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Helmut K. Seitz Anthony J. Garro Charles S. Lieber 《Biochemical and biophysical research communications》1978,85(3):1061-1066
Chronic ethanol ingestion in male rats causes an increase in cytochrome P-450 content and in the activity of microsomal benzo(α)pyrene hydroxylase in the upper intestinal mucosa. Intestinal microsomes from ethanol fed rats also exhibit an enhanced capacity to activate the ubiquitous procarcinogen benzo(α)pyrene to a mutagen. These findings could be of relevance with respect to the increased incidence of cancer in the alcoholic. 相似文献
Bojana Žegura Alja Štraser Metka Filipič 《Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation Research》2011,727(1-2):16-41
The occurrence of cyanobacterial blooms has increased significantly in many regions of the world in the last century due to water eutrophication. These blooms are hazardous to humans, animals, and plants due to the production of cyanotoxins, which can be classified in five different groups: hepatotoxins, neurotoxins, cytotoxins, dermatotoxins, and irritant toxins (lipopolysaccharides). There is evidence that certain cyanobacterial toxins are genotoxic and carcinogenic; however, the mechanisms of their potential carcinogenicity are not well understood. The most frequently occurring and widespread cyanotoxins in brackish and freshwater blooms are the cyclic heptapeptides, i.e., microcystins (MCs), and the pentapeptides, i.e., nodularins (NODs). The main mechanism associated with potential carcinogenic activity of MCs and NOD is the inhibition of protein phosphatases, which leads to the hyperphosphorylation of cellular proteins, which is considered to be associated with their tumor-promoting activity. Apart from this, MCs and NOD induce increased formation of reactive oxygen species and, consequently, oxidative DNA damage. There is also evidence that MCs and NOD induce micronuclei, and NOD was shown to have aneugenic activity. Both cyanotoxins interfere with DNA damage repair pathways, which, along with DNA damage, is an important factor involved in the carcinogenicity of these agents. Furthermore, these toxins increase the expression of TNF-α and early-response genes, including proto-oncogenes, genes involved in the response to DNA damage, cell cycle arrest, and apoptosis. Rodent studies indicate that MCs and NOD are tumor promotors, whereas NOD is thought to have also tumor-initiating activity. Another cyanobacterial toxin, cylindrospermopsin (CYN), which has been neglected for a long time, is lately being increasingly found in the freshwater environment. The principal mechanism of its toxicity is the irreversible inhibition of protein synthesis. It is pro-genotoxic, and metabolic activation by cytochrome P-450 enzymes is needed for its genotoxic activity. In metabolically competent cells, it induces DNA strand breaks and exerts clastogenic and aneugenic activity. In addition, CYN increased the expression of p53 regulated genes involved in cell cycle arrest, DNA damage repair, and apoptosis. It also has cell transforming potential, and limited preliminary rodent studies indicate that CYN could have tumor-initiating activity. In 2010, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified MCLR as possible human carcinogen (Group 2B). Although there is not enough available information for the classification of other cyanobacterial toxins, the existing data from in vitro and in vivo studies indicate that NOD and especially CYN may be even more hazardous than MCLR to human and animal health. In addition in the environment, cyanobacterial toxins occur in complex mixtures as well as together with other anthropogenic contaminants, and numerous studies showed that the toxic/genotoxic potential of the extracts from cyanobacterial scums is higher than that of purified toxins. This means that the mixtures of toxins to which humans are exposed may pose higher health risks than estimated from the toxicological data of a single toxin. Future research efforts should focus on the elucidation of the carcinogenic potential of NOD, CYN, and the mixture of cyanobacterial extracts, as well as on the identification of possible novel toxins. 相似文献
Mirjana D. Marčetić Silvana D. Petrović Marina T. Milenković Marjan S. Niketić 《Central European Journal of Biology》2014,9(2):149-155
