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IGFs系统包含3个配体(IGF-1、IGF-2、IGF-3)、2个受体(IGF-1R、IGF-2R)和6个IGF结合蛋白(IGFBP).生殖和生长是生物体最基本的特征,两者既密切相关又相互区别,胰岛素样生长因子(IGFs)是生长轴和生殖轴相交联的关键因子.最近研究表明:鱼类性腺的发育及成熟伴随着细胞分化和组织生长,传统的生长因子IGF-1、IGF-2和最近发现的IGF-3,对鱼类性腺发挥着重要作用.本文重点介绍鱼类特有的配体IGF-3的结构,鱼类IGFs系统的信号通路及其与鱼类性腺的相关性研究进展.  相似文献   

Gonadal somatic cells are the main players in gonad development and are important for sex determination and germ cell development. Here, using a time-series single-cell RNA sequencing(scRNA-seq) strategy, we analyzed fetal germ cells(FGCs) and gonadal somatic cells in human embryos and fetuses. Clustering analysis of testes and ovaries revealed several novel cell subsets,including POU5F1+SPARC+FGCs and KRT19+somatic cells. Furthermore, our data indicated that the bone morphogenetic protein(BMP) ...  相似文献   

Sexually dimorphic development of the gonad is essential for germ cell development and sexual reproduction. We have found that the Drosophila embryonic gonad is already sexually dimorphic at the time of initial gonad formation. Male-specific somatic gonadal precursors (msSGPs) contribute only to the testis and express a Drosophila homolog of Sox9 (Sox100B), a gene essential for testis formation in humans. The msSGPs are specified in both males and females, but are only recruited into the developing testis. In females, these cells are eliminated via programmed cell death dependent on the sex determination regulatory gene doublesex. Our work furthers the hypotheses that a conserved pathway controls gonad sexual dimorphism in diverse species and that sex-specific cell recruitment and programmed cell death are common mechanisms for creating sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

We have established an enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) transgenic medaka line that mimics the expression of sox9b/sox9a2 to analyze the morphological reorganization of the gonads and characterize the sox9b-expressing cells during gonadal formation in this fish. After the germ cells have migrated into the gonadal areas, a cluster of EGFP-expressing cells in the single gonadal primordium was found to be separated by the somatic cells along the rostrocaudal axis and form the bilateral lobes. We observed in these transgenic fish that EGFP expression persists only in the somatic cells directly surrounding the germ cells. As sex differentiation proceeds, dmrt1 and foxl2 begin to be expressed in the EGFP-expressing cells in the XY and the XX gonads, respectively. This indicates that the sox9b-expressing cells reorganize into two lobes of the gonad and then differentiate into Sertoli or granulosa cells, as common precursors of the supporting cells. Hence, our sox9b-EGFP medaka system will be useful in future studies of gonadal development.  相似文献   

Two forms of cytochrome P450 aromatase, acting in both the brain and the ovary, have been implicated in controlling ovarian development in fish. To better understand the expression of these two enzymes during sexual differentiation in Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus), real-time PCR was used to quantify the mRNA levels of ovary- (cyp19a) and brain-type cytochrome P450 aromatase (cyp19b) genes in the gonad and brain during gonadal development. Both enzymes showed high levels of expression in both tissues in developmental stages prior to histologically detectable ovarian differentiation (38 mm fork length), with increased expression occurring slightly earlier in the brain than the gonad. Cyp19a showed a second peak of expression in later stages (> 48 mm) in the gonad, but not the brain. Cyp19b expression was generally higher in the brain than the gonad. These results suggest that sexual differentiation may begin in the brain prior to gonadal differentiation, supporting the idea that steroid hormone expression in the brain is a key determinant of phenotypic sex in fish. In an examination of sexually immature adults, cyp19a was highly expressed in female gonad while cyp19b was very highly expressed in the pituitary of both sexes. The ratio of cyp19a to cyp19b expression was much higher in ovaries than in testes in the adult fish, so this ratio was analyzed in the developing gonads of juvenile halibut in an attempt to infer their sex. This was only partially successful, with about half the fish in later developmental stages showing apparently sex-specific differences in aromatase expression.  相似文献   

The gonad contains two major cell lineages, germline and somatic cells. Little is known, however, about the somatic gonadal cell lineage in vertebrates. Using fate mapping studies and ablation experiments in medaka fish (Oryzias latipes), we determined that somatic gonadal precursors arise from the most posterior part of the sdf-1a expression domain in the lateral plate mesoderm at the early segmentation stage; this region has the properties of a gonadal field. Somatic gonadal precursors in this field, which continuously express sdf-1a, move anteriorly and medially to the prospective gonadal area by convergent movement. By the stage at which these somatic gonadal precursors have become located adjacent to the embryonic body, the precursors no longer replace the surrounding lateral plate mesoderm, becoming spatially organized into two distinct populations. We further show that, prior to reaching the prospective gonadal area, these populations can be distinguished by expression of either ftz-f1 or sox9b. These results clearly indicate that different populations of gonadal precursors are present before the formation of a single gonadal primordium, shedding new light on the developmental processes of somatic gonadal cell and subsequent sex differentiation.  相似文献   

