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Drosophila species vary in the rates at which females remate and the number of sperm they receive in the laboratory. In species such as D. melanogaster and D. pseudoobscura, in which females receive thousands of sperm and remate infrequently compared with species such as D. hydei and D. nigrospiracula, where females receive only a few hundred sperm and remate many times in a day, wild caught females should produce far more progeny. We tested this prediction by collecting, directly from nature, females of six species whose remating rates and number of sperm received vary from high to low and assessing the proportion of females with sperm and the number of progeny females produce. Over 95% of D. pseudoobscura and D. melanogaster females were inseminated while far fewer of the other species contained any sperm. In addition, D, pseudoobscura females produced progeny for over two weeks, D. melanogaster for over a week, while D. hydei and D. nigrospiracula females ran out of sperm after 1–2 d. These observations suggest extreme sperm limitation in these latter species.  相似文献   

R Voss  R Falk 《Mutation research》1973,20(2):221-234
A selection system for the screening of reversions has been constructed and used to test reversions of lethals located in the proximal region of the X chromosome of Drosophila and of Kpn mutations.Spontaneous and induced reversions have been screened, X-rays and ethyl methanesulphonate (EMS) being the mutagens used in the induction experiments.No genuine back-mutation was found in 6·105 gametes scored. Sterile reversions of all four lethals tested were obtained. Their frequency suggested that at least in three of the lethals the sterile reversions represented “escapers” of the lethal effect rather than true revertants.Three fertile reversions of lx4 were found and analyzed. All three were autosomal suppressors, located on the second chromosome, allelic to each other, dominant in males and recessive in females.One fertile reversion of l3DES was found to be an X-linked suppressor. It is suggested that this suppressor is a Y-suppressed lethal, showing a V-type position effect, resulting from an aberration included in the proximal heterochromatin of the X chromosome.Reversions of Kpn were obtained at a similar rate to that found in previous reports22.The absence of true back-mutants in our experiments, in contrast to findings in previous reports, is discussed. From the existing literature on spontaneous and induced back-mutations in Drosophila melanogaster it appears that for several mutations the rates of forward and back-mutation are of the same order of magnitude. It is suggested that reported cases of back-mutations represent mainly inter- and intrachromosomal recombination in duplicated regions rather than mutational events and that the frequency of true back-mutation in Drosophila is usually of an order of magnitude, similar to that known for microorganisms and fungi.  相似文献   

Genetic variation in fitness is required for the adaptive evolution of any trait but natural selection is thought to erode genetic variance in fitness. This paradox has motivated the search for mechanisms that might maintain a population''s adaptive potential. Mothers make many contributions to the attributes of their developing offspring and these maternal effects can influence responses to natural selection if maternal effects are themselves heritable. Maternal genetic effects (MGEs) on fitness might, therefore, represent an underappreciated source of adaptive potential in wild populations. Here we used two decades of data from a pedigreed wild population of North American red squirrels to show that MGEs on offspring fitness increased the population''s evolvability by over two orders of magnitude relative to expectations from direct genetic effects alone. MGEs are predicted to maintain more variation than direct genetic effects in the face of selection, but we also found evidence of maternal effect trade-offs. Mothers that raised high-fitness offspring in one environment raised low-fitness offspring in another environment. Such a fitness trade-off is expected to maintain maternal genetic variation in fitness, which provided additional capacity for adaptive evolution beyond that provided by direct genetic effects on fitness.  相似文献   

The antigenic nature of male accessory glands of reproduction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This article is part of a Special Issue “Chemosignals and Reproduction”.Chemical cues were probably the first cues ever used to communicate and are still ubiquitous among living organisms. Birds have long been considered an exception: it was believed that birds were anosmic and relied on their acute visual and acoustic capabilities. Birds are however excellent smellers and use odors in various contexts including food searching, orientation, and also breeding. Successful reproduction in most vertebrates involves the exchange of complex social signals between partners. The first evidence for a role of olfaction in reproductive contexts in birds only dates back to the seventies, when ducks were shown to require a functional sense of smell to express normal sexual behaviors. Nowadays, even if the interest for olfaction in birds has largely increased, the role that bodily odors play in reproduction still remains largely understudied. The few available studies suggest that olfaction is involved in many reproductive stages. Odors have been shown to influence the choice and synchronization of partners, the choice of nest-building material or the care for the eggs and offspring. How this chemical information is translated at the physiological level mostly remains to be described, although available evidence suggests that, as in mammals, key reproductive brain areas like the medial preoptic nucleus are activated by relevant olfactory signals. Olfaction in birds receives increasing attention and novel findings are continuously published, but many exciting discoveries are still ahead of us, and could make birds one of the animal classes with the largest panel of developed senses ever described.  相似文献   

