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Molecular strategies in Metazoan genomic evolution   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Saccone C  Barome PO  D'Erchia AM  D'Errico I  Pesole G  Sbisà E  Tullo A 《Gene》2002,300(1-2):195-201

Protein kinases C (PKCs) comprise closely related Ser/Thr kinases, ubiquitously present in animal tissues; they respond to second messengers, e.g., Ca2+ and/or diacylglycerol, to express their activities. Two PKCs have been sequenced from Geodia cydonium, a member of the lowest multicellular animals, the sponges (Porifera). One sponge G. cydonium PKC, GCPKC1, belongs to the ``novel' (Ca2+-independent) PKC (nPKC) subfamily while the second one, GCPKC2, has the hallmarks of the ``conventional' (Ca2+-dependent) PKC (cPKC) subfamily. The alignment of the Ser/Thr catalytic kinase domains, of the predicted aa sequences for these cDNAs with respective segments from previously reported sequences, revealed highest homology to PKCs from animals but also distant relationships to Ser/Thr kinases from protozoa, plants, and bacteria. However, a comparison of the complete structures of the sponge PKCs, which are—already—identical to those of nPKCs and cPKCs from higher metazoa, with the structures of protozoan, plant, and bacterial Ser/Thr kinases indicates that the metazoan PKCs have to be distinguished from the nonmetazoan enzymes. These data indicate that metazoan PKCs have a universal common ancestor which they share with the nonmetazoan Ser/Thr kinases with respect to the kinase domain, but they differ from them in overall structural composition. Received: 10 January 1996 / Accepted: 12 March 1996  相似文献   

植物内生固氮菌系统发育进化新进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在植物内生固氮菌系统发育进化关系研究中,常用的方法有形态学与蛋白质水平法、数值分类和自动化鉴定法、化学分类法、分子遗传学方法等。本文简要介绍了常用方法的关键技术,并归纳了它们的优缺点。生物学的研究进入基因组时代后,随着高通量DNA测序技术在微生物学领域应用的迅速发展,全基因组测序被应用到微生物系统发育进化研究中,然而目前并未发现对已测全基因组序列的植物内生固氮菌进行系统总结。本文在对已测序植物内生固氮菌进行归纳的基础上,又详细研究了基于基因组数据的几种具有代表性的新方法(ANI分析法、最大唯一匹配指数法、核心基因组分析、组分矢量法、基因流动性分析),并结合目前系统发育进化研究常用方法,对植物内生固氮菌系统发育进化研究趋势进行总结和展望,旨在使植物内生固氮菌的系统发育进化关系研究在精确度、可靠性等方面有所突破。  相似文献   

The hypothesis is advanced that major evolutionary innovations are characterized by an increase of organismal autonomy in the sense of an emancipation from the environment. After a brief overview of the literature on this concept, increasing autonomy is defined as the evolutionary shift in the individual system-environment relationship, so that the direct influences of the environment are gradually reduced and a stabilization of self-referential, intrinsic functions within the system is generated. This is described as relative autonomy because numerous interconnections with the environment and dependencies upon it are retained. Elements of an increasing autonomy are spatial separations, an increase in homeostatic functions, internalizations and an increase in physiological and behavioral flexibility. These elements are described by taking the transition from single cells to metazoans as a case study. The principle of increasing autonomy is of central relevance for understanding this transition. The hypothesis does not contradict the principle of adaptation, but rather contributes to a further understanding of its elements as it supplies aspects for a reconsideration of the relationship between the outside and the inside, between organism and environment.  相似文献   

利用微型生物指示评价污水处理厂运行的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前基于理化指标和出水水质来调控污水处理厂运行工况存在一定滞后性,且建立的控制策略不利于系统长期稳定地运行.活性污泥工艺运行状态对微型生物的种群结构具有显著影响,可利用微型生物种群结构来指示和评价污水处理厂运行,且有利于建立面向种群优化的控制系统.在介绍微型生物分类、鉴定、计数的基础上详细阐述了微型生物种群结构与污水处理厂运行状态的相关性与内在联系,力求为今后利用微型生物种群结构特性来指示,评价污水处理厂的运行奠定基础.并对此方面的研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

