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To assess the current impact of human CE in Sardinia (Italy) and to monitor the changes over time, a survey has been carried out for the period 2001–2005 using hospital inpatient discharge reports (HDR) as information source, supplementing data wherever possible with additional information retrieved directly from medical records. The total of 726 admissions with “Echinococcosis” as primary diagnosis (annual rate of 8.9 per 100,000 inhabitants) concerned 540 CE cases with an annual mean incidence rate of 6.62 per 100,000 inhabitants. Male-to-female ratio was 1.36, suggesting a marked risk associated with traditional male occupations. Age-specific incidence showed increasing rates of clinical CE with age for both genders. The liver was found to be the most common localization, affecting 72% of patients, while pulmonary CE was more frequent in males than in females. CE risk was unevenly distributed in the island. The more pastoral areas had the highest probability of humans becoming infected, with an incidence rate of clinical cases of ~ 14.0 per 100,000 for areas with sheep/inhabitants index of > 6. Compared to the past, incidence rates appear to be decreasing both for pulmonary and hepatic localizations, while there is a reversal of the CE “urbanization” trend resulting in “ruralization”, accompanied by a greater degree of parasite ecological “isolation” and focus-points of infection risk. In spite of this decrease, the cost of hospital care alone (~4 million euros) suggests that the monetary plus non-monetary costs of CE are still very high but not fully recognised.  相似文献   

Recent rescue excavations at Bercy (Paris), a site on the alluvial plain of the Seine valley, yielded plant remains which are associated with the recent occupation phase dating from the middle Neolithic II (Chasséen), when a village was established on the former channel of the river Seine. Various contexts (the channel, the flat lower part of the bank, and several archaeological features) have been studied and 84 taxa have been identified. Cultivated plants are represented by Triticum aestivum/durum, T. dicoccum, T. monococcum and Hordeum vulgare. Among the wild plants with potentially edible fruits or seeds, only very few satisfy the various criteria for association with human activities: Corylus avellana, Vitis sylvestris, Cornus sanguinea, Quercus sp. and Prunus spinosa of which carbonized fruits were also present, were found in archaeological features and were very abundant. Though not found in archaeological features, we consider that Crataegus monogyna (carbonized and well represented) and Rubus spp. (especially abundant) were not deposited there naturally and had also been intentionally collected. Finally, it is suggested that the allochthonous (varied) origin of these taxa is the reason why there are no concentrations of their fruits in the channel. The exploitation of wild seeds and fruits appears to have been very selective. All other wild taxa can be attributed to natural deposition.  相似文献   



Recent reports of high HIV infection rates among men who have sex with men (MSM) from Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the former Soviet Union (FSU) suggest high levels of HIV transmission among MSM in low- and middle-income countries. To investigate the global epidemic of HIV among MSM and the relationship of MSM outbreaks to general populations, we conducted a comprehensive review of HIV studies among MSM in low- and middle-income countries and performed a meta-analysis of reported MSM and reproductive-age adult HIV prevalence data.

Methods and Findings

A comprehensive review of the literature was conducted using systematic methodology. Data regarding HIV prevalence and total sample size was sequestered from each of the studies that met inclusion criteria and aggregate values for each country were calculated. Pooled odds ratio (OR) estimates were stratified by factors including HIV prevalence of the country, Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)–classified level of HIV epidemic, geographic region, and whether or not injection drug users (IDUs) played a significant role in given epidemic. Pooled ORs were stratified by prevalence level; very low-prevalence countries had an overall MSM OR of 58.4 (95% CI 56.3–60.6); low-prevalence countries, 14.4 (95% CI 13.8–14.9); and medium- to high-prevalence countries, 9.6 (95% CI 9.0–10.2). Significant differences in ORs for HIV infection among MSM in were seen when comparing low- and middle-income countries; low-income countries had an OR of 7.8 (95% CI 7.2–8.4), whereas middle-income countries had an OR of 23.4 (95% CI 22.8–24.0). Stratifying the pooled ORs by whether the country had a substantial component of IDU spread resulted in an OR of 12.8 (95% CI 12.3–13.4) in countries where IDU transmission was prevalent, and 24.4 (95% CI 23.7–25.2) where it was not. By region, the OR for MSM in the Americas was 33.3 (95% CI 32.3–34.2); 18.7 (95% CI 17.7–19.7) for Asia; 3.8 (95% CI 3.3–4.3) for Africa; and 1.3 (95% CI 1.1–1.6) for the low- and middle-income countries of Europe.


