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J. PITTERMANN 《Geobiology》2010,8(2):112-139
This review examines the evolution of the plant vascular system from its beginnings in the green algae to modern arborescent plants, highlighting the recent advances in developmental, organismal, geochemical and climatological research that have contributed to our understanding of the evolution of xylem. Hydraulic trade‐offs in vascular structure–function are discussed in the context of canopy support and drought and freeze–thaw stress resistance. This qualitative and quantitative neontological approach to palaeobotany may be useful for interpreting the water‐transport efficiencies and hydraulic limits in fossil plants. Large variations in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are recorded in leaf stomatal densities, and may have had profound impacts on the water conservation strategies of ancient plants. A hypothesis that links vascular function with stomatal density is presented and examined in the context of the evolution of wood and/or vessels. A discussion of the broader impacts of plant transport on hydrology and climate concludes this review.  相似文献   

Early terrestrial ancestors of the land flora are characterized by a simple, axially symmetric habit and evolved in an atmosphere with much higher CO(2)concentrations than today. In order to gain information about the ecophysiological interrelationships of these plants, a model dealing with their gaseous exchange, which is basic to transpiration and photosynthesis, is introduced. The model is based on gas diffusion inside a porous medium and on a well-established photosynthesis model and allows for the simulation of the local gas fluxes through the various tissue layers of a plant axis. Necessary parameters consist of kinetical properties of the assimilation process and other physiological parameters (which have to be taken from extant plants), as well as physical constants and anatomical parameters which can be obtained from well-preserved fossil specimens. The model system is applied to an Early Devonian land plant, Aglaophyton major. The results demonstrate that, under an Early Devonian CO(2)concentration, A. major shows an extremely low transpiration rate and a low, but probably sufficiently high assimilation rate. Variation of the atmospheric CO(2)concentration shows that the assimilation is fully saturated even if the CO(2)content is decreased to about one-third of the initial value. This result indicates that A. major was probably able to exist under a wide range of atmospheric CO(2)concentrations. Further applications of this model system to ecophysiological studies of early land plant evolution are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent advances in allometric theory have proposed a novel quantitative framework by which to view the evolution of plant form and function. This general theory has placed strong emphasis on the importance of long‐distance transport in shaping the evolution of many attributes of plant form and function. Specifically, it is hypothesized that with the evolutionary increase in plant size natural selection has also resulted in vascular networks that minimize scaling of total hydrodynamic resistance associated with increasing transport distances. Herein the central features of this theory are reviewed and a broad sampling of supporting but yet preliminary empirical data are analysed. In particular, subtle attributes of the scaling of tracheid and vessel anatomy are hypothesized to be crucial for the evolution of increased plant size. Furthermore, the importance of minimizing hydrodynamic resistance associated with increased transport distances is also hypothesized to be reflected in an isometric scaling relationship between stem mass, MS and root mass, MR(i.e. MSMR). Preliminary data from multiple extant and fossil plant taxa provide tantalizing evidence supporting the predicted relationships. Together, these results suggest that selection for the minimization of the scaling of hydrodynamic resistance within plant vascular networks has in turn allowed for the enormous diversification in vascular plant size.  相似文献   

Receptor-like kinases (RLKs) play significant roles in mediating innate immunity and development of plants. The evolution of plant RLKs has been characterized by extensive variation in copy numbers and domain configurations. However, much remains unknown about the origin, evolution, and early diversification of plant RLKs. Here, we perform phylogenomic analyses of RLKs across plants (Archaeplastida), including embryophytes, charophytes, chlorophytes, prasinodermophytes, glaucophytes, and rhodophytes. We identify the presence of RLKs in all the streptophytes (land plants and charophytes), nine out of 18 chlorophytes, one prasinodermophyte, and one glaucophyte, but not in rhodophytes. Interestingly, the copy number of RLKs increased drastically in streptophytes after the split of the clade of Mesostigmatophyceae and Chlorokybophyceae and other streptophytes. Moreover, phylogenetic analyses suggest RLKs from charophytes form diverse distinct clusters, and are dispersed along the diversity of land plant RLKs, indicating that RLKs have extensively diversified in charophytes and charophyte RLKs seeded the major diversity of land plant RLKs. We identify at least 81 and 76 different kinase-associated domains for charophyte and land plant RLKs, 23 of which are shared, suggesting that RLKs might have evolved in a modular fashion through frequent domain gains or losses. We also detect signatures of positive selection for many charophyte RLK groups, indicating potential functions in host–microbe interaction. Taken together, our findings provide significant insights into the early evolution and diversification of plant RLKs and the ancient evolution of plant–microbe symbiosis.  相似文献   

