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Book reviewed in this article: Alcock , J. (1971): Interspecific differences in Avian feeding behavior and the evolution of Batesian mimikry Murton , R. K. (1971): The significance of a specific search image in the feeding behaviour of the Wood Pigeon Peeke , Harman V. S., Michael J. Herz und James E. Gallagher Free , J. P. (1971): Stimuli eliciting mating behaviour of Bumblebee Sayler , Anne, und Michael Salmon (1971): An ethological analysis of communal nursing by the House Mouse Banerjee , U. (1971): An inquiry into the genesis of aggression in Mice induced by isolation Narayanan , C. H., M. W. Fox und V. Hamburger White , R. E. C. (1971): Wrats: a computer compatible system for automatically recording and transcribing behavioural data Dawkins , R. (1971): A cheap method of recording behavioural events for direct computer access Snyder , Noel F. R. und Helen A. (1971): Defences of the Florida Apple Snail Vessey , Stephen H. (1971): Free-ranging Rhesus Monkeys: behavioural effects of removal Wootton , R. J. (1971): Measures of the aggression of parental male three-spined Sticklebacks Grant , P. R. (1971): Interactive behaviour of Puffins Gehlbach , Frederick R., Julian F. Watkins II and James C. Kroll (1971): Pheromone trail-following studies of typhlopid Espmark , Yngve (1971): Individual recognition by voice in Reindeer mother-young relationship Plutchik , Robert (1971): Individual and breed differences in approach and withdrawal in dogs Russell , Eleanor M., und G. A. Pearce (1971): Exploration of novel objects by Marsupials Orr , Robert T. (1970): Animals in migration (Tierwanderungen) Horwich , Robert H. (1971): The ontogeny of social behavior in the Gray Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) Schöne , H., und H. A. Udo de Haes (1971): Space orientation in humans with special reference to the interaction of vestibular Gardner , Beatrice T. und R. Allen (1971): Two-way communication with an infant Chimpanzee Bondy , Stephen C., und Frank L. Margolis (1971): Sensory deprivation and brain development, the avian visual system as a model  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Kramer , Peter (1970): Das Erkundungsverhalten und seine Beeinflußbarkeit durch Vorerfahrung bei der weißen Ratte Nielsen , Erik Tetens, und Hans Dreisig (1970): The behavior of stridulation in Orthoptera ensifera Zd'árek , Jan (1970): Mating behaviour in the Bug, Pyrrhocoris apterus L. Free , J. B. (1970): Effect of flower shapes and nectar guides on the behaviour of foraging Honeybees Free , J. B., und Ingrid H. Williams (1970): Exposure of the Nasonov gland by Honeybees Raveling , Dennis G. (1970): Dominance relationships and agonistic behavior of Canada Geese in winter Oortmerssen , G. A. van (1971): Biological significance, genetics and evolutionary origin of variability in behaviour within and between inbred strains of mice Coulon , J. (1971): Influence de l'isolement social sur le comportement du Cobaye Abu Gideiri , Y. B. (1971): The development of locomotory mechanisms in Bufo regularis Guthrie , R. D. (1971): A new theory of mammalian rump patch evolution Todt , Dietmar (1971): Zur gesanglichen Reaktion der Schmätzerdrossel Kovach , Joseph K. (1971): Effectiveness of different colors in the elicitation and development of approach behavior in Chicks Golani, I. , und H. Mendelssohn (1971): Sequences of precopulatory behavior of the Jackal Mayr , E. (1967): Artbegriff und Evolution. Aus dem Englischen übertragen von Gerh. Heberer. Verlag Paul Parey Peters , Paul J. (1970): Orb web construction: Interaction of speder Núñez , Josué A. (1970): The relationship between sugar flow and foraging and recruiting behaviour of Honeybees Brian , M. V. (1970): Communication between queens and larvae in the Ant Neese , V. (1968): Zur optischen Orientierung der Augenmutante ?chartreuse” Gibson , R. N. (1970): The tidal rhythm of activity of Coryphoblennius galerita Oppenheimer , John R. (1970): Mouth breeding in fishes Le Resche , Robert E., und William J. L. Sladen (1970): Establishment of pair and breeding site bonds by young known-age Adelie Penguins Miselis , Richard, und Charles Walcott (1970): Locomotor activity rhythms in homing Pigeons Heymer , Armin (1970): Die Funktion der Kaudalstacheln bei Aeschna-Larven beim Beuterang und Aggressionsverhalten weber, I ., und C. Vogel (1970): Sozialverhalten in ein- und zweigeschlechtigen Langurengruppen  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article: Smith , W. J., Sh. L. Smith , E. C. Oppenheimer , J. G. de Villa und F. A. Ulmer (1973): Behavior of a captive population of Black-tailed Prairie Dogs. Noakes , D. L. G., und G. W. Barlow (1973). Michel , R. (1973): Rôle des photorécepteurs dans les réactions de vol du Criquet pélerin Schistocerca gregaria (Forsk.) Ewing , A. W., und V. Evans (1973): Studies on the behaviour of cyprinodont fish. I. Kavanau , J. L., J. Ramos , und R. M. Havenhill (1973): Compulsory regime and control of environment in animal behaviour II. Catchpole , C. K. (1973): The functions of advertising song in the Sedge warbler (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus) and the Reed warbler (A. scirpaceus). Köhler , W. (1973): Intelligenzprüfungen an Menschenaffen. 3. Aufl. Lorenz , K. (1970): The Enmity between Generations and Its Probable Ethological Causes (Der Generationenkonflikt und seine wahrscheinlichen ethologischen Ursachen).  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Symons, P. E. K. (1966): Analysis of spine-raising in the male Three-spined Stickleback. Blakeslee, P. , und R. Gunter (1965): Cross-modal transfer of discrimination learning in Cebus Monkey. (Heteromodale Transpositionen in Viel- und Zweifachwahlen bei Cebusaffen.) Bernstein, I. S. , und L. G. Sharpe (1965): Social roles in a Rhesus Monkey Group. Ferguson, D. E. , und H. F. Landreth (1966): Celestial orientation of Fowler's Toad, Bufo fowleri. Ulrich, R. E., T. J. Stachnik, E. R. Brierton und J. H. Mabry (1966): Fighting and avoidance in response to aversive stimulation. Menzel, E. W. Jr. (1966): Responsiveness to objects in free ranging Japanese Monkeys. Glickman, S. E. , und R. W. Sroges (1966): Curiosity in Zoo animals. Dethier, V. G. (1965): The physiology of insect senses. (Die Sinnesphysiologie der Insekten.) Methuen Monographs on Biological Subjects. Groot, C. (1965): On the orientation of young Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) during their seaward migration out of lakes. Merkel, F. W. , und W. Wiltschko (1965): Magnetismus und Richtungsfinden zugunruhiger Rotkehlchen. Van Lavick-Goodall, J. (1965): New discoveries among Africa's Chimpanzees. (Fortgesetzte Freilandbeobachtungen an afrikanischen Schimpansen.) Bates, M. (1965): Tierleben. Deutsche Bearbeitung von Animal Worlds (1963) von H. Wermuth und F. Bolle. Schjelderup, H. (1963): Einführung in die Psychologie. Goerttler, V. (1965): Vom literarischen Handwerk der Wissenschaft.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Barnard , C. J., und H. Stephens (1981): Prey size selection by lapwings in lapwing/gull associations (Beutesuche bei Kiebitzen, die mit Möwen ver-gesellschaftet sind). Rivault , C. (1981): Rôle des facteurs sociaux sur l'expression de la rythmicité circadienne dans un groupe chez Periplaneta americana (Dictyopt.) Schöne , H., und J. Tengö (1981): Competition of males, courtship behaviour and chemical communication in the digger wasp Bembix rostrata (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) (Wettstreit der Männchen, Balz und Duftsignale bei der Wegwespe B. Shillito Walser , E., E. Walters und P. Hague (1981): A statistical analysis of the structure of bleats from sheep of four different breeds (Unterschiede in der Klangstruktur des Blökens von vier Schafrassen: Statistische Analyse). Dücker , G., M. Horter und A. Brinkmann (1981): Untersuchungen über die Dauer kontinuierlichen Eintrageverhaltens bei Mäusen (Perseverance of retrieval behaviour in mice). De Boer , B. A. (1981): Influence of population density on the territorial, courting and spawning behaviour of male Chromis cyanea (Pomacentridae) (Einfluß der Populationsdichte auf Revier-, Balz- und Laichverhalten des Pomacentriden Ch. c.). Reinhardt , V., und A. Reinhardt (1981): Cohesive relationships in a cattle herd (Bos indicus) (Persönliche Bindungen innerhalb einer Rinderherde). Searcy , W. A., P. D. McArthur , S. S. Peters und P. Marler (1981): Response of male song and swamp sparrows to neighbour, stranger, and self songs (Antworten von Sing- und Sumpfammermännchen auf nachbarlichen, fremden und eigenen Gesang). de Waal , F. B. M., und J. A. R. A. M. van Hooff (1981): Side-directed communication and agonistic interactions in chimpanzees (An Dritte gerichtetes Verhalten in Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Schimpansen). Payne , R. B., W. L. Thompson , K. L. Fiala und L. L. Sweany (1981): Local song traditions in indigo buntings: Cultural transmission of behavior patterns across generations (Gesangstraditionen bei Indigofinken). Tasker , C. R., und J. A. Mills (1981): A functional analysis of courtship feeding in the red-billed gull, Larus novaehollandiae scopulinus (Funktions-analyse des Balzfütterns bei Weißkopf-Lachmöwen). Burger , J., und M. Gochfeld (1981): Age-related differences in piracy behaviour of four species of gulls, Larus (Altersabhängigkeit räuberischen Verhaltens bei vier Möwenarten). Conover , M. R., und D. E. Miller (1981): Elicitation of vocalizations and pecking in ring-billed gull chicks (Auslösung von Rufen und Picken bei Kücken der Kragenmöwe). Martens , J. (1981): Lautäußerungen der Baumläufer des Himalaya und zur akustischen Evolution der Gattung Certhia (Vocalizations of Tree Creepers in the Himalayas). Zusi , R. L., und D. Bridge (1981): On the slit pupil of the Black Skimmer (Rhynchops niger) (Über die schlitzförmige Pupille des Scherenschnabels). Nelson , B. (1978): The Gannet (Der Baßtölpel). King , A. S., und J. McLelland, eds. (1981): Form and function in birds, Vol. 2 (Funktionsmorphologie der Vögel, Bd. 2). Roy , M. Aaron, ed. (1980): Species identity and attachment. Fantino , E., and Ch. F. Logan (1979): The experimental analysis of behavior: A biological perspective (Experimentelle Verhaltensanalyse in biologischer Sicht).  相似文献   

