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While there is a general assumption that labour has a positive effect on pastoral production, studies that have quantified this relationship have been characterized by ambiguous results. This is most likely related to the fact that possible cooperative pastoral production has been little explored in the literature, although it is well documented that nomadic pastoralist households share and exchange labour in so-called cooperative herding groups. Consequently, this study aims at investigating possible cooperative labour-related effects on production among Saami reindeer herders in Norway by using kinship relations as a proxy for cooperation. This study found that cooperative labour investment is important for Saami reindeer herders, but that the effect of kinship and labour needs to be understood in relation to each other. When assessing the effect of labour and kinship simultaneously, both labour and genealogical relationship had positive effects on herd size. We also found a positive interaction between kinship and labour suggesting that high levels of relatedness coupled with a large potential labour pool had an increasingly positive effect on herd size.  相似文献   

The seasonal workload combined with increased dairy herd sizes and a declining workforce have created social sustainability challenges for pasture-based dairy farms. Effective work organisation can build productive capacity that may have a positive impact on this scenario. Our objective was to develop a framework to characterise and examine the effect of work organisation on the working situations of the people involved in a sample of 55 pasture-based dairy farms in Ireland. We conceptualised that effective work organisation on a dairy farm could be considered as a system that is efficient from a labour input perspective, resulting in a profitable farming system with outcomes of good operator well-being, health and safety, and quality of life. A literature review established efficiency & productivity, flexibility and standardisation as our three characteristics of work organisation. Using data from an existing labour time-use study completed from the 1st February to 30th June 2019, we aimed to test the veracity of these work organisation characteristics in the Irish pasture-based dairy system. Two proxy indicators were selected to represent each of the three work organisation characteristics, and each of the 55 farms were categorised into quartiles based on their ranking for these six indicators (1 = most effective quartile to 4 = least effective quartile). The most and least effective quartiles of farms for work organisation showed similar levels of farm labour input and labour efficiency. Farmers in the most effective work organisation quartile were working 51.2 h/week from February to June compared with 70.0 h/week for farmers in the least effective quartile, which was attributed to later start times, earlier finish times, and more time at non-farm activity. Farms achieving effective work organisation had a labour-efficient system with relatively low farmer working hours. Extension of the work organisation concept to other farms could improve their labour situation and aid in alleviating some of the key quality of life challenges faced by dairy farmers.  相似文献   

Based on ethnographic research in the marble quarries of Carrara in north Italy, this article offers an experiential interpretation of work and labour. Intended as a critique of more structurally determined accounts of the labour process, the article examines the ways in which the experience and meanings of work can be found in the domain of intersubjectivity, articulated both in the discursive practices and interactions of co-workers, as well as through the everyday embodied activity and lived experience of quarrying itself. The first section deals with the relationship between quarry workers and the natural environment. In the second section I explore the relationship between craft identity, the embodied experience of labour and collective narratives of masculinity.  相似文献   

Reliance upon unpaid and committed family labour is said to make many ethnic businesses competitive. However, most analysts' references to this labour have not taken into account the nature of family members' and, in particular, children's work roles or the ways in which their labour is elicited and maintained. Here, the nature of children's labour participation in ethnic businesses is investigated in the case of families running Chinese take‐away businesses in Britain. This article focuses on how children in these families understand their often double‐edged experiences of ‘helping out’, as part of a ‘family work contract’, and on the ways in which families negotiate children's labour over time. Given these families' experiences of migration and ethnic minority status, I argue that Chinese children's work in take‐away businesses must be examined in relation to the intersections of family obligations and relationships, livelihood strategies and pressures, and issues of cultural identity.  相似文献   

The authors studied the influence of exercise with a submaximal intensity on the thermal state, gas and energy exchange, cardiovascular system, exercise capacity, and subjective status in 11 track-and-field athletes in two microclimatic regimens (temperature and relative humidity of the air 21 ± 1°C and 78 ± 3% vs. 31 ± 1°C and 80 ± 2%). The character and manifestation of functional shifts in the subjects' bodies highly depended on the conditions of heat exchange with the environment. Based on these results, the authors recommended a minimum complex of physiological criteria for regulating the duration of work with preset intensity under conditions of impeded heat dissipation.  相似文献   

