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In this study, we survey the plant diversity of Wadi Hassan, which is located in the Northeastern Badia of Jordan, about 120 km east of Amman. All plant species were collected and herbarium specimens have been prepared, identified and deposited at the University of Jordan herbarium(Department of Biology,Faculty of Science). The final plant checklist includes 206 species belonging to 138 genera and 35 families.The most diverse families are Compositae(20.5%), Cruciferae(10.2%), Leguminosae(8.3%) and Boraginaceae(6.8%), followed by Caryophyllaceae and Gramineae(5.4%). These six families represent 60% of the total families recognized in the study area, while nine families each are represented by only one species. Most plants recorded are annual plants(61%), some plants are hemicryptophtes(18%) and camaephytes(15%), while the least frequent life form class was the phanerophyte shrub and perennial(0.5%). Chorological characteristics of the recorded flora show that Saharo-Arabian Region elements, IranoTuranian elements and Mediterranean elements constitute(58%) of the total flora. This research shows that even small portion of the Jordan Badia such as the Wadi Hassan plant community has high species diversity. Thus, we recommended further of the unexplored Wadi plants communities of the Jordan Badia.  相似文献   

The present study, which was conducted between 2009 and 2010, provides an analysis of the floristic composition, life forms, phenology, chorological spectrum and analysis of the vegetation in the deltaic part of Wadi Qena using multivariate analysis techniques. Twenty‐five stands were sampled to represent, as much as possible, the vegetation variation in the study area. A total of 54 species (nineteen annuals and 35 perennials) belonging to 47 genera and nineteen families were recorded. The largest families were Fabaceae and Brassicaceae (nine and seven, respectively), Asteraceae and Poaceae (six for each), Chenopodiaceae (five), and Zygophyllaceae (four). Therophytes are the predominant life form (37%) followed by chamaephytes (24%), phanerophytes (18.5%), hemicryptophytes (9.29%) and cryptophytes (5.5%). Chorological analysis revealed that Saharo‐Arabian (48%) and the Sudano‐Zambezian (19.2%) chorotypes constitute the main bulk (67.2%) of the total flora of the studied area. The majority of the perennial species behave similarly to each other in their phenology, and usually perennials sprout at the end of February, become leafy in March, flower in April and produce fruits between April and July. Three main vegetation groups resulted from classification of the dominant vegetation. Canonical correspondence analysis revealed that magnesium, potassium and pH were the most effective soil variables.  相似文献   

The present study deals with the analysis of the floristic composition and plant diversity of Wadi Gimal protectorate. Its major aim is to identify community types and environmental factors that affect their growth and distribution. These quantitative data provide rangers with knowledge that is necessary for monitoring and managing plant communities within the protected areas, as well as restoration of vegetation‐depleted habitats. Twenty‐seven stands were selected along the length of Wadi and its tributaries. Thirty‐five species were recorded in Wadi Gimal; with Poaceae as the dominant family and Phanerophytes dominating over other life forms. Saharo‐Arabians were the predominant chorological element. Six vegetation groups were recognized in Wadi Gimal. Zilla spinosa (VG C) which inhabited the Wadi bed had the highest species richness, species turnover, relative evenness and relative concentration of dominance. Capparis sinaica (VG A) which inhabited the mountain slope had the lowest species richness, relative evenness and relative concentration of dominance, while Salvadora persica group had the lowest species turnover. Phoenix dactylifera–Hyphaene thebaica (VG F) which dominated the deltaic part of Wadi, had the highest salinity; whilst Acacia ehrenbergiana (VG E) which dominated the upper‐stream part of the Wadi had the lowest value of salinity.  相似文献   