BOOKS: Bruner , P. L. 1972. Field guide to the birds of French Polynesia. BOOKS: Heinzel , H., Fitter , R. & Parslow , J. 1972. The birds of Britain and Europe with North Africa and the Middle East. London: Collins. BOOKS: Pennycuick , C. J. 1972. Animal flight. BOOKS: Voous , K. H. (Ed.) 1972. Proceedings of the XVth International Ornithological Congress. BOOKS: Burton , J. 1972. Animals of the African year: the ecology of East Africa. BOOKS: Durden , K. 1972. Gifts of an eagle. BOOKS: Hosking , E. 1973. An eye for a bird. BOOKS: Mengel , R. M. 1972. A catalogue of the Ellis collection of ornithological books in the University of Kansas Libraries. BOOKS: Perry , R. 1973. At the turn of the tide: a book of wild birds. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: SOUND RECORDINGS: Ker , A. 1972. Safari 99; narration by Peter Clare. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Beck , J. R. & Brown , D. W. 1972. The biology of Wilson's Storm Petrel, Oceanites oceanicus (Kuhl), at Signy Island, South Orkney Islands. GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Benson , C. W. & Stuart Irwin , M. P. 1972. The Thick-billed Cuckoo Pachycoccyx audeberti (Schlegel) (Aves: Cuculidae). GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Davis , W. R. & Arnold , K. A. 1972. Food habits of the Great-tailed Grackle in Brazos County, Texas. GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Hölzinger , J. & Schilhansl , K. 1972. Untersuchungen zur Brutbiologie an einer südwestdeutschen Population des Flussregenpfeifers (Charadrius dubius). Beitr. naturk. Forsch. GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: King , J. R. 1972. Postnuptial and postjuvenal molt in Rufous-collared Sparrows in northwestern Argentina. GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Klejnotowski , Z. 1971. (Biology of the Magpie (Pica pica L.)) Roczniki Wy?szej Szkoly Rolniczej w Poznaniu GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Miller , A. H. & Bock , C. E. 1972. Natural history of the Nuttall Woodpecker at the Hastings Reservation. GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Morton , M. L., Orejuela , J. E. & Budd , S. M. 1972. The biology of immature Mountain White-crowned Sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys oriantha) on the breeding ground. GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Nelson , R. W. 1972. The incubation period in Peale's Falcons. GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Niles , D. M. 1972. Molt cycles of Purple Martins Progne subis. GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Nisbet , I. C. T. & Drury , W. H. 1972. Measuring breeding success in Common and Roseate Terns. GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Olsson , V. 1972. (Territory, habitat and nest-sites of Swedish White-tailed Eagles Haliaeetus albicilla.) GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Reynolds , C. M. 1972. Mute Swan weights in relation to breeding. GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Spjøtvoll. Ø. 1972. [Crossbill breeding.] Sterna 11: 201–213. (Norwegian.) GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Stiles , F. G. 1972. Age and sex determination in Rufous and Allen Hummingbirds. GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Vilks , K. 1972. [Study of the breeding biology of Cuckoos (Cuculus canorus L.) in Latvia.] GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Young , J. G. 1972. Breeding biology of feral Greylag Geese in south-west Scotland. ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Ahlén , I. 1972. (The Tawny Pipit Anthus campestris colonizing forest land in Southern Sweden.) ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Almkvist , B. & Andersson , A. 1972., (Aerial census of flocked Eider males Somateria mollissima—a method for estimating breeding populations.) ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Anderson , D. R. & Henny , C. J. 1972. Population ecology of the Mallard. GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Andersson , A. & Hamilton , G. 1972. (On the occurrence of the White-backed Woodpecker Dendrocopos leucotos in Östergötland.) GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Andersson , G. & A. 1972. (The breeding bird fauna of Lake Järnlunden 1956–70.) GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Baltvilks , J. 1972. [Unusually large flocks of White Storks (Ciconia ciconia L.) in Latvia in May and June, 1971.] GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Boyd , H. & Ogilvie , M. A. 1972. Icelandic Greylag Geese wintering in Britain in 1960–1971. GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Cody , M. L. & Cody , C. B. J. 1972. Territory size, clutch size, and food in populations of Wrens. GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Cody , M. L. & Cody , C. B. J. 1972. Areal versus lineal territories in the Wren, Troglodytes troglodytes. GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Cooch , F. G., Kaiser , G. W. & Wight , L. 1972. Species of waterfowl and age and sex ratios of ducks harvested in Canada during the 1971 season. GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Cramp , S. 1972. One hundred and fifty years of Mute Swans on the Thames. GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Crosby , G. T. 1972. Spread of the Cattle Egret in the Western Hemisphere. GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Enemar , A., Nyholm , E. & Persson , B. 1972. (The influence of nest-boxes on the passerine bird community of Fågelsångsdalen, Southern Sweden.) GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Erskine , A. J. 1972. Populations, movements and seasonal distribution of mergansers. GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Fjeldså , J. 1972. (Changes in the distribution of the Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus on the Scandinavian Peninsula in recent times.) GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Galinski , T. 1971. (The Penduline Tit (Remiz pendulinus L.) in Poland.) GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Galizski , T. 1971. (Studies on the biology and ecology of the Penduline Tit (Remiz pendulinus L.) in Poland.) GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Gorman , M. L. 1972. The origin of the avifauna of urban and suburban Suva, Fiji. GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Graczyk , R., Galizski , T. & Klejnotowski , Z. 1971. (The settlement density of birds nesting in boxes in the years 1967–1969 on the Przybroda experimental orchard terrain.) GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Hart , J. 1972. Food habits of American Kestrels in a low vole year. GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Henny , C. J., Anderson , D. R. & Pospahala , R. S. 1972. Aerial surveys of waterfowl production in North America, 1955–71. GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Keast , A. 1972. Ecological opportunities and dominant families, as illustrated by the Neotropical Tyrannidae (Aves). MORPHOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY AND GENETICS: Dawson , W. R., Hudson , J. W. & Hill , R. W. 1972. Temperature regulation in newly hatched Laughing Gulls Larus atricilla. GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Klejnotowski , Z. 1971. (Ecology of the Magpie (Pica pica L.)) Roczniki Wyzszej Szkoly Rolniczej w Poznaniu GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Kumerloeve , H. 1972. Brutstatus der Greifvögel (Falconiformes) im vorderasiatischen Raum. GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Lacan , F. 1971. Observations écologiques sur le Pétrel de Wilson (Oceanites oceanicus) en Terre Adélie. GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Lavery , H. J. 1972. The Grey Teal at saline drought-refuges in north Queensland. GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Lein , M. Ross . 