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Ten persons occupationally exposed to ethylene oxide (EO), used in the sterilization of medical instruments, were studied at a hospital. The estimated concentration to which they were exposed was 60–69 ppm, TWA. Peripheral blood samples from 10 workers and 10 controls of the same age and sex were taken to determine the frequency of sister-chromatid exchanges (SCE) and chromosomal aberrations (CA). The mean frequencies of SCE/cell (X = S) were 13.27 for the exposed workers and 6.05 for controls. Chromosome aberration frequencies in exposed individuals were significantly increased compared with controls. A significant relationship between the frequencies of SCE and CA and EO exposure was demonstrated. Blood chemistry parameters such as urea, creatinine, uric acid, lactic dehydrogenase, glutamic oxaloacetic and pyruvic transaminases, luteinizing gonadotropin and follicle stimulating gonadotropin and thyrotropin were also measured and found to be within the normal range.  相似文献   

Mutagenic effects of ethylene oxide have been demonstrated by short-term testing in vitro and in vivo in several organisms. Its oncogenic activity for man has been suspected and recently supported by experiments in mice. Exposure can occur during ethylene oxide gas sterilization of medical materials. We have tested effects on chromosomes by estimating sister chromatids exchange (SCE) frequency. Our results, reported here, show that exposure to this substance during work is followed by a very highly significant increase of SCE frequency as compared with controls. Thus, the SCE test may, under particular conditions, represent a reliable test for exposure to certain toxic agents.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic damage in workers exposed to ethylene oxide   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sister-chromatid exchanges (SECs) and chromosomal aberrations (CAs) were detected in the peripheral lymphocytes of 41 sanitary workers exposed to ethylene oxide (EO) in the sterilizing units of 8 hospitals in the Venice Region. The first group (19 workers) was exposed to 10.7 +/- 4.9 ppm EO, expressed as the time-weighted average concentration for an 8-h working day (TWA/8 h conc.), and the second group (22 workers) to 0.35 +/- 0.12 ppm. Each exposed worker was paired with a control of similar age and smoking habits. A highly significant (P less than 0.001) increase in the mean frequency of SCEs was found in the higher exposure group, 14 (74%) exposed subjects having significantly increased levels of SCEs compared to their matched controls. In the lower exposure group, the increase in mean frequency of SCEs was lower, though still significant (P less than 0.05): 7 (33%) exposed subjects had higher and 1 (5%) had a lower SCE level than the matched controls. From the first group, 10 subjects, 7 of whom had increased SCE levels, were reanalysed 12-18 months after their exposure had been lowered or interrupted: in only 2 of them the SCE level was significantly decreased. A statistically significant correlation between SCE frequency and level of EO exposure (TWA/8 h conc.), as well as a multiple correlation between SCE level and EO exposure, smoking and age were found. However, no interaction could be detected between EO exposure and smoking in the induction of SCEs. In controls, SCE frequency was correlated with smoking and age. In the higher exposure group, the number of both chromatid- and chromosome-type aberrations, independent of gaps, was significantly increased, whereas in the lower exposure group only the frequency of chromosome-type aberrations, excluding gaps, was statistically higher than in controls. The level of CAs remained to a great extent unchanged in the 10 subjects re-examined at a later stage after lowering or halting exposure. Taking the group as a whole, the frequency of cells with total CAs was found to be weakly (P = 0.05) correlated with EO exposure, and was not correlated with smoking, age or SCE frequency.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic analysis in workers occupationally exposed to nickel carbonyl   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
D C Cai  M Jin  L Han  S Wu  Z Q Xie  X S Zheng 《Mutation research》1987,188(2):149-152
Chromosomal aberration and sister-chromatid exchange (SCE) base-line frequencies and SCE frequencies induced by 10 ng/ml mitomycin C (MMC) were analysed in cultured peripheral lymphocytes of 65 workers occupationally exposed to nickel carbonyl Ni(CO)4. The subjects were divided into 4 groups: (1) control; (2) exposed to nickel carbonyl (= exposed); (3) cigarette smokers; (4) smoking-exposed. The results show that there are no significant differences in chromosomal aberration frequencies, breaks or gaps, between the various groups. However, the SCE base-line frequency of the smoking-exposed group, with an average of 7.7/cell, was significantly higher than that of the control group, with an average of 6.5/cell (P less than 0.01), and also than that of the exposed group with an average of 5.9/cell (P less than 0.01). Similarly, the SCE frequency induced by 10 ng/ml MMC in the smoking-exposed group which averaged 15.5/cell was significantly higher than that of the control group (average of 13.2/cell (P less than 0.05], and also than that of the exposed group with an average of 12.3/cell (P less than 0.01). Under our experimental conditions, it may be that the level of exposure was not high enough to elicit an increase in chromosomal aberrations and SCE frequencies in the non-smoker exposed group. The fact that an increase in SCE frequencies was only found in the smoking-exposed group implies that the two factors, smoking and exposure to nickel carbonyl, are jointly responsible for the result.  相似文献   

