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Caldicellulosiruptor obsidiansis OB47T (ATCC BAA-2073, JCM 16842) is an extremely thermophilic, anaerobic bacterium capable of hydrolyzing plant-derived polymers through the expression of multidomain/multifunctional hydrolases. The complete genome sequence reveals a diverse set of carbohydrate-active enzymes and provides further insight into lignocellulosic biomass hydrolysis at high temperatures.Members of the genus Caldicellulosiruptor within the order Clostridiales can solubilize cellulose at extremely thermophilic growth temperatures (65 to 80°C). Caldicellulosiruptor obsidiansis OB47T was isolated from Obsidian Pool, Yellowstone National Park, in enrichment cultures containing dilute acid-pretreated switchgrass as the primary carbon and energy source for cultivation (5). High-temperature saccharification can promote higher hydrolysis rates while reducing cooling costs following biomass pretreatment and suppressing contamination in reactors (9). Given the organism''s rapid growth on cellulosic substrates and ability to use a wide range of plant-derived sugars, a complete genome sequence was determined using a sequencing-by-synthesis approach.The genome of C. obsidiansis OB47T was sequenced by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Joint Genome Institute (JGI) using a combination of Illumina (1) and 454 technologies (8). All of the general aspects of library construction and sequencing performed at the JGI can be found at http://www.jgi.doe.gov/. Illumina sequencing data were assembled with VELVET (10), and the consensus sequences were shredded into 1.5-kbp overlapped fake reads and assembled together with the 454 data. The initial Newbler assembly contained 64 contigs in two scaffolds. The initial 454 assembly was converted into a Phrap assembly by making fake reads from the consensus and collecting the read pairs in the 454 paired-end library. The Phred/Phrap/Consed software package was used for sequence assembly and quality assessment (2-4) in the following finishing process. Illumina data were used to correct potential base errors and increase consensus quality using the Polisher software developed at the JGI (Alla Lapidus, unpublished data). After the shotgun stage, reads were assembled with parallel Phrap (High Performance Software, LLC). Possible misassemblies were corrected with gapResolution (Cliff Han, unpublished data), Dupfinisher (6), or sequencing of cloned bridging PCR fragments with subcloning. Gaps between contigs were closed by editing in Consed, by PCR, and by Bubble PCR primer walks. A total of 773 additional reactions and seven shatter libraries were necessary to close gaps and to raise the quality of the finished sequence. The genome was annotated at Oak Ridge National Laboratory using the automated annotation pipeline, which is driven by the gene prediction algorithm Prodigal (7). Annotation quality was verified by the JGI.Although many well-characterized bacteria and fungi can use cellulose, C. obsidiansis was selected and isolated specifically for its ability to deconstruct potential bioenergy feedstocks (e.g., pretreated switchgrass or Populus sp.). Through high-throughput sequencing of novel strains relevant to different aspects of renewable energy production, genome-enabled technologies can be used to discover important cellular properties (such as the secretion of hydrolytic enzymes). Making the genome sequence of C. obsidiansis OB47T available will allow comprehensive comparisons with other members of the genus and enable further investigation into the mechanisms employed by microorganisms to solubilize lignocellulosic materials at elevated temperatures.  相似文献   

