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Genetic polymorphisms in glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) genes might influence the detoxification activities of the enzymes predisposing individuals to cancer risk. Owing to the presence of these genetic variants, inter-individual and ethnic differences in GSTs detoxification capacity have been observed in various populations. Therefore, the present study was performed to determine the prevalence GSTM1 0/0, GSTT1 0/0, GSTP1 Ile(105)Val, and GSTA1 A/B polymorphisms in 154 healthy individuals from South Tunisia, and to compare them with those observed in North and Centre Tunisian populations and other ethnic groups. GSTM1 and GSTT1 polymorphisms were analyzed by a Multiplex-PCR approach, whereas GSTP1 and GSTA1 polymorphisms were examined by PCR-RFLP. The frequencies of GSTM10/0 and GSTT1 0/0 genotypes were 53.9% and 27.9%, respectively. The genotype distribution of GSTP1 was 47.4% (Ile/Ile), 40.9% (Ile/Val), and 11.7% (Val/Val). For GSTA1, the genotype distribution was 24.7% (A/A), 53.9% (A/B), and 21.4% (B/B). The combined genotypes distribution of GSTM1, GSTT1, GSTP1 and GSTA1 polymorphisms showed that thirty one of the 36 possible genotypes were present in our population; eight of them have a frequency greater than 5%. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of GSTs polymorphisms in South Tunisian population. Our findings demonstrate the impact of ethnicity and reveal a characteristic pattern for Tunisian population. The molecular studies in these enzymes provide basis for further epidemiological investigations in the population where these functional polymorphisms alter therapeutic response and act as susceptibility markers for various clinical conditions.  相似文献   

Xenobiotics can trigger degranulation of eosinophils and mast cells. In this process, the cells release several substances leading to bronchial hyperactivity, the main feature of atopic asthma (AA). GSTM1 and GSTT1 genes encode enzymes involved in the inactivation of these compounds. Both genes are polymorphic in humans and have a null variant genotype in which both the gene and corresponding enzyme are absent. An increased risk for disease in individuals with the null GST genotypes is therefore, but this issue is controversial. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the GSTM1 and GSTT1 genotypes on the occurrence of AA, as well as on its clinical manifestations. Genomic DNA from 86 patients and 258 controls was analyzed by polymerase chain reaction. The frequency of the GSTM1 null genotype in patients was higher than that found in controls (60.5% versus 40.3%, p = 0.002). In individuals with the GSTM1 null genotype the risk of manifested AA was 2.3-fold higher (95%CI: 1.4-3.7) than for others. In contrast, similar frequencies of GSTT1 null and combined GSTM1 plus GSTT1 null genotypes were seen in both groups. No differences in genotype frequencies were perceived in patients stratified by age, gender, ethnic origin, and severity of the disease. These results suggest that the inherited absence of the GSTM1 metabolic pathway may alter the risk of AA in southeastern Brazilian children, although this must be confirmed by further studies with a larger cohort of patients and age-matched controls from the distinct regions of the country.  相似文献   

目的:研究GSTM1、GSTT1基因多态性与乳腺癌遗传易感性的关系。方法:应用PCR技术检测乳腺癌组和对照组人群GSTM1和GST T1基因。结果:GSTM 1和GSTT 1基因缺失率在乳腺癌组分别为63.4%(59/93)和54.8%(51/93),对照组分别为39.3%(35/89)和33.7%(30/89),两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01或P<0.05)。结论:GSTM1和GST T1缺失为乳腺癌遗传易感因素。  相似文献   

