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Immortalized human cells are able to maintain their telomeres by telomerase or by a recombination-mediated DNA replication mechanism known as alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT). We showed previously that overexpression of Sp100 protein can suppress ALT and that this was associated with sequestration of the MRE11/RAD50/NBS1 (MRN) recombination protein complex by Sp100. In the present study, we determined whether MRN proteins are required for ALT activity. ALT cells were depleted of MRN proteins by small hairpin RNA-mediated knockdown, which was maintained for up to 100 population doublings. Knockdown of NBS1 had no effect on the level of RAD50 or MRE11, but knockdown of RAD50 also depleted cells of NBS1, and knockdown of MRE11 depleted cells of all three MRN proteins. Depletion of NBS1, with or without depletion of other members of the complex, resulted in inhibition of ALT-mediated telomere maintenance, as evidenced by decreased numbers of ALT-associated promyelocytic leukemia bodies and decreased telomere length. In some clones there was an initial period of rapid shortening followed by stabilization of telomere length, whereas in others there was continuous shortening at a rate within the reported range for normal human somatic cells lacking a telomere maintenance mechanism. In contrast, depletion of NBS1 in telomerase-positive cells did not result in telomere shortening. A recent study showed that NBS1 was required for the formation of extrachromosomal telomeric circles (Compton, S. A., Choi, J. H., Cesare, A. J., Ozgur, S., and Griffith, J. D. (2007) Cancer Res. 67, 1513-1519), also a marker for ALT. We conclude that the MRN complex, and especially NBS1, is required for the ALT mechanism.  相似文献   

MRE11/RAD50/NBS1: complex activities   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Assenmacher N  Hopfner KP 《Chromosoma》2004,113(4):157-166
The MRE11/RAD50/NBS1 complex (Mre11 complex) is a central player in most aspects of the cellular response to DNA double-strand breaks, including homologous recombination, non-homologous end joining, telomere maintenance and DNA damage checkpoint activation. Several of these findings are explained by the unusual enzymatic activities and macromolecular structure of the Mre11 complex. The Mre11 complex possesses an ATP-stimulated nuclease to process heterogeneous DNA ends and long coiled-coil tails to link DNA ends and/or sister chromatids. However, the mechanistic role of the Mre11 complex in checkpoint activation has been unclear until recently. New data suggest that the Mre11 complex can directly activate the ATM checkpoint kinase at DNA breaks. These findings, together with newly determined functional interactions, identify the Mre11 complex as an architectural and mechanistic keystone of cellular response events emerging from DNA breaks.  相似文献   

Bloom's syndrome (BS) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by a broad range of symptoms and, most importantly, a predisposition to many types of cancers. Cells derived from patients with BS exhibit an elevated rate of somatic recombination and hypermutability, supporting a role for bleomycin (BLM) in the maintenance of genomic integrity. BLM is thought to participate in several DNA transactions, the failure of which could give raise to genomic instability, and to interact with many proteins involved in replication, recombination, and repair. In this study, we show that BLM function is specifically required to properly relocalize the RAD50/MRE11/NBS1 (RMN) complex at sites of replication arrest, but is not essential in the activation of BRCA1 either after stalled replication forks or gamma-rays. We also provide evidence that BLM is phosphorylated after replication arrest in an Ataxia and RAD3-related protein (ATR)-dependent manner and that phosphorylation is not required for subnuclear relocalization. Therefore, in ATR dominant negative mutant cells, the assembly of the RMN complex in nuclear foci after replication blockage is almost completely abolished. Together, these results suggest a relationship between BLM, ATR, and the RMN complex in the response to replication arrest, proposing a role for BLM protein and RMN complex in the resolution of stalled replication forks.  相似文献   

