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It is hypothesized that recent trends in US and worldwide obesity are, in part, related to an increase in the marginal rate of time preference, where time preference refers to the rate at which people are willing to trade current benefit for future benefit. The higher the rate of time preference, the larger is the factor by which individuals discount the future health risks associated with current consumption. Data from the United States, as well as international evidence, suggest that a relationship between these two variables is plausible. The authors encourage researchers to explore the possible link between obesity and time preference, as important insights are likely to result.  相似文献   

Deron E. Burkepile 《Oikos》2013,122(2):306-312
‘Grazing ecosystem’ is typically used to describe terrestrial ecosystems with high densities of mammalian herbivores such as the Serengeti in East Africa or the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem in North America. These abundant, large herbivores determine plant community dynamics and ecosystem processes. The general concepts that define grazing ecosystems also aptly describe many aquatic ecosystems, including coral reefs, seagrass beds, and lakes, where herbivores such as parrotfishes, turtles, and zooplankton have strong impacts on ecosystem processes. Here, I compare the ecology of grazing ecosystems in search of common concepts that transcend the terrestrial‐aquatic boundary. Specifically, I evaluate: 1) the feedbacks between herbivory and primary production, 2) the roles of herbivore richness and facilitation, 3) how predators and diet quality shape patterns of herbivory, and 4) how altering herbivory mediates alternative states.  相似文献   

Coordinated, circum-Antarctic sampling expeditions during International Polar Year 2008/09 have given access to comprehensive collections suitable for DNA barcoding. Collaborations between the Census of Antarctic Marine Life (CAML), the Marine Barcode of Life project and the Canadian Centre for DNA Barcoding have enabled the Antarctic scientific community to initiate large-scale DNA barcoding projects to record the genetic diversity of Antarctic marine fauna, coordinated by the CAML Barcoding Campaign. A total of 20,355 marine specimens from more than 2,000 morphospecies covering 18 phyla are in the processing pipeline, and to date, 11,530 sequences have been processed with the remainder due by the end of 2010. Here, we present results on the current geographic and taxonomic coverage of DNA barcode data in the Southern Ocean and identify the remaining gaps. We show how DNA barcoding in the Antarctic is answering important questions regarding marine genetic diversity and challenging current assumptions of species distribution at the poles.  相似文献   

Dan Malkinson  Katja Tielbörger 《Oikos》2010,119(10):1546-1552
In recent years the importance of facilitative interactions in ecological communities is increasingly recognized. This phenomenon has been observed repeatedly, particularly in vegetation communities, in a wide range of environmental conditions. The current hypothesis predicts that the role of facilitation becomes increasingly important in conjunction with increasing stress. Several empirical studies, however, failed to detect such patterns, particularly at the extreme ends of the stress gradients. Herein, we present a conceptual model that may resolve discrepancies between expected and observed and provides a more precise framework of the existing hypotheses. By relaxing two common assumptions commonly used by the stress‐gradient hypothesis (SGH) we are able to demonstrate that under some circumstances the importance of facilitation may be less at the extreme ends of these gradients. Namely, we first re‐emphasize the notion that physiological response is not linear with respect to environmental changes along stress gradients. Second, it is argued that the net outcome of facilitative and competitive interactions is reflected in the fitness of individuals as a product of these two processes, in contrast to the commonly applied assumption of additivity. Accordingly, a synthesis of the concepts of population biology (measures of fitness) and plant physiology (nonlinear responses) with the stress gradient hypothesis while retaining the original simplicity of the SGH model contributes to a better specification of the predictions of the stress‐gradient hypothesis and the resolution of observed contradictions.  相似文献   

