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This paper presents a Grouping Genetic Algorithm (GGA) to solve a maximally diverse grouping problem. It has been applied for the classification of an unbalanced database of 801 samples of gene expression RNA-Seq data in 5 types of cancer. The samples are composed by 20,531 genes. GGA extracts several groups of genes that achieve high accuracy in multiple classification. Accuracy has been evaluated by an Extreme Learning Machine algorithm and was found to be slightly higher in balanced databases than in unbalanced ones. The final classification decision has been made through a weighted majority vote system between the groups of features. The proposed algorithm finally selects 49 genes to classify samples with an average accuracy of 98.81% and a standard deviation of 0.0174.  相似文献   

A plenitude of feature selection (FS) methods is available in the literature, most of them rising as a need to analyze data of very high dimension, usually hundreds or thousands of variables. Such data sets are now available in various application areas like combinatorial chemistry, text mining, multivariate imaging, or bioinformatics. As a general accepted rule, these methods are grouped in filters, wrappers, and embedded methods. More recently, a new group of methods has been added in the general framework of FS: ensemble techniques. The focus in this survey is on filter feature selection methods for informative feature discovery in gene expression microarray (GEM) analysis, which is also known as differentially expressed genes (DEGs) discovery, gene prioritization, or biomarker discovery. We present them in a unified framework, using standardized notations in order to reveal their technical details and to highlight their common characteristics as well as their particularities.  相似文献   

Minimum redundancy feature selection from microarray gene expression data   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
How to selecting a small subset out of the thousands of genes in microarray data is important for accurate classification of phenotypes. Widely used methods typically rank genes according to their differential expressions among phenotypes and pick the top-ranked genes. We observe that feature sets so obtained have certain redundancy and study methods to minimize it. We propose a minimum redundancy - maximum relevance (MRMR) feature selection framework. Genes selected via MRMR provide a more balanced coverage of the space and capture broader characteristics of phenotypes. They lead to significantly improved class predictions in extensive experiments on 6 gene expression data sets: NCI, Lymphoma, Lung, Child Leukemia, Leukemia, and Colon. Improvements are observed consistently among 4 classification methods: Naive Bayes, Linear discriminant analysis, Logistic regression, and Support vector machines. SUPPLIMENTARY: The top 60 MRMR genes for each of the datasets are listed in http://crd.lbl.gov/~cding/MRMR/. More information related to MRMR methods can be found at http://www.hpeng.net/.  相似文献   

Wavelet transform has been widely applied in extracting characteristic information in spike sorting. As the wavelet coefficients used to distinguish various spike shapes are often disorganized, they still lack in effective unsupervised methods still lacks to select the most discriminative features. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised feature selection method, employing kernel density estimation to select those wavelet coefficients with bimodal or multimodal distributions. This method is tested on a simulated spike data set, and the average misclassification rate after fuzzy C-means clustering has been greatly reduced, which proves this kernel density estimation-based feature selection approach is effective.  相似文献   

Most of the conventional feature selection algorithms have a drawback whereby a weakly ranked gene that could perform well in terms of classification accuracy with an appropriate subset of genes will be left out of the selection. Considering this shortcoming, we propose a feature selection algorithm in gene expression data analysis of sample classifications. The proposed algorithm first divides genes into subsets, the sizes of which are relatively small (roughly of size h), then selects informative smaller subsets of genes (of size r < h) from a subset and merges the chosen genes with another gene subset (of size r) to update the gene subset. We repeat this process until all subsets are merged into one informative subset. We illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm by analyzing three distinct gene expression data sets. Our method shows promising classification accuracy for all the test data sets. We also show the relevance of the selected genes in terms of their biological functions.  相似文献   

High-dimensional clustering analysis is a challenging problem in statistics and machine learning, with broad applications such as the analysis of microarray data and RNA-seq data. In this paper, we propose a new clustering procedure called spectral clustering with feature selection (SC-FS), where we first obtain an initial estimate of labels via spectral clustering, then select a small fraction of features with the largest R-squared with these labels, that is, the proportion of variation explained by group labels, and conduct clustering again using selected features. Under mild conditions, we prove that the proposed method identifies all informative features with high probability and achieves the minimax optimal clustering error rate for the sparse Gaussian mixture model. Applications of SC-FS to four real-world datasets demonstrate its usefulness in clustering high-dimensional data.  相似文献   

