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The RNA-binding protein Sam68 is involved in apoptosis, but its cellular mRNA targets and its mechanism of action remain unknown. We demonstrate that Sam68 binds the mRNA for Bcl-x and affects its alternative splicing. Depletion of Sam68 by RNA interference caused accumulation of antiapoptotic Bcl-x(L), whereas its up-regulation increased the levels of proapoptotic Bcl-x(s). Tyrosine phosphorylation of Sam68 by Fyn inverted this effect and favored the Bcl-x(L) splice site selection. A point mutation in the RNA-binding domain of Sam68 influenced its splicing activity and subnuclear localization. Moreover, coexpression of ASF/SF2 with Sam68, or fusion with an RS domain, counteracted Sam68 splicing activity toward Bcl-x. Finally, Sam68 interacted with heterogenous nuclear RNP (hnRNP) A1, and depletion of hnRNP A1 or mutations that impair this interaction attenuated Bcl-x(s) splicing. Our results indicate that Sam68 plays a role in the regulation of Bcl-x alternative splicing and that tyrosine phosphorylation of Sam68 by Src-like kinases can switch its role from proapoptotic to antiapoptotic in live cells.  相似文献   

细胞通过基因表达调控来应对外界刺激,其中影响mRNA稳定性及翻译效率的转录后调控发挥重要作用。RNA结合蛋白(RNA binding proteins, RBPs)是介导转录后调控的重要分子,Sam68(SRC associated in mitosis of 68 kD)是集信号转导特性与RNA激活功能于一身的RNA结合蛋白,参与转录、可变剪接及核输出等mRNA 的代谢过程,且Sam68可通过信号通路参与细胞应答、细胞周期调控和疾病发生等。最新研究表明,Sam68可通过非编码RNAs(noncoding RNA, ncRNAs)参与表观遗传、转录与转录后调控。本文在介绍Sam68结构和转录后修饰的基础上,着重讨论Sam68在信号转导、可变剪接、ncRNAs代谢、疾病发生等方面的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

Protein kinases associated with the transforming proteins of a number of retroviruses are specific for tyrosine. Several proteins in cells transformed by these viruses are phosphorylated at tyrosine. We have now identified three unrelated abundant nonphosphorylated cellular proteins of 46,000, 39,000 and 28,000 daltons in chick embryo cells, which are the unphosphorylated forms of phosphotyrosine-containing proteins and thus are substrates for tyrosine protein kinases. By two-dimensional gel analysis, we have found that the 46,000-dalton protein exists in two unphosphorylated forms of which the more acidic is a minor species. This latter form is phosphorylated, chiefly at serine, in both normal and transformed cells, generating a yet more acidic species. In transformed but not normal cells, the major form is phosphorylated at tyrosine and serine, yielding a fourth isoelectric variant. The 46,000-dalton unphosphorylated protein has been partially purified, and antiserum to it recognizes all four isoelectric variants of the protein. The 39,000-dalton protein has two unphosphorylated forms of which the more acidic is a minor species. The major form is phosphorylated at tyrosine and serine in transformed cells only. The 39,000-dalton unphosphorylated protein has been partially purified, and antiserum raised to it recognizes all three isoelectric variants. The 28,000-dalton protein has a single phosphorylated form which contains serine in normal cells, but both serine and tyrosine in transformed cells.  相似文献   

RNA binding proteins often contain multiple arginine glycine repeats, a sequence that is frequently methylated by protein arginine methyltransferases. The role of this posttranslational modification in the life cycle of RNA binding proteins is not well understood. Herein, we report that Sam68, a heteronuclear ribonucleoprotein K homology domain containing RNA binding protein, associates with and is methylated in vivo by the protein arginine N-methyltransferase 1 (PRMT1). Sam68 contains asymmetrical dimethylarginines near its proline motif P3 as assessed by using a novel asymmetrical dimethylarginine-specific antibody and mass spectrometry. Deletion of the methylation sites and the use of methylase inhibitors resulted in Sam68 accumulation in the cytoplasm. Sam68 was also detected in the cytoplasm of PRMT1-deficient embryonic stem cells. Although the cellular function of Sam68 is unknown, it has been shown to export unspliced human immunodeficiency virus RNAs. Cells treated with methylase inhibitors prevented the ability of Sam68 to export unspliced human immunodeficiency virus RNAs. Other K homology domain RNA binding proteins, including SLM-1, SLM-2, QKI-5, GRP33, and heteronuclear ribonucleoprotein K were also methylated in vivo. These findings demonstrate that RNA binding proteins are in vivo substrates for PRMT1, and their methylation is essential for their proper localization and function.  相似文献   

Sam68, Src associated in mitosis of 68 kDa, is a known RNA-binding protein and a signaling adaptor protein for tyrosine kinases. However, the proteins associated with Sam68 and the existence of a Sam68 complex, its mass, and regulation are, however, unknown. Herein we identify a large Sam68 complex with a mass >1 MDa in HeLa cells that is composed of ∼40 proteins using an immunoprecipitation followed by a mass spectrometry approach. Many of the proteins identified are RNA-binding proteins and are known components of a previously identified structure termed the spreading initiation center. The large Sam68 complex is a ribonucleoprotein complex, as treatment with RNases caused a shift in the molecular mass of the complex to 200–450 kDa. Moreover, treatment of HeLa cells with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate or epidermal growth factor induced the disassociation of Sam68 from the large complex and the appearance of Sam68 within the smaller complex. Actually, in certain cell lines such as breast cancer cell lines MCF-7 and BT-20, Sam68 exists in equilibrium between a large and a small complex. The appearance of the small Sam68 complex in cells correlates with the ability of Sam68 to promote the alternative splicing of CD44 and cell migration. Our findings show that Sam68 exists in equilibrium in transformed cells between two complexes and that extracellular signals, such as epidermal growth factor stimulation, promote alternative splicing by modulating the composition of the Sam68 complex.  相似文献   

