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Annona crassiflora Mart. (Annonaceae) is a native fruit species of the region of Brazilian Cerrado with a high agronomic potential, although without any traces of domestication. A set of 10 microsatellite primer pairs was developed from an enriched genome library (TC13). An average of 19.3 alleles per locus was detected. Observed heterozygosity estimates were consistently lower than those obtained for gene diversity, evidencing a departure from Hardy-Weinberg expected proportions. The reported set of markers showed to be highly informative and constitutes a powerful tool for the development of genetic characterization studies in A. crassiflora.  相似文献   

Summary The important advances in coffee biotechnological techniques which have been made particularly during the last 10yr could benefit the coffee breeder in practice and open new perspectives for the development of new varieties. The molecular phylogeny of Coffea species has been established using DNA sequence data. The molecular markers have revealed an extremely reduced genetic diversity in Coffea arabica L. in comparison to C. canephora. However, wild accessions collected in the Ethiopian highlands appeared to constitute a valuable gene reservoir. A complete genetic linkage map of C. canephora was reported and additional ones are being constructed, particularly on C. arabica. The integration of Molecular Assisted Selection in coffee breeding promises to drastically increase the efficiency of breeding programs. Economically important genes of the caffeine biosynthetic pathway or genes encoding for seed storage proteins have been isolated. The high performance already achieved in the in vitro propagation process by somatic embryogenesis offers the possibility to mass propagate superior hybrids in different countries of both C. arabica (selected F1 hybrids) and C. canephora (rootstock variety). Pilot productions by somatic embryogenesis currently permit preparation for commercial application. Somaclonal variation was observed. The percentage of the off-types can vary between 3 and 10% depending on the genotype. Seed cryopreservation enables a routine use for long-term conservation of coffee genetic resources. Transgenic plants have been obtained for the C. arabica and C. canephora cultivated species through Agrobacterium-mediated transformation which constitutes the technique now currently used to transfer directly genes in coffee plants.  相似文献   

Coconut palms of the Tall group were introduced to Brazil from the Cape Verde Islands in 1553. The present study sought to evaluate the genetic diversity among and within Brazilian Tall coconut populations. Samples were collected of 195 trees from 10 populations. Genetic diversity was accessed by investigating 13 simple sequence repeats (SSR) loci. This provided a total of 68 alleles, ranging from 2 to 13 alleles per locus, with an average of 5.23. The mean values of gene diversity (He ) and observed heterozygosity (Ho ) were 0.459 and 0.443, respectively. The genetic differentiation among populations was estimated at θ^P=0.1600and the estimated apparent outcrossing rate was ta = 0.92. Estimates of genetic distances between the populations varied from 0.034 to 0.390. Genetic distance and the corresponding clustering analysis indicate the formation of two groups. The first consists of the Baía Formosa, Georgino Avelino, and São José do Mipibu populations and the second consists of the Japoatã, Pacatuba, and Praia do Forte populations. The correlation matrix between genetic and geographic distances was positive and significant at a 1% probability. Taken together, our results suggest a spatial structuring of the genetic variability among the populations. Geographically closer populations exhibited greater similarities.  相似文献   

The effect of irradiance on the rate of net photosynthesis was measured for mature leaves of coffee grown under five levels of radiation from 100% to 5% daylight. The rate of light-saturated photosynthesis per unit leaf area (PNmax) increased from 2 mol CO2 m-2 s-1 under 5% daylight to 4.4 mol CO2 m-2 s-1 under 100% daylight. The photon flux density (PAR, photosynthetically active radiation) needed for 50% saturation of photosynthesis, as well as the light compensation point, also increased with increasing levels of irradiation during growth. The quantum efficiency of photosynthesis (), measured by the initial slope of the photosynthetic response to increasing irradiance, was greater under shaded growth conditions. The rate of dark respiration was greatest for plants grown in full daylight. On the basis of the increase in the quantal efficiency of photosynthesis and the low light compensation point when grown under shaded conditions, coffee shows high shade adaptation. Plants adjusted to shade by an increased ability to utilize short-term increases in irradiance above the level of the growth irradiance (measured by the difference between photosynthesis at the growth irradiance, PNg, and PNmax).  相似文献   

