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The effect of ATP and adenosine on spontaneous activity and orthodromic responses of single neurons and on global evoked potentials was investigated in surviving slices of rat neocortex, hippocampus, dentate fascia, and cerebellumin vitro. ATP and adenosine, added to the incubation medium, had a twofold action on neurons: excitatory and inhibitory. Excitation was observed only if high concentrations of the substances (10?2, less frequently 10?3 M) were used, and in the case of adenosine it was very weak. The excitatory effect is evidently due to the direct depolarizing action of these substances on the cell membrane. The inhibitory action of both ATP and adenosine was manifested even in low concentrations (10?6–10?7 M) and was expressed as inhibition of postsynaptic responses of neurons at the presynaptic level and of their spontaneous activity. Hippocampal neurons were most sensitive to these substances, cerebellar neurons least. Apamine was found to have no effect on the inhibitory action of ATP. The results do not support the view that ATP and adenosine may be classed as CNS neurotransmitters. The possible role of these drugs as neuromodulators of synaptic transmission in the CNS is discussed.  相似文献   

Slices were prepared from rat forebrains and the incorporation of [3H]mannose and [35S]methionine into proteins and glycoproteins determined. The incorporation of methionine continued to increase for up to 8 hours whereas mannose incorporation was maximal between 2 and 4 hours and declined thereafter. Glycopeptides prepared by pronase digestion of [3H]mannose-labeled glycoproteins were digested with endoglucosaminidase H (endo H) and analysed by gel filtration. The major endo H-sensitive oligosaccharide eluted in a position similar to standard Man8GlcNAc. In the presence of castanospermine, which inhibits glucosidase I, the first enzymatic step in the processing of N-linked oligosaccharides, a new endo H-sensitive glycan similar in size to standard Glc3Man9GlcNAc2 accumulated. Synaptic membranes (SMs) were isolated from slices which had been incubated with either [3H]mannose or [35S]methionine in the presence and absence of castanospermine. In the presence of inhibitor the relative incorporation of [3H]mannose into high-mannose glycans of synaptic glycoproteins was increased. The incorporation of newly synthesized, [35S] methioninelabeled, Con A-binding glycoproteins into SMs was not affected by the addition of inhibitor. Many of the glycoproteins synthesized in the presence of castanospermine exhibited a decreased electrophoretic mobility indicative of the presence of altered oligosaccharide chains. The results indicate that changes in oligosaccharide composition produced by castanospermine had little effect on the subsequent transport and incorporation of glycoproteins into synaptic membranes.To whom to address reprint requests.  相似文献   

In addition to its well-characterized effects in immune system, chemokine CC motif ligand 2 (CCL2, formerly known as monocyte chemoattractant protein-1) is believed to play an important role in brain physiological and pathological processes. It has been shown that CCL2 and its cognate receptor chemokine CC motif receptor 2 are constitutively expressed in several brain regions including the hippocampus, and the expression is up-regulated under pathological conditions. Whereas most investigations have so far focused on its involvement in CNS pathology, few studies have examined the effects of CCL2 on neuronal and synaptic physiology. In this study, we tested the effects of CCL2 on neuronal excitability and excitatory synaptic transmission in the CA1 region of rat hippocampal slices using whole-cell patch clamp techniques. Bath application of CCL2 depolarized membrane potential and increased spike firing in CA1 neuronal cells. Bath application of CCL2 also produced an increase of excitatory post-synaptic currents recorded in Schaffer-collateral fibers to CA1 synapses. Quantal analysis revealed that CCL2 increased the frequency of spontaneous excitatory post-synaptic current occurrence and mean quantal content. Taken together, our data indicate that CCL2 enhances neuronal excitability and synaptic transmission via pre-synaptic mechanisms. These results support the emerging concept that chemokines function as neuromodulators in the CNS.  相似文献   

The effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on living organisms are recently a focus of scientific interest, as they may influence everyday life in several ways. Although the neural effects of EMFs have been subject to a considerable number of investigations, the results are difficult to compare since dissimilar exposure protocols have been applied on different preparations or animals. In the present series of experiments, whole rats or excised rat brain slices were exposed to a reference level‐intensity (250–500 µT, 50 Hz) EMF in order to examine the effects on the synaptic efficacy in the central nervous system. Electrophysiological investigation was carried out ex vivo, on neocortical and hippocampal slices; basic synaptic functions, short‐ and long‐term plasticity and seizure susceptibility were tested. The most pronounced effect was a decrease in basic synaptic activity in slices treated directly ex vivo observed as a diminution in amplitude of evoked potentials. On the other hand, following whole‐body exposure an enhanced short‐ and long‐term synaptic facilitation in hippocampal slices and increased seizure susceptibility in neocortical slices was also observed. However, these effects seem to be transient. We can conclude that ELF‐EMF exposure exerts significant effects on synaptic activity, but the overall changes may strongly depend on the synaptic structure and neuronal network of the affected region together with the specific spatial parameters and constancy of EMF. Bioelectromagnetics 30:631–640, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Corticoliberin (corticotrophin-releasing hormone, CRH) regulated of endocrine, autonomic and immune response to stress and is a mediator of anxiety in behavioral response. We studied the effect of corticoliberin on neuronal activity after microstimulation of olfactory cortex slices. Wistar rats strain were selected in T-maze labyrinth according to active and passive strategy of the adaptive behavior. The rats were exposed to water-immersions stress and after 10 days from their brain the olfactory cortex slices were prepared. The evoked focal potential were registered after perfusion with 0.1 mcM of CRH. It was revealed that in 60% of the slices of the active rats CRH induced the small decrease of excitatory amplitude but the increase amplitude inhibitory postsynaptic potential. In 40%, CRH induced the depression of synaptic transmission. Addition of CRH in incubation medium of the passive rat slices related, blockade the synaptic transmission.  相似文献   

Dependence of the inhibitory action of adenosine on the extracellular composite EPSP on the concentrations of Mg and Ca cations in the medium was investigated in isolated slices of rat hippocampusin vitro. Extracellular EPSPs were derived in the region of apical dendrites of pyramidal cells in area CA1 during stimulation of Schaffer's collaterals. The blocking action of bivalent cations (an increase in Mg++ or a decrease in Ca++) developed almost five times more slowly than the action of adenosine. An increase in the external Mg++ concentration potentiated whereas a decrease weakened the inhibitory action of adenosine. Ca++ ions had the opposite effect. Antagonistic relations were exhibited between Mg++ and Ca++ ions. Analysis of dose-response curves for adenosine showed that during a simultaneous increase in the extracellular Ca++ and decrease in Mg++ concentrations, not only was the maximal effect of adenosine reduced, but so also was its binding constant with the receptor. The results suggest that antagonism between Ca cations and adenosine is mixed in character — both competitive and noncompetitive. The possible mechanism of the inhibitory action of adenosine on synaptic transmission and the role of bivalent cations in this process are discussed.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 532–539, July–August, 1984.  相似文献   

Man HY  Lin JW  Ju WH  Ahmadian G  Liu L  Becker LE  Sheng M  Wang YT 《Neuron》2000,25(3):649-662
Redistribution of postsynaptic AMPA- (alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid-) subtype glutamate receptors may regulate synaptic strength at glutamatergic synapses, but the mediation of the redistribution is poorly understood. We show that AMPA receptors underwent clathrin-dependent endocytosis, which was accelerated by insulin in a GluR2 subunit-dependent manner. Insulin-stimulated endocytosis rapidly decreased AMPA receptor numbers in the plasma membrane, resulting in long-term depression (LTD) of AMPA receptor-mediated synaptic transmission in hippocampal CA1 neurons. Moreover, insulin-induced LTD and low-frequency stimulation-(LFS-) induced homosynaptic CA1 LTD were found to be mutually occlusive and were both blocked by inhibiting postsynaptic clathrin-mediated endocytosis. Thus, controlling postsynaptic receptor numbers through endocytosis may be an important mechanism underlying synaptic plasticity in the mammalian CNS.  相似文献   

Recent studies in our laboratory suggest that the synthesis of alpha- and beta-adrenergic receptors in certain tissues from brain and pineal gland may be impaired with age. This decreased ability of the aged brain to synthesize adrenergic receptors may explain the loss of these receptors in selected brain regions during the aging process, as well as the reduced capacity of aged brain tissue to increase or up-regulate the density of these receptors in response to reduced noradrenergic activation of the tissues or to reduced estrogen levels. The reduced adaptability of brain adrenergic receptors, in turn, may account for the decreased ability of aged individuals to adjust their physiological responses to a changing environment.  相似文献   

One of the functions of astroglial cells in the central nervous system is to clear synaptically-released glutamate from the extracellular space. This is performed thanks to specific transporters of the excitatory amino acid expressed on their surface. The way by which astrocytic glutamate uptake contributes to synaptic transmission has been investigated via numerous experimental approaches but has never been addressed under conditions where neuroglial interactions are physiologically modified. Recently, we took advantage of the neuroglial plastic properties of the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system to examine the consequences of a physiological reduction in the astrocytic coverage of neurons on glutamatergic synaptic transmission. This experimental model has brought some insights on the physiological interactions between glial cells and neurons at the level of the synapse. In particular, it has revealed that the degree of glial coverage of neurons influences glutamate concentration at the vicinity of excitatory synapses and, as a consequence, affects the level of activation of presynaptic glutamate receptors. Astrocytes, therefore, appear to contribute to the regulation of neuronal excitability by modulating synaptic efficacy at glutamatergic nerve terminals.  相似文献   