The glutathione S-transferase (GST) supergene family is an important part of cellular enzyme defense against endogenous and exogenous chemicals, many of which have carcinogenic potential. The present investigation was conducted to detect a possible association between polymorphisms at the GSTM1, GSTT1, and GSTP1 genes and the interaction with cigarette smoking and colorectal cancer incidence. We examined 181 patients with colorectal cancer and 204 controls. DNA was extracted from whole blood, and the GSTM1, GSTT1, and GSTP1 polymorphisms were determined using a real-time polymerase chain reaction and fluorescence resonance energy transfer with a Light-Cycler instrument. Associations between specific genotypes and the development of colorectal cancer were examined by use of logistic regression analysis to calculate odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI). The GSTM1 polymorphism was associated with an increased risk of developing colorectal cancer (OR = 1.62, 95% CI: 1.06–2.46). Also the risk of colorectal cancer associated with the GSTT1 null genotype was 1.64 (95% CI: 1.10–2.59). Statistically no differences were found between patients with colorectal cancer and control groups for the GSTP1 Ile/Ile, Ile/Val and Val/Val genotypes. In addition, the frequencies of the GSTM1 and GSTT1 deletion genotypes differed significantly between the cases and controls for current smokers; the GSTT1 null genotype especially is associated with a greater risk of colorectal cancer (OR = 2.44, 95% CI: 1.24–4.81). The GSTM1 and GSTT1 deletions were associated with an increased risk of developing a transverse or rectal tumor (OR = 1.86, 95% CI: 1.15–3.00; OR = 1.70, 95% CI: 1.02–2.84; respectively). The glutathione S-transferase polymorphisms were not associated with risk in patients stratified by age. The risk of colorectal cancer increased as putative high-risk genotypes increased for the combined genotypes of GSTM1 null, GSTT1 null, and either GSTP1 valine heterozygosity or GSTP1 valine homozygosity (OR = 2.69, 95% CI: 1.02–7.11). In conclusion, the results obtained in this study clearly suggest that those susceptibility factors related to different GST polymorphic enzymes are predisposing for colorectal cancer.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated whether the polymorphisms of glutathione S-transferase M1 (GSTM1) and T1 (GSTT1) genes are risk factors of cataract among Iranian population in a molecular epidemiological way. Blood samples from 150 subjects with cataract (72 male; 78 female) and 150 age- and sex-matched healthy persons were collected. Both patient and control groups were unrelated Iranian Muslims. Using PCR-based method, the genotypes were determined. The null GSTM1 genotype was associated with a 2.38-fold increase in the risk of developing cataract (OR=2.38; 95% CI=1.46-3.89; P = 0.0003). After stratification by sex of subjects, the association was apparent only among women (OR=3.20; 95% CI=1.58-6.52; P = 0.0007). The GSTT1 null genotype was associated with a 1.10-fold increased risk of developing cataract, but this association was not statistically significant. After stratification by sex of subjects, same results were obtained. Female patients with null genotype for GSTM1 and no history of smoking had a 3.45-fold increased cataract risk (P < 0.05), whereas females who were null for GSTM1 and having history of smoking were not at increased risk of cataract.  相似文献   

Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) belong to a superfamily of detoxification enzymes that provide critical defences against a large variety of chemical carcinogens and environmental toxicants. GSTs are present in most epithelial tissues of the human gastrointestinal tract. We investigated associations between genetic variability in specific GST genes (GSTM1, GSTT1 and GSTP1), the interaction with cigarette smoking and susceptibility to gastric cancer. The GSTM1, GSTT1 and GSTP1 polymorphisms were determined using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and fluorescence resonance energy transfer with Light Cycler Instrument. The study included 70 patients with gastric cancer and 204 controls. Associations between specific genotypes and the development of gastric cancer were examined by use of logistic regression to calculate odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI). The GSTM1 homozygous null genotype was associated with an increased risk of developing gastric cancer (OR = 1.73; 95% CI = 1.10-3.04). GSTT1 homozygous null genotype and GSTP1 genotypes were not associated with the risk of gastric cancer. Also there was no difference between cases and controls in the frequency of val-105 and ile-105 alleles (p = 0.07). After grouping according to smoking status, GSTM1 null genotype was associated with an increased gastric cancer risk for smokers (OR = 2.15; 95% CI, 1.02-4.52). There were no significant differences in the distributions of any of the other GST gene combinations. Our findings suggest that the GSTM1 null genotype may be associated with an increased susceptibility to gastric cancer.  相似文献   