As microRNAs (miRNAs) are important regulators of many biological processes, a series of small RNAomes from plants have been produced in the last decade. However, miRNA data from several groups of plants are still lacking, including some economically important crops. Here microRNAs from Coffea canephora leaves were profiled and 58 unique sequences belonging to 33 families were found, including two novel microRNAs that have never been described before in plants. Some of the microRNA sequences were also identified in Coffea arabica that, together with C. canephora, correspond to the two major sources of coffee production in the world. The targets of almost all miRNAs were also predicted on coffee expressed sequences. This is the first report of novel miRNAs in the genus Coffea, and also the first in the plant order Gentianales. The data obtained establishes the basis for the understanding of the complex miRNA-target network on those two important crops.  相似文献   

Aegiceras corniculatum is an ecologically important mangrove tree species. We isolated 18 polymorphic microsatellite loci from this species. These loci provided microsatellite markers with polymorphism of two to eight alleles per locus. The observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.050 to 0.550, and from 0.097 to 0.736, respectively. These markers will contribute to research on the conservation, genetic diversity and mating patterns of A. corniculatum.  相似文献   

Here we described the development of the first set of Passiflora microsatellite loci isolated from an enriched genomic library. A sample of 43 individuals from 12 accessions of the yellow passion fruit was used to characterize those loci, which revealed up to 20 alleles per locus. Two loci were monomorphic. The observed (HO) and expected (HE) heterozygosities were very similar, as expected for a self‐incompatible species. Allelic diversity (HT) was 0.444. This set of markers will permit genetic structure analyses of cultivated and wild populations of Passiflora, and contribute for integrating genetic maps based on dominant markers, as they can provide bridge alleles.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybridization events have played a major role in plant speciation, yet the evolutionary origin of hybrid species often remains enigmatic. Here, we inferred the evolutionary origin of the allotetraploid species Coffea arabica, which is widely cultivated for Arabica coffee production. We estimated genetic distances between C. arabica and all species that are known to be closely related to C. arabica using genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) data. In addition, we reconstructed a time-calibrated multilabeled phylogenetic tree of 24 species to estimate the age of the C. arabica hybridization event. Ancestral states of self-compatibility were also inferred to shed new light on the evolution of self-compatibility in Coffea. Coffea canephora and C. eugenioides were confirmed as the putative progenitor species of C. arabica. These species most likely hybridized between 1.08 million and 543 000 years ago, coinciding with periods of environmental upheaval, which may have induced range shifts of the progenitor species that facilitated the emergence of C. arabica.  相似文献   

株高是水稻重要的农艺形状之一,植株过高将导致倒伏和减产,目前,很多新的技术究被用来鉴定,图位克隆与水稻株高相关的基因及机理的研究,本实验选择优质早籼稻佳禾早占种植苗和经过组培获得的矮化突变水稻为材料,为研究比较它们间的遗传物质上差异,根据康耐尔大学的资料设计了311对SSR引物对佳禾早占种植材料和组培材料进行分析,对两种材料进行PCR多态性扩增,结果发现两者间存在多态性的引物有88对,多态性比例达到30.3%。在矮杆材料中不但验证了已报道的11个与调控株高性状基因相连锁的标记连锁群,同时在第3号染色体和第9号染色体上还获得了两个以前基本未有报道的标记集中分布区域。结果说明,该培养基培育出的佳禾早占水稻后代所表现出的矮杆性状与亲本在遗传物质上确有明显差别。该结果有助于挖掘和定位新的矮杆基因,并有利于今后在水稻育种中进行水稻株高性状的控制,同时也为开展矮化性状机理的研究提供有利的实验材料。  相似文献   

Genetic improvement of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) is constrained by low genetic diversity and lack of genetic markers, suitable screening tools, information on the genetic make‐up of available gene pool and long generation time. In this context, use of DNA markers such as microsatellites that provide high genetic‐resolution becomes highly desirable. Here, we report the development of nine new microsatellite markers from partial genomic library of an elite variety of Coffea arabica. The developed microsatellites revealed robust cross‐species amplifications in 17 related species of coffee, and their Polymorphic Information Content varied from 0 to 0.6, 0 to 0.78 and 0.67 to 0.90 for the arabica, robusta genotypes and species representatives, respectively. The data thus suggest their potential use as genetic markers for assessment of germplasm diversity and linkage analysis of coffee.  相似文献   