Water economy in agricultural practices is an issue that is being addressed through studies aimed at understanding both plant water-use efficiency (WUE), i.e. biomass produced per water consumed, and responses to water shortage. In the model species Arabidopsis thaliana, the ESKIMO1 (ESK1) gene has been described as involved in freezing, cold and salt tolerance as well as in water economy: esk1 mutants have very low evapo-transpiration rates and high water-use efficiency. In order to establish ESK1 function, detailed characterization of esk1 mutants has been carried out. The stress hormone ABA (abscisic acid) was present at high levels in esk1 compared to wild type, nevertheless, the weak water loss of esk1 was independent of stomata closure through ABA biosynthesis, as combining mutant in this pathway with esk1 led to additive phenotypes. Measurement of root hydraulic conductivity suggests that the esk1 vegetative apparatus suffers water deficit due to a defect in water transport. ESK1 promoter-driven reporter gene expression was observed in xylem and fibers, the vascular tissue responsible for the transport of water and mineral nutrients from the soil to the shoots, via the roots. Moreover, in cross sections of hypocotyls, roots and stems, esk1 xylem vessels were collapsed. Finally, using Fourier-Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, severe chemical modifications of xylem cell wall composition were highlighted in the esk1 mutants. Taken together our findings show that ESK1 is necessary for the production of functional xylem vessels, through its implication in the laying down of secondary cell wall components.  相似文献   

Leaf water contains naturally occurring stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen in abundances that vary spatially and temporally. When sufficiently understood, these can be harnessed for a wide range of applications. Here, we review the current state of knowledge of stable isotope enrichment of leaf water, and its relevance for isotopic signals incorporated into plant organic matter and atmospheric gases. Models describing evaporative enrichment of leaf water have become increasingly complex over time, reflecting enhanced spatial and temporal resolution. We recommend that practitioners choose a model with a level of complexity suited to their application, and provide guidance. At the same time, there exists some lingering uncertainty about the biophysical processes relevant to patterns of isotopic enrichment in leaf water. An important goal for future research is to link observed variations in isotopic composition to specific anatomical and physiological features of leaves that reflect differences in hydraulic design. New measurement techniques are developing rapidly, enabling determinations of both transpired and leaf water δ18O and δ2H to be made more easily and at higher temporal resolution than previously possible. We expect these technological advances to spur new developments in our understanding of patterns of stable isotope fractionation in leaf water.  相似文献   

The contribution of water-filled, selective membrane pores (water channels) is integrated into a general concept of water transport in plant tissue. The concept is based on the composite anatomical structure of tissues which results in a composite transport pattern. Three main pathways of water flow have been distinguished, ie the apoplastic, symplastic and transcellular (vacuolar) paths. Since the symplastic and transcellular components can not be distinguished experimentally, these components are summarized as a cell-to-cell component. Water channel activity may control the overall water flow across tissues provided that the contribution of the apoplastic component is relatively low. The composite transport model has been applied to roots where most of the data are available. Comparison of the hydraulic conductivity at the root cell and organ levels shows that, depending on the species, there may be a dominating cell-to-cell or apoplastic water flow. Most remarkably, there are differences in the hydraulic conductivity of roots which depend on the nature of the force used to drive water flows (osmotic or hydrostatic pressure gradients). This is predicted by the model. The composite transport model explains low reflection coefficients of roots, the variability in root hydraulic resistance and differences between herbaceous and woody species. It is demonstrated that there is also a composite transport of water at the membrane level (water channel arrays vs bilayer arrays). This results in low reflection coefficients of plasma membranes for certain test solutes as derived for isolated internodes of Chara. The titration of water channel activity in this alga with mercurials and its dependence on changes in temperature or external concentration show that water channels do not exclusively transport water. Rather, they are permeable to relatively big uncharged organic solutes. The result indicates that, at least for Chara, the concept of an exclusive transport of water across water channels has to be questioned.  相似文献   

