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Distichodus antonii is an endemic fish species of the Congo River basin in which the stocks of wild populations are threatened by overfishing pressure. Knowledge of its reproductive biology would be useful in consideration of conservation and management options for the species. Therefore, this study investigated changes in ovarian activity and levels of steroid profiles in wild populations in relation to variation in temperature and rainfall. Adult females (n = 101, body weight of 3 183 ± 14.75 g, SE) were captured monthly over one year (2013–2014). Apart from evaluation of oocyte diameters and gonad developmental stages, gonado-, hepato-, lipososomatic indices (GSI, HSI, LSI) and plasma levels of sex steroids (testosterone-T, estradiol-17β-E2) were determined. The results suggested a synchronous development of oocytes with two annual reproductive seasons over the one-year study. Plasma T and E2 levels peaked during spawning periods likely reflecting active oogenesis. The highest values of morphosomatic indices were observed during the longest rainfall period in September, and were associated with high steroidogenic activity evidenced by increased E2 production. In addition, more vitellogenic oocytes (September and October) were observed during the latter season than during the short rainy season (in May).  相似文献   

Proportions of maturing fish and reproductive output [egg size, relative fecundity, spermatocrit and gonado‐somatic index ( I G)] were studied in repeat‐spawning (+4 year old) male and female Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus , subjected to periods of fasting. Groups of individually tagged Arctic charr were fasted for c . 3, 6, 7 and 9 months, from November 1998. In the period February to November 1999, size (fork length and mass), specific growth rate ( G ), condition factor ( K ) and plasma concentrations of growth hormone (GH), insulin‐like growth factor I (IGF‐I), oestradiol‐17β(E2; females) and 11‐ketotestosterone (11KT; males), were monitored monthly. Maturing fish in each group started to gain mass soon after food was made available, and both sexes reached the highest K and G c . 2 months after the onset of feeding. The fasting regimes resulted in different growth patterns during spring and summer when energy stores are normally replenished in Arctic charr, and K prior to the breeding season was significantly higher in the groups fasted for 3 and 6 months compared to the groups fasted for 7 and 9 months. There were significant positive correlations between K during the period prior to the breeding season and reproductive output in terms of the I G, spermatocrit and relative fecundity. There was, however, no clear relationship between the length of starvation and the proportion of maturing fish. Likewise, no clear relationships were found between reproductive development and plasma levels of GH and IGF‐I, although both showed marked seasonal changes, being 'down‐regulated' during winter months and 'up‐regulated' throughout summer months.  相似文献   

Eight pairs of simple sequence repeat markers were developed from random amplified polymorphic DNA product in black sea bream Acanthopagrus schlegeli. Twenty microsatellites were selected for designing microsatellite primers, of which eight gave working primer pairs. They had between three and seven alleles. Observed and expected heterozygosities varied from 0.65 to 0.90, and from 0.58 to 0.82, respectively. Eight additional fish species assessed for cross‐species amplification revealed between two and five positive amplifications and between zero and three polymorphic loci per species.  相似文献   

Reproductively active female red gurnard Chelidonichthys kumu were captured on long-lines, and placed in confinement tanks for 24, 48, 72 and 96 h to examine the effect of capture and confinement on reproductive parameters (experiment I). Plasma cortisol at the time of capture was elevated to levels typical of stressed fish in other species (53–125 ng ml−1). Final plasma cortisol levels in red gurnard confined for any length of time were not significantly different from one another (ranging from 17 to 43 ng ml−1), indicating that fish were chronically stressed when held in captivity for up to 96 h after capture. When initial and final plasma cortisol levels were compared within confinement groups, cortisol decreased significantly after 24 and 96 h of confinement indicating that some acclimation to captivity may have occurred. In contrast, plasma 17β-estradiol (E2) and testosterone (T) levels decreased significantly to levels comparable to those in post-spawned fish, after any period of confinement, and remained low throughout the experiment. Another group of fish was captured and confined in the same manner as experiment I but subjected to repeated blood sampling every 24 h, until 96 h post-capture. In these fish, plasma cortisol levels decreased significantly from 127 ng ml−1 after 24 h confinement and thereafter showed no change (25–45 ng ml−1). Plasma E2 decreased significantly after 72 h of confinement while plasma T showed no change from levels at capture. Increased amounts of follicular atresia were found in vitellogenic oocytes of fish confined for longer periods of time in experiment I, indicating that capture and confinement stress affect reproduction negatively in captive wild fish.  相似文献   