In order to find the effect of genetic polymorphisms of GSTM1 and GSTT1 on blood pressure of individuals chronically exposed to sulfur compounds, the present study was done. Study subjects (38 males, 38 females) were residents of contaminated areas of Masjid-i-Sulaiman (southwest of Iran). The GSTM1 and GSTT1 genotypes were determined using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based method. The non-parametric Sign test was applied in order to detect differences between the GSTs genotypes of study subjects and the normal mean values according to the sex and age of subjects. From four combination of genotypes, systolic blood pressure significantly decreased in combination of null-GSTM1 and present-GSTT1 (Z=−2.41; P=0.016), and diastolic blood pressure significantly increased in combination of present-GSTM1 and null-GSTT1 (Z=+2.14; P=0.032). It is speculated about polymorphisms of GSTs in individuals chronically exposed to natural sour gas, which contains H2S, fulfilling a physiological role(s) in regulating blood pressure.  相似文献   

Workers in the petroleum distribution trades experience relatively low-level exposures to gasoline vapors whose consequences have not been fully elucidated. The purpose of this study was to investigate changes in the hematological parameters among filling station workers who were occupationally exposed to gasoline. The target group for the study consisted of 41 workers from eight filling stations of Shiraz (south of Iran). The control group consisted of 27 healthy subjects matched for age and sex from general population. The complete blood count analysis was done in one laboratory. Using PCR-based method, the genotypes of glutathione S-transferase T1 (GSTT1) and M1 (GSTM1) were determined. Workers were divided into three exposure groups according to employment history: duration less than 1 year, 1-5 years, and more than 5 years. Comparison was performed using Kruskal-Wallis test. In the individuals with the presence of both GSTT1 and GSTM1 functional alleles, comparison between four exposure groups revealed no significant difference for studied hematological variables. There were statistically significant differences between study groups, with only one functional allele, either GSTT1 or GSTM1, for relative number of lymphocytes (chi(2)=9.147, df=3, P=0.027) and neutrophils (chi(2)=9.951, df=3, and P=0.019), and absolute number of lymphocytes (chi(2)=9.135, df=3, and P=0.028), and RBC (chi(2)=10.586, df=3, and P=0.014). These findings could indicate the possible protective effect of concurrent presence of GSTM1 and GSTT1 enzymes on the hematopoietic system of filling station workers.  相似文献   

Exposure to benzene has been associated with haematological diseases such as neutropenia (NEB) and acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). We tested whether the null genotypes of the GSTM1 and GSTT1 genes, involved in benzene inactivation, altered the risk for NEB in southeastern Brazil. Genomic DNA from 55 NEB patients and 330 controls was analysed by multiplex-polymerase chain reaction. The frequency of the GSTM1, GSTT1 and combined null genotypes was similar in patients and controls (GSTM1, 27.3% vs. 38.8%, p = 0.16; GSTT1, 25.5% vs. 19.7%, p = 0.24; GSTM1/GSTT1, 12.7% vs. 6.7%, p = 0.26; respectively). The distribution of genotype classes in NEB patients was similar to normal controls, suggesting that GSTM1 and GSTT1 null genotypes make no specific contribution to the risk of NEB. As the GSTM1 and GSTT1 null genotypes were previously associated with increased risk for AML in Brazil and elsewhere, we hypothesise that different thresholds of chemical exposure relative to distinct GSTM1 and GSTT1 genotypes may determine whether AML or NEB manifests in benzene exposed individuals from southeastern Brazil. Although indicative, our results still require support by prospective and large scale epidemiological studies, with rigorous assessment of daily chemical exposures and control of the possible contribution of other polymorphic genes involved in benzene metabolism.  相似文献   

Uhm YK  Yoon SH  Kang IJ  Chung JH  Yim SV  Lee MH 《Life sciences》2007,81(3):223-227
Vitiligo is an acquired pigmentary disorder of the skin involving melanocyte dysfunction. It has been reported that melanocyte impairment could be related to increased oxidative stress. The glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) are group of polymorphic enzymes that are important in protection against oxidative stress. To find the relationship between GSTM1 and GSTT1 polymorphisms with vitiligo susceptibility, GSTM1 and GSTT1 (homozygous deletion vs. non-deleted) polymorphisms between vitiligo patients (n=310) and healthy controls (n=549) were analyzed. We observed significant association in null alleles of the GSTM1 (P<0.001, OR=2.048, 95% CI=1.529-2.743). GSTM1 null type was also statistically different between two vitiligo subtypes and controls (Focal P<0.001, OR=2.224, 95% CI=1.499-3.298; Generalized P=0.001, OR=1.974, 95% CI=1.342-2.904). However, no significant association in GSTT1 (P=0.869, OR=1.024, 95% CI=0.775-1.353) was observed with vitiligo. In combined analysis of GSTM1 and GSTT1, both null type and GSTM1/GSTT1 (null/present) group showed significant differences between controls and vitiligo patients. These results suggest that GSTM1 null type might be associated with vitiligo susceptibility in Korean population.  相似文献   