MSM have a markedly greater risk of being infected with HIV compared with general population samples from low- and middle-income countries in the Americas, Asia, and Africa. ORs for HIV infection in MSM are elevated across prevalence levels by country and decrease as general population prevalence increases, but remain 9-fold higher in medium–high prevalence settings. MSM from low- and middle-income countries are in urgent need of prevention and care, and appear to be both understudied and underserved.  相似文献   

The incidence and etiology of parasite-associated gastroenteritis during 2004-2006 in Gyeonggi-do (province), South Korea was determined by means of antigen detection ELISA on 6,071 stool specimens collected from 6 general hospitals. At least 1 parasitic agent was detected in 3.4% (208/6,071) of the stool samples. Among these, Giardia lamblia was the most numerous (152 cases; 2.5%), followed by Entamoeba histolytica (25 cases; 0.4%), Cryptosporidium parvum (23 cases; 0.4%), and mixed infections (8 cases; 0.1%). Patients aged 1-5 years had the largest proportion (69.2%; 144/208) of parasite-positive stool specimens. Parasite-mediated gastroenteritis was most common from June to September. The detection rate gradually increased from 2004 to 2006. This study shows that parasite-mediated gastroenteritis may be significant among children in Korea and that parasite infection surveillance should be constantly performed.  相似文献   

Natality rates and seasonality of births and conceptions were analyzed from 6,116 birth records in the pastoral community of Roio (Abruzzo, Italy) from 1802 to 1965. Gross natality rates averaged 25.5 x 1000 in the past, lower than those reported for agricultural groups. Seasonality of births showed a marked pattern: 807-67% of births occurred in the first six months of the year. The monthly distribution of conceptions was compared to that of marriages. The results show a high correlation in the 19th century and a lower one in the 20th century. These findings suggest that pastoralism acted as a primary regulator of reproduction in this community.  相似文献   

朝鲁门  孙建新 《生态学杂志》2009,20(12):2839-2846
选取纬度相近、发展规模类似的近海(济南)与内陆(西安)城市为研究对象,对比分析了1956—1998年间济南和西安气温与热岛效应的变化趋势.结果表明:1956—1978年间,除济南年均最低气温以0.37 ℃·10 a-1的速率上升外,2个城市的气温指标均无明显变化趋势;1979—1998年间,2个城市则表现出显著的增温趋势,其中西安年均最高气温和年均气温的增加速率大于济南,济南年均最低气温的增加速率大于西安.1956—1978年间,2个城市均存在城市热岛效应但无显著增加趋势,1979—1998年间的热岛效应明显强化,以西安在年均气温(0.22 ℃·10 a-1)和年均最低气温(0.32 ℃·10 a-1)上表现的热岛效应的增加趋势更为明显.济南热岛效应强度和年际波动均大于西安,但其增加速率却小于西安.济南年均最高气温、年均气温和年均最低气温的增温速率和热岛效应强度明显不同,西安则较接近.3个气温指标中以年均最低气温的增加趋势最明显,同时对热岛效应的响应最显著,年均最高气温的波动性最大.地理位置不但影响城市增温的幅度,而且也深刻影响着城市增温的形式与热岛效应强度.  相似文献   

I carried out ethnographic fieldwork among 153 married adolescent girls, aged 15-19, in a Dhaka slum from December 2001 to January 2003, including 50 in-depth interviews and eight case studies. I also held discussions with family and community members. In this article, I focus on popular understandings of vaginal discharge being caused by durbolota (weakness) and chinta rog (worry illness), as mentioned by young women. Eighty-eight young women reported that they had experienced white discharge, blaming it on a number of factors such as stress and financial hardships, tensions in the household, marital instability, hunger anxiety, and reproductive burdens. For married adolescent women in the urban slum, white discharge has many levels of meaning linked to the broader social, political, and material inequalities in their everyday lives.  相似文献   