Members of the bacterial genus Caldicellulosiruptor are the most thermophilic cellulolytic microbes described with ability to digest lignocellulosic biomass without conventional pretreatment. The cellulolytic ability of different species varies dramatically and correlates with the presence of the multimodular cellulase CelA, which contains both a glycoside hydrolase family 9 endoglucanase and a glycoside hydrolase family 48 exoglucanase known to be synergistic in their activity, connected by three cellulose-binding domains via linker peptides. This architecture exploits the cellulose surface ablation driven by its general cellulase processivity as well as excavates cavities into the surface of the substrate, revealing a novel paradigm for cellulase activity. We recently reported that a deletion of celA in C. bescii had a significant effect on its ability to utilize complex biomass. To analyze the structure and function of CelA and its role in biomass deconstruction, we constructed a new expression vector for C. bescii and were able, for the first time, to express significant quantities of full-length protein in vivo in the native host. The protein, which contains a Histidine tag, was active and excreted from the cell. Expression of CelA protein with and without its signal sequence allowed comparison of protein retained intracellularly to protein transported extracellularly. Analysis of protein in culture supernatants revealed that the extracellular CelA protein is glycosylated whereas the intracellular CelA is not, suggesting that either protein transport is required for this post-translational modification or that glycosylation is required for protein export. The mechanism and role of protein glycosylation in bacteria is poorly understood and the ability to express CelA in vivo in C. bescii will allow the study of the mechanism of protein glycosylation in this thermophile. It will also allow the study of glycosylation of CelA itself and its role in the structure and function of this important enzyme in biomass deconstruction.  相似文献   

Development of the strategy known as consolidated bioprocessing (CBP) involves the use of a single microorganism to convert pretreated lignocellulosic biomass to ethanol through the simultaneous production of saccharolytic enzymes and fermentation of the liberated monomeric sugars. In this report, the initial steps toward achieving this goal in the fermentation host Zymomonas mobilis were investigated by expressing heterologous cellulases and subsequently examining the potential to secrete these cellulases extracellularly. Numerous strains of Z. mobilis were found to possess endogenous extracellular activities against carboxymethyl cellulose, suggesting that this microorganism may harbor a favorable environment for the production of additional cellulolytic enzymes. The heterologous expression of two cellulolytic enzymes, E1 and GH12 from Acidothermus cellulolyticus, was examined. Both proteins were successfully expressed as soluble, active enzymes in Z. mobilis although to different levels. While the E1 enzyme was less abundantly expressed, the GH12 enzyme comprised as much as 4.6% of the total cell protein. Additionally, fusing predicted secretion signals native to Z. mobilis to the N termini of E1 and GH12 was found to direct the extracellular secretion of significant levels of active E1 and GH12 enzymes. The subcellular localization of the intracellular pools of cellulases revealed that a significant portion of both the E1 and GH12 secretion constructs resided in the periplasmic space. Our results strongly suggest that Z. mobilis is capable of supporting the expression and secretion of high levels of cellulases relevant to biofuel production, thereby serving as a foundation for developing Z. mobilis into a CBP platform organism.The biological conversion of lignocellulosic biomass to ethanol represents a potential major source of future domestic transportation fuels, but the current cost of converting biomass to fermentable sugars still needs to be reduced further (12). Most current strategies for ethanol production via biochemical conversion of lignocellulosic feedstocks utilize simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) or simultaneous saccharification and cofermentation (SSCF) processes (8, 21, 22). The process configuration known as consolidated bioprocessing (CBP) (20) would alleviate the financial strain of producing saccharolytic enzyme cocktails by combining the necessary steps for ethanol production as the action of one microorganism.A particularly attractive microbial candidate for the development of a CBP microorganism is the Gram-negative fermentative bacterium Zymomonas mobilis. Z. mobilis has been studied