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Summary Adult females of the pine beauty moth, Panolis flammea, fed on a saturated honey solution, laid significantly more eggs than those individuals given water only or not fed at all.At 20°, the longevity of both male and female moths was significantly increased when they were supplied with a food source. At 10° fed male months were not significantly longer lived than unfed moths. Fed female moths at 10° were however, significantly longer lived than unfed individuals. At 20°, fed male moths lived longer than fed females (8.17 days as compared with 5.95 days). At 10°, fed female moths lived longer than fed males (16.00 days compared with 11.41 days).At 20°, weight loss in unfed females over the reproductive period was proportional to the number of eggs laid and the survival time of the individual. In fed females, no significant weight loss occurred over the reproductive period, irrespective of the number of eggs laid or the longevity of the individual.Egg production, even in fed females, over the life span of an individual was only a fifth of the total eggs present in the reproductive tract at eclosion.It is concluded that adult females of P. flammea are likely to require an extra external food source to achieve their full reproductive potential.  相似文献   

Babul scale Anomalococcus indicus Ramakrishna Ayyar, a major pest of Vachellia nilotica (L.f.) P.J.H. Hurter & Mabb. on the Indian subcontinent, has been identified as a potential biocontrol agent for prickly acacia V. nilotica subsp. indica (Benth.) Kyal. & Boatwr. in Australia and was imported from southern India for detailed assessment. The life history of A. indicus under controlled glasshouse conditions was determined as a part of this assessment. Consistent with other scale species, A. indicus has a distinct sexual dimorphism which becomes apparent during the second instar. Females have three instars, developing into sexually mature nymphs after 52 days. The generation time from egg to egg was 89 days. Females are ovoviviparous, ovipositing mature eggs into a cavity underneath their body. An average of 802 ± 114 offspring were produced per female. Reproductive output was closely associated with female size; larger females produced more than 1200 offspring. Crawlers emerged from beneath the female after an indeterminate period of inactivity. They have the only life stage at which A. indicus can disperse, though the majority settle close to their parent female forming aggregative distributions. In the absence of food, most crawlers died within three days. Males took 62 days to develop through five instars. Unlike females, males underwent complete metamorphosis. Adult males were small and winged, and lived for less than a day. Parthenogenesis was not observed in females excluded from males. The life history of A. indicus allows it to complement other biological control agents already established on prickly acacia in Australia.  相似文献   

Matrix population models, elasticity analysis and loop analysis can potentially provide powerful techniques for the analysis of life histories. Data from a capture–recapture study on a population of southern highland water skinks (Eulamprus tympanum) were used to construct a matrix population model. Errors in elasticities were calculated by using the parametric bootstrap technique. Elasticity and loop analyses were then conducted to identify the life history stages most important to fitness. The same techniques were used to investigate the relative importance of fast versus slow growth, and rapid versus delayed reproduction. Mature water skinks were long‐lived, but there was high immature mortality. The most sensitive life history stage was the subadult stage. It is suggested that life history evolution in E. tympanum may be strongly affected by predation, particularly by birds. Because our population declined over the study, slow growth and delayed reproduction were the optimal life history strategies over this period. Although the techniques of evolutionary demography provide a powerful approach for the analysis of life histories, there are formidable logistical obstacles in gathering enough high‐quality data for robust estimates of the critical parameters.  相似文献   

We present a novel perspective on life‐history evolution that combines recent theoretical advances in fluctuating density‐dependent selection with the notion of pace‐of‐life syndromes (POLSs) in behavioural ecology. These ideas posit phenotypic co‐variation in life‐history, physiological, morphological and behavioural traits as a continuum from the highly fecund, short‐lived, bold, aggressive and highly dispersive ‘fast’ types at one end of the POLS to the less fecund, long‐lived, cautious, shy, plastic and socially responsive ‘slow’ types at the other. We propose that such variation in life histories and the associated individual differences in behaviour can be explained through their eco‐evolutionary dynamics with population density – a single and ubiquitous selective factor that is present in all biological systems. Contrasting regimes of environmental stochasticity are expected to affect population density in time and space and create differing patterns of fluctuating density‐dependent selection, which generates variation in fast versus slow life histories within and among populations. We therefore predict that a major axis of phenotypic co‐variation in life‐history, physiological, morphological and behavioural traits (i.e. the POLS) should align with these stochastic fluctuations in the multivariate fitness landscape created by variation in density‐dependent selection. Phenotypic plasticity and/or genetic (co‐)variation oriented along this major POLS axis are thus expected to facilitate rapid and adaptively integrated changes in various aspects of life histories within and among populations and/or species. The fluctuating density‐dependent selection POLS framework presented here therefore provides a series of clear testable predictions, the investigation of which should further our fundamental understanding of life‐history evolution and thus our ability to predict natural population dynamics.  相似文献   

