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暖温带森林生态系统林下灌木生物量相对生长模型   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
灌木层作为暖温带森林生态系统的重要组成部分,其生物量估算的精确性及便捷性,成为森林生态系统能量流动、物质循环研究的重要环节。目前可用于暖温带森林生态系统灌木层生物量估算的相对生长模型较少。以河北雾灵山国家级自然保护区暖温带森林生态系统为研究对象,建立了该区域15种常见灌木的相对生长模型。研究发现:15种灌木全株和单一器官的最优相对生长方程均以D2H为自变量,分别以幂函数W=a(D2H)b或二项式函数W=a+b D2H+c(D2H)2为最优化回归方程。统计分析结果显示:判断系数R2值介于0.7331—0.9992之间,显著性检验各参数P0.01,满足回归模型的适用性要求。对研究区域常见灌木全株生物量(WTU)的普适性研究发现:以D2H为自变量的二项式函数回归模型WTU=0.0362+297.03D2H-127.1(D2H)2,R2=0.9434,P0.01,普遍适用于除去六道木(Zabelia biflora)和照山白(Rhododendron micranthum)之外的13种灌木植物的生物量估算。此模型对以上2种植物不适用的原因有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

Manabe  T.  Nishimura  N.  Miura  M.  Yamamoto  S. 《Plant Ecology》2000,151(2):181-197
The population structure and spatial pattern of major tree species in a warm-temperate old-growth evergreen broad-leaved forest in the Tatera Forest Reserve of Japan were investigated. All stems 5 cm in diameter at breast height (DBH) were mapped on a 4 ha plot and analyses were made of population structure and the spatial distribution and spatial association of stems in different vertical layers for nine species. This was done in the context of scale dependency. The plot was located on a very gentle slope and 17.1% of its canopy layer was in gaps. It contained 45 woody plant species and 4570 living stems with a basal area of 63.9 m2 ha–1. Castanopsis cuspidata var. sieboldii, the most dominant species for the basal area, had the maximum DBH among the species present, fewer smaller stems and a lower coefficient of statistical skewness of the DBH distribution. The second most dominant species, Dystilium racemosum, had the highest stem density (410 ha–1), more abundant smaller stems and a relatively higher coefficient of skewness. Most stems in different vertical layers showed a weakly aggregated distribution with loose colonies as basic units. Gap dependency for the occurrence of stems under the canopy layer was weak. Maximum slope degree of the plot also weakly affected the occurrence of stems. Spatial associations varied among intra- and interspecific cohorts in the different layers and spatial scales examined, and positive associations among cohorts were found more frequently as the scales examined became larger. This tendency suggests that key factors forming observed spatial associations might vary with the spatial scales.  相似文献   

Metcalfe  Daniel J.  Grubb  Peter J.  Turner  I. M. 《Plant Ecology》1998,134(2):131-149
A study was made in Bukit Timah Nature Reserve of niche differentiation among 11 woody species that have very small seeds (22–460 µg) and establish in deep shade, i.e., where the indirect site factor (isf) under cloudy conditions is 2%, and one taxonomically related light-demander (seed mass 33 µg). Comparative observations were made on changing light requirement with age. The species varied from shrubs and treelets (Urophyllum) via small to medium-height trees (Ficus, Pternandra) to tall trees (Gynotroches and Pellacalyx). In general, the shorter species fruited in deep shade while the taller needed direct irradiance. All produced ripe fruit at least once a year.In 1–3% isf seedling mortality over 11 months was 24% for Urophyllum hirsutum and 57% for Pternandra echinata (two strongly shade-tolerant species); survivors produced appreciable new stem and leaf tissue. For two more light-demanding species (Ficus grossularioides and F. fistulosa) mean lamina area was much larger in small gaps (10% isf) than in the understorey (<3% isf), while for Urophyllum hirsutum it was much smaller. These three species showed the greatest difference in SLA. There were few significant intraspecific differences between gaps and understorey in concentrations of N, P or K. In a valley where there was no significant difference in isf between a path and adjacent understorey, seedlings of species with seeds <1 mg mean dry mass were five times as dense on transects along steep pathside banks as in the understorey 5 m upslope. The mean mid-bank slope was 66° (cf. 20° upslope). On mid-bank transects litter had a cover of 36% (cf. 95% upslope), and was thinner (0.8 vs 3.2 cm). The soil at 0–7 cm depth into the mid-bank had much lower concentrations of organic matter, total N and P (but not total K) and fine roots than that of upslope transects. All species were found to have vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza when 1–2 m tall in deep shade, several having very dense infections. Seedling form and responses are discussed in relation to potential adaptive value and possible evolutionary origin.  相似文献   