The presence of DNA damage activates a specific response cascade culminating in DNA repair activity and cell cycle checkpoints. Although the type of lesion dictates what proteins are involved in the response, replication protein A (RPA) and the Mre11/Rad50/Nbs1 complex (MRN) respond to most types of lesions. To examine the relationship of RPA and the MRN complex in DNA damage responses, we used siRNA-mediated protein depletion of RPA-p70 and Mre11. Depletion of RPA-p70 decreased the ability of cells to form phospho-Nbs1 foci and increased levels of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) following treatment with etoposide (ETOP). In contrast, depletion of Mre11 led to increased levels of RPA-p34 foci formation, but abrogated phospho-RPA-p34 foci formation. These data support a role for RPA as an initial signal/sensor for DNA damage that facilitates recruitment of MRN and ATM/ATR to sites of damage, where they then work together to fully activate the DNA damage response.  相似文献   

The MRE11–RAD50–NBS1 (MRN) complex plays essential roles in the cellular response to DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), which are the most cytotoxic DNA lesions, and is a target of various modifications and controls. Recently, lysine 48-linked ubiquitination of NBS1, resulting in premature disassembly of the MRN complex from DSB sites, was observed in cells lacking RECQL4 helicase activity. However, the role and control of this ubiquitination during the DSB response in cells with intact RECQL4 remain unknown. Here, we showed that USP2 counteracts this ubiquitination and stabilizes the MRN complex during the DSB response. By screening deubiquitinases that increase the stability of the MRN complex in RECQL4-deficient cells, USP2 was identified as a new deubiquitinase that acts at DSB sites to counteract NBS1 ubiquitination. We determined that USP2 is recruited to DSB sites in a manner dependent on ATM, a major checkpoint kinase against DSBs, and stably interacts with NBS1 and RECQL4 in immunoprecipitation experiments. Phosphorylation of two critical residues in the N terminus of USP2 by ATM is required for its recruitment to DSBs and its interaction with RECQL4. While inactivation of USP2 alone does not substantially influence the DSB response, we found that inactivation of USP2 and USP28, another deubiquitinase influencing NBS1 ubiquitination, results in premature disassembly of the MRN complex from DSB sites as well as defects in ATM activation and homologous recombination repair abilities. These results suggest that deubiquitinases counteracting NBS1 ubiquitination are essential for the stable maintenance of the MRN complex and proper cellular response to DSBs.  相似文献   

RAD50/MRE11/NBS1 complex is essential for DNA double-strand break repair and for maintaining genomic integrity. In this study, we immunohistochemically examined MRE11, NBS1 and RAD50 expression in primary CRCs (n=208), the corresponding distant (n=41) and adjacent normal mucosa (n=130), and lymph node metastases (n=26), and investigated their clinicopathological significance in colorectal cancers (CRCs). We found that the intensity and percentage of MRE11 and NBS1 in primary CRCs were positively correlated with each other and with RAD50 (P<0.0001). Strong expression of MRE11, NBS1 or combined RAD50/MRE11/NBS1 was related to MSS, positive hMLH1 expression, earlier tumour stage (TNM stage I and II) and favourable survival (P<0.05). A high percentage of MRE11 expression was associated with less local recurrence and high apoptotic activity (P<0.05). In MSS CRCs, the expression of MRE11 and NBS1 was stronger than that in normal mucosa (P<0.05), and strong expression of NBS1 in primary tumour was related to favourable survival of patients in TNM stage I and II (univariate analysis: P=0.03; multivariate analysis: P=0.07). In MSI CRCs, neither MRE11 nor NBS1 expression showed differences among normal mucosa, primary tumour and metastasis, or among clinicopathological variables. In conclusion, RAD50/MRE11/NBS1 proteins interacted with each other, which had different clinicopathological significance in MSS and MSI CRCs, and further, each component of the complex might have additional roles. NBS1 might be a prognostic factor for patients with MSS tumour in TNM stage I and II.  相似文献   