1972. A trophic comparison of avifaunas. GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Lemmetyinen , R. 1972. Growth and mortality in the chicks of Arctic Terns in the Kongsfjord area, Spitsbergen in 1970. GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Luniak , M. 1972. (Changes in the avifauna of Warsaw during the years 1945–1969.) GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Mc Laren , I. A. 1972. Polygyny as the adaptive function of breeding territory in birds. Transactions Com. Acad. GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Moksnes , A. 1972. (Quantitative bird surveys in the Forradal area in Nord-Trøndelag, Norway GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Morton , M. L., Horstmann , J. L. & Osborn , J. M. 1972. Reproductive cycle and nesting success of the Mountain White-crowned Sparrow Zonotrichia leucophrys oriantha in the central Sierra Nevada. GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Murton , R. K. 1972. The control of bird populations. GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Nilsson , L. 1972. (Fluctuations among resting ducks at Hullsjön, Trollhättan GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Nisbet , I. C. T. & Drury , W. H. 1972. Post-fledging survival in Herring Gulls in relation to brood size and date of hatching. GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Ogilvie , M. A. & Cook , W. A. 1972. British recoveries of Mallard ringed at Borough Fen Decoy, Northamptonshire. GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Prevett , J. & Macinnes , C. D. 1972. The number of Ross' Geese in central North America GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Staav , R., Almkvist , B. & Hedgren , S. 1972. (The Caspian Tern Hydroprogne tschegrava in Sweden 1971.) GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Stolt , B.-O. 1972. (On the occurrence of the Nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus in Sweden in 1970.) GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Svensson , S. 1972. (The Heron Ardea cinerea in Sweden 1970—a preliminary survey.) GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Viksne , J. 1972. (The Sandwich Tern Sterna s. sandvicensis Lath. on the coast of the Gulf of Riga in summer 1971.) GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Viksne , J. 1972. (The results of international mid-winter counts of wildfowl on the waterbodies in Latvia in 1967–71.) GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Weller , M. W. 1972. Ecological studies of Falkland Islands' waterfowl. GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Willis , E. O. & Oniki , Y. 1972. Ecology and nesting behavior of the Chestnut-backed Antbird GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Zwarts , L. 1972. (The Grey Lag Geese Anser anser of the brackish tidal habitatat Ventjagersplaten, Holland.) RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Bailey , E. P. & Davenport , G. H. 1972. Die-off of Common Murres on the Alaska Peninsula and Unimak Island. POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Bailey , S., Bunyan , P. J., Hamilton , G. A., Jennings , D. M. & Stanley , P. I. 1972. POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Bakke , T. A. 1972. (Ornithological investigations in the littoral zone at Sola Sea, Rogaland, Norway.) POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Banks , R. C. & Clapp , R. B. 1972. Birds imported into the United States in 1969 POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: The British Falconers Club and the Hawk Trust . 1972. Captive breeding of diurnal birds of prey. POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Clark , R. B. & Croxall , J. P. 1972. Rescue operations for oiled seabirds. POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Dorst , J. 1972. L'évolution du statut des oiseaux en Europe au cours des temps récents. POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Ferguson , D. A. 1972. Waterfowl wintering, resting and breeding areas of the south-west Caspian lowlands. POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Fowle , C. D. 1972. Effects of phosphamidon on forest birds in New Brunswick. POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Henny , C. J. 1972. An analysis of the population dynamics of selected avian species—with special reference to changes during the modern pesticide era. POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Holmbring , J.-Å. 1972. (The occurrence of the Middle Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos medius in Sweden.) POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Houghton , E. W. & Blackwell , F. 1972. Use of bird activity modulation waveforms in radar identification. POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Hublé , J. 1972. (Ornithology and nature conservation.) Gerfaut 62: 139–150. POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Kesteloot , E. 1972. (Education and nature conservation.) POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Koeman , J. H., Hadderingh , R. H. & Bijleveld , M. F. I. J. 1972. Persistent pollutants in the White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) in the Federal Republic of Germany. POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Larsson , T. 1972. (Distribution and ornithological aspects of marshy meadows in southern Sweden.) Institute of Forest Zoology Research Notes 12. POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Leach , B. A. 1972. The waterfowl of the Fraser Delta, British Columbia. POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Mörzer Bruyns , M. F. 1972. (The impact of modern agriculture and forestry on bird numbers.) POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: National Defence Headquarters Directorate of Flight Safety Report 1969–71. Birdstrikes to Canadian Forces Aircraft. POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Pratt , H. M. 1972. Nesting success of Common Egrets and Great Blue Herons in the San Francisco Bay region. POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Prestt , I. 1972. Wild birds and chemicals. POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Rooth , J. 1972. (The influence of water-pollution and public works on bird populations.) POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Ruwet , J.