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The aim of this study was to assess whether the potent calcium antagonist nifedipine was capable of modifying the hormonal response to graded exercise in 7 healthy young men. After fasting overnight, each subject came to the laboratory on 2 consecutive mornings. On one day he was given 10 mg of nifedipine sublingually and on the other an identical placebo capsule; the order was randomised in a double-blind fashion over the 2 days. Thereafter each subject performed 2 successive short treadmill runs, equivalent to 60 and 100%, respectively, of maximal aerobic power. While significantly blunting the rise in mean systolic blood pressure and inducing a greater fall in diastolic blood pressure during and after exercise compared with the placebo, nifedipine did not impair the brisk response to pituitary-adrenal hormones (ACTH, cortisol and total catecholamines). Nifedipine also did not modify the effects of short-term exercise in raising mean plasma glucose levels, stimulating pancreatic glucagon secretion and producing a delayed increase in plasma insulin concentrations. Nor did the drug blunt the significant rise of growth hormone and prolactin levels occurring during and after the treadmill run. It was concluded that, apart from inducing significant changes in blood pressure, a single dose of nifedipine does not appear to suppress the counterregulatory hormonal responses to short-term physical activity in healthy men.  相似文献   

Recently, we established that hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) and counterregulatory responses to insulin-induced hypoglycemia were impaired in uncontrolled streptozotocin (STZ)-diabetic (65 mg/kg) rats and insulin treatment restored most of these responses. In the current study, we used phloridzin to determine whether the restoration of blood glucose alone was sufficient to normalize HPA function in diabetes. Normal, diabetic, insulin-treated, and phloridzin-treated diabetic rats were either killed after 8 days or subjected to a hypoglycemic (40 mg/dl) glucose clamp. Basal: Elevated basal ACTH and corticosterone in STZ rats were normalized with insulin but not phloridzin. Increases in hypothalamic corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) and inhibitory hippocampal mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) mRNA with STZ diabetes were not restored with either insulin or phloridzin treatments. Hypoglycemia: In response to hypoglycemia, rises in plasma ACTH and corticosterone were significantly lower in diabetic rats compared with controls. Insulin and phloridzin restored both ACTH and corticosterone responses in diabetic animals. Hypothalamic CRH mRNA and pituitary pro-opiomelanocortin mRNA expression increased following 2 h of hypoglycemia in normal, insulin-treated, and phloridzin-treated diabetic rats but not in untreated diabetic rats. Arginine vasopressin mRNA was unaltered by hypoglycemia in all groups. Interestingly, hypoglycemia decreased hippocampal MR mRNA in control, insulin-, and phloridzin-treated diabetic rats but not uncontrolled diabetic rats, whereas glucocorticoid receptor mRNA was not altered by hypoglycemia. In conclusion, despite elevated basal HPA activity, HPA responses to hypoglycemia were markedly reduced in uncontrolled diabetes. We speculate that defects in the CRH response may be related to a defective MR response. It is intriguing that phloridzin did not restore basal HPA activity but it restored the HPA response to hypoglycemia, suggesting that defects in basal HPA function in diabetes are due to insulin deficiency, but impaired responsiveness to hypoglycemia appears to stem from chronic hyperglycemia.  相似文献   

