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Changing environmental conditions can infer structural modifications of predator‐prey communities. New conditions often increase mortality which reduces population sizes. Following this, predation pressure may decrease until populations are dense again. Dilution may thus have substantial impact not only on ecological but also on evolutionary dynamics because it amends population densities. Experimental studies, in which microbial populations are maintained by a repeated dilution into fresh conditions after a certain period, are extensively used approaches allowing us to obtain mechanistic insights into fundamental processes. By design, dilution, which depends on transfer volume (modifying mortality) and transfer interval (determining the time of interaction), is an inherent feature of these experiments, but often receives little attention. We further explore previously published data from a live predator‐prey (bacteria and ciliates) system which investigated eco‐evolutionary principles and apply a mathematical model to predict how various transfer volumes and transfer intervals would affect such an experiment. We find not only the ecological dynamics to be modified by both factors but also the evolutionary rates to be affected. Our work predicts that the evolution of the anti‐predator defense in the bacteria, and the evolution of the predation efficiency in the ciliates, both slow down with lower transfer volume, but speed up with longer transfer intervals. Our results provide testable hypotheses for future studies of predator‐prey systems, and we hope this work will help improve our understanding of how ecological and evolutionary processes together shape composition of microbial communities.  相似文献   

Increasingly imperative objectives in ecology are to understand and forecast population dynamic and evolutionary responses to seasonal environmental variation and change. Such population and evolutionary dynamics result from immediate and lagged responses of all key life‐history traits, and resulting demographic rates that affect population growth rate, to seasonal environmental conditions and population density. However, existing population dynamic and eco‐evolutionary theory and models have not yet fully encompassed within‐individual and among‐individual variation, covariation, structure and heterogeneity, and ongoing evolution, in a critical life‐history trait that allows individuals to respond to seasonal environmental conditions: seasonal migration. Meanwhile, empirical studies aided by new animal‐tracking technologies are increasingly demonstrating substantial within‐population variation in the occurrence and form of migration versus year‐round residence, generating diverse forms of ‘partial migration’ spanning diverse species, habitats and spatial scales. Such partially migratory systems form a continuum between the extreme scenarios of full migration and full year‐round residence, and are commonplace in nature. Here, we first review basic scenarios of partial migration and associated models designed to identify conditions that facilitate the maintenance of migratory polymorphism. We highlight that such models have been fundamental to the development of partial migration theory, but are spatially and demographically simplistic compared to the rich bodies of population dynamic theory and models that consider spatially structured populations with dispersal but no migration, or consider populations experiencing strong seasonality and full obligate migration. Second, to provide an overarching conceptual framework for spatio‐temporal population dynamics, we define a ‘partially migratory meta‐population’ system as a spatially structured set of locations that can be occupied by different sets of resident and migrant individuals in different seasons, and where locations that can support reproduction can also be linked by dispersal. We outline key forms of within‐individual and among‐individual variation and structure in migration that could arise within such systems and interact with variation in individual survival, reproduction and dispersal to create complex population dynamics and evolutionary responses across locations, seasons, years and generations. Third, we review approaches by which population dynamic and eco‐evolutionary models could be developed to test hypotheses regarding the dynamics and persistence of partially migratory meta‐populations given diverse forms of seasonal environmental variation and change, and to forecast system‐specific dynamics. To demonstrate one such approach, we use an evolutionary individual‐based model to illustrate that multiple forms of partial migration can readily co‐exist in a simple spatially structured landscape. Finally, we summarise recent empirical studies that demonstrate key components of demographic structure in partial migration, and demonstrate diverse associations with reproduction and survival. We thereby identify key theoretical and empirical knowledge gaps that remain, and consider multiple complementary approaches by which these gaps can be filled in order to elucidate population dynamic and eco‐evolutionary responses to spatio‐temporal seasonal environmental variation and change.  相似文献   

