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We have reported that bed rest suppressed the release of bioassayable growth hormone (BGH) that normally occurs after an acute bout of unilateral plantar flexor exercise (G. E. McCall, C. Goulet, R. E. Grindeland, J. A. Hodgson, A. J. Bigbee, and V. R. Edgerton. J. Appl. Physiol. 83: 2086-2090, 1997). In the present study, the effects of spaceflight on the hormonal responses to this exercise protocol were examined. Four male astronauts on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Shuttle Transport System (STS-78) mission completed the exercise protocol before, during, and after a 17-day spaceflight. The maximal voluntary contraction torque output at the onset of exercise was similar on all test days. Before spaceflight, plasma BGH increased 114-168% from pre- to postexercise. During spaceflight and after 2 days recovery at normal gravity (1 G), the BGH response to exercise was absent. After 4 days of recovery, this response was restored. Plasma concentrations of immunoassayable growth hormone were similar at all time points. The preexercise plasma immunoassayable insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) levels were elevated after 12 or 13 days of microgravity, and a approximately 7% postexercise IGF-I increase was independent of this spaceflight effect. The suppression of the BGH response to exercise during spaceflight indicates that some minimum level of chronic neuromuscular activity and/or loading is necessary to maintain a normal exercise-induced BGH release. Moreover, these results suggest that there is a muscle afferent-pituitary axis that can modulate BGH release.  相似文献   

We examined gender differences in growth hormone (GH) secretion during rest and exercise. Eighteen subjects (9 women and 9 men) were tested on two occasions each [resting condition (R) and exercise condition (Ex)]. Blood was sampled at 10-min intervals from 0600 to 1200 and was assayed for GH by chemiluminescence. At R, women had a 3.69-fold greater mean calculated mass of GH secreted per burst compared with men (5.4 +/- 1.0 vs. 1.7 +/- 0.4 microg/l, respectively) and higher basal (interpulse) GH secretion rates, which resulted in greater GH production rates and serum GH area under the curve (AUC; 1,107 +/- 194 vs. 595 +/- 146 microg x l(-1) x min, women vs. men; P = 0.04). Compared with R, Ex resulted in greater mean mass of GH secreted per burst, greater mean GH secretory burst amplitude, and greater GH AUC (1,196 +/- 211 vs. 506 +/- 90 microg x l(-1) x min, Ex vs. R, respectively; P < 0.001). During Ex, women attained maximal serum GH concentrations significantly earlier than men (24 vs. 32 min after initiation of Ex, respectively; P = 0.004). Despite this temporal disparity, both genders had similar maximal serum GH concentrations. The change in AUC (adjusted for unequal baselines) was similar for men and women (593 +/- 201 vs. 811 +/- 268 microg x l(-1) x min), but there were significant gender-by-condition interactive effects on GH secretory burst mass, pulsatile GH production rate, and maximal serum GH concentration. We conclude that, although women exhibit greater absolute GH secretion rates than men both at rest and during exercise, exercise evokes a similar incremental GH response in men and women. Thus the magnitude of the incremental secretory GH response is not gender dependent.  相似文献   

