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2-Bromoadenosine-substituted analogues of 2–5A, p5′A2′p-5′A2′p5′(br2A), p5′(br2A)2′p5′A2′p5′A, and p5′(br2A)2′p5′(br2A)2′p-S′(br2A), were prepared via a modification of a lead ion-catalyzed ligation reaction and were subsequently converted into the corresponding 5′-triphosphates. Both binding and activation of human recombinant RNase L by various 2-bromoadenosine-substituted 2–5A analogues were examined. Among the 2-bromoadenosine-substituted 2–5A analogues, the analogue with 2-bromoadenosine residing in the 2′-terminal position, p5′A2′p5′A2′p-5′(br2A), showed the strongest binding affinity and was as effective as 2–5A itself as an activator of RNase L. The CD spectrum of p5′A2′p-5′A2′p5′(br2A) was superimposable on that of p5′A2′p5′A2′p5′A, indicative of an anti orientation about the base-glycoside bonds as in naturally occurring 2–5A.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that the murine coronavirus mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) nonstructural protein 2 (ns2) is a 2′,5′-phosphodiesterase that inhibits activation of the interferon-induced oligoadenylate synthetase (OAS)-RNase L pathway. Enzymatically active ns2 is required for efficient MHV replication in macrophages, as well as for the induction of hepatitis in C57BL/6 mice. In contrast, following intranasal or intracranial inoculation, efficient replication of MHV in the brain is not dependent on an enzymatically active ns2. The replication of wild-type MHV strain A59 (A59) and a mutant with an inactive phosphodiesterase (ns2-H126R) was assessed in primary hepatocytes and primary central nervous system (CNS) cell types—neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes. A59 and ns2-H126R replicated with similar kinetics in all cell types tested, except macrophages and microglia. RNase L activity, as assessed by rRNA cleavage, was induced by ns2-H126R, but not by A59, and only in macrophages and microglia. Activation of RNase L correlated with the induction of type I interferon and the consequent high levels of OAS mRNA induced in these cell types. Pretreatment of nonmyeloid cells with interferon restricted A59 and ns2-H126R to the same extent and failed to activate RNase L following infection, despite induction of OAS expression. However, rRNA degradation was induced by treatment of astrocytes or oligodendrocytes with poly(I·C). Thus, RNase L activation during MHV infection is cell type specific and correlates with relatively high levels of expression of OAS genes, which are necessary but not sufficient for induction of an effective RNase L antiviral response.  相似文献   


Enzymatically and chemically synthesized cordycepin analogs of 2–5A? trimer and tetramer were found to be biologically active as protein synthesis inhibitors in intact cultured human fibroblast and murine L929 cells 1,2. In rabbit reticulocyte lysates, the cordycepin tetramer analog of 2–5A inhibits protein synthesis through binding to and activation of RNase L3. Our present results using L929 cell extracts provide direct evidence that the cordycepin analogs of 2–5A can bind to and activate RNase L.  相似文献   

Human ribonuclease L (RNase L), an interferon-induced endoribonuclease, becomes enzymatically active after binding to 2-5A. The 5′-phosphoryl group of 2-5A is reportedly necessary for the conformational change leading to RNase L activation. However, we found that 5′-O-dephosphorylated 2-5A tetramer analogs with 8-methyladenosine at the 2′-terminus were more effective as an activator of RNase L than the parent 2-5A tetramer. Introduction of 8-methyladenosine is thought to induce a dramatic shift of 2-5A in the binding site of RNase L.  相似文献   


2′, 5′-phosphodiester bond-linked oligoadenylate trimers with 3′-fluoro-3′-deoxyadenosine residues incorporated at specific positions of the nucleotide sequence were synthesized by the solid phase phosphite triester (phosphoramidite) method. The syntheses were in the 2′ to 5′ direction and were performed manually using commercially available microcolumns. The oligonucleotides were 5′-end phosphorylated on the support before deprotection.  相似文献   

Interferons (IFNs) induce a 2′,5′-oligoadenylate (2-5A)-dependent ribonuclease L (RNase L) following virus-infection of mammalian cells. RNase L degrades both viral and cellular RNAs and restricts virus-proliferation. We have studied organization of RNase L gene in genomic DNA from the mouse liver by Southern blot analysis. Several BamHI, BglII, EcoRI, HincII, HindIII, NcoI, PstI, SacI, and XbaI restriction fragments hybridized to 32P-labeled mouse RNase L cDNA and the 5′-proximal exon probes. Mouse RNase L gene exists as a single copy (>16 kb DNA) gene. A 5 kb HindIII and a 2.5 kb EcoRI DNA were detected as 5′-upstream DNA of the gene which may contain mouse RNase L promoter. Our results will help studying mouse RNase L gene promoter in further details.  相似文献   

