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Offspring sizes vary within populations but the reasons are unclear. Game‐theoretic models predict that selection will maintain offspring‐size variation when large offspring are superior competitors (i.e., competition is asymmetric), but small offspring are superior colonizers. Empirical tests are equivocal, however, and typically rely on interspecific comparisons, whereas explicit intraspecific tests are rare. In a field study, we test whether offspring size affects competitive asymmetries using the sessile marine invertebrate, Bugula neritina. Surprisingly, we show that offspring size determines whether interactions are competitive or facilitative—large neighbors strongly facilitated small offspring, but also strongly competed with large offspring. These findings contradict the assumptions of classic theory—that is, large offspring were not superior competitors. Instead, smaller offspring actually benefit from interactions with large offspring—suggesting that asymmetric facilitation, rather than asymmetric competition, operates in our system. We argue that facilitation of small offspring may be more widespread than currently appreciated, and may maintain variation in offspring size via negative frequency‐dependent selection. Offspring size theory has classically viewed offspring interactions through the lens of competition alone, yet our results and those of others suggest that theory should accommodate positive interactions in explorations of offspring‐size variation.  相似文献   

Why do large mothers produce large offspring? Theory and a test   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To explain the general tendency of large mothers to produce large offspring, we developed two models in which either the rate at which each single offspring extracts resources from the mother or the rate at which the mother supplies resources to all the offspring is limited (terminal- or upper-stream-limitation on resource transport, respectively). We also reanalyzed the data of Erythronium japonicum to test the models. The terminal-stream-limitation model predicted that the optimal offspring size that maximizes the fitness of the mother increases with an increase in the maximum rate of resource extraction by each single offspring. Thus, large mothers produce large offspring if the maximum resource extraction rate is high in those mothers. The upper-stream-limitation model predicted that the optimal offspring size decreases with an increase in the maximum rate of resource supply by the mother to all the offspring. In E. japonicum, the maximum growth rate of a seed was independent of the number of seeds of a plant, suggesting that the resource extraction rate is limited at the individual seed level. The maximum growth rate was high in large plants and had a strong positive effect on final seed mass. Thus, the results were consistent with the terminal-stream-limitation model.  相似文献   

We artificially selected on egg size in a butterfly to study the consequences for fecundity, reproductive effort and offspring fitness. Correlated responses in either pupal mass, larval or pupal development time were virtually absent. Offspring size was positively related to fitness, but only partly traded off against fecundity. Rather, total reproductive effort (measured as fresh mass), egg water content and the decline of egg size with female age increased in the large-egg selected lines compared to either small-egg or control lines. Accounting for these effects showed that reproductive investment (in dry mass) was in fact similar across lines. Such mechanisms may enable increased investment in (early) offspring without a reduction in their number, revealing a much more complex picture than a simple trade-off between offspring size and number. Substantial variation among replicates suggests that there are different underlying mechanisms for change, rather than any single, unitary pathway.  相似文献   

Warfarin was measured with a sensitive and specific method in the plasma and breast milk of 13 mothers. Less than 0-08 micronmol warfarin per litre (25 ng/ml) of breast milk was found in each instance. Seven of the mothers were breast-feeding their infants, in none of whom was warfarin detected in the plasma; furthermore, in three the British corrected ratio of the plasma was appreciably less than that of the mother and was within the expected range. We conclude that nursing mothers given warfarin may safely breast-feed their infants.  相似文献   

Some plant species growing on metalliferous soils are able to accumulate heavy metals in their shoots up to very high concentrations, but the selective advantage of this behaviour is still unknown. The most popular hypothesis, that metals protect plants against herbivores, has been tested several times in laboratory conditions, with contradictory results. We carried out the first large-scale test of the defence hypothesis in eight natural populations of the model Zn hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens J. and C. Presl (Brassicaceae). In two climatic regions (temperate, Belgium–Luxembourg, and Mediterranean, southern France), we worked in metalliferous and in normal, uncontaminated environments, with plants spanning a wide range of Zn concentrations. We also examined the importance of glucosinolates (main secondary metabolites of Brassicaceae) as antiherbivore defences. When exposed to natural herbivore populations, T. caerulescens suffered lower herbivory pressures in metal-enriched soils than in normal soils, both in Belgium–Luxembourg and in southern France. The trapping of gastropods shows an overall lower population density in metalliferous compared to normal environments, which suggests that herbivory pressure from gastropods is lower on metalliferous soils. In addition, foliar concentration of glucosinolates was constitutively lower in all populations from metal-enriched soils, suggesting that these have evolved towards lower investment in organic defences in response to lower herbivory pressure. The Zn concentration of plants had a protective role only for Belgian metallicolous plants when transplanted in normal soils of Luxembourg. These results do not support the hypothesis that Zn plays a key role in the protection of T. caerulescens against enemies. In contrast, glucosinolates appear to be directly involved in the defence of this hyperaccumulator against herbivores.  相似文献   

