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Nuclei from adult rat brains isolated with isotonic sucrose were incubated with [3H]leucine and later purified by centrifugation through hypertonic sucrose solutions. It was found that under these conditions, tritiated leucine was incorporated into TCA precipitable material. Protein synthesis was impaired if the nuclei were treated with the nonionic detergent Triton X-100 or hypertonic sucrose. The presence of puromycin or cycloheximide markedly inhibited the incorporation of the radioactive amino acid. Actinomycin D and RNase did not have any effect on the incorporation. Autoradiography indicated the presence of labelled material within the nuclei and not in cytoplasmic contaminants. Glial nuclei were more actively involved in protein synthesis than neuronal nuclei.  相似文献   

—Disc electrophoretic patterns of soluble, acidic proteins in brain and liver nuclei and in the respective tissue homogenates were studied. In brain nuclei, a fast component moving with the electrophoretic front constitutes a relatively large amount of the acidic proteins which migrate toward the anode. Electrophoretic patterns obtained with fractionated brain nuclei (neuronal, astrocytic and glial) were similar to those obtained with total brain nuclei. The S-100 protein could not be detected in any of the nuclei examined. Protein patterns in brain and liver nuclei markedly differed both quantitatively and qualitatively.  相似文献   

Abstract– The method of T hompson (1973) for isolation and fractionation of brain nuclei was modified by the introduction of 12mM-Mg2+ in the isolating media. This technique gives a good yield of pure (85-90%) neuronal and glial rat brain nuclei, with minimal disruption of nuclei and degradation or processing of nuclear RNA. The RNA/DNA ratio of neuronal nuclei is about 3-fold higher than that of glial nuclei. Analysis of nucleolar RNA fractions by urea-agar gel electrophoresis allows the identification of 45S, 41S, 39S, 36S, 32S and 21S pre-rRNA components. The pattern of nucleolar pre-rRNA and rRNA species in neuronal and glial nuclei is identical. These results demonstrate the existence in brain nuclei of multiple pre-rRNA processing pathways qualitatively similar to those observed in other animal tissues.  相似文献   

A method for isolating pure and unaltered nuclei from rat brain by means of differential centrifugation is described. The isolated nuclei are further separated into discrete fractions of neuronal, astrocytic, and glial nuclei, with a yield amounting to 20 to 25% of the DNA of the original homogenate. Both the morphology and size of the nuclei remained unchanged. Problems concerning the composition of the isolation media, the use of detergents, as well as those raised by density gradient centrifugation in sucrose, Ficoll, and Dextran are discussed. Some values for the density of each type of brain nuclei are suggested.  相似文献   

Abstract— The presence of an ATP polymerizing system has been demonstrated in rat brain nuclei. The enzymic activity was not dependent on DNA, and poly A itself primed the incorporation of AMP into polyadenylate. Poly U did not prime the incorporation of AMP. The incorporation obtained in the presence of ribosomal RNA from rat brain as primer was mainly attributable to terminal attachment of AMP. Actinomycin and inorganic ortho-phosphate had no effect on the enzymic activity, however, inorganic pyrophosphate, ammonium sulphate and nucleoside triphosphates (GTP, CTP and UTP) were inhibitory. The same nuclear extract of brain, used for the synthetic reaction producing poly A, also degraded the polynucleotide to yield adenosine mono, di and triphosphates.  相似文献   

A method for preparing highly pure cell nuclei from adult rat brain, using both differential and isopycnic centrifugation in sucrose media, is described. The morphology of these preparations was examined by both phase contrast and electron microscopy. The isolated nuclei retained many aspects of their in situ morphology; in particular, the nuclear envelope was double layered and interrupted by pore-like discontinuities, and the nucleoli consisted of irregular masses of densely packed granules. Analyses of these nuclear preparations for cytochrome oxidase and cholinesterase activity, as well as RNA/DNA ratio, indicated minimal contamination with mitochondria and microsomes. Problems involving the homogenization technique, choice of ionic conditions in the homogenization medium, and choice of optimal density of the sucrose solution used for the final purification of nuclei are discussed. Results of application of the technique to isolation of adult rat liver nuclei are also reported.  相似文献   