Nowadays the formation of germ layers (endoderm and mesoderm) is associated with gastrulation. The question of whether the cell movements during early embryonic development in sponges (Porifera) are gastrulation as in eumetazoans remains in dispute. Recent data on the histological organization, digestion and embryonic morphogenesis in sponges are analyzed here in an attempt to answer this question. Unique features of these basal Metazoa are the lack of intestinal epithelium, digestive parenchyma or any cell population specialized in digestion. Food particles are captured by cells of almost all types. These data show that sponges have no embryonic layers such as ectoderm or endoderm, characteristic to eumetazoans, and, consequently, no gastrulation. We make an assumption that the formation of germ layers cannot be considered as a recapitulation of events that took place in the common ancestor of Porifera and Eumetazoa. The unity of Metazoa is expressed not in the presence of gastrulation processes per se, but in the universal nature of cell movement mechanisms ensuring various types of morphogenesis, including those underlying gastrulation. It is concluded that metazoan mechanisms of morphogenetic movements must have emerged in the course of evolution prior to the separation of the germ layers like endoderm and ectoderm.  相似文献   



Prolyl oligopeptidases (POPs) are proteolytic enzymes, widely distributed in all the kingdoms of life. Bacterial POPs are pharmaceutically important enzymes, yet their functional and evolutionary details are not fully explored. Therefore, current analysis is aimed at understanding the distribution, domain architecture, probable biological functions and gene family expansion of POPs in bacterial and archaeal lineages.


Exhaustive sequence analysis of 1,202 bacterial and 91 archaeal genomes revealed ~3,000 POP homologs, with only 638 annotated POPs. We observed wide distribution of POPs in all the analysed bacterial lineages. Phylogenetic analysis and co-clustering of POPs of different phyla suggested their common functions in all the prokaryotic species. Further, on the basis of unique sequence motifs we could classify bacterial POPs into eight subtypes. Analysis of coexisting domains in POPs highlighted their involvement in protein-protein interactions and cellular signaling. We proposed significant extension of this gene family by characterizing 39 new POPs and 158 new α/β hydrolase members.


Our study reflects diversity and functional importance of POPs in bacterial species. Many genomes with multiple POPs were identified with high sequence variations and different cellular localizations. Such anomalous distribution of POP genes in different bacterial genomes shows differential expansion of POP gene family primarily by multiple horizontal gene transfer events.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-985) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Meiotic recombination shapes evolution and helps to ensure proper chromosome segregation in most species that reproduce sexually. Recombination itself evolves, with species showing considerable divergence in the rate of crossing‐over. However, the genetic basis of this divergence is poorly understood. Recombination events are produced via a complicated, but increasingly well‐described, cellular pathway. We apply a phylogenetic comparative approach to a carefully selected panel of genes involved in the processes leading to crossovers—spanning double‐strand break formation, strand invasion, the crossover/non‐crossover decision, and resolution—to reconstruct the evolution of the recombination pathway in eutherian mammals and identify components of the pathway likely to contribute to divergence between species. Eleven recombination genes, predominantly involved in the stabilization of homologous pairing and the crossover/non‐crossover decision, show evidence of rapid evolution and positive selection across mammals. We highlight TEX11 and associated genes involved in the synaptonemal complex and the early stages of the crossover/non‐crossover decision as candidates for the evolution of recombination rate. Evolutionary comparisons to MLH1 count, a surrogate for the number of crossovers, reveal a positive correlation between genome‐wide recombination rate and the rate of evolution at TEX11 across the mammalian phylogeny. Our results illustrate the power of viewing the evolution of recombination from a pathway perspective.  相似文献   

植物多倍体基因组的形成与进化   总被引:43,自引:2,他引:41  
杨继 《植物分类学报》2001,39(4):357-371
多倍化是植物进化变异的自然现象,也是促进植物发生进化改变的重要力量。在被子植物中,约 70%的种类在进化史中曾发生过一次或多次多倍化的过程。目前的研究结果表明,自然界绝大多数多倍体是通过未减数配子的融合而形成的,并且很多多倍体种是通过多次独立的多倍化过程而重复发生的。由多倍化所导致的重复基因在多倍体基因组中可能有三种不同的命运,即:保持原有的功能、基因沉默或分化并执行新的功能。多倍化以后,重复基因组的进化动态则主要表现在染色体重排和“染色体二倍化”、不同基因组之间的相互渗透、以及核-质之间的相互作用等方面。  相似文献   

