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Nostoc punctiforme is a phenotypically complex, filamentous, nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium, whose vegetative cells can mature in four developmental directions. The particular developmental direction is determined by environmental signals. The vegetative cell cycle is maintained when nutrients are sufficient. Limitation for combined nitrogen induces the terminal differentiation of heterocysts, cells specialized for nitrogen fixation in an oxic environment. A number of unique regulatory events and genes have been identified and integrated into a working model of heterocyst differentiation. Phosphate limitation induces the transient differentiation of akinetes, spore-like cells resistant to cold and desiccation. A variety of environmental changes, both positive and negative for growth, induce the transient differentiation of hormogonia, motile filaments that function in dispersal. Initiation of the differentiation of heterocysts, akinetes and hormogonia are hypothesized to depart from the vegetative cell cycle, following separate and distinct events. N. punctiforme also forms nitrogen-fixing symbiotic associations; its plant partners influence the differentiation and behavior of hormogonia and heterocysts. N. punctiforme is genetically tractable and its genome sequence is nearly complete. Thus, the regulatory circuits of three cellular differentiation events and symbiotic interactions of N. punctiforme can be experimentally analyzed by functional genomics.  相似文献   

Following exposure to long‐wavelength ultraviolet radiation (UVA), some cyanobacteria produce the indole‐alkaloid sunscreen scytonemin. The genomic region associated with scytonemin biosynthesis in the cyanobacterium Nostoc punctiforme includes 18 cotranscribed genes. A two‐component regulatory system (Npun_F1277/Npun_F1278) directly upstream from the biosynthetic genes was identified through comparative genomics and is likely involved in scytonemin regulation. In this study, the response regulator (RR), Npun_F1278, was evaluated for its ability to regulate scytonemin biosynthesis using a mutant strain of N. punctiforme deficient in this gene, hereafter strain Δ1278. Following UVA radiation, the typical stimulus to initiate scytonemin biosynthesis, Δ1278 was incapable of producing scytonemin. A phenotypic characterization of Δ1278 suggests that aside from the ability to produce scytonemin, the deletion of the Npun_F1278 gene does not affect the cellular morphology, cellular differentiation capability, or lipid‐soluble pigment complement of Δ1278 compared to the wildtype. The mutant, however, had a slower specific growth rate under white light and produced ~2.5‐fold more phycocyanin per cell under UVA than the wildtype. Since Δ1278 does not produce scytonemin, this study demonstrates that the RR gene, Npun_F1278, is essential for scytonemin biosynthesis in N. punctiforme. While most of the evaluated effects of this gene appear to be specific for scytonemin, this regulator may also influence the overall health of the cell and phycobiliprotein synthesis, directly or indirectly. This is the first study to identify a regulatory gene involved in the biosynthesis of the sunscreen scytonemin and posits a link between cell growth, pigment synthesis, and sunscreen production.  相似文献   

Many bacteria are capable of movement over surfaces without flagella or pili; they glide. Nostoc punctiforme is a cyanobacterium that differentiates specialized gliding filaments called hormogonia, but the mechanism underlying their movement is currently unknown. Risser et al. characterize the h ormogonia m otility and p olysaccharide (hmp) locus that encodes proteins homologous to well‐studied chemotaxis systems. All but one of the genes in the locus were required for gliding motility and each protein localized as a ring near the cell junction. One protein, the CheA homologue HmpE, was capable of autophosphorylation and phosphotransfer to the CheY homologue HmpB. This study reveals the hmp locus as an important regulator of gliding and highlights N. punctiforme as a model for understanding gliding motility in a complex multicellular bacterium.  相似文献   

The flavonoid naringin was found to induce the expression of hrmA, a gene with a symbiotic phenotype in the cyanobacterium Nostoc punctiforme. A comparative analysis of several flavonoids revealed the 7-O-neohesperidoside, 4'-OH, and C-2-C-3 double bond in naringin as structural determinants of its hrmA-inducing activity.  相似文献   

Inclusions of neutral lipids termed lipid droplets (LDs) located throughout the cell were identified in the cyanobacterium Nostoc punctiforme by staining with lipophylic fluorescent dyes. LDs increased in number upon entry into stationary phase and addition of exogenous fructose indicating a role for carbon storage, whereas high-light stress did not increase LD numbers. LD accumulation increased when nitrate was used as the nitrogen source during exponential growth as compared to added ammonia or nitrogen-fixing conditions. Analysis of isolated LDs revealed enrichment of triacylglycerol (TAG), α-tocopherol, and C17 alkanes. LD TAG from exponential phase growth contained mainly saturated C16 and C18 fatty acids, whereas stationary phase LD TAG had additional unsaturated fatty acids characteristic of whole cells. This is the first characterization of cyanobacterial LD composition and conditions leading to their production. Based upon their abnormally large size and atypical location, these structures represent a novel sub-organelle in cyanobacteria.  相似文献   