The chemical composition, antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of Eryngium palmatum, an endemic plant species from the Balkan Peninsula, were investigated. The flavonoids apigenin (9.5±0.3 mg g?1) and apigenin 7-O-glucoside (2.4±0.1 mg g?1) were determined in a methanol extract of aerial parts using HPLC analysis. The methanol extract of roots contained catechin (5.0±0.1 mg g?1), epicatechin (2.9±0.1 mg g?1), chlorogenic acid (1.6±0.0 mg g?1), gallic acid (0.9±0.0 mg g?1) and rosmarinic acid (0.9±0.2 mg g?1). GC-FID and GCMS analysis of a chloroform extract of aerial parts showed that the main volatile constituents were falcarinol, linoleic acid, hexadecanoic acid and methyl linoleate (comprising 32.6%; 24.4%; 19.9; 13.2% of the volatile fraction, respectively), while octanoic acid, tetradecanol and dodecanol dominated in the chloroform extract of the roots (34.9%; 25.8%; 22.2% of the volatile fraction, respectively). Investigation of antimicrobial activity by broth microdilution showed that the methanol and chloroform extracts of aerial parts and roots exerted a significant effect (MIC 3.5–15.6 μg mL?1) against tested Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The methanol extracts of aerial parts or roots exerted moderate ferric reducing antioxidant power, DPPH radical scavenging activity and hydroxyl radical scavenging activity. 相似文献
《Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry》2013,77(8):2118-2123
3,3′-Dinitrobisphenol A (dinitro-BPA) is formed in a mixture of bisphenol A (BPA) and nitrite under acidic conditions. It shows genotoxicity in male ICR mice on a micronucleus test, but its estrogenic activity has not been examined in vivo. We examined its estrogenic activity using goldfish (Carassius auratus) by measuring plasma levels of vitellogenin (VTG) by the ELISA method. Expression of VTG didn’t increase in the plasma of goldfish intraperitoneal injected with dinitro-BPA at a dose of 10 mg/kg of body weight.We also examined the genotoxicity of dinitro-BPA by single-cell gel electrophoresis (comet assay) and a micronucleus test using goldfish. The DNA tail moment of blood cells increased after intraperitoneal injection of dinitro-BPA. Dinitro-BPA at the same dose significantly increased micronucleus frequency in gills of goldfish. On the other hand, BPA did not significantly increase the frequency of micronucleated cells.In conclusion, we found that dinitro-BPA did not show estrogenic activity, but had genotoxic potency stronger than that of BPA. 相似文献
《Mutation Research/Environmental Mutagenesis and Related Subjects》1989,216(1):27-33
Azide mutagenicity in susceptible non-mammalian systems involves the requisite formation of l-azidoalanine, a novel mutagenic amino acid. The biochemical mechanism(s) of azidoalanine-induced mutagenesis, however, is not known. Previous studies of the structural requirements for azidoalanine mutagenicity suggested the importance of free l-amino acid character, and that bioactivation of azidoalanine to the ultimate mutagenic species is required. To gain more insight into possible enzymatic processing, the α-methyl analogue, α-methylazidialanine, and the homologue, 2-amino-4-azidobutonoic acid, were synthesized and tested for mutagenic potency in Salmonella typhimurium strain TA1530. In addition, azidoacetic acid, a possible azidoalanine metabolite, was prepared and tested. The results show that α-methyl substitution effectively blocks the mutagenic effects of azidoalanine with α-methyl-azidoalanine being nearly devoid of mutagenic activity. In contrast, homologation of azidoalanine to yield 2-amino-4-azidobutanoic acid produces a marked increase in molar mutagenic potency. As with azidoalanine, the mutagenic activity of this homologue is associated with the l-isomer. Azidoacetic acid, however, was only very weakly mutagenic when tested as either the free acid or ethyl ester. This low mutagenic potency may indicate that bioactivation does not involve the entry of azide-containing azidoalanine catabolite into the Kreb's cycle. The high potency of 2-amino-4-azidobutanoic acid may be indicative of more efficient bioactivation and/or greater intrinsic activity. Importantly, the latter finding clearly shows that potent azido-amino acid mutagenicity is not limited to azidoalanine alone. 相似文献
Hernández-Valdivia E Cruz-Vázquez C Ortiz-Martínez R Valdivia-Flores A Quintero-Martínez MT 《The Journal of parasitology》2011,97(6):1017-1019
