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Adhesive pili on the surface of the serotype M1 Streptococcus pyogenes strain SF370 are composed of a major backbone subunit (Spy0128) and two minor subunits (Spy0125 and Spy0130), joined covalently by a pilin polymerase (Spy0129). Previous studies using recombinant proteins showed that both minor subunits bind to human pharyngeal (Detroit) cells (A. G. Manetti et al., Mol. Microbiol. 64:968-983, 2007), suggesting both may act as pilus-presented adhesins. While confirming these binding properties, studies described here indicate that Spy0125 is the pilus-presented adhesin and that Spy0130 has a distinct role as a wall linker. Pili were localized predominantly to cell wall fractions of the wild-type S. pyogenes parent strain and a spy0125 deletion mutant. In contrast, they were found almost exclusively in culture supernatants in both spy0130 and srtA deletion mutants, indicating that the housekeeping sortase (SrtA) attaches pili to the cell wall by using Spy0130 as a linker protein. Adhesion assays with antisera specific for individual subunits showed that only anti-rSpy0125 serum inhibited adhesion of wild-type S. pyogenes to human keratinocytes and tonsil epithelium to a significant extent. Spy0125 was localized to the tip of pili, based on a combination of mutant analysis and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry analysis of purified pili. Assays comparing parent and mutant strains confirmed its role as the adhesin. Unexpectedly, apparent spontaneous cleavage of a labile, proline-rich (8 of 14 residues) sequence separating the N-terminal ∼1/3 and C-terminal ∼2/3 of Spy0125 leads to loss of the N-terminal region, but analysis of internal spy0125 deletion mutants confirmed that this has no significant effect on adhesion.The group A Streptococcus (S. pyogenes) is an exclusively human pathogen that commonly colonizes either the pharynx or skin, where local spread can give rise to various inflammatory conditions such as pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, or erysipelas. Although often mild and self-limiting, GAS infections are occasionally very severe and sometimes lead to life-threatening diseases, such as necrotizing fasciitis or streptococcal toxic shock syndrome. A wide variety of cell surface components and extracellular products have been shown or suggested to play important roles in S. pyogenes virulence, including cell surface pili (1, 6, 32). Pili expressed by the serotype M1 S. pyogenes strain SF370 mediate specific adhesion to intact human tonsil epithelia and to primary human keratinocytes, as well as cultured keratinocyte-derived HaCaT cells, but not to Hep-2 or A549 cells (1). They also contribute to adhesion to a human pharyngeal cell line (Detroit cells) and to biofilm formation (29).Over the past 5 years, pili have been discovered on an increasing number of important Gram-positive bacterial pathogens, including Bacillus cereus (4), Bacillus anthracis (4, 5), Corynebacterium diphtheriae (13, 14, 19, 26, 27, 44, 46, 47), Streptococcus agalactiae (7, 23, 38), and Streptococcus pneumoniae (2, 3, 24, 25, 34), as well as S. pyogenes (1, 29, 32). All these species produce pili that are composed of a single major subunit plus either one or two minor subunits. During assembly, the individual subunits are covalently linked to each other via intermolecular isopeptide bonds, catalyzed by specialized membrane-associated transpeptidases that may be described as pilin polymerases (4, 7, 25, 41, 44, 46). These are related to the classical housekeeping sortase (usually, but not always, designated SrtA) that is responsible for anchoring many proteins to Gram-positive bacterial cell walls (30, 31, 33). The C-terminal ends of sortase target proteins include a cell wall sorting (CWS) motif consisting, in most cases, of Leu-Pro-X-Thr-Gly (LPXTG, where X can be any amino acid) (11, 40). Sortases cleave this substrate between the Thr and Gly residues and produce an intermolecular isopeptide bond linking the Thr to a free amino group provided by a specific target. In attaching proteins to the cell wall, the target amino group is provided by the lipid II peptidoglycan precursor (30, 36, 40). In joining pilus subunits, the target is the ɛ-amino group in the side chain of a specific Lys residue in the second subunit (14, 18, 19). Current models of pilus biogenesis envisage repeated transpeptidation reactions adding additional subunits to the base of the growing pilus, until the terminal subunit is eventually linked covalently via an intermolecular isopeptide bond to the cell wall (28, 41, 45).The major subunit (sometimes called the backbone or shaft subunit) extends along the length of the pilus and appears to play a structural role, while minor subunits have been detected either at the tip, the base, and/or at occasional intervals along the shaft, depending on the species (4, 23, 24, 32, 47). In S. pneumoniae and S. agalactiae one of the minor subunits acts as an adhesin, while the second appears to act as a linker between the base of the assembled pilus and the cell wall (7, 15, 22, 34, 35). It was originally suggested that both minor subunits of C. diphtheriae pili could act as adhesins (27). However, recent data showed one of these has a wall linker role (26, 44) and may therefore not function as an adhesin.S. pyogenes strain SF370 pili are composed of a major (backbone) subunit, termed Spy0128, plus two minor subunits, called Spy0125 and Spy0130 (1, 32). All three are required for efficient adhesion to target cells (1). Studies employing purified recombinant proteins have shown that both of the minor subunits, but not the major subunit, bind to Detroit cells (29), suggesting both might act as pilus-presented adhesins. Here we report studies employing a combination of recombinant proteins, specific antisera, and allelic replacement mutants which show that only Spy0125 is the pilus-presented adhesin and that Spy0130 has a distinct role in linking pili to the cell wall.  相似文献   