Puerariae Radix (PR), Puerariae Flos (PF), and Puerariae Surculus (PS) as well as their constituents were tested for induction of rat growth hormone (rGH) release by both rat pituitary cell culture and in vivo experimentation in order to develop them to novel drugs. Through a calibration curve of the rGH released by addition of rat growth hormone-releasing hormone (rGHRH) to rat pituitary cells, the 70 % ethanol extracts of PR and PS increased rGH release by about 1.6 and 1.7 times as high, respectively, as the control group (264.6 +/- 13.6 pM). However, each puerarin type as a representative constituent of PR in Korea Pharmacopeia (KP) and tectorigenin and an important ingredient of PF were twice as effective as in the control group. The acid hydrolysate of Puerariae Surculus (HPS) increased rGH release concentration-dependently, and its EC (50) was approximately 10.4 microg/ml. The T (max) value for rGH after injection of 20 microg/kg of rGHRH was 10 - 30 min, while the C (max) value was increased by approximately 12-fold compared to the control group (198.2 +/- 25.0 pM) and the AUC (0 - 45) was increased to 10 times the level of the control group (10,840.9 +/- 845.5 min. pM). On the other hand, T (max) for the HPS was 60 min, while C (max) was increased approximately to 5.8 fold compared to control (244.1 +/- 36.4 pM). C (max) for puerarin was 1,028.6 +/- 502.7 pM, that is, approximately 5.2 times as high as the control level. However, tectorigenin (20 microg/kg) was of no statistical significance. Therefore, we suggest that the HPS and puerarin act either on GH secretagogue receptors or on GHRH receptor of somatotrophin as possible agonists or an inhibitor on somatostatin receptor to release rGH, respectively.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Glucagon stimulation is routinely used as a provocative test to assess growth hormone (GH) sufficiency in pediatrics. Ghrelin also markedly stimulates GH secretion. Because glucagon stimulates the promoter of the ghrelin gene in vitro as well as ghrelin secretion by the perfused rat stomach, we sought to determine whether ghrelin mediates glucagon-induced GH secretion. METHODS: We compared ghrelin, GH, insulin and glucose responses following administration of 0.03 mg/kg intravenously (iv; max. 1 mg) and 0.1 mg/kg intramuscularly (im; max. 2 mg) of glucagon in two groups (n = 10-11/group) of GH-sufficient children. We also measured ghrelin before and 6 min after iv administration of 1 mg glucagon in 21 adult subjects. RESULTS: In children, glucagon caused a 26% decrease in ghrelin and a 72% increase in glucose concentrations that were independent of the dose or administration route of glucagon. In contrast, the insulin response was 2-3 times higher following administration of 0.1 mg/kg im compared to 0.03 mg/kg of glucagon iv. There was a significant correlation between the maximum decrease in ghrelin and increases in glucose (p = 0.03) but not in insulin. There was a significant correlation between ghrelin and GH area under the curve after controlling for the dose of glucagon (p = 0.03) but not for the maximum increase in glucose.In normal adults, glucagon administration caused a 7% decrease in ghrelin concentrations after 6 min (p = 0.0002). CONCLUSION: Ghrelin does not play a causal role in the GH response to pharmacological glucagon administration, which suppresses ghrelin levels starting a few minutes after injection.  相似文献   

Cultured and propagated smooth muscle cells contain adenylate cyclase (AC) responsive to catecholamines and their analogues. Isoproterenol and zinterol were the most effective stimulants of AC activity with EC50 = 8.5 X 10(-8)M. They were followed by epinephrine, phenylephrine and norepinephrine (EC50 = 7.5 X 10(-7)M, 6.5 X 10(-6)M and 4 X 10(-6)M, respectively). When the selective antagonists for beta 1 and beta 2 receptors (beta 1-type practolol and atenolol, beta 1/beta 2-type propranolol and beta 2-type butoxamine) were tested against isoproterenol, epinephrine and norepinephrine stimulation of AC activity, the beta 1 in contrast to beta 2 antagonists were found ineffective. The alpha-blockers (phentolamine alpha 1/alpha 2-type antagonists) and yohimbine (alpha 2-type antagonist) alone or in the presence of propranolol did not significantly inhibit the catecholamine-induced enhancement of cAMP formation. On the other hand, prazosine (alpha 1-type antagonist) blocked the stimulatory effect of epinephrine and norepinephrine on AC system. Similarly, the alpha 2-agonist, clonidine, did not affect the catecholamines' stimulated AC activity while alpha 1 agonist, phenylephrine, induced an additive enhancement of norepinephrine production of cAMP. The findings of beta-2- and alpha-1-type adrenergic receptors in the cultured cerebrovascular smooth muscle provide additional support for the implicated involvement of adrenergic innervation in the regulation of cerebral blood flow and/or systemic blood pressure.  相似文献   

The effects of tendon vibration on bioassayable growth hormone (BGH) secretion from the pituitary gland were investigated in anesthetized adult male rats. The tendons from predominantly fast-twitch ankle extensor muscles (gastrocnemius and plantaris) or a predominantly slow-twitch ankle extensor (soleus) were vibrated by using a paradigm that selectively activates group Ia afferent fibers from muscle spindles. The lower hindlimb was secured with the muscles near physiological length, and the tendons were vibrated for 15 min at 150 Hz and a displacement of 1 mm. Control rats were prepared similarly, but the tendons were not vibrated. Compared with control, vibration of the tendons of the fast ankle extensors markedly increased (160%), whereas vibration of the slow soleus decreased (68%), BGH secretion. Complete denervation of the hindlimb had no independent effects on the normal resting levels of BGH, but it prevented the effects of tendon vibration on BGH secretion. The results are consistent with previous findings showing modulation of BGH release in response to in vivo activation or in situ electrical stimulation of muscle afferents (Bigbee AJ, Gosselink KL, Grindeland RE, Roy RR, Zhong H, and Edgerton VR. J Appl Physiol 89: 2174-2178, 2000; Gosselink KL, Grindeland RE, Roy RR, Zhong H, Bigbee AJ, and Edgerton VR. J Appl Physiol 88: 142-148, 2000; Gosselink KL, Grindeland RE, Roy RR, Zhong H, Bigbee AJ, Grossman EJ, and Edgerton VR. J Appl Physiol 84: 1425-1430, 1998). These data provide evidence that this previously described muscle afferent-pituitary axis is neurally mediated via group Ia afferents from peripheral skeletal muscle. Furthermore, these data show that activation of this group Ia afferent pathway from fast muscles enhances, whereas the same sensory afferent input from a slow muscle depresses, BGH release.  相似文献   

The effect of electroacupuncture on serum growth hormone levels was investigated in 5 normal subjects and in 10 patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain. Serum growth hormone did not change in the normal subjects but there was an approximate 5-fold increase in the chronic pain subjects. This effect was partially inhibited by prior administration of the opiate antagonist naloxone, suggesting that the rise in growth hormone was mediated via release of central nervous system opioids.  相似文献   

The spontaneous release of growth hormone (GH) during nocturnal sleep was studied at age 5-19 years in 44 male and 15 female patients with severe growth retardation (-2.1 to -6.5 SD) among whom 43 were prepubertal and 16 pubertal. Comparison with the results of classical stimulation tests with ornithine, arginine and/or insulin showed good agreement in cases of classical hypopituitarism (n = 14) as in patients who seemed to be endocrinologically normal (n = 27). In 18 patients (31%) there was a discrepancy between sleep release and responses of GH to stimulation test: treatment with hGH was available in only 4 of these children and enhanced sharply their growth rate. It is suggested that a large span of intermediary situations exists between normal GH secretion and complete GH deficiency, deserving a controlled therapeutic trial with hGH.  相似文献   

The role of external calcium in platelet-activating factor- and zymosan-stimulated arachidonic acid release from mouse macrophages was investigated. Deprivation of external Ca2+ led to strong inhibition of receptor-mediated arachidonic acid release, which was completely restored when Ca2+ was added to the incubation medium. When arachidonic acid release was examined in Ca(2+)-depleted cells, the response took place only in presence of external Ca2+. Verapamil, a voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel blocker, nearly abolished arachidonic acid release in response to both platelet-activating factor and zymosan. These results suggest that extracellular Ca2+ influx is functionally linked to arachidonic acid release and hence to phospholipase A2 activation in mouse peritoneal macrophages.  相似文献   

Infusions of artificial cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) into the cerebroventricles of conscious rats can raise CSF pressure (CSFp). This response can be modified by some neuropeptides. One of these, angiotensin, facilitates the rise in CSFp. We measured CSFp in conscious rats with a computerized system and evaluated resistance to CSF outflow during infusion of artificial CSF, with or without angiotensin, from the decay kinetics of superimposed bolus injections. Angiotensin (10 ng/min) raised CSFp (P less than 0.05) compared with solvent, but the resistance to CSF outflow of the two groups was similar (P greater than 0.05). Because CSFp was increased by angiotensin without an increase in the outflow resistance, a change in some volume compartment is likely. Angiotensin may raise CSFp by increasing CSF synthesis; this possibility is supported, since the choroid plexuses contain an intrinsic isorenin-angiotensin system. Alternatively, angiotensin may dilate pial arteries, leading to an increased intracranial blood volume.  相似文献   

Stretch reflex shows sustained (3-min) increase with heightened sympathetic outflow [Hjortskov N, Skotte J, Hye-Knudsen C, Fallentin N. Sympathetic outflow enhances the stretch reflex response in the relaxed soleus muscle in humans. J Appl Physiol 2005;98:1366–70], but it is unknown if it accompanies a sustained increase in H-reflex. The purpose of the study was to test if there is a sustained facilitation in the H-reflex in the human soleus muscle during a variety of sustained tasks that are known to elevate sympathetic outflow. Mean arterial blood pressure, heart rate, and H- and stretch reflexes in the relaxed soleus muscle were obtained in healthy young adults who performed mental arithmetic, static handgrip exercise, post-handgrip ischemia, and cold stimulation. Each task lasted 3 min with a 3-min rest in between tasks. Data were analyzed for the initial 30 s and entire 3 min of each task. There was a heightened cardiovascular response in all tasks for both durations of analysis. An increase in H-reflex amplitude was not observed for either the initial or entire duration of the analysis. The tasks increased stretch reflex amplitude for both durations of analysis. Invariable H-reflex and sustained facilitation of stretch reflex with heightened sympathetic outflow would imply sympathetic modulation of muscle spindle sensitivity.  相似文献   

The effect of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) on the release of growth hormone (GH) was investigated in 16 elderly male subjects aged 74-88 years. Intravenous injection of 200 micrograms TRH induced a clear-cut GH rise (greater than or equal to 10 ng/ml) in 7 of 16 subjects. TRH administration did not raise plasma GH in 10 adult subjects aged 36-58 years. The results suggest disorders in neurobiochemical mechanisms regulating hypothalamopituitary function in elderly men.  相似文献   

In this study we describe a distinctive pigment ring that appears in spider eyes after ecdysis and successively decreases in size in the days thereafter. Although pigment stops in spider eyes are well known, size variability is, to our knowledge, reported here for the first time. Representative species from three families (Ctenidae, Sparassidae and Lycosidae) are investigated and, for one of these species (Cupiennius salei, Ctenidae), the progressive increase in pupil diameter is monitored. In this species the pupil occupies only a fourth of the total projected lens surface after ecdysis and reaches its final size after approximately ten days. MicroCT images suggest that the decrease of the pigment ring is linked to the growth of the corneal lens after ecdysis. The pigment rings might improve vision in the immature eye by shielding light rays that would otherwise enter the eye via peripheral regions of the cornea, beside the growing crystalline lens.  相似文献   

Although the lung is a defining feature of air-breathing animals, the pathway controlling the formation of type I pneumocytes, the cells that mediate gas exchange, is poorly understood. In contrast, the glucocorticoid receptor and its cognate ligand have long been known to promote type II pneumocyte maturation; prenatal administration of glucocorticoids is commonly used to attenuate the severity of infant respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). Here we show that knock-in mutations of the nuclear co-repressor SMRT (silencing mediator of retinoid and thyroid hormone receptors) in C57BL/6 mice (SMRTmRID) produces a previously unidentified respiratory distress syndrome caused by prematurity of the type I pneumocyte. Though unresponsive to glucocorticoids, treatment with anti-thyroid hormone drugs (propylthiouracil or methimazole) completely rescues SMRT-induced RDS, suggesting an unrecognized and essential role for the thyroid hormone receptor (TR) in lung development. We show that TR and SMRT control type I pneumocyte differentiation through Klf2, which, in turn, seems to directly activate the type I pneumocyte gene program. Conversely, mice without lung Klf2 lack mature type I pneumocytes and die shortly after birth, closely recapitulating the SMRTmRID phenotype. These results identify TR as a second nuclear receptor involved in lung development, specifically type I pneumocyte differentiation, and suggest a possible new type of therapeutic option in the treatment of RDS that is unresponsive to glucocorticoids.  相似文献   

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