The evolutionary consequences of temporal variation in selection remain hotly debated. We explored these consequences by studying threespine stickleback in a set of bar‐built estuaries along the central California coast. In most years, heavy rains induce water flow strong enough to break through isolating sand bars, connecting streams to the ocean. New sand bars typically re‐form within a few weeks or months, thereby re‐isolating populations within the estuaries. These breaching events cause severe and often extremely rapid changes in abiotic and biotic conditions, including shifts in predator abundance. We investigated whether this strong temporal environmental variation can maintain within‐population variation while eroding adaptive divergence among populations that would be caused by spatial variation in selection. We used neutral genetic markers to explore population structure and then analysed how stickleback armor traits, the associated genes Eda and Pitx1 and elemental composition (%P) varies within and among populations. Despite strong gene flow, we detected evidence for divergence in stickleback defensive traits and Eda genotypes associated with predation regime. However, this among‐population variation was lower than that observed among other stickleback populations exposed to divergent predator regimes. In addition, within‐population variation was very high as compared to populations from environmentally stable locations. Elemental composition was strongly associated with armor traits, Eda genotype and the presence of predators, thus suggesting that spatiotemporal variation in armor traits generates corresponding variation in elemental phenotypes. We conclude that gene flow, and especially temporal environmental variation, can maintain high levels of within‐population variation while reducing, but not eliminating, among‐population variation driven by spatial environmental variation.  相似文献   

Twenty years ago, Bulmer and Bull suggested that disruptive selection, produced by environmental fluctuations, can result in an evolutionary transition from environmental sex determination (ESD) to genetic sex determination (GSD). We investigated the feasibility of such a process, using mutation-limited adaptive dynamics and individual-based computer simulations. Our model describes the evolution of a reaction norm for sex determination in a metapopulation setting with partial migration and variation in an environmental variable both within and between local patches. The reaction norm represents the probability of becoming a female as a function of environmental state and was modeled as a sigmoid function with two parameters, one giving the location (i.e., the value of the environmental variable for which an individual has equal chance of becoming either sex) and the other giving the slope of the reaction norm for that environment. The slope can be interpreted as being set by the level of developmental noise in morph determination, with less noise giving a steeper slope and a more switchlike reaction norm. We found convergence stable reaction norms with intermediate to large amounts of developmental noise for conditions characterized by low migration rates, small differential competitive advantages between the sexes over environments, and little variation between individual environments within patches compared to variation between patches. We also considered reaction norms with the slope parameter constrained to a high value, corresponding to little developmental noise. For these we found evolutionary branching in the location parameter and a transition from ESD toward GSD, analogous to the original analysis by Bulmer and Bull. Further evolutionary change, including dominance evolution, produced a polymorphism acting as a GSD system with heterogamety. Our results point to the role of developmental noise in the evolution of sex determination.  相似文献   

Rapid evolution can influence the ecology of populations, communities, and ecosystems, but the importance of evolution for ecological dynamics remains unclear, largely because the contexts in which evolution is powerful are poorly resolved. Here, we carry out a large observational study to test hypotheses about context dependency of eco‐evolutionary patterns previously identified on the stick insect Timema cristinae. Experiments and observations conducted in 2011 and 2012 documented predator‐mediated negative effects of camouflage maladaptation (i.e., evolutionary dynamics) on: (a) T. cristinae abundance and, (b) species richness and abundance of other arthropods. Here we show that camouflage maladaptation does not correlate with T. cristinae abundance and, instead, is associated with increased abundance and species richness of cohabitating arthropods. We furthermore find that plants with high levels of Timema maladaptation tend to have higher foliar nitrogen, that is, higher nutritional value, and more positive mass‐abundance slopes in the coexisting arthropod communities. We propose explanations for the observed contrasting results, such as negative density‐ and frequency‐dependent selection, feedbacks between herbivore abundance and plant nutritional quality, and common effects of predation pressure on selection and prey abundance. Our results demonstrate the utility of observational studies to assess the context dependency of eco‐evolutionary dynamics patterns and provide testable hypotheses for future work.  相似文献   