DNA sequencing of the gene encoding a complement-inhibiting protein of Streptococcus pyogenes (streptococcal inhibitor of complement, Sic) was carried out on 49 strains of S. pyogenes serotype M1. Those strains were obtained from patients and asymptomatic carriers in Japan from 1969 to 1997 and had various pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) patterns. Four identical polymorphic sites were found in the strains with the same PFGE pattern (Ia), but not in those giving the pattern IIa. The other identical sites were found in the strains with the PFGE pattern IIa, but not in those with the pattern Ia. These observations suggest that each of PFGE patterns was restricted to a set of variation in the sic gene. Received: 13 January 2000 / Accepted: 24 February 2000  相似文献   

A nationwide laboratory-based surveillance study of invasive S. pyogenes infections was conducted in Germany. Invasive isolates (n = 1,281) were obtained between 2003 and 2013. All isolates were susceptible to penicillin, cefotaxime and vancomycin. Tetracycline showed the highest rate of resistant or intermediate resistant isolates with 9.8%, followed by macrolides (4.0%), trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (SXT) (1.9%), levofloxacin (1.3%), chloramphenicol (0.9%) and clindamycin (0.7%). The most prominent trends were the appearance of levofloxacin non-susceptible isolates since 2011, and an increase of SXT non-susceptibility since 2012.  相似文献   

The antigenically variant M protein of Streptococcus pyogenes enhances virulence by promoting resistance to phagocytosis. The serum opacity factor (OF), produced by a subset of M serotypes, is also antigenically variant, and its antigenic variability exactly parallels that of M protein. OF-positive and OF-negative streptococci are also phenotypically distinguishable by a number of other criteria. In order to study the differences between OF-positive and OF-negative streptococci, we cloned and sequenced the type 49 M protein gene (emm49), the first to be cloned from an OF-positive strain. This gene showed evolutionary divergence from the OF-negative M protein genes studied previously. Furthermore, emm49 was part of a gene family, in contrast to the single-copy nature of previously characterized M protein genes.  相似文献   

A physical map of the chromosome of an M type 1 strain of Streptococcus pyogenes was constructed following digestion with three different restriction enzymes, SmaI, SfiI, and SgrAI, and separation and analysis of fragments by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. The genome size of this strain was estimated to be 1,920 kb. By employing Southern hybridization and PCR analysis, 36 genes were located on the map.  相似文献   