Previous anatomical and physiological studies have implicated the lateral habenula, and especially its medial division (LHbM), as a candidate component of the circadian timing system in rodents. We assayed lateral habenula rhythmicity in rodents using c-FOS immunohistochemistry and found a robust rhythm in immunoreactive cell counts in the LHbM, with higher counts during the dark phase of a light-dark (LD) cycle and during subjective night in constant darkness. We have also observed an obvious asymmetry of c-FOS expression in the LHbM of behaviorally "split" hamsters in constant light, but only during their active phase (when they were running in wheels). Locomotor activity rhythms appear to be regulated by the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) via multiple output pathways, one of which might be diffusible while the other might be neural, involving the lateral habenula.  相似文献   

The role of positive interactions has become widely accepted as a mechanism shaping community dynamics. Most empirical evidence comes from plant communities and sessile marine organisms. However, evidence for the relative role of positive interactions in organizing terrestrial animal communities is more limited, and a general framework that includes positive interactions among animals is lacking. The ‘stress gradient hypothesis’ (SGH) developed by plant ecologists predicts that the balance between positive and negative interactions will vary along gradients of biotic and abiotic stress, with positive interactions being more important in stressful environments. Paralleling the SGH, stress gradients for terrestrial herbivores could be equated to inverse primary productivity gradients, so we would expect positive interactions to prevail in more stressful, low productivity environments. However, this contradicts the typical view of terrestrial animal ecology that low primary productivity systems will foster intense competition for resources among consumers. Here we use alpine herbivores as a case study to test one of the predictions of the SGH in animal communities, namely the prevalence of positive interactions in low productivity environments. We identify potential mechanisms of facilitation and review the limited number of examples of interspecific interactions among alpine herbivores to assess the role of positive and negative interactions in structuring their communities. A meta‐analysis showed no clear trend in the strength and direction of interactions among alpine herbivores. Although studies were biased towards reporting significant negative inter actions, we found no evidence of competition dominating in harsh environments. Thus, our results only partially support the SGH, but directly challenge the dominant view among animal ecologists. Clearly, a sound theoretical framework is needed to include competition, positive and neutral interactions as potential mechanisms determining the structure of animal communities under differing environmental conditions, and the stress‐gradient hypothesis can provide a solid starting point.  相似文献   

Biodiversity is thought to be essential for ecosystem stability, function and long-term sustainability. Since nitrogen is the limiting nutrient for plant growth in many terrestrial ecosystems, reactive nitrogen has the potential to reduce the diversity of terrestrial vegetation and associated biota through favouring species adapted to quickly exploiting available nutrients. Although the potential has long been recognised, only recently has enough evidence come together to show beyond reasonable doubt that these changes are already occurring. Linked together, experimental, regional/empirical, and time-series research provide a powerful argument that enhanced deposition of reactive nitrogen across Great Britain, and potentially the rest of Europe, has resulted in a significant and ongoing decline in grassland species richness and diversity.  相似文献   

R. Aerts  H. de Caluwe  B. Beltman 《Oikos》2003,101(3):489-498
Correlative studies have shown a ‘hump‐backed’ relation between the vegetation N:P ratio and plant species diversity with the highest diversity at balanced N:P ratios (between 10 and 14). We tested the hypothesis that adding growth‐limiting nutrients to mesotrophic grasslands that were in shortage of either N (N:P ratio<10) or P (N:P ratio>14) would lead to an increase of plant diversity. Thereto, we studied the effects of long‐term (11 yr) experimentally increased N and/or P supply on soil nutrient pools, vegetation nutrient dynamics and biodiversity in a riverine grassland in the Netherlands with a low soil N:P ratio (N shortage) and a peat grassland with a high soil N:P ratio (P shortage), respectively. Eleven years of nutrient addition hardly had any effects on the total stocks of C, N and P in the soils of both sites, due to the large size of the soil nutrient pools already present and to the management at both sites (annual hay‐making and ‐removal). However, in the riverine grassland the treatments increased the cycling of the small pool of labile N and P compounds resulting in large increases in annual fluxes of especially N. In the unfertilised controls, species establishments balanced more or less species losses during an 11 year period, thus leading to a dynamic equilibrium of the species pool. However, contrary to our hypothesis, addition of the growth‐limiting nutrient led at both sites to a reduction of species diversity even when total biomass remained below critical levels. Species diversity and species evenness were strongly determined by N mineralisation and to a lesser extent by total soil N and extractable P, respectively. Total aboveground biomass of the vegetation was determined by total soil N. Our study shows that patterns found in correlative studies of the relation between plant diversity and soil and vegetation N:P ratio can not be translated into successful experimental manipulations to enhance biodiversity. The most likely explanation is that colonization limitation occurred in the fertilized plots and that not sufficient diaspores of potentially new species could reach and/or colonize the plots to compensate for the species extinctions as a result of increased nutrient supply.  相似文献   