In the filamentous cyanobacterium Nostoc punctiforme ATCC 29133, removal of combined nitrogen induces the differentiation of heterocysts, a cell-type specialized in N2 fixation. The differentiation involves genomic, structural and metabolic adaptations. In cyanobacteria, changes in the availability of carbon and nitrogen have also been linked to redox regulated posttranslational modifications of protein bound thiol groups. We have here employed a thiol targeting strategy to relatively quantify the putative redox proteome in heterocysts as compared to N2-fixing filaments, 24 hours after combined nitrogen depletion. The aim of the study was to expand the coverage of the cell-type specific proteome and metabolic landscape of heterocysts.


Here we report the first cell-type specific proteome of newly formed heterocysts, compared to N2-fixing filaments, using the cysteine-specific selective ICAT methodology. The data set defined a good quantitative accuracy of the ICAT reagent in complex protein samples. The relative abundance levels of 511 proteins were determined and 74% showed a cell-type specific differential abundance. The majority of the identified proteins have not previously been quantified at the cell-type specific level. We have in addition analyzed the cell-type specific differential abundance of a large section of proteins quantified in both newly formed and steady-state diazotrophic cultures in N. punctiforme. The results describe a wide distribution of members of the putative redox regulated Cys-proteome in the central metabolism of both vegetative cells and heterocysts of N. punctiforme.


The data set broadens our understanding of heterocysts and describes novel proteins involved in heterocyst physiology, including signaling and regulatory proteins as well as a large number of proteins with unknown function. Significant differences in cell-type specific abundance levels were present in the cell-type specific proteomes of newly formed diazotrophic filaments as compared to steady-state cultures. Therefore we conclude that by using our approach we are able to analyze a synchronized fraction of newly formed heterocysts, which enabled a better detection of proteins involved in the heterocyst specific physiology.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-1064) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Nostoc   punctiforme strain Pasteur Culture Collection (PCC) 73102, a sequenced filamentous cyanobacterium capable of nitrogen fixation, is used as a model organism for characterization of bioenergetic processes during nitrogen fixation in Nostoc . A protocol for isolating thylakoid membranes was developed to examine the biochemical and biophysical aspects of photosynthetic electron transfer. Thylakoids were isolated from filaments of N.   punctiforme by pneumatic pressure-drop lysis. The activity of photosynthetic enzymes in the isolated thylakoids was analysed by measuring oxygen evolution activity, fluorescence spectroscopy and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. Electron transfer was found functional in both PSII and PSI. Electron transfer measurements in PSII, using diphenylcarbazide as electron donor and 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol as electron acceptor, showed that 80% of the PSII centres were active in water oxidation in the final membrane preparation. Analysis of the membrane protein complexes was made by 2D gel electrophoresis, and identification of representative proteins was made by mass spectrometry. The ATP synthase, several oligomers of PSI, PSII and the NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (NDH)-1L and NDH-1M complexes, were all found in the gels. Some differences were noted compared with previous results from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Two oligomers of PSII were found, monomeric and dimeric forms, but no CP43-less complexes. Both dimeric and monomeric forms of Cyt b 6/ f could be observed. In all, 28 different proteins were identified, of which 25 are transmembrane proteins or membrane associated ones.  相似文献   

Hopanes are abundant in ancient sedimentary rocks at discrete intervals in Earth history, yet interpreting their significance in the geologic record is complicated by our incomplete knowledge of what their progenitors, hopanoids, do in modern cells. To date, few studies have addressed the breadth of diversity of physiological functions of these lipids and whether those functions are conserved across the hopanoid‐producing bacterial phyla. Here, we generated mutants in the filamentous cyanobacterium, Nostoc punctiforme, that are unable to make all hopanoids (shc) or 2‐methylhopanoids (hpnP). While the absence of hopanoids impedes growth of vegetative cells at high temperature, the shc mutant grows faster at low temperature. This finding is consistent with hopanoids acting as membrane rigidifiers, a function shared by other hopanoid‐producing phyla. Apart from impacting fitness under temperature stress, hopanoids are dispensable for vegetative cells under other stress conditions. However, hopanoids are required for stress tolerance in akinetes, a resting survival cell type. While 2‐methylated hopanoids do not appear to contribute to any stress phenotype, total hopanoids and to a lesser extent 2‐methylhopanoids were found to promote the formation of cyanophycin granules in akinetes. Finally, although hopanoids support symbiotic interactions between Alphaproteobacteria and plants, they do not appear to facilitate symbiosis between N. punctiforme and the hornwort Anthoceros punctatus. Collectively, these findings support interpreting hopanes as general environmental stress biomarkers. If hopanoid‐mediated enhancement of nitrogen‐rich storage products turns out to be a conserved phenomenon in other organisms, a better understanding of this relationship may help us parse the enrichment of 2‐methylhopanes in the rock record during episodes of disrupted nutrient cycling.  相似文献   

