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We sought to develop a simple and sensitive method based on mutant allele-specific amplification (MASA) for the detection of point mutations in the k-ras oncogene in blood samples. We used MASA and three nested MASA methods to detect a point mutation (GGT→GAT) in rat DHD cells at codon 12 of exon 1 of the k-ras gene. MASA allowed us to detect one k-ras mutated cell on a background of 107 normal cells. The third nested-MASA (nested-MASA.c) method that we developed allowed us to detect one mutated cell among 1010 normal cells. Our methods should allow the detection of small amounts of mutant k-ras DNA in tissue, serum, and plasma, combining speed with efficiency and specificity.  相似文献   

A major challenge in genetics is identifying the basis of human heritable disease. We describe an "exon scanning" technique which surveys exons in genomic DNA for sequence alterations. By hybridizing genomic DNA to RNA probes derived from cDNAs, we can use RNase A to survey entire coding regions, comprising exons spread across extensive regions of genomic DNA, for mutations associated with genetic disease. Exon scanning of the beta-globin locus in the DNA of patients with 12 different hemoglobinopathies detected all of the culpable single base substitutions and deletions, but not single base insertions. Our analysis also revealed unsuspected polymorphisms and corrected a diagnosis originally based on hemoglobin electrophoresis. Exon scanning of the ornithine aminotransferase gene in a gyrate atrophy patient detected and localized a mutation in the sixth exon. Subsequent PCR amplification and sequencing characterized this as a missense mutation (proline----glutamine). Exon scanning of genomic DNA for sequence alterations, in combination with PCR amplification and sequencing, should be a generally useful strategy for evaluating suspect genes in disorders of unknown etiology, as well as for clinical diagnosis.  相似文献   

The present paper describes a new approach for diagnosis of apple proliferation (AP) phytoplasma in plant material using a multiplex real-time PCR assay simultaneously amplifying a fragment of the pathogen 16S rRNA gene and the host, Malus domestica, chloroplast gene coding for tRNA leucine. For the first time, such an approach, with an internal analytical control, is described in a diagnostic procedure for plant pathogenic phytoplasmas enabling distinction between uninfected plant material and false-negative results caused by PCR inhibition. Pathogen detection is based on the highly conserved 16S rRNA gene to ensure amplification of different AP phytoplasma strains. The newly designed primer/probe set allows specific detection of all examined AP strains, without amplifying other fruit tree phytoplasmas or more distantly related phytoplasma strains. Apart from its specificity, real-time PCR with serial dilutions of initial template DNA ranging over almost five orders of magnitude (undiluted to 80,000-fold diluted) demonstrated linear amplification over the whole range, while conventional PCR showed a reliable detection only up to 500-fold or 10,000-fold dilutions, respectively. Compared to existing analytical diagnostic procedures for phytoplasmas, a rapid, highly specific and highly sensitive diagnostic method becomes now available.  相似文献   

A new approach to detection of point mutations in an amplified DNA was developed. The approach is based on highly selective ligation (T4 DNA ligase) of a tandem of short oligonucleotides one of which contains the biotin group. The ligation product is formed only when the hybridization complex DNA/tandem is formed and the tandem is perfect. The hybridization complex DNA/(biotinylated ligation product) was separated from the biotinylated component of the tandem by UV-immobilization of the reaction mixture on a nylon membrane. The immobilized hybridization complex was detected colorimetrically by a streptavidin-alkaline phosphatase cojugate with a chromogenic substrate.  相似文献   

Piezoelectric sensing is here applied to point mutation detection in human DNA. The mutation investigated is in the TP53 gene, which results inactivated in most cancer types. TP53 gene maps on chromosome 17 (17p13.1). It contains 11 exons and codifies for the relative protein, involved in cell proliferation. The TP53 gene has a wide mutation spectrum that is related to different tumours. In particular, those occurring in the structurally important L2 and L3 zinc-binding domains, have been linked to patient prognosis and more strongly to radiotherapy and chemotherapy resistance in several major cancers. For this reason, the identification of these mutations represents an important clinical target and biosensors could represent good candidate for fast mutation screening. In this paper, a DNA-based piezoelectric biosensor for the detection of the TP53 gene mutation at codon 248 is reported. A biotinylated probe was immobilised on the sensor surface via dextran-streptavidin modified surfaces. The sensor was optimised using synthetic oligonucleotides. Finally, the sensor system was successfully applied to polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified real samples of DNA extracted from two cell lines, one normal (wild-type) and one mutated, carrying the mutation at codon 248 of the TP53 gene. The results obtained demonstrate that the DNA-based piezoelectric biosensor is able to detect the point mutations in PCR-amplified samples showing the potentialities of this approach for routine analysis.  相似文献   

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is usually performed on blastomeres. In Germany, the only possibility to perform PGD is by analysis of polar bodies. We performed PGD using polar bodies in a woman who is a carrier of hemophilia A. Multiplex PCR followed by nested fluorescent PCR for five linked polymorphic markers was established. From 11 analyzed polar bodies, only 1 showed alleles linked to the mutation. The corresponding oocyte was transferred and no pregnancy was established. As seen in other investigations, the rate of heterozygous first polar bodies is surprisingly high.  相似文献   