Animal pollination in a warm temperate evergreen broad-leaved forest was observed on Yaku-shima Island, south of Kyushu, Japan. Three groups of plants were categorized: canopy-flowering tree species, understory-flowering tree species, and climber and epiphyte species. Each of these formed different pollination systems. The canopy-flowering tree species had shallow, dish-shaped flowers and utilized various types of opportunistic pollinators. Most of the climber and epiphyte species had deep, tube-shaped flowers and specialized pollinators, although some climber species which bloomed in the canopy especially in winter, had opportunistic pollinators. The understory-flowering tree species had large dish- or funnel-shaped flowers and endothermic pollinators able to tolerate the dark and cold conditions under the canopy. The individual trees of canopy-flowering tree species produced large numbers of flowers simultaneously (mass-flowering) and had a well synchronized flowering period. Each canopy-flowering tree species segregated its flowering time from those of the anothers. Climber and epiphyte species and most of the understory-flowering tree species produced small numbers of flowers sequentially (extended flowering) and showed a long flowering period.  相似文献   

* Here we investigated photosynthetic traits of evergreen species under a deciduous canopy in a temperate forest and revealed the importance of CO2 assimilation during winter for annual CO2 assimilation. * Saplings were shaded by the canopy trees from spring through to autumn, but were less shaded during the winter months. Photosynthetic rates at light saturation (Aarea) were lower during winter than during the growing season. Aarea was higher in Camellia, Ilex and Photinia than in Castanopsis, Cleyera and Quercus during the winter, but differed little during summer and autumn. * Estimated daily CO2 assimilation (Aday) was higher during the winter than during the growing season in Camellia, Ilex and Photinia but was higher than that during the growing season only at the beginning and end of winter in Castanopsis, Cleyera and Quercus. Aday was higher in Camellia, Ilex and Photinia than in Castanopsis, Cleyera and Quercus but differed little among them during the growing season. * These results reveal the importance of winter CO2 assimilation for the growth of Camellia, Ilex and Photinia. Furthermore, differences in annual CO2 assimilation among species are strongly modified by species-specific photosynthetic traits during the winter under deciduous canopy trees.  相似文献   

Gaps formed by stream laid gravels in a warm temperate Podocarp-Angiosperm rain forest in New Zealand were quickly invaded by 41 free-standing woody species. Height-age curves for the eight most frequent species were used to construct a 12 yr chronosequence which showed 18 species arrived by 0.9 yr and 33 by 1.9 yr. This rapid invasion was supplied from both gaps and mature forest and fitted the Initial Floristic Model coupled with a Facilitation Mechanism. Over the 12 yr period, stem density and births peaked at 0.9 yr and deaths at 1.9 yr with a natality of 39.5/m2, a mortality of 38.5/m2 and nearly 99% dying as seedlings. Plant height increased to 5.1 m at 12.1 yr with height increment peaking at 43 cm/yr at 7.3 yr. Maximum potential heights ranged from 4 to 60 m and were positively correlated with longevity which varied from 20 to 1150 yr for 19 known species. A decline in height increment to 0.9 yr showed a below-ground component in intraspecific competition with significant negative correlations between stem density and height indicating a later above-ground component. There was no significant height competition amongst the 11 most frequent species and only one significant negative interspecific association. This suggests high species coexistence for which Equal chance was probably the major mechanism. Given this coexistence, rapid species arrival, early sexual maturity and similar density and height-age patterns, the main dynamic variables may be maximum height, longevity and height increment, all of which are, partly, genetically programmed. Most dynamic affinities are with tropical forest, although height growth and species richness are warm temperate.  相似文献   

Guild structure of arthropods from Bornean rain forest trees   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
ABSTRACT. 1. 23275 arthropods collected by insecticide fogging from ten Bornean lowland rain forest trees were sorted to approximately 3000 species and assigned to guilds using two sets of criteria.
2. The rank order for proportions of guilds of species but not individuals is similar in tropical and temperate canopy samples.
3. Misplacement in the guild assignments of a few species can cause important differences in the proportions of certain guilds. This can seriously affect the results of comparisons of different samples, and views on proportional constancy of guilds of species on different trees.
4. Guilds of arthropod species such as chewers, suckers, all phytophages, predators, ants and tourists, occur in constant proportions in samples from different tropical trees and this constancy of proportion is similar in samples from groups of'closely related'and'distantly related'trees.
5. The guild concept of community structure and problems in assigning species to guilds are considered with respect to arthropod samples. The conclusions on constancy of proportion for guilds of species are tempered by remarks on the problems of guild composition.  相似文献   

