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Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), a potent mitogen for mature hepatocytes, has been considered to act as a hepatotropic factor for liver regeneration. We examined the effect of HGF on albumin synthesis and DNA synthesis of adult rat hepatocytes cultured at various cell densities. HGF stimulated albumin synthesis of hepatocytes by 40-60% when they were cultured at higher cell densities such that there was tight cell-cell contact. But at lower cell densities HGF failed to stimulate albumin synthesis. In contrast, the stimulatory effect of HGF on DNA synthesis of hepatocytes was more potent at lower than at higher cell densities: HGF did not stimulate DNA synthesis of hepatocytes cultured at confluent cell density. Thus, HGF seems to stimulate both albumin synthesis and DNA synthesis of hepatocytes, in a reciprocal relationship depending on cell density. When the effects of various cytokines were examined, epidermal growth factor, transforming growth factor-alpha, and acidic fibroblast growth factor also stimulated albumin synthesis by 20-30%. However, transforming growth factor-beta 1, basic fibroblast growth factor, and interleukin-1 beta had no effect on albumin synthesis, while interleukin-6 inhibited it by 42%. Thus HGF was the most potent in stimulating albumin synthesis in these cytokines. Since HGF is markedly increased in the liver or plasma following various liver insults, HGF may be involved in liver regeneration through the potential to stimulate both cell growth and liver-specific functions such as albumin synthesis in a cell density-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Le Mée S  Hennebert O  Ferrec C  Wülfert E  Morfin R 《Steroids》2008,73(11):1148-1159
7alpha-Hydroxy-DHEA, 7beta-hydroxy-DHEA and 7beta-hydroxy-EpiA are native metabolites of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and epiandrosterone (EpiA). Since numerous steroids are reported to interfere with inflammatory and immune processes, our objective was to test the effects of these hydroxysteroids on prostaglandin (PG) production and related enzyme gene expression. Human peripheral blood monocytes were cultured for 4 and 24 h in the presence of each of the steroids (1-100 nM), with and without addition of TNF-alpha (10 ng/mL). Levels of PGE(2), PGD(2) and 15-deoxy-Delta(12,14)-PGJ(2) (15d-PGJ(2)) were measured in the incubation medium, and cell content of cyclooxygenase (COX-2), and PGE and PGD synthases (m-PGES1, H-PGDS, L-PGDS), and peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR-gamma) was assessed by quantitative RT-PCR and Western blots. Addition of TNF-alpha resulted in elevated PG production and increased COX-2 and m-PGES1 levels. Among the three steroids tested, only 7beta-hydroxy-EpiA decreased COX-2, m-PGES1 and PPAR-gamma expression while markedly decreasing PGE(2) and increasing 15d-PGJ(2) production. These results suggest that 7beta-hydroxy-EpiA is a native trigger of cellular protection through simultaneous activation of 15d-PGJ(2) and depression of PGE(2) synthesis, and that these effects may be mediated by activation of a putative receptor, specific for 7beta-hydroxy-EpiA.  相似文献   

Goldfish preovulatory ovarian follicles (prior to germinal vesicle breakdown) were utilized for studies investigating the actions of activators of different signal transduction pathways on prostaglandin (PG) production. The protein kinase C (PKC) activators phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA; 100-400 nM), 1-oleoyl-2-acetylglycerol (5 and 25 micrograms/ml), and 1,2-dioctanoylglycerol (10 and 50 micrograms/ml) stimulated PGE production; the inactive phorbol 4 alpha-phorbol didecanoate, which does not activate PKC, had no effect. Calcium ionophore A23187 (0.25-4.0 microM) stimulated PGE production and acted in a synergistic manner with activators of PKC. Although produced in lower amounts than PGE, PGF was stimulated by PMA and A23187. The direct activator of phospholipase A2, melittin (0.1-1.0 microM), stimulated a dose-related increase in PGE production, whereas chloroquine (100 microM), a putative inhibitor of phospholipase A2, blocked basal and PMA + A23187-stimulated PGE production. Several drugs known to elevate intracellular levels of cAMP including the phosphodiesterase inhibitor 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (0.1-1.0 mM), forskolin (10 microM), and dibutyryl cAMP (dbcAMP; 5 mM) attenuate PMA + A23187-stimulated PGE production. Melittin-stimulated production of PGE was inhibited by dbcAMP, suggesting that the action of cAMP was distal to the activation of phospholipase A2. In summary, these studies demonstrate that activation of PKC and elevation of intracellular calcium levels stimulate PG production, in part, through activation of phospholipase A2. The adenylate cyclase/cAMP signalling pathway is inhibitory to PG production by goldfish ovarian follicles.  相似文献   