Aim The effect of habitat fragmentation on population genetic structure results from the interaction between species’ life history traits and the particular landscape context, and both components are inherently difficult to tease apart. Here, we compare the genetic (allozyme) structure of four co‐occurring woody species with contrasting life histories to explore how well their response to the same fragmentation process can be predicted from their functional traits. Location A highly fragmented forest landscape located in the lower Guadalquivir catchment, south‐western Spain. Methods We sampled four species (Cistus salviifolius, Myrtus communis, Pistacia lentiscus and Quercus coccifera) from the same 23 forest fragments known to form a representative array of habitat characteristics in the region. We assessed genetic diversity (A, He and Ng) and differentiation (FIS and FST) for each species and explored their potential drivers using a model‐selection approach with four fragment features (size, historical and current connectivity, and stability) as predictor variables. Results Regional‐scale genetic diversity increased from the shortest‐lived to the longest‐lived species, while population differentiation of the self‐compatible species was roughly double that of the three self‐incompatible species. Fragment size was the only feature that did not consistently affect the genetic diversity of local populations across all species. Three species showed signs of being affected by fragmentation, yet each responded differently to the set of fragment features considered. We observed several trends that were at odds with simple life history‐based predictions but could arise from patterns of gene flow and/or local‐scale demographic processes. Main conclusions Our comparative study of various landscape features and species underscores that the same fragmentation process can have very different, and complex, consequences for the population genetic structure of plants. This idiosyncrasy renders generalizations across natural systems very difficult and highlights the need of context‐oriented guidelines for an efficient conservation management of species‐rich landscapes.  相似文献   

Both constitutive and inducible antipredator strategies are ubiquitous in nature and serve to maximize fitness under a predation threat. Inducible strategies may be favored over constitutive defenses depending on their relative cost and benefit and temporal variability in predator presence. In African temporary ponds, annual killifish of the genus Nothobranchius are variably exposed to predators, depending on whether larger fish invade their habitat from nearby rivers during floods. Nonetheless, potential plastic responses to predation risk are poorly known. Here, we studied whether Nothobranchius furzeri individuals adjust their life history in response to a predation threat. For this, we monitored key life history traits in response to cues that signal the presence of predatory pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus). While growth rate, adult body size, age at maturation, and initial fecundity were not affected, peak and total fecundity were higher in the predation risk treatment. This contrasts with known life history strategies of killifish from permanent waters, which tend to reduce reproduction in the presence of predators. Although our results show that N. furzeri individuals are able to detect predators and respond to their presence by modulating their reproductive output, these responses only become evident after a few clutches have been deposited. Overall our findings suggest that, in the presence of a predation risk, it can be beneficial to increase the production of life stages that can persist until the predation risk has faded.  相似文献   

Understanding how wild immune variation covaries with other traits can reveal how costs and trade‐offs shape immune evolution in the wild. Divergent life history strategies may increase or alleviate immune costs, helping shape immune variation in a consistent, testable way. Contrasting hypotheses suggest that shorter life histories may alleviate costs by offsetting them against increased mortality, or increase the effect of costs if immune responses are traded off against development or reproduction. We investigated the evolutionary relationship between life history and immune responses within an island radiation of three‐spined stickleback, with discrete populations of varying life histories and parasitism. We sampled two short‐lived, two long‐lived and an anadromous population using qPCR to quantify current immune profile and RAD‐seq data to study the distribution of immune variants within our assay genes and across the genome. Short‐lived populations exhibited significantly increased expression of all assay genes, which was accompanied by a strong association with population‐level variation in local alleles and divergence in a gene that may be involved in complement pathways. In addition, divergence around the eda gene in anadromous fish is likely associated with increased inflammation. A wider analysis of 15 populations across the island revealed that immune genes across the genome show evidence of having diverged alongside life history strategies. Parasitism and reproductive investment were also important sources of variation for expression, highlighting the caution required when assaying immune responses in the wild. These results provide strong, gene‐based support for current hypotheses linking life history and immune variation across multiple populations of a vertebrate model.  相似文献   