The effects of peroxynitrite (ONOO-) on vascular responses were investigated in the systemic and hindquarters vascular bed and in the isolated perfused rat lung. Intravenous injections of ONOO- decreased systemic arterial pressure, and injections of ONOO- into the hindquarters decreased perfusion pressure in a dose-related manner. Injections of ONOO- into the lung perfusion circuit increased pulmonary arterial perfusion pressure. Responses to ONOO- were rapid in onset, short in duration, and repeatable without exhibiting tachyphylaxis. Repeated injections of ONOO- did not alter systemic, hindquarters, or pulmonary responses to endothelium-dependent vasodilators or other vasoactive agonists and did not alter the hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstrictor response. Injections of sodium nitrate or nitrite or decomposed ONOO- had little effect on vascular pressures. Pulmonary and hindquarters responses to ONOO- were not altered by a cyclooxygenase inhibitor in a dose that attenuated responses to arachidonic acid. These results demonstrate that ONOO- has significant pulmonary vasoconstrictor, systemic vasodepressor, and vasodilator activity; that short-term repeated exposure does impair vascular responsiveness; and that responses to ONOO- are not dependent on cyclooxygenase product release.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to examine the effects of moderate hypohydration (HY) on skeletal muscle glycogen resynthesis after exhaustive exercise. On two occasions, eight males completed 2 h of intermittent cycle ergometer exercise (4 bouts of 17 min at 60% and 3 min at 80% of maximal O2 consumption/10 min rest) to reduce muscle glycogen concentrations (control values 711 +/- 41 mumol/g dry wt). During one trial, cycle exercise was followed by several hours of light upper body exercise in the heat without fluid replacement to induce HY (-5% body wt); in the second trial, sufficient water was ingested during the upper body exercise and heat exposure to maintain euhydration (EU). In both trials, 400 g of carbohydrate were ingested at the completion of exercise and followed by 15 h of rest while the desired hydration level was maintained. Muscle biopsy samples were obtained from the vastus lateralis immediately after intermittent cycle exercise (T1) and after 15 h of rest (T2). During the HY trial, the muscle water content was lower (P less than 0.05) at T1 and T2 (288 +/- 9 and 265 +/- 5 ml/100 g dry wt, respectively; NS) than during EU (313 +/- 8 and 301 +/- 4 ml/100 g dry wt, respectively; NS). Muscle glycogen concentration was not significantly different during EU and HY at T1 (200 +/- 35 vs. 251 +/- 50 mumol/g dry wt) or T2 (452 +/- 34 vs. 491 +/- 35 mumol/g dry wt). These data indicate that, despite reduced water content during the first 15 h after heavy exercise, skeletal muscle glycogen resynthesis is not impaired.  相似文献   

Insulin resistance (IR) impairs endothelium-mediated vasodilation in cerebral arteries as well as K+ channel function in vascular smooth muscle. Peripheral arteries also show an impaired endothelium-dependent vasodilation in IR and concomitantly show an enhanced contractile response to endothelin-1 (ET-1). However, the contractile responses of the cerebral arteries in IR have not been examined systematically. This study examined the contractile responses of pressurized isolated middle cerebral arteries (MCAs) in fructose-fed IR and control rats. IR MCAs showed no difference in pressure-mediated (80 mmHg) vasoconstriction compared to controls, either in time to develop spontaneous tone (control: 61+/-3 min, n=30; IR: 63+/-2 min, n=26) or in the degree of that tone (control: 60 min: 33+/-2%, n=22 vs. IR 60 min: 34+/-3%, n=17). MCAs treated with ET-1 (10(-8.5) M) constrict similarly in control (53+/-3%, n=14) and IR (53+/-3%, n=14) arteries. Constrictor responses to U46619 (10(-6) M) are also similar in control (48+/-9%, n=8) and IR (42+/-5%, n=6) MCAs as are responses to extraluminal uridine 5'-triphosphate (UTP; 10(-4.5) M) (control: 35+/-7%, n=11 vs. IR: 38+/-3%, n=10). These findings demonstrate that constrictor responses remain intact in IR despite a selective impairment of dilator responses and endothelial and vascular smooth muscle K+ channel function in cerebral arteries. Thus, it appears that the increased susceptibility to cerebrovascular abnormalities associated with IR and diabetes (including cerebral ischemia, stroke, vertebrobasilar transient ischemic attacks) is not due to an enhanced vasoreactivity to constrictor agents.  相似文献   