The factors that determine large-scale patterns of species richness are poorly understood. In particular, biologists have not determined the relative roles of taxon-specific characteristics that influence diversification and distribution, and region-specific features that promote and constrain diversity. We show that the numbers of species of vascular plants and of four terrestrial vertebrate taxa (mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians) vary in parallel across 296 geographic areas covering most of the globe, even after accounting for sample area, climate, topographic heterogeneity and differences between continents. Thus, a common set of regional characteristics and processes appears to shape patterns of species richness in a diverse set of taxa, despite substantial differences in their biological traits.  相似文献   

1. By the implantation of wedges containing indol-3-ylacetic acid and sucrose into blocks of undifferentiated bean-callus tissue it has been possible to induce the formation of xylem and phloem cells. 2. The differentiation has been investigated cytologically and measured chemically. 3. The optimum concentrations of the nutrients in the wedge, which gave differentiation closely resembling the vascular development found in the stem of the intact plant, was 0.1mg. of indol-3-ylacetic acid/l. and 2% sucrose. 4. The ratios of the xylose/arabinose concentrations of the tissues increased in the differentiated callus tissue compared with those of the undifferentiated tissue. A similar increase has been found for the ratios determined for xylem tissue compared with those for cambium. 5. The lignin content of the differentiated tissue compared with the undifferentiated tissue was greater in both the callus and stem tissue. 6. Chemical analysis of lignin showed that in the differentiated callus tissue it consisted of sub-units based on p-hydroxybenzaldehyde and vanillin. This was compared with the lignin obtained from undifferentiated callus tissue and that obtained from the tissues of the intact stem. 7. The results of the investigation have been discussed with reference to the problems of cell growth and differentiation and related to the changing patterns of the ultrastructure of the cell during its development.  相似文献   

Foerstia and recent interpretations of early, vascular land plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Schopf, James M. 1978 04 15: Foerstia and recent interpretations of early, vascular land plants
Foerstia should be regarded as a marine fucoid, contrary to the recent interpretation of Gray and Boucot who relate these fossils to land plants. Although the megaspore coats are resistant and may be waxy, the thallus lacks cuticle and it has internal filamentous tissue like Fucus and other fucoidal algae. The megaspores, borne in fucoidal conceptacles, are unusual and may be forerunners of the more reduced oocytes that occur in modern Fucales. Detailed illustrations are provided. There is no evidence that these plants have ever been anything but marine. Likewise, tubular microfossils that show internal thickenings and occur in Ordovician and Silurian marine deposits should not be designated 'tracheid-like', as done by Gray and Boucot, because it is unlikely they represent land plants or function in conduction. They show a surprisingly consistent association with Chitinozoa. They illustrate the adage that structures identified simply by their form may be of diverse origin. Neither Foersria nor the annulate tubules are relevant to the origin of temestrial vegetation.  相似文献   

One of the characteristic feature of activity of plant organism vital functions is a speed of its inner water flow. The main source of energy providing the transport of water is gradient of water chemical potential between soil and atmosphere. In case of equal potentials of these surroundings, the plant organism have additional energetic expenses to compensate the energy of external source. Series of experiments to investigate the influence of saturation of atmosphere with water (equilibrium of potentials) to energetic balance of plant were carried out. The results shows that: 1) etiolate seedlings in this conditions waste 10-15 percent energy per unit of new formation more than under 70-80 percent humidity; 2) saturation of atmosphere with water above plants with well developed transpiration surface leads to the decrease in their heat content; 3) equilibrium of water chemical potentials of different environments increases the intensity of intact root transpiration, i.e. intensifies "the burning" of organic matter. Thus, gradient of water chemical potential existing in nature between environments of different organs if sufficient source of energy for a plant.  相似文献   