D-amino acids are commonly found in peptide antibiotics and the cell wall peptidoglycan of bacterial cell walls but have not been identified in proteins or enzymes. Here we report the presence of 6-7 A-alanine residues in an endopeptidase of Streptococcus pyogenes, a unique enzyme involved in surface protein attachment that we term LPXTGase. Using D-amino acid oxidase coupled with catalase for the deamination of D-alanine to pyruvic acid (a conversion unique to D-alanine), we were able to identify [14C]pyruvic acid in a [14C]alanine-labeled preparation of purified LPXTGase, which represents 27% of the amino acid composition. Because D-amino acids are not accommodated in ribosomal peptide synthesis, these results suggest that the same process used in assembling peptide antibiotics or a yet unidentified mechanism may synthesize the core protein of this endopeptidase.  相似文献   

We have amplified genomic sequences (emm) that may encode M protein from strains of Streptococcus pyogenes using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Genomic DNA from 22 isolates representing 14 M serotypes was selected for the study. Primers which corresponded to the observed N-terminal signal sequence and the variable C-terminal sequences of emm6, emm49 and ennX were used. PCR products using emm6 and emm49 oligonucleotides were classified into two mutually exclusive groups which correspond to the presence or absence of serum opacity factor. These findings support the concept of limited heterogeneity in the C-terminal sequences of the M protein.  相似文献   

We report the draft genome sequence of a clinical isolate, strain M115, identified as Mycobacterium massiliense, a member of the newly created taxon of Mycobacterium abscessus subspecies bolletii comb. nov.  相似文献   

Streptococcus pyogenes utilizes multiple mechanisms for adherence to and internalization by epithelial cells. One of the molecules suggested of being involved in adherence and internalization is the M protein. Although strains of the M3 serotype form the second largest group isolated from patients with severe invasive diseases and fatal infections, not much information is known regarding the interactions of M3 protein with mammalian cells. In this study we have constructed an emm3 mutant of an invasive M3 serotype (SP268), and demonstrated that the M3 protein is involved in both adherence to and internalization by HEp-2 cells. Fibronectin promoted both adherence and internalization of SP268 in an M3-independent pathway. Utilizing speB and speB/emm3 double mutants, it was found that M3 protein is not essential for the maturation of SpeB, as was reported for the M1 protein. Increased internalization efficiency observed in both the speB and emm3/speB mutants suggested that inhibition of S. pyogenes internalization by SpeB is not related to the presence of an intact M3 protein. Thus, other proteins in SP268, which serve as targets for SpeB activity, have a prominent role in the internalization process.  相似文献   

The group A streptococcus (GAS) Streptococcus pyogenes is known to cause self-limiting purulent infections in humans. The role of GAS pili in host cell adhesion and biofilm formation is likely fundamental in early colonization. Pilus genes are found in the FCT (fibronectin-binding protein, collagen-binding protein, and trypsin-resistant antigen) genomic region, which has been classified into nine subtypes based on the diversity of gene content and nucleotide sequence. Several epidemiological studies have indicated that FCT type 1 strains, including serotype M6, produce large amounts of monospecies biofilm in vitro. We examined the direct involvement of pili in biofilm formation by serotype M6 clinical isolates. In the majority of tested strains, deletion of the tee6 gene encoding pilus shaft protein T6 compromised the ability to form biofilm on an abiotic surface. Deletion of the fctX and srtB genes, which encode pilus ancillary protein and class C pilus-associated sortase, respectively, also decreased biofilm formation by a representative strain. Unexpectedly, these mutant strains showed increased bacterial aggregation compared with that of the wild-type strain. When the entire FCT type 1 pilus region was ectopically expressed in serotype M1 strain SF370, biofilm formation was promoted and autoaggregation was inhibited. These findings indicate that assembled FCT type 1 pili contribute to biofilm formation and also function as attenuators of bacterial aggregation. Taken together, our results show the potential role of FCT type 1 pili in the pathogenesis of GAS infections.  相似文献   