Sixteen polymorphic microsatellite markers were isolated from the European cockchafer, Melolontha melolontha L., based on enriched genomic libraries. Allelic variability was assessed in a collection of 30 individuals obtained from a field in eastern Switzerland. The number of detected alleles ranged from three to 13 with a mean of 6.69 and average observed and expected heterozygosities were 0.52 and 0.66, respectively. The 16 highly polymorphic microsatellite markers represent a powerful molecular tool, which will allow for detailed population genetic analyses on this important pest insect.  相似文献   

Dalbergia nigra is an endangered tree restricted to the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Ten polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized in 47 trees from two populations. The total number of alleles per locus ranged from three to 12 alleles. The levels of observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.304 to 0.740 and from 0.278 to 0.872, respectively. Significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg were detected for only three loci in each population. No pair of loci exhibited significant linkage disequilibrium. These microsatellites provide an efficient tool to investigate genetic structure in forest remnants with the purpose of conservation of this species.  相似文献   

We developed 16 novel polymorphic tetranucleotide microsatellite markers for Poecilia parae, a livebearing fish used in evolutionary studies because of its Y-linked colour and size polymorphism. A set of 199 clones was sequenced out of an enriched genomic library, and we achieved an enrichment efficiency of nearly 80%. Primers were designed for 16 pure repeats, and 59 P. parae were screened for polymorphism. Cross-amplification was tested on Poecilia picta and Poecilia reticulata, the guppy. The new microsatellite markers showed an exceptionally high allelic diversity and low stutter formation, proving their suitability for a broad range of applications in these species.  相似文献   

Cryptococcus neoformans is a haploid basidiomycetous yeast that causes life-threatening infections in patients with and without impaired immune function. Present typing systems for C. neoformans are limited by either poor standardization or high cost. We present eleven microsatellite loci that were developed from the published genomes of C. neoformans var. neoformans, and are applicable to the varieties and hybrids within C. neoformans.  相似文献   

Fourteen new microsatellite loci were developed and tested on Atlantic herring Clupea harengus with 39 individuals from Iceland and 49 individuals from Norway. The microsatellites, which contain di, tri and tetranucleotide repeats, are polymorphic (7-30 alleles), with observed heterozygosity ranging between 0·69 and 1·00 and expected heterozygosity between 0·55 and 0·97.  相似文献   

Fourteen polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized for the Neotropical cichlid Geophagus brasiliensis and tested on 30 individuals belonging to a single population. Among the 14 loci described, four showed potential presence of null alleles, inferred from the excess of homozygous genotypes, and three of these loci showed significant deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. Fifty‐nine different alleles were detected (ranging from two to eight alleles per locus), with estimates of observed and expected heterozygosity ranging from 0·167 to 0·700 and from 0·269 to 0·825. Cross‐amplification of primers was successful in five other cichlid species.  相似文献   

A dinucleotide-enriched genomic library was obtained from mandarin orange (Citrus reticulata Blanco). A subset of 101 positive clones was sequenced and primers were designed. The loci were screened for levels of variation using 26-29 wild mandarin oranges collected in Vietnam. Forty-three loci were polymorphic with the number of alleles ranging from two to 18. The observed heterozygosity (H(O) ) and expected heterozygosity (H(E) ) were from 0.03 to 0.96 and from 0.03 to 0.92, respectively.  相似文献   

Alternaria alternata is of major significance as a food and feed contaminant and is able to produce a range of mycotoxins that may elicit adverse effects in both animals and humans. We describe the isolation and characterization of five microsatellite markers for studying A. alternata. Marker polymorphism was screened in 64 isolates of A. alternata. The number of alleles per locus ranged from eight to 24, and allelic diversity ranged from 0.425 to 0.882. These markers will be useful in the study of relationships and population genetics amongst isolates of A. alternata.  相似文献   

Todarodes pacificus is an important species for commercial fisheries, but its reproductive biology has been little understood. We isolated 11 polymorphic microsatellite loci from this species. These loci provided highly polymorphic microsatellite markers with four to 26 alleles per locus. The observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.150 to 1.000, and from 0.660 to 0.974, respectively. These markers will be useful for research about the mating systems and genetic diversity of T. pacificus.  相似文献   

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