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Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the most important inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system (CNS). Degradation of GABA in the CNS is catalyzed by the action of GABA transaminase (GABA-T). However, the neuroanatomical characteristics of GABA-T in the gerbil, which is a useful experimental animal in neuroscience, are still unknown. Therefore, we performed a comparative analysis of the distribution of GABA-T in rat and gerbil brains using immunohistochemistry. GABA-T immunoreactive neurons were observed in the regions which contained GABAergic neurons of both animals: corpus striatum; substantia nigra, pars reticulata; septal nucleus; and accumbens nucleus. GABA-T + neurons were restricted to layers III and V in the rat. Unlike the rat GABA-T + neurons were observed in layers II, III, and V of the gerbil cerebral cortex. These results suggest that the expression of GABA-T in the gerbil brain may be similar to that in the rat brain, except in the cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

The presence of immunoreactive (ir)-bombesin in bovine adrenal medulla, isolated adrenal chromaffin cells and subcellular fractions of the adrenal medulla was demonstrated using a specific antibody to the synthetic peptide. High levels of ir-bombesin were detected in acid (HCl) extracts of the adrenal tissue (27 pmol/g) and isolated cells (0.35 pmol per 10(6) cells). Subpopulations of adrenal chromaffin cells were also obtained by centrifugation of the original cell preparation through a stepwise bovine serum albumin gradient (cell layers I, II and III). The highest concentration of ir-bombesin (0.77 pmol/10(6) cells) was found in a cell population (cell layer I) enriched in noradrenaline (adrenaline/noradrenaline ratio of 0.6). At the subcellular level, ir-bombesin was mainly concentrated in the secretory granules (0.61 pmol/mg protein) along with catecholamines (1097 nmol/mg protein), but a relatively high concentration of ir-bombesin (0.26 pmol/mg protein) was also found in the microsomal fraction. Isolation and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of adrenomedullary ir-bombesin revealed the presence of four molecular forms, one of them corresponding to gastrin releasing peptide (GRP), another one (major peak) eluting closely to synthetic neuromedin B and another one coeluting with GRP-(18-27). HPLC analysis of the molecular forms of ir-bombesin in the microsomes and secretory granules indicated that GRP- and neuromedin B-like materials can be generated between the two fractions.  相似文献   

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone(GnRH)-associated peptide (GAP) is a 56-amino acid peptide found on the C-terminal of the GnRH (also called luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone) precursor and is assumed to be co-produced with GnRH. The purpose of this report is to demonstrate the presence of GAP immunoreactivity in bovine colostrum. Radioimmunoassay of acidified methanolic extracts demonstrated a concentration of GAP immunoreactivity of approximately 1.5 +/- 0.1 pmol/g dry skim bovine colostrum. Gel filtration (Sephadex G-10) and high-performance liquid chromatography of extracts containing GAP immunoreactivity showed it to be of low molecular weight and a high hydrophobic character. The presence of GAP immunoreactivity in bovine colostrum suggests that the GnRH precursor is synthesized and processed in mammary tissue itself.  相似文献   

Summary Recent studies have accomplished the establishment of a collagenous fiber-fringe matrix upon dental root surfaces in vitro. The present study was undertaken to follow the development of such a matrix in vitro and to test the possible effects of root surface treatments upon this matrix. Periodontal ligament cells, 0.1 to 0.2-mm thick dental root discs, and alveolar bone cells were derived after extraction from four partially erupted third molars and the accompanying interradicular bony septa of 1 male patient. Autologous serum was obtained by venipuncture. Cultures were initiated by delivering a 1-ml suspension of 50000 tritiated thymidine-labeled periodontal ligament cells and 50000 alveolar bone cells onto each of 42 culture sets. The following day, demineralized or non-demineralized root discs treated with autologous serum, fibronectin or complete medium were placed in pairs, separated by a 0.1–1.0 mm gap, upon the initial cell layer. Representative cultures were terminated after 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 weeks, and processed for light- and electron microscopy, morphometric analysis and autoradiography. An outstanding feature of the early cultures (2, 3 and 4 weeks) was a patchwise, random distribution of matrix making a precise developmental study impossible, although collagen fibrils were produced within the first 2 weeks. Some 3-week cultures already demonstrated a mature fiber-fringe characterized electron-microscopically as oriented, densely packed collagen fibrils closely abutting the cementum-lined root discs. The treatments (including autologous serum) used in this study had no appreciable morphologic or morphometric effect upon the fiber-fringe formed. Because none of the cultures in the present or past studies have demonstrated a true cementoid matrix, this model may not be suitable for the in-vitro study of cementum formation.  相似文献   