Recent studies have linked static allometry of sexual traits to selective advantages, in terms of sexual selection. An underlying, yet untested, assumption is that the allometry of sexual traits confers higher mating success and/or survival. Here, we investigated whether the allometry of two sexual traits is related to male mating success and survival in two species of damselflies: wing size in Paraphlebia zoe and the red‐pigmented wing spot in Hetaerina americana. We used large field‐based data sets of marked‐recaptured animals, in which we recorded male mating success and survival. Both sexual traits exhibited hyperallometric patterns; however, allometry was not linked to either mating success or survival. These results indicate that, at least during the period of sexual competition, allometry does not seem to be adaptive. Although our results may only apply to our damselfly study subjects (which nevertheless would require further tests in different seasons and/or study sites), our findings should encourage researchers to evaluate at least whether the assumed adaptiveness of sexual trait allometry holds for their study animals. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 114 , 327–334.  相似文献   

Puce A 《Neuron》2002,34(1):6-7
In this issue of Neuron, differentiated brain regions in humans that are selectively responsive to viewing motion: (1) of humans, (2) of tools/utensils, and (3) in general. Active regions were the superior temporal sulcus, middle temporal gyrus, and MT/V5, respectively. This study provides impetus for future work in motion perception and its relationship to apraxia.  相似文献   

Maternal stress can have long‐term adverse consequences on immunocompetence and disease risk of offspring, and winter survival is a crucial demographic parameter in the life‐history of an individual that can substantially affect northern rodent population dynamics. An understanding of the effects of maternal stress on winter survival of offspring may help identify mechanisms driving population fluctuations of northern small mammals. Thus, we assessed the effects of maternal stress, resulting from high population densities, on winter survival of first generation (F1) and second generation (F2) in root voles Microtus oeconomus. Replicate high‐ and low‐density enclosed parental populations were established, from which we obtained F1 generation that were used to establish new enclosed, equal‐density populations. The adults of the high‐density parental populations had higher corticosterone levels, an indication of physiological stress, than did those of the low‐density parental populations. Over‐winter survival of the F1 generation voles from the low‐density parental populations was greater than that of those from the high‐density parental populations. Over‐winter survival of F2 generation voles did not differ between the two treatments. Our results suggest that maternal stress affected over‐winter survival of first generations but not second generations. Reduced immunocompetence, resulting from high population density stresses, transferred to offspring may be a factor in annual (winter) population declines. Because the effect is transitory, i.e. immunocompetence of F2 voles is not affected, reduced immunocompetence resulting from high density stresses would not contribute to lengthy periods of low population densities that are characteristic of multi‐annual population fluctuations.  相似文献   

Filial cannibalism (the eating of one's own offspring) occurs in a variety of taxa, but is especially prevalent in fishes with parental care. Recent research supports a central tenet of parental-investment theory; that is, parents consume their offspring when it maximizes their lifetime reproductive success. This review outlines the theoretical framework used to explain the adaptive significance of filial cannibalism, evaluates experimental studies to test some predictions of this theory and discusses how the occurrence of filial cannibalism affects other aspects of a species' reproductive ecology.  相似文献   