A recent anthropological literature on arms‐carrying and violence has sought to understand these undertakings as modes of labour and work. In contrast, I focus on threats, specifically threats made in conjunction with rebellion in the Central African Republic (CAR). Doing so show what the violence/labour approach has missed. Far from seeking to adapt to the exigencies of flexible, uncertain labour circumstances, these men seek to leverage the interests of international interveners in Central African conflicts and revive a statist, entitlement‐centred system in which getting paid indicates status, not work produced. As such, their threats are a critique of their expendability, and a critique of violence, at the same time as they perpetuate the importance of a capacity for violence as a political and personal asset.  相似文献   

Following large-scale labour migration from Poland to the Norwegian construction sector since 2004, new ethnic divisions of labour have been established between the usually native core workforces of construction firms, and Polish migrant workers hired through temporary subcontracting and staffing agencies. Survey data suggest that there is very little mobility between these segments of the labour market. The establishment and reproduction of this ethnic division of labour is analysed through qualitative interviews with Norwegian employers and Polish migrant workers. Polish migrants and their particular ‘work culture’ are perceived by Norwegian employers as well-suited for work in the firms’ temporary external workforces but unfit for permanent positions unless they assimilate to a ‘Norwegian work culture’. These stereotyped employment practices are reinforced by the migrants’ own tactical use of the cultural capital available to them when negotiating the conflicting expectations in different job segments.  相似文献   

Oncologists and related health care professionals (HCPs) do not only have to follow professional protocols in their everyday work, but also have to communicate proper attitudes towards patients suffering from malignant diseases. This task is often a heavier load than the implementation of professional activities themselves. The present article is based on a survey on HCP work motivation, employment parameters and correlations with emotional labour. Fifty oncology HCPs at Debrecen University Medical Health Sciences Centre volunteered to participate in this survey containing 20 simple-choice questions. More than 90 percent of HCPs make an effort to hide their emotional state, giving way to possible negative side effects. The survey showed significant differences between the level of emotional labour of those working in the field of oncology longer or shorter than ten years. Surface and deep emotional labour is more frequent among professionals already working in oncology for a longer period of time. This can serve us with explanation to the burn-out syndrome so frequent in this profession. To diminish the load of emotional labour, healthcare institutes have to aim at hiring employees that spontaneously fit the emotional and behavioural norms facing them, and do not need officially prescribed behavioural norms for everyday work. Their constant need for respect and appreciation of their values must be kept in mind, because the capability of genuine emotional labour diminishes parallel to the number of years spent in work.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of the photophase light intensity on the scotophase melatonin response. Twelve, 8-month-old crossbred gilts were allocated to three groups of four and housed in temperature- and lighting-controlled climate rooms. The rooms had a light intensity of 40, 200 or 10,000 lx and a light-dark cycle of 12 L:12 D. The gilts were allowed to acclimatize to a new lighting regimen for 1 week before being sampled at 2h intervals for 24h. Following the sampling, pigs were transferred under a different light intensity, allowed to adjust for 1 week and sampled again. The procedure was repeated three times so that all the groups went through all three lighting regimens (light intensities). All the gilts exhibited a clear circadian serum melatonin rhythm under each lighting regimen with high melatonin concentrations occurring during the scotophase. There was no difference in the scotophase melatonin response in terms of mean concentrations or duration of increased melatonin levels within or between the groups under different lighting regimens. There was considerable inter-individual variation in the dark phase melatonin response but the individual profiles were consistent under the different lighting regimens. It is concluded that when a certain threshold light intensity (<40lx) is exceeded, the photophase light intensity has no effect on the scotophase melatonin response. These results imply that extremely high light intensities during the photophase would provide no additional benefits compared with normal comfortable light intensity, if artificial lighting programs were introduced to commercial piggeries in order to reduce seasonal effects on reproduction.  相似文献   