Wall-anchored surface proteins are critical for the in vivo survival of Streptococcus pyogenes. Cues in the signal sequence direct the membrane translocation of surface proteins: M protein to the septum, and SfbI to the poles. Both proteins are subsequently anchored to the wall by the membrane bound enzyme sortase A. However, the cellular features of these pathways are not fully understood. Here we show that M protein and SfbI are anchored simultaneously throughout the cell cycle. M protein is rapidly anchored at the septum, and in part of the cell cycle, is anchored simultaneously at the mother and daughter septa. Conversely, SfbI accumulates gradually on peripheral peptidoglycan, resulting in a polar distribution. Sortase is not required for translocation of M protein or SfbI at their respective locations. Methicillin-induced unbalanced peptidoglycan synthesis diminishes surface M protein but not SfbI. Furthermore, overexpression of the division regulator DivIVA also diminishes surface M protein but increases SfbI. These results demonstrate a close connection between the regulation of cell division and protein anchoring. Better understanding of the spatial regulation of surface anchoring may lead to the identification of novel targets for the development of anti-infective agents, given the importance of surface molecules for pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The important human pathogen Streptococcus pyogenes (group A streptococcus, GAS) initiates infection by pilus-mediated attachment to host tissue. Thus, the pilus is an excellent target for design of anti-infective strategies. The T3 pilus of GAS is composed of multiple covalently linked subunits of the T3 protein to which the two minor pilins, Cpa and OrfB, are covalently attached. Because the proteins of GAS pili do not contain either of the motifs required for pilus polymerization in other Gram-positive bacteria, we investigated the residues involved in their linkage. We show that linkage of Cpa to T3 by the sortase family transpeptidase SrtC2 requires the VPPTG motif in the cell wall-sorting signal of Cpa. We also demonstrate that K173 of T3 is required both for T3 polymerization and for attachment of Cpa to T3. Therefore, attachment of Cpa to K173 of a T3 subunit would block further addition of T3 subunits to this end of the growing pilus. This implies that Cpa is located exclusively at the pilus tip, a location supported by immunogold electron microscopy, and suggests that, as for well-studied pili on Gram-negative bacteria, the role of the pilus is to present the adhesin external to the bacterial capsule.  相似文献   

The human pathogen Streptococcus pyogenes produces diverse pili depending on the serotype. We investigated the assembly mechanism of FCT type 1 pili in a serotype M6 strain. The pili were found to be assembled from two precursor proteins, the backbone protein T6 and ancillary protein FctX, and anchored to the cell wall in a manner that requires both a housekeeping sortase enzyme (SrtA) and pilus-associated sortase enzyme (SrtB). SrtB is primarily required for efficient formation of the T6 and FctX complex and subsequent polymerization of T6, whereas proper anchoring of the pili to the cell wall is mainly mediated by SrtA. Because motifs essential for polymerization of pilus backbone proteins in other Gram-positive bacteria are not present in T6, we sought to identify the functional residues involved in this process. Our results showed that T6 encompasses the novel VAKS pilin motif conserved in streptococcal T6 homologues and that the lysine residue (Lys-175) within the motif and cell wall sorting signal of T6 are prerequisites for isopeptide linkage of T6 molecules. Because Lys-175 and the cell wall sorting signal of FctX are indispensable for substantial incorporation of FctX into the T6 pilus shaft, FctX is suggested to be located at the pilus tip, which was also implied by immunogold electron microscopy findings. Thus, the elaborate assembly of FCT type 1 pili is potentially organized by sortase-mediated cross-linking between sorting signals and the amino group of Lys-175 positioned in the VAKS motif of T6, thereby displaying T6 and FctX in a temporospatial manner.  相似文献   

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