Prevalence and seasonal distribution of Ctenocephalides canis (Curtis) and Ctenocephalides felis (Bouché) infestations in urban dogs of the city of Aguascalientes, Mexico, were studied. Between January and December 2007, 863 dogs in the Municipal Canine and Feline Control Center were examined. Overall prevalence of infestation was 12% (95% CI 10-14). Seasonal distribution revealed that prevalences in spring and summer were highest, while autumn and winter had lower prevalences. Two infestation peaks were observed, i.e., in April (17.7%) and July (18.9%). A positive correlation was detected between prevalence and temperature during the winter season (P < 0.05). Prevalence in relation to gender showed that males were more frequently infested, 14% (95% CI 11-17), than females, 9.4% (95% CI 7-13); hair length did not affect differences in prevalence. Six hundred twenty-nine fleas were examined; 62% were C. canis and 38% C. felis . Dogs infested with only C. canis were 48% (95% CI 38-58), while 18% were infested only with C. felis (95% CI 11-27); the remainder, 34% (95% CI 24-44), had mixed infestations. 相似文献
The mutagenicity and DNA-binding affinity of members of a series of acridine-substituted derivatives of 4′-(9-acridinylamino)methanesulphonanilide (AMSA) have been compared. The series includes compounds ranging from highly active to inactive in the L1210 murine leukaemia. Binding to DNA was measured by an ethidium displacement technique, with a correction being made for acridine-induced quenching of ethidium. Mutagenicity was assessed by measuring the reversion frequencies of the frameshift tester strain Salmonella typhimurium TA1537 in liquid culture. The results indicate that maximum mutagenicity is found in a “window” of DNA-binding affinities between 106 and 5 × 106 M?1 (determined at 0.01 ionic strength). Compounds with binding affinities below 106 M?1 generally lacked both antitumour and mutagenic activity, whereas those with affinities above 5 × 106 M?1 were active against L1210 leukaemia but virtually inactive in inducing frameshift mutations. 相似文献
Adriana Oliva 《Neotropical Entomology》2012,41(5):395-403
The typology and placement of antennal sensilla of the carrion beetles Oxelytrum erythrurum (Blanchard) and Oxelytrum apicalis (Brullé) (Coleoptera: Silphidae) were studied using scanning electron microscopy. Two types of sensilla chaetica, two types of sensilla trichodea, four types of sensilla basiconica, one type of sensilla coeloconica, and an unidentified type of sensillum were found in both species. Sensilla chaetica type 1 are found on the antennomeres proximal to antennal club (A1?CA8); chaetica type 2 are found on the club (A9?CA11). Sensilla trichodea are found on A9?CA11; one type (T1) is found on the proximal portion of the club, the other type (T2) on the apical portion. Basiconica type 1 are found on the dorsal surface of A9?CA11; they are much denser on the apical portion of the antennal club than on the proximal. In O. erythrurum, a nocturnal species of the Chaco-Pampean plain, T2 two are found on A10 and A11. In Oxelytrum apicale, a mountain species, probably diurnal, only A11 bears T2, but they are denser than in the other species. It is suggested that O. apicale depends more on contact chemoreception than O. erythrurum. The ventral surface of the antennal clubs shows no remarkable difference between species. 相似文献
《Plant Science Letters》1976,6(2):103-110
[35S]Adenosine-5′-phosphosulphate ([35S]APS) and [35S]adenosine-3′-phosphate-5′-phosphasulphate ([35S]PAPS) were rapidly degraded by extracts of Anabaena cylindrica. The loss of radioactivity from these sulphur nucleotides resulted in a corresponding increase of free 35SO4 in the incubation mixture. The soluble fraction of the broken cells (S75) hydrolysed both PAPS and APS, whereas the pellet fractions (P20 and P75) hydrolysed PAPS only. The degradation of [35S]PAPS was almost completely suppressed by various 5′-adenine nucleotides, 3′-AMP, nucleotide triphosphates or pyrophosphate, while glucose-6-phosphate, phosphate ions and sodium sulphite were less effective. The hydrolysis of [35S]APS was prevented by sodium fluoride and 5′-AMP, but 3′-AMP was ineffective. 相似文献
Alves DS Oliveira DF Carvalho GA Santos HM Carvalho DA Santos MA Carvalho HW 《Neotropical Entomology》2011,40(1):123-128
We evaluated the effects of crude extracts from the plantain Plantago lanceolata and the bitter gourd Momordica charantia on the oviposition preference and development of the coffee leaf miner Leucoptera coffeella Guérin-Mèneville & Perrottet under laboratory and/or greenhouse conditions. The ovicidal effects of these extracts were also studied in a greenhouse. Plantago lanceolata and M. charantia extracts also underwent fractionation directed by oviposition tests with the coffee leaf miner. The extracts of both plants reduced L. coffeella oviposition and egg hatching, apparently as a result of action of plant metabolites on the embryo. Adults originating from eggs treated with the extracts exhibited similar survival rates, but a higher female/male ratio. Fecundity was reduced for females obtained from eggs treated with the M. charantia extract. Partial chemical analysis indicated that both extracts produced polar fractions that reduced the oviposition of L. coffeella on coffee leaves under laboratory conditions. The extracts of P. lanceolata and M. charantia have potential for use in the development of new products to control the coffee leaf miner. 相似文献