In this work it is shown how anthropological data are among the most needed factors in ergonomical valorization of crew working spaces. Ship's working or living environment involves many unique human factors, which should be specially considered in our case as limitation of crew space. In this work we have chosen ships of different years of construction to prove this tendency. As a micro study, the work posture analysis using the pulling force experiment is performed in order to determine lumbar moment, intra-abdominal pressure as a measure of evaluating and comparing different crew work positions. As a macro-study, the "crew work posture analysis" was carried out by the use of the data collected from real cases. The most probable work postures in different spaces of a ship are classified and after some corrections of the work place the profile and its grade were determined. The "statistical analysis for real ship's spaces" is also performed, as well as another macro study, in order to show some real designed ship spaces from the point of view of the allocated volume.  相似文献   

Bangladesh has emerged as a leading ship breaking nation. We conducted a material flow analysis of steel in Bangladesh with an emphasis on the ship breaking industry (SBI). The total aggregate domestic steel consumption in fiscal year (FY) 2010 was 2,930,000 tonnes (t) in Bangladesh; SBI met approximately 51% of the demand for raw materials and 37% of the demand for finished steel products. Rolling industries output in FY2010 was 1,451,000 t; 23% of the input for this production was from ship breaking sources. Dismantled ships also generate high‐quality reusable steel scraps. SBI was found to be the sole source of scraps for small rerolling industries in Bangladesh, and their output in 2008 more than doubled as compared to 2005. Larger rolling industries fulfilled their input needs for steel scraps by using both SBI and imported materials. We found a sharp increase in input imports during the global ship breaking recession in 2003–2007 and when Bangladesh's SBI faced a temporary ban in 2010. Induction furnaces in Bangladesh in FY2010 produced a total of 787,000 t of billets; more than 40% was from ship‐sourced scraps. In 2008, the country's steel consumption was 3,220,000 t, that is, 22 kilograms per person, and the intensity of steel use was 40 grams per U.S. dollar, which was much higher than that of other developing countries with a similar per capita gross domestic product (GDP). The country exhibited a high level of steel consumption relative to its GDP, which is indicative of the contribution of SBI.  相似文献   

Child labour is usually analysed within the framework of exploitation. This essay is an attempt to analyse children's economic activities in the street using the concept ‘surcharge”, which may be defined as a child's negative experience of overload or over work. In the comparison between dissatisfactory and satisfactory working conditions, it has been argued that the first is linked not only to a lack of protection, but also to a lack of autonomy and recognition. Analyses include examinations of extreme conditions, different representations of the family, childhood and labour, as too women's roles. Such dimensions are considered essential for the comprehension of children's experience, since they are often surcharged due to the lack of economic resources, the unequal division of labour within the family and contradictory practices found in the research population. Examples of those difficulties draw on children and families' experiences of compulsory and ‘free’ education. The author concludes the need for better knowledge of socialisation processes and children's experience of work that should ideally integrate into the theoretical framework of exploitation.  相似文献   

In the field of syndromic surveillance, various sources are exploited for outbreak detection, monitoring and prediction. This paper describes a study on queries submitted to a medical web site, with influenza as a case study. The hypothesis of the work was that queries on influenza and influenza-like illness would provide a basis for the estimation of the timing of the peak and the intensity of the yearly influenza outbreaks that would be as good as the existing laboratory and sentinel surveillance. We calculated the occurrence of various queries related to influenza from search logs submitted to a Swedish medical web site for two influenza seasons. These figures were subsequently used to generate two models, one to estimate the number of laboratory verified influenza cases and one to estimate the proportion of patients with influenza-like illness reported by selected General Practitioners in Sweden. We applied an approach designed for highly correlated data, partial least squares regression. In our work, we found that certain web queries on influenza follow the same pattern as that obtained by the two other surveillance systems for influenza epidemics, and that they have equal power for the estimation of the influenza burden in society. Web queries give a unique access to ill individuals who are not (yet) seeking care. This paper shows the potential of web queries as an accurate, cheap and labour extensive source for syndromic surveillance.  相似文献   