To explore the nature of cell lineage modifications that have occurred during evolution, the gonadal cell lineages of the nematode Panagrellus redivivus have been determined and compared to the known gonadal lineages of Caenorhabditis elegans (J. Kimble and D. Hirsh, 1979, Develop. Biol.70, 396–417). Essentially invariant lineages generate the 143 somatic cells of the male gonad and at least 326 somatic cells of the female gonad of P. redivivus. The basic program of gonadogenesis is strikingly similar among both sexes of both species. For example, the early division patterns of the somatic gonad precursors Z1 and Z4 are almost identical. Later division patterns are more divergent and, in a few cases, generate structures that are species specific. In general, similar cell types are produced after similar patterns of cell divisions. Differences among the Z1 and Z4 cell lineages appear to reflect phylogenetic modifications of a common developmental program. The nature of these differences suggests that the evolution of cell lineages involves four distinct classes of alterations: switches in the fate of a cell to that normally associated with another cell; reversals in the polarity of the lineage generated by a blast cell; alterations in the number of rounds of cell division; and an “altered segregation” of developmental potential, so that a potential normally associated with one cell instead becomes associated with its sister. A number of cell deaths occur during gonadogenesis in P. redivivus. The death of Z4.pp, a cell that controls the development of the posterior ovary in C. elegans, probably prevents the development of a posterior ovary in P. redivivus and hence is responsible for the gross difference in the morphologies of the gonads of the P. redivivus female and the C. elegans hermaphrodite. As exemplified by the death of Z4.pp, an alteration in the fate of a “regulatory cell” could facilitate rapid and/or discontinuous evolutionary change.  相似文献   

This study describes the structural and ultrastructural characteristics of gonadal sex differentiation and expression of Vasa, a germline marker, in different developmental stages of embryos and newborn fry of the barred splitfin Chapalichthys encaustus, a viviparous freshwater teleost endemic to Mexico. In stage 2 embryos, the gonadal crest was established; gonadal primordia were located on the coelomic epithelium, formed by scarce germ and somatic cells. At stage 3, the undifferentiated gonad appeared suspended from the mesentery of the developing swimbladder and contained a larger number of germ and somatic cells. At stages 4 and 5, the gonads had groups of meiotic and non-meiotic germ cells surrounded by somatic cells; meiosis was evident from the presence of synaptonemal complexes. These stages constituted a transition towards differentiation. At stage 6 and at birth, the gonad was morphologically differentiated into an ovary or a testis. Ovarian differentiation was revealed by the presence of follicles containing meiotic oocytes, and testicular differentiation by the development of testicular lobules containing spermatogonia in mitotic arrest, surrounded by Sertoli cells. Nuage, electron-dense material associated with mitochondria, was observed in germ cells at all gonadal stages. The Vasa protein was detected in all of the previously described stages within the germ-cell cytoplasm. This is the first report on morphological characteristics and expression of the Vasa gene during sexual differentiation in viviparous species of the Goodeidae family. Chapalichthys encaustus may serve as a model to study processes of sexual differentiation in viviparous fishes and teleosts.  相似文献   

In wild-type Caenorhabditis elegans, the hermaphrodite gonad is a symmetrical structure, whereas the male gonad is asymmetric. Two cellular processes are critical for the generation of these sexually dimorphic gonadal shapes during early larval development. First, regulatory "leader" cells that control tube extension and gonadal shape are generated. Second, the somatic gonadal precursor cells migrate and become rearranged to establish the adult pattern. In this paper, we introduce sys-1, a gene required for early organization of the hermaphrodite, but not the male, gonad. The sys-1(q544) allele behaves genetically as a strong loss-of-function mutant and putative null. All hermaphrodites that are homozygous for sys-1(q544) possess a grossly malformed gonad and are sterile; in contrast, sys-1(q544) males exhibit much later and only partially penetrant gonadal defects. The sys-1(q544) hermaphrodites exhibit two striking early gonadal defects. First, the cell lineages of Z1 and Z4, the somatic gonadal progenitor cells, produce extra cells during L2, but the regulatory cells that control gonadal shape are not generated. Second, somatic gonadal precursor cells do not cluster centrally during late L2, and the somatic gonadal primordium typical of hermaphrodites is not established. In contrast, the early male gonadal lineage is asymmetric as normal, the somatic gonadal primordium typical of males is established correctly, and the male adult gonadal structures can be normal. We conclude that the primary role of sys-1 is to establish the shape and polarity of the hermaphrodite gonad.  相似文献   



Dmrt1 is a highly conserved gene involved in the determination and early differentiation phase of the primordial gonad in vertebrates. In the fish medaka dmrt1bY, a functional duplicate of the autosomal dmrt1a gene on the Y-chromosome, has been shown to be the master regulator of male gonadal development, comparable to Sry in mammals. In males mRNA and protein expression was observed before morphological sex differentiation in the somatic cells surrounding primordial germ cells (PGCs) of the gonadal anlage and later on exclusively in Sertoli cells. This suggested a role for dmrt1bY during male gonad and germ cell development.  相似文献   

萍乡肉红鲫的性腺发育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
萍乡肉红鲫(Pingxiang red-transparent crucian carp,Carassius auratus L.)是在江西省萍乡地区分布的天然三倍体鲫突变体经人工选育后获得的遗传性状基本稳定的后代,具有两性生殖和雌核生殖两种生殖方式.研究以F5代萍乡肉红鲫为材料,自孵化后每满1个月开始取性腺,观察了其卵巢1周年性成熟和精巢的发育过程,结果表明萍乡肉红鲫的性腺为1年成熟类型.卵巢发育进程町以分为6个时期,卵母细胞发育相应可分为6个时相.统计了卵巢成熟系数周年变化,体重为95 g左右的雌性萍乡肉红鲫,其成熟卵巢的成熟系数约为(11.73±2.8)%,成熟的卵母细胞内充满卵黄,相对怀卵量为(3018±310)粒/g.萍乡肉红鲫精巢属于小叶型,在精小叶中可观察到不同发育阶段的生殖细胞.由精原细胞分裂而来的仞级精母细胞经分裂增殖,产生次级精母细胞并最终发育成为精子.萍乡肉红鲫的精巢发育程序与普通鲫鱼和鲤鱼相似,卵巢和精巢的发育过程基本同步,孵化后50日龄内性腺分化不明显,到70日龄左右开始出现雌雄分化,3月龄发育为第1期,4-5月龄发育为第2期,6-7月龄发育至第3期,7-10月龄可见第4期卵巢,1年即可成熟产卵,精巢可排出精液.结果表明,该鲫鱼突变体的性腺发育与普通二倍体鲤(鲫)鱼的性腺发育方式类似.  相似文献   

The presence of germ cells in the early gonad is important for sexual fate determination and gonadal development in vertebrates. Recent studies in zebrafish and medaka have shown that a lack of germ cells in the early gonad induces sex reversal in favor of a male phenotype. However, it is uncertain whether the gonadal somatic cells or the germ cells are predominant in determining gonadal fate in other vertebrate. Here, we investigated the role of germ cells in gonadal differentiation in goldfish, a gonochoristic species that possesses an XX-XY genetic sex determination system. The primordial germ cells (PGCs) of the fish were eliminated during embryogenesis by injection of a morpholino oligonucleotide against the dead end gene. Fish without germ cells showed two types of gonadal morphology: one with an ovarian cavity; the other with seminiferous tubules. Next, we tested whether function could be restored to these empty gonads by transplantation of a single PGC into each embryo, and also determined the gonadal sex of the resulting germline chimeras. Transplantation of a single GFP-labeled PGC successfully produced a germline chimera in 42.7% of the embryos. Some of the adult germline chimeras had a developed gonad on one side that contained donor derived germ cells, while the contralateral gonad lacked any early germ cell stages. Female germline chimeras possessed a normal ovary and a germ-cell free ovary-like structure on the contralateral side; this structure was similar to those seen in female morphants. Male germline chimeras possessed a testis and a contralateral empty testis that contained some sperm in the tubular lumens. Analysis of aromatase, foxl2 and amh expression in gonads of morphants and germline chimeras suggested that somatic transdifferentiation did not occur. The offspring of fertile germline chimeras all had the donor-derived phenotype, indicating that germline replacement had occurred and that the transplanted PGC had rescued both female and male gonadal function. These findings suggest that the absence of germ cells did not affect the pathway for ovary or testis development and that phenotypic sex in goldfish is determined by somatic cells under genetic sex control rather than an interaction between the germ cells and somatic cells.  相似文献   

In the Gulf of Alaska, adult Pacific cod exhibited an annual cycle of condition, gonad index and liver index in which maximum values occurred in ripe fish in March and minima in July. About 30–31 % of prespawning stored energy was expended during the spawning effort. The energy associated with spawning derived from liver (24% and 18%), somatic tissue (22% and 33%) and gonad (53% and 48%) for females and males, respectively. Liver index and gonad index at the time of sampling were directly related in females, but in males gonad index was best related to liver index 1–3 months earlier.
The Pacific cod is very similar to the Atlantic cod in terms of energy cycling, maximum gonad sizes, energy expended during spawning and gonadal contribution to energy expenditure. However, in Pacific cod, somatic tissue contributes markedly to energy expended during reproduction. The Pacific cod cod differs from the walleye pollock with respect to gonad index (13% and 20%ν. 20% and 8% for females and males, respectively), spawning weight loss (25%ν. 38%), liver energy loss during spawning (71%ν. 55%) and energy cost of spawning.  相似文献   



Movement of cells, either as amoeboid individuals or in organised groups, is a key feature of organ formation. Both modes of migration occur during Drosophila embryonic gonad development, which therefore provides a paradigm for understanding the contribution of these processes to organ morphogenesis. Gonads of Drosophila are formed from three distinct cell types: primordial germ cells (PGCs), somatic gonadal precursors (SGPs), and in males, male-specific somatic gonadal precursors (msSGPs). These originate in distinct locations and migrate to associate in two intermingled clusters which then compact to form the spherical primitive gonads. PGC movements are well studied, but much less is known of the migratory events and other interactions undergone by their somatic partners. These appear to move in organised groups like, for example, lateral line cells in zebra fish or Drosophila ovarian border cells.  相似文献   

The histology of the gonad of the red sea bream,Pagrus major, was examined in order to study the early gonadal development, sexual maturation and sex ratio in a natural population. A total of 1,117 fish between the ages of 4 months and 8 years were examined. Gonads of 4-month-old fish were either sexually undifferentiated with a central cavity, or ovarian in form. Gonads of 12- and 18-month-old fish were ovaries or bisexual gonads, while those of 2-year-old fish were ovaries, bisexual gonads or testes. Fish aged between 3 and 8 years had ovaries or testes, except for a few bisexual gonads found in 3- and 4-year-old fish. The chronological appearance of females, hermaphrodites and males in that order, and histological evidence, suggested that the testis originates from the ovary via a bisexual gonad in the juvenile stage. The sex ratio of females to males at the age of 2 years and over was about 1:1, suggesting that hermaphroditic red sea bream appear in about 50% of the juvenile population. The sexual pattern in this species, therefore, is concluded to be gonochorism with a bisexual juvenile stage.  相似文献   

Although the overall pattern and timing of gonadal sex differentiation have been established in a considerable number of teleosts, the ultrastructure of early stages of gonadal development is not well documented. In this study, gonads from larval and juvenile stages of laboratory-reared Cichlasoma dimerus were examined at the light-microscopic and ultrastructural levels. This freshwater species adapts easily to captivity and spawns with high frequency during 8 months of the year, providing an appropriate model for developmental studies. Larvae and juveniles were kept at a water temperature of 26.5 +/- 1 degrees C and a 12:12 hour photoperiod. Gonadal development was documented from 14-100 days postfertilization, covering the period of histologically discernible sex differentiation. Gonadal tissue was processed according to standard techniques for light and electron microscopy. C. dimerus, a perciform teleost, is classified as a differentiated gonochorist, in which an indifferent gonad develops directly into a testis or ovary. On day 14, the gonadal primordium consists of a few germ cells surrounded by enveloping somatic cells. Ovarian differentiation precedes testicular differentiation, as usual in teleost fishes. The earliest signs of differentiation, detected from day 42 onward, include the onset of meiotic activity in newly formed oocytes, which is soon accompanied by increased oogonial mitotic proliferation and the somatic reorganization of the presumptive ovary. The ovarian cavity is completely formed by day 65. Numerous follicles containing perinucleolar oocytes are observed by day 100. In contrast, signs of morphological differentiation in the presumptive testis are not observed until day 72. By day 100, the unrestricted lobular organization of the testis is evident. The latest stage of spermatogenesis observed by this time of testicular development is spermatocyte II.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of oyster gonadal TGFβ (og-TGFβ) in the reproduction of Crassostrea gigas, using an in vivo RNA interference approach. We designed double-stranded RNA targeting og-TGFβ, which is specifically expressed in the somatic cells surrounding germ cells in the gonad of both male and female oysters. In vivo injection of this og-TGFβ dsRNA into the gonad led to knock-down phenotypes for both sexes, with significant reduction (77.52% relative to controls) of the gonad area, lowered reproductive effort and germ cell under-proliferation. Interestingly, half of the injected females halted their vitellogenesis, since we were only able to observe pre-vitellogenic oocytes. In addition, apoptotic germ cells and haemocytes infiltrated into the gonad, likely as part of the active resorption of degenerating germ cells. Conversely, males showed a normal phenotype at the cellular level, with spermatids and spermatozoids observed in the gonads of control and injected males. As a result, og-TGFβ appears to play an essential role in C. gigas germ cell development by functioning as an activator of germ cell proliferation in both male and female oysters and vitellogenesis in females.  相似文献   

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