Endogenous nitrosation due to chronic inflammation is enhanced in opisthorchiasis and plays a crucial role in the development of cholangiocarcinoma (CCA). Hepatic cytochrome P450 (CYP) family enzymes, especially CYP2A6 and CYP2E1, are involved in the metabolism of procarcinogens; these two enzymes metabolize endogenous nitrosamines to carcinogenic N-dimethylnitrosamine (NDMA). CYP2A6 activity is increased in patients infected with Opisthorchis viverrini. Our aim was to determine whether the expression and function of CYP2A6 and 2E1 in the livers of patients with O. viverrini-associated cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) was altered compared to livers without CCA. Livers of CCA patients (n = 13 cases) showed increased enzyme activities, protein and mRNA levels of CYP2A6 whereas the enzyme activity and protein levels of CYP2E1 were markedly decreased (P < 0.05). CYP2E1 mRNA levels were not altered. Large numbers of inflammatory cells and increased iNOS expression was found in areas adjacent to the tumor. The data provide evidence to support the concept that enhanced CYP2A6 activity and diminished CYP2E1 activity probably involve to the progression of CCA.  相似文献   

In order to find the effect of genetic polymorphisms of glutathione S-transferase M1 (GSTM1) and GSTT1 on hematological changes of individuals chronically exposed to natural sour gas, the present study was done. Study subjects (59 males, 55 females) were residents of contaminated areas of Masjid-i-Sulaiman (southwest of Iran). The GSTM1 and GSTT1 genotypes were determined using a polymerase chain reaction-based method. The multiple linear regression method was applied. There is significant association between GSTs genotypes and either hemoglobin (t=2.185, P=0.031) or hematocrit (t=2.454, P=0.016). Also there is weak association between GSTs genotypes and WBC counts (t=1.802, P=0.074). The hemoglobin and hematocrit levels and WBC counts increased in individuals who had null genotypes of GSTM1 and GSTT1 compared to subjects with one or two active genes. Also the levels of hemoglobin and hematocrit and WBC counts increased in persons with one active genotype compared to subjects who had two active genes. There is no significant association between neither platelet nor WBC differential parameters and GSTs genotypes.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate GSTM1, GSTT1 and MTHFR genetic polymorphisms and its relation with total plasma glutathione (tGSH) levels in hypertension. Genotype distributions of GSTM1 and GSTT1 deletion polymorphisms and C677T variant of MTHFR were examined in a sample of 94 hypertensive patients with congestive heart failure and 207 healthy unrelated Portuguese individuals using PCR techniques. Plasma GST activity was determined spectrophotometrically. The antioxidant status was evaluated by fluorometric assays of tGSH. Genotype distributions of GSTT1 (chi2 test; p < 0.01) and MTHFR (chi2 test; p < 0.01) differ significantly between control and hypertensive patients with a greater prevalence of "non-null GSTT1/M1" and CT (heterozygous) genotypes. Moreover, GST activity and tGSH were markedly decreased in hypertension but there is no correlation with the studied polymorphisms. GSH depletion confirmed the possible involvement of oxidative stress in this pathology. Deletion of GSTT1 gene might be considered as protective factor for hypertension.  相似文献   