Five nitrogen fixing cyanobacterial strains have been found to contain PsaB2, an additional and divergent gene copy for the Photosystem I reaction center protein PsaB. In all five species the divergent gene, psaB2, is located separately from the normal psaAB operon in the genome. The protein, PsaB2, was recently identified in heterocysts of Nostoc punctiforme sp. strain PCC 73102. 12 conserved amino acid replacements and one insertion, were identified by a multiple sequence alignment of several PsaB2 and PsaB1 sequences. Several, including an inserted glutamine, are located close to the iron-sulfur cluster F(X) in the electron transfer chain. By homology modeling, using the Photosystem I crystal structure as template, we have found that the amino acid composition in PsaB2 will introduce changes in critical parts of the Photosystem I protein structure. The changes are close to F(X) and the phylloquinone (PhQ) in the B-branch, indicating that the electron transfer properties most likely will be affected. We suggest that the divergent PsaB2 protein produces an alternative Photosystem I reaction center with different structural and electron transfer properties. Some interesting physiologcial consequences that this can have for the function of Photosystem I in heterocysts, are discussed.  相似文献   

Nostoc punctiforme is an oxygenic photoautotrophic cyanobacterium with multiple developmental states, which can form nitrogen-fixing symbioses with a variety of terrestrial plants. 3D LC/MS/MS shotgun peptide sequencing was used to analyze the proteome when N. punctiforme is grown in continuous moderate light with ammonia as the nitrogen source. The soluble proteome includes 1575 proteins, 50% of which can be assigned to core metabolic and transport functions. Another 39% are assigned to proteins with no known function, a substantially higher fraction than in the Escherichia coli proteome. Many expressed proteins protect against oxidative and light stress. Seventy-one sensor histidine kinases, response regulators, and serine/threonine kinases, individually and as hybrid, multidomain proteins, were identified, reflecting a substantial capacity to sense and respond to environmental change. Proteins encoded by each of the five N. punctiforme plasmids were identified, as were 10 transposases, reflecting the plasticity of the N. punctiforme genome. This core proteome sets the stage for comparison with that of other developmental states.  相似文献   

Nostoc punctiforme ATCC 29133 is a nitrogen-fixing, heterocystous cyanobacterium of symbiotic origin. During nitrogen fixation, it produces molecular hydrogen (H(2)), which is recaptured by an uptake hydrogenase. Gas exchange in cultures of N. punctiforme ATCC 29133 and its hydrogenase-free mutant strain NHM5 was studied. Exchange of O(2), CO(2), N(2), and H(2) was followed simultaneously with a mass spectrometer in cultures grown under nitrogen-fixing conditions. Isotopic tracing was used to separate evolution and uptake of CO(2) and O(2). The amount of H(2) produced per molecule of N(2) fixed was found to vary with light conditions, high light giving a greater increase in H(2) production than N(2) fixation. The ratio under low light and high light was approximately 1.4 and 6.1 molecules of H(2) produced per molecule of N(2) fixed, respectively. Incubation under high light for a longer time, until the culture was depleted of CO(2), caused a decrease in the nitrogen fixation rate. At the same time, hydrogen production in the hydrogenase-deficient strain was increased from an initial rate of approximately 6 micro mol (mg of chlorophyll a)(-1) h(-1) to 9 micro mol (mg of chlorophyll a)(-1) h(-1) after about 50 min. A light-stimulated hydrogen-deuterium exchange activity stemming from the nitrogenase was observed in the two strains. The present findings are important for understanding this nitrogenase-based system, aiming at photobiological hydrogen production, as we have identified the conditions under which the energy flow through the nitrogenase can be directed towards hydrogen production rather than nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