Aim Estimates of endemic and non‐endemic native vascular plant species in each of the three Western Australian Botanical Provinces were made by East in 1912 and Beard in 1969. The present paper contains an updated assessment of species endemism in the State. Location Western Australia comprises one third of the continental Australian land mass. It extends from 13° to 35° S and 113° to 129° W. Methods Western Australia is recognized as having three Botanical Provinces (Northern, Eremaean and South‐West) each divided into a number of Botanical Districts. Updated statistics for number of species and species endemism in each Province are based on the Census of Western Australian Plants data base at the Western Australian Herbarium ( Western Australian Herbarium, 1998 onwards). Results The number of known species in Western Australia has risen steadily over the years but reputed endemism has declined in the Northern and Eremaean Provinces where cross‐continental floras are common. Only the isolated South‐West Province retains high rates of endemism (79%). Main conclusions With 5710 native species, the South‐West Province contains about the same number as the California Floristic Province which has a similar area. The Italian mediterranean zone also contains about this number but in a smaller area, while the much smaller Cape Floristic Region has almost twice as many native species. The percentage of endemic species is highest at the Cape, somewhat less in south‐western Australia and less again in California. Italy, at 12.5%, has the lowest value. Apart from Italy, it is usual for endemism to reach high values in the largest plant families. In Western Australia, these mainly include woody sclerophyll shrubs and herbaceous perennials with special adaptations to environmental conditions. While those life forms are prominent in the Cape, that region differs in the great importance of herbaceous families and succulents, both of which are virtually absent from Western Australia. In California and Italy, most endemics are in families of annual, herbaceous perennial and soft shrub plants. It is suggested that the dominant factor shaping the South‐West Province flora is the extreme poverty of the area’s soils, a feature that emphasizes sclerophylly, favours habitat specialization and ensures relatively many local endemic species.  相似文献   

Wadi Al-Jufair, a tributary of Wadi Nisah, is one of the important wadis of Najd region (Saudi Arabia) sheltering a rich diversity of higher plants. The study area is extended into approximately 15 km2 encompassing the commonest geomorphological features encountered in desert wadis. The wadi supports several rare plants, including Maerua crassifolia Forssk., a regionally endangered tree, and Acacia oerfota (Forssk.) Schweinf., a rare shrub with restricted distribution. The present study aims to analyze the vegetation of wadi Al-Jufair and propose its designation as an important plant reserve. The vegetation type is fundamentally of chamaephytic nature with some phanerophytes, and distinguished into associations where the dominant perennial species give the permanent character of plant cover in each habitat. Four vegetation groups were identified with the application of TWINSPAN, DCA and CCA programs and named after the characteristic species as follows: Lycium shawii; A. oerfota; Acacia raddianaRhazya stricta and Artemisia monosperma. These plant associations demonstrate significant variation in soil texture, moisture, organic matter, pH, EC, and minerals of Wadi Al-Jufair.  相似文献   

研究了尼日利亚三处黑猩猩群落的生境结构,并利用点中心四分样方法评估了植被。共记录了38科150种植物,其中位于尼日利亚东北部的Gashaka Gumti国立公园Kwano栖息地(A区)有28科70种、位于尼日利亚东南部的Cross Rivers国立公园Butatong区域(B区)有36科120种、位于尼日利亚西南部的Ise森林保护区(C区)有30科92种。23科(60.53%)34种植物(22.67%)为三个区域的共有种,包括Afzelia africana、Drypetesgilgiana、Blighia sapida、Brachystegia eurycoma、Tetrapleuratetraptera等。在所有区域,对黑猩猩重要的科包括夹竹桃科(羊角棉Alstonia boonei、Picralima nitida)、含羞草亚科(腺瘤豆Piptadeniastrumafricanum、Tetrapleuratetraptera)、云实亚科(Brachystegiaspp.、Daniellia ogea)、桑科(非洲毒箭木Antiaris africana、Bosqueia angolensis、Ficusspp.)和梧桐科(Colaspp.、Sterculiaspp.)。在所有区域中,1m-10m高的树木是最常见的,胸径分布为B区最高,次之为C区,A区最低。结果表明,在尼日利亚的黑猩猩生境中具有重要的关键性植物,植物的垂直分层结构是尼日利亚黑猩猩生境管理的重要方面。  相似文献   