Two experiments were carried out in which male and female tench Tinca tinca were placed in individual containers and tritiated steroids then added to the water. Water samples were collected over the next 6 or 7 h and the fish then sacrificed, bled and the gall bladder removed. Radioactivity was counted in all the samples. Over the course of the exposure period in the first experiment (7 h), radioactivity of 11‐ketotestosterone (11‐KT) in the water was depleted by 11%, 17,20β‐dihydroxypregn‐4‐en‐3‐one (17,20ß‐P) and 17,20α‐dihydroxypregn‐4‐en‐3‐one (17,20α‐P) by 28%, testosterone (T) by 56% and androstenedione (AD) by 68%. HPLC analysis of water samples at 3 h indicated that none of the steroids was extensively metabolized during the experiment. Females had a faster rate of uptake of AD than males. In the second experiment (6 h), radioactivity of cortisol in the water was depleted by 5%, 11‐KT by 7%, 17‐hydroxypregnen‐4‐ene (17‐P) by 17%, 17β‐oestradiol (E2) by 35%, T by 37% and AD by 44%. In both experiments, the amounts of radioactivity that were recovered from the gall bladder and plasma were positively correlated with the rate of disappearance of radioactivity from the water. The ability of the steroids to bind to sex steroid binding protein (SBP) of tench plasma was tested by incubating plasma with radioactive steroids and then separating bound and free with ice cold dextran‐coated charcoal. When plasma at a final dilution of 1 : 60 (v/v) was incubated with 5 nM of each steroid, the percentage of radiolabel bound to SBP was: T 48% AD 44%, E2 30%, 17‐P 17%, 11‐KT 13·2%, 17,20α‐P 10·3%, 17,20β‐P 4·5% and cortisol 0%. Saturation analysis established dissociation constants (Kd; mean ± s .e .) of 3·4 ± 0·4, 2·2 ± 0·2, 4·0 ± 0·3. 9·0 ± 2·8 and 51·8 nM and binding capacities (Bmax) of 201 ± 29, 201 ± 33, 165 ± 3, 187 ± 15 and 13·4 nM for T, AD, E2,17‐P and 17,20β‐P respectively. The ability of steroids to displace tritiated T and AD from SBP was in the rank order AD > T > E2 > 17,20αP = 17,20β‐P = 11‐KT = 17‐P > cortisol. Thus, the ability of tench plasma to bind certain steroids showed a relatively strong correlation with the ability of the fish to take up these steroids from water. Modelling of data for AD and 17,20β‐P helped to show why and how plasma binding had a strong influence on the rate of uptake (and hence release) of the steroids.  相似文献   