We have investigated tree distributions in relation to topography between different tree life history stages, from the seed-dispersal stage to the adult stage in a warm temperate evergreen broadleaved forest on Yakushima Island, Japan, to clarify the critical stages in determining adult tree distributions. We conducted a census of all living trees > or =30 cm tall and collected seed falls over three years using 25 seed traps in a 50 m x 50 m quadrat. Four life stages were defined: stage 1, dispersed seed; stage 2, individuals taller than 30 cm and diameter at breast height (DBH) < 1 cm; stage 3, trunks 1 cm < or = DBH < 10 cm; stage 4, trunks with DBH > or = 10 cm. We classified 17 common tree species into three groups; group A was distributed mainly on the upper slope, group B on the lower slope, and group C on both. Most of group A and B trees at stages 2-4 showed an aggregated distribution along the topographical gradient. The densities at stage 1 showed weaker aggregations according to slope. Topography-specific tree distribution was probably determined at the regeneration stage, and later survival was less effective as a mechanism of vegetation differentiation.  相似文献   

The growth and survival of coniferous and broad-leaved trees were followed over a 5-yr period in a temperate old-growth mixed forest in Japan, and dynamic features of the forest were studied in relation to the life history of the dominants, the coniferous Abies homolepis and the broad-leaved Fagus crenata. During this period, the gap formation rate was 31m2 ha?1yr?1, the mortality of trees > 2m high was 1.7%/yr, and the rate of loss in basal area 1.4%/yr. These values were much higher than the recruitment, 0.3%/yr, and the total growth of surviving and new trees, 0.6%/yr, owing to the inhibition of regeneration by understorey dwarf bamboo (Sasa borealis). A transition matrix model based on DBH size classes predicts that the basal area of the forest will decrease by 14% in 50 yr, but that the DBH distribution of trees > 10 cm diameter will change little. Equilibrium DBH distributions assuming recruitment being equal to mortality, were quite different between broad-leaved and coniferous trees, reflecting different survivorship curves of the two dominants. The composition and structure of the forest may change depending on the pattern and frequency of disturbances, or episodic events, notably the synchronous death of Sasa borealis.  相似文献   

Myxomycetes inhabit coarse woody debris in varying stages of decay; however, their ecology in the dead wood of evergreen broadleaf trees is not well known. In this study, we examined the relationships between myxomycete species and the decay stage of wood from fallen trees in an evergreen broadleaf forest in Japan. Myxomycete species richness and abundance were calculated for eight stages of decay in fallen logs, according to the appearance and wood hardness of log portions. A total of 70 myxomycete species (including varieties) were found on the logs. Moderately decayed wood was the preferred habitat of myxomycetes (57 species; 81% of the total) and most species inhabited moist decayed wood. Analysis by nonmetric multidimensional scaling enabled the differentiation of myxomycete assemblages, with five groupings recognized across the progression of decay. Forty-two species preferred a particular decay stage, represented by the decay index. Physarum viride and Stemonitis splendens particularly preferred the less-decayed wood and Stemonitopsis typhina var. similis especially inhabited the well-decayed wood. Species from the order Physarales dominated the less-decayed wood, whereas Trichiales and Liceales species dominated the softer well-decayed wood. Myxomycetes diversity was high in and varied among logs with various stages of decay in a typical Japanese evergreen forest.  相似文献   

The rates of treefall and canopy opening in the evergreen oak forest in southwestern Japan were determined by studying the number and size distribution of overstory trees, wind damaged trees, and canopy gaps in a belt transect in the Kasugayama Forest Reserve in Nara City. Thirty three percent of the overstory trees wereCastanopsis cuspidata. The total area of canopy gaps was about 20% of the total land area in the study area. The ages of the gaps were determined by counting the annual rings of various kinds of trees growing in gaps. By comparing gap ages with meteorological data, it became evident that gap formation was mainly caused by strong typhoons. The mean time interval between strong typhoons visiting the forest reserve, 6.57 years, was determined by applying the MNY method to the meteorological data. The treefall rate and the mean area of canopy openings per year were 0.84 overstory trees/ha·year and 55.6 m2/ha·year, respectively. The mean residence time of the forest canopy was about 180 years.  相似文献   