The physical nature of life.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Life evolved from the primeval world of physics. Sensory systems inform animals of the natural environment, enabling them to conduct responsively. The discovery of weak, DC bioelectric fields in the vicinity of aquatic organisms and the role they play in guiding sharks and rays to their prey have led to the recognition of fundamental, hitherto less well known, physical aspects of sensory biology. The inferred cybernetic algorithm of electric-field orientation in sharks and rays is highly effective and extremely robust. In orienting to the weak DC electric fields of ocean currents and to the earth's magnetic field, sharks and rays unwittingly practise the motional-electric principles that Einstein had in mind when he introduced the special theory of relativity. At the sense-organ, receptor-membrane, and ion-channel levels, the elasmobranch ampullae of Lorenzini operate on the basis of graded positive feedback driven by negative conductance, supposedly employing voltage-sensitive ion channels as the active, excitable elements. The electric sense of sharks and rays presents an exquisite implementation of the very biophysical principles that also govern the graded, much richer than all-or-none, integrative brain processes of animal and man.  相似文献   

Social factors influencing reproduction in wild lions   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The paper summarizes seven years of records of the reproductive history of two wild prides of lions ( Panthera leo L.) in the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania. These records are analyzed to demonstrate ways in which lion reproduction is influenced by their social group and by changes in that group.
Females gave birth at any time of year; they did so sooner if their previous litter died. Females synchronized births with other pride members. Takeover of the pride by new males resulted in a drop in the birth rate. Most cubs died, before two years old. Birth synchrony resulted in better cub survival. The arrival of new males resulted in an increase in cub mortality. Females came into oestrus synchronously with other pride members. Males had a much longer effective reproductive life if they had male companions.
The proximate causes of these features of lion reproduction are considered, and the evolution of aspects of the organization of reproduction in lions is discussed.  相似文献   

A cost of reproduction in Drosophila melanogaster: stress susceptibility   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Little is known about physiological mechanisms that underlie the cost of reproduction. We tested the hypothesis that stress susceptibility is a cost of reproduction. In one test of our hypothesis, Drosophila melanogaster females were exposed to a juvenile hormone analog (methoprene) to stimulate egg production followed by stress assays. A sterile stock of D. melanogaster was employed as a control for reproduction. Exposure of fertile females to methoprene resulted in an increase in female reproduction and increased susceptibility to oxidative stress and starvation (compared to solvent controls). Sterile females did not exhibit a decrease in stress resistance. Mating also stimulated egg production. As a second test of our hypothesis, mated females were compared to virgin females. Mated fertile females were relatively susceptible to oxidative stress, but this relationship was not evident when mated and virgin sterile females were compared. The results of the present study support the hypothesis that stress susceptibility is a cost of reproduction.  相似文献   

Trade-offs between reproduction and life span are ubiquitous, but little is known about their underlying mechanisms. Here we combine treatment with the juvenile hormone analog (JHa) methoprene and experimental evolution in Drosophila melanogaster to study the potential role of juvenile hormone (JH) in mediating such trade-offs at both the physiological and evolutionary level. Exposure to JHa in the larval medium (and up to 24 h posteclosion) increased early life fecundity but reduced life span of normal (unselected) flies, supporting the physiological role of JH in mediating the trade-off. This effect was much smaller for life span, and not detectable for fecundity, in fly lines previously bred for 19 generations on a medium containing JHa. Furthermore, these selection lines lived longer than unselected controls even in the absence of JHa treatment, without a detectable reduction in early life fecundity. Thus, selection for resistance to JHa apparently induced some evolutionary changes in JH metabolism or signaling, which led to longer life span as a correlated response. This supports the hypothesis that JH may mediate evolution of longer life span, but--contrary to our expectation-this apparently does not need to trade--off with fecundity.  相似文献   

