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Dyneins motor on in plants   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
A recent report based on analysis of the Arabidopsis genome suggested that angiosperms do not contain the dynein microtubule motor. However, examination of the whole genome shotgun sequence for rice ( Oryza sativa ) has revealed that four dynein heavy chains are present in this monocot, indicating that the apparent lack of these sequences in Arabidopsis is not a general feature of angiosperm genomic organization. These observations also suggest that, in contrast to an earlier proposal, flowering plants may indeed use standard dynein-driven mechanisms to perform cellular transport activities that, in other organisms, employ the dynein motor  相似文献   

We present evidence that vimentin intermediate filament (IF) motility in vivo is associated with cytoplasmic dynein. Immunofluorescence reveals that subunits of dynein and dynactin are associated with all structural forms of vimentin in baby hamster kidney-21 cells. This relationship is also supported by the presence of numerous components of dynein and dynactin in IF-enriched cytoskeletal preparations. Overexpression of dynamitin biases IF motility toward the cell surface, leading to a perinuclear clearance of IFs and their redistribution to the cell surface. IF-enriched cytoskeletal preparations from dynamitin-overexpressing cells contain decreased amounts of dynein, actin-related protein-1, and p150Glued relative to controls. In contrast, the amount of dynamitin is unaltered in these preparations, indicating that it is involved in linking vimentin cargo to dynactin. The results demonstrate that dynein and dynactin are required for the normal organization of vimentin IF networks in vivo. These results together with those of previous studies also suggest that a balance among the microtubule (MT) minus and plus end-directed motors, cytoplasmic dynein, and kinesin are required for the assembly and maintenance of type III IF networks in interphase cells. Furthermore, these motors are to a large extent responsible for the long recognized relationships between vimentin IFs and MTs.  相似文献   

Dyneins across eukaryotes: a comparative genomic analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dyneins are large minus-end-directed microtubule motors. Each dynein contains at least one dynein heavy chain (DHC) and a variable number of intermediate chains (IC), light intermediate chains (LIC) and light chains (LC). Here, we used genome sequence data from 24 diverse eukaryotes to assess the distribution of DHCs, ICs, LICs and LCs across Eukaryota. Phylogenetic inference identified nine DHC families (two cytoplasmic and seven axonemal) and six IC families (one cytoplasmic). We confirm that dyneins have been lost from higher plants and show that this is most likely because of a single loss of cytoplasmic dynein 1 from the ancestor of Rhodophyta and Viridiplantae, followed by lineage-specific losses of other families. Independent losses in Entamoeba mean that at least three extant eukaryotic lineages are entirely devoid of dyneins. Cytoplasmic dynein 2 is associated with intraflagellar transport (IFT), but in two chromalveolate organisms, we find an IFT footprint without the retrograde motor. The distribution of one family of outer-arm dyneins accounts for 2-headed or 3-headed outer-arm ultrastructures observed in different organisms. One diatom species builds motile axonemes without any inner-arm dyneins (IAD), and the unexpected conservation of IAD I1 in non-flagellate algae and LC8 (DYNLL1/2) in all lineages reveals a surprising fluidity to dynein function.  相似文献   

Dynactin is a highly conserved, multiprotein complex that works in conjunction with microtubule-based motors to power a variety of intracellular motile events. Dynamitin (p50) is a core element of dynactin structure. In the present study, we use targeted mutagenesis to evaluate how dynamitin's different structural domains contribute to its ability to self-associate, interact with dynactin and assemble into a complex with its close binding partner, p24. We show that these interactions involve three distinct structural elements: (i) a previously unidentified dimerization motif in the N-terminal 100 amino acids, (ii) an α-helical motif spanning aa 106–162 and (iii) the C-terminal half of the molecule (aa 213–406), which is predicted to fold into an antiparallel α-helix bundle. The N-terminal half of dynamitin by itself is sufficient to disrupt dynactin, although very high concentrations are required. The ability of mutations in dynamitin's interaction domains to disrupt dynactin in vitro was found to correlate with their inhibitory effects when expressed in cells. We determined that the dynactin subunit, p24, governs dynamitin oligomerization by binding dynamitin along its length. This suppresses aberrant multimerization and drives formation of a protein complex that is identical to the native dynactin shoulder.  相似文献   