Nothofagus nitida (Phil.) Krasser (Nothofagaceae) regenerates under the shade. Nonetheless, older seedlings are commonly found at full sun. We tested the hypothesis that light capture and photochemical and non-photochemical energy dissipation of both photosystems PSI and PSII adjust with ontogeny and brighter environment. Light energy partitioning in both photosystems was studied in seedlings of different developmental stages (small 9.7 cm, tall 36 cm) under contrasting light environments (8–200 and 1,800–2,043 μmol photons m−2 s−1) in the Chilean evergreen temperate forest. Higher A max, dark respiration, and light compensation and saturation points in sun seedlings of both developmental stages were accompanied by higher rates of electron transport. These seedlings also showed a high fraction of open PSII reaction centres and similar non-photochemical quenching at high-light in both photosystems, showing no effect of developmental stage in these parameters. Conversely, light capture, total thermal dissipation after photoinhibition, active down-regulation of antenna efficiency, and state transitions were higher in smaller seedlings than in taller ones. These changes maintain photostasis, preventing photodamage, while favouring a more oxidized quinone pool. There is an independent effect of seedling development and light acclimation on this transition from shade to sun during early ontogeny. This transition reflects short-term responses of the photosynthetic apparatus to light and longer term responses that depend on seedling developmental stage.  相似文献   

Fujita  T.  Itaya  A.  Miura  M.  Manabe  T.  Yamamoto  S. 《Plant Ecology》2003,168(1):23-29
We used aerial photographs to create a digital elevation model of the canopy surface of a 10-ha study area in a temperate old-growth evergreen forest. A topographic map of the ground surface in a 4-ha permanent plot within the study area was also drawn from ground measurements. The difference between the two elevation values (i.e., canopy surface – ground surface) at each point in a 5-m grid was considered to be the canopy height, and a canopy height profile was constructed from these data. The canopy structure in the 4-ha plot that was estimated in this way was compared with that obtained by two ground observation methods, i.e., the canopy (vegetation) height profile method and the canopy coverage census method. Large gaps were adequately detected by the aerial photograph method, but small gaps were less often detected. Gap size distribution obtained by the aerial photograph method was similar to that observed on the ground, and was a function of gap depth. This study indicates that if a detailed topographic map can be made, the canopy height profile derived from aerial photography can be effective in analyzing the canopy structure of evergreen forests, such as tropical rain forests, over large areas.  相似文献   

P. S. Karlsson 《Oecologia》1992,91(3):346-349
Summary Leaf longevities were determined for 16 species of evergreen shurbs (Ericaceae and Empetraceae) at different habitats at three latitudes (c. 47°, 55–58° and 68°N) in central and north Europe to determine whether any general trends exist in variation in leaf longevity within and among species. Among these species and sites, mean leaf longevity varied between 1.4 and 3.8 seasons, which is similar to the values reported for other evergreen shrubs, but shorter than for many evergreen conifers. Consistent differences in leaf longevity were found when comparing latitudes (ignoring altitude and habitat type): longevities were longer at 68°N than at the two lower latitudes. No consistent trends were found among species within altitudes.  相似文献   

. On low fluvial terraces of the Caquetá River, Araracuara region, Colombia, tree root systems were examined with regard to their structure, underground stratification and biomass distribution. Excavations of skeleton roots and microscopic observation of terminal fine roots included ten species belonging to the Cecropia, Vismia, Miconia, Goupia, Clathrotropis and Brosimum genera. Roots of particular species varied in the external features of their periderm and structure of freshly cut slash. Coarse skeleton roots differed in the shape and position of the plagiotropic branches and positively geotropic taproots or sinkers. None of the observed species could be identified as a shallow-rooted tree, in spite of the general fine root concentration in the upper soil horizon. In the two seasons of study, the terminal roots displayed prevailingly secondary anatomical structure and did not maintain much primary anatomical tissue in their apices. Neither ectomycorrhizas nor endomycorrhizas were detected in the samples. In a set of regeneration stages the amount of tree roots linearly increased with the age of growth. However, fine roots below 2 mm in diameter shared 80-90% of all roots in the upper 20 cm layer of all sample plots. In an old-growth forest, the total tree root biomass amounted to 39 ton/ha, thus being comparable to the underground biomass observed in similar tropical forests.  相似文献   

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