for its exceptionally high ethanol production rate, yield, and tolerance to the toxicity of the final product (15-17, 20, 31-33, 35, 43). In addition, Z. mobilis has the ability to ferment sugars at low pH and has a naturally high tolerance to many of the inhibitory compounds found in hydrolysates derived from lignocellulosic biomass (45, 46) Furthermore, the use of the Entner-Doudoroff pathway (37) allows Z. mobilis to achieve the near-theoretical maximum ethanol yields during fermentation while achieving relatively low biomass formation. Accordingly, Z. mobilis has been used successfully in SSF and SSCF processes (14, 24, 36). Additionally, Z. mobilis has been successfully engineered to ferment the pentose (C5) sugars, xylose (45) and arabinose (10).A necessary prerequisite to establishing Z. mobilis as a CBP host is the ability to achieve high levels of cellulolytic enzyme expression. However, there is not yet a strong consensus on how to achieve maximal heterologous protein expression in Z. mobilis. Multiple groups have attempted heterologous expression of numerous genes, including cellulolytic enzymes in Z. mobilis with various degrees of success (6, 7, 9, 19, 27, 42, 44). Unfortunately, there are no obvious correlations between the expression strategies employed compared to the results obtained. Intriguingly, however, when researchers used the tac promoter (Ptac) to drive expression of native Z. mobilis genes, they were able to express several genes to extremely high levels (2). The results from this study (2) suggest that while the potential to achieve high levels of heterologous cellulase expression in Z. mobilis certainly exists, the ability to do so on a consistent basis will need further investigation.While achieving high-level expression of cellulases is an important hurdle to overcome in the development of the CBP technology, it is imperative that these enzymes additionally be translocated to the extracellular medium in order to directly contact the lignocellulosic substrate. The most obvious means by which to achieve this translocation is by harnessing the host cell''s protein secretion apparatus. There is, however, in general, very little fundamental knowledge regarding the capacity of Z. mobilis to secrete proteins. There is only one account to our knowledge of fusing secretion signals native to Z. mobilis onto proteins from exogenous sources, where extracellular secretion of a recombinant β-glucosidase reached only 11% of the total amount of enzyme synthesized (43).We initially report the finding that several Z. mobilis strains natively produce an endogenous activity against carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and that this activity can be detected extracellularly. Together, these results suggest that Z. mobilis may be adept at producing and secreting cellulolytic enzymes, and as this attribute is essential for a CBP organism, Z. mobilis serves as an ideal candidate for further investigation.We next describe the expression of two cellulolytic enzymes (E1 and GH12) in both Escherichia coli and Z. mobilis. E1 (locus tag Acel_0614) and GH12 (locus tag Acel_0619) are both from the acidothermophile Acidothermus cellulolyticus and are representative of glycoside hydrolase families 5 and 12, respectively (10a, 38a). E1 is an endo-1,4-β-glucanase, and GH12 is an uncharacterized enzyme that has a very high sequence identity to the GH12 domain of GuxA (Acel_0615) from A. cellulolyticus. GuxA has activities against a wide variety of substrates, including carboxymethyl cellulose, arabinoxylan, xylan, and xyloglucan (W. Adney, unpublished results). While GH12 has yet to be fully characterized, we used homology modeling (3) to predict the enzyme class of GH12 and found that it strongly resembles an endo-1,4-β-glucanase. These enzymes were chosen because of their relatively low molecular weight, high stability, and activity over a broad temperature and pH range using only the catalytic domains (Adney, unpublished). We report the successful expression of both enzymes in Z. mobilis by addressing several variables related to gene expression. Additionally, the use of codon optimization was explored as a way of enhancing heterologous expression in Z. mobilis. After successfully demonstrating the intracellular expression of E1 and GH12 in Z. mobilis, we further show that Z. mobilis is capable of secreting these proteins extracellularly through the use of native secretion signals predicted to utilize two separate protein translocation pathways in Z. mobilis, the SecB-dependent and twin arginine translocation (TAT) pathways. This finding should prove valuable beyond the production of cellulases and could include all classes of recombinant proteins.  相似文献   