Functional divergence in protein (family) sequence evolution   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Gu X 《Genetica》2003,118(2-3):133-141
As widely used today to infer function, the homology search is based on the neutral theory that sites of greatest functional significance are under the strongest selective constraints as well as lowest evolutionary rates, and vice versa. Therefore, site-specific rate changes (or altered selective constraints) are related to functional divergence during protein (family) evolution. In this paper, we review our recent work about this issue. We show a great deal of functional information can be obtained from the evolutionary perspective, which can in turn be used to facilitate high throughput functional assays. The emergence of evolutionary functional genomics is also indicated. The related software DIVERGE can be obtained form http://xgu1.zool.iastate.edu.  相似文献   

Sequence analysis of the Agnase/agmatine ureohydrolase family, important enzymes in arginine/agmatine metabolism and the urea cycle, reveals the similarity of arginases to formiminoglutamate hydrolase (hutG) in Klebsiella aerogenes and to a previously unidentified open reading frame adjacent to the HMf locus of the archaebacterium Methanothermus fervidus. The gene structure and distribution of these homologous proteins across primary kingdoms suggest that this family is another example of a primordial enzyme possibly present in the universal common ancestor and that can be used as phylogenetic marker. Correspondence to: C.A. Ouzounis  相似文献   

This study compares results on reconstructing the ancestral state of characters and ancestral areas of distribution in Cornaceae to gain insights into the impact of using different analytical methods. Ancestral character state reconstructions were compared among three methods (parsimony, maximum likelihood, and stochastic character mapping) using MESQUITE and a full Bayesian method in BAYESTRAITS and inferences of ancestral area distribution were compared between the parsimony-based dispersal-vicariance analysis (DIVA) and a newly developed maximum likelihood (ML) method. Results indicated that among the six inflorescence and fruit characters examined, "perfect" binary characters (no homoplasy, no polymorphism within terminals, and no missing data) are little affected by choice of method, while homoplasious characters and missing data are sensitive to methods used. Ancestral areas at deep nodes of the phylogeny are substantially different between DIVA and ML and strikingly different between analyses including and excluding fossils at three deepest nodes. These results, while raising caution in making conclusions on trait evolution and historical biogeography using conventional methods, demonstrate a limitation in our current understanding of character evolution and biogeography. The biogeographic history favored by the ML analyses including fossils suggested the origin and early radiation of Cornus likely occurred in the late Cretaceous and earliest Tertiary in Europe and intercontinental disjunctions in three lineages involved movements across the North Atlantic Land Bridge (BLB) in the early and mid Tertiary. This result is congruent with the role of NALB for post-Eocene migration and in connecting tropical floras in North America and Africa, and in eastern Asia and South America. However, alternative hypotheses with an origin in eastern Asia and early Trans-Beringia migrations of the genus cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Nakamura K  Kawabata T  Yura K  Go N 《FEBS letters》2003,553(3):239-244
An analysis of the genome sequence database revealed novel types of two-domain multi-copper oxidases. The two-domain proteins have the conspicuous combination of blue-copper and inter-domain trinuclear copper binding residues, which is common in ceruloplasmin and ascorbate oxidase but not in nitrite reductase, and therefore are considered to retain the characteristics of the plausible ancestral form of ceruloplasmin and ascorbate oxidase. A possible evolutionary relationship of these proteins is proposed.  相似文献   

Members of the protein phosphatase 2C (PP2C) superfamily are Mg2+/Mn2+-dependent serine/threonine phosphatases, which are essential for regulation of cell cycle and stress signaling pathways in cells. In this study, a comprehensive genomic analysis of all available metazoan PP2C sequences was conducted. The phylogeny of PP2C was reconstructed, revealing the existence of 15 vertebrate families which arose following a series of gene duplication events. Relative dating of these duplications showed that they occurred in two active periods: before the divergence of bilaterians and before vertebrate diversification. PP2C families which duplicated during the first period take part in different signaling pathways, whereas PP2C families which diverged in the second period display tissue expression differences yet participate in similar signaling pathways. These differences were found to involve variation of expression in tissues which show higher complexity in vertebrates, such as skeletal muscle and the nervous system. Further analysis was performed with the aim of identifying the functional domains of PP2C. The conservation pattern across the entire PP2C superfamily revealed an extensive domain of more than 50 amino acids which is highly conserved throughout all PP2C members. Several insertion or deletion events were found which may have led to the specialization of each PP2C family. Electronic Supplementary Material Electronic Supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Hector Musto]  相似文献   