The life history of Daphnia exposed to fish kairomone at different developmental stages was examined in a laboratory experiment. The strongest life history response to the applied predation threat was observed in females exposed during the 4th instar. Compared to Daphnia experiencing the presence of fish at earlier or later instars, these individuals reached maturity at a smaller size and released fewer neonates. Moreover, their offspring also demonstrated the strongest reaction to predation threat, exhibiting the broadest phenotypic plasticity in the life history response to predation. The breadth of their reaction norm was, on average, two times larger comparing with individuals from other treatments. Broader phenotypic plasticity may offer clear selective advantages under the unpredictable predation regime. This finding highlights the adaptive role of maternal effect in shaping life history of cladocerans.  相似文献   

Response of endophytic fruit fly species (Tephritidae) to larval crowding is a form of scramble competition that may affect important life history traits of adults, such as survival and reproduction. Recent empirical evidence demonstrates large differences in adult life history traits, especially longevity, among Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata; "medfly") biotypes obtained from different regions of the world. However, whether the evolution of long lifespan is associated with response to stress induced by larval crowding has not been fully elucidated. We investigated, under constant laboratory conditions, the response of a short‐ and a long‐lived medfly biotypes to stress induced by larval crowding. Survival and development of larvae and pupae and the size of resulting pupae were recorded. The lifespan and age‐specific egg production patterns of the obtained adults were recorded. Our findings reveal that increased larval density reduced immature survival (larvae and pupae) in the short‐lived biotype but had rather neutral effects on the longed‐lived one. Only larvae of the long‐lived biotype were capable of prolonging their developmental duration under the highest crowding regime to successfully pupate and emerge as adults. Response of emerging adults to larvae crowding conditions was similar in the two medfly biotypes. Those individuals emerging from high larval density regimes had reduced longevity and fecundity. Long‐lived biotype individuals, however, appeared to suffer a higher cost in longevity compared with the short‐lived one. The importance of our findings to understand the evolution of long lifespan is discussed.  相似文献   

Expanding the scope of landscape genetics beyond the level of single species can help to reveal how species traits influence responses to environmental change. Multispecies studies are particularly valuable in highly threatened taxa, such as turtles, in which the impacts of anthropogenic change are strongly influenced by interspecific differences in life history strategies, habitat preferences and mobility. We sampled approximately 1500 individuals of three co‐occurring turtle species across a gradient of habitat change (including varying loss of wetlands and agricultural conversion of upland habitats) in the Midwestern USA. We used genetic clustering and multiple regression methods to identify associations between genetic structure and permanent landscape features, past landscape composition and landscape change in each species. Two aquatic generalists (the painted turtle, Chrysemys picta, and the snapping turtle Chelydra serpentina) both exhibited population genetic structure consistent with isolation by distance, modulated by aquatic landscape features. Genetic divergence for the more terrestrial Blanding's turtle (Emydoidea blandingii), on the other hand, was not strongly associated with geographic distance or aquatic features, and Bayesian clustering analysis indicated that many Emydoidea populations were genetically isolated. Despite long generation times, all three species exhibited associations between genetic structure and postsettlement habitat change, indicating that long generation times may not be sufficient to delay genetic drift resulting from recent habitat fragmentation. The concordances in genetic structure observed between aquatic species, as well as isolation in the endangered, long‐lived Emydoidea, reinforce the need to consider both landscape composition and demographic factors in assessing differential responses to habitat change in co‐occurring species.  相似文献   

Macroalgae contribute approximately 15% of the primary productivity in coastal marine ecosystems, fix up to 27.4 Tg of carbon per year, and provide important structural components for life in coastal waters. Despite this ecological and commercial importance, direct measurements and comparisons of the short‐term responses to elevated pCO2 in seaweeds with different life‐history strategies are scarce. Here, we cultured several seaweed species (bloom forming/nonbloom forming/perennial/annual) in the laboratory, in tanks in an indoor mesocosm facility, and in coastal mesocosms under pCO2 levels ranging from 400 to 2,000 μatm. We find that, across all scales of the experimental setup, ephemeral species of the genus Ulva increase their photosynthesis and growth rates in response to elevated pCO2 the most, whereas longer‐lived perennial species show a smaller increase or a decrease. These differences in short‐term growth and photosynthesis rates are likely to give bloom‐forming green seaweeds a competitive advantage in mixed communities, and our results thus suggest that coastal seaweed assemblages in eutrophic waters may undergo an initial shift toward communities dominated by bloom‐forming, short‐lived seaweeds.  相似文献   