José D. Gilgado 《法国昆虫学会纪事》2013,49(3-4):444-456
In this work, the authors describe the egg and first instar larva, hitherto unknown, of Carabus (Oreocarabus) ghilianii La Ferté-Sénectère 1847, a threatened and protected species endemic to the Iberian Peninsula. With respect to the larval morphology, a comprehensive study of the chaetotaxy of the three tagmata is presented, accompanied by a detailed iconography. In addition, data on the biology of imagoes are provided, taken in its natural habitat and in captivity, highlighting the novel fact that this species produces winter larvae. Thus, reproduction begins in late spring. Both the eggs and the larvae were obtained after captive rearing of nine specimens collected in the Sierra de Guadarrama (Madrid, Spain). 相似文献
Vargas HA 《Neotropical Entomology》2010,39(5):736-741
The last instar larva and pupa of Melipotis cellaris (Guenée) are described and illustrated, based on specimens collected in northern Chile, associated with Acacia macracantha (Fabaceae). 相似文献
《Mutation Research Letters》1984,139(1):15-19
In the Ames test, after the addition of glutathione (GSH) or uridine-5′ diphosphoglucuronic acid (UD-PGA), we observed for Trp-P-1 an unchanged or a reduced mutagenicity by both the liver and intestine S9 fraction. For Trp-P-2, the same was true when we used the intestine S9 fraction. In the presence of liver S9 fraction, Trp-P-2 mutagenicity was also decreased by the addition of UDPGA but was increased by the addition of GSH. These results show that cofactors for glucuronide and GSH conjugation may alter the metabolic activation of Trp-P-1 and Trp-P-2 and consequently their mutagenicity. 相似文献
Ehsan Borzoui 《Archives Of Phytopathology And Plant Protection》2013,46(10):1251-1261
Papilio machaon (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) feeds on different plant species of the family Apiaceae. It also rarely feeds on the Rutaceae family such as rue (Ruta chalepensis) and fennel. In the current study, α-amylase activity of the larval midgut was investigated and characterised. Also, the effect of the wheat seed extracts on the larval midgut was explored. Results showed that the amylase activity was present in the midgut. Gel assays showed that more than one amylase band (three) was present in the larval midgut showing their importance in the insect feeding. Characterisation of the amylase showed that this enzyme was active in a wide range of the pHs. However, optimal pH for the enzyme activity was alkaline pH (pH 8.0). The effect of wheat seed extracts on the amylase activity showed that the insect amylase is highly sensitive to wheat protein extract. These results showed that wheat seed extract have a good potential to be explored more in order to purify its products and these products could be used in IPM programme in order to combat insect pest. 相似文献
W. M. Graham 《Hydrobiologia》2001,451(1-3):97-111
Fisheries resource trawl survey data from the National Marine Fisheries Service from a 11–13-year period to 1997 were examined to quantify numerical and distributional changes of two species of northern Gulf of Mexico scyphomedusae: the Atlantic sea nettle, Chrysaora quinquecirrha (Desor), and the moon jelly, Aurelia aurita (Linné). Trawl surveys were grouped into 10 statistical regions from Mobile Bay, Alabama to the southern extent of Texas, and extended seaward to the shelf break. Records of summertime C. quinquecirrha medusa populations show both an overall numerical increase and a distributional expansion away from shore in the down-stream productivity field of two major river system outflows: Mobile Bay and the Mississippi-Atchafalaya Rivers. In addition, there is a significant overlap between summer C. quinquecirrha and lower water column hypoxia on the Louisiana shelf. In trawl surveys from the fall, A. aurita medusae showed significant trends of numerical increase in over half of the regions analyzed. For both species, there were statistical regions of no significant change, but there were no regions that showed significant decrease in number or distribution. The relationships between natural and human-induced (e.g. coastal eutrophication, fishing activity and hard substrate supplementation) ecosystem modifications are very complex in the Gulf of Mexico, and the potential impact of increased jellyfish populations in one of North America's most valuable fishing grounds is a most critical issue. Several hypotheses are developed and discussed to guide future research efforts in the Gulf of Mexico. 相似文献