With the aim to specify the microhabitats of annual plants at arid sites, five different sites within an Acacietum tortilis in the Wadi Araba were investigated. During one vegetation period, plants and soil conditions were analyzed simultaneously and the results were correlated. The water regime is one of the most important facts influencing vegetation pattern: On the one hand, additional lateral water favours the conditions of some microhabitats, on the other hand, the plant available water is strongly limited by salinization leading to osmotic stress. Additionally, ion specific effects of salinization influence the vegetation pattern. The different supply of nitrogen scarcely influences plant growth. The character of the surface can be important for the plant establishment and therefore for the species composition at the different sites.  相似文献   

湖北恩施地区蕨类植物区系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蕨类植物是森林植被中草本层的重要组成部分,对森林的生长发育有重大影响。本研究在搜集文献、野外调查和采集标本的基础上,对湖北恩施地区蕨类植物区系成分及特点进行研究。结果显示:(1)恩施地区蕨类植物共有39科96属380种,其中中国特有种106种;该地区蕨类植物起源古老,物种分化水平较高,优势科属明显、物种丰富、组成多样,是蕨类植物物种多样性的典型代表地区之一。(2)该地区稀子蕨属、荚果蕨属、黔蕨属和骨牌蕨属种类齐全、分布广泛,是这些属的分化和分布中心。(3)该地区蕨类植物生活类型齐全,以土生为主(占81.36%)。(4)恩施地区在中国蕨类植物地理区系中占有重要地位,该地区蕨类植物科属以泛热带区系成分相对较多,总体偏热带区系成分;物种以温带亚洲、东亚和中国特有分布型为主(占60.79%),具有显著的亚热带性质。(5)恩施蕨类植物区系与其他地区联系广泛,过渡性比较明显,尤其与四川地区联系紧密。  相似文献   

研究自然植被恢复过程中的物种组成、群落结构及生物多样性的变化,能够为人工促进植被恢复的树种选择与群落结构的优化配置提供重要依据。本研究以空间代替时间对喀斯特断陷盆地典型区云南省建水县不同天然植被(草丛、灌丛、乔木林)进行群落学调查,对不同恢复阶段的植物群落按乔木、灌木、草本进行分层,分析各恢复阶段植物群落的物种组成、水平和垂直结构、生物多样性。结果表明:在总面积为3200 m2的12个样地中,共记录43科72属94种维管束植物,优势种以壳斗科(Fagaceae)、鼠李科(Rhamnaceae)、紫金牛科(Myrsinaceae)、蔷薇科(Rosaceae)、木犀科(Oleaceae)等科的植物为主;在草丛→灌丛→乔木林的恢复过程中,群落物种组成中的科数、属数、种数逐渐增加,低矮和小径级植物个体数所占比例逐渐减少,但整体仍以低矮的小径级植物为主。草本植物的丰富度和Shannon指数在植被恢复的初期即草丛阶段最大,而均匀度指数则以灌丛阶段最大;木本植物的丰富度和Shannon指数随着植被的恢复逐渐增大,但均匀度指数随着植被的恢复逐渐下降;随着植被的恢复,草本层和乔木层...  相似文献   

黑龙江镜泊湖熔岩台地种子植物多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在野外调查和标本采集鉴定的基础上,对镜泊湖熔岩台地种子植物多样性进行了统计分析,结果表明:镜泊湖熔岩台地有野生种子植物81科270属493种,11个优势科含有的属、种数分别占50.74%和53.75%;优势科具有11个属和17个种的分布区类型,温带成分占主体;植物资源按其性质和用途分为药用、观赏等12类;按Raunkiaer生活型分类,以地面芽和一年生植物居多;按中国植被生活型分类,以多年生草本占优势,其次为一年生草本;在水分生态类型中,中生植物是主要的生态类型,旱生植物占总种数的7.51%.火山地貌对植物多样性具有深刻影响.  相似文献   