It has been shown that micromycetes Aspergillus ustus 1 and Tolypocladium inflatum k1 secrete proteolytic enzymes that possess high collagenolytic, fibrinolytic, and elastolytic activity. The activity of proteinases hydrolyzing fibrillar proteins, which was determined by the cleavage of azo-collagen, was 122.6 × 10–3EAzc/mL in A. ustus 1 and 69.7 × 10–3EAzc/mL in T. inflatum k1 (EAzc is the amount of azocollagen cleaved in 1 min (μg). The maximum values of activity were observed during submerged cultivation of A. ustus 1 for 4 days and of T. inflatum k1 for 5 days. It has been shown that the maximum of collagenolytic and general proteolytic activity during the cultivation of A. ustus 1 are time-separated, unlike T. inflatum k1, which, presumably, can simplify the procedure for obtaining proteinases active against fibrillar proteins.  相似文献   

The extremely thermophilic, Gram-positive bacteria Caldicellulosiruptor bescii and Caldicellulosiruptor obsidiansis efficiently degrade both cellulose and hemicellulose, which makes them relevant models for lignocellulosic biomass deconstruction to produce sustainable biofuels. To identify the shared and unique features of secreted cellulolytic apparatuses from C. bescii and C. obsidiansis, label-free quantitative proteomics was used to analyze protein abundance over the course of fermentative growth on crystalline cellulose. Both organisms' secretomes consisted of more than 400 proteins, of which the most abundant were multidomain glycosidases, extracellular solute-binding proteins, flagellin, putative pectate lyases, and uncharacterized proteins with predicted secretion signals. Among the identified proteins, 53 to 57 significantly changed in abundance during cellulose fermentation in favor of glycosidases and extracellular binding proteins. Mass spectrometric characterizations, together with cellulase activity measurements, revealed a substantial abundance increase of a few bifunctional multidomain glycosidases composed of glycosidase (GH) domain family 5, 9, 10, 44, or 48 and family 3 carbohydrate binding (CBM3) modules. In addition to their orthologous cellulases, the organisms expressed unique glycosidases with different domain organizations: C. obsidiansis expressed the COB47_1671 protein with GH10/5 domains, while C. bescii expressed the Athe_1857 (GH10/48) and Athe_1859 (GH5/44) proteins. Glycosidases containing CBM3 domains were selectively enriched via binding to amorphous cellulose. Preparations from both bacteria contained highly thermostable enzymes with optimal cellulase activities at 85°C and pH 5. The C. obsidiansis preparation, however, had higher cellulase specific activity and greater thermostability. The C. bescii culture produced more extracellular protein and additional SDS-PAGE bands that demonstrated glycosidase activity.  相似文献   

嗜热菌Caldicellulosiruptor bescii能够高效水解木质纤维素,C.bescii分泌的纤维素降解体系中含有多种糖苷水解酶和未知功能的非催化蛋白.未知功能非催化蛋白Athe_0597能与多种纤维素底物结合且在纤维素降解体系中高丰度存在.本研究对Athe_0597进行了生物信息学分析;以C.bescii...  相似文献   

Xylose, the major constituent of xylans, as well as the side chain sugars, such as arabinose, can be metabolized by engineered yeasts into ethanol. Therefore, xylan-degrading enzymes that efficiently hydrolyze xylans will add value to cellulases used in hydrolysis of plant cell wall polysaccharides for conversion to biofuels. Heterogeneous xylan is a complex substrate, and it requires multiple enzymes to release its constituent sugars. However, the components of xylan-degrading enzymes are often individually characterized, leading to a dearth of research that analyzes synergistic actions of the components of xylan-degrading enzymes. In the present report, six genes predicted to encode components of the xylan-degrading enzymes of the thermophilic bacterium Caldicellulosiruptor bescii were expressed in Escherichia coli, and the recombinant proteins were investigated as individual enzymes and also as a xylan-degrading enzyme cocktail. Most of the component enzymes of the xylan-degrading enzyme mixture had similar optimal pH (5.5 to ∼6.5) and temperature (75 to ∼90°C), and this facilitated their investigation as an enzyme cocktail for deconstruction of xylans. The core enzymes (two endoxylanases and a β-xylosidase) exhibited high turnover numbers during catalysis, with the two endoxylanases yielding estimated kcat values of ∼8,000 and ∼4,500 s−1, respectively, on soluble wheat arabinoxylan. Addition of side chain-cleaving enzymes to the core enzymes increased depolymerization of a more complex model substrate, oat spelt xylan. The C. bescii xylan-degrading enzyme mixture effectively hydrolyzes xylan at 65 to 80°C and can serve as a basal mixture for deconstruction of xylans in bioenergy feedstock at high temperatures.  相似文献   

