part of respiration in steady-state-4 is driven by ATP synthesis.  相似文献   

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