Tobacco dust mainly contains nitrosamines, which are readily absorbed by the body tissues like skin, respiratory epithelium, and mucous membrane of mouth, nose and intestines. Exposure to tobacco dust is known to affect the respiratory tracts in humans. In the present study, cytogenetic effects of exposure to tobacco dust are evaluated in 154 male tobacco factory workers and 138 age and sex matched controls by analysing chromosomal aberrations in their peripheral blood lymphocytes. The workers were in the age group of 20-55 years and were employed in the tobacco processing factory for 1-32 years. Heparinised blood samples were collected from workers and control subjects and lymphocyte cultures were carried out by using standard technique. Slides were prepared and 150 metaphases were screened for each sample for various structural and numerical types of abnormalities. A statistically significant increase was observed in the frequencies of chromosomal aberrations in non-smoking and smoking exposed groups when compared to the respective controls. An increase in the frequencies of chromosomal aberrations was also observed with increase in years of service in the exposed subjects.  相似文献   

The genetic risk run by workers occupationally exposed to styrene vapors was assessed in two different plants A and B, using the cytogenetic analysis of peripheral blood lymphocytes. In plant A engaged in the manufacture of polystyrene vessels the mean styrene exposure level was found to range between 70 and 150 mg . m-3, in plant B manufacturing sports boats, plastic slides for children and plastic guard-stones it reached the level of about 200 mg . m-3. The rate of aberrant cells (AB.C.) found in plant A workers (N = 36) at the time of first sampling was 1.38% and the value of break/cell (B/C) ratio was 0.015; at the second sampling the rate of AB.C. was 1.41% and the B/C ratio was 0.014. The group of matched controls (N = 19) was found to have 1.26% of AB.C. and 0.014 breaks per cell. Plant B workers (N = 22) exhibited at the first sampling 1.72% of AB.C. and their value of B/C ratio was 0.018, the group of matched controls (N = 22) had 1.36% of AB.C and the B/C ratio 0.015; the respective values at the time of second sampling were 2.81% for AB.C. rate and 0.029 for B/C ratio in the exposed and 1.89% for AB.C. rate and 0.021 for B/C ratio in the control group. It is concluded that styrene exposure levels below 100 mg . m-3 do not pose any serious genetic risk for the exposed population groups. The variations found in the degree of chromosome injury by smoking habits, drug intake pattern, or sex were not statistically significant.  相似文献   

Chromosome aberration frequencies in 61 employees potentially exposed to ethylene oxide (ETO) were compared with those in unexposed control groups. We studied 3 worksites with differing historical ambient levels of ETO. Within worksites, groups were classified as high potential exposed, low potential exposed, or controls. Further control groups including an off-site community control group were added to give a total of 304 control individuals. Blood samples were drawn several times over a 24-month period. Aberrations were analyzed in 100 cells per sample after culture for 48-51 h. Worksites I, II and III respectively represented increasing levels of potential ETO exposure. At worksites I and II, no consistent differences in aberration frequencies were found among groups. At worksite III aberration frequencies in potentially exposed individuals were significantly increased compared with controls. The frequencies of cells with aberrations were 5.6% for the 2 individuals in the high potential exposure category and 2.6% for 23 persons in the low potential exposure group. The overall frequency of cells with aberrations in the matched control individuals was 1.4%. In the total control group of 304 individuals we found significant increases in aberrations associated with smoking and with increasing age. We have also reported previously an association between sister-chromatid exchange (SCE) frequency and ETO exposure (Stolley et al., 1984). When aberration frequencies were compared with levels of SCEs there was only a weak overall association. The correlation was found in potentially exposed but not in control groups, and for any individual, one observation could not be used to predict the other.  相似文献   