《Fungal Biology Reviews》2020,34(3):136-143
The interaction of pathogens with their hosts creates strong reciprocal selection pressures. Pathogens often deploy an arsenal of small proteins called effectors that manipulate the plant immune system and promote disease. In the post-genomics era, a major interest has been to understand what shapes the localization of effector genes in pathogen genomes. The two-speed genome model originated with the discovery of repeat-rich and gene-sparse genome compartments with an over-representation of effector-like genes in a subset of plant pathogens. These highly polymorphic genome compartments are thought to create unique niches for effector genes and facilitate rapid adaptation. Research over the past decade has revealed a number of twists to the two-speed genome model and raised questions about the universality among plant pathogens. Here, we critically review the foundations of the two-speed model by presenting recent work on epigenetics, transposable element dynamics, and population genetics. Numerous examples have demonstrated that the location of effector genes in rapidly evolving compartments has created key adaptations. However, recent evidence suggests that the two-speed genome is unlikely to have evolved to specifically benefit the plant pathogen lifestyle. We propose that fundamental drivers of eukaryotic genome evolution have shaped both pathogen and non-pathogen genomes alike. An evolutionary genomics perspective on the two-speed genome model will open up fruitful new research avenues.  相似文献   

Analysis of the patterns and levels of diversity in duplicate gene not only traces evolutionary history of polyploids, but also provides insight into how the evolutionary process differs between lineages and between homoeologous loci within lineages. Elymus sensu lato is a group of allopolyploid species, which share a common St genome and with the different combinations of H, Y, P, and W genomes. To estimate the evolutionary process of the rbcL gene in species of Elymus s. l. and its putative dioploid relatives, 74 sequences were obtained from 21 species of Elymus s. l. together with 24 diploid taxa representing 19 basic genomes in Triticeae. Phylogeny and sequence diversity pattern analysis suggested that (1) species of Pseudoroegneria (Nevski) Á. Löve might serve as the maternal donor of the species of Elymus s. l; (2) differentiation of St genome were shown in the species of Elymus s. l. following polyploidy event; (3) divergences within the species might associate with geographic diversity and morphological variability; (4) differences in the levels and patterns of nucleotide diversity of the rbcL gene implied that the St genome lineages in the species of Elymus s. l. have differently evolutionary potentials.  相似文献   

Summary Evolution and divergence among, species within the genusLathyrus have involved an approximately fivefold increase in the amounts of nuclear DNA. Most species inLathyrus are diploids with the same chromosome number, 2n=14. Significant changes in the amounts of repetitive sequences have accounted for much of the evolutionary DNA variation between species. Seven diploidLathyrus species with a twofold variation in nuclear DNA amounts between them were investigated. Using higher derivative analysis of the thermal denaturation profiles of the reassociated repetitive DNA, the reiteration frequency and divergence of repetitive families were compared. Much variation in the reiteration frequency was observed within and between species. In species with larger 2C DNA amounts repetitive families had on average greater amounts of DNA. Despite the massive differences in DNA amounts, six species were consistently similar in the number of repetitive families in their genomes, and they showed a similar pattern in base sequence divergence. In terms of base sequence relationships the repetitive families appeared to be heterogeneous. The evolutionary significance is discussed.  相似文献   

Distributions of mutation fitness effects from evolution experiments are available in an increasing number of species, opening the way for a vast array of applications in evolutionary biology. However, comparison of estimated distributions among studies is hampered by inconsistencies in the definitions of fitness effects and selection coefficients. In particular, the use of ratios of Malthusian growth rates as ‘relative fitnesses’ leads to wrong inference of the strength of selection. Scaling Malthusian fitness by the generation time may help overcome this shortcoming, and allow accurate comparison of selection coefficients across species. For species reproducing by binary fission (neglecting cellular death), ln2 can be used as a correction factor, but in general, the growth rate and generation time of the wild-type should be provided in studies reporting distribution of mutation fitness effects. I also discuss how density and frequency dependence of population growth affect selection and its measurement in evolution experiments.  相似文献   

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