Thermophilic cellulases and hemicellulases are of significant interest to the biofuel industry due to their perceived advantages over their mesophilic counterparts. We describe here biochemical and mutational analyses of Caldicellulosiruptor bescii Cel9B/Man5A (CbCel9B/Man5A), a highly thermophilic enzyme. As one of the highly secreted proteins of C. bescii, the enzyme is likely to be critical to nutrient acquisition by the bacterium. CbCel9B/Man5A is a modular protein composed of three carbohydrate-binding modules flanked at the N terminus and the C terminus by a glycoside hydrolase family 9 (GH9) module and a GH5 module, respectively. Based on truncational analysis of the polypeptide, the cellulase and mannanase activities within CbCel9B/Man5A were assigned to the N- and C-terminal modules, respectively. CbCel9B/Man5A and its truncational mutants, in general, exhibited a pH optimum of ~5.5 and a temperature optimum of 85°C. However, at this temperature, thermostability was very low. After 24 h of incubation at 75°C, the wild-type protein maintained 43% activity, whereas a truncated mutant, TM1, maintained 75% activity. The catalytic efficiency with phosphoric acid swollen cellulose as a substrate for the wild-type protein was 7.2 s(-1) ml/mg, and deleting the GH5 module led to a mutant (TM1) with a 2-fold increase in this kinetic parameter. Deletion of the GH9 module also increased the apparent k(cat) of the truncated mutant TM5 on several mannan-based substrates; however, a concomitant increase in the K(m) led to a decrease in the catalytic efficiencies on all substrates. These observations lead us to postulate that the two catalytic activities are coupled in the polypeptide.  相似文献   

Methods for efficient growth and manipulation of relatively uncharacterized bacteria facilitate their study and are essential for genetic manipulation. We report new growth media and culture techniques for Caldicellulosiruptor bescii, the most thermophilic cellulolytic bacterium known. A low osmolarity defined growth medium (LOD) was developed that avoids problems associated with precipitates that form in previously reported media allowing the monitoring of culture density by optical density at 680 nm (OD680) and more efficient DNA transformation by electroporation. This is a defined minimal medium and does not support growth when a carbon source is omitted, making it suitable for selection of nutritional markers as well as the study of biomass utilization by C. bescii. A low osmolarity complex growth medium (LOC) was developed that dramatically improves growth and culture viability during storage, making it a better medium for routine growth and passaging of C. bescii. Both media contain significantly lower solute concentration than previously published media, allowing for flexibility in developing more specialized media types while avoiding the issues of growth inhibition and cell lysis due to osmotic stress. Plating on LOD medium solidified by agar results in ~1,000-fold greater plating efficiency than previously reported and allows the isolation of discrete colonies. These new media represent a significant advance for both genetic manipulation and the study of biomass utilization in C. bescii, and may be applied broadly across the Caldicellulosiruptor genus.  相似文献   

A minimal chemically defined medium has been developed for Clostridium thermocellum. The growth factors required are biotin, pyridoxamine, vitamin B12, and p-aminobenzoic acid.  相似文献   

Embryogenic cell lines ofPicea abieswere categorized into twogroups, A and B, based on the morphology of the somatic embryosand the ability of the somatic embryos to proceed through amaturation process when treated with ABA. Group A embryos hada distinct, densely-packed embryonic region whereas group Bembryos had loosely packed cells in their embryonic region.Embryo morphology was shown to be regulated by changes in theplant growth regulators in the culture medium. Treatment withN6-benzyladenine stimulated embryos to develop large embryonicregions. The morphology of somatic embryos and especially thatof the embryonic regions was correlated with the presence ofspecific extracellular proteins. Only somatic embryos with denselypacked cells in the embryonic regions secreted proteins withrelative molecular weights of 28, 66 and 85kD. The extracellularprotein of 28kD was isolated and the first 21 amino acids inthe N-terminus were identified. These showed 52–57% identitywith the N-terminal sequence conserved among members of a proteinfamily which includes zeamatin and which have been shown tobe involved in plant anti-fungal mechanisms. Immunological studiesof extracellular chitinases and zeamatin-like proteins, as wellas of activity of extracellular peroxidase, revealed a closecorrelation between the presence of specific chitinases andembryo morphology. Auxin; cytokinin; embryogenic cell lines; embryo morphology; extracellular proteins; Norway spruce; Picea abies; somatic embryos  相似文献   