-C. 1972. Ethologie et protection des oiseaux. Gerfaut 62: 95–104. (English summary.) POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Tys , S. 1972. (Legislation on bird protection in Western Europe.) POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Verheyen , R. F. 1972. (Bird protection in Belgium.) POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: voous , K. H. 1972. (The conservation of birds of prey and other predators.) POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Watson , A. & O'Hare , P. J. 1973. Experiments to increase Red Grouse stocks and improve the Irish bogland environment. POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Williams , M. 1972. Mortality and exploitation of Paradise Shelduck. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: BEHAVIOUR:Birkhead , T. R. 1973. Observations at a standing-ground adjoining a heronry. POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Bogucki , Z. 1972. Studies on the activity of Starlings Sturnus vulgaris in the breeding season. POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Dinsmore , T. J. 1972. Sooty Tern behavior. POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Jenning , W. & Fridzén , K. E. 1972. [Observations on an overwintering Gyrfalcon Falco rusticolus.] POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Kisiel , D. S. 1972. Foraging behaviour of Dendrocopos villosus and D. pubescens in Eastern New York State. POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Norton , D. W. 1972. Incubation schedules of four species of Calidridine Sandpipers at Barrow, Alaska. POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Stirling , I. & Bendell , J. F. 1970. The reproductive behaviour of Blue Grouse. POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Willis , E. O. 1972. The behavior of Spotted Antbirds. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: VOCALISATIONS:Bremond , J.-C. 1972. Comparaison entre l'apprentissage du chant chez le jeune Pinson (Fringilla coelebs) et les éléments réactogènes du chant territorial de l'adulte. VOCALISATIONS: Kreutzer , M. 1972. Les variations dans les chants de Troglodytes troglodytes et leurs conséquences comportementales. VOCALISATIONS: Nottebohm , F. & Selander , R. K. 1972. Vocal dialects and gene frequencies in the Chingolo Sparrow Zonotrichia capensis. VOCALISATIONS: Samuel , D. E. 1972. Song variation and other vocalizations of Veeries. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: MIGRATION AND HOMING: Blurton -Jones , N. G. 1972. Moult migration of Emperor Geese. MIGRATION AND HOMING: Cambridge Iceland Expedition 1971. Cyclostyled report. MIGRATION AND HOMING: Holmbring , J.-Å. 1972. (Immigration and spread of the Thrush Nightingale Luscinia luscinia in the province of Östergötland.) MIGRATION AND HOMING: Hölzinger , J. 1972. Die Invasion des Seidenschwanzes (Bombycilla garrulns) 1970/71 in Baden-Württemberg mit Rückblick auf sein Auftreten in den vergangenen zehn Jahren. Mitt. MIGRATION AND HOMING: Page , G. & Middleton , A. L. A. 1972. Fat deposition during autumn migration in the Semipalmated Sandpiper. MIGRATION AND HOMING: Persson , C. 1972. (Short distance movements of some passerines in South-Western Scania during the autumn migration.) MIGRATION AND HOMING: Persson , C. 1972. (The annual cycle and the autumn movements of tits (Paridae) on Falsterbo Peninsula.) MIGRATION AND HOMING: Rodebrand , S. 1972. (The migration through Kalmar Sound in 1962 and 1963.) MIGRATION AND HOMING: Schadt , J. C. & Southern , W. E. 1972. Effects of solar cues on basic directional preferences of young Mallards. MIGRATION AND HOMING: Speek , B. J. 1972. Bird ringing in the Netherlands. MIGRATION AND HOMING: Swegen , H. 1972. (Visual migration of Eider Ducks Somateria mollissima inland in southernmost Sweden.) MIGRATION AND HOMING: Wallraff , H. G. 1972. Fernorientierung der Vögel. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: MORPHOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY AND GENETICS: Board , R. G. & Halls , N. A. 1973. The cuticle: a barrier to liquid and particle penetration of the shell of the hen's egg. MORPHOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY AND GENETICS: Epple , A., Orians , G. H., Farner , D. S. & Lewis , R. A. 1972. The photoperiodic testicular response of a tropical finch, Zonotrichia capensis costaricensis. MORPHOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY AND GENETICS: Gaviño , G. T. & Dickerman , R. W. 1972. Nestling development of Green Herons at San Blas, Nayarit, Mexico. MORPHOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY AND GENETICS: Hargrave , L. L. 1972. Comparative osteology of the Chicken and American Grouse. MORPHOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY AND GENETICS: Imber , M. J. 1971. Filoplumes of Petrels and Shearwaters. MORPHOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY AND GENETICS: Mills , J. A. 1971. Sexing Red-billed Gulls from standard measurements. MORPHOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY AND GENETICS: Richardson , F. 1972. Accessory pygostyle bones of Falconidae. MORPHOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY AND GENETICS: Ruge , K. 1971. Vergleichende Untersuchungen an Jynginen und Picinen unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung des Vorderhirns. MORPHOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY AND GENETICS: Smith , J. E. & Diem , K. L. 1972. Growth and development of young California Gulls, Larus californicus. MORPHOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY AND GENETICS: Väisänen , R. A., Hildén , O., Soikkeli , M. & Vuolanto , S. 1972. MORPHOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY AND GENETICS: Vaurie , C. & Schwartz , P. 1972. Morphology and vocalizations of Synallaxis unirufa and Synallaxis castanea (Furnariidae, Aves), with comments on other Synallaxis. Amer. Mus. MORPHOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY AND GENETICS: Voipio , P. 1972. (Larus argentatus cachinnans as a colonizer of the Baltic area.) MORPHOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY AND GENETICS: Warner , R. W. 1972. The anatomy of the syrinx in passerine birds. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PARASITOLOGY: Barus , V., Rysavy , B., Groschaft , J. & Folk , C. 1972. The helminth fauna of Corvus frugilegus L. (Aves, Passeriformes) in Czechoslovakia and its ecological analysis. Acta Sci. MORPHOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY AND GENETICS: Giddens , W. E. Jr . et al. 1971. Canary pox in sparrows and canaries (Fringillidae) and in weavers (Ploceidae): Pathology and host specificity of the virus. MORPHOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY AND GENETICS: Lemmetyinen , P. & Raitis , T. 1972. Occurrence of Schistocephalus solidus Creplin (Cestoidea, Dibothriocephalidae) in Common and Arctic Terns in southern Finland. MORPHOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY AND GENETICS: Markus , M. B. & Oosthuizen , J. H. 1972. Pathogenicity of Haemoproteus columbae. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: TAXONOMIC AND FAUNISTIC: Andrew , P., Harrison , M. C. & Smith , R. B. H. 1973. Taxonomy of Ménétries' Warbler. TAXONOMIC AND FAUNISTIC: Baltvilks , J. 1972. [Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber L.)