Previous studies have established that mature neutrophils from the peritoneal cavity, blood, and bone marrow of beige (Chédiak-Higashi syndrome) mice essentially lack activities of two lysosomal proteinases: elastase and cathepsin G. There are, however, significant levels of each enzyme in early neutrophil precursors in bone marrow. In the present experiments, it was found that the addition of extracts from mature beige neutrophils to extracts of normal neutrophils or to purified human neutrophil elastase and cathepsin G resulted in a significant inhibition of elastase and cathepsin G G activities. 125I-Labeled human neutrophil elastase formed high molecular mass complexes at 64 and 52 kDa on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis when added to beige neutrophil extracts. The molecular masses of the inhibitor-125I-elastase complexes suggested that the molecular masses of the inhibitors are approximately 36 and 24 kDa, respectively. These results were confirmed by gel filtration on Superose 12 under nondenaturing conditions. Cathepsin G was inhibited only by the 36-kDa component. The inhibitors formed a covalent complex with the active sites of elastase and cathepsin G. No inhibitory activity was present in mature neutrophil extracts of genetically normal mice or in extracts of bone marrow of beige mice. These results thus represent an unusual example of an enzyme deficiency state caused by the presence of excess inhibitors. Inactivation of neutrophil elastase and cathepsin G in mature circulating and tissue neutrophils may contribute to the increased susceptibility of Chédiak-Higashi patients to infection. 相似文献
Non-enzymic nature of the pyridine haemochrome-cleaving activity of mammalian tissue extracts (`haem α-methyl oxygenase')

1. The pyridine haemochrome-cleaving activity of extracts from mammalian liver and other tissues is shown conclusively to be entirely non-enzymic in nature and attributable to coupled oxidation with ascorbate. 2. Reduced glutathione probably contributes to the activity indirectly by continuously regenerating the ascorbate to the reduced form. 3. The cleavage shows no specificity for the alpha-methine bridge of pyridine haemochrome. 4. Results are presented suggesting some probable reasons for the erroneous characterization of the activity as an alpha-methine-specific haem-cleaving enzyme (;haem alpha-methenyl oxygenase') by Nakajima and co-workers (e.g. Nakajima, Takemura, Nakajima & Yamaoka, 1963; Nakajima & Gray, 1967). 相似文献
When Phagocata vitta, Crenobia alpina and Polycelis felina were exposed separately to each of seventeen potential invertebrate predators in the laboratory, only two stonefly species, Dinocras cephalotes and Perlodes microcephala, fed on the three triclad species, whilst the trichopteran Rhyacophila dorsalis ate the last two triclads. On exposing pairs of triclad species to D. cephalotes, significantly more P. felina than Ph. vitta were consumed, whereas similar numbers were eaten in each of the other two triclad combinations. Cannibalism and interspecific predation by triclad species were not observed. It is concluded that predation is unlikely to have a major influence in determining the observed distribution and abundance of triclad species in a Welsh study stream which harbours low numbers of effective predators.The de Wit model of competition was used to examine the competitive relationships between Ph. vitta, and C. alpina and P. felina, using chironomids or tubificid worms as food. In mixed cultures of Ph. vitta and P. felina fed on tubificids a stable equilibrium existed within the range of relative densities used in the experiments, whereas Ph. vitta was competitively superior to C. alpina in cultures fed on each of the food types, and to P. felina fed on chironomids. However, in theory, an equilibrium could occur when 10 or 6–7 times as many Ph. vitta as P. felina and C. alpina respectively are in the culture, when intraspecific rather than interspecific competition would become more important. Where the three triclad species coexist in the Welsh study stream, they are in similar numbers. This could imply that food is not limiting, with no consequent interspecific competition, or that the laboratory experiments were too simplistic to allow any interpretation of the field situation. 相似文献