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山东赤松种群的数量动态   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过静态生命表分析赤松(Pinus densiflora Sieb.et Zucc.)种群的生命结构与数量动态。结果表明,赤松种群具有不同年龄等级结构,死亡高峰出现在5~15年,此时正是幼龄期向成年期的过渡阶段,度过此阶段的赤松个体大多能达到生理寿命。由此看出,赤松种群静态生命表能较精确地反映赤松种群的数量动态规律。  相似文献   

山东赤松种群直径结构及其动态研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用维泊尔(Weibull)分布函数对山东赤松种群直径的分布规律及其动态进行了初步研究。结果表明,赤松种群直径分布的概率密度分布曲线,由幼龄阶段到成熟阶段,其峰值由左向右移动,由左偏单峰分布过渡为非偏单峰近似正态分布,最后趋于右偏单峰分布,针对不同林型的直径结构,探讨了赤松林的保护和管理。  相似文献   

张旭  鲍毅新  刘军  沈良良  章书声  方平福 《生态学报》2013,33(15):4665-4673
2009年7月至11月以及2010年3月至11月在千岛湖地区2个岛屿上对社鼠(Niviventer confucianus)种群进行标志重捕,通过对社鼠种群数量变动、更新率、居留时间以及气候对种群数量影响的研究,探讨在陆桥岛屿环境下社鼠种群数量动态的规律.结果显示:两岛种群数量均是上半年数量处于高峰,而下半年数量较低,超过环境承载力可能是种群下降的主要原因,岛屿环境对社鼠数量季节消长的影响与陆地环境有所不同;两岛社鼠的种群更新率均较低,这也说明在缺乏迁入和迁出的陆桥岛屿上,仅仅依靠出生和死亡来完成种群的更新,其种群更新率是较低的.根据对社鼠居留时间的研究,两岛上社鼠的生态寿命有可能只有一年左右,这比以往研究认为社鼠的生态寿命约一年半或更长一些明显缩短,这可能与陆桥岛屿较特殊的生存环境有关;月平均气温处于10-22℃对于社鼠种群的维持和增长是有利的,当月平均气温超过22℃时,似乎对社鼠种群是不利的.高温而少雨,可能是导致夏季社鼠种群数量下降的原因之一.  相似文献   

青檀是我国特有的珍稀濒危植物,为了更好地了解该种群数量动态,保护该种群持续稳定发展,在山西灵丘青檀自然保护区内采用样方法调查了青檀种群,编制种群静态生命表,绘制存活曲线,死亡率曲线和消失率曲线,引入生存函数,运用种群动态量化分析方法对种群动态变化进行分析。结果表明:种群数量变化动态指数大于零,种群属于增长型,但种群在发展过程中存在波动性;存活曲线拟合结果表明种群趋于DeeveyⅡ型。种群死亡率和消失率曲线变化趋势基本一致,在第3龄级出现高峰。生存率和累计死亡率曲线在前期变化幅度较大,后期两曲线变化趋于平缓;死亡密度前期高于后期,而危险率随着龄级的增加不断增大。  相似文献   

子午沙鼠种群数量动态及预测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
子千沙鼠(Meriones meridianus)是荒漠和半荒漠地区常见的鼠种之一,作者于1991~、995年4~10月每月中旬,在内蒙古达拉特旗中国农业守草原研究所鄂尔多斯沙地草场改良试验站,利用直线夹日法在站内的流动消逝天,半流动消逝一,固定沙地,丘间滩地,林地和农田中开展了种群数量调查。6a共布放124245闪日,捕获鼠7498只,其中子午沙鼠1408只,在各种鼠中占18.77%,居第二位。  相似文献   

格氏栲种群数量动态的谱分析研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
运用谱分析数学方法,研究分析格氏栲林格氏栲种群动态规律.结果表明:格氏栲种群数量动态的周期波动性是明显的,与格氏栲天然更新过程有关;不同生境、人为干扰均对辂氏栲种群数量动态的波动产生影响;格氏栲生长量的周期波动与其种群数量动态的周期波动特征基本一致,表明格氏栲种群数量动态呈周期波浪式发展,即表征格氏栲林优势种群的稳定性。  相似文献   