Streptomyces griseolus cytochrome P450SU-1 (CYP105A1) was expressed in Escherichia coli at a level of 1.0 micromol/L culture and purified with a specific content of 18.0 nmol/mg protein. Enzymatic studies revealed that CYP105A1 had 25-hydroxylation activity towards vitamin D2 and vitamin D3. Surprisingly, CYP105A1 also showed 1alpha-hydroxylation activity towards 25(OH)D3. As mammalian mitochondrial CYP27A1 catalyzes a similar two-step hydroxylation towards vitamin D3, the enzymatic properties of CYP105A1 were compared with those of human CYP27A1. The major metabolite of vitamin D2 by CYP105A1 was 25(OH)D2, while the major metabolites by CYP27A1 were both 24(OH)D2 and 27(OH)D2. These results suggest that CYP105A1 recognizes both vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 in a similar manner, while CYP27A1 does not. The Km values of CYP105A1 for vitamin D2 25-hydroxylation, vitamin D3 25-hydroxylation, and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 1alpha-hydroxylation were 0.59, 0.54, and 0.91 microM, respectively, suggesting a high affinity of CYP105A1 for these substrates.  相似文献   

LP Tsai  HH Lee 《Gene》2012,506(1):261-262
The RCCX module on chromosome 6p21.3 has 3 possible forms: monomodular, bimodular, and trimodular. Chromosomes with 4 RCCX modules are very rare. In the monomodule, most of the CYP21A1P genes do not exist. However, haplotypes of the RCCX module with more than one CYP21A2 gene were observed. Obviously, the gene located downstream of the XA gene can possibly include the CYP21A2 as well as the CYP21A1P gene.  相似文献   

After herbivore feeding, poplar trees produce complex volatile blends containing terpenes, green leaf volatiles, aromatics, and nitrogen-containing compounds such as aldoximes and nitriles. It has been shown recently that volatile aldoximes released from gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) caterpillar-damaged black poplar (Populus nigra) trees attract parasitoids that are caterpillar enemies. In western balsam poplar (P. trichocarpa), volatile aldoximes are produced by 2 P450 monooxygenases, CYP79D6v3 and CYP79D7v2. A gene fragment with high similarity to CYP79D6/7 was recently shown to be upregulated in herbivore-damaged leaves of P. nigra. In the present study we report the cloning and characterization of this gene, designated as CYP79D6v4. Recombinant CYP79D6v4 was able to convert different amino acids into the corresponding aldoximes, which were also found in the volatile blend of P. nigra. Thus, CYP79D6v4 is most likely involved in herbivore-induced aldoxime formation in black poplar.  相似文献   

An immobilized system was developed to detect interactions of human cytochromes P450 (P450) with the accessory proteins NADPH-P450 reductase and cytochrome b(5) (b(5)) using an enzyme-linked affinity approach. Purified enzymes were first bound to wells of a polystyrene plate, and biotinylated partner enzymes were added and bound. A streptavidin-peroxidase complex was added, and protein-protein binding was monitored by measuring peroxidase activity of the bound biotinylated proteins. In a model study, we examined protein-protein interactions of Pseudomonas putida putidaredoxin (Pdx) and putidaredoxin reductase (PdR). A linear relationship (r(2)=0.96) was observed for binding of PdR-biotin to immobilized Pdx compared with binding of Pdx-biotin to immobilized PdR (the estimated K(d) value for the Pdx.PdR complex was 0.054muM). Human P450 2A6 interacted strongly with NADPH-P450 reductase; the K(d) values (with the reductase) ranged between 0.005 and 0.1muM for P450s 2C19, 2D6, and 3A4. Relatively weak interaction was found between holo-b(5) or apo-b(5) (devoid of heme) with NADPH-P450 reductase. Among the rat, rabbit, and human P450 1A2 enzymes, the rat enzyme showed the tightest interaction with b(5), although no increases in 7-ethoxyresorufin O-deethylation activities were observed with any of the P450 1A2 enzymes. Human P450s 2A6, 2D6, 2E1, and 3A4 interacted well with b(5), with P450 3A4 yielding the lowest K(d) values followed by P450s 2A6 and 2D6. No appreciable increases in interaction between human P450s with b(5) or NADPH-P450 reductase were observed when typical substrates for the P450s were included. We also found that NADPH-P450 reductase did not cause changes in the P450.substrate K(d) values estimated from substrate-induced UV-visible spectral changes with rabbit P450 1A2 or human P450 2A6, 2D6, or 3A4. Collectively, the results show direct and tight interactions between P450 enzymes and the accessory proteins NADPH-P450 reductase and b(5), with different affinities, and that ligand binding to mammalian P450s did not lead to increased interaction between P450s and the reductase.  相似文献   

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