5′-Triphosphate 2′-5′-oligoadenylate (2–5A) is the central player in the 2–5A system that is an innate immunity pathway in response to the presence of infectious agents. Intracellular endoribonuclease RNase L activated by 2–5A cleaves viral and cellular RNA resulting in apoptosis. The major limitations of 2–5A for therapeutic applications is the short biological half-life and poor cellular uptake. Modification of 2–5A with biolabile and lipophilic groups that facilitate its uptake, increase its in vivo stability and release the parent 2–5A drug in an intact form offer an alternative approach to therapeutic use of 2–5A. Here we have synthesized the trimeric and tetrameric 2–5A species bearing hydrophobic and enzymolabile pivaloyloxymethyl groups at 3′-positions and a triphosphate at the 5′-end. Both analogs were able to activate RNase L and the production of the trimer 2–5A (the most active) was scaled up to the milligram scale for antiviral evaluation in cells infected by influenza virus or respiratory syncytial virus. The trimer analog demonstrated some significant antiviral activity.  相似文献   

Dengue virus (DENV) is a member of the Flavivirus genus of positive-sense RNA viruses. DENV RNA replication requires cyclization of the viral genome mediated by two pairs of complementary sequences in the 5′ and 3′ ends, designated 5′ and 3′ cyclization sequences (5′-3′ CS) and the 5′ and 3′ upstream of AUG region (5′-3′ UAR). Here, we demonstrate that another stretch of six nucleotides in the 5′ end is involved in DENV replication and possibly genome cyclization. This new sequence is located downstream of the AUG, designated the 5′ downstream AUG region (5′ DAR); the motif predicted to be complementary in the 3′ end is termed the 3′ DAR. In addition to the UAR, CS and DAR motifs, two other RNA elements are located at the 5′ end of the viral RNA: the 5′ stem-loop A (5′ SLA) interacts with the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase and promotes RNA synthesis, and a stem-loop in the coding region named cHP is involved in translation start site selection as well as RNA replication. We analyzed the interplay of these 5′ RNA elements in relation to RNA replication, and our data indicate that two separate functional units are formed; one consists of the SLA, and the other includes the UAR, DAR, cHP, and CS elements. The SLA must be located at the 5′ end of the genome, whereas the position of the second unit is more flexible. We also show that the UAR, DAR, cHP, and CS must act in concert and therefore likely function together to form the tertiary RNA structure of the circularized DENV genome.Dengue virus (DENV), a member of the Flaviviridae family, is a human pathogen causing dengue fever, the most common mosquito-borne viral disease in humans. The virus has become a major international public health concern, with 3 billion people at risk for infection and an estimated 50 million dengue cases worldwide every year (28). Neither specific antiviral therapies nor licensed vaccines are available, and the biology of the virus is poorly understood.DENV is a small enveloped virus containing a positive-stranded RNA genome with a length of approximately 10.7 kb. The virus encodes one large polyprotein that is co- and posttranslationally cleaved into 10 viral proteins. The structural proteins C, prM/M, and E are located in the N terminus, followed by the nonstructural proteins NS1, NS2A, NS2B, NS3, NS4A, NS4B, and NS5 (6, 10). NS5, the largest of the viral proteins, functions as an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP) (29). The coding region is flanked at both ends by untranslated regions (UTR). The 5′ end has a type I cap structure (m7GpppAmp) mediating cap-dependent translation, but the virus can switch to a noncanonical translation mechanism under conditions in which translation factors are limiting (13). Cellular mRNAs are known to circularize via a protein-protein bridge between eIF4G and eIF4E (the cap binding complex) at the 5′ end and the poly(A) binding protein (PABP) at the 3′ end, enhancing translation efficiency. Despite the fact that the DENV 3′ UTR lacks a poly(A) tail, recent findings demonstrated binding of PABP to the 3′ UTR and an effect on RNA translation, suggesting a similar mechanism (12, 26).In addition to a presumed protein-mediated genome circularization regulating viral translation, an RNA-RNA-based 5′ and 3′ (5′-3′) end interaction, which can occur in the absence of proteins, leads to circularization of the viral genome (1, 3, 4, 18, 20, 30, 33, 34). This cyclization of the genome is necessary for viral RNA replication, and thus far, two complementary sequences at the 5′ and 3′ ends have been identified (3). The first are the cyclization sequences (CS) present in the capsid-coding region at the 5′ end (5′ CS) and upstream of the 3′ stem-loop (3′ SL) in the 3′ UTR (3′ CS) (2, 4, 18, 20, 30). A second sequence, known as the 5′ upstream AUG region (5′ UAR) element in the 5′ UTR, base pairs with its complementary 3′ UAR counterpart, which is located at the bottom part of 3′ SL (1, 4, 30). Recently, the structure of the 5′ end of the DENV genome hybridized to the 3′ end was determined in solution (25), confirming previous computer-predicted structures for genome cyclization (4, 20, 30). Besides the base pairing between 5′-3′ UAR and 5′-3′ CS sequences, a third stretch of nucleotides was identified to form a double-stranded (ds) region between the 5′ and 3′ ends.In addition to RNA sequences involved in 5′-3′-end interactions that are necessary for cyclization, the 5′ end of the viral genome harbors at least two more functional RNA elements, the stem-loop A (SLA) and capsid-coding region hairpin (cHP). The SLA consists of the first 70 nucleotides (nt) of the genome, forming a stable stem-loop structure. This structure has been confirmed in several studies and identified as a promoter element for RNA synthesis that recruits the viral RdRp NS5 (16, 22). Once NS5 is bound to the SLA at the 5′ end, it is believed to be delivered to the initiation site of minus-strand RNA synthesis at the 3′ end via 5′-3′ RNA-RNA circularization. In addition, a short poly(U) tract located immediately downstream of SLA has been shown to be necessary for RNA synthesis, although it is not involved in genome circularization (22). Finally, the cHP element resides within the capsid-coding region; it directs start codon selection and is essential for RNA replication (8, 9). The cHP structure is more important than its primary sequence. For start codon selection, it is believed that the cHP stalls the scanning initiation complex over the first AUG, favoring its recognition (9). In the case of RNA replication, the cHP likely stabilizes the overall 5′-3′ panhandle structure or participates in recruitment of factors associated with the replicase machinery (8).In this study, we demonstrate that in addition to the 5′ CS and 5′ UAR sequences, a third stretch of nucleotides in the 5′ end is required for RNA replication and appears to be involved in genome circularization. This new motif is located downstream of the AUG and was therefore designated the downstream AUG region (5′ DAR) element, with the predicted counterpart in the 3′ end designated the 3′ DAR. Our results indicate that the 5′ DAR modulates RNA-RNA interaction and RNA replication, and restoring complementarity between the 5′ DAR and 3′ DAR rescues detrimental effects caused by mutations in the 5′ DAR on genome circularization and RNA replication. Although the role of the predicted 3′ DAR counterpart is less conclusive, it may serve to make other structures and sequences in the 3′ end available for 5′-3′ RNA-RNA interaction to facilitate the replication-competent conformation of the DENV genome.Furthermore, we analyzed the functional interplay of RNA elements in the viral 5′ end, showing that two separate units are formed during replication. The first consists of the SLA, and it must be located at the very 5′ end of the genome. The second unit includes UAR, DAR, cHP, and CS elements, and the positional requirements are more flexible within the DENV RNA 5′ terminus. However, all four elements in the second unit must act in concert, forming a functional tertiary RNA structure of the circularized viral genome.  相似文献   