—a new species for Latvia.] TAXONOMIC AND FAUNISTIC: Bartonek , J. C. & Gibson , D. D. 1972. Summer distribution of pelagic birds in Bristol Bay, Alaska. TAXONOMIC AND FAUNISTIC: Baumanis , J. 1972. (Notes on the avifauna of Lake Marientāles in 1967.) Zoologijas Muzeja Raksti 9: 67–70. TAXONOMIC AND FAUNISTIC: Blūms , P. & Mednis , A. 1972. (The bird fauna of Lake Puze—observations during the nesting period.) TAXONOMIC AND FAUNISTIC: Borror , D. J. 1972. Yellow-green Vireo in Arizona, with notes on Vireo songs. TAXONOMIC AND FAUNISTIC: Brooke , R. K. 1972. Geographical variation in Palm Swifts Cypsiurus spp. Durban Mus. TAXONOMIC AND FAUNISTIC: Burchak -Abramovich , N. I. & Meladze , G. K. 1972. Rustaviornis georgicus gen. et sp.n., a new fossil bird from the Hipparion fauna of Georgia. TAXONOMIC AND FAUNISTIC: Clancey , P. A. 1972. Miscellaneous taxonomic notes on African birds. TAXONOMIC AND FAUNISTIC: Cracraft , J. 1972. The relationships of the higher taxa of birds: Problems of phylogenetic reasoning. TAXONOMIC AND FAUNISTIC: Cracraft , J. & Rich , P. V. 1972. The systematics and evolution of the Cathartidae in the Old World Tertiary. TAXONOMIC AND FAUNISTIC: De Roo , A., Hulselmans , J. & Verheyen , W. 1971. Contribution à l'ornithologie de la République du Togo. 3. Oiseaux récoltés par la deuxiéme Mission zoologique belge. TAXONOMIC AND FAUNISTIC: De Roo , A., de Vree , F. & van der Straeten , E. 1972. Contribution à l'ornithologie de la République du Togo. TAXONOMIC AND FAUNISTIC: Disney , H. J. de S. & Smithers , C. N. 1972. The distribution of terrestrial and freshwater birds on Lord Howe Island, in comparison with Norfolk Island. TAXONOMIC AND FAUNISTIC: Fey , D. & Lebret , T. 1972. (Changes in the avifauna of the Biesbosch in the first year after the elimination of the tide.) TAXONOMIC AND FAUNISTIC: Harrison , C. J. O. & Walker , C. A. 1972. The affinities of Halcyornis from the Lower Eocene. TAXONOMIC AND FAUNISTIC: Hjortnaes -Thomsen , P., Jensen , J. V. & Schack -Nielsen , L. 1972. (On Rumanian birds—observations made in S.E. Rumania in spring and summer 1971.) TAXONOMIC AND FAUNISTIC: Howell , T. R. 1972. Birds of lowland pine savanna of northeastern Nicaragua. TAXONOMIC AND FAUNISTIC: Johnson , N. K. 1972. Origin and differentiation of the avifauna of the Channel Islands, California. TAXONOMIC AND FAUNISTIC: Kurth , D. 1972. Jagdfalken (Formengruppe: Hierofalco) Systematik und Verbreitung. TAXONOMIC AND FAUNISTIC: Long , R. 1973. A review of birds breeding in Jersey, 1873–1972. Bull. Soc. TAXONOMIC AND FAUNISTIC: Morel , G. J. 1972. Liste commentée des oiseaux du Sénégal et de la Gambie. TAXONOMIC AND FAUNISTIC: Pettersson , G. & Unger , U. 1972. (Studies of ocean birds on the Swedish west coast during the ten-year period 1960–1969.) TAXONOMIC AND FAUNISTIC: Prigogine , A. 1972. Nids et oeufs récoltés au Kivu. 2. République du Zaïre. Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr. 85: 3–4. TAXONOMIC AND FAUNISTIC: Schwartz , P. 1972. On the taxonomic rank of the Yellow-billed Toucanet Aulacorhynchus calorhynchus. TAXONOMIC AND FAUNISTIC: Schwartz , P. 1972. Micrastur gilvicollis, a valid species sympatric with M. ruficollis in Amazonia. TAXONOMIC AND FAUNISTIC: Short , L. L. 1972. Relationships among the four species of the superspecies Celeus elegans (Aves, Picidae). TAXONOMIC AND FAUNISTIC: Short , L. L. 1972. Systematics and behavior of South American flickers (Aves, Colaptes). RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: MISCELLANEOUS: Haftorn , S. 1972. (Closed-circuit television and datalogger, new tools to ornithology.)  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Hartman, P. E., und S. R. Suskind (1972): Die Wirkungsweise der Gene. Übersetzt aus dem Amerikanischen von I. D. Adler. Band 5 der Reihe: Grundlagen der modernen Genetik. Metzner, H. (1971): Die Zelle, Struktur und Funktion. Wissenschaftliche Ver-lagsgesellschaft MBH, Stuttgart. Reihe: Bücher der Zeitschrift Naturwissenschaftl. Rundschau. Craig, P. C. (1973): Orientation of the Sand Beach Amphipod Orchestoidea corniculata (Die Orientierung des Sandstrand bewohnenden Amphipoden O. c). Grubb, J. C. (1973): Olfactory orientation in Bufo woodhousei fowleri, Pseudacris clarki and Pseudacris streckeri (Geruchsorientierung bei B. w. f., P. c. und P. St.). Payne, R. B. (1973): Vocal mimicry of the paradise whydahs (Vidua) and responses of female whydahs to the songs of their hosts (Pytilia) and their mimics (Gesangsimitation der Paradieswitwen und Antworten der Weibchen auf Wirtsvogelgesänge und deren Nachahmungen). Messenger, J. B. (1973): Learning in the Cuttlefish, Sepia (Lernen beim Tintenfisch, S.). Peterson, R., G. Mountfort und P. A. D. Hollom (1973): Die Vögel Europas. 10. Aufl. Übersetzt und bearbeitet von G. Niethammer. Williams, J. G. (1973): Die Vögel Ost- und Zentralafrikas. Übersetzt und bearbeitet von H. Hagen und H. E. Wolters. Grünwald, A., und F. P. Möhres (1974): Beobachtungen zur Jugendentwicklung und Karawanenbildung bei Weißzahnspitzmäusen (Soricidae-Crocidurinae). Löhmer, R. (1975): Vergleichende Untersuchungen über die Manipulier- und Lernfähigkeit von Waschbären (Procyon lotor) und Krabbenwaschbären (Procyon c. cancrivorus). Christen, A. (1974): Fortpflanzungsbiologie und Verhalten bei Cebuella pygmaea und Tamarin tamarin. Beiheft 14 zur Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie. Angst, W. (1974): Das Ausdrucksverhalten des Javaneraffen Macaca fascicularis Raffles 1821. Beiheft 15 zur Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie. MacKinnon, J. (1974): Auf der Suche nach dem roten Affen. R. Piper 8t Co. Verlag, München. MacKinnon, J. (1974): The behaviour and ecology of wild orang-utans (Pongo pygmaeus) (Ökologie und Verhalten freilebender Orang-Utans, P. p.). Dollinger, P. (1971): Tod durch Verhalten bei Zootieren. Dissertation der Veterinär-Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Zurich. Juris Druck + Verlag Zürich. Loeb, Jacques (1973): Forced Movements, Tropisms, and Animal Conduct (Aufgezwungene Bewegungen, Tropismen und das Verhalten von Tieren). Abercrombie, M., C. J. Hickman und M. L. Johnson (1971): Taschenlexikon der Biologic Übersetzt nach der 6. engl. Aufl. von J. Querner.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Krafft , B. (1971): Contribution á la biologie et á l'éthologie d'Agelena consociata Grzimeks Tierleben, Band 6 (1971): Kriechtiere. Herausgeber B. Grzimek, H. Hediger, K. Klemmer, O. Kuhn, H. Wermuth Peterson , R., Guy Mountfort und P. A. D. Hollom Dossenbach , Hans, und Emil M. Bührer (1971): Von Liebe und Ehe der Vögel Hoogerwerf , A. (1970): Udjung Kulon, the land of the last Javan Rhinoceros Davenport , R. K., und Charles M. Rogers (1970): Intermodal equivalence of stimuli in Apes Charles-Dominique , P. (1971):Éco-éthologie des Prosimiens du Gabon Gautier , J.-P. (1971): Étude morphologique et fonctionnelle des annexes extralaryngées des Cercopithecinae Jungius , H. (1971): The Vicuña in Bolivia: The status of an endangered species Kühnelt , Wilhelm (1970): Grundriß der Ökologie Köhler , Wolfgang (1971): Die Aufgabe der Gestaltpsychologie Lorenz , Konrad Z. (1971): Die acht Todsünden der zivilisierten Menschheit Sielmann , Heinz (1970): Lockende Wildnis. Ins Reich der Drachen und Zaubervögel Hass , Hans (1971): In unberührte Tiefen. Bezwingung der tropischen Meere Kirchshofer , R. (1964): Tiere im Haus. Hallwag-Verlag  相似文献   