Many parasites alter host behaviour to enhance their chance of transmission. Recently, the ecdysteroid UDP‐glucosyl transferase (egt) gene from the baculovirus Lymantria dispar multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (LdMNPV) was identified to induce tree‐top disease in L. dispar larvae. Infected gypsy moth larvae died at elevated positions (hence the term tree‐top disease), which is thought to promote dissemination of the virus to lower foliage. It is, however, unknown whether egt has a conserved role among baculoviruses in inducing tree‐top disease. Here, we studied tree‐top disease induced by the baculovirus Autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNPV) in two different host insects, Trichoplusia ni and Spodoptera exigua, and we investigated the role of the viral egt gene therein. AcMNPV induced tree‐top disease in both T. ni and S. exigua larvae, although in S. exigua a moulting‐dependent effect was seen. Those S. exigua larvae undergoing a larval moult during the infection process died at elevated positions, while larvae that did not moult after infection died at low positions. For both T. ni and S. exigua, infection with a mutant AcMNPV lacking egt did not change the position where the larvae died. We conclude that egt has no highly conserved role in inducing tree‐top disease in lepidopteran larvae. The conclusion that egt is a ‘gene for an extended phenotype’ is therefore not generally applicable for all baculovirus–host interactions. We hypothesize that in some baculovirus–host systems (including LdMNPV in L. dispar), an effect of egt on tree‐top disease can be observed through indirect effects of egt on moulting‐related climbing behaviour.  相似文献   

Studies in experimental grasslands have extensively documented the effects of sown plant diversity on the colonization of new species, but the responses of the sown plant combinations themselves have rarely been investigated. We established experimental grasslands differing in species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, and 16) and functional group number and composition (1–4; legumes, grasses, small herbs, tall herbs), and we studied the changes in the abundance of sown species (residents) in both weeded and non-weeded subplots over a period of five years after sowing. The accumulation of new species through spontaneous colonization in the non-weeded treatment did not affect the number of resident species, but had increasingly negative effects over time on the cover of resident species and their aboveground biomass production at community level. Temporal stability of resident populations was lower and year-to-year changes in resident species composition were larger in non-weeded than in weeded subplots. Compositional dissimilarity between weeded and non-weeded treatments increased through time. These negative effects of the colonization of new species on the abundances and stability of resident populations depended on resident species identity and not on additional variation between different functional groups. The colonization of new species did not change the number of resident species emerging from seeds, but reduced seedling densities of residents. Colonization did not affect the structure of resident communities as measured by species evenness, functional trait diversity and mean trait values suggesting that colonization can destabilize the species composition of residents in terms of abundance while leaving them unchanged in terms of functional characteristics. Generally, negative impacts of colonizing species on residents which accelerated through time decreased with an increasing number of sown species. Sowing more diverse grassland mixtures increases their predictability in terms of ecosystem characteristics, which is important for ecological restoration and sustainable agriculture.  相似文献   