Abstract— 5-Hydroxy- l -tryptophan decarboxylase (EC activity was measured in discrete regions of the rat brain by means of a sensitive micromethod lhat allows the quantitation of enzyme activity in μg amounts of brain tissue.
A good correlation was obtained between serotonin levels and 5-hydroxy- l -tryptophan decarboxylase activity in all the brain regions examined. Wide differences in enzyme activity were found in the different brain nuclei, with a 20-fold difference in activity between the most active region (the nucleus raphe dorsalis) and the least active regions (the corpus callosum and the optic tract).  相似文献   

We partially purified an inhibitory factor (LIF), isolated from 105,000 g supernatant of a saline adult rat liver homogenate. LIF stopped in vitro cell multiplication by blocking the G1—S transition, and reduced in vivo [3H]thymidine incorporation into liver DNA in two-thirds hepatectomized rats. This reduction in DNA synthesis was observed at 24 hr after hepatectomy, even when the LIF was injected before the beginning of the S phase, 10 hr after hepatectomy, i.e. when DNA polymerase activity had not yet increased. Under these experimental conditions, LIF in vivo treatment prevented α DNA polymerase activity from increasing after partial hepatectomy, so that enzyme activity at 24 hr in LIF-treated rats decreased compared to the controls. No direct inhibitory effect of LIF on α DNA polymerase was detected. LIF did not affect β DNA polymerase. These results suggest that LIF plays a part in controlling liver growth.  相似文献   

Kynurenine formamidase (aryl-formylamine amidohydrolase, EC was found to be present in rat brain and was partially purified and characterized. The partially purified enzyme catalysed the hydrolysis of 5-hydroxyformyl-dl -kynurenine to 5-hydroxy-dl -kynurenine and that of formyl-l -kynurenine to l -kynurenine at similar rates. The apparent Km values of the enzyme for 5-hydroxyformyl-dl -kynurenine and formyl-l -kynurenine were 4.0 ± 10?4 and 1.8 ± 10?4m , respectively. The enzyme was active over a wide pH range (5.5–8.5). The activity was inhibited by low concentrations of Ag+ and Hg2+. The physiological significance of the enzyme is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract— An assay for the dopaminergic agonist, apomorphine, is described. The assay is capable of detecting as little as 3 pmol of apomorphine. The basis of the assay is the O-methylation of apomorphine utilizing S-[methyl-3H]adenosyl-L-methionine and a partially purified catechol-O-methyl transferase to form [methyl-3H]apocodeine. The radiolabeled apocodeine is purified by solvent partition. Following systemic administration of apomorphine, the compound is uniformly distributed throughout the brain of the rat: there is no selective accumulation of apomorphine in dopaminergic regions of the brain. The level of apomorphine found in the substantia nigra is as great as the level found in the caudate-putamen. This latter observation, in addition to a variety of other evidence, raises the possibility that some of the in vivo effects of apomorphine may occur via an action of the drug within the substantia nigra, rather than by an action within the caudate-putamen.  相似文献   

Abstract— The uptake, the conversion to nucleotides, and their incorporation into RNA for labelled glycine, aspartate, the free bases and nucleosides of purines and pyrimidines were investigated with cortical slices of rat cerebrum. At the end of a 1-hr incubation time the slice-to-medium ratio of the radioactivities for labelled aspartate, glycine, adenine and adenosine were 34, 26, 20 and 5, respectively, while the slice-to-medium ratios for hypoxanthine, inosine, guanine, guanosine, xanthine, orotate, cytidine, cytosine, uridine, and uracil ranged from 1.3:1 to 2:1. Over 99 per cent of the total radioactivity taken up by the cortical slices was present in the TCA supernatant and 86, 82, 65, 50, 34, 23, 20 and 1.6 per cent of this radioactivity was in the form of nucleotides at the end of a 1-hr incubation with labelled adenine, adenosine, hypoxanthine, inosine, uridine, orotate, cytidine, and glycine, respectively. The incorporation of various radioactive precursors into RNA of cortical slices suggests that nucleotides originating from either de novo synthesis or preformed purine derivatives enter the same nucleotide pool utilized for RNA synthesis. The supernatant fraction from homogenized cerebrum was investigated for the presence of various anabolic and catabolic enzymes associated with nucleotide metabolism. These results were correlated with the data from the RNA incorporation studies, and a possible role for AMP: pyrophosphate phosphoribosyltransferase (adenine phosphoribosyltransferase, I.U.B. to achieve intercellular transfer of AMP is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract— DNA's were isolated from brains of rats at different stages of growth and were fractionated on hydroxyapatite columns on the basis of their denaturation and reassociation properties. The results indicate that rat brain DNA had a heterogeneous population of base sequences. Approximately 10 per cent of the total DNA exhibited rates of reassociation characteristic of repetitive DNA. Differences were also observed in the pattern of denaturation of brain and liver DNA's of newborn and adult rats.  相似文献   