通过对西双版纳景洪曼仰广的“龙山”片断热带雨雨林30年前后植物区系组成和样方调查资料的对比研究,探讨了30年来该“龙山”片断热带雨林植物区系组成、生活型及群落生态成分和乔木树种的种群变化规律。在植物区系组成上,已确认有种子植物7科53属55种从该片断雨林中消失。在消失的这55种植物中,属于群落顶级成分的有18种,属于耐阴的林下和层间植物有30种,喜阳种类有2种,广生态幅的随遇种有5种。初步得出该龙山热带雨林随着30多年的片断化,8.8%的科,26.8%的属和22.4%的种类消失或被后来的成分替换了。在生活型及群落生态成分变化上,群落中小高位芽及一年生植物相对增加,阳性植物明显增加,阴生(耐阴)植物明显减少,亦即雨林固有成分减少,非雨林成分增加。在乔木树种的种群变化上,过去该片断雨林的优势成份,绝大多数现在仍存在,多数仍在优势种之列,少数优势种衰退了,少数变得更优势。首先消失的种类,或为先锋树种(短命)或为种群数量很少的树种。  相似文献   

Tiaret massif forest offers a very interesting model for studying the evolution of the flora in the region, with a variety of very remarkable vegetation distribution conditioned by a significant number of ecological factors (climate and anthropogenic activities). A floristic study was carried out in Tagdempt sector, characterized by semi-arid Mediterranean climate and forming a natural barrier against steppe development.The floristic analysis based on the method of Braun-Blanquet with a minimum surface of 100 m2 allowed us to draw up a list of 126 species belonging to 100 genera of 40 families. The most dominant family was Asteraceae with 23 species (18.3%), followed by Fabaceae and Poaceae with 12 (9.5%) and 9 species (7.1%), respectively. Among life forms, annual herbs represented 53.2%, followed by perennial shrub species (32.5%) and finally trees (14.3%). Biogeographically, the Mediterranean was the most dominant type (49.6%), whereas other types had low percentages. Moreover, out of the plants identified, six with different status were rare (4.76%), nine were endemic (7.14%) and only five of the taxa have official protection status under the Algerian legislation (3.96%).  相似文献   

为便于了解青藏高原植被特殊物种组成、群落特征及分布格局, 该文利用2018-2021年在青藏高原不同区域内调查的338个样地、共758个样方的数据, 分析了高原植物群落的物种组成、区系特征和植被分类, 整合形成青藏高原植物群落样方数据集。结果表明: 青藏高原高寒和温性植物群落758个样方中, 共有植物65科279属837种; 其中, 物种数最多的5个科依次是菊科(134种)、禾本科(88种)、豆科(75种)、蔷薇科(43种)和莎草科(40种), 物种数最多的5个属依次是蒿属(Artemisia, 29种)、马先蒿属(Pedicularis, 27种)、风毛菊属(Saussurea, 25种)、黄耆属(Astragalus, 23种)和早熟禾属(Poa, 23种)。植物区系主要由温带(145属)和世界广布(36属)的成分所组成。物种的生长型以草本(83.51%)和灌木(10.87%)为主, 草本和木本的生活型分别以多年生草本(88.23%)和落叶灌木(83.67%)为主。338个样地可以划分为4个植被型组, 10个植被型, 20个植被亚型, 78个群系组和117个群系, 其中草原群系34个, 草甸群系33个, 荒漠群系33个, 灌丛群系14个和针叶林群系3个。该数据集覆盖青藏高原绝大部分高寒灌丛、高寒草原、高寒草甸、高寒荒漠、温性草原和温性荒漠植被区域, 可为研究高原植被特征和地带性分异规律, 气候变化和人类活动对高原植被的影响及其生态恢复提供坚实的数据基础, 同时为下一代中国植被图的更新提供参考。  相似文献   

该研究通过查阅文献、核对贵州大学林学院标本库及现场群落调查与标本采集,并运用碳同位素比值法研究典型C_4植物水分利用特性,探索C_4植物在喀斯特植被恢复中的地位,进而揭示贵州喀斯特地区C_4植物资源的基本特征。结果表明:贵州喀斯特区共有C_4植物141种,隶属于74属15科,分别占全国科属种的62.50%、46.25%、24.48%,以禾本科(Gramineae)和莎草科(Cyperaceae)为主;区内C_4植物种均为一年生或多年生草本,多年生植物种略多于一年生植物种;水分生态型整体偏旱生,旱生和中生植物分别占总数的24.82%和31.21%;喀斯特区C_4植物具有高水分利用效率,但不同水分生态型间差异不显著;贵州喀斯特区C_4植物资源具有资源丰富、利用途径广泛、能长期利用、竞争力强、能大面积分布、偏旱生且水分利用幅度广的基本特征,适合喀斯特区生境,自然状态下多为恢复早期物种,有利于喀斯特区生态恢复。在贵州喀斯特恶劣生态环境下C_4植物有较好的生态适应性,并表现出较高的药用、食用、饲用、景观应用等价值,对其开发利用对贵州经济、社会发展及生态恢复有重要意义。  相似文献   