Book Review     
《Journal of Phytopathology》1999,147(7-8):489-496

Book reviewed in this article: Rubenstein , D. I., und B. A. Hazlett (1974): Examination of the agonistic behaviour of the Crayfish Orconectes virilis by character analysis (Informationstheoretische Analyse des Kampfverhaltens des Krebses O. v.). Clark , D. L., und J. E. Dillon (1974): Social dominance relationships between previously unacquainted male and female Squirrel Monkeys (Rangordnungsversuche mit einander fremden männlichen und weiblichen Totenkopfäffchen). Jachowski , R. L. (1974): Agonistic behavior of the Blue Crab Callinectes sapidus Rathbun (Das Kampfverhalten der Blaukrabbe C. s.). Soczka , L. (1974): Ethologie sociale et sociométrie: analyse de la structure d'un groupe de Singes Crabiers (Macaca fascicularis = irus) en captivité (Sozialverhaltenskunde und Soziometrie: Analyse der Struktur einer Javaneraffen-Gruppe in Gefangenschaft). Hopkins , C. D. (1974): Electric communication: functions in the social behavior of Eigenmannia virescens (Elektrische Verständigung: ihre Bedeutung im Sozialverhalten von E. v.). Bauer , R. (1974): Electric organ discharge activity of resting and stimulated Gnathonemus petersii (Mormyridae) (Die elektrischen Entladungen ruhender und gereizter Spitzbartfische). Jacobs , W., und M. Renner (1974): Taschenlexikon zur Biologie der Insekten. Kampmann , H. (1975): Der Waschbär. Verbreitung, Ökologie, Lebensweise, Jagd. Wendt , H. (1974): Abenteuerliches Dschungelleben.  相似文献   


Hahn, E.: Chemische Pflanzenschutzmittel. 2. neubearb. Auflage, 300 S., zahlreiche Abbildungen, Berlin 1970: VEB Dt. Landwirtschafts-Verlag. Reviewed by H.-H. Schmidt.

Ahrens, G.: Die Giftprüfung. Leitfaden zum Ablegen der Prüfung im Umgang mit Giften. 9. neubearbeitete Aufl., 214 S., Leipzig 1971: Johann Ambrosius Barth. Reviewed by H. Reifenstein.

Schuster G.: Virus und Viruskrankheiten. 3., erw. Auflage, 295 S., 152 Abb., Wittenberg 1972: A. Ziemsen Verlag. Reviewed by H. Kleinhempel.

Fritsche, R.; Karl, E.; Lehmann, W.; Proeseler, G.: Tierische Vektoren pflanzenpathogener Viren. 1. Auflage 521 S., 88 Abb., 27 Tab., 27 Taf., Jena 1972: VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag. Reviewed by H. Kleinhempel.

Arlt, K.; Feyerabend, G.: Herbizide und Kulturpflanzen. 1. Aufl., 1. Bd., 170 S., 38 Abb., Berlin 1972: Akademie-Verlag. Reviewed by K. Schuhmann.

Popkova, K. W.: Fitoflora kartofelja. 1. Aufl., 176 S., 9 Abb., Moskau 1972: Kolos. Reviewed by D. Spaar.

Liv?ig, I. Z.; Mitrofanov, V. I.: Kle??i roda Bryobia C. L. Koch, 1S36 (Acariformes, Bryobiidae). Bd. 51, 60 Abb., Jalta 1971. Reviewed by R. Fritzsche.

Kirjanova, E. S.; Krall, E.: Paraziticeskie Nematody Rastenij i mery bor'ba s nimi. 1. Aufl., Band I und II, 447 S. (Bd. I); 522 S. (Bd. II); 357 Abb. (Bd. I); 491 Abb. (Bd. II), Leningrad 1969 (Bd. I), 1971 (Bd. II): Nauka. Reviewed by H. Decker.

Jermoljev, E. H.; Pozděna, J.: Serologie rostlinných patogenu. 261 S., 65 Abb., Praha 1972: Academia. Reviewed by L. Albrechtová.

Brcák, J.: Vztahy rostlinných viru k prenasecum. 318 S., 50 Abb., Praha 1971: Academia. Reviewed by J. Chod.

Kiraly, Z.; Szalay-Marzsó, L. (Editor): Biochemical and Ecological Aspects of Plant-Parasite Relations 1. Auflage, 1. Band. 425 S. Budapest 1971 Akademiaè Kiadó. Reviewed by D. Spaar.

Horváth, J.: Növényvfrusok, vektorok, virusátvitel. 514 S., 89 Abb., 61 Tab., Budapest 1972: Akadémiai Kiadó. Reviewed by R. Fritzsche.

Mededelingen van de faculteit Landbouwwetenschappen Rijksuniversiteit Gent. Heft 35, Nr. 2, 402 S., zahlr. Abb. u. Tab., Gent 1970: Faculteit Landbouwwetenschappen. Reviewed by R. Zielke.

O'Brien, R. D.; Yamamoto, I.: Biochemical Toxicology of Insecticides. 218 S., 35 Abb., 44 Tab., New York, London 1970: Academic Press. Reviewed by H. Beitz.

Nord, E. F. (Ed.): Advances in Enzymology. vol. 33, 595 S., 114 Abb., 52 Tab., New York, London, Sydney, Toronto 1970: Interscience Publishers, a division of John Wiley &; Sons, Inc. Reviewed by H. Hofferek.

Jager, K. W.: Aldrin, Dieldrin, Endrin &; Telodrin. 234 S., 25 Abb., 55 Tab., Amsterdam, London, New York 1970: Elsevier Publishing Company. Reviewed by R. Fritzsche.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: MacDonnell, M. F., und J. P. Flynn (1968): Attack elicited by Stimulation of the Thalamus and adjacent structures of Cats. Shaw, Kenneth C. (1968): An analysis of the phonoresponse of males of the true Katydid Pterophylla camellifolia Fabricius (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae). Thompson, W. L. (1968): The songs of five species of Passerina. (Die Gesänge von fünf Farbfinkenarten.) Ewing, A. W., und H. C. Bennet-Clark (1968): The courtship song of Drosophila. Capranica, R. R. (1968): The vocal repertoire of the bull frog (Rana catesbiana.) Davis, Roger T., Robert W. Leary, Mary Dell, Casebeer Smith und Richard F. Thompson (1968): Species differences in the gross behaviour of non human Primates (Unterschiedliches Artverhalten von Affenarten.) Moller, G. W., H. F. Harlow und G. D. Mitchell (1968): Factors affecting agonistic communication in Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca mulatta.) Anthoney, Terence R. (1968): The ontogeny of greeting, grooming, and sexual motor patterns in captive Baboons (Superspecies Papio cynocephalus.) Darchen, R. (1968): Ethologie d'Achaearanea disparata Denis, Aranea, Theridiidae, araignée sociale du Gabon. Nachtigall, W. (1968): Gläserne Schwingen. Quine, D. A., und J. M. Gullen (1964): The pecking response of young Arctic Terns (Sterna macrura) and the adaptiveness of the “releasing mechanism”. John, E. Roy, Phyllis Chesler, Frank Bartlett und Ira Victor (1968): Observation learning in Cats. Dücker, G. (1968): Beobachtungen am Kleinen Grison, Galictis (Grisonella) cuja (Molina). Gautier-Hion, A. (1968): Étude du cycle annuel de reproduction du Talapoin (Miopithecus talapoin), vivant dans son milieu naturel. Williams, L. (1968): Der Affe, wie ihn keiner kennt (Man and Monkey), übers, v. H. E. Hausner. Tinbergen, N. (1968): On war and peace in animals and man, an ethologist's approach to the biology of aggression. Thomas, J. B. (1968): Einführung in die Photobiologie. Barnett, S. A. (1967): “Instinct” and “Intelligence”, the science of behaviour in animals and Man.  相似文献   