Circadian variation in biological rhythms has been identified as affecting both labour pain and the pharmacological properties of analgesics. In the context of pain, there is also a growing body of evidence suggesting the importance of adult attachment. The purpose of this study was to examine whether labour pain, analgesic consumption and pharmacological effect are significantly affected by the time of day and to analyse whether this circadian variation is influenced by women’s attachment style. This prospective observational study included a sample of 81 pregnant women receiving patient-controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA). Attachment was assessed with the Adult Attachment Scale – Revised. The perceived intensity of labour pain in the early stage of labour (3?cm of cervical dilatation and before the administration of PCEA) was measured using a visual analogue scale (VAS). Pain was also indirectly assessed by measuring the consumption of anaesthetics. The latency period and the duration of effect were recorded for a chronopharmacology characterisation. Pain, as assessed with the VAS, was significantly higher in the night-time group than in the daytime group. An insecure attachment style was significantly associated with greater labour pain at 3?cm of cervical dilatation (p?<?0.001) and before the beginning of analgesia (p?<?0.001) as well as with higher analgesic consumption and lower pharmacological efficacy (p?<?0.05). The time of day was significantly associated with the pharmacological effect: the latency period was longer at night, and the duration of the pharmacological effect was longer during the daytime. The interaction between time of day and attachment style was not significant for any of the study variables. Our results provide evidence of the importance of circadian variation in studying labour pain and the pharmacological effect of labour analgesia involving epidural blockage with a PCEA regimen. Moreover, although there was no evidence that attachment style influenced the circadian variation, these data emphasise that insecure attachment patterns are a risk factor for greater labour pain and analgesic consumption, which should be considered in pain management approaches.  相似文献   

This article examines the moral economy of the Gambian Mandinka household, focusing on girls' labour contributions in the time of neoliberalism. Scholarship on the moral economy of the household within rural production systems reduces the term to altruism and harmony within the domestic unit. This article provides a more theoretically nuanced understanding of the moral economy of the household, with a focus on the cultural codes that underpin intra‐household relations, the inter‐generational contract, as well as the generational and gendered hierarchies that inform processes of negotiation in relation to labour contributions. Transitions in the moral economy of the household can be captured in the shifting nature of girls' labour contributions and in their changing attitudes towards these contributions. Interpretations of work obligations are increasingly framed in terms of exchanges and incentives. Further, girls aspire to get an education and a good job, or marry well in order to move out of farming. Such novel interpretations and practices recast the moral economy of the household as dynamic and subject to change. These ethnographic insights have relevance for the anthropological study of children's labour, intra‐household relations, and the moral economy of the household.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe an electromyogram (EMG) pattern during a submaximal eccentric task in 7 subjects adapted to high-force chronic eccentric exercise and 6 subjects naive to eccentric exercise. The EMG in all subjects was quantified during identical submaximal (200 W) eccentric and concentric cycle ergometry tasks. The EMG of the eccentrically adapted subjects was decreased (p < 0.05) compared to the eccentrically naive subjects, in duration, amplitude, and intensity as evidenced by a decreased EMG during the pedal cycle. This decrease may be one component of the protective effect that results from progressively increasing repeated bouts of eccentric muscle work. Clients and patients transitioning to rigorous overload training should become adapted to high eccentric loads and forces to avoid injury and a potential delay in their strength and conditioning training regimens.  相似文献   