芜湖发电厂灰渣场植被状况   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
王友保  张莉  刘登义 《应用生态学报》2002,13(12):1671-1673
经实地考察发现,芜湖火力发电厂灰渣场自然定居的高等植物有30种,隶属于14个科29个属,主要包括菊科,禾本科和豆科,全部植物中,1,2年生草本植物18种,多年生草本植物9种,木本植物2种,影响植物分布的主要因素是灰渣的理化性质和灰渣场的自然改造程度。  相似文献   

[目的] 近几年,内蒙古外来入侵植物种类日趋增长,对当地物种和环境的危害逐渐加大,相关研究相对薄弱。为了解内蒙古外来入侵植物种类组成,本研究分析其生活型、原产地、引进途径,以期为今后内蒙古外来入侵植物的管理与防治工作提供基础资料。[方法] 通过野外实地考察,查阅相关文献与数据库,对内蒙古外来入侵植物进行分类统计分析。[结果] 内蒙古外来入侵植物共有94种,隶属于24科65属,其中,种数超过10种的有3科,分别为菊科(22种,占总种数的23.4%)、苋科(11种,占总种数的11.7%)和禾本科(11种,占总种数的11.7%);生活型分析发现,一年生草本最多(68种),占总种数的72.3%,二年生草本(25种)与多年生草本(18种)分别占总种数的26.6%和19.1%,乔木、灌木较少;原产地来源最多的是北美洲(44种),占总种数的46.8%,最少的是非洲(8种),仅占总种数的8.5%;引进途径中,有意引进和无意引进分别占总种数的48.9%和51.1%。[结论] 内蒙古外来入侵植物种类较多、涵盖科广泛,以菊科、苋科和禾本科为主;来源广、无意引进趋势增强。为了防止外来入侵植物对内蒙古生态、经济、人畜健康等方面的危害,应及时开展外来入侵植物风险评估、有效防除等工作。  相似文献   

Data on the trophic associations of beetles with plants in the east of the Russian Plain are summarized and comparative analysis of host specialization of different groups of phytophagous beetles is performed. In terms of the width of the regional trophic spectrum, monophages and narrow oligophages prevail among the Curculionoidea as a whole and in the families Curculionidae and Apionidae in particular, while moderate and broad oligophages prevail in the Chrysomeloidea and in the family Chrysomelidae. Two-thirds of the regional fauna (66%) of Curculionoidea are closely associated with plants of one genus; by contrast, in Chrysomeloidea almost 40% of the species can develop on plants from different genera of one family, the fraction of the narrowly specialized forms comprising only 43%. The higher level of trophic specialization of weevils (Curculionidae, Apionidae) and seed beetles (Bruchidae), as compared to leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae), is probably due to the larval endophagy of most species of these families. Analysis of the distribution of beetles over host plants has shown that the specialized forms are associated with plants of 65 families (about 60% of the regional flora in the east of the Russian Plain). Distribution of beetles over plant families is very non-uniform. Most of the specialized forms (78%) are associated with plants of 15 families, three of which (Asteraceae, Fabaceae, and Brassicaceae) include hosts of more than onethird of the beetle species (37%). Monophages and narrow oligophages are recorded on 201 genera of plants from 59 families. Polyphagous species are recorded on plants of 58 families. The specific features of the distribution of phytophagous beetles over host plants (as compared to other insects) is a high fraction of species developing on coenophobes (particularly those of the family Brassicaceae) typical of the pioneer stages of successions with sparse herbaceous cover, and a small number of species associated with grasses and sedges. These features are most conspicuous in the fauna of Curculionidae.  相似文献   