Classification of gene expression data is a pivotal research area that plays a substantial role in diagnosis and prediction of diseases. Generally, feature selection is one of the extensively used techniques in data mining approaches, especially in classification. Gene expression data are usually composed of dozens of samples characterized by thousands of genes. This increases the dimensionality coupled with the existence of irrelevant and redundant features. Accordingly, the selection of informative genes (features) becomes difficult, which badly affects the gene classification accuracy. In this paper, we consider the feature selection for classifying gene expression microarray datasets. The goal is to detect the most possibly cancer-related genes in a distributed manner, which helps in effectively classifying the samples. Initially, the available huge amount of considered features are subdivided and distributed among several processors. Then, a new filter selection method based on a fuzzy inference system is applied to each subset of the dataset. Finally, all the resulted features are ranked, then a wrapper-based selection method is applied. Experimental results showed that our proposed feature selection technique performs better than other techniques since it produces lower time latency and improves classification performance.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Feature selection methods aim to reduce the complexity of data and to uncover the most relevant biological variables. In reality, information in biological datasets is often incomplete as a result of untrustworthy samples and missing values. The reliability of selection methods may therefore be questioned. METHOD: Information loss is incorporated into a perturbation scheme, testing which features are stable under it. This method is applied to data analysis by unsupervised feature filtering (UFF). The latter has been shown to be a very successful method in analysis of gene-expression data. RESULTS: We find that the UFF quality degrades smoothly with information loss. It remains successful even under substantial damage. Our method allows for selection of a best imputation method on a dataset treated by UFF. More importantly, scoring features according to their stability under information loss is shown to be correlated with biological importance in cancer studies. This scoring may lead to novel biological insights.  相似文献   

We present and review coupled two-way clustering, a method designed to mine gene expression data. The method identifies submatrices of the total expression matrix, whose clustering analysis reveals partitions of samples (and genes) into biologically relevant classes. We demonstrate, on data from colon and breast cancer, that we are able to identify partitions that elude standard clustering analysis. AVAILABILITY: Free, at http://ctwc.weizmann.ac.il.. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: http://www.weizmann.ac.il/physics/complex/compphys/bioinfo2/  相似文献   

癌症基因表达谱挖掘中的特征基因选择算法GA/WV   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鉴定癌症表达谱的特征基因集合可以促进癌症类型分类的研究,这也可能使病人获得更好的临床诊断?虽然一些方法在基因表达谱分析上取得了成功,但是用基因表达谱数据进行癌症分类研究依然是一个巨大的挑战,其主要原因在于缺少通用而可靠的基因重要性评估方法。GA/WV是一种新的用复杂的生物表达数据评估基因分类重要性的方法,通过联合遗传算法(GA)和加权投票分类算法(WV)得到的特征基因集合不但适用于WV分类器,也适用于其它分类器?将GA/WV方法用癌症基因表达谱数据集的验证,结果表明本方法是一种成功可靠的特征基因选择方法。  相似文献   



The recent emergence of high-throughput automated image acquisition technologies has forever changed how cell biologists collect and analyze data. Historically, the interpretation of cellular phenotypes in different experimental conditions has been dependent upon the expert opinions of well-trained biologists. Such qualitative analysis is particularly effective in detecting subtle, but important, deviations in phenotypes. However, while the rapid and continuing development of automated microscope-based technologies now facilitates the acquisition of trillions of cells in thousands of diverse experimental conditions, such as in the context of RNA interference (RNAi) or small-molecule screens, the massive size of these datasets precludes human analysis. Thus, the development of automated methods which aim to identify novel and biological relevant phenotypes online is one of the major challenges in high-throughput image-based screening. Ideally, phenotype discovery methods should be designed to utilize prior/existing information and tackle three challenging tasks, i.e. restoring pre-defined biological meaningful phenotypes, differentiating novel phenotypes from known ones and clarifying novel phenotypes from each other. Arbitrarily extracted information causes biased analysis, while combining the complete existing datasets with each new image is intractable in high-throughput screens.