Mulligan, J. A., S. J. (1966): Singing behavior and its development in the Song-Sparrow Scheithauer, W. (1967): Kolibris. Bayerischer Landwirtschaftsverlag München Gottschalk, R. (1966): Beobachtungen über das Einemsen Dücker, G. (1965): Das Verhalten der Viverriden. Frisch, Karl v. (1967): Biologic Bayerischer Schulbuch-Verlag Tinbergen, N. , und E. A. R. Ennion (1967): Tracks (Tierspuren) Hediger, H. , und 19 Mitarbeiter (1967): Die Straßen der Tiere Hediger, H. (1967): Verstehens- und Verständigungsmöglichkeiten zwischen Mensch und Tier Sudd, J. H. (1967): An introduction to the behaviour of ants Breder, C. M. , und D. E. Rosen (1966): Modes of reproduction in fishes Cade, T. J., E. J. Willoughby und G. L. Maclean (1966): Drinking behavior of sand-grouse in the Namib and Kalahari deserts, Africa Cade, T. J. und G. L. Maclean (1967): Transport of water by adult sandgrouse to their young Maclean, G. L. (1967): Die systematische Stellung der Flughühner Starck, D., R. Schneider und H.-J. Kuhn (ed.) (1967): Neue Ergebnisse der Primatologic. Erster Kongr  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Lill, Alan (1968): An analysis of sexual isolation in the Domestic Fowl: I. The basis of homogamy in males, II. in females. (Eine Analyse des Beitrags spezifischer Gattenwahl zur Rassenbildung: I. beim Haushahn, II. beim Haushuhn.) Nelson, J. B. (1968): Breeding behaviour of the swallow-tailed Gull in the Galapagos. Hoffman, Howard S. (1968): The control of the stress vocalization by an imprinted stimulus. Gibson, R. N. (1968): The agonistic behaviour of juvenile Blennius pholis L. (Teleostei). Beach, Frank A. (1968): Coital behavior in dogs. III. Effects of early isolation on mating in males. (Paarungsverhalten von Beagle-Hunden. III. Die Wirkung früher Isolierung). Schmidt, Robert S. (1968): Preoptic activation of frog mating behavior. Hudgens, Gerald A., Victor H. Denenberg und M. X. Zarrow (1968): Mice reared with rats: effects of preweaning and postweaning social interactions upon adult behaviour. (Wirkungen sozialer Begegnungen vor und nach der Entwöhnung bei gemeinsam mit Ratten aufgewachsenen Mäusen.) Tolman, C. W. (1968): The varieties of social stimulation in the feeding behaviour of domestic Chicks. Klopman, Robert B. (1968): The agonistic behavior of the Canada Goose (Branta canadensis) I. Attack behavior. Beukema, J. J. (1968): Predation by the Three-spined Stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.): The influence of hunger and experience. Lili, Alan (1968): Some observations on the isolating potential of aggressive behaviour in the domestic Fowl. Müller-Schwarze, Dietland (1968): Play deprivation in Deer. Phillips, Richard E. (1968): Approach-withdrawal behavior of Peach-faced Lovebirds, Agapornis roseicollis, and its modification by brain lesions. Amouriq, L. (1967): Sensibilité de Lebistes reticulatus male à la substance dynamogène émise par les remelles de Poeciliidae et de Gasterosteidae (Die Empfindlichkeit des Guppy-Männchens für die aktivierende Substanz weiblicher Poeciliiden und Stichlinge). Mener, B. (1967): Mise en évidence de l'effet de groupe et du phénomène sub-social chez Porcellio scaber Latr. (Oniscidae, Isopodes terrestres) (Anzeichen für einen Gruppeneffekt bei der Kellerassel). Ginet, R. (1967): Comportement sexuel de Nipbargus virei (Crustacé hypogé). Comparison avec les autres amphipodes (Das Paarungsverhalten von Niphargus). Wood-Gush, D., und Ph. Guiton (1967): Studies on thwarting in the domestic fowl (Vereitelungsversuche mit Hühnern). Ropartz, Ph. (1967): L'urine de souris en tant que source odorante responsable de l'augmentation de l'activité locomotrice (Geruch von Mäuseharn als Ursache erhöhter Laufaktivität). Scheubel, J. (1967): L'interattraction chez les souris, rôle des stimulations olfactives (Geruchliche Anlockung von Artgenossen bei Mäusen). Chapouthier, G. (1967): Esquisse d'une théorie moléculaire de la mémoire et de l'oubli (Entwurf einer Molekulartheorie des Behaltens und Vergessens). Signoret, J.-P. (1967): Attraction de la femelle in oestrus par le male chez les porcins (Anlockende Wirkung des Ebers auf rauschige Sauen). Foster, J. B. (1966): The giraffe of Nairobi National Park: Home range, sex ratios, the herd, and food (Beobachtungen an Giraffen im Nairobi-Nationalpark). Modha, M. L. (1967): The ecology of the Nile Crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus laurenti) on Central Island, Lake Rudolf (Zur Ökologie des Nilkrokodiles auf Central Island im Rudolfsee). Phillips, C. (1964): The captive sea (Das eingefangene Meer). Stern, Horst (1965): In Tierkunde eine 1. Kosmos-Gesellschaft der Naturfreunde, Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung. Le Guelte , L. (1967): La structure de la toile et les facteurs externes modifiant le comportement de Zygiella x-notata Cl. (Araignées, Argiopidae). Dahan, G., und J. Cosnier (1967): L'environment et la regulation du comportement: Le comportement d'exploration. (Der Einfluß der Umgebung auf das Erkundungsverhalten). Torossian, C. (1967): Recherches sur la biologie et l'ethologie de Dolichoderus quadripunctatus (L.) Hym. Formicoidea, Dolichoderidae. Ethologie et comportement alimentaire: Les échanges trophallactiques proctodéaux des Dolichoderidae. Aron, Cl., J. Roos und G. Asch (1968): Données statistiques et biologiques nouvelles sur le comportement d'acceptation de la rate au cours du cycle oestral. Yardin, M. (1968): Quelques aspects qualitatifs et quantitatifs de l'activité de la lapine allaitante (Oryctolagus cuniculus.) Naulleau, G. (1968): Actographe pour serpents. Hansell , M. H. (1968): The selection of house building materials by the caddis fly larva, Agapetus fuscipes (Curtis). Poduschka, W., und W. Firbas (1968): Das Selbstbespeicheln des Igels, Erinaceus europaeus Linné, 1758, steht in Beziehung zur Funktion des Jacobsonschen Organes. Jander, R., und Ch. K. Barry (1968): Die phototaktische Gegenkoppelung von Stirnocellen und Facettenaugen in der Phototropotaxis der Heuschrecken und Grillen (Saltatoptera: Locusta migratoria und Gryllus bimaculatus). Frisch, K. v. (1967): Honeybees: do they use direction and distance information provided by their dancers? Derselbe (1968): Verstehen die Bienen wirklich ihre eigene Sprache nicht? Wickler , W. (1967): Spezialization of organs having a signal-function in some marine fish. Immelmann, Klaus (1968): Zur biologischen Bedeutung des Estrildidengesanges. Beiheft 1 der Zeitschrift “Die Vogelwelt” (1968): Verhalten und Lautäußerungen. Norton-Griffiths , M. (1967): Some ecological aspects of the