丝状真菌由于其胞外蛋白分泌的高效性,成为生产酶制剂的高效细胞工厂.近年来针对真核生物胞外蛋白分泌途径的研究发现,丝状真菌蛋白的分泌途径相比其他真核生物具有高效分泌的特性.为了研究丝状真菌高效分泌的机制,本文总结了近年来丝状真菌分泌途径的最新研究进展,并且选取了分泌途径中关键环节的数种蛋白进行分析,通过与其他真核生物相关蛋白进行结构与序列比对,推测了丝状真菌胞外蛋白高效分泌的可能机制.  相似文献   

Pathogenesis-related proteins (PR proteins), that are inducedin tobacco leaves in hypersensitive response to infection withtobacco mosaic virus (TMV) or by treatment with chemicals, werefound to be also inducible in a dedifferentiated system, tobaccosuspension culture. Quantitative determination of these proteinsusing anti PR 1a IgG showed that their increase started at aboutthe end of cell growth period and that their production couldbe enhanced by the addition of potassium salicylate, Eosin Yellowishand plant hormones (GA3, IAA and 2,4-D). The production dependedon the concentration of the chemical inducer and the cell lineused. In BY-2 cell line, PR proteins amounted to 12 µgat day 5 and then increased exponentially with time, reaching280 µg or 70 µg per g fr wt of cells at day 9 withor without the addition of 25 µM potassium salicylate.More than 90% of the induced PR proteins was found in the mediumand less than 10% in the cells at day 9. Peroxidase activityin the medium was constant throughout the experiment althoughtotal activity in the flask increased with cell growth, indicatingthat PR proteins are actively secreted into the medium. (Received November 12, 1986; Accepted March 6, 1987)  相似文献   

Protein secretion and localization are crucial during eukaryotic development, establishing local cell environments as well as mediating cell interactions, signaling, and adhesion. In this study, we demonstrate that the glycosyltransferase, pgant3, specifically modulates integrin-mediated cell adhesion by influencing the secretion and localization of the integrin ligand, Tiggrin. We demonstrate that Tiggrin is normally O-glycosylated and localized to the basal matrix where the dorsal and ventral cell layers adhere in wild type Drosophila wings. In pgant3 mutants, Tiggrin is no longer O-glycosylated and fails to be properly secreted to this basal cell layer interface, resulting in disruption of integrin-mediated cell adhesion in the wing. pgant3-mediated effects are dependent on enzymatic activity, as mutations that form a stable protein yet abrogate O-glycosyltransferase activity result in Tiggrin accumulation within the dorsal and ventral cells comprising the wing. Our results provide the first in vivo evidence for the role of O-glycosylation in the secretion of specific extracellular matrix proteins, thus altering the composition of the cellular “microenvironment” and thereby modulating developmentally regulated cell adhesion events. As alterations in cell adhesion are a hallmark of cancer progression, this work provides insight into the long-standing association between aberrant O-glycosylation and tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

The effect on phenotypic expression of rabbit vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC) of the interstitial matrix proteins collagen I and fibronectin, the basal lamina proteins collagen IV and laminin, and the serum adhesion protein vitronectin was examined in culture. Experiments were performed in foetal calf serum stripped of fibronectin and vitronectin to eliminate their confounding effects. All the proteins promoted adhesion to the plastic culture dish (in a concentration dependent manner) of SMC freshly isolated from the artery wall. These cells had a high volume density of myofilaments (Vvmyo) in their cytoplasm. Laminin was best at maintaining SMC with a high Vvmyo (Vvmyo = 49.8%) followed by collagen IV (41.7%). Cells plated on vitronectin showed the lowest Vvmyo (31.3%). The results support the concept that the SMC basal lamina has a role in maintaining cells in the high Vvmyo phenotype.  相似文献   