赤松纯林林分特征对昆嵛山鳃扁叶蜂发生量的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为探讨昆嵛山鳃扁叶蜂的发生与天然赤松纯林的林分特征及其自然分布的关系,依托昆嵛山森林生态定位研究站所设立的40块永久性样地,比较了群落自然演替13 a的赤松种群特征以及林内灌草多样性指数,并分析了虫口密度与赤松林分特征的关系。结果表明,13 a自然生长,赤松种群的径级分布和高度结构出现显著变化。赤松种群中占总数60%的林木径级为5 cmDBH≤25 cm,比1996年高51%;而约占67%的赤松个体高度在2 m到10 m之间,比1996年高57%。同时种群密度从1996年的平均超过13000株/hm2降到了2008年的平均2377株/hm2。赤松林内灌草Shannon多样性指数(H)和均匀度指数(JS)分别为2.50和0.79,分别低于1996年的(H)2.69和(JS)0.85,暗示赤松纯林生物多样性有降低的趋势。昆嵛山鳃扁叶蜂的虫口密度与赤松林分的郁闭度和赤松分布的海拔高度呈极显著相关关系、相关系数分别为R=0.931、P=0.002和R=0.924、P=0.003;与林分密度(R=0.780,P=0.038)、林木胸径(R=0.816,P=0.025)呈显著相关关系,而与树高以及树龄关系不显著。昆嵛山鳃扁叶蜂虫口密度的分布格局似乎非常符合"资源集中"假说。  相似文献   

山东赤松种群的个体生长规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用Logistic增长模型对山东赤松 (PinusdensifloraSieb .etZucc .)种群个体生长规律进行了初步研究。结果表明 ,赤松个体生长密切符合Logistic方程 ;人工林个体生长好于天然次生林 ;人工林与次生林个体生长规律一致 ;树高成熟龄和连年生长量最大时年龄出现最早 ,胸径成熟龄和连年生长量最大时年龄出现较晚 ,材积成熟龄和连年生长量最大时年龄出现最迟  相似文献   

植物种群的数量结构动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

秦岭水灾迹地油松和华山松更新种群数量特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
 不同植物种群种间比较研究利于揭示种群的形成机制和影响因素。该文研究了秦岭地区蔡玉河流域范家庄段水灾迹地恢复17年后群落优势种油松(Pinus tabulaeformis) 和华山松(P. armandii)的种群数量特征。水灾灾后第一年(1989年)就有油松和华山松个体进入迹地,由于较大的高生长速度和侧生长速度,油松种群的平均高度和地径高于华山松,占据了较大的垂直和水平空间。相对来说, 油松和华山松高度结构和径级结构模式不同,二者均是小个体数量居多,大个体数量极少,但油松中等大小个体多于华山松。油松和华山松种群的年龄结构模式不同,油松的为单峰右偏曲线,华山松的则近似于正态分布。坡向对油松的年龄结构模式没有影响,但对华山松种 群有影响。油松和华山松种群不同高度级、径级和年龄级之间存在显著正或负相关关系,缺少一致性,表明种群大小结构不一定反映年龄结构。油松和华山松种群的密度动态和存活曲线类型一致,均为Ⅱ型,表明二者具有相同的种群动态。总体上说,油松和华山松具有不同的树种生物学特性,使得种群的大小结构和年龄结构不同,但对种群更新存活动态没有影响。  相似文献   

We developed seven microsatellite loci from Pinus densiflora using a dual polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. Of 186 clones from a library based on suppression PCR, 127 contained microsatellite sequences. Of these, 43 candidates were determined sequences of both flanking regions, and 16 regions from this group were chosen as development markers. Seven of these primer pairs successfully amplified polymorphic single loci among 83 resistant trees against pine wood nematode. The observed heterozygosity of the seven microsatellite markers ranged from 0.247 to 0.843. Mendelian inheritance was confirmed using megagametophytes.  相似文献   

The competition-density (C-D) effect for self-thinning Pinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc. stands was analyzed. The relationship between biological time and physical time t followed a hyperbolic curve. The coefficients At and B included in the reciprocal equation of the C-D effect in self-thinning stands (i.e. 1/w=At+B), where w and , respectively, represent the mean stem volume and the realized stand density, were calculated at each time. With increasing , the coefficient At increased abruptly up to a maximum value, and then decreased gradually to a constant level, whereas the coefficient B decreased exponentially. The relationship between the realized stand density and the initial stand density i was confirmed to follow the equation: 1/=1/i+, where 1/ represents the asymptotic stand density at a given time. The - relationship was represented by the equation: =p(e–1), where p and are constants. The density in the self-thinning stands tended to converge to the same density level after a sufficient lapse of time, irrespective of the difference in initial stand density. The time-trajectory of the mean stem volume and asymptotic stand density on logarithmic coordinates moved gradually toward the self-thinning line with a slope of approximately –3/2, whereas the time-trajectory of the mean stem volume and full stand density moved initially along the self-thinning line with a slope of approximately –3/2, and then changed to move along the maximum yield line with a slope of –1.0.  相似文献   