Decreased maximal O2 uptake (VO2max) and stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system have been previously shown to occur at high altitude. We hypothesized that tachycardia mediated by beta-adrenergic stimulation acted to defend VO2max at high altitude. Propranolol treatment beginning before high-altitude (4,300 m) ascent reduced heart rate during maximal and submaximal exercise in six healthy men treated with propranolol (80 mg three times daily) compared with five healthy subjects receiving placebo (lactose). Compared with sea-level values, the VO2max fell on day 2 at high altitude, but the magnitude of fall was similar in the placebo and propranolol treatment groups (26 +/- 6 vs. 32 +/- 5%, P = NS) and VO2max remained similar at high altitude in both groups once treatment was discontinued. During 30 min of submaximal (80% of VO2max) exercise, propranolol-treated subjects maintained O2 uptake levels that were as large as those in placebo subjects. The maintenance of maximal or submaximal levels of O2 uptake in propranolol-treated subjects at 4,300 m could not be attributed to increased minute ventilation, arterial O2 saturation, or hemoglobin concentration. Rather, it appeared that propranolol-treated subjects maintained O2 uptake by transporting a greater proportion of the O2 uptake with each heartbeat. Thus, contrary to our hypothesis, beta-adrenergic blockade did not impair maximal or submaximal O2 uptake at high altitude due perhaps to compensatory mechanisms acting to maintain stroke volume and cardiac output.  相似文献   

Millimeter wave treatment (MWT) is based on those biological effects that develop following skin exposure to low power electromagnetic waves. This method of treatment is in wide clinical use in several Eastern European countries for treatment of a variety of conditions, including pain syndromes. However, most treatment modes of MWT were developed empirically, and certain indications and contraindications for the use of MWT remain to be established. In our previous blind experiments we have shown that the hypoalgesic effect of MWT may be quantitatively evaluated, and most probably mediated by the neural system in general, and the system of endogenous opioids in particular. Taking in consideration a well-known ability of opioids to cause gastrointestinal disturbances, which could limit clinical application of MWT, the main aim of the present study was to investigate whether a single MWT, that can produce opioid-related hypoalgesia, may also retard gut transit and colorectal passage in mice. The charcoal meal test was used to quantitatively evaluate upper gastrointestinal transit, and the glass bead test was employed to examine colonic propulsion in mice. MWT was applied to the nose area of mice. The MWT characteristics were: frequency = 61.22 GHz; incident power density = 15 mW/cm(2); and duration = 15 min. The results obtained have shown that MWT does not significantly change small intestinal or colonic transit in mice, and thus suppression of gastrointestinal motility should not be a setback in the clinical use of MWT.  相似文献   

Cadmium (Cd) exposure can impair the traits of aquatic animals associated with reproduction. In natural lakes Cd is typically detected at concentrations below 0.001 mg l−1. The authors investigated the impact of ultra-acute Cd exposure on sperm motility in European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus). They activated sperm with water containing various nominal concentrations of Cd and recorded sperm motility parameters. Only the highest Cd concentration (500 mg l−1) was associated with decreased sperm swimming velocity and increases in both the percentage of static cells and curvature of the sperm swimming trajectory. The results indicate that environmentally realistic concentrations of Cd during the sperm motility activation are not critically harmful to male C. lavaretus fertilization potential.  相似文献   

Seven nonobese adult females (40 +/- 8 years) were studied in a room calorimeter on a day that resistance exercise (REX) was performed (4 sets of 10 exercises) and on a nonexercise control day (CON). Twenty-four-hour energy expenditure (EE) on the REX day (mean +/- SD, 2,328 +/- 327 kcal.d(-1)) was greater than CON (2,001 +/- 369 kcal.d(-1), p < 0.001). The net increase in EE during and immediately after (30 minutes) exercise represented 76 +/- 12% of the total increase in 24-hour EE. Twenty four-hour RQ on the REX day (0.86 +/- 0.06) did not differ from CON (0.87 +/- 0.02). Twenty four-hour carbohydrate oxidation was elevated on the REX day, but 24-hour fat and protein oxidation were not different. Thus, in women, the increase in EE due to resistance exercise is largely seen during and immediately after the exercise. The increased energy demand is met by increased carbohydrate oxidation, with no increase in 24-hour fat oxidation.  相似文献   