Multiple 2′-5′ oligoadenylate (2-5A) synthetases are important components of innate immunity in mammals. Gene families encoding these proteins have previously been studied mainly in humans and mice. To reconstruct the evolution of this gene family in mammals, a search for additional 2-5A synthetase genes was performed in rat, cattle, pig, and dog. Twelve 2′-5′ oligoadenylate synthetase (Oas) genes were identified in the rat genome, including eight Oas1 genes, two Oas1 pseudogenes, single copies of Oas2 and Oas3, and two Oas-like genes, Oasl1 and Oasl2. Four OAS genes were detected in the pig genome and five OAS genes were found in both the cattle and dog genomes. An OAS3 gene was not found in either the cattle or the pig genome. While two tandemly duplicated OAS-like (OASL) genes were identified in the dog genome, only a single OASL orthologue was found in both the cattle and the pig genomes. The bovine and porcine OASL genes contain premature stop codons and encode truncated proteins, which lack the typical C-terminal double ubiquitin domains. The cDNA sequences of the rat, cattle, pig, and dog OAS genes were amplified, sequenced and compared with each other and with those in the human, mouse, horse, and chicken genomes. Evidence of concerted evolution of paralogous 2′-5′ oligoadenylate synthetase 1 genes was obtained in rodents (Rodentia) and even-toed ungulates (Artiodactyla). Calculations using the nonparametric Kolmogorov-Smirnov test suggested that the homogenization of paralogous OAS1 sequences was due to gene conversion rather than stabilizing selection. Electronic Supplementary Material Electronic Supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users. Reviewing Editor: Dr. Martin Kreitman  相似文献   



2′-5′-Oligoadenylate synthetase 1 (OAS1) plays an important role in inflammatory immune reactions. OAS1 polymorphisms have been associated with increased susceptibility to various diseases. We investigated the association of polymorphisms in OAS1 with tuberculosis (TB).