The MRE11–RAD50–NBS1 (MRN) complex accumulates at sites of DNA double‐strand breaks in large chromatin domains flanking the lesion site. The mechanism of MRN accumulation involves direct binding of the Nijmegen breakage syndrome 1 (NBS1) subunit to phosphorylated mediator of the DNA damage checkpoint 1 (MDC1), a large nuclear adaptor protein that interacts directly with phosphorylated H2AX. NBS1 contains an FHA domain and two BRCT domains at its amino terminus. Here, we show that both of these domains participate in the interaction with phosphorylated MDC1. Point mutations in key amino acid residues of either the FHA or the BRCT domains compromise the interaction with MDC1 and lead to defects in MRN accumulation at sites of DNA damage. Surprisingly, only mutation in the FHA domain, but not in the BRCT domains, yields a G2/M checkpoint defect, indicating that MDC1‐dependent chromatin accumulation of the MRN complex at sites of DNA breaks is not required for G2/M checkpoint activation.  相似文献   

The moss Physcomitrella patens is unique among plant models for the high frequency with which targeted transgene insertion occurs via homologous recombination. Transgene integration is believed to utilize existing machinery for the detection and repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). We undertook targeted knockout of the Physcomitrella genes encoding components of the principal sensor of DNA DSBs, the MRN complex. Loss of function of PpMRE11 or PpRAD50 strongly and specifically inhibited gene targeting, whilst rates of untargeted transgene integration were relatively unaffected. In contrast, disruption of the PpNBS1 gene retained the wild-type capacity to integrate transforming DNA efficiently at homologous loci. Analysis of the kinetics of DNA-DSB repair in wild-type and mutant plants by single-nucleus agarose gel electrophoresis revealed that bleomycin-induced fragmentation of genomic DNA was repaired at approximately equal rates in each genotype, although both the Ppmre11 and Pprad50 mutants exhibited severely restricted growth and development and enhanced sensitivity to UV-B and bleomycin-induced DNA damage, compared with wild-type and Ppnbs1 plants. This implies that while extensive DNA repair can occur in the absence of a functional MRN complex; this is unsupervised in nature and results in the accumulation of deleterious mutations incompatible with normal growth and development.  相似文献   

The MRE11‐RAD50‐NBS1 (MRN) complex is essential for the detection of DNA double‐strand breaks (DSBs) and initiation of DNA damage signaling. Here, we show that Rad17, a replication checkpoint protein, is required for the early recruitment of the MRN complex to the DSB site that is independent of MDC1 and contributes to ATM activation. Mechanistically, Rad17 is phosphorylated by ATM at a novel Thr622 site resulting in a direct interaction of Rad17 with NBS1, facilitating recruitment of the MRN complex and ATM to the DSB, thereby enhancing ATM signaling. Repetition of these events creates a positive feedback for Rad17‐dependent activation of MRN/ATM signaling which appears to be a requisite for the activation of MDC1‐dependent MRN complex recruitment. A point mutation of the Thr622 residue of Rad17 leads to a significant reduction in MRN/ATM signaling and homologous recombination repair, suggesting that Thr622 phosphorylation is important for regulation of the MRN/ATM signaling by Rad17. These findings suggest that Rad17 plays a critical role in the cellular response to DNA damage via regulation of the MRN/ATM pathway.  相似文献   

MRE11/RAD50/NBS1 (MRN) is a ubiquitous complex that participates in the response to DNA damage and in immunoglobulin (Ig) gene diversification. Ig gene diversification is initiated by deamination of cytosine to uracil, followed by removal of uracil to create an abasic (AP) site. We find that MRE11 associates specifically with rearranged Ig genes in hypermutating B cells, whereas APE1, the major AP-endonuclease in faithful base excision repair, does not. We show that purified, recombinant MRE11/RAD50 can cleave DNA at AP sites and that this AP-lyase activity is conserved from humans to Archaea. MRE11/RAD50 cleaves at AP sites within single-stranded regions of DNA, suggesting that at transcribed Ig genes, cleavage may be coordinated with deamination by AID and deglycosylation by UNG2 to produce single-strand breaks (SSBs) that undergo subsequent mutagenic repair and recombination. These results identify MRN with DNA cleavage in the AID-initiated pathway of Ig gene diversification.  相似文献   