Here we present the design and implementation of a novel and robust online phenotype discovery method with broad applicability that can be used in diverse experimental contexts, especially high-throughput RNAi screens. This method features phenotype modelling and iterative cluster merging using improved gap statistics. A Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) is employed to estimate the distribution of each existing phenotype, and then used as reference distribution in gap statistics. This method is broadly applicable to a number of different types of image-based datasets derived from a wide spectrum of experimental conditions and is suitable to adaptively process new images which are continuously added to existing datasets. Validations were carried out on different dataset, including published RNAi screening using Drosophila embryos [Additional files 1, 2], dataset for cell cycle phase identification using HeLa cells [Additional files 1, 3, 4] and synthetic dataset using polygons, our methods tackled three aforementioned tasks effectively with an accuracy range of 85%–90%. When our method is implemented in the context of a Drosophila genome-scale RNAi image-based screening of cultured cells aimed to identifying the contribution of individual genes towards the regulation of cell-shape, it efficiently discovers meaningful new phenotypes and provides novel biological insight. We also propose a two-step procedure to modify the novelty detection method based on one-class SVM, so that it can be used to online phenotype discovery. In different conditions, we compared the SVM based method with our method using various datasets and our methods consistently outperformed SVM based method in at least two of three tasks by 2% to 5%. These results demonstrate that our methods can be used to better identify novel phenotypes in image-based datasets from a wide range of conditions and organisms.


We demonstrate that our method can detect various novel phenotypes effectively in complex datasets. Experiment results also validate that our method performs consistently under different order of image input, variation of starting conditions including the number and composition of existing phenotypes, and dataset from different screens. In our findings, the proposed method is suitable for online phenotype discovery in diverse high-throughput image-based genetic and chemical screens.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Despite the growing literature devoted to finding differentially expressed genes in assays probing different tissues types, little attention has been paid to the combinatorial nature of feature selection inherent to large, high-dimensional gene expression datasets. New flexible data analysis approaches capable of searching relevant subgroups of genes and experiments are needed to understand multivariate associations of gene expression patterns with observed phenotypes. RESULTS: We present in detail a deterministic algorithm to discover patterns of multivariate gene associations in gene expression data. The patterns discovered are differential with respect to a control dataset. The algorithm is exhaustive and efficient, reporting all existent patterns that fit a given input parameter set while avoiding enumeration of the entire pattern space. The value of the pattern discovery approach is demonstrated by finding a set of genes that differentiate between two types of lymphoma. Moreover, these genes are found to behave consistently in an independent dataset produced in a different laboratory using different arrays, thus validating the genes selected using our algorithm. We show that the genes deemed significant in terms of their multivariate statistics will be missed using other methods. AVAILABILITY: Our set of pattern discovery algorithms including a user interface is distributed as a package called Genes@Work. This package is freely available to non-commercial users and can be downloaded from our website (http://www.research.ibm.com/FunGen).  相似文献   



Due to the large number of genes in a typical microarray dataset, feature selection looks set to play an important role in reducing noise and computational cost in gene expression-based tissue classification while improving accuracy at the same time. Surprisingly, this does not appear to be the case for all multiclass microarray datasets. The reason is that many feature selection techniques applied on microarray datasets are either rank-based and hence do not take into account correlations between genes, or are wrapper-based, which require high computational cost, and often yield difficult-to-reproduce results. In studies where correlations between genes are considered, attempts to establish the merit of the proposed techniques are hampered by evaluation procedures which are less than meticulous, resulting in overly optimistic estimates of accuracy.  相似文献   