A total of 1215?TB cases and 1114 healthy controls were enrolled from two independent studies. Genotyping was conducted using the improved multiplex ligase detection reaction (iMLDR) method. Associations between OAS1 polymorphisms (rs2240190, rs1131454, 10,774,671 and 11,066,453) and TB risk were established based on distributions of allelic frequencies using different genetic models.


Significant association was observed between rs10774671, rs1131454 and TB. In the initial study, the G allele of rs10774671 was a significantly protective factor against TB (P?=?0.006) and the genotype of GG differed significantly between TB patients and controls under the codominant model (P?=?0.008) after Bonferroni correction. In the validation study, we also observed that the rs10774671 G allele (P?=?0.001) and GG genotype (P?=?0.001) were associated with TB. In addition, we found that the rs1131454 G allele (P?=?0.004) and GG genotype (P?=?0.001) were protective against TB in the Chinese Han population.


We report novel associations of polymorphisms in OAS1 with TB in the Chinese Tibetan and Han populations. Similar studies in different populations and functional studies are warranted to confirm our results.

2′-5′-Oligoadenylate synthetase-like protein (OASL) is an interferon-inducible antiviral protein. Here we describe differential inhibitory activities of human OASL and the two mouse OASL homologs against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) replication. Interestingly, nonstructural protein 1 (NS1) of RSV promoted proteasome-dependent degradation of specific OASL isoforms. We conclude that OASL acts as a cellular antiviral protein and that RSV NS1 suppresses this function to evade cellular innate immunity and allow virus growth.  相似文献   

The Ca2+-activated K+ channel KCa3.1 is required for Ca2+ influx and the subsequent activation of T-cells. We previously showed that nucleoside diphosphate kinase beta (NDPK-B), a mammalian histidine kinase, directly phosphorylates and activates KCa3.1 and is required for the activation of human CD4 T lymphocytes. We now show that the class II phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase C2β (PI3K-C2β) is activated by the T-cell receptor (TCR) and functions upstream of NDPK-B to activate KCa3.1 channel activity. Decreased expression of PI3K-C2β by siRNA in human CD4 T-cells resulted in inhibition of KCa3.1 channel activity. The inhibition was due to decreased phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate [PI(3)P] because dialyzing PI3K-C2β siRNA-treated T-cells with PI(3)P rescued KCa3.1 channel activity. Moreover, overexpression of PI3K-C2β in KCa3.1-transfected Jurkat T-cells led to increased TCR-stimulated activation of KCa3.1 and Ca2+ influx, whereas silencing of PI3K-C2β inhibited both responses. Using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy and planar lipid bilayers, we found that PI3K-C2β colocalized with Zap70 and the TCR in peripheral microclusters in the immunological synapse. This is the first demonstration that a class II PI3K plays a critical role in T-cell activation.  相似文献   


The 5′-O-(4,4′-dimethoxytrityl) and 5′-O-(tert-butyldimethylsilyl) derivatives of 2′-,3′-O-thiocarbonyl-6-azauridine and 2′,3′-O-thiocarbonyl-5-chlorouridine were synthesized from the parent nucleosides by reaction with 4, 4′-dimethoxytrityl chloride and tert-butyldimethylsilyl chloride, respectively, followed by treatment with 1,1′-thiocarbonyldiimidazole. Introduction of a 2′-,3′-double bond into the sugar ring by reaction of the 5′-protected 2′-,3′-O-thionocarbonates with 1, 3-dimethyl-2-phenyl-1, 3, 2-diazaphospholidiine was unsuccessful, but could be accomplished satisfactorily with trimethyl phosphite. Reactions were generally more successful with the 5′-silylated than with the 5′-tritylated nucleosides. Formation of 2′-,3′-O-thiocarbonyl derivatives proceeded in higher yield with 5′-protected 6-azauridines than with the corresponding 5-chlorouridines because of the propensity of the latter to form 2,2′-anhydro derivatives. In the reaction of 5′-O-(tert-butyldimethylsilyl)-2′-,3′-O-thiocarbonyl-6-azauridine with trimethyl phosphite, introduction of the double bond was accompanied by N3-methylation. However this side reaction was not a problem with 5′-O-(tert-butyldimethylsilyl)-2′-, 3′-O-thioarbonyl-5-chlorouridine. Treatment of 5′-O-(tert-butyldimethylsilyl)-2′-, 3′-didehydro-2′-,3′-dideoxy-6-azauridine with tetrabutylammonium fluoride followed by hydrogenation afforded 2′-,3′-dideoxy-6-azauridine. Deprotection of 5′-O-(tert-butyldimethylsilyl)-2′-, 3′-didehydro-2′-,3′-dideoxy-5-chlorouridine yielded 2′-,3′-didehydro-2′-,3′-dide-oxy-5-chlorouridine.  相似文献   

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