《Trends in plant science》2023,28(3):312-329
Plant (archaeplastid) evolution has transformed the biosphere, but we are only now beginning to learn how this took place through comparative genomics, phylogenetics, and the fossil record. This has illuminated the phylogeny of Archaeplastida, Viridiplantae, and Streptophyta, and has resolved the evolution of key characters, genes, and genomes – revealing that many key innovations evolved long before the clades with which they have been casually associated. Molecular clock analyses estimate that Streptophyta and Viridiplantae emerged in the late Mesoproterozoic to late Neoproterozoic, whereas Archaeplastida emerged in the late-mid Palaeoproterozoic. Together, these insights inform on the coevolution of plants and the Earth system that transformed ecology and global biogeochemical cycles, increased weathering, and precipitated snowball Earth events, during which they would have been key to oxygen production and net primary productivity (NPP).  相似文献   

The Devonian Period was characterized by major changes in both the terrestrial biosphere, e.g. the evolution of trees and seed plants and the appearance of multi-storied forests, and in the marine biosphere, e.g. an extended biotic crisis that decimated tropical marine benthos, especially the stromatoporoid-tabulate coral reef community. Teleconnections between these terrestrial and marine events are poorly understood, but a key may lie in the role of soils as a geochemical interface between the lithosphere and atmosphere/hydrosphere, and the role of land plants in mediating weathering processes at this interface. The effectiveness of terrestrial floras in weathering was significantly enhanced as a consequence of increases in the size and geographic extent of vascular land plants during the Devonian. In this regard, the most important palaeobotanical innovations were (1) arborescence (tree stature), which increased maximum depths of root penetration and rhizoturbation, and (2) the seed habit, which freed land plants from reproductive dependence on moist lowland habitats and allowed colonization of drier upland and primary successional areas. These developments resulted in a transient intensification of pedogenesis (soil formation) and to large increases in the thickness and areal extent of soils. Enhanced chemical weathering may have led to increased riverine nutrient fluxes that promoted development of eutrophic conditions in epicontinental seaways, resulting in algal blooms, widespread bottomwater anoxia, and high sedimentary organic carbon fluxes. Long-term effects included drawdown of atmospheric pCO2 and global cooling, leading to a brief Late Devonian glaciation, which set the stage for icehouse conditions during the Permo-Carboniferous. This model provides a framework for understanding links between early land plant evolution and coeval marine anoxic and biotic events, but further testing of Devonian terrestrial-marine teleconnections is needed.  相似文献   

Although there is clear evidence for the establishment of terrestrial plant life by the end of the Ordovician, the fossil record indicates that land plants remained extremely small and structurally simple until the Late Silurian. Among the events associated with this first major radiation of land plants is the evolution of tracheids, complex water-conducting cells defined by the presence of lignified secondary cell wall thickenings. Recent palaeobotanical analyses indicate that Early Devonian tracheids appear to possess secondary cell wall thickenings composed of two distinct layers: a degradation-prone layer adjacent to the primary cell wall and a degradation-resistant (possibly lignified) layer next to the cell lumen. In order to understand better the early evolution of tracheids, developmental and comparative studies of key basal (and potentially plesiomorphic) extant vascular plants have been initiated. Ultrastructural analysis and enzyme degradation studies of wall structure (to approximate diagenetic alterations of fossil tracheid structure) have been conducted on basal members of each of the two major clades of extant vascular plants: Huperzia (Lycophytina) and Equisetum (Euphyllophytina. This research demonstrates that secondary cell walls of extant basal vascular plants include a degradation-prone layer ('template layer') and a degradation-resistant layer ('resistant layer'). This pattern of secondary cell wall formation in the water-conducting cells of extant vascular plants matches the pattern of wall thickenings in the tracheids of early fossil vascular plants and provides a key evolutionary link between tracheids of living vascular plants and those of their earliest fossil ancestors. Further studies of tracheid development and structure among basal extant vascular plants will lead to a more precise reconstruction of the early evolution of water-conducting tissues in land plants, and will add to the current limited knowledge of spatial, temporal and cytochemical aspects of cell wall formation in tracheary elements of vascular plants.  相似文献   