Many cargoes move bidirectionally, frequently reversing course between plus- and minus-end microtubule travel. For such cargoes, the extent and importance of interactions between the opposite-polarity motors is unknown. In this paper we test whether opposite-polarity motors on lipid droplets in Drosophila embryos are coordinated and avoid interfering with each other's activity, or whether they engage in a tug of war. To this end we impaired the minus-end transport machinery using dynein and dynactin mutations, and then investigated whether plus-end motion was improved or disrupted. We observe a surprisingly severe impairment of plus-end motion due to these alterations of minus-end motor activity. These observations are consistent with a coordination hypothesis, but cannot be easily explained with a tug of war model. Our measurements indicate that dynactin plays a crucial role in the coordination of plus- and minus-end-directed motors. Specifically, we propose that dynactin enables dynein to participate efficiently in bidirectional transport, increasing its ability to stay "on" during minus-end motion and keeping it "off" during plus-end motion.  相似文献   

Red blood cell protein 4.1 (4.1R) is an 80- kD erythrocyte phosphoprotein that stabilizes the spectrin/actin cytoskeleton. In nonerythroid cells, multiple 4.1R isoforms arise from a single gene by alternative splicing and predominantly code for a 135-kD isoform. This isoform contains a 209 amino acid extension at its NH2 terminus (head piece; HP). Immunoreactive epitopes specific for HP have been detected within the cell nucleus, nuclear matrix, centrosomes, and parts of the mitotic apparatus in dividing cells. Using a yeast two-hybrid system, in vitro binding assays, coimmunolocalization, and coimmunoprecipitation studies, we show that a 135-kD 4.1R isoform specifically interacts with the nuclear mitotic apparatus (NuMA) protein. NuMA and 4.1R partially colocalize in the interphase nucleus of MDCK cells and redistribute to the spindle poles early in mitosis. Protein 4.1R associates with NuMA in the interphase nucleus and forms a complex with spindle pole organizing proteins, NuMA, dynein, and dynactin during cell division. Overexpression of a 135-kD isoform of 4.1R alters the normal distribution of NuMA in the interphase nucleus. The minimal sequence sufficient for this interaction has been mapped to the amino acids encoded by exons 20 and 21 of 4.1R and residues 1788-1810 of NuMA. Our results not only suggest that 4.1R could, possibly, play an important role in organizing the nuclear architecture, mitotic spindle, and spindle poles, but also could define a novel role for its 22-24-kD domain.  相似文献   

Dynactin function in mitotic spindle positioning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dynactin is a multisubunit protein complex necessary for dynein function. Here, we investigated the function of dynactin in budding yeast. Loss of dynactin impaired movement and positioning of the mitotic spindle, similar to loss of dynein. Dynactin subunits required for function included p150Glued, dynamitin, actin-related protein (Arp) 1 and p24. Arp10 and capping protein were dispensable, even in combination. All dynactin subunits tested localized to dynamic plus ends of cytoplasmic microtubules, to stationary foci on the cell cortex and to spindle pole bodies. The number of molecules of dynactin in those locations was small, less than five. In the absence of dynactin, dynein accumulated at plus ends and did not appear at the cell cortex, consistent with a role for dynactin in offloading dynein from the plus end to the cortex. Dynein at the plus end was necessary for dynactin plus-end targeting. p150Glued was the only dynactin subunit sufficient for plus-end targeting. Interactions among the subunits support a molecular model that resembles the current model for brain dynactin in many respects; however, three subunits at the pointed end of brain dynactin appear to be absent from yeast.  相似文献   

The transport of vesicles in neurons is a highly regulated process, with vesicles moving either anterogradely or retrogradely depending on the nature of the molecular motors, kinesins and dynein, respectively, which propel vesicles along microtubules (MTs). However, the mechanisms that determine the directionality of transport remain unclear. Huntingtin, the protein mutated in Huntington's disease, is a positive regulatory factor for vesicular transport. Huntingtin is phosphorylated at serine 421 by the kinase Akt but the role of this modification is unknown. Here, we demonstrate that phosphorylation of wild-type huntingtin at S421 is crucial to control the direction of vesicles in neurons. When phosphorylated, huntingtin recruits kinesin-1 to the dynactin complex on vesicles and MTs. Using brain-derived neurotrophic factor as a marker of vesicular transport, we demonstrate that huntingtin phosphorylation promotes anterograde transport. Conversely, when huntingtin is not phosphorylated, kinesin-1 detaches and vesicles are more likely to undergo retrograde transport. This also applies to other vesicles suggesting an essential role for huntingtin in the control of vesicular directionality in neurons.  相似文献   