MRE11-RAD50 is a key early response protein for processing DNA ends of broken chromosomes for repair, yet how RAD50 nucleotide dynamics regulate MRE11 nuclease activity is poorly understood. We report here that ATP binding and ATP hydrolysis cause a striking butterfly-like opening and closing of the RAD50 subunits, and each structural state has a dramatic functional effect on MRE11. RAD50-MRE11 has an extended conformation in solution when MRE11 is an active nuclease. However, ATP binding to RAD50 induces a closed conformation, and in this state MRE11 is an endonuclease. ATP hydrolysis opens the RAD50-MRE11 complex, and MRE11 maintains exonuclease activity. Thus, ATP hydrolysis is a molecular switch that converts MRE11 from an endonuclease to an exonuclease. We propose a testable model in which the open-closed transitions are used by RAD50-MRE11 to discriminate among DNA ends and drive the choice of recombination pathways.  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2022,82(21):3985-4000.e4
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The RAD50/MRE11/NBS1 protein complex (RMN) plays an essential role during the early steps of DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair by homologous recombination. Previous data suggest that one important role for RMN in DSB repair is to provide a link between DNA ends. The striking architecture of the complex, a globular domain from which two extended coiled coils protrude, is essential for this function. Due to its DNA-binding activity, ability to form dimers and interact with both RAD50 and NBS1, MRE11 is considered to be crucial for formation and function of RMN. Here, we show the successful expression and purification of a stable complex containing only RAD50 and NBS1 (RN). The characteristic architecture of the complex was not affected by absence of MRE11. Although MRE11 is a DNA-binding protein it was not required for DNA binding per se or DNA-tethering activity of the complex. The stoichiometry of NBS1 in RMN and RN complexes was estimated by SFM-based volume analysis. These data show that in vitro, R, M and N form a variety of stable complexes with variable subunit composition and stoichiometry, which may be physiologically relevant in different aspects of RMN function.  相似文献   

Nijmegen breakage syndrome, a chromosomal instability disorder, is characterized in part by cellular hypersensitivity to ionizing radiation. The NBS1 gene product, p95 (NBS1 or nibrin) forms a complex with Rad50 and Mre11. Cells deficient in the formation of this complex are defective in DNA double-strand break repair, cell cycle checkpoint control, and telomere length maintenance. How the NBS1 complex is involved in telomere length maintenance remains unclear. Here we show that the C-terminal region of NBS1 interacts directly with a telomere repeat binding factor, TRF1, by both yeast two-hybrid and in vivo DNA-coimmunoprecipitation assays. NBS1 and Mre11 colocalize with TRF1 at promyelocytic leukemia (PML) nuclear bodies in immortalized telomerase-negative cell lines, but rarely in telomerase-positive cell lines. The translocation of NBS1 to PML bodies occurs specifically during late S to G(2) phases of the cell cycle and coincides with active DNA synthesis in these NBS1-containing PML bodies. These results suggest that NBS1 may be involved in alternative lengthening of telomeres in telomerase-negative immortalized cells.  相似文献   

Eijpe M  Offenberg H  Goedecke W  Heyting C 《Chromosoma》2000,109(1-2):123-132
Synaptonemal complexes (SCs) are zipperlike structures that are assembled between homologous chromosomes during meiotic prophase. They consist of two axial elements (AEs) (one along each of the two homologous chromosomes), which, in mature SCs, are connected by numerous transverse filaments along their length. Several proteins involved in the later steps of meiotic recombination most probably function in close association with the AEs of SCs, because the proteins involved in these steps have all been localised along AEs or SCs by immunocytochemical methods. It is not known at which step in meiotic recombination this association with the AEs is established. In order to shed some light on this issue, we analysed the localisation of two proteins that are involved in early steps of meiotic recombination, RAD50 and MRE11, relative to AEs and SCs by immunofluorescence labelling of paraffin sections of the mouse testis, using affinity-purified polyclonal antibodies against RAD50 and MRE11, and monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies against SC components. The localisation patterns of MRE11 and RAD50 within spermatocytes were very similar. MRE11 and RAD50 appeared in high abundance in preleptotene spermatocytes, just before SC components could be detected. From preleptotene until early zygotene they were present throughout the nucleus. In mid and late zygotene, MRE11 and RAD50 concentrated in distinct areas; in early pachytene the two proteins had almost disappeared from the nucleus, except from the sex vesicle (the chromatin of the XY bivalent), where they persisted in high abundance until diplotene. We propose that MRE11 and RAD50, together with other proteins, prepare chromatin throughout the early meiotic prophase nucleus for the initiation of meiotic recombination. Possibly, only a small fraction of the RAD50- and MRE11-containing (pre)recombination complexes associates transiently with AEs, where further steps in meiotic recombination can take place. Received: 16 November 1999; in revised form: 29 December 1999 / Accepted: 3 January 2000  相似文献   