The presence of liquid water at the surface of the Earth has played a major role in the biological evolution of the Earth. None of the other terrestrial planets — Mercury, Venus and Mars — has liquid water at its surface. However, it has been suggested, since the early seventies, from both geological and atmospheric arguments that, although Venus and Mars are presently devoid of liquid water, their surfaces could have been partially or completely covered by water at some time of their evolution. There are many possible diagnostics of the long-term evolution of the planets, either from the present characteristics of their surfaces or from their present atmospheric compositions. Among them, the present value of the D/H ratio is of particular interest, although its significance in terms of long term evolution has been challenged by some authors. Recent progress has been made in this field. We now have evidence for higher D/H ratios on Mars and Venus than on Earth, with an enrichment factor of the order of 5 on Mars, and about 100 on Venus. Any scenario for the evolution of these planets must take this into account. The most recent models on the evolution of Mars and Venus are reviewed in light of these new measurements.Presented at the Session Water in the Solar System and Its Role in Exobiology during the 26th General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, 22–26 April 1991 in Wiesbaden, Germany.  相似文献   

Nied?wiedzki, G., Gorzelak, P. & Sulej, T. 2010: Bite traces on dicynodont bones and the early evolution of large terrestrial predators. Lethaia, Vol. 44, pp. 87–92. Dicynodont (Synapsida: Anomodontia) bones from the Late Triassic (late Norian/early Rhaetian) of Poland yield characteristic tooth marks that can be attributed to three ichnotaxa (Linichnus serratus, Knethichnus parallelum and Nihilichnus nihilicus). The general shape and dimension of these traces perfectly match the dental morphology of a co‐occurring carnivorous dinosaur. It is therefore concluded that early carnivorous dinosaurs were feeding on dicynodonts. This discovery constitutes one of the oldest evidence of dinosaur predator–prey interaction. It is suggested that an evolutionary increase in the size of dicynodonts across the Late Triassic may have been driven by selection pressure to reach a size refuge from early dinosaur predators. □Bite traces, dicynodonts, dinosaurs, predation, Triassic.  相似文献   

Physiological correlates of the morphology of early vascular plants   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
RAVEN, J. A., 1984. Physiological correlates of the morphology of early vascular plants. The early evolution of vascular land plants is considered in relation to the physiological problems of life on land. The universal characteristics of vascular plants (xylem, cuticle, stomata, intercellular air spaces, long-distance symplastic transport and alternation of generations) are discussed in terms of the essential properties of a homoiohydric phototroph. Likely precursors of vascular plants, and the physico-chemical and biotic environment in which they occurred, are outlined prior to a discussion of the selective forces acting on the evolution of vascular plants in the Upper Silurian and Lower Devonian. Emphasis is placed on biochemical and structural 'pre-adaptations' which may have occurred in the precursors of vascular plants and on which natural selection could have acted with lignified xylem, stomata, etc., as the end-products. Guiding principles in the analysis include the physiology of extant plants, physico-chemical constraints, and compatibility with the fossil record. It is concluded that the likely sequence of acquisition of vascular plant characteristics was: heteromorphic alternation of generations with an erect sporophyte; cuticularization of sporophyte; evolution of xylem; occurrence of intercellular air spaces with pores in the epidermis; stomatal activity of the pores. Endodermis and phloem-type long-distance transport probably originated around stages (3)-(5).  相似文献   

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