V Senft  F Losan  M Tucek 《Mutation research》1992,279(3):171-179
The authors carried out a cytogenetic examination of chromosomal aberrations of peripheral lymphocytes (100 cells evaluated in each sample) with simultaneous monitoring of the level of exposure by means of determination of nickel in the urine, serum and hair. The series included 21 workers occupationally exposed to nickel at two workshops producing NiO (6 persons) and NiSO4 (15 persons) in a chemical plant. At the same time a comparable control group, i.e., 19 workers of the same chemical plant but without any direct occupational nickel exposure (clerks, service men, etc.), were examined in the same way. In the exposed group chromosomal aberrations of peripheral lymphocytes were detected with an average value of 6.41 +/- 1.9% (range 2-14%); in the group producing NiO it was, on the average, 9.5 +/- 3.2% (range 7-14%) whereas in the NiSO4 production workers it was only 5.2 +/- 1.9% (range 2-10%). There was a dependence of chromosomal aberrations of peripheral lymphocytes on the exposure time and on the nickel content of the biological material. Significantly increased values (in contrast to the normal value of chromosomal aberrations of peripheral lymphocytes, up to 2%) were detected in the control group as well (average value of 4.05 +/- 2.27%, range 1-10%). The authors explain this fact by the nickel-polluted environment of the whole observed chemical plant.  相似文献   

The frequency of micronuclei in both buccal cells and peripheral blood lymphocytes is extensively used as a biomarker of chromosomal damage and genome stability in human populations. We examined whether prolonged exposure to complex mixtures of pesticides leads to an increase in cytogenetic damage. The exposed group comprised 50 agricultural aviators, mainly from Central and Southeast regions of Brazil, who had inhaled agrochemicals for more than 10 years without personal protection equipment; the control group consisted of 17 men from the same regions, without indication of exposure to pesticides, There were three times higher frequencies of micronuclei (P < 0.05) and 2.5 times higher frequencies of binucleated cells in the aviators when compared to controls. However, cytotoxic alterations such as broken eggs and karyorrhexis did not present statistically significant differences between the exposed and control groups. Therefore, diverse agrochemicals used to combat pests in agriculture possess genotoxic effects in the oral mucosa of the agricultural pilots, as showed in this study.  相似文献   

A cytogenetic monitoring study was carried out on a group of workers in clinical analysis laboratories to investigate the risk of occupational exposure to chronic low levels of chemicals.Thirty-four clinical laboratories have been involved in the study. In these laboratories, toxicants and analytical procedures utilized have been characterized. The individual occupational exposure of workers was assessed by use of a questionnaire concerning the chemical substances utilized. About 300 different chemicals have been identified.Cytogenetic analyses (chromosomal aberration and micronucleus tests) were carried out on a strictly selected group of 50 workers enrolled from these laboratories and compared to 53 controls (healthy blood donors) matched for gender and age.The exposed group shows a significantly higher frequency of genetic damage than the control group. Both chromatid and chromosome aberration frequencies in workers appear significantly higher than in controls. Similarly, comparison between micronucleated cells rates of exposed and unexposed groups show significantly higher frequencies of binucleated cells with micronucleus (BNMN) and of total micronuclei (MN tot) in workers than in controls.  相似文献   

A cytogenetic monitoring study was carried out on a group of workers in clinical analysis laboratories to investigate the risk of occupational exposure to chronic low levels of chemicals.Thirty-four clinical laboratories have been involved in the study. In these laboratories, toxicants and analytical procedures utilized have been characterized. The individual occupational exposure of workers was assessed by use of a questionnaire concerning the chemical substances utilized. About 300 different chemicals have been identified.Cytogenetic analyses (chromosomal aberration and micronucleus tests) were carried out on a strictly selected group of 50 workers enrolled from these laboratories and compared to 53 controls (healthy blood donors) matched for gender and age.The exposed group shows a significantly higher frequency of genetic damage than the control group. Both chromatid and chromosome aberration frequencies in workers appear significantly higher than in controls. Similarly, comparison between micronucleated cells rates of exposed and unexposed groups show significantly higher frequencies of binucleated cells with micronucleus (BNMN) and of total micronuclei (MN tot) in workers than in controls.  相似文献   

Chromosome aberration tests were carried out in a group of 31 pressed glass makers operating an automatic line of press-and-blow machines known to release mineral oil mists containing relatively high concentrations of the mutagenic chemicals belonging to a class of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). The workers were exposed to the mineral oil aerosol levels that did not exceed the Czechoslovak maximum allowable concentration limit of 5 mg . m-1 of air. The tests revealed that the frequency of aberrant cells (% AB.C.) and the value of breaks per cell (B/C) ratio found in mineral oil-exposed workers were increased significantly, accounting for 4.65 +/- 0.29% AB.C. (0.0532 B/C) vs. 1.13 +/- 0.19% AB.C. (0.0113 B/C) seen in matching controls. Also, a higher rate of dicentrics, reciprocal translocations and cells with pulverization was observed in this group of glass workers. These finding are considered as evidence suggesting that these workers might experience an increased risk of genetic injury due to exposure to mineral oil mists.  相似文献   