An increase of synaptic density has been found in the hippocampus, the dendate gyrus and in the entorhinal cortex of 6-week-old rats after 7 days of treatment with the peptidergic drug Cerebrolysin, its peptide preparation E021 and the diluted peptide preparation E021dil. Rats received drugs on postnatal days 1–7 (2.5ml/kg, each day). Controls received saline. The animals were sacrificed on days 42–48 of their life, after they had undergone behavioural testing in a Morris water maze. Slices of brain were stained immunohistochemically with anti-synaptophysin, a specific marker of presynaptic terminals. The synaptophysin-immunoreactivity of presynaptic terminals was quantified using light microscopy and a computerised image analysis system. Our results showed that rats benefit from the treatment with both drugs. A significant increase in the number of synaptophysin-immunoreactive presynaptic terminals was found in the entorhinal cortex and the hippocampal subfields CA1, CA2, CA3 stratum radiatum and CA3 stratum lucidum. The increased immunoreactive presynaptic terminals found in the present study are in accordance with the positive effects of the drugs on spatial learning and memory in young rats (Gschanes & Windisch 1999).  相似文献   

C. Xu  C. L. Yang  X. L. Du  Q. Wei  C. Li 《Peptides》1986,7(6):973-976
The unilateral or bilateral carotid arteries were ligated in gerbils used as a model of cerebral ischemia. The effect of different times of bilateral ischemia on the content of CCK-8 in fore regions of gerbil brain and the effect of 30 min of unilateral ischemia on the content of CCK-8 of the same regions in gerbils with or without neurological signs were observed. Our results show that the content of CCK-8 of cortex, basal ganglia, thalamus and hypothalamus decreased significantly. But, in brain stem it remained basically unchanged no matter whether the ischemia was unilateral or bilateral. This suggests that there is a close relationship between CCK-8 and cerebral ischemia, and raises the possibility that CCK-8 may be involved in cerebral ischemia through a yet unclear mechanism.  相似文献   

Metallothioneins belong to a family of shock proteins characterized by an unusual high content of cystein, absence of aromatic amino acids and high metal content (Zinc and Copper). Metallothioneins are ubiquitously present in a large variety of prokaryotic and eukaryotic species as well as in all mammalian organs and tissues examined thus far. To the best of our knowledge this is the first report describing the presence of metallothioneins in the pituitary gland. Metallothioneins were identified immunohistochemically and chromatographically both in the neuro and adenohypophysis of the bovine pituitary gland. Metallothioneins are highly expressed in the neurohypophyseal glial cells, and in a subpopulation of folliculo-stellate cells located in the pars intermedia of the adenohypophysis. While the specific role of these proteins in the pituitary gland remains to be established, we hypothesize that, besides their protective action against free radicals, hypophyseal metallothioneins might be involved in the regulation of metal ion homeostasis with putative implication in release of hypothalamic peptide hormones in the neurohypophysis and synthesis/release of alpha-MSH by POMC-cells located in the pars intermedia of the adenohypophysis.  相似文献   

This study investigated the expression of the protein product of the immediate early gene c-fos in the brains of female prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster) in association with pregnancy and postparturient activities including maternal behavior, lactation and postpartum estrus. Fos expression was assessed in female voles that were late in pregnancy, nonpregnant or at one of three different times postpartum (0-8, 12-24, and 24-48 h, respectively). A significant increase in the number of cells displaying Fos immunoreactivity (Fos-ir) was observed during the 0-8 h and 12-24 h postpartum time periods in the accessory olfactory bulbs, medial preoptic area, hypothalamus (specifically, the supraoptic nucleus, ventro-medial hypothalamus, and paraventricular nucleus), lateral septum, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, and primary somatosensory area of the brain. The number of Fos-ir cells decreased after 24 h postpartum. There were no significant changes in Fos-ir cell numbers in the primary olfactory bulbs, hippocampus, or caudate putamen. The neural activation of the medial preoptic area, accessory olfactory bulbs, hypothalamus, and bed nucleus is consistent with reports in rats of Fos induction associated with the onset of maternal behavior. In voles postpartum estrous behavior begins and ends 0-12 h after parturition. Maternal behavior, including lactation, is initiated at the same time but persists for several weeks. The highest Fos-ir cell numbers reported here coincide with the timing of postpartum estrous behavior in this species.  相似文献   