Godfray's influential model of competitive begging predicted that offspring should respond to each other's behavior, displaying more intensely when competing with needier rivals. Empirical tests of this prediction have, however, yielded equivocal results. Here, I develop a series of evolutionarily stable strategy models of begging as a signal of need, which show that this prediction holds only for competitive aspects of display that influence the division of food among the brood. No such response is expected for cooperative begging (which influences the total level of provisioning by the parent), and the models even predict the opposite trend under some circumstances (where the indirect costs of extracting additional resources from the parent are high). These contrasting sets of predictions may help to explain the varying empirical results obtained by studies of sibling interaction. Cooperative (as opposed to competitive) begging is likely to be of greater significance in cases where dominant young can gain direct control of allocation (or enjoy some competitive advantage). Dominants are then predicted to parasitize the efforts of their weaker rivals and reduce their own investment in cooperative signaling while continuing to claim a disproportionately large share of the resources provided by the parent.  相似文献   

We used butterfly species lists available for a set of 125 Czech Republic National Nature Reserves and Monuments, the highest small‐sized conservation category in the country encompassing practically all biotope types existing in central Europe, to test the validity of generally agreed “reserve design rules” using multivariate ordination analyses. Further, we used ordination analysis of butterfly life history traits to seek for biological mechanisms responsible for butterfly community responses to essentially geometric reserves characteristics. Reserve area, relative perimeter, within reserve habitat heterogeneity, and surrounding landscape compositional and configurational heterogeneity all affected the composition of butterfly assemblages after controlling for effects of geographical position and prevailing biotope type. Species inclining towards large reserves displayed low mobility and high local population density, probably because they require large habitat areas to maintain self‐sustaining populations; such species tend to have restricted distribution in the country and threatened status. Reserves with relatively long boundaries hosted species with high mobility, broad trophic range and long adult period; faunas of such reserves contain high proportions of widespread generalists. Species with narrow trophic ranges inclined towards reserves containing diverse habitats, probably due to requirements for high floristic diversity. Species with short adult flight, low generations number and overwintering in early stages inclined towards reserves situated amidst diverse landscapes, perhaps because such species require finely‐grained mosaics for metapopulation dynamics. Commonly agreed reserve design rules thus hold for Central European butterflies, but different design characteristics are important for individual species, depending on their life histories.  相似文献   

Physical disturbance has often been invoked to control genotypic diversity in sessile clonal organisms, yet experimental evidence is lacking. I studied the effects of physical disturbance on genet dynamics and genotypic diversity in a clonal marine angiosperm, Zostera marina (eelgrass). In replicated plots of 1 m2, the vegetation canopy was removed in gaps of zero (control), 25%, 50% and 75% of the area (n = 6 replicates). Before removal and during two consecutive years, the genotypic composition was determined using genetic markers (DNA microsatellites) in a 5 x 5 pixel grid per plot. An aggregate index of genet dynamics summarizing recruitment, increase, loss and decrease of clones was maximal at intermediate disturbance levels (quadratic polynomial P = 0.02). Physical disturbance also increased the occurrence of new genotypes, possibly reflecting recruitment (linear model, P < 0.05). Contrary to expectations, there was no competitive advantage of more heterozygous genotypes over less heterozygous ones. In the absence of disturbance, in particular, clones with lower individual heterozygosity were more likely to increase in area over a 1-year time period than more heterozygous ones, while there was no such correlation in plots with disturbance (logistic model, P(disturbance x heterozygosity) = 0.036). Undisturbed plots revealed background recruitment independent of canopy gaps, suggesting that Z. marina exhibits a strategy of continual recruitment. Effects of experimental disturbance (linear or quadratic) on clonal diversity were not detectable. Instead, initial (pretreatment) clonal diversity accounted for between 68% and 91% of the variance in diversity, indicating remarkable resilience of genotypic diversity in the face of physical disturbance.  相似文献   

Millions of animals are killed by vehicle collisions each year. As mitigation measures, wildlife warning reflectors have become increasingly popular, although clear evidence for their effectiveness is lacking. A reason for inconclusive results in the literature may be that most previous studies on the effectiveness of wildlife warning reflectors compare animal-vehicle collision rates with and without reflectors, a setting characterised by low event rates and weak experimental control. Animal behaviour can be expected to provide a more direct evidence for a possible effect of reflectors. In this study, we analyse roe deer behaviour in the presence of a blue semicircle reflector, one of the most frequently applied wildlife warning reflectors in Germany and other parts of Europe. Behavioural response to these reflectors (classified as no reaction, vigilance, short-distance flight and long-distance flight) was recorded both under controlled experimental conditions with captive roe deer and for free-ranging roe deer at road sections with traffic occurrence. We used generalised linear mixed models (GLMMs) to test if reflector presence induced threat-related behaviour (vigilance, flight) and movement away from the reflectors. We found no significant evidence that the light stimulus emitted by reflectors was perceived as a threat or induced evasive movement. We conclude that our study provides no evidence that blue semicircle reflectors induce behaviour in roe deer that seems suitable to reduce roe deer-vehicle collisions.  相似文献   