Many cyanobacteria exhibit surface motility powered by type 4 pili (T4P). In the model filamentous cyanobacterium Nostoc punctiforme, the T4P systems are arrayed in static, bipolar rings in each cell. The chemotaxis‐like Hmp system is essential for motility and the coordinated polar accumulation of PilA on cells in motile filaments, while the Ptx system controls positive phototaxis. Using transposon mutagenesis, a gene, designated hmpF, was identified as involved in motility. Synteny among filamentous cyanobacteria and the similar expression patterns for hmpF and hmpD imply that HmpF is part of the Hmp system. Deletion of hmpF produced a phenotype distinct from other hmp genes, but indistinguishable from pilB or pilQ. Both an HmpF‐GFPuv fusion protein, and PilA, as assessed by in situ immunofluorescence, displayed coordinated, unipolar localization at the leading pole of each cell. Reversals were modulated by changes in light intensity and preceded by the migration of HmpF‐GFPuv to the lagging cell poles. These results are consistent with a model where direct interaction between HmpF and the T4P system activates pilus extension, the Hmp system facilitates coordinated polarity of HmpF to establish motility, and the Ptx system modulates HmpF localization to initiate reversals in response to changes in light intensity.  相似文献   

Ferritin-like proteins, Dps (DNA-binding protein from starved cells), store iron and play a key role in the iron homeostasis in bacteria, yet their iron releasing machinery remains largely unexplored. The electron donor proteins that may interact with Dps and promote the mobilization of the stored iron have hitherto not been identified. Here, we investigate the binding capacity of the two atypical Dps proteins NpDps4 and NpDps5 from Nostoc punctiforme to isolated ferredoxins. We report NpDps-ferredoxin interactions by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) methods. Dynamic light scattering, size exclusion chromatography and native gel electrophoresis results show that NpDps4 forms a dodecamer at both pH 6.0 and pH 8.0, while NpDps5 forms a dodecamer only at pH 6.0. In addition, FCS data clearly reveal that the non-canonical NpDps5 interacts with DNA at pH 6.0. Our spectroscopic analysis shows that [FeS] centers of the three recombinantly expressed and isolated ferredoxins are properly incorporated and are consistent with their respective native states. The results support our hypothesis that ferredoxins could be involved in cellular iron homeostasis by interacting with Dps and assisting the release of stored iron.  相似文献   

The hrmA gene of the N2-fixing cyanobacterium Nostoc punctiforme functions in repressing the formation of transitory motile filaments, termed hormogonia, by plant-associated vegetative filaments. Here, we report that anthocyanins can contribute to induction of hrmA expression. Aqueous extract from fronds of the fern Azolla pinnata, a host of symbiotic Nostoc spp., was found to be a potent inducer of hrmA-luxAB in N. punctiforme strain UCD 328. The hrmA-luxAB inducing activities of A. pinnata, as well as Azolla filiculoides, were positively correlated with levels of frond deoxyanthocyanins. Analyses of the deoxyanthocyanins in frond extracts revealed, in order of predominance, an acetylated glycoside derivative of luteolinidin (m/z 475) and of apigeninidin (m/z 459) and minor amounts of a second luteolinidin derivative. At up to 150 microM, a purified preparation of deoxyanthocyanins only weakly induced hrmA-luxAB on its own, but mixtures with hrmA-luxAB inducers (A. filiculoides extract or the flavonoid naringin) synergistically doubled to tripled their inducing activities. These results suggest that appropriately localized deoxyanthocyanins could function in plant-mediated mechanisms for repressing Nostoc spp. hormogonium formation.  相似文献   

The effects of nitrogen source (N(2), NO(3)(-) and NH(4)(+)) on scytonemin synthesis were investigated in the heterocystous cyanobacterium Nostoc punctiforme PCC 73102. With the required UVA radiation included, Nostoc synthesized three to seven times more scytonemin while fixing nitrogen than when utilizing nitrate or ammonium. A similar increase in scytonemin synthesis occurred when nitrate or ammonium became depleted by growth and Nostoc switched to diazotrophic metabolism with the differentiation of heterocysts. In addition, UVA-exposed cultures grown in medium with both NO(3)(-) and NH(4)(+) synthesized some scytonemin but synthesis increased when NH(4)(+) was depleted and growth had become dependent on NO(3)(-) reduction. Although the mechanism is unclear, these results suggest that the greater the restriction in nitrogen accessibility, the greater the production of scytonemin. Perhaps the entire response may be an interaction between this restriction and a resultant sensitivity to UV radiation that acts as a cue for determining the level of scytonemin synthesis. Scytonemin is a stable UVR screening compound and appears to be synthesized by cyanobacteria as a long-term solution for reducing UVR exposure and damage, but mainly or solely, when metabolic activity is absent. It is likely that during metabolic resurgence, the presence of a dense scytonemin sheath would facilitate the recovery process without the need for active defenses against UV radiation.  相似文献   

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