MRE11-RAD50 is a highly conserved multifunctional DNA repair factor. Here, we show that MRE11-RAD50 cleaves the covalent 3'-phosphotyrosyl-DNA bonds that join topoisomerase 1 (Top1) to the DNA backbone and that are the hallmark of damage caused by Top1 poisons such as camptothecin. Cleavage generates a 3'-phosphate DNA end that MRE11-RAD50 can resect in an ATP-regulated reaction, to produce a 3'-hydroxyl that can prime repair synthesis. The 3'-phosphotyrosyl cleavage activity maps to the MRE11 active site. These results define a new activity of MRE11 and distinguish MRE11-RAD50 functions in repair of Top1-DNA complexes and double-strand breaks.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Saccharomyces Mre11p, Rad50p, and Xrs2p proteins form a complex, called the MRX complex, that is required to maintain telomere length. Cells lacking any one of the three MRX proteins and Mec1p, an ATM-like protein kinase, undergo telomere shortening and ultimately die, phenotypes characteristic of cells lacking telomerase. The other ATM-like yeast kinase, Tel1p, appears to act in the same pathway as MRX: mec1 tel1 cells have telomere phenotypes similar to those of telomerase-deficient cells, whereas the phenotypes of tel1 cells are not exacerbated by the loss of a MRX protein. RESULTS: The nuclease activity of Mre11p was found to be dispensable for the telomerase-promoting activity of the MRX complex. The association of the single-stranded TG1-3 DNA binding protein Cdc13p with yeast telomeres occurred efficiently in the absence of Tel1p, Mre11p, Rad50p, or Xrs2p. Targeting of catalytically active telomerase to the telomere suppressed the senescence phenotype of mec1 mrx or mec1 tel1 cells. Moreover, when telomerase was targeted to telomeres, telomere lengthening was robust in mec1 mrx and mec1 tel1 cells. CONCLUSIONS: These data rule out models in which the MRX complex is necessary for Cdc13p binding to telomeres or in which the MRX complex is necessary for the catalytic activity of telomerase. Rather, the data suggest that the MRX complex is involved in recruiting telomerase activity to yeast telomeres.  相似文献   

The MRE11-RAD50-Nijmegen breakage syndrome 1 (NBS1 [MRN]) complex accumulates at sites of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in microscopically discernible nuclear foci. Focus formation by the MRN complex is dependent on MDC1, a large nuclear protein that directly interacts with phosphorylated H2AX. In this study, we identified a region in MDC1 that is essential for the focal accumulation of the MRN complex at sites of DNA damage. This region contains multiple conserved acidic sequence motifs that are constitutively phosphorylated in vivo. We show that these motifs are efficiently phosphorylated by caseine kinase 2 (CK2) in vitro and directly interact with the N-terminal forkhead-associated domain of NBS1 in a phosphorylation-dependent manner. Mutation of these conserved motifs in MDC1 or depletion of CK2 by small interfering RNA disrupts the interaction between MDC1 and NBS1 and abrogates accumulation of the MRN complex at sites of DNA DSBs in vivo. Thus, our data reveal the mechanism by which MDC1 physically couples the MRN complex to damaged chromatin.  相似文献   

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