Individual heterogeneity in life history shapes eco‐evolutionary processes, and unobserved heterogeneity can affect demographic outputs characterising life history and population dynamical properties. Demographic frameworks like matrix models or integral projection models represent powerful approaches to disentangle mechanisms linking individual life histories and population‐level processes. Recent developments have provided important steps towards their application to study eco‐evolutionary dynamics, but so far individual heterogeneity has largely been ignored. Here, we present a general demographic framework that incorporates individual heterogeneity in a flexible way, by separating static and dynamic traits (discrete or continuous). First, we apply the framework to derive the consequences of ignoring heterogeneity for a range of widely used demographic outputs. A general conclusion is that besides the long‐term growth rate lambda, all parameters can be affected. Second, we discuss how the framework can help advance current demographic models of eco‐evolutionary dynamics, by incorporating individual heterogeneity. For both applications numerical examples are provided, including an empirical example for pike. For instance, we demonstrate that predicted demographic responses to climate warming can be reversed by increased heritability. We discuss how applications of this demographic framework incorporating individual heterogeneity can help answer key biological questions that require a detailed understanding of eco‐evolutionary dynamics.  相似文献   

Variation is the raw material for evolution. Evolutionary potential is determined by the amount of genetic variation, but evolution can also alter the visibility of genetic variation to natural selection. Fluctuating environments are suggested to maintain genetic variation but they can also affect environmental variance, and thus, the visibility of genetic variation to natural selection. However, experimental studies testing these ideas are relatively scarce. In order to determine differences in evolutionary potential we quantified variance attributable to population, genotype and environment for populations of the bacterium Serratia marcescens. These populations had been experimentally evolved in constant and two fluctuating environments. We found that strains that evolved in fluctuating environments exhibited larger environmental variation suggesting that adaptation to fluctuations has decreased the visibility of genetic variation to selection.  相似文献   

The balance between carbon assimilation, storage and utilisation during photosynthesis is dependent on partitioning of photoassimilate between starch and sucrose, and varies in response to changes in the environment. However, the extent to which the capacity to modulate carbon partitioning rapidly through short‐term allosteric regulation may contribute to plant performance is unknown. Here we examine the physiological role of fructose 2,6‐bisphosphate (Fru‐2,6‐P2) during photosynthesis, growth and reproduction in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.). In leaves this signal metabolite contributes to coordination of carbon assimilation and partitioning during photosynthesis by allosterically modulating the activity of cytosolic fructose‐1,6‐bisphosphatase. Three independent T‐DNA insertional mutant lines deficient in 6‐phosphofructo‐2‐kinase/fructose‐2,6‐bisphosphatase (F2KP), the bifunctional enzyme responsible for both the synthesis and degradation of Fru‐2,6‐P2, lack Fru‐2,6‐P2. These plants have normal steady‐state rates of photosynthesis, but exhibit increased partitioning of photoassimilate into sucrose and have delayed photosynthetic induction kinetics. The F2KP‐deficient plants grow normally in constant environments, but show reduced growth and seed yields relative to wildtype plants in fluctuating light and/or temperature. We conclude that Fru‐2,6‐P2 is required for optimum regulation of photosynthetic carbon metabolism under variable growth conditions. These analyses suggest that the capacity of Fru‐2,6‐P2 to modulate partitioning of photoassimilate is an important determinant of growth and fitness in natural environments.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms of coexistence between ecologically similar species is an important issue in ecology. Carnivore coexistence may be facilitated by spatial segregation, temporal avoidance, and differential habitat selection. American martens Martes americana and fishers Pekania pennanti are medium‐sized mustelids that occur sympatrically across portions of North America, yet mechanisms of coexistence between the two species are not fully understood. We assessed spatial and temporal partitioning in martens and fishers in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, USA, using camera trap data collected during winter 2013–2015. To investigate spatial segregation, we used a dynamic occupancy model to estimate species’ occupancy probabilities and probabilities of persistence and colonization as a function of covariates and yearly occupancy probability for the other species. Temporal segregation was assessed by estimating diel activity overlap between species. We found weak evidence of spatial or temporal niche partitioning of martens and fishers. There was high overlap in forest cover selection, and both marten and fisher occupancy were positively correlated with deciduous forests (excluding aspen [Populus tremuloides]). There was strong temporal overlap (; CI = 0.79–0.82) with both species exhibiting largely crepuscular activity patterns. Co‐occurrence of martens and fishers appears to be facilitated by mechanisms not investigated in this study, such as partitioning of snow features or diet. Our results add additional insights into resource partitioning of mesocarnivores, but further research is required to enhance our understanding of mechanisms that facilitate marten and fisher coexistence.  相似文献   