Excitable temperament disrupts physiological events required for reproductive development in cattle, but no research has investigated the impacts of temperament on growth and puberty attainment in Bos indicus females. Hence, this experiment evaluated the effects of temperament on growth, plasma cortisol concentrations and puberty attainment in B. indicus heifers. A total of 170 Nelore heifers, weaned 4 months before the beginning of this experiment (days 0 to 91), were managed in two groups of 82 and 88 heifers each (mean ± SE; initial BW=238±2 kg, initial age=369±1 days across groups). Heifer temperament was evaluated via exit velocity on day 0. Individual exit score was calculated within each group by dividing exit velocity into quintiles and assigning heifers with a score from 1 to 5 (1=slowest; 5=fastest heifer). Heifers were classified according to exit score as adequate (ADQ, n=96; exit score⩽3) or excitable temperament (EXC, n=74; exit score>3). Heifer BW, body condition score (BCS) and blood samples were obtained on days 0, 31, 60 and 91. Heifer exit velocity and score were recorded again on days 31, 60 and 91. Ovarian transrectal ultrasonography was performed on days 0 and 10, 31 and 41, 60 and 70, 81 and 91 for puberty evaluation. Heifer was declared pubertal at the first 10-day interval in which a corpus luteum was detected. Exit velocity and exit score obtained on day 0 were correlated (r⩾0.64, P<0.01) with evaluations on days 31, 60 and 91. During the experiment, ADQ had greater (P<0.01) mean BCS and BW gain, and less (P<0.01) mean plasma cortisol concentration compared with EXC heifers. Temperament × time interactions were detected (P<0.01) for exit velocity and exit score, which were always greater (P<0.01) in EXC v. ADQ heifers. A temperament × time interaction was also detected (P=0.03) for puberty attainment, which was delayed in EXC v. ADQ heifers. At the end of the experiment, a greater (P<0.01) proportion of ADQ were pubertal compared with EXC heifers. In summary, B. indicus heifers classified as EXC had reduced growth, increased plasma cortisol concentrations and hindered puberty attainment compared to ADQ heifers. Moreover, exit velocity may serve as temperament selection criteria to optimize development of B. indicus replacement heifers.  相似文献   

Following four different surgical procedures in lambs 3-5 weeks old, plasma immunoreactive beta-endorphin (beta-EP) and cortisol were assayed at 15 min and 24 h as determinants of post-operative stress. A threefold increase in mean plasma beta-EP levels occurred 15 min after tail docking, and a maximal eight- to tenfold increase occurred in response to castration and/or mulesing with tail docking. Significant increments in mean plasma cortisol levels followed these surgical procedures with the maximal response 15 min after mulesing plus castration with tail docking. The physiologically active 'free' cortisol in plasma represents about 25% of the cortisol, as measured, and the two are highly correlated. At 24 h, beta-EP levels in all treated groups were similar to controls, although a small elevation in cortisol levels was still present in the lambs subjected to mulesing. Ultrafiltration of plasma extracts showed that peak beta-EP levels contained about 40% immunoreactivity from low molecular weight species (mol. wt less than 10,000). By specific radioimmunoassay and reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography this comprised about 75% beta-EP1-31, the most potent analgesic endorphin, 10% beta-EP1-27, and 15% alpha-N-acetyl-beta-EP. Increased beta-EP1-31 levels may modulate post-operative pain in lambs.  相似文献   

Understanding the mating system and reproductive success of a species provides evidence for sexual selection. We examined the mating system and the reproductive success of captive adult black sea bream (Acanthopagrus schlegelii), using parentage assignment based on two microsatellites multiplex PCR systems, with 91.5% accuracy in a mixed family (29 sires, 25 dams, and 200 offspring). Based on the parentage result, we found that 93.1% of males and 100% of females participated in reproduction. A total of 79% of males and 92% of females mated with multiple partners (only 1 sire and 1 dam were monogamous), indicating that polygynandry best described the genetic mating system of black sea bream. For males, maximizing the reproductive success by multiple mating was accorded with the sexual selection theory while the material benefits hypothesis may contribute to explain the multiple mating for females. For both sexes, there was a significant correlation between mating success and reproductive success and the variance in reproductive success of males was higher than females. Variation in mating success is the greatest determinant to variation in reproductive success when the relationship is strongly positive. The opportunity for sexual selection of males was twice that of females, as well as the higher slope of the Bateman curve in males suggested that the intensity of intrasexual selection of males was higher than females. Thus, male–male competition would lead to the greater variation of mating success for males, which caused greater variation in reproductive success in males. The effective population number of breeders (Nb) was 33, and the Nb/N ratio was 0.61, slightly higher than the general ratio in polygynandrous fish populations which possibly because most individuals mated and had offspring with a low variance. The relatively high Nb contributes to the maintenance of genetic diversity in farmed black sea bream populations.  相似文献   