Microarray experiments are becoming a powerful tool for clinical diagnosis, as they have the potential to discover gene expression patterns that are characteristic for a particular disease. To date, this problem has received most attention in the context of cancer research, especially in tumor classification. Various feature selection methods and classifier design strategies also have been generally used and compared. However, most published articles on tumor classification have applied a certain technique to a certain dataset, and recently several researchers compared these techniques based on several public datasets. But, it has been verified that differently selected features reflect different aspects of the dataset and some selected features can obtain better solutions on some certain problems. At the same time, faced with a large amount of microarray data with little knowledge, it is difficult to find the intrinsic characteristics using traditional methods. In this paper, we attempt to introduce a combinational feature selection method in conjunction with ensemble neural networks to generally improve the accuracy and robustness of sample classification.  相似文献   



Classification studies using gene expression datasets are usually based on small numbers of samples and tens of thousands of genes. The selection of those genes that are important for distinguishing the different sample classes being compared, poses a challenging problem in high dimensional data analysis. We describe a new procedure for selecting significant genes as recursive cluster elimination (RCE) rather than recursive feature elimination (RFE). We have tested this algorithm on six datasets and compared its performance with that of two related classification procedures with RFE.  相似文献   

Changes in genetic regulation contribute to adaptations in natural populations and influence susceptibility to human diseases. Despite their potential phenotypic importance, the selective pressures acting on regulatory processes in general and gene expression levels in particular are largely unknown. Studies in model organisms suggest that the expression levels of most genes evolve under stabilizing selection, although a few are consistent with adaptive evolution. However, it has been proposed that gene expression levels in primates evolve largely in the absence of selective constraints. In this article, we discuss the microarray-based observations that led to these disparate interpretations. We conclude that in both primates and model organisms, stabilizing selection is likely to be the dominant mode of gene expression evolution. An important implication is that mutations affecting gene expression will often be deleterious and might underlie many human diseases.  相似文献   

This paper studies the problem of building multiclass classifiers for tissue classification based on gene expression. The recent development of microarray technologies has enabled biologists to quantify gene expression of tens of thousands of genes in a single experiment. Biologists have begun collecting gene expression for a large number of samples. One of the urgent issues in the use of microarray data is to develop methods for characterizing samples based on their gene expression. The most basic step in the research direction is binary sample classification, which has been studied extensively over the past few years. This paper investigates the next step-multiclass classification of samples based on gene expression. The characteristics of expression data (e.g. large number of genes with small sample size) makes the classification problem more challenging. The process of building multiclass classifiers is divided into two components: (i) selection of the features (i.e. genes) to be used for training and testing and (ii) selection of the classification method. This paper compares various feature selection methods as well as various state-of-the-art classification methods on various multiclass gene expression datasets. Our study indicates that multiclass classification problem is much more difficult than the binary one for the gene expression datasets. The difficulty lies in the fact that the data are of high dimensionality and that the sample size is small. The classification accuracy appears to degrade very rapidly as the number of classes increases. In particular, the accuracy was very low regardless of the choices of the methods for large-class datasets (e.g. NCI60 and GCM). While increasing the number of samples is a plausible solution to the problem of accuracy degradation, it is important to develop algorithms that are able to analyze effectively multiple-class expression data for these special datasets.  相似文献   

Bø T  Jonassen I 《Genome biology》2002,3(4):research00-11
Methods for extracting useful information from the datasets produced by microarray experiments are at present of much interest. Here we present new methods for finding gene sets that are well suited for distinguishing experiment classes, such as healthy versus diseased tissues. Our methods are based on evaluating genes in pairs and evaluating how well a pair in combination distinguishes two experiment classes. We tested the ability of our pair-based methods to select gene sets that generalize the differences between experiment classes and compared the performance relative to two standard methods. To assess the ability to generalize class differences, we studied how well the gene sets we select are suited for learning a classifier. We show that the gene sets selected by our methods outperform the standard methods, in some cases by a large margin, in terms of cross-validation prediction accuracy of the learned classifier. We show that on two public datasets, accurate diagnoses can be made using only 15-30 genes. Our results have implications for how to select marker genes and how many gene measurements are needed for diagnostic purposes. When looking for differential expression between experiment classes, it may not be sufficient to look at each gene in a separate universe. Evaluating combinations of genes reveals interesting information that will not be discovered otherwise. Our results show that class prediction can be improved by taking advantage of this extra information.  相似文献   

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