Mutations in the human LIS1 gene cause type I lissencephaly, a severe brain developmental disease involving gross disorganization of cortical neurons. In lower eukaryotes, LIS1 participates in cytoplasmic dynein-mediated nuclear migration. We previously reported that mammalian LIS1 functions in cell division and coimmunoprecipitates with cytoplasmic dynein and dynactin. We also localized LIS1 to the cell cortex and kinetochores of mitotic cells, known sites of dynein action. We now find that the COOH-terminal WD repeat region of LIS1 is sufficient for kinetochore targeting. Overexpression of this domain or full-length LIS1 displaces CLIP-170 from this site without affecting dynein and other kinetochore markers. The NH2-terminal self-association domain of LIS1 displaces endogenous LIS1 from the kinetochore, with no effect on CLIP-170, dynein, and dynactin. Displacement of the latter proteins by dynamitin overexpression, however, removes LIS1, suggesting that LIS1 binds to the kinetochore through the motor protein complexes and may interact with them directly. We find that of 12 distinct dynein and dynactin subunits, the dynein heavy and intermediate chains, as well as dynamitin, interact with the WD repeat region of LIS1 in coexpression/coimmunoprecipitation and two-hybrid assays. Within the heavy chain, interactions are with the first AAA repeat, a site strongly implicated in motor function, and the NH2-terminal cargo-binding region. Together, our data suggest a novel role for LIS1 in mediating CLIP-170-dynein interactions and in coordinating dynein cargo-binding and motor activities.  相似文献   

Down syndrome (DS, trisomy 21) is the most frequent genetic cause of mental retardation. Although known for more than a hundred years the underlying pathomechanisms for the phenotype and impaired brain functions remain elusive. Performing protein hunting in fetal DS brain, we detected a series of cytoskeleton proteins with aberrant expression in fetal DS cortex. Fetal brain cortex samples of controls and DS of the early second trimenon of gestation were used for the experiments. We applied two-dimensional electrophoresis with in-gel digestion of protein spots, subsequent mass spectroscopical (MALDI) identification, and quantification of spots using specific software. Centractin alpha, F-actin capping protein alpha-1, alpha-2 and beta subunits were significantly reduced in fetal DS cortex, whereas dynein intermediate clear 2, dynein intermediate chain 2, and kinesin light chain protein levels were unchanged. Centractins and F-actin capping proteins are major determinants of the cytoskeleton and are involved in pivotal functions including cellular, organelle, and nuclear motility. Deranged centractins and F-actin capping proteins may represent or induce deficient axonal transport and may well contribute to deterioration of the cytoskeleton's mitotic functions in trisomy 21.  相似文献   

Nuclear mitotic apparatus protein (NuMA) is an essential vertebrate component in organizing microtubule ends at spindle poles. The NuMA-dynactin/dynein motor multiprotein complex not only explains the transport of NuMA along spindle fibers but also is linked to the process of microtubule focusing. The interaction sites of NuMA to dynein/dynactin have not been mapped. In the yet functionally uncharacterized N terminus of NuMA, we predict a calponin-homology (CH) domain, a motif with binding activity for actin-like molecules. We substantiate the primary sequence analysis-based prediction with secondary structure and fold recognition analysis, and we propose the N-terminal CH domain of NuMA as a likely interaction site for actin-related protein 1 (Arp1) protein of the dynactin/dynein complex.  相似文献   

Sexual selection,sexual dimorphism and plant phylogeny   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Darwin examined sexual dimorphism in animals, arguing that sexual selection was important in the evolution of such dimorphism. Sexual dimorphism in plants may have parallel causes and costs.The processes that contribute to sexual dimorphism may also lead to speciation and morphological differences among related species, as argued originally by Darwin. Where sexes are separate and dimorphism is well-developed, males of related animal species (both vertebrate and invertebrate) are often strikingly different from each other, while females may be virtually indistinguishable. A similar pattern may exist in plants: it is frequently the males (of dioecious taxa) or the male portions of the flower (in co-sexual flowers) that apparently have diversified. I suggest that the similarity of pattern may be accounted for by a similarity of process.In addition, sexual selection may have contributed to certain evolutionary trends within the angiosperms and, indeed, to angiosperm radiation.  相似文献   