Frederick Errington is Aaaociate Professor of Anthropology, at Keene State College, New Hampshire. Deborah Gewertz is Professor of Anthropology, at Amherst College, Massachusetts.  相似文献   

Most characters that distinguish one individual from another, like height or weight, vary continuously in populations. Continuous variation of these ‘quantitative’ traits is due to the simultaneous segregation of multiple quantitative trait loci (QTLs) as well as environmental influences. A major challenge in human medicine, animal and plant breeding and evolutionary genetics is to identify QTLs and determine their genetic properties. Studies of the classic quantitative traits, abdominal and sternopleural bristle numbers of Drosophila, have shown that: (1) many loci have small effects on bristle number, but a few have large effects and cause most of the genetic variation; (2) ‘candidate’ loci involved in bristle development often have large quantitative effects on bristle number; and (3) alleles at QTLs affecting bristle number have variable degrees of dominance, interact with each other, and affect other quantitative traits, including fitness. Lessons learned from this model system will be applicable to studies of the genetic basis of quantitative variation in other species.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of reproduction on subsequent survival and fecundity of male Drosophila melanogaster by reversing the reproductive status of individuals part-way through life. Reproduction had a much more marked effect on fertility than survival: males with a history of reproduction showed complete sterility at a time when upwards of 80% of their cohort were still alive. Analyses of survival rates alone gave a misleading measure of the impact of ageing. Sterility appeared to be attributable mainly to a reduction in sperm count. Early reproduction caused permanent, irreversible damage to both survival and fecundity, with risk playing an apparently minor role. Individual differences in frailty appeared to be of little consequence for the interpretation of these reversal experiments, although its possible occurrence made definite detection of risk difficult.  相似文献   

The inner ear, the sensory organ responsible for hearing and balance, contains specialized sensory and non-sensory epithelia arranged in a highly complex three-dimensional structure. To achieve this level of complexity, a tight coordination between morphogenesis and cell fate specification is essential during otic development. Tissues surrounding the otic primordium and more particularly the adjacent segmented hindbrain, have been implicated in conferring signals required for inner ear development. In this review, we present the current view on the role of hindbrain signals in axial specification of the inner ear. The functional analysis of mutants of hindbrain segmentation genes, as well as the investigation of signaling pathways potentially involved, all point to an essential role of FGF, Wnt and Hh signaling in otic regionalization. However, these data provide conflicting evidence regarding the involvement of hindbrain signals in otic regionalization in fish and in amniotes. We discuss the possible origin of these differences.  相似文献   

Life-history theory assumes that reproduction entails a cost, and research on cooperatively breeding societies suggests that the cooperative sharing of workloads can reduce this cost. However, the physiological mechanisms that underpin both the costs of reproduction and the benefits of cooperation remain poorly understood. It has been hypothesized that reproductive costs may arise in part from oxidative stress, as reproductive investment may elevate exposure to reactive oxygen species, compromising survival and future reproduction and accelerating senescence. However, experimental evidence of oxidative costs of reproduction in the wild remains scarce. Here, we use a clutch-removal experiment to investigate the oxidative costs of reproduction in a wild cooperatively breeding bird, the white-browed sparrow weaver, Plocepasser mahali. Our results reveal costs of reproduction that are dependent on group size: relative to individuals in groups whose eggs were experimentally removed, individuals in groups that raised offspring experienced an associated cost (elevated oxidative damage and reduced body mass), but only if they were in small groups containing fewer or no helpers. Furthermore, during nestling provisioning, individuals that provisioned at higher rates showed greater within-individual declines in body mass and antioxidant protection. Our results provide rare experimental evidence that reproduction can negatively impact both oxidative status and body mass in the wild, and suggest that these costs can be mitigated in cooperative societies by the presence of additional helpers. These findings have implications for our understanding of the energetic and oxidative costs of reproduction, and the benefits of cooperation in animal societies.  相似文献   

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