Chemical cues from a predator Chaoborus sp. induce morphological defense (neck spine) and life history shifts (later reproduction, decreased fecundity but larger juvenile size) in the waterflea Daphnia pulex. These shifts have been interpreted either as costs of defense or as separate adaptation. In order to investigate if the life history shifts can be separated from the morphological defense, Daphnia pulex individuals were exposed to chemical cues from Chaoborus at different stages of life for variable periods. The daphnids that were exposed to Chaoborus started their reproduction later than the controls, although the differences were not statistically significant. Neck spine was induced only if daphnids were exposed to Chaoborus in an early stage of their life. Numbers of eggs produced were not affected by the different treatments, but egg mortality was higher in mothers exposed to Chaoborus. With these treatments it was possible to see neck spine induction without measurable life history changes or costs. On the other hand, irrespective of neck spine presence, the Chaoborus chemical(s) had an effect on Daphnia pulex mothers.Publication no 2159. Netherlands Institute of Ecology, Centre for LimnologyPublication no 2159. Netherlands Institute of Ecology, Centre for Limnology  相似文献   

Question: How have long-term herbivory and past land use impacted the population structure of Trillium catesbaei, a long-lived rhizomatous herb? Location: Western Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee, USA. Methods: We examined T. catesbaei populations at three sites: (1) Cades Cove (CC), an area of intensive historic land use that has been maintained as open fields and woodlots with a history of chronic deer herbivory, (2) Whiteoak Sink (WOS), a reference area with similar land-use history, geology, and soils that has succeeded to closed-canopy forest with relatively low levels of deer herbivory, and (3) Leadbetter Ridge (LBR), an area of primary forest that has never received significant anthropogenic disturbance. Trillium catesbaei is the most common Trillium species at the three study sites, but smaller in stature, shorter lived, and more of a habitat generalist. Results: Chronic herbivory in CC has created a highly-truncated age structure with no plants older than 9 years, while plant ages at the other sites were more evenly distributed. Compared to WOS, plants in CC were younger at a given height and more likely to flower when younger. Across all life stages, populations at CC contained 68 × fewer plants than WOS. The age structures of WOS and LBR were similar. Compared to published age estimates for other Trillium species, our results suggest that T. catesbaei is relatively short lived within the genus. Conclusions: Chronic herbivory had pronounced effects on the population structure of a perennial herb. Other long-lived herbaceous species may exhibit similar truncated age structures and flowering by younger and smaller plants. Habitat generalist species within a genus, such as T. catesbaei, that are able to reproduce more quickly may persist longer under chronic herbivory. However, chronic herbivory has likely caused the loss of herbaceous species from CC and may eventually cause the local extirpation of T. catesbaei populations.  相似文献   

Questions: 1. Is there a trade‐off between gap dependency and shade tolerance in each of the life‐history stages of three closely related, coexisting species, Acer amoenum (Aa), A. mono (Am) and A. rufinerve (Ar)? 2. If not, what differences in life‐history traits contribute to the coexistence of these non‐pioneer species? Location: Ogawa Forest Reserve, a remnant (98 ha), species‐rich, temperate deciduous forest in central Japan (36°56’ N, 140°35’ E, 600 ‐ 660 m a.s.l.). Methods: We estimated the demographic parameters (survival, growth rate and fecundity) by stage of each species growing in gaps and under closed canopy through observations of a 6‐ha permanent plot over 12 years. Population dynamics were analysed with stage‐based matrix models including gap dynamics. Results : All of the species showed high seedling and sapling survival rates under closed canopies. However, demographic parameters for each growth stage in gaps and under closed canopies revealed inter‐specific differences and ontogenetic shifts. The trade‐off between survival in the shade and growth in gaps was detected only at the small sapling stage (height < 30 cm), and Ar had the highest growth rate both in the shade and in the gaps at most life stages. Conclusions: Inter‐specific differences and ontogenetic shifts in light requirements with life‐form differences may contribute to the coexistence of the Acer species in old‐growth forests, with Aa considered a long‐lived sub‐canopy tree, Am a long‐lived canopy tree, and Ar a short‐lived,‘gap‐phase’ sub‐canopy tree.  相似文献   