The neuron uses two families of microtubule-based motors for fast axonal transport, kinesin, and cytoplasmic dynein. Cytoplasmic dynein moves membranous organelles from the distal regions of the axon to the cell body. Because dynein is synthesized in the cell body, it must first be delivered to the axon tip. It has recently been shown that cytoplasmic dynein is moved from the cell body along the axon by two different mechanisms. A small amount is associated with fast anterograde transport, the membranous organelles moved by kinesin. Most of the dynein is transported in slow component b, the actin-based transport compartment. Dynactin, a protein complex that binds dynein, is also transported in slow component b. The dynein in slow component b binds to microtubules in an ATP-dependent manner in vitro, suggesting that this dynein is enzymatically active. The finding that functionally active dynein, and dynactin, are associated with the actin-based transport compartment suggests a mechanism whereby dynein anchored to the actin cytoskeleton via dynactin provides the motive force for microtubule movement in the axon.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a spatially regulated process in axons; autophagosomes form preferentially in the distal axon tip then move actively and processively toward the cell body. Despite the primarily unidirectional transport observed in live-cell imaging experiments, both anterograde-directed KIF5/kinesin-1 motors and retrograde-directed dynein motors are tightly associated with axonal autophagosomes. Here, we discuss our recent work identifying the scaffolding protein MAPK8IP1/JIP1 (mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 interacting protein 1) as a key regulator of autophagosome transport in neurons. MAPK8IP1 tightly coordinates motor activity to ensure the fidelity of retrograde autophagosome transport in the axon.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a spatially regulated process in axons; autophagosomes form preferentially in the distal axon tip then move actively and processively toward the cell body. Despite the primarily unidirectional transport observed in live-cell imaging experiments, both anterograde-directed KIF5/kinesin-1 motors and retrograde-directed dynein motors are tightly associated with axonal autophagosomes. Here, we discuss our recent work identifying the scaffolding protein MAPK8IP1/JIP1 (mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 interacting protein 1) as a key regulator of autophagosome transport in neurons. MAPK8IP1 tightly coordinates motor activity to ensure the fidelity of retrograde autophagosome transport in the axon.  相似文献   

The dynactin complex contains proteins including p150 that interacts with cytoplasmic dynein and an actin-related protein Arp1 that forms a minifilament. Proteins including Arp11 and p62 locate at the pointed end of the Arp1 filament, but their biochemical functions are unclear (Schroer TA. Dynactin. Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol 2004;20:759–779). In Aspergillus nidulans , loss of Arp11 or p62 causes the same nu clear d istribution (nud) defect displayed by dynein mutants, indicating that these pointed-end proteins are essential for dynein function. We constructed a strain with S-tagged p150 of dynactin that allows us to pull down components of the dynactin and dynein complexes. Surprisingly, while the ratio of pulled-down Arp1 to S-p150 in Arp11-depleted cells is clearly lower than that in wild-type cells, the ratio of pulled-down dynein to S-p150 is significantly higher. We further show that the enhanced dynein–dynactin interaction in Arp11-depleted cells is also present in the soluble fraction and therefore is not dependent upon the affinity of these proteins to the membrane. We suggest that loss of the pointed-end proteins alters the Arp1 filament in a way that affects the conformation of p150 required for its proper interaction with the dynein motor.  相似文献   

Asymmetrical mRNA localization and subsequent local translation provide efficient mechanisms for protein sorting in polarized cells. Defects in mRNA localization have been linked to developmental abnormalities and neurological diseases. Thus, it is critical to understand the machineries mediating and mechanisms underlying the asymmetrical distribution of mRNA and its regulation. The goal of this review is to summarize recent advances in the understanding of mRNA transport and localization, including the assembly and sorting of transport messenger ribonucleic protein (mRNP) granules, molecular mechanisms of active mRNP transport, cytoskeletal interactions and regulation of these events by extracellular signals.   相似文献   

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