In laboratory-held Tilapia zillii the gonadosomatic index ( I G) is an accurate predictor of dominance in pairwise fights between males. Immediately after fighting no differences were detected between winners, losers or controls, in plasma concentrations of testosterone (T) or 11-ketotestosterone (11KT). 11KT was correlated negatively with I G and positively with T. 11KT appeared to be the major androgen in this species, but there was no evidence that simple differences in levels of these sex steroids mediated aggressive behaviour.  相似文献   

Gonadal development and plasma levels of sex steroids were investigated in female Arctic charr at 3-week intervals over a 12-month period. Circulating levels of oestradiol-17β (E2), testosterone (T) and 17,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17,20β-P) were measured by radioimmunoassay, and gonadal status assessed through histological examination and measurement of gonadosomatic index (GSI) and frequency distribution of oocyte size-classes. Gonadal recrudescence during March-July was characterized by modest but insignificant increases in plasma levels of E2 (2–4 ng ml?1) and T (2–5 ng ml?1) and recruitment of oocytes into yolk accumulation. Only a small and insignificant rise in GSI and no apparent increase in oocyte diameter occurred during this period, indicating that the rate of yolk formation and oocyte growth was low. Following transformation from stage V (peripheral yolk granule stage) to stage VI (yolk granule migration stage) in late July, the vitellogenic oocytes entered a phase of rapid growth which resulted in a marked rise in GSI until ovulation commenced in late September. Gonadal growth during this period was accompanied by increases in plasma levels of E2 and T which peaked at 11 ± 1 (mid-August) and 71 ± 5ng ml?1 (late September), respectively. The levels of both steroids dropped rapidly during final maturation and ovulation, followed by a surge in plasma levels of 17,20β-P which peaked at an average of 74 ± 17 ng ml?1 in early October. All three steroids returned to basal levels within a month after ovulation, and all steroids, except E2, remained low until March of the following year. A slight increase in E2 detected in February and March during the second season may have been associated with recruitment into vitellogenesis of a new generation of oocytes. It is suggested that the abrupt increase in vitellogenesis in late July may reflect a condition-dependent decision to proceed with maturation, once the energy reserves have been repleted during spring-early summer.  相似文献   

Plasma cortisol, 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OH-P), testosterone (T), 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT, estrone (E1) and estradiol (E2), were measured in 94 normal adult men aged between 20–99. using RIA methods after chromatographic separation of steroids on Sephadex LH-20 columns.All plasma steroids except 17-OH-P, were age dependent: cortisol, testosterone and DHT decreased significantly with age, whereas estrone and estradiol were significantly increased in elderly men. Cortisol, testosterone. T/DHT ratio and estradiol levels were significantly correlated with age.The age related changes of plasma steroids in elderly men, were suggestive of decreased cortisol secretion, and decreased testicular function with increased peripheral conversion of androgens into estrogens. Testosterone was positively correlated with its precursor (17-OH-P) and respectively its peripheral metabolites (DHT and E2). The negative correlation between estrone and 17-OH-P found in elderly men, suggested that increased estrogen level in aging males may be considered able to inhibit the testicular androgen production.  相似文献   

Antioxidant plasma activities of ascorbate, alpha-tocopherol and glutathione peroxidase were analysed in adult male sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, in normal conditions and after hypoxia-recovery. In addition, tank measurements of temperature, pH, salinity and chlorine changes were carried out. Ascorbate and alpha-tocopherol were measured using a high-pressure liquid chromatography method and glutathione peroxidase activity enzymatically. Ascorbate and alpha-tocopherol showed a relationship with the velocity of body growing in normal and hypoxia-recovery conditions. In sea bass exposed to hypoxia, only ascorbate and alpha-tocopherol levels were significantly lower compared with the control group. Slope study and expression percent of antioxidants reduction after stress conditions revealed a predominant role of plasma alpha-tocopherol. Sea bass subjected to variations of salinity and chlorine showed a significant decrease in plasma alpha-tocopherol. A relationship could be suggested between antioxidant defence and fish response in aquaculture.  相似文献   