Habituation and appetitive conditioning have been already described in the crab Chasmagnathus. The purpose of this work is to study whether associative learning can be obtained despite a long conditioned stimulus-unconditioned stimulus interval. Results of the first experiment show that the weakening of temporal contiguity does not prevent appetitive conditioning to occur while after a long 4-h delay, conditioning wanes completely. A second experiment was conducted, after one and three days of training respectively, confirming the above results. Though initially neutral the context trace may be still available immediately after training and for the period of two but not after 4:00 h, demonstrating a forward limit for the conditioning window. After 3 days of training, a further decrease in the exploratory activity suggested that a longer training could increase the relative weight of habituation. Conditioning and habituation seem to work as opponent processes in the crab CHASMAGNATHUS GRANULATUS: if habituation training in the box is followed by the administration of reinforcement after a short period of time, appetitive conditioning will take place. However, as this interval is increased, habituation prevails. A persistent effect of the exposure to a given environment that may underlie trace conditioning in this crab is discussed in adaptive terms.  相似文献   

I Swenne 《Life sciences》1983,33(22):2207-2211
Fetal and neonatal hypothyroidism was induced by treating pregnant rats with propylthiouracil (PTU) in the drinking water from day 12 of gestation to day 7 postnatally. The serum levels of thyroxine and triiodothyronine were lowered in both mother and offspring and the neonates showed a 20% reduction in weight gain. An i.p. glucose tolerance test on the 7-day old neonates revealed no major disturbances in glucose tolerance or insulin response. The data suggest that thyroid hormones are not essential for the neonatal development of the B-cell secretory response to glucose.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that women would have blunted physiological responses to acute hypoxic exercise compared with men. Fourteen women taking oral contraceptives (28 +/- 0.9 yr of age) and 15 men (30 +/- 1.0 yr of age) with similar peak O(2) consumption (VO(2 peak)) values (56 +/- 1.1 vs. 57 +/- 0.8 ml x kg fat-free mass(-1) x min(-1)) were studied under hypoxic (H; fraction of inspired oxygen = 13%) vs. normoxic (fraction of inspired oxygen = 20.93%) conditions. Cardiopulmonary, metabolic, and neuroendocrine measures were taken before, during, and 30 min after three 5-min consecutive workloads at 30, 45, and 60% VO(2 peak). In women compared with men, glucose levels were greater during recovery from H (P < 0.05) and lactate levels were lower at 45% VO(2 peak), 60% VO(2 peak), and up to 20 min of recovery (P < 0.05), regardless of trial (P < 0.0001). Although the women had greater baseline levels of cortisol and growth hormone (P < 0.0001), gender did not affect these hormones during H or exercise. Catecholamine responses to H were also similar between genders. Thus the endocrine response to hypoxia per se was not blunted in women as we had hypothesized. Other mechanisms must be at play to cause the gender differences in metabolic substrates in response to hypoxia.  相似文献   