Recent recognition that ecological and evolutionary processes can operate on similar timescales has led to a rapid increase in theoretical and empirical studies on eco‐evolutionary dynamics. Progress in the fields of evolutionary biology, genomics and ecology is greatly enhancing our understanding of rapid adaptive processes, the predictability of adaptation and the genetics of ecologically important traits. However, progress in these fields has proceeded largely independently of one another. In an attempt to better integrate these fields, the centre for ‘Adaptation to a Changing Environment’ organized a conference entitled ‘The genomic basis of eco‐evolutionary change’ and brought together experts in ecological genomics and eco‐evolutionary dynamics. In this review, we use the work of the invited speakers to summarize eco‐evolutionary dynamics and discuss how they are relevant for understanding and predicting responses to contemporary environmental change. Then, we show how recent advances in genomics are contributing to our understanding of eco‐evolutionary dynamics. Finally, we highlight the gaps in our understanding of eco‐evolutionary dynamics and recommend future avenues of research in eco‐evolutionary dynamics.  相似文献   

When alleles have pleiotropic effects on a number of quantitative traits, the degree of dominance between a pair of alleles can be different for each trait. Such trait-specific dominance has been studied previously in models for the maintenance of genetic variation by antagonistic effects of an allele on two fitness components. By generalizing these models to an arbitrary number of fitness components or other phenotypic traits with different degrees of dominance, I show that genetic polymorphism is generally impossible without antagonistic fitness effects of different traits and without trait-specific dominance. I also investigate dominance and pleiotropy from a more long-term evolutionary perspective, allowing for the study of general ecological scenarios, and I discuss the effects of trait-specific dominance on evolutionary stability criteria. When selection is mainly directional and only trait-specific dominance and antagonism cause the emergence of polymorphism, then these polymorphisms can be overtaken by single mutants again, such that they are probably short-lived on an evolutionary time scale. Near evolutionarily singular points where directional selection is absent, trait-specific dominance and overdominance facilitate the emergence of polymorphism and cause evolutionary divergence in some cases. An important outcome of these models is that trait-specific dominance allows for the emergence of genetic polymorphisms without a selective disadvantage for heterozygotes. This removes the scope for the evolution of assortative mate choice and affects dominance modification. Sympatric speciation by disruptive ecological selection requires this heterozygote disadvantage in order to evolve, and therefore it becomes less plausible if the emergence of genetic polymorphism usually occurs via trait-specific dominance and antagonistic effects.  相似文献   

Different modes of non‐genetic inheritance are expected to affect population persistence in fluctuating environments. We here analyse Caenorhabditis elegans density‐independent per capita growth rate time series on 36 populations experiencing six controlled sequences of challenging oxygen level fluctuations across 60 generations, and parameterise competing models of non‐genetic inheritance in order to explain observed dynamics. Our analysis shows that phenotypic plasticity and anticipatory maternal effects are sufficient to explain growth rate dynamics, but that a carryover model where ‘epigenetic’ memory is imperfectly transmitted and might be reset at each generation is a better fit to the data. We further find that this epigenetic memory is asymmetric since it is kept for longer when populations are exposed to the more challenging environment. Our analysis suggests that population persistence in fluctuating environments depends on the non‐genetic inheritance of phenotypes whose expression is regulated across multiple generations.  相似文献   