Ester cerebrosides isolated from whale brain were demonstrated to be a mixture of 6-O-acyl, 2-O-acyl, 4-O-acyl, and 3-O-acyl galactosyl ceramides in that order of content (Yasugi, E., et al. (1982) J. Biochem. 91, 1121-1127). However, the existence of 2-O-acyl and 4-O-acyl galactosyl ceramides has not been reported for other mammalian brains. In the present work, ester cerebrosides isolated from bovine and human brains were examined in order to determine whether the above-mentioned substitution is only present in whale brain or also present in other mammalian brains. For determining the substituted positions of the acyl group on the galactose moiety, free hydroxyl groups of ester cerebrosides were protected with dihydropyran, deacylated by mild alkali treatment, and then subjected to permethylation. Finally, the methylated galactitol acetates obtained by hydrolysis and reduction were analyzed by gas chromatography and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. By these procedures, ester cerebrosides obtained from bovine and human brains were demonstrated to be not only 6-O-acyl and 3-O-acyl galactosyl ceramides but also 2-O-acyl and 4-O-acyl galactosyl ceramides similar to those of whale brain.  相似文献   

NLRP3 inflammasome is a multiprotein complex that can sense several stimuli such as autophagy dysregulation and increased reactive oxygen species production stimulating inflammation by priming the maturation of proinflammatory cytokines interleukin-1β and interleukin-18 in their active form. In the aging brain, these cytokines can mediate the innate immunity response priming microglial activation. Here, we describe the results of immunohistochemical and molecular analysis carried out on bovine brains. Our results support the hypothesis that the age-related impairment in cellular housekeeping mechanisms and the increased oxidative stress can trigger the inflammatory danger sensor NLRP3. Moreover, according to the recent scientific literature, we demonstrate the presence of an age-related proinflammatory environment in aged brains consisting in an upregulation of interleukin-1β, an increased microglial activation and increased NLRP3 expression. Finally, we suggest that bovine may potentially be a pivotal animal model for brain aging studies.  相似文献   

A system of brain nuclei controls song learning and behavior in zebra finches (Poephila guttata). The size of song-control nuclei are much larger in males, which sing, than in females, which do not sing. This study examined the distribution of fibers, terminals, and cell bodies that are immunoreactive for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) (the rate-limiting enzyme in the synthesis of catecholamines) in song-control nuclei of adult males and females and juvenile males. In addition, the broad pattern of TH staining throughout the brain was described. There was a sex difference in TH immunoreactivity within song-control nuclei: males had light to moderate staining in all three cortical nuclei examined, whereas females had little or no label in corresponding areas [lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum (IMAN), higher vocal center (HVC), and robust nucleus of the archistriatum (RA)]. The song-control nucleus area X (X), located in the striatum of avian basal ganglia, was more darkly stained than the surrounding striatum only in males; X was not defined by more intense immunoreactivity in females and hence could not be visualized. There were no apparent differences in TH staining in males ranging in age from 50 days to adulthood (>90 days). Outside of the song-control system there were no substantive differences as a function of sex or age in the pattern or intensity of TH labeling. Major areas of telencephalic staining included the striatal region of basal ganglia, which was covered with dense, fine-grained label, and the septum, where cell bodies were encircled by extremely well-labeled thick processes. In the diencephalon, the preoptic area and hypothalamus included a complex pattern of darkly stained somata and fiber and terminal labeling. Darkly stained somata surrounded the pretectal nucleus, and labeled processes ramified throughout the superficial layers of the optic tectum. The midbrain and hindbrain contained a dense plexus of extremely dark cell bodies corresponding to mammalian substantia nigra, adjacent tegmental areas, and locus ceruleus. Labeled hindbrain cells were also seen in the pontine region, around nucleus solitarius, and in the ventrolateral medulla. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Sindbis virus induces apoptotic cell death in cultured cell lines, raising the possibility that apoptosis of infected neurons and other target cells in vivo may contribute to the resulting disease and mortality. To investigate the role of apoptosis in Sindbis virus pathogenesis, infected mouse brains were assayed by the in situ terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP nick end-labeling technique and for DNA ladder formation. Infection with recombinant Sindbis virus strain 633 resulted in widespread apoptosis in newborn mouse brains and spinal cords, but few apoptotic cells were observed following infection of 2-week-old animals. This finding correlates with the age-dependent mortality observed in mice. The more neurovirulent virus TE, which differs from 633 by a single amino acid in the E2 glycoprotein, induced significant apoptosis in brains and spinal cords of 2-week-old animals, consistent with its ability to cause fatal disease in older animals. Double-labeling experiments demonstrated that the apoptotic cells were also infected with Sindbis virus. Thus, Sindbis virus-induced apoptosis appears to be a result of virus infection and is likely to reflect pathogenic mechanisms for other viruses.  相似文献   