Forty-four enterococcal strains isolated from human clinical specimens were investigated for binding of 125I-labeled fibronectin, vitronectin, thrombospondin, lactoferrin, and collagen type I and IV, and for cell surface hydrophobicity. Most strains expressed low binding of iodine-labeled human fibronectin, collagen I and IV, and higher binding of human vitronectin, human lactoferrin, and human thrombospondin. Bacteria grown in Todd-Hewitt broth exhibited increased binding to vitronectin and thrombospondin. In particle agglutination assays (PAA), Enterococcus faecalis strains reacted strongly with coated latex beads in contrast to E. faecium strains, which generally did not react. The ability of enterococci to bind ECM proteins was affected by heating and proteolytic digestion, suggesting that some protein-binding components become surface exposed after treatment with proteases. The binding of 125I-labeled proteins to E. faecalis strain E70 was inhibited when cells were preincubated with unlabeled proteins. Preincubating cells with sulfated polymers such as dextran sulfate (M r 5000 and 8000), pentosan sulfate and heparin decreased binding of vitronectin, lactoferrin, and thrombospondin. The binding of lactoferrin and thrombospondin was also decreased when bacteria were preincubated with galactose, fucose, and mannosamine, but not with mannose. All of 30 E. faecalis strains expressed pronounced surface hydrophobicity, but 10 of 14 E. faecium strains showed hydrophilic cell surface. Received: 22 April 1996 / Accepted: 29 June 1996  相似文献   

Extracellular matrix regulation of intestinal epithelial differentiation may affect development, differentiation during migration to villus tips, healing, inflammatory bowel disease, and malignant transformation. Cell culture studies of intestinal epithelial biology may also depend on the matrix substrate used. We evaluated matrix effects on differentiation and proliferation in human intestinal Caco-2 epithelial cells, a model for intestinal epithelial differentiation. Proliferation, brush border enzyme specific activity, and spreading were compared in cells cultured on tissue culture plastic with interstitial collagen I and the basement membrane constituents collagen IV and laminin. Each matrix significantly increased alkaline phosphatase, dipeptidyl peptidase, lactase, sucrase-isomaltase, and cell spreading in comparison to plastic. However, the basement membrane proteins collagen IV and laminin further promoted all four brush border enzymes but inhibited spreading compared to collagen I. Proliferation was most rapid on type I collagen and slowest on laminin and tissue culture plastic. Basement membrane matrix proteins may promote intestinal epithelial differentiation and inhibit proliferation compared with interstitial collagen I.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to identify and functionally characterize potential cell surface extracellular matrix binding proteins in Hydra vulgaris. Using [3H]-laminin as a probe, radioreceptor analysis of a dissociated mixed hydra cell preparation indicated that the average number of laminin binding sites per cell was about 10,000 with a dissociation constant of 1.49 nM. These binding sites could be displaced with unlabelled laminin in a dose-dependent manner and with high concentrations (500 nM) of unlabelled fibronectin. No displacement with type-IV collagen and type-I collagen was observed. Immunoscreerting studies with a battery of antibodies raised to mammalian extracellular matrix (ECM) binding proteins indicated potential cell surface binding sites for the anti-β1 integrin monoclonal antibody, mAb JG22. Cell adhesion studies indicated that mAb JG22 blocked binding of hydra cells to laminin, but did not affect their binding to fibronectin, type-IV collagen, or type-I collagen. Light and electron microscopic immunocytochemical studies indicated that mAb JG22 localized to the basal plasma membrane of ectodermal and endodermal epithelial cells. Immunoprecipitation studies identified two major bands with masses of about 196 kDa and 150 kDa under reducing conditions, and two bands with masses of >200 kDa under non-reducing conditions. Functional studies indicated that mAb JG22 could reversibly block morphogenesis of hydra cell aggregates, and could block in vivo interstitial cell migration in hydra grafts. These observations indicate that hydra has cell surface binding sites for ECM components which are functionally important during development of this simple Cnidarian  相似文献   

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