In the present study the hypothesis tested was that prior exercise may blunt counterregulatory responses to subsequent hypoglycemia. Healthy subjects [15 females (f)/15 males (m), age 27 +/- 1 yr, body mass index 22 +/- 1 kg/m(2), hemoglobin A(Ic) 5.6 +/- 0.5%] were studied during 2-day experiments. Day 1 involved either 90-min morning and afternoon cycle exercise at 50% maximal O2 uptake (VO2(max)) (priorEXE, n = 16, 8 m/8 f) or equivalent rest periods (priorREST, n = 14, 7 m/7 f). Day 2 consisted of a 2-h hypoglycemic clamp in all subjects. Endogenous glucose production (EGP) was measured using [3-3H]glucose. Muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) was measured using microneurography. Day 2 insulin (87 +/- 6 microU/ml) and plasma glucose levels (54 +/- 2 mg/dl) were equivalent after priorEXE and priorREST. Significant blunting (P < 0.01) of day 2 norepinephrine (-30 +/- 4%), epinephrine (-37 +/- 6%), glucagon (-60 +/- 4%), growth hormone (-61 +/- 5%), pancreatic polypeptide (-47 +/- 4%), and MSNA (-90 +/- 8%) responses to hypoglycemia occurred after priorEXE vs. priorREST. EGP during day 2 hypoglycemia was also suppressed significantly (P < 0.01) after priorEXE compared with priorREST. In summary, two bouts of exercise (90 min at 50% VO2(max)) significantly reduced glucagon, catecholamines, growth hormone, pancreatic polypeptide, and EGP responses to subsequent hypoglycemia. We conclude that, in normal humans, antecedent prolonged moderate exercise blunts neuroendocrine and metabolic counterregulatory responses to subsequent hypoglycemia.  相似文献   

This study was conducted because of the paucity of information concerning gender differences in the cardiovascular and metabolic responses to cold stress. Lightly clad men (n = 8) and women (n = 8) were tested in 21 and 5 degrees C environments during a 20-min rest, followed by 20 min each of 50, 100, and 150 W of exercise. At 21 degrees C there was no gender differences in VO2 or cardiac output. Cold lowered skin temperature more in women than in men, but women demonstrated no differences in heart rate, stroke volume, or VO2 at 5 and 21 degrees C. The women's noradrenaline levels in the cold were higher than comparable 21 degrees C data at rest and 50 W and increased with work intensity in both tests. In contrast, men had a lower heart rate, higher stroke volume, and higher VO2 throughout the 5 degrees C treatment compared with 21 degrees C. The men's noradrenaline response to 5 degrees C was similar to that of women at rest and 50 W, but the level subsequently declined at 100 and 150 W. Thus, the women do not show a heart rate-stroke volume shift in either resting or exercising states in cold environments. Furthermore, the data fail to support that either skin cooling or changes in noradrenaline cause the bradycardia and enhanced stroke volume seen in men.  相似文献   

Recombinant viruses are attractive candidates for the development of novel vaccines. A number of viruses have been engineered as vaccine vectors to express antigens from other pathogens or tumors. Inoculation of susceptible animals with this type of recombinant virus results in the induction of both humoral and cellular immune responses directed against the foreign antigens. A general problem to this approach is that existing immunity to the vector can diminish or completely abolish the efficacy of the viral vector. In this study, we investigated whether poliovirus recombinants are capable of inducing effective immunity to the foreign antigen in previously vaccinated animals. Antipoliovirus immunity was induced in susceptible mice by intraperitoneal immunization with live poliovirus. Immunized mice developed antibodies directed against capsid proteins that effectively neutralized poliovirus in vitro and protected animals from a lethal challenge with a high dose of pathogenic poliovirus. To test whether preexisting immunity reduces the efficacy of vaccination with recombinant poliovirus, immunized mice were inoculated with a recombinant poliovirus expressing the C-terminal half of chicken ovalbumin (Polio-Ova). Animals developed ovalbumin-specific antibodies and cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). While the antibody titers observed in preimmune and naive mice were similar, the overall CTL response appeared to be reduced in preimmune mice. Importantly, vaccination with Polio-Ova was able to effectively protect preimmune mice against lethal challenge with a tumor expressing the antigen. Thus, preexisting immunity to poliovirus does not compromise seriously the efficacy of replication-competent poliovirus vaccine vectors. These results contrast with those observed for other viral vaccine vectors and suggest that preexisting immunity does not equally affect the vaccine potential of individual viral vectors.  相似文献   

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