It has been recently proposed that the decrease in diversity towards the severe end of the humped-back diversity–biomass model of Grime was driven by a collapse of facilitation due to extreme conditions of either stress or physical disturbance. In order to test the hypothesis that disturbance is the primary direct factor driving the collapse of interactions occurring along environmental severity gradients, we conducted a removal experiment in the highly stressed French coastal dunes along a gradient of disturbance due to sand burial. Four dune species were used as targets and transplanted with and without neighbours in four communities along the gradient. The experiment was conducted twice, a dry and an average year. Results of the experiment showed that during the dry year the effect of the environment was prominent and only one species was facilitated for survival in the least disturbed community. During the average year, interactions for growth were important only in the same community, with positive or negative responses depending on the natural position of the target species within the coastal dune gradient. In accordance with our hypothesis, most interactions for both survival and growth were observed in the least disturbed community exhibiting the highest diversity. There were no interactions in the most disturbed community with the lowest diversity.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies have shown that obese subjects have an increased risk of developing triple‐negative breast cancer (TNBC) and an overall reduced survival. However, the relation between obesity and TNBC remains difficult to understand. We hypothesize that apelin, an adipokine whose levels are increased in obesity, could be a major factor contributing to both tumour growth and metastatization in TNBC obese patients. We observed that development of obesity under high‐fat diet in TNBC tumour‐bearing mice significantly increased tumour growth. By showing no effect of high‐fat diet in obesity‐resistant mice, we demonstrated the necessity to develop obesity‐related disorders to increase tumour growth. Apelin mRNA expression was also increased in the subcutaneous adipose tissue and tumours of obese mice. We further highlighted that the reproduction of obesity‐related levels of apelin in lean mice led to an increased TNBC growth and brain metastases formation. Finally, injections of the apelinergic antagonist F13A to obese mice significantly reduced TNBC growth, suggesting that apelinergic system interference could be an interesting therapeutic strategy in the context of obesity and TNBC.  相似文献   

Increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration alters the chemistry of the oceans towards more acidic conditions. Polar oceans are particularly affected due to their low temperature, low carbonate content and mixing patterns, for instance upwellings. Calcifying organisms are expected to be highly impacted by the decrease in the oceans' pH and carbonate ions concentration. In particular, sea urchins, members of the phylum Echinodermata, are hypothesized to be at risk due to their high‐magnesium calcite skeleton. However, tolerance to ocean acidification in metazoans is first linked to acid–base regulation capacities of the extracellular fluids. No information on this is available to date for Antarctic echinoderms and inference from temperate and tropical studies needs support. In this study, we investigated the acid–base status of 9 species of sea urchins (3 cidaroids, 2 regular euechinoids and 4 irregular echinoids). It appears that Antarctic regular euechinoids seem equipped with similar acid–base regulation systems as tropical and temperate regular euechinoids but could rely on more passive ion transfer systems, minimizing energy requirements. Cidaroids have an acid–base status similar to that of tropical cidaroids. Therefore Antarctic cidaroids will most probably not be affected by decreasing seawater pH, the pH drop linked to ocean acidification being negligible in comparison of the naturally low pH of the coelomic fluid. Irregular echinoids might not suffer from reduced seawater pH if acidosis of the coelomic fluid pH does not occur but more data on their acid–base regulation are needed. Combining these results with the resilience of Antarctic sea urchin larvae strongly suggests that these organisms might not be the expected victims of ocean acidification. However, data on the impact of other global stressors such as temperature and of the combination of the different stressors needs to be acquired to assess the sensitivity of these organisms to global change.  相似文献   

It has been argued that widespread extinctions of top predators have changed terrestrial ecosystem structures through mesopredator release, where increased abundances of medium-sized predators have detrimental effects on prey communities. This top-down concept has received much attention within conservation biology, but few studies have demonstrated the phenomenon. The concept has been criticized since alternative explanations involving bottom-up impacts from bioclimatic effects on ecosystem productivity and from anthropogenic habitat change are rarely considered. We analyse the response of a mesopredator (the red fox) to declines in top predators (wolf and Eurasian lynx) and agricultural expansion over 90 years in Sweden, taking bioclimatic effects into account. We show a top-down mesopredator release effect, but ecosystem productivity determined its strength. The impacts of agricultural activity were mediated by their effects on top predator populations. Thus, both top-down and bottom-up processes need to be understood for effective preservation of biodiversity in anthropogenically transformed ecosystems.  相似文献   

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