How bacteria grow and divide while retaining a defined shape is a fundamental question in microbiology, but technological advances are now driving a new understanding of how the shape-maintaining bacterial peptidoglycan sacculus grows. In this Review, we highlight the relationship between peptidoglycan synthesis complexes and cytoskeletal elements, as well as recent evidence that peptidoglycan growth is regulated from outside the sacculus in Gram-negative bacteria. We also discuss how growth of the sacculus is sensitive to mechanical force and nutritional status, and describe the roles of peptidoglycan hydrolases in generating cell shape and of D-amino acids in sacculus remodelling.  相似文献   

The synthesis of extracellular enzymes by microorganisms frequently occurs under genetic control. A simple two-parameter model is developed describing the degree of repression or induction in fermentation media. The case of substrate utilization by an extracellular enzyme was analyzed for a vegetable oil-lipase-yeast system. It is shown that fatty acids released by the lipase may accumulate in the early stage of growth and exert an influence on the limiting after which relatively little repression or induction takes place. Expressions are also derived for growth and extracellular enzyme synthesis in single-and multistage continuous cultures. When the cells grow on a directly available soluble substrate, the specific enzyme synthesis is maximal at low dilution rates in the case of repression and at high dilution rates in the case of induction. If the substrate is not directly available, a single continuous stirred tank reactor stage may not be sufficient for efficient substrate utilization; for fermentation processes where an insoluble has to be broken down before the cells can assimilate it, a plug flow type fermentor rather than a mixed chemostat may prove more satisfactory.  相似文献   

The growth of P3HR-1, a Burkitt' s lymphoma cell line, was regulated differently at high cell numbers and upon treatment with human leukocyte interferon (IFN-α). At terminal cell titre, cell growth was reduced by progressing through the cell cycle more slowly, whereas IFN-treated cells escaped from the cell cycle by going into a G0-like state. Furthermore, in comparison with density-inhibited cells, IFN-treated cells had, upon dilution into fresh medium, a longer lag period before they began to grow exponentially again. No G0/G1 restriction point was apparent in this cell line. These cells had to undergo one mitotic division before any IFN-induced inhibition of proliferation could be observed.  相似文献   

The regulation of ribosomal RNA synthesis and bacterial cell growth   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

Cell cycle dependent growth factor regulation of gene expression   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The expression of the proto-oncogenes c-fos and c-myc is a rapid response of G0-arrested fibroblasts to serum and peptide growth factors; however, the role of the c-fos and c-myc gene products in subsequent cell cycle transit is not understood. We examined the expression of c-fos and c-myc mRNA in Balb/c 3T3 murine fibroblasts in response to platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and platelet-poor plasma, using arrest points associated with density dependent growth inhibition or metabolic inhibition to synchronize cells in S phase of the cell cycle. The expression of c-fos and c-myc mRNA in Balb/c 3T3 cells was differentially regulated with respect to growth factor dependence and cell cycle dependence. c-fos expression was induced in the presence of PDGF and was unaffected by plasma. The induction of c-fos expression in response to PDGF was cell cycle independent, occurring in cells transiting S phase and G2 as well as in G0 arrest. In contrast, c-myc expression was both growth factor and cell cycle dependent. In G0 arrested cells, c-myc expression was PDGF-dependent and plasma-independent, and PDGF was required for maintenance of elevated c-myc levels during G1 transit. In cells transiting S phase, c-myc mRNA was induced in response to PDGF, but was also plasma-dependent in S phase cells that had been "primed" by exposure to PDGF during S phase.  相似文献   