Climate change is causing many plants to flower earlier in spring, exposing them to novel selection pressures, including-potentially-pollinator shortages. Over 2 years that contrasted in timing of flowering onset, we studied reproductive strategies, pollen limitation, and selection on flowering time in Mertensia fusiformis, a self-incompatible, spring-flowering perennial. Plants opened most of their flowers early in the flowering period, especially in 2007, the early year; but selection favored early-flowering individuals only in 2008. However, resource allocation to early vs. late seed production was flexible: In 2008, but not 2007, early flowers on a plant produced more and heavier seeds. Late flowers were capable of equal seed production if fertilization of early ovules was prevented, suggesting that late flowers serve a bet-hedging function. Evidence for pollen limitation was weak, although there was a tendency for early flowers to be pollen-limited in 2007 and for late flowers to be pollen-limited in 2008. Poor reproductive success in 2007 was likely attributable less to pollen limitation than to frost damage to flowers. We suggest that plasticity in floral longevity and resource allocation among flowers will make this species resilient to short-term pollinator deficits; whether this will help or hinder future adaptation is unclear.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that hereditary prostate cancer (PRCA) is a complex disease, involving multiple susceptibility genes and variable phenotypic expression. Through linkage analysis, potential prostate cancer susceptibility loci have been mapped to 3 regions on chromosome 1. To investigate the reported linkage to these regions, we conducted linkage studies on 144 PRCA families by using microsatellite markers in regions 1q24-25 (HPC1) and 1q42.2-43 (PCAP). We also examined the 1p36 (CAPB) region in 13 PRCA families with at least one case of brain cancer. No significant evidence of linkage to the HPC1 or PCAP region was found when the entire data set was analyzed. However, weak evidence for linkage to HPC1 was observed in the subset of families with male-to-male transmission (n=102; maximum multipoint nonparametric linkage [NPL] 1.99, P=.03). Weak evidence for linkage with heterogeneity within this subset was also observed (HLOD 1.21, P=.02), with approximately 20% of families linked. Although not statistically significant, suggestive evidence for linkage to PCAP was observed for the families (n=21) that met the three criteria of male-to-male transmission, average age of diagnosis <66 years, and >/=5 affected individuals (maximum multipoint NPL 1.45, P=.08). There was no evidence for linkage to CAPB in the brain cancer-prostate cancer subset. These results strengthen the argument that prostate cancer is a heterogeneous disease and that multiple genetic and environmental factors may be important for its etiology.  相似文献   

Nest survival in an aggregation of a eusocial halictine bee, Lasioglossum duplex, was censused through an annual cycle. Out of 2,500 nests marked at the beginning of solitary phase in the spring, only 25.5% attained eusocial phase. But 60.5% of 636 nests attaining eusocial phase successfully produced sexual offspring. This shows that solitary phase is the most vulnerable period in the annual cycle. A very low productivity in eusocial phase in the census year was clarified from examination of 99 nests in the autumn. The number of prospective foundresses surviving to the next year was estimated upon the number of brood cells in examined nests and of old females surviving these nests. Deviation between this estimate and the number of nests made in the next spring was 8.8%, confirming a drop of population size to less than one third in the next year. Some nests solitarily made in the summer by dispersed females were examined. Productivity in such nests was extremely low, hence these nests should contribute virtually nothing to the next generation. Possible factors affecting the low productivity in eusocial phase were enumerated though none of these were supported by concrete evidence. Some considerations were given on the relation between obtained results and colony life cycle in eusocial insects, particularly in halictine bees.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine hepatic expression levels of GHR, IGF1R, IGF1 and IGF2 genes in young growing gilts at different developmental ages (60–210 days) in five pig breeds: Polish Large White (PLW), Polish Landrace (PL), Pulawska (Pul), Duroc (Dur) and Pietrain (Pie). We studied the differences among pig breeds as well as within each breed for pigs in different developmental ages. Obtained results revealed major differences among breeds in hepatic gene expression of porcine GHR, IGF1R, IGF1 and IGF2 genes in different developmental ages. The differences among breeds of GHR expression were significantly higher in PLW, PL at the age of 60, 90, 120 days as compared to Pul, Dur and Pie. In turn, the highest level of IGF1R expression was observed in PL at age of 150, 180 and 210 days, whereas in case of IGF1 the highest level was recorded in Pie gilts at the age of 60 and 90 days. Moreover trait associated study revealed highly significant correlations between hepatic expressions of IGF1R and IGF2 genes and carcass composition traits (P < 0.01) The results of study suggest that porcine GHR, IGF1R, IGF1 and IGF2 genes may be potential candidate genes for postnatal growth and carcass composition traits. Therefore, the implementation of the hepatic expression of GH/IGF genes into the pig breeding and gene assisted selection program in different pig breeds should be considered. However, further population wide study is needed to clarify the hepatic expression association with economic traits, such as body growth, meat quality and carcass composition traits.  相似文献   

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