Although tropical forests have been rapidly converted into human‐modified landscapes, tree species response to forest edges remains poorly examined. In this study, we addressed four pioneer tree species to document demographic shifts experienced by this key ecological group and make inferences about pioneer response to forest edges. All individuals with dbh ≥ 1 cm of two short‐lived (Bellucia grossularioides and Cecropia sciadophylla) and two long‐lived species (Goupia glabra and Laetia procera) were sampled in 20 1‐ha forest edge plots and 20 1‐ha forest interior plots in Oiapoque and Manaus, Northeast and Central Amazon, respectively. As expected, pioneer stem density with dbh ≥ 1 cm increased by around 10–17‐fold along forest edges regardless of species, lifespan, and study site. Edge populations of long‐lived pioneers presented 84–94 percent of their individuals in sapling/subadult size classes, whereas edge populations of short‐lived pioneers showed 56–97 percent of their individuals in adult size classes. These demographic biases were associated with negative and positive net adult recruitment of long‐ and short‐lived pioneers, respectively. Our population‐level analyses support three general statements: (1) native pioneer tree species proliferate along forest edges (i.e., increased density), at least in terms of non‐reproductive individuals; (2) pioneer response to edge establishment is not homogeneous as species differ in terms of demographic structure and net adult recruitment; and (3) some pioneer species, particularly long‐lived ones, may experience population decline due to adult sensitivity to edge‐affected habitats.  相似文献   

Extensive sampling and metagenomics analyses of plankton communities across all aquatic environments are beginning to provide insights into the ecology of microbial communities. In particular, the importance of metabolic exchanges that provide a foundation for ecological interactions between microorganisms has emerged as a key factor in forging such communities. Here we show how both studies of environmental samples and physiological experimentation in the laboratory with defined microbial co‐cultures are being used to decipher the metabolic and molecular underpinnings of such exchanges. In addition, we explain how metabolic modelling may be used to conduct investigations in reverse, deducing novel molecular exchanges from analysis of large‐scale data sets, which can identify persistently co‐occurring species. Finally, we consider how knowledge of microbial community ecology can be built into evolutionary theories tailored to these species’ unique lifestyles. We propose a novel model for the evolution of metabolic auxotrophy in microorganisms that arises as a result of symbiosis, termed the Foraging‐to‐Farming hypothesis. The model has testable predictions, fits several known examples of mutualism in the aquatic world, and sheds light on how interactions, which cement dependencies within communities of microorganisms, might be initiated.  相似文献   

Jaguars (Panthera onca) and pumas (Puma concolor) coexist throughout the Neotropics. Using camera trapping in four Brazilian biomes, we compare the daily activity patterns of the jaguar and puma, and their relationships with their main prey species. We used a kernel density method to quantify daily activity patterns and to investigate overlap between these predators and their main prey. Both cats showed intensive nocturnal and crepuscular activity (0.69 and 0.14 kernel density, respectively, for jaguars; 0.68 and 0.19 kernel density, respectively, for pumas). Only in the Pantanal did we observe a pattern of concentrated diurnal activity for both species. We found little temporal segregation between jaguars and pumas, as they showed similar activity patterns with high coefficients of overlapping (average ?1 = 0.86; SE = 0.15). We also observed a significant overlap between the activity patterns of the predators and their main prey species, suggesting that both predators adjust their activity to reduce their foraging energy expenditure. Our findings suggest that temporal partitioning is probably not a generalized mechanism of coexistence between jaguars and pumas; instead, the partitioning of habitat/space use and food resources may play a larger role in mediating top predator coexistence. Knowledge about these behavior aspects is crucial to elucidating the factors that enable coexistence of jaguars and pumas. Furthermore, an understanding of their respective activity periods is relevant to management and associated research efforts.  相似文献   

Humans alter biogeochemical cycles of essential elements such as phosphorus (P). Prediction of ecosystem consequences of altered elemental cycles requires integration of ecology, evolutionary biology and the framework of ecological stoichiometry. We studied micro‐evolutionary responses of a herbivorous rotifer to P‐limited food and the potential consequences for its population demography and for ecosystem properties. We subjected field‐derived, replicate rotifer populations to P‐deficient and P‐replete algal food, and studied adaptation in common garden transplant experiments after 103 and 209 days of selection. When fed P‐limited food, populations with a P‐limitation selection history suffered 37% lower mortality, reached twice the steady state biomass, and reduced algae by 40% compared to populations with a P‐replete selection history. Adaptation involved no change in rotifer elemental composition but reduced investment in sex. This study demonstrates potentially strong eco‐evolutionary feedbacks from shifting elemental balances to ecosystem properties, including grazing pressure and the ratio of grazer:producer biomass.  相似文献   

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