Nerve growth factor: Cellular localization and regulation of synthesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. The role of nerve growth factor (NGF) as a retrograde messenger between peripheral target tissues and innervating sympathetic and neural crest-derived sensory neurons is supported by the observations that (a) the interruption of retrograde axonal transport has the same effects as the neutralization of endogenous NGF by anti-NGF antibodies and (b) the close correlation between the density of innervation by fibers of NGF-responsive neurons and the levels of NGF and mRNANGF in their target organs. 2. In situ hybridization experiments have demonstrated that a great variety of cells in the projection field or NGF-responsive neurons is synthesizing NGF, among them epithelial cells, smooth muscle cells, fibroblasts, and Schwann cells. 3. The temporal correlation between the growth of trigeminal sensory fibers into the whisker pad of the mouse and the commencement of NGF synthesis initially suggested a causal relationship between these two events. However, in chick embryos rendered aneural by prior removal of the neural tube or the neural crest, it was shown that the onset of NGF synthesis in the periphery is independent of neurons, and is controlled by an endogenous "clock" whose regulatory mechanism remains to be established. 4. A comparison between NGF synthesis in the nonneuronal cells of the newborn rat sciatic nerve and that in the adult sciatic nerve after lesion provided evidence for the important regulatory role played by a secretory product of activated macrophages. The identity of this product is currently under investigation.  相似文献   

Prolonged treatment of quiescent Swiss 3T3 cells with vasopressin induced heterologous desensitization of specific early signals stimulated by platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF). PDGF caused a striking dose-dependent release of [3H]arachidonic acid (EC50 = 2 ng/ml) and prostaglandin E2 (EC50 = 5 ng/ml). These responses are severely attenuated (greater than 85%) by prior exposure to vasopressin in a dose-dependent manner (IC50 = 1.5 nM). Maximal loss of responsiveness occurred after 40 h of vasopressin treatment with a half-maximal desensitization after 11-13 h. The desensitization is dependent upon binding to the V1 receptor, since it can be prevented by the antagonist [Pmp1,O-Me-Tyr2,Arg8]vasopressin. In contrast, stimulation of inositol phosphate accumulation and production of diacylglycerol and phosphatidic acid by PDGF are unchanged. Thus, the observed heterologous desensitization cannot be attributed to an inability to activate phospholipase C. Furthermore, prior exposure to vasopressin did not affect the ability of PDGF to evoke tyrosine phosphorylation of cellular substrates, demonstrating that vasopressin-induced heterologous desensitization causes a block at a point distal to activation of receptor tyrosine kinase activity. Other downstream responses including transient induction of c-fos expression and stimulation of DNA synthesis were attenuated by vasopressin pretreatment. The findings demonstrate a novel mechanism of heterologous cellular desensitization namely, persistent occupancy of a guanine nucleotide-binding protein-coupled receptor, like the V1 type vasopressin receptor, attenuates responsiveness to a polypeptide growth factor like PDGF that initiates responses through a tyrosine kinase receptor.  相似文献   

The production of prostaglandins by decidua may play a significant part in the mechanisms of human parturition. We have evaluated the regulation of prostaglandin production in human decidual cells in monolayer culture. Both epidermal growth factor and transforming growth factor-alpha induced concentration-related increases in decidual prostaglandin production with significant changes occurring at concentrations of 1 to 10 ng/ml. Two active phorbol esters elicited concentration-related increases in decidual prostaglandin production whereas an inactive phorbol analogue was without effect. The calcium ionophores, ionomycin and A-23187, also stimulated prostaglandin production by human decidual cell cultures. Hence prostaglandin production by human decidua is regulated by hormones and agents in a manner similar to that of other cells including amnion and may play a significant part in the mechanism of parturition.  相似文献   

The regulation of vascular endothelial cell behavior during angiogenesis and in disease by transforming growth factor-beta(1) (TGF-beta(1)) is complex, but it clearly involves growth factor-induced changes in extracellular matrix synthesis. Proteoglycans (PGs) synthesized by endothelial cells contribute to the formation of the vascular extracellular matrix and also influence cellular proliferation and migration. Since the effects of TGF-beta(1) on vascular smooth muscle cell growth are dependent on cell density, it is possible that TGF-beta(1) also directs different patterns of PG synthesis in endothelial cells at different cell densities. In the present study, dense and sparse cultures of bovine aortic endothelial cells were metabolically labeled with [(3)H]glucosamine, [(35)S]sulfate, or (35)S-labeled amino acids in the presence of TGF-beta(1). The labeled PGs were characterized by DEAE-Sephacel ion exchange chromatography and Sepharose CL-4B molecular sieve chromatography. The glycosaminoglycan M(r) and composition were analyzed by Sepharose CL-6B chromatography, and the core protein M(r) was analyzed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, before and after digestion with papain, heparitinase, or chondroitin ABC lyase. These experiments indicate that the effect of TGF-beta(1) on vascular endothelial cell PG synthesis is dependent on cell density. Specifically, TGF-beta(1) induced an accumulation of small chondroitin/dermatan sulfate PGs (CS/DSPGs) with core proteins of approximately 50 kDa in the medium of both dense and sparse cultures, but a cell layer-associated heparan sulfate PG with a core protein size of approximately 400 kDa accumulated only in dense cultures. Moreover, only in the dense cell cultures did TGF-beta(1) cause CS/DSPG hydrodynamic size to increase, which was due to the synthesis of CS/DSPGs with longer glycosaminoglycan chains. The heparan sulfate PG and CS/DSPG core proteins were identified as perlecan and biglycan, respectively, by Western blot analysis. The present data suggest that TGF-beta(1) promotes the synthesis of both perlecan and biglycan when endothelial cell density is high, whereas only biglycan synthesis is stimulated when the cell density is low. Furthermore, glycosaminoglycan chains are elongated only in biglycan synthesized by the cells at a high cell density.  相似文献   