We briefly review the literature on the division of labour in ant colonies with monomorphic worker populations, and show that there are anomalies in current theories and in the interpretation of existing data sets. Most ant colonies are likely to be in unstable situations and therefore we doubt if an age-based division of labour can be sufficiently flexible. We present data for a type of small ant colony in a highly seasonal environment, concentrating on individually marked older workers. We show that contrary to expectation such workers undertake a wide variety of tasks and can even retain their ability to reproduce, even whilst younger workers are actively foraging. Our analysis shows that old workers occupy four distinct spatial stations within the nest and that these are related to the tasks they perform. We suggest that correlations between age and task in many ant colonies might simply be based on ants foraging for work, i.e. actively seeking tasks to perform and remaining faithful to these as long as they are profitably employed. For this reason, employed older workers effectively displace unemployed younger workers into other tasks. In a companion paper, Tofts 1993,Bull. math. Biol. develops an algorithm that shows how foraging for work can be an efficient and flexible mechanism for the division of labour in social insects. The algorithm creates a correlation between age and task purely as a by-product of itsmodus operandi.  相似文献   

The wider use of allogeneic stem cell transplantation (allo-SCT) is still limited by the immunologic recognition and destruction of host tissues, termed graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). The role of inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-alpha and IL-1, and their impact on immune effectors (mainly CD4+ and CD8+ T) cells has been extensively studied in the context of GVHD occurring after standard myeloablative allo-SCT. However, recent data suggested that GVHD pathophysiology is likely to involve more complex interactions where antigen-presenting cells, especially dendritic cells (DCs), may play a major role at time of initiation of acute GVHD. In addition, the wider use of reduced intensity and less toxic conditioning (RIC) regimens prior to allo-SCT would allow better visualization of the fine functions of immune effectors, thereby offering a window of opportunities to better decipher the intimate pathophysiological mechanisms underlying GVHD. The aim of this work is to review the available research evidence on the role of DCs as in vivo regulators of alloimmune reactivity, and their interactions with other immune effectors.  相似文献   

Research on the role of co-ethnic ties in immigrants’ labour market outcomes has reached mixed conclusions. Some argue they are a valuable resource, increasing immigrants’ labour force participation and wages; others find negative effects such as trapping workers in low-quality employment. Thus far very few quantitative studies have investigated systematically the circumstances under which migrant networks work. Taking advantage of unique data on Senegalese men in France, Italy and Spain, this paper shows that the receiving context shapes the role of pre-migration ties. In France, where the Senegalese community is well-established and socio-economically diverse, networks lead to better economic prospects. In contrast, pre-migration ties in Italy and Spain mostly lead to the perpetuation of ethnic niches developed by the Senegalese in small and precarious trade activities. The article emphasizes the benefits of adopting a comparative and diachronic approach and calls for future work on the factors shaping the role of networks.  相似文献   

The effect of 2 thawing regimens (37 degrees C for 8 sec and 55 degrees C for 5 sec) was followed up on semen parameters related to the viability of canine spermatozoa. The ejaculates were frozen in the form of pellets on dry ice in the following cryoprotective extenders: TRIS-fructose (TF), TRIS-glucose (TG), and sucrose-lactose (SL). For the 3 extenders, significant differences were found in the percentage of motile spermatozoa and their survival rate up to 300 min in favor of the 55 degrees C vs the 37 degrees C thawing regimens. Structural changes such as swelling, breakage and absence of acrosomes were observed in the samples frozen in the 3 cryoprotective extenders. A considerably lower percentage of spermatozoa with damaged acrosomes was recorded at 55 degrees C in comparison with that found at 37 degrees C (P < 0.05 for TG, TF and SL). Enzymocytochemical analysis was made of NADH-tetrazolium reductase activity in thawed spermatozoa. Cells showing moderate and strong intensity of the cytochemical reaction were found after both regimens of thawing. The percentage of spermatozoa manifesting strong intensity of the reaction was comparatively higher after thawing at 55 degrees C (31.8 +/- 2.06) than at 37 degrees C (23.7 +/- 1.41; P < 0.01). The thawing regimens were the factors that exerted influence on the morphofunctional state of frozen canine spermatozoa, irrespective of the cryoprotective extenders used, in the present study. Thus the optimal preservation of sperm viability was achieved by thawing at 55 degrees C for 5 sec.  相似文献   

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