Isoprene is emitted from leaves of numerous plant species and has important implications for plant metabolism and atmospheric chemistry. The ability to use stored carbon (alternative carbon sources), as opposed to recently assimilated photosynthate, for isoprene production may be important as plants routinely experience photosynthetic depression in response to environmental stress. A CO2‐labelling study was performed and stable isotopes of carbon were used to examine the role of alternative carbon sources in isoprene production in Populus deltoides during conditions of water stress and high leaf temperature. Isotopic fractionation during isoprene production was higher in heat‐ and water‐stressed leaves (?8.5 and ?9.3‰, respectively) than in unstressed controls (?2.5 to ?3.2‰). In unstressed plants, 84–88% of the carbon in isoprene was derived from recently assimilated photosynthate. A significant shift in the isoprene carbon composition from photosynthate to alternative carbon sources was observed only under severe photosynthetic limitation (stomatal conductance < 0.05 mol m?2 s?1). The contribution of photosynthate to isoprene production decreased to 77 and 61% in heat‐ and water‐stressed leaves, respectively. Across water‐ and heat‐stress experiments, allocation of photosynthate was negatively correlated to the ratio of isoprene emission to photosynthesis. In water‐stressed plants, the use of alternative carbon was also related to stomatal conductance. It has been proposed that isoprene emission may be regulated by substrate availability. Thus, understanding carbon partitioning to isoprene production from multiple sources is essential for building predictive models of isoprene emission.  相似文献   

The adaptation of black and polar bears to their environments is proportional to the severity of climate and food restriction. Both black and polar bears mate during the spring, despite differences in their recent metabolic state. Reproductive activity in black bears follows 4 mo of torpor, whereas reproduction in polar bears occurs prior to torpor. The goals of this study were to measure the annual changes in serum sex steroids in male and female black and polar bears, and to determine if changes in serum levels of these steroids were associated with metabolic condition or photoperiod. Serum testosterone (T) concentrations were elevated during spring in black and polar bears. Moreover, this increase in serum T in polar bears during spring was correlated with age and testis size. Serum progesterone (P4) concentrations increased in pregnant polar bears in fall coincident with the time of expected implantation. No increases in serum P4 were observed in nonpregnant black and polar bears. Serum estradiol (E2) was elevated in nonpregnant and pregnant polar bears 2 mo prior to the time of expected implantation. We found that serum sex steroids measured in black and polar bears change independent of torpor. Therefore, our results suggest that photoperiod may be a more important regulator of serum steroid levels and reproduction than metabolic condition.  相似文献   

Cyclic changes of plasma spermine concentrations in women   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on previous studies which suggest that blood polyamines fluctuate during the menstrual cycle, the present study was set to determine whether plasma concentrations of the polyamine spermine show menstrual cycle-associated changes and if so, how these changes relate to phasic variations in other female hormones. Blood samples were collected from a group of 9 healthy women of various ages at 5 defined periods during their menstrual cycle including 1 woman on oral contraceptives. Spermine concentrations were determined in plasma acid extracts by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography method. Plasma estradiol, LH and FSH were measured by microparticle enzyme immunoassay using an automatic analyzer. Spermine concentrations, 104.4 +/- 12.2 nmol/ml at 1-3 day of the cycle, were increased transiently with a peak (263.8 +/- 22.1 nmol/ml) at 8-10 day and declined to 85.4 +/- 29.8 nmol/ml by 21-23 day of the cycle. The peak spermine concentrations coincided with the first increase in plasma estrogen levels. The individual variations in the temporal profile of spermine concentrations were of similar magnitude as individual differences in other female hormones. We conclude that: a) Plasma spermine concentrations undergo distinct cyclic alterations during the menstrual cycle with peak concentrations coinciding with the first estradiol increase, and b) Peak plasma spermine concentrations occur during the follicular phase, just prior to ovulation, during the period of rapid endometrial growth.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(5):511-525