The decline of Japanese red pine trees (Pinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc.) at Mt. Gokurakuji (693 m a.s.l.), 30 km west of Hiroshima city, west Japan, was studied. The effects of air pollution and acid deposition on the physiological characteristics of the trees, especially those of the needles, were investigated. Ozone concentration was not correlated with the physiological status of the needles and SO2 concentration was not high in the declined area. NO2 concentration correlated negatively with needle longevity while it correlated positively with ethylene emission from 1-year-old needles. Average needle longevity was about 2.8 years in non-declined areas; however the longevity was 1.3 years in the most polluted area. The minimal fluorescence at night (F 0)of 1-year-old needles decreased with increasing NO2 concentration. The maximum stomatal conductance (gl), net photosynthesis (P n)and intercellular CO2 concentration (C i) in the declined areas were lower than in the non- declined areas (about 50%, 30% and 20% lower, respectively). The lower C isuggested that the major part of the decrease in P ncan be explained by stomatal restriction. The soil pH, N content and C/N ratio showed no significant difference between the declined and non-declined areas. The physiological disorders of needles were due to the damage by air pollutants, and important roles of NO2 are suggested. Lowering of P n and the shortening of needle longevity appear to be the main causes of the decline in pines in the forest decline area. Received: 16 December 1998 / Accepted: 7 January 2000  相似文献   

The competition-density (C-D) effect for given times and self-thinning over time in even-aged, natural, pure stands of Pinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc. were analyzed with the reciprocal equation of the C-D effect in self-thinning stands, and the equation describing the time-trajectory of mean stem volume and stand density. The C-D effect and self-thinning were consistently well explained by the two equations. Differences in mean stem volume and in stand density among the stands tended to merge with increasing stand age. The self-thinning line with a slope of approximately –3/2 was reached by the higher density stand prior to the medium and lower density stands. The skewness of tree height distribution showed positive values, which means that the distribution is more or less L-shaped, and in addition the skewness decreased with increasing mean tree height, which indicates that smaller trees died as the stands grew. This trend is consistent with the asymmetric (one-sided) competition hypothesis that self-thinning is driven by competition for light. The tree height distribution was analyzed using the Weibull distribution. The location parameter h min of the Weibull distribution increased with increasing stand age, and the scale parameter a tended to increase slightly with increasing stand age. The range of the shape parameter b of the Weibull distribution corresponded to that of the skewness.  相似文献   

张伟  赵善伦 《生态学杂志》2002,21(1):70-73,25
赤松 (Pinusdensiflora)是重要的造林先锋树种 ,在我国主要分布于辽东半岛南部至江苏北部云台山之间的温带沿海地区 ,山东为其主要分布区。赤松林作为我国暖温带落叶阔叶林区域的温性针叶林类型 ,是山东最主要的针叶林 ,总面积达 2 .6 6 7×10 5ha以上 ,木材蓄积量为 1.2× 10 6m3 ,分别占全省森林总面积的 2 0 .19%及木材蓄积量的 14.4 9%。但自 2 0世纪 70年代以来 ,赤松受到“两虫”(松毛虫、松干蚧 )的严重危害 ,加上纯林太多和物种多样性指数低等原因 ,以至目前在山东难以找到大片的成年赤松林[1] 。为保护和发展这…  相似文献   

Malate synthase (EC, termed MSH (mol. wt. 630,000), was purified from the pollen of Pinus densiflora Sieb, et Zucc. to apparent homogeneity as judged by SDS-PAGE. Part of MSH was converted to the low molecular weight form of MS, termed MSL (mol. wt. 62,000), by incubation with 5 mm ATP. Both forms of MS were maximally active at pH 7.6 in the presence of 10 mm MgCl2 and 0.01 mm EDTA. MSL was completely inactivated by heating at 50°C for 3 min, but MSH activity was retained about 65%. MSH preincubated with 5mm ATP showed unstability similar to that of MSl. MSh activity was more strongly inhibited than that of MSL by phosphoenolpyruvate or ATP. Km values of MSH for acetyl-CoA and glyoxylate were about one half of those of MSL. The Fmax of MSh was about 5 times as high as that of MSL. ATP was a noncompetitive inhibitor with respect to acetyl-CoA and Ki values of ATP for MSH and MSL were 1.0 × 10–3 m and 2.0 × 10–2 m, respectively. From these results we suggested that MSH and MSL are the active and low active forms of MS, respectively.  相似文献   

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