Species monitoring can be strongly limited by terrain accessibility, impeding our understanding of species ecology and thus challenging their conservation. This is particularly true for species living in the canopy, on cliffs or in dense vegetation. Remote sensing imagery may fill this gap by offering a cost-effective monitoring approach allowing to improve species detection in inaccessible areas. We investigated the applicability of drone-based monitoring for a Critically Endangered insular gecko (Phelsuma inexpectata) and two invasive alien gecko species representing a risk for the former (P. grandis and P. laticauda). We determined the approach distance before inducing behavioural response caused by the drone's presence. All three study species showed no escape behaviour to the drone's presence until very close distances (mean distance for P. inexpectata: 33.8 cm; P. grandis: 21.9 cm; P. laticauda: 26.4 cm). We then performed horizontal and vertical approaches with the drone, taking photos every meter starting at 10 m away from the canopy edge to determine an optimal distance for detection while ensuring species-level identification. We examined a total of 328 photos. We found a bimodality in the number of detected geckos for two species, with different individuals recorded between short and intermediate distances. Therefore, we recommend taking photos at two distances of 2–2.5 and 5 m away from the canopy, ideally facing away from the sun and in low wind conditions. We encourage the application of our methodology for Phelsuma spp., but also for other species of similar size and ecology to improve detection in inaccessible areas.  相似文献   

Pamela Roe 《Hydrobiologia》1993,266(1-3):29-44
I studied the distribution, feeding biology, and reproductive biology of Pantinonemertes californiensis, described as a semi-terrestrial nemertean, along the central California coast. At the sites used in this study, maximal tidal height is about 2 m, and P. californiensis typically occurred under boulders between 1.3 and 1.7 m tidal height. Worms fed primarily on the semi-terrestrial amphipod Traskorchestia traskiana. Distribution of nemerteans was similar to that of the prey, although prey extended higher on the beach than did the worms. Nemerteans were largest and most abundant at the site with highest abundance of T. traskiana and smallest and least abundant at the lowest prey abundance site. In laboratory feeding trials, nemerteans from the site with lowest prey abundance fed most readily. Non-reproductive nemerteans lived for at least a week when submerged in sea water; some prey died within a week of being submerged. Nemerteans only lived minutes when submerged in fresh water; 50% of prey lived 4.5 h. Eggs are approximately 90–100 μm in diameter and hundreds to thousands are shed per female. Larvae are planktonic and apparently planktotrophic, and are morphologically similar to other marine hoplonemertean larvae. At the sites studied life history characteristics of P. californiensis provided little evidence of adaptations to terrestrial life in these worms and were not helpful in elucidating the role of semi-terrestrial nemerteans in the evolution of terrestrial nemerteans.  相似文献   

Objective: We used a rodent model of dietary obesity to evaluate effects of caloric restriction‐induced weight loss on mortality rate. Research Measures and Procedures: In a randomized parallel‐groups design, 312 outbred Sprague‐Dawley rats (one‐half males) were assigned at age 10 weeks to one of three diets: low fat (LF; 18.7% calories as fat) with caloric intake adjusted to maintain body weight 10% below that for ad libitum (AL)‐fed rat food, high fat (HF; 45% calories as fat) fed at the same level, or HF fed AL. At age 46 weeks, the lightest one‐third of the AL group was discarded to ensure a more obese group; the remaining animals were randomly assigned to one of three diets: HF‐AL, HF with energy restricted to produce body weights of animals restricted on the HF diet throughout life, or LF with energy restricted to produce the body weights of animals restricted on the LF diet throughout life. Life span, body weight, and leptin levels were measured. Results: Animals restricted throughout life lived the longest (p < 0.001). Life span was not different among animals that had been obese and then lost weight and animals that had been nonobese throughout life (p = 0.18). Animals that were obese and lost weight lived substantially longer than animals that remained obese throughout life (p = 0.002). Diet composition had no effect on life span (p = 0.52). Discussion: Weight loss after the onset of obesity during adulthood leads to a substantial increase in longevity in rats.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes knowledge and knowledge gaps on benthic and benthopelagic deep‐water fