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Alleviation of Salinity-Induced Dormancy in Perennial Grasses   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
All seeds of Aeluropus lagopoides and Urochondra setulosa germinated under non-saline conditions except for Sporobolus ioclados which showed only 40 % germination. Increase in salinity substantially inhibited germination and few seeds germinated at 400 mM NaCl. Germination at 200 mM NaCl was alleviated in U. setulosa by the application of gibberellic acid and fusicoccin, in A. lagopoides by thiourea, betaine, kinetin, fusicoccin and ethephon, and in S. ioclados by gibberellin and ethephon. High salinity (400 mM NaCl) induced germination inhibition was alleviated by proline, kinetin, fusicoccin and ethephon only in A. lagopoides.  相似文献   

多年生龙胆属植物个体大小与花期资源分配研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
梁艳  张小翠  陈学林 《西北植物学报》2008,28(12):2400-2407
于各物种花中前期对青藏高原东部高寒草甸6种多年生龙胆属植物花期的繁殖分配和性分配进行分析,结果表明:(1)多年生龙胆属植物的植株个体越大,繁殖投入越高,繁殖分配越低;(2)随着植物个体的增大,对雌性、雄性和吸引结构的投入都在增加,这可保证资源的充分利用,不会因为单一部分的增加而造成资源的浪费;(3)6种龙胆属植物中,有4种其性分配结果与性别分配(SDS)的理论预测一致,即大个体更偏向雌性器官的资源投入,但麻花艽(Gentiana atraminea)和达乌里秦艽(Gentiana dahurica)的性分配与个体大小则没有表现出负相关,可能与其本身具有的雌雄异熟———雄性先熟特点有关;(4)资源在雌雄功能间的分配没有表现出权衡关系,可能是由于植物必须在许多不同生活史性状之间进行资源分配,而不是两两之间非此即彼.  相似文献   

Little is known about restoring the perennial herbaceous understory of Midwestern deciduous woodlands, despite the significant and widespread degradation of remnants due to human activities. Because many woodland understory species have reproductive characters that make reestablishment from seed slow or difficult, we investigated transplanting as a strategy for introducing 24 species to a degraded early-successional woodland in central Iowa, U.S.A. Plants were planted in single-species groups of generally four individuals, and then monitored for survival five times over a 7-year period, and for flowering during the first year. After 7 years, persistence of these groups was 57% averaged across species. Survival in years 5–7 does not reflect individuals that spread beyond the original planting units by self-sowing or vegetative spread and is therefore a minimum estimate of the abundance of many species at the site. Mean percent flowering was 72% across single-species groups for 15 species monitored. We consider these survival and flowering rates acceptable indicators of establishment success, especially given drought conditions at our site in the first few years and lack of weed control beyond the first year, and evidence that transplanted species were establishing outside the original planting locations. Additional work is needed to investigate regional differences in transplant success, and methods for sustainable production of species are not suitable for introduction by seed. We caution that our results do not necessarily apply to the restoration of rare species.  相似文献   

A study of lateral bud dormancy in Actinidia chinensis has shownthat true dormancy can be induced, especially in short daysat warm and constant temperatures This dormancy can be brokenquantitatively by chilling but temperatures as high as 10 °Care effective The dormancy appears to be due to an inhibitor(possibly ABA), apparently stored in the special bud cover aspecial structure in Kiwi fruit which may represent fused stipulesRemoval of the cover also admits oxygen and light, both of whichhave promoting effects on bud break Application of ABA enhancesdormancy (as do crude extracts tentatively identified as ABA)while GA3 application enhances dormancy before chilling andpromotes bud break only after chilling Actinidia chinensis, Kiwi fruit, dormancy, abscissic acid, gibberellic acid, chilling  相似文献   

In The Bud Of The Great Ash (Fraxinus Excelsior L.) The Reserves Of Starch Stocked During Dormancy — The Presence Of Which Was Demonstrated By Use Of The Schiff-Periodic Acid Method — Were Used Differently In The Shoot Apex And In The Stem Tip Underneath The Meristem. In The Shoot Apex The Starch Was Mobilized Before The Resumption Of Growth Activity. During The Last Days Of Dormancy The Water Content In The Buds Remained Low, Inferior To The Threshold Which Characterized Them During Active Growth; But In The Shoot Apex The Water Potential, Measured In Terms Of The Degree Of Plasmolysis, Rose By Almost 15 - 105 Pa: some water which had been bound was liberated in the cells of the shoot apex, it could contribute to the hydrolysis of the starch into soluble sugars, which modified the requirement of water. This constituted, therefore, a decisive step in the passage from dormancy to active growth, and the interruption of dormancy was thus linked to an adequate increase of the water content in the bud. In contrast, in the stem tip underneath the meristem the progressive hydrolysis of the starch reserves constituted the response to the hydration of the bud which occurred after the resumption of growth, when the energy requirements resulting from the development of the annual branch were manifest.  相似文献   

Lateral Bud Dormancy in the Blackcurrant Ribes nigrum (L.)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous investigations have shown that the inhibition of lateralbuds in blackcurrants soon after their formation is due to apicaldominance and this is followed by leaf inhibition. The presentstudies have revealed that bud scales are the main cause ofinhibition even before leaf fall. The inhibitor level assayedby the wheat coleoptile test shows large seasonal changes; itis maximal in early autumn and minimal in spring. Inhibitor levels are reduced by low-temperature treatment inparallel with the promotion of dormancy breaking; temperatureswell below freezing, applied for very short times, almost certainlyact through the killing of bud scales in the same way as doesrapid high-temperature treatment. Other treatments causing budbreak in the presence of high inhibitor levels are: continuousillumination, ethylene vapour, and application of gibberellicacid. It is suggested that bud inhibition in the blackcurrant is dueto the formation of an inhibitor produced by the leaves andaccumulated in the bud scales. The inhibitor (probably abscisicacid) may then interact with internal gibberellin levels, summerand winter dormancy differing only quantitatively.  相似文献   

Plant dormancy and dormancy breaking depend, at least partially, on close relationships between buds and tissues underlying bud (bud stands). In Prunus persica, the dormancy was related to high nutrient absorption in bud stands linked to high plasmalemma ATPase (EC activity. Two plasmalemma fractions was isolated from peach vegetative buds and bud stands using aqueous phase partitioning and ultracentrifugation. Results of markers enzyme assays indicated that both plasmalemma enriched fractions obtained were highly purified. During the dormancy period plasma membrane ATPase amount and activity were higher in bud stands than in buds. Moreover, assays performed at different temperatures (4, 18, 30 °C) indicated modifications of kinetic parameters (Km, Vm) in both tissues during dormancy release. In buds, from November to February, Km declined at 4°C and increased at 30 °C whereas no changes was measured at 18 °C and Vm increased at all temperature. In bud stands, no changes of Km was measured at 4 °C and 18 °C whereas an increase occurred at 30 °C and Vm decreased at all temperature. According to the results, it can be postulated that dormancy release in peach-tree could be related to modifications of plasma membrane ATPase properties, in buds and bud stands, during winter time.  相似文献   

森林生态系统中草层植物的生态功能   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
综述了过去20年国内外有关森林生态系统中草层植物的生态功能研究。森林生态系统中的草层植物是指活的草本类植物及在一定高度(通常40cm)以下的乔灌木幼苗的总和,它和枯落物以及林下土壤共同构成森林生态系统中的林下层亚生态系统。森林生态系统中的草层植物具有明显增加生物多样性,防止水土流失,改良土壤结构,保持和提高土壤肥力,促进林木生长,改善林地小气候,加速生态恢复等方面的功效。其功能是相当强大且多种多样的,我国南亚热带森林生态系统中的草层植物研究应在以下方面进一步加强:1)草层植物与枯落物各自的生态功能与生态效益;2)人工林下的草层植物发生与演替规律;3)林下幼苗的更新演替规律;4)草层植物在复合农林业生态系统中的生态功能及其机理;5)加强草层植物的良种的选育和应用研究等。  相似文献   

西南干热河谷地区葡萄休眠规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在西南干热河谷地区南亚热带气候条件下,4个酿酒葡萄品种梅尔诺 Merlot 、黑虎香 Fox 、霞多丽Chardonnay 和佳美 Gamay 分别在10月初、10月中旬、11月初和11月中旬进入生理性内休眠;约在12月初、12月中旬、1月初和12月中旬进入生态休眠阶段 萌芽率>5 0 % .休眠期葡萄新梢淀粉和总糖含量的变化趋势为:随着休眠程度的加深,淀粉含量上升,总糖含量下降;随着内休眠解除,总糖上升,淀粉下降,二者呈相反的变化趋势.研究结果为在该地区打破葡萄休眠,实现葡萄避雨栽培提供了理论基础.  相似文献   

An in vitro bud culture method was devised in order to better understand the control mechanism of Citrus bud development. This technique offers a new approach to the study of hormonal control of growth, dormancy and flowering cycles in perennial plants. Buds were excised from orchard trees throughout the year, cultured on defined media for prolonged periods, and their vegetative growth responses to various growth hormones were determined. The buds proceeded with their vegetative development in vitro and achieved sprouting on a basal medium. The various growth regulators affected both the time required for sprouting (TRS) and the type of growth. In summer buds, IAA delayed sprouting, while GA enhanced it and caused shoot elongation. Cytokinins specifically induced the formation of numerous adventitious buds, whereas ABA completely inhibited sprouting; this inhibition, however, was reversible. A marked decrease in total protein and in the rate of its synthesis was evident during the first 20 days of sprouting induction and early bud growth. The annual growth rhythm was determined in spring buds sampled and cultured throughout the year, and an innate dormancy of citrus buds was revealed. Both the dormancy and the sprouting periods of buds in vitro corresponded to the natural periods occurring under field conditions. The effect of exogenous IAA, GA and cytokinins on the TRS varied at different periods along the season, suggesting the concept of “critical levels” in the endogenous balance of hormones.  相似文献   