Abstract— The polyamines spermidine and spermine were measured in brain regions from adult male rats aged 2, 10 and 20 months. Spermine levels displayed marked constancy in all brain regions studied across all ages. However, spermidine concentrations, as expressed per microgram DNA, significantly increased as a function of age in the hypothalamus, corpus striatum and medulla oblongata-pons. Similar trends with age of increased spermidine steady-state levels, but not reaching statistical significance, were observed in the cerebral cortex, midbrain and hippocampus. An absolute decline with age in DNA levels was observed only in the hippocampus. Total RNA levels, as expressed per DNA, tended to decline in all brain regions between 2 and 10 months with a reversal in this trend between 10 and 20 months in all regions except the corpus striatum. Perhaps the increased steady-state levels of spermidine, which may represent significantly increased turnover rates of this polyamine, are compensatory responses to a decreased turnover of RNA. Alternatively, the observed changes in the spermidine to spermine ratio with age may reflect changes in neuronal-glial relationships within brain regions.  相似文献   

—The changes in the wet weight and the numbers of cell nuclei recovered from the cerebral hemispheres, the cerebellum and the brain stem of rats from the period of 5–30 days after birth have been determined. In parallel a study has been made of the RNA polymerase activity, both in the unfractionated nuclei from these regions and in the nuclei separated by zonal centrifugation. In general there is a considerable decline in activity during this period, which occurs in all class of nuclei although not to the same extent. The most dense nuclei from the cerebellum retain relatively high activity at 20 days after birth, possibly due to the contribution of the microneuronal nuclei.  相似文献   

Abstract— Cell nuclei were isolated in yields ranging from 38 to 61 per cent from six anatomically defined brain regions of the albino rat. To provide basic information for further studies of altered genomic activity in brain cell nuclei, various properties of these isolated nuclei were measured, including counts of their number, estimates of the distribution of sizes, amounts of RNA, DNA and protein, and endogenous RNA polymerase activity. DNA content per nucleus approximated the accepted value of 6 pg per diploid set of chromosomes. Distributions of nuclear size showed a sensitivity to the concentration of divalent cation, with a shift toward larger nuclear diameters as the Mg concentration was reduced. Cell nuclei from hippocampus, hypothalamus-preoptic region, cerebral cortex, amygdala and midbrain plus brainstem were generally similar in yield, distribution of size, and RNA, DNA and protein content. Cell nuclei from cerebellum differed from those of other brain regions, in all of these parameters. The cerebellum contained a high content of DNA and had an enormous number (8 × 108 per g wet wt.) of cell nuclei of predominantly very small size and characterized by lower ratios of RNA, histones and non-histone protein to DNA and lower endogenous activity of RNA polymerase than nuclei from other brain structures. These properties correlated well with properties of cerebellar tissue, namely, high content of small granule neurons and low ratio of RNA to DNA, and suggest that the small cerebellar nuclei may have relatively inactive genomes. The relationship of 'large' and 'small' cell nuclei to cell types in the brain is discussed.  相似文献   

A method of zonal centrifugation was developed which separates rat thoracic duct lymphocytes (TDL) mainly according to size. The validity of the fractionation method was supported by light microscope observations, Coulter Counter sizing, and in vivo and in vitro labeling of lymphocytes. The distributions of lysosomal acid hydrolases in TDL fractionated by zonal centrifugation are similar to the distribution obtained for the cells. This result indicates that the large lymphocyte is not the sole bearer of either lysosomes or the large amount of soluble cathepsin D found in homogenates of TDL. Both reside mainly in small lymphocytes. This point was clearly established by fractionating homogenates of purified small lymphocytes by means of differential centrifugation and isopycnic density gradient centrifugation.  相似文献   

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