The Cabrera vole (Microtus cabrerae) is a threatened rodent endemic in the Iberian Peninsula with a patchy distribution and specific microhabitat requirements. This aim of this study was to document the composition of plant communities in habitats of Cabrera vole colonies in southern Portugal. Differences observed in plant species composition were also compared with vegetation structure, taxonomic and life form groups, species and group diversity, disturbance, topography and soil properties. Vegetation was sampled between March and July 2004, in 26 colonies occurring in five geographical areas. Grasses were the most abundant, common and diverse family in the colonies, and the perennial grass Agrostis castellana was present in 92% of colonies, with a mean cover of 16% of the site. Other frequently occurring species were Briza maxima (85%), Vulpia myuros (85%), Gaudinia fragilis (81%), Leontodon spp. (81%), Avena barbata (77%), Bromus hordeaceus (77%) and Tolpis barbata (77%). Colonies were classified in eight vegetation groups that included meadows, tall perennial grasslands, manured meadows with tall sedges, annual grasslands and ruderal and nitrophilous grasslands. Main gradients associated with composition differences were grass richness, annual and perennial grass cover, vegetation structure (herbaceous vegetation height), soil properties (texture and moisture), disturbance (ruderal species) and colony dimensions (area). Results suggest that the Cabrera vole is able to exploit a wide variety of grasslands, with a varying degree of ecological disturbance. Meadows and perennial grassland communities seem to be higher-quality microhabitats for voles.  相似文献   

In riparian areas, the distribution patterns of plant species are generally considered to depend on their flooding tolerance. Areas around river confluences are known to experience frequent and/or strong flooding events and provide diverse habitats for plants in riparian areas. However, the degree to which hydrophilic vegetation types increase their distribution around confluences may depend on their flooding tolerance. To test this hypothesis, we compared patch numbers and total areas of ten vegetation groups between confluences and single-flow areas. The vegetation groups were classified on the basis of life form and morphology of dominant species. Additionally, we compared total area of natural bare ground (an index of flooding disturbance) between confluences and single-flow areas. We found that patch numbers of annual grass, forb, and vine, perennial grass and forb, and riparian forest vegetation, as well as total areas of annual forb and vine, perennial grass and forb, bamboo and riparian forest vegetation, and natural bare ground, were greater around river confluences than in single-flow areas. On the other hand, patch numbers of shrub vegetation and total areas of annual grass, perennial vine, willow, and shrub vegetation decreased around confluences. These results suggest that confluences enhance diverse, but not all, types of habitat for hydrophilic vegetation. Thus, river confluences are a key element in maintaining diverse riparian vegetation.  相似文献   

Thymus mongolicus steppe was a vegetation formation dominated by typical dwarf semi-shrub of Lamiaceae. Based on the previous literatures and primary plot data sampled during the growing seasons from 2015 to 2017, the distribution, ecological features, community characteristics and classification of Thymus mongolicus steppe were summarized. (1) Thymus mongolicus steppe is mainly distributed on the loess hills of Xar Moron River Watershed, Bashang region in the northwest of Hebei Province, the hills surrounding the Yinshan Mountains, the east part of Erdos Plateau and the northern Loess Plateau. This formation occurrs mainly on the stony slopes or loess hills with severe soil erosion. (2) In total, 167 seed plant species belonging to 101 genera of 34 families were recorded in the 91 sample sites, and families of Compositae, Leguminosae and Gramineae played crucial roles in the species composition. Eight of these families were semi-shrub and dwarf semi-shrub species, and 112 were perennial forb species. Typical xerophytes (58 species) and Meso-xerophytes (45 species) account for more than half part of all species. Eight geographic elements were involved. East Palaearctic (70 species) and East Asia (46 species) were the two major floristic elements. (3) Based on life form and dominance of species in the community, the formation was classified into 6 association groups (Thymus mongolicus, dwarf shrubs/dwarf semi-shurbs association group; Thymus mongolicus association group; Thymus mongolicus, bunchgrasses association group; Thymus mongolicus, rhizomatous grasses association group; Thymus mongolicus, Carex association group; Thymus mongolicus, forbs association group), consisting of 28 associations. © Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology.  相似文献   

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