An improved 13C-density-labeling method was used to study cell wall synthesis in rapidly expanding, slowly expanding and recently mature internodes of Nitella translucens var axillaris (A.Br.) R.D.W. As cells matured, the rate of wall synthesis slowed and the deposition of cellulose microfibrils changed from a predominantly transverse direction in the primary wall of rapidly expanding internodes to a helicoidal array in the secondary wall of mature internodes. The secondary wall was characterized by relatively higher rates of cellulose synthesis and lower rates of pectin synthesis than the primary wall. The synthesis of xyloglucan also decreased markedly at the transition to secondary wall synthesis, while the synthesis of mannose-rich hemicellulose increased. Even though structural differences were striking between the primary and secondary walls of Nitella, compositional differences between the two types of wall were quantitative rather than qualitative. The authors appreciate the assistance of Martin Yousef with the electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Prostaglandins are locally acting hormones that have remarkable variety of physiological functions. They are rapidly synthesized in several types of vertebrate cells as oxygenated metabolites of arachidonic acid in response to various stimuli. In many insect species they are biosynthesized in fat body and hemocytes mainly in response to bacterial infections. In the present study, we administered synthetic analog of prostaglandin F2alpha, the most prominent of the prostaglandins to the 48 h old fifth instar silkworm, Bombyx mori L. at a single dose of 4 microg per larva to study its effects on the larval growth pattern and silk synthesis. The possible role of PGF2alpha at altering the quantum of silk synthesis by controlling the silk gene expression was also studied. The genomic DNA was isolated from the posterior silk gland on Days 5 and 7 of the fifth instar from the prostaglandin treated and the control larvae and were random amplified with arbitrary primers. The result presented notable variation in the amplified product suggesting the participation of PGF2alpha in the silk biosynthesis controlling the silk gene expression. The feeding period of treated larvae was unaffected while the cocoon characters exhibited considerable improvement. The filament traits also were improved notably in the treated larvae. The participation of PGF2alpha analog in the silk biosynthetic process with its physiological and molecular implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study has investigated the influence of agents which elevate intracellular levels of endogenous platelet adenosine 3′5′-cyclic monophosphate (cyclic AMP), and the effect of the exogenous cyclic AMP analog, dibutyryl cyclic AMP, on the conversion of 14C-arachidonic acid by washed platelets. Prostaglandin E1 (PGE1), PGE1 with theophylline, or dibutyryl cyclic AMP incubated with washed platelets prevented arachidonic acid induced platelet aggregation, but had no effect on the conversion of arachidonic acid to 12L-hydroxy-5,8,10, 14-eicosatetraenoic acid (HETE), 12L-hydroxy-5,8,10 heptadecatrienoic acid (HHT), or thromboxane B2. Ultrastructural studies of the platelet response revealed that agents acting directly or indirectly to increase the level of cyclic AMP inhibited the action of arachidonic acid on washed platelets and prevented internal platelet contraction as well as aggregation. The influence of PGE1 with theophylline, and dibutyryl cyclic AMP on the thrombin induced release of 14C-arachidonic acid from platelet membrane phospholipids was also investigated. These agents were found to be potent inhibitors of the thrombin stimulated release of arachidonic acid from platelet phospholipids, due most likely to an inhibition of platelet phospholipase A activity. The results show that dibutyryl cyclic AMP and agents which elevate intracellular cyclic AMP levels act to inhibit platelet activation at two steps 1) internal contraction and 2) release of arachidonic acid from platelet phospholipids.  相似文献   

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