To perform rapid optical detection of possible pH changes accompanying electrical activity hippocampal slices were stained with pH indicator--phenol red (0.2 mM). Electrical response of granular and pyramidal cells was evoked by stimulation of perforant path, Schaffer collateral and commissural afferents in the stratum radiatum. Biphasic pH changes occurred both in pyramidal and granular cells: rapid acid changes, with the maximum reached in several msec, were followed by alkaline changes lasting up to one sec. pH changes disappeared with the blocking of synaptic transmission by Mg2+ (10 mM) and were absent in antidromic stimulation of granular cells. pH changes are believed to be related to the processes accompanying synaptic transmission.  相似文献   

Rab small GTPases are involved in the transport of vesicles between different membranous organelles. RAB-3 is an exocytic Rab that plays a modulatory role in synaptic transmission. Unexpectedly, mutations in the Caenorhabditis elegans RAB-3 exchange factor homologue, aex-3, cause a more severe synaptic transmission defect as well as a defecation defect not seen in rab-3 mutants. We hypothesized that AEX-3 may regulate a second Rab that regulates these processes with RAB-3. We found that AEX-3 regulates another exocytic Rab, RAB-27. Here, we show that C. elegans RAB-27 is localized to synapse-rich regions pan-neuronally and is also expressed in intestinal cells. We identify aex-6 alleles as containing mutations in rab-27. Interestingly, aex-6 mutants exhibit the same defecation defect as aex-3 mutants. aex-6; rab-3 double mutants have behavioral and pharmacological defects similar to aex-3 mutants. In addition, we demonstrate that RBF-1 (rabphilin) is an effector of RAB-27. Therefore, our work demonstrates that AEX-3 regulates both RAB-3 and RAB-27, that both RAB-3 and RAB-27 regulate synaptic transmission, and that RAB-27 potentially acts through its effector RBF-1 to promote soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) function.  相似文献   

The effects of Mg-ATP, EGTA, EDTA and dicyclohexylcarbodiimide on the changes in the intensity of light scattering were studied in rat brain synaptic vesicles (SV) suspended in saccharose-buffer medium. Specific interactions between SV and isolated synaptic junctional complex were observed in the presence of Mg-ATP and calmodulin. An in vitro model of exocytosis is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of peptidase inhibitors on the degradation of [3H]-bradykinin by rat hypothalamic slices was studied using HPLC to separate and identify the products. The degradation appears to be mainly mediated by an enzyme which cleaves the peptide at the Phe5-Ser6 bond and is inhibited by 1,10-phenanthroline, dynorphin(1-13) and carboxyphenylethyl-Ala-Ala-Phe-p-aminobenzoate. This suggest the involvement of a membrane bound variant of the soluble metalloendopeptidase (EC3.4.24.15) isolated from rat brain which degrades neurotensin, angiotensin and other neuropeptides as well as bradykinin.  相似文献   

Using field potential recording in the CA1 region of the rat hippocampal slices, the effects of eugenol on synaptic transmission and long-term potentiation (LTP) were investigated. Population spikes (PS) were recorded in the stratum pyramidal following stimulation of stratum fibers. To induce LTP, eight episodes of theta pattern primed-bursts (PBs) were delivered. Eugenol decreased the amplitude of PS in a concentration-dependent manner. The effect was fast and completely reversible. Eugenol had no effect on PBs-induced LTP of PS. It is concluded that while eugenol depresses synaptic transmission it does not affect the ability of CA1 synapses for tetanus-induced LTP and plasticity.  相似文献   

The characteristics of 3H-dihydroalprenolol (3H-DHA) binding to mounted tissue sections of rat brain were studied. The binding had all the characteristics of a beta-receptor. It was reversible, saturable (KD 2.3 nM, Bmax 23 fmol/mg tissue, wet wt) and was inhibited only by beta-adrenergic drugs. The forebrain binding had the properties of a beta-1 receptor, while cerebellar binding had beta-2 characteristics. Beta-adrenergic receptors were widely distributed in the rat brain. High concentrations were localized in the superficial layers of the neocortex, in the caudate-putamen, nucleus accumbens, olfactory tubercles, substantia nigra, nucleus interpeduncularis, subiculum and pia mater. Areas containing intermediate concentrations of receptors included the cerebellum, hippocampus and thalamus. Areas containing low concentrations of receptors included the hypothalamus, amygdala, brainstem and medulla. Co-incubation with low concentrations of zinterol to preferentially block beta-2 receptor resulted in an inhibition of most of the binding to the cerebellum and pia matter and produced only a small and generalized decrease in the rest of the brain. Beta receptors were found in many areas known to contain noradrenergic nerve terminals. Paradoxically some areas with high densities of dopaminergic nerve terminals, had high densities of receptors. Results of electrophysiologica and lesion studies are also discussed.  相似文献   

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