feeding behaviour of the Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus on the edible mussel Mytilus edulis. (Einige ökologische Seiten des Miesmuschelöffnens von Austernfischern.) Albrecht, H., und W. Wickler (1968): Freilandbeobachtungen zur “Begrüßungszeremonie” des Schmuckbartvogels Trachyphonus d'Arnaudii (Prévost und des Murs). Lilly, J. C, und Alice M. Miller (1961): Vocal exchanges between Dolphins (Delphine unterhalten sich durch Pfiffe, Klicks und mancherlei andere Laute). Lilly, J. C. (1965): Vocal mimicry in Tursiops: ability to match numbers and durations of human vocal bursts (“Nachsprechen” beim Großen Tümmler: Sie lernen die Anzahl der Einzelglieder und den Rhythmus menschlicher Lautfolgen nachzu”sprechen?). Lilly, J. C. (1967): Dolphin vocalization (Delphinslaute). Kummer, Hans (1968): Social organization of Hamadryas Baboons. A field study. Sackett, Gene P. (1966): Monkeys reared in isolation with pictures as visual input: evidence for an innate releasing mechanism (Nur mit Lichtbildern isoliert gehaltene Affen; Nachweis eines angeborenen Auslösemechanismus). Lorenz, Konrad (1968): Vom Weltbild des Verhaltensforschers, 3 Abhandlungen über tierisches und menschliches Verhalten. Wickler, Wolfgang (1968): Mimikry, Nachahmung und Täuschung in der Natur.  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article: Mohr, H. , und P. Sitte (1971): Molekulare Grundlagen der Entwicklung. BLV München—Bern—Wien, Serie: Moderne Biologie. Stokes, A. W. (1971): Praktikum der Verhaltensforschung. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von U. Haacker. Staeck, W. (1974): Cichliden. Verbreitung — Verhalten — Arten. E. Pfriem Verlag, Wuppertal-Elberfeld. Fryer, G. , und T. D. Iles (1972): The cichlid fishes of the Great Lakes of Africa; their Biology and Evolution. Thielcke, G. (1974): Biologie der Vogelstimmen I, II. Ewer, R. F. (1971): The biology and behaviour of a free-living population of Black Rats (Rattus rattus) (Lebensweise und Verhalten freilebender Hausratten). Fox, M. W. (1974): Versteh deinen Hund! Verhaltensweisen. Aus dem Amerikanischen übersetzt von M. Ruperti. Trumler, E. (1974): Hunde ernst genommen. Zum Wesen und Verständnis ihres Verhaltens. Laroche, J.-L., M. Desbiolles und H. Gutz (1974): Différenciation perceptive entre mère et étranger chez le nourrisson. Koenig, O. (1974): Rendezvous mit Tier und Mensch. Verlag Fritz Molden, Wien, München, Zürich. Kortlandt, A. (1972): New perspectives on ape and human evolution. (Neue Gesichtspunkte zur Evolution der Menschenaffen und Menschen).  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article: Eisenberg , John F., Georg M. McKay und M. R. Jainudeen (1971): Reproductive Behavior of the Asiatic Elefant Gervet , Jacques, und Daniel Beaubaton (1971): Interaction entre facteurs internes et externes dans le déroulement d'un acte instinctif Schubert , Michael (1971): Untersuchungen über die reaktionsauslösenden Signalstrukturen des Fitis-Gesanges Schubert , Gudrun (1971): Experimentelle Untersuchungen über die artkennzeichnenden Parameter im Gesang des Zilpzalps Paschke , Richard E., Victor H. Denenberg und M. X. Zarrow (1971): Mice reared with Rats: an interstrain comparison of mother and “aunt” effects Lindauer , M., und H. Martin (1970): Zur Orientierung der Honigbiene innerhalb und außerhalb des Stockes Abel , E. F. (1971): Zur Ethologie von Putzsymbiosen einheimischer Süßwasserfische im natürlichen Biotop Szabo , Thomas (1970): Elektrische Organe und Elektrorezeption bei Fischen Grzimeks Tierleben (1971): Band 5: Fische 2 und Lurche. ed. B. Grzimek und W. Ladiges. Kindler-Verlag Alcock , John (1970): Punishment levels in the response of Blackcapped Chickadees Bongiorno , Salvatore F. (1970): Nest-site selection by adult Laughing Gulls Dathe , Elisabeth und Heinrich (1970): Bäreneltern wider Willen Kraus , C., M. Gihr und G. Pilleri (1970): Das Verhalten von Cuniculus paca Holst , Erich von (1971): Zur Verhaltensphysiologie bei Tieren und Menschen Lindauer , M. (1970): Lernen und Gedächtnis – Versuche an der Honigbiene Leyhausen , Paul (1970): Selbstmißverständnis und Zukunft des Menschen, die Gesellschaft am Scheidewege Leyhausen , Paul (1970): Dauert der Friede schon zu lange? Hughes , G. R. (1970): Further studies on marine turtles in Tongaland  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Bücher/Books: Lorenz, K. Z. (1981): The foundations of ethology (Vergleichende Verhaltensforschung: Grundlagen der Ethologie). Bateson, P. P. G., and P. H. Klopfer, eds. (1982): Perspectives in ethology Vol. 5: Ontogeny (Perspektiven der Ethologie Band 5: Entwicklung). Halliday, T. R., and P. J. B. Slater, eds. (1983): Animal behaviour, Vol. 1. Lea, S. E. G. (1984): Instinct, environment and behaviour (Instinkt, Umwelt und Verhalten). Staddon, J. E. R. (1983): Adaptive behavior and learning (Verhaltensanpassung und Lernen). Cambridge University Press. Plotkin, H. C., ed. (1982): Learnings development, and culture. Chinery, M. (1984): Insekten Mitteleuropas (A field guide to the insects of Europe).  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Kriston , Irmgard (1971): Zum Problem des Lernverhaltens von Apis mellifica L. gegenüber verschiedenen Duftstoffen. Z. vgl. Physiol. 74 , 169–189. Lauer , Josta, und Martin Lindauer (1971): Genetisch fixierte Lerndispositionen bei der Honigbiene Hölldobler , B. 1) (1971): Sex pheromone in the Ant Xenomyrmex floridanus Rosengren , Rainer (1971): Route fidelity, visual memory, and recruitment behaviour in foraging wood ants of the genus Formica Rüppell , Georg, und Elfriede Gösswein (1972): Die Schwärme von Leucaspius delineatus Gerlach , Richard (1971): Die Geheimnisse der Amphibien und Reptilien ed. Immelmann , Klaus, Jürgen Nicolai , Joachim Steinbacher und Hans E. Wolters Isenmann , P., und E. P. Jouvcntin (1970): Eco-éthologie du Manchot empereur (Aptenodytes forsteri) et comparaison avec le Manchot Adélie Brosset , A. (1971): Recherches sur la Biologie des Pycnonotidés du Gabon Isenmann , P. (1970): Contribution á l'étude de la zone de velage du Phoque de Weddell Zippelius , H.-M. (1971): Soziale Hautpflege als Beschwichtigungsgebärde bei Säugetieren Lorenz , Konrad (1971): Knowledge, beliefs, and freedom (Wissen, Glauben und Freiheit) Charles-Dominique , P., und R. D. Martin (1972): Behaviour and Ecology of nocturnal Prosimians/Comportement et Ecologie des Prosimiens nocturnes Dijk , D. E. van (1971): Anuran ecology in relation particularly to oviposition and development out of water  相似文献   

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