Recently we reported that osmotic shock increased the insulin-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of a 68-kDa RNA-binding protein in 3T3-L1 adipocytes (Hresko, R. C., and Mueckler, M. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 18114-18120). In this present study we have identified, by MALDI mass spectrometry, pp68 as the tyrosine-phosphorylated form of synaptotagmin-binding cytoplasmic RNA-interacting protein (SYNCRIP)/NSAP1, a newly discovered cytoplasmic RNA-binding protein. Both SYNCRIP and pp68 were enriched in free polysomes found in low density microsomes isolated from 3T3-L1 adipocytes. In vitro phosphorylation studies revealed that SYNCRIP, once extracted from low density microsomes, can be tyrosine phosphorylated using purified insulin receptor. Binding of RNA to SYNCRIP specifically inhibited its in vitro phosphorylation but had no effect on receptor autophosphorylation or on the ability of the receptor to phosphorylate a model substrate, RCM-lysozyme. These results raise the possibility that regulation of mRNA translation or stability by insulin may involve the phosphorylation of SYNCRIP.  相似文献   

Defects in RNA-binding proteins have been implicated in human genetic disorders. However, efforts in understanding the functions of these proteins have been hampered by the inability to obtain their mRNA substrates. To identify cognate cellular mRNAs associated with an RNA-binding protein, we devised a strategy termed isolation of specific nucleic acids associated with proteins (SNAAP). The SNAAP technique allows isolation and subsequent identification of these mRNAs. To assess the validity of this approach, we utilized cellular mRNA and protein from K562 cells and alphaCP1, a protein implicated in a-globin mRNA stability, as a model system. Immobilization of an RNA-binding protein with the glutathione-S-transferase (GST) domain enables isolation of mRNA within an mRNP context and the identity of the bound mRNAs is determined by the differential display assay. The specificity of protein-RNA interactions was considerably enhanced when the interactions were carried out in the presence of cellular extract rather than purified components. Two of the mRNAs specifically bound by alphaCP1 were mRNAs encoding the transmembrane receptor protein, TAPA-1, and the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit II enzyme, coxII. A specific poly(C)-sensitive complex formed on the TAPA-1 and coxII 3' UTRs consistent with the binding of aCP1. Furthermore, direct binding of purified alphaCP proteins to these 3' UTRs was demonstrated and the binding sites determined. These results support the feasibility of the SNAAP technique and suggest a broad applicability for the approach in identifying mRNA targets for clinically relevant RNA-binding proteins that will provide insights into their possible functions.  相似文献   

The Src substrate associated in mitosis of 68 kDa (Sam68) is a KH-type RNA binding protein that has been shown to regulate several aspects of RNA metabolism; however, its physiologic role has remained elusive. Herein we report the generation of Sam68-null mice by homologous recombination. Aged Sam68−/− mice preserved their bone mass, in sharp contrast with 12-month-old wild-type littermates in which bone mass was decreased up to approximately 75%. In fact, the bone volume of the 12-month-old Sam68−/− mice was virtually indistinguishable from that of 4-month-old wild-type or Sam68−/− mice. Sam68−/− bone marrow stromal cells had a differentiation advantage for the osteogenic pathway. Moreover, the knockdown of Sam68 using short hairpin RNA in the embryonic mesenchymal multipotential progenitor C3H10T1/2 cells resulted in more pronounced expression of the mature osteoblast marker osteocalcin when differentiation was induced with bone morphogenetic protein-2. Cultures of mouse embryo fibroblasts generated from Sam68+/+ and Sam68−/− littermates were induced to differentiate into adipocytes with culture medium containing pioglitazone and the Sam68−/− mouse embryo fibroblasts shown to have impaired adipocyte differentiation. Furthermore, in vivo it was shown that sections of bone from 12-month-old Sam68−/− mice had few marrow adipocytes compared with their age-matched wild-type littermate controls, which exhibited fatty bone marrow. Our findings identify endogenous Sam68 as a positive regulator of adipocyte differentiation and a negative regulator of osteoblast differentiation, which is consistent with Sam68 being a modulator of bone marrow mesenchymal cell differentiation, and hence bone metabolism, in aged mice.  相似文献   

RNA-binding protein Dnd1 inhibits microRNA access to target mRNA   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are inhibitors of gene expression capable of controlling processes in normal development and cancer. In mammals, miRNAs use a seed sequence of 6-8 nucleotides (nt) to associate with 3' untranslated regions (3'UTRs) of mRNAs and inhibit their expression. Intriguingly, occasionally not only the miRNA-targeting site but also sequences in its vicinity are highly conserved throughout evolution. We therefore hypothesized that conserved regions in mRNAs may serve as docking platforms for modulators of miRNA activity. Here we demonstrate that the expression of dead end 1 (Dnd1), an evolutionary conserved RNA-binding protein (RBP), counteracts the function of several miRNAs in human cells and in primordial germ cells of zebrafish by binding mRNAs and prohibiting miRNAs from associating with their target sites. These effects of Dnd1 are mediated through uridine-rich regions present in the miRNA-targeted mRNAs. Thus, our data unravel a novel role of Dnd1 in protecting certain mRNAs from miRNA-mediated repression.  相似文献   

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