Electromagnetic radiations are reported to produce long-term and short-term biological effects, which are of great concern to human health due to increasing use of devices emitting EMR especially microwave (MW) radiation in our daily life. In view of the unavoidable use of MW emitting devices (microwaves oven, mobile phones, Wi-Fi, etc.) and their harmful effects on biological system, it was thought worthwhile to investigate the long-term effects of low-level MW irradiation on the reproductive function of male Swiss strain mice and its mechanism of action. Twelve-week-old mice were exposed to non-thermal low-level 2.45-GHz MW radiation (CW for 2 h/day for 30 days, power density = 0.029812 mW/cm2 and SAR = 0.018 W/Kg). Sperm count and sperm viability test were done as well as vital organs were processed to study different stress parameters. Plasma was used for testosterone and testis for 3β HSD assay. Immunohistochemistry of 3β HSD and nitric oxide synthase (i-NOS) was also performed in testis. We observed that MW irradiation induced a significant decrease in sperm count and sperm viability along with the decrease in seminiferous tubule diameter and degeneration of seminiferous tubules. Reduction in testicular 3β HSD activity and plasma testosterone levels was also noted in the exposed group of mice. Increased expression of testicular i-NOS was observed in the MW-irradiated group of mice. Further, these adverse reproductive effects suggest that chronic exposure to nonionizing MW radiation may lead to infertility via free radical species-mediated pathway.  相似文献   

Electro‐olfactogram (EOG) recordings of the olfactory epithelium of both male and female roach Rutilus rutilus demonstrated that both sexes were able to detect free and glucuronidated 17,20β‐dihydroxy‐4‐pregnen‐3‐one (17,20β‐P) with high sensitivity. Male, but not female, roach were also sensitive to androstenedione. Sexually mature female roach were shown to release free 17,20β‐P, glucuronidated 17,20β‐P and androstenedione into the water; for all three steroids, the rate of release was significantly enhanced by injection of carp pituitary extract (CPE). A series of trials was also carried out which showed that mature males, and to a lesser extent immature males and females, were able also to release free and glucuronidated 17,20β‐P, both before and after CPE treatment. Water extracts from containers that had held CPE‐treated mature male and female roach were examined for the presence of other steroids. This revealed that free and glucuronidated 17,20β‐P plus free and glucuronidated 17,20β,21‐trihydroxy‐4‐pregnen‐3‐one (17,20β, 21‐P) predominated in water extracts from both sexes. The free moieties of 17,20α‐dihydroxy‐4‐pregnen‐3‐one, 17‐hydroxyprogesterone and 11‐deoxycortisol were found at concentrations which were between four and 20 times lower than those of free 17,20β‐P. Androstenedione was found at concentrations which were 25‐fold lower than those of 17,20β‐P. Despite its apparent high rate of release by sexually mature male and female roach, free 17,20β,21‐P was found not to exhibit any EOG activity at the highest dose tested (10−7 M).  相似文献   

Aging is associated with gradual decline of skeletal muscle strength and mass often leading to diminished muscle quality. This phenomenon is known as sarcopenia and affects about 30% of the over 60-year-old population. Androgens act as anabolic agents regulating muscle mass and improving muscle performance. The role of female sex steroids as well as the ability of skeletal muscle tissue to locally produce sex steroids has been less extensively studied. We show that despite the extensive systemic deficit of sex steroid hormones in postmenopausal compared to premenopausal women, the hormone content of skeletal muscle does not follow the same trend. In contrast to the systemic levels, muscle tissue of post- and premenopausal women had similar concentrations of dehydroepiandrosterone and androstenedione, while the concentrations of estradiol and testosterone were significantly higher in muscle of the postmenopausal women. The presence of steroidogenetic enzymes in muscle tissue indicates that the elevated postmenopausal steroid levels in skeletal muscle are because of local steroidogenesis. The circulating sex steroids were associated with better muscle quality while the muscle concentrations reflected the amount of infiltrated fat within muscle tissue. We conclude that systemically delivered and peripherally produced sex steroids have distinct roles in the regulation of neuromuscular characteristics during aging.  相似文献   

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