The recognition that AIDS originated as a zoonosis heightens public health concerns associated with human infection by simian retroviruses endemic in nonhuman primates (NHPs). These retroviruses include simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), simian T-cell lymphotropic virus (STLV), simian type D retrovirus (SRV), and simian foamy virus (SFV). Although occasional infection with SIV, SRV, or SFV in persons occupationally exposed to NHPs has been reported, the characteristics and significance of these zoonotic infections are not fully defined. Surveillance for simian retroviruses at three research centers and two zoos identified no SIV, SRV, or STLV infection in 187 participants. However, 10 of 187 persons (5.3%) tested positive for SFV antibodies by Western blot (WB) analysis. Eight of the 10 were males, and 3 of the 10 worked at zoos. SFV integrase gene (int) and gag sequences were PCR amplified from the peripheral blood lymphocytes available from 9 of the 10 persons. Phylogenetic analysis showed SFV infection originating from chimpanzees (n = 8) and baboons (n = 1). SFV seropositivity for periods of 8 to 26 years (median, 22 years) was documented for six workers for whom archived serum samples were available, demonstrating long-standing SFV infection. All 10 persons reported general good health, and secondary transmission of SFV was not observed in three wives available for WB and PCR testing. Additional phylogenetic analysis of int and gag sequences provided the first direct evidence identifying the source chimpanzees of the SFV infection in two workers. This study documents more frequent infection with SFV than with other simian retroviruses in persons working with NHPs and provides important information on the natural history and species origin of these infections. Our data highlight the importance of studies to better define the public health implications of zoonotic SFV infections.  相似文献   

The UDS efficiency in lymphocytes of professionals chronically exposed to gamma/neutron radiation, as well as for a control cohort was estimated. A credible reduction of UV-induced UDS (KUV) index as compared to the control was demonstrated. This shows an invalid repair state of blood cells in professionals. As for the control cohort, the decreasing tendency of UDS index with age was found. The correlative analysis of UDS index dependence upon an absorbed dose (based on physical dosimetry data) revealed the trend towards repair index reduction along with a higher total absorbed doze, that is followed by UDS index coming onto a plateau. It was also demonstrated that after a sharp and/or accidental irradiation UDS index reduces as compared to permanent portioned irradiation. It was not observed the influence of smoking upon UDS efficiency in blood lymphocytes neither for control, nor for experimental group. The analysis of vitamin therapy of the both cohorts showed that such therapy raises UDS index of the control (i.e., non-professional) group. Besides, it was found out an additional positive effect of vitamin therapy, i.e. doze leveling in long-term perspective after irradiation. The most expressed KUV/doze correlation was characteristic for professionals, who do not take vitamins and do not smoke. This proves that in blood cells of professionals it is preserved a dependence of repair system invalidity upon the absorbed doze without similar external factors.  相似文献   

Ethylbenzene is synthesized from benzene; subject to catalytic dehydrogenation it yields styrene, a raw material for the production of synthetic rubber and plastics. Long-term biomonitoring of occupational ethylbenzene exposures, carried out in the past 20 years in some 200 ethylbenzene-production workers, revealed this substance to pose little hazard to human health. As it turned out, mandelic acid concentrations in these workers' urine never exceeded 3.25 mmol.l-1 and none of the exposed showed damage to hematopoiesis and/or liver tissue. Over the last 10 years no case of malignancy has been recorded in this industrial facility belonging to a larger chemical complex where the overall incidence of cancer is about 3 times the national average. Today's low-level ethylbenzene exposures would make it fully justifiable if the present-day MAC limits, both whole-shift (200 mg.m-3) and peak (1,000 mg.m-3), were to be halved, i.e. to be lowered to 100 mg.m3 and 500 mg.m3 respectively. These newly recommended limit values are no more exceeded nowadays.  相似文献   

When compared with non-exposed controls, a group of pesticide plant workers chronically exposed to methyl-parathion did not show an increased frequency of chromosome aberrations in lymphocyte cultures. Although methyl-parathion increased chromosome aberrations in cases of intoxication, a chronic exposure to small doses in the work place did not seem to produce the same effect.  相似文献   

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