Bovine serum albumin was modified with activated PEG2, 2,4-bis[O-methoxypoly(ethylene glycol)]-6-chloro-s-triazine. The PEG-modified albumin, in which 15 out of the total 60 amino groups in the albumin molecule were coupled with activated PEG2, lost immunoreactivity towards anti-albumin serum and retained 63% of the esterase activity of native albumin.  相似文献   

The distribution of synenkephalin, the N-terminal fragment of proenkephalin, was studied in various parts of the bovine brain (globus pallidus, caudate nucleus, hypothalamus) and in the posterior pituitary by the use of a radioimmunoassay. The distribution of synenkephalin-immunoreactivity (IR) was compared to the distribution of Met-enkephalin-IR. Gel exclusion chromatography was used to examine the molecular forms of the immunoreactivities present in the tissues. The distribution of synenkephalin-IR was similar to the distribution of Met-enkephalin-IR, with a molar ratio of Met-enkephalin/synenkephalin ranging between 2.7 and 5.9. In all regions tested except the hypothalamus the synenkephalin-IR was present as a single species. However, in the hypothalamus a small amount of IR material (3% of the total synenkephalin-IR) was detected in fractions where larger Met-enkephalin-containing peptides eluted. Based on the concordance between the molar ratio of Met-enkephalin to synenkephalin found in the tissues and the molar ratio present in the sequence of adrenal proenkephalin, it is concluded that the brain and adrenal glands utilize a similar precursor for enkephalin biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Chronic anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) treatment during adolescence facilitates offensive aggression in male Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus). The current study assessed whether adolescent AAS exposure influenced the immunohistochemical localization of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65), the rate-limiting enzyme in the synthesis of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), in areas of hamster brain implicated in aggressive behavior. Hamsters were administered high dose AAS throughout adolescence, scored for offensive aggression, and then examined for differences in GAD65 puncta to regions of the hamster brain important for aggression. When compared with control animals, aggressive AAS-treated hamsters showed significant increases in the area covered by GAD65 immunoreactive puncta in several of these aggression regions, including the anterior hypothalamus, ventrolateral hypothalamus, and medial amygdala. Conversely, aggressive AAS-treated hamsters showed a significant decrease in GAD65-ir puncta in the lateral septum when compared with oil-treated controls. However, no differences in GAD65 puncta were found in other aggression areas, such as the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and central amygdala. Together, these results support a role for altered GAD65 synthesis and function in adolescent AAS-facilitated offensive aggression.  相似文献   

24-Hydroxycholesterol was found to be present in bovine adrenals in a concentration of 2-3 micrograms/kg and in larger amounts (10-12 micrograms/kg) as a saponifiable ester. No solvolyzable sulfate ester was detected. In bovine brains, however, the sulfate ester of this sterol was found in a concentration of 84 micrograms/kg. A procedure for the synthesis of [7-3H] 24S-hydroxycholesterol is described.  相似文献   

NMR structures of recombinant prion proteins from various species expressed in Escherichia coli have been solved during the past years, but the fundamental question of the relevancy of these data relative to the naturally occurring forms of the prion protein has not been directly addressed. Here, we present a comparison of the cellular form of the bovine prion protein isolated and purified from healthy calf brains without use of detergents, so that it contains the two carbohydrate moieties and the part of the GPI anchor that is maintained after enzymatic cleavage of the glycerolipid moiety, with the recombinant bovine prion protein expressed in E. coli. We show by circular dichroism and (1)H-NMR spectroscopy that the three-dimensional structure and the thermal stability of the natural glycoprotein and the recombinant polypeptide are essentially identical. This result indicates possible functional roles of the glycosylation of prion proteins in healthy organisms, and provides a platform and validation for future work on the structural biology of prion proteins, which will have to rely primarily on the use of recombinant polypeptides.  相似文献   

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