Vegetative bud dormancy in woody perennial plants of the temperateregions is an important adaptive strategy for withstanding lowwinter temperatures. We used shortday (SD) photoperiods to inducebud dormancy in poplar (Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh.),and characterized changes in protein profiles during dormancydevelopment. Short days alone, under warm temperatures (25°C)induced a high level of dormancy comparable to that developednaturally. Under SD conditions the amounts of acetone/trichloroaceticacid (TCA)-insoluble dry powder (DP) increased in terminal andlateral buds, leaves and bark tissues. The total protein contentin DP from buds and leaves steadily decreased while total proteinfrom bark increased. The 2-dimensional (2-D) PAGE analyses showedthat terminal and lateral buds responded similarly to SD. Fourpolypeptides that newly appeared or increased in abundance andfive that disappeared or diminished in terminal buds during10 weeks of treatment were also detected in lateral buds. Twoof these newly apparent polypeptides were also found in bark.Similar polypeptides were not found in leaves. Changes in proteinmetabolism and possibly altered gene expression might be importantpart in the overall response of poplar to SD during dormancydevelopment. This is Oregon Agricultural Experimental Station Technical PaperNumber 1122.  相似文献   

二酰基甘油(DG)是一些磷脂水解产生的一种有重要功能的第二信使,它主要通过激活细胞内的蛋白激酶C(PKC)进而磷酸化一系列底物蛋白,产生相应的细胞效应.在细胞整体水平,DG还是一种重要的脂类物质的代谢中介产物,通过若干代谢途径参与脂类和激素代谢循环,目前,有关DG调控细胞生理功能的研究,主要集中在细胞信号转导方面.  相似文献   

Large amounts of plantlets of Gentiana manshurica Kitag. from germinated seeds in vitro can be obtained by micropropagation. Flower buds differentiate on shoot tip and leaf axil when ptantlets are transferred into MS medium supplemented with 0.4 mg/l zeatin, 0.2 mg/l NAA, 0.4 mg/l kinetin and 2 mg/l succinic acid-2, 2-dimethyl hydrazide under the cultural conditions of 28±2℃, 1,300 lx and 8 hours per day. The anthesis of blue-purple flower can prolong to 4 weeks. The development of pollen and ovule is normal and is similar to that of Gentiaceae described in the monograph"Systematic embryology of the angiosperms", by Davis (1966). Flowers in vitro are utilized expectantly for breeding or for commerical use directly.  相似文献   

Abstract When subjected to simulated habitat temperatures, achenes of six perennial Asteraceae from southcentral Texas came out of dormancy during summer. In the early stages of dormancy loss, achenes of Erigeron modestus, Gaillardia suavis and Hymenoxys scaposa germinated (to ≥ 10%) in light at 12/12 hr daily thermoperiods of 15/6, 20/10 and 25/15°C and those of Pinaropappus roseus at 15/6 and 20/10°C. After additional dormancy loss, achenes of these four species also germinated at 30/15 and 35/20°C. Achenes of these four species had a Type 1 germination response pattern, which heretofore has not been reported in perennial Asteraceae. Achenes of Chaptalia nutans first germinated (to ≥ 10%) at 20/10 and 25/15°C and those of Hymenopappus scabiosaeus at 20/10°C, but with further loss of dormancy achenes of both species also germinated at 15/6, 30/15 and 35/20°C. Thus, achenes of these two species had a Type 3 pattern. This is the first report of perennials in any family with a Type 3 response pattern whose seeds come out of dormancy during summer. Presence of annual and perennial Asteraceae with Type 2 in temperate eastern North America and annual and perennial Asteraceae with Type 1 in southcentral Texas causes us to conclude that climate is more important than the type of life cycle in determining the type of germination response pattern.  相似文献   

Uniform 1- or 2-year-old rooted cuttings of 3 Douglas-fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco, clones were grown under natural conditions in containers from July 1, 1971 to February 15, 1972. At 2-week intervals, plants from this natural temperature and daylength environment were moved into controlled, long day (LD-18 h) and short day (SD-9 h) environments to measure the intensity of bud dormancy from its inception to termination based on number of days to bud break and percentage of expanding buds on a given date. Growth responses to bud scale removal were also helpful in describing the degree and nature of bud dormancy. The cessation of initiatory activity at the bud apex, reflected in the needle number of the subsequent growth flush, corresponded to a September peak of bud dormancy based on the number of days to bud break in the LD environment. Similarly, the cold requirement for breaking bud dormancy was measurable in the SD environment. The use of such rest intensity indices is illustrated in the close relationship established between bud dormancy development and stem cutting rooting ability.  相似文献   

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