Vilà M  Gómez A  Maron JL 《Oecologia》2003,137(2):211-215
The evolution of increased competitive ability hypothesis predicts that introduced plants that are long liberated from their natural enemies may lose costly herbivore defense, enabling them to reallocate resources previously spent on defense to traits that increase competitive superiority. We tested this prediction by comparing the competitive ability of native St John's wort ( Hypericum perforatum) from Europe with introduced St John's wort from central North America where plants have long grown free of specialist herbivores, and introduced plants from western North America where plants have been subjected to over 57 years of biological control. Plants were grown in a greenhouse with and without competition with Italian ryegrass ( Lolium multiflorum). St John's wort from the introduced range were not better interspecific competitors than plants from the native range. The magnitude of the effect of ryegrass on St John's wort was similar for introduced and native genotypes. Furthermore, introduced plants were not uniformly larger than natives; rather, within each region of origin there was a high variability in size between populations. Competition with ryegrass reduced the growth of St John's wort by >90%. In contrast, St John's wort reduced ryegrass growth <10%. These results do not support the contention that plants from the introduced range evolve greater competitive ability in the absence of natural enemies.  相似文献   

According to the optimal oviposition theory, the larval success of insects depends on the oviposition site selection by females. Females are expected to choose a site with many resources and few competitors or predators to allow the best performance for their progeny, assuming that “mother knows best.” However, this is not systematically observed. The Aphidoletes aphidimyza larvae are generalist aphid predators and females consequently lay their eggs near or inside aphid colonies. The goal of this study was to investigate the impact of intraspecific competition on oviposition behavior of A. aphidimyza females. First, we counted the number of eggs laid by a female on a leaf with 20 aphids, in the presence of 0, 2, 4, or 6 conspecific eggs or in the absence of eggs but in presence of 3 virgin females. The same experiment was also performed under choice condition with 2 oviposition sites. Our results show that the presence of low densities of conspecific eggs, or the presence of conspecific females, have no significant impact on the number of eggs laid by A. aphidimyza females. One of the hypotheses advanced to explain these results is the advantages of conspecifics presence. At low densities, the presence of eggs on an oviposition site can indicate the suitability of the site for the females. The conspecific presence can also insure a dilution effect against predator and increase the presence of potential mating partners for this monogenic species.  相似文献   

Action to pursue the circular economy (CE) transition is burgeoning in the government and the private sector. Does this action signal that CE is a distinct field of research with a unique disciplinary identity? This article argues that CE has reached field status, through its own epistemic communities characterized by increasingly shared methodological perspectives and normative ideals, and through institutionalized knowledge development through research journals and authority structures. The recent growth of CE research points toward more contextualized and nuanced operationalizations of the concept, evidence that the field is approaching a threshold state of maturity. Drawing on observations from academic literature and discussions with researchers and experts, we trace the process by which CE has arrived at the status of a field. The article concludes with reflections on research directions.  相似文献   

Observations of infant kidnapping among group-living rhesus macaques and anecdotal evidence in the literature indicate that monkey mothers do not attempt to forcibly retrieve their infants from kidnappers even though kidnapping may have potentially fatal consequences for the infant. Based on the available evidence, the potential risk of injury to the mother and/or the infant in case of precipitated conflict with the kidnapper may conceivably account for the lack of maternal intervention during kidnapping. Although this hypothesis requires further testing, maternal refrainment from intervention seems to be a maladaptive response in cases of long-lasting kidnappings by nonlactating females because the infant's life is at stake and the cost of the loss of an infant is presumably higher than the potential risk of injury in a fight.  相似文献   

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