Methylation-specific PCR (MSP) is frequently used to distinguish methylated alleles in the genome. Sequences that have been incompletely converted during bisulfite treatment are frequently co-amplified during MSP. For accurate MSP, it is important to detect methylated sequences in a background of unconverted DNA with a high level of sensitivity. We report here sensitive techniques, bisulfite conversion-specific MSP (BS-MSP) to accurately evaluate CpG methylation. BS-MSP provides accurate results across a wide spectrum of bisulfite conversion levels. BS-MSP is also confirmed to be a useful technique for the routine analysis of clinical tumor specimens that were paraffin-embedded and microdissected. BS-MSP thus provides the powerful features of ease of use and compatibility with paraffin sections. We recommend that methylation analysis should include a step to eliminate unconverted DNA to avoid overestimation of the DNA methylation level in the samples.  相似文献   

DNA lesions caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS) are considered to be one of the major contributors to DNA damage and mutagenesis. In this study, we developed a modification of allele-specific PCR to detect CC-->TT mutations caused by oxidative damage. These tandem mutations have been previously demonstrated to be indicative of oxygen damage in the absence of UV-irradiation. Using a CC target site in the rat DNA polymerase beta (pol beta) gene and a thermostable restriction enzyme that cuts the wild type sequence but not the TT mutation, we demonstrate that the TT mutation can be preferentially amplified from plasmid DNA damaged by oxygen radicals but not other DNA-damaging agents. We evaluated the potential utility of this assay in screening for mutations in cells and in analyzing those that arise during clonal proliferation in carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

With the development of biotechnology, more and more genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have entered commercial market. Because of the safety concerns, detection and characterization of GMOs have attracted much attention recently. In this study, electrochemiluminescence polymerase chain reaction (ECL-PCR) combined with hybridization technique was applied to detect the GMOs in genetically modified (GM) soybeans and papayas for the first time. Whether the soybeans and the papayas contain GM components was discriminated by detecting the Cauliflower mosaic virus 35S (CaMV35S) promoter. The experiment results show that the detection limit for CaMV35S promoter is 100 fmol, and the GM components can be clearly identified in GM soybeans and papayas. The technique may provide a new means in GMOs detection due to its simplicity and high efficiency.  相似文献   

Mutations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) may result in various pathological processes. Detection of mutant mtDNAs is a problem for diagnostic practice that is complicated by heteroplasmy – a phenomenon of the inferring presence of at least two allelic variants of the mitochondrial genome. Also, the level of heteroplasmy largely determines the profile and severity of clinical manifestations. Here we discuss detection of mutations in heteroplasmic mtDNA using up-todate methods that have not yet been introduced as routine clinical assays. These methods can be used for detecting mutations in mtDNA to verify diagnosis of “mitochondrial disease”, studying dynamics of mutant mtDNA in body tissues of patients, as well as investigating structural features of mtDNAs. Original data on allele-specific discrimination of m.11778G>A mutation by droplet digital PCR are presented, which demonstrate an opportunity for simultaneous detection and quantitative assessment of mutations in mtDNAs.  相似文献   

The point mutation in the tRNA(Lys) gene of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from patients with myoclonic epilepsy and ragged red fibers (MERRF) was quantitatively analyzed after digestion with the restriction endonuclease Nae I of the PCR amplified DNA. Since the point mutation is not part of a restriction site for a commonly available restriction endonuclease, the Nae I restriction site was introduced by PCR using a mispairing primer. The percentage of mutated mtDNA was determined in a few hairs of five members of an affected family by counting the radioactivity of the fragments after PCR amplification with labelled dATP.  相似文献   

Summary A modified approach of the glyoxylic acid (GA) condensation reaction for the visualization of biogenic amines in tissue is described.Cryostat sections are used from brain or extracerebral tissue in dog, monkey, rat and mouse and exposed for 3 s to a room temperature solution containing sucrose-potassium phosphate-glyoxylic acid (SPG). The tissues are air dried and heated in an oven for 5 min. The complete processing time from fresh tissue to microscopic examination takes 18 min. Morphologically sharp and brightly fluorescent monoamine-containing neurons, pre-and terminal axons are seen against a dark parenchymal background without drug pre-treatment. The SPG method retains the high specific sensitivity for monoamines previously described in the original technique but is, in addition, more rapid and simple and is easily accessible as a research tool to investigators inexperienced in histofluorescence techniques.  相似文献   

The cultivation of genetically modified (GM) crops has raised numerous concerns in the European Union and other parts of the world about their environmental and economic impact. Especially outcrossing of genetically modified organisms (GMO) was from the beginning a critical issue as airborne pollen has been considered an important way of GMO dispersal. Here, we investigate the use of airborne pollen sampling combined with microscopic analysis and molecular PCR analysis as an approach to monitor GM maize cultivations in a specific area. Field trial experiments in the European Union and South America demonstrated the applicability of the approach under different climate conditions, in rural and semi-urban environment, even at very low levels of airborne pollen. The study documents in detail the sampling of GM pollen, sample DNA extraction and real-time PCR analysis. Our results suggest that this 'GM pollen monitoring by bioaerosol sampling and PCR screening' approach might represent an useful aid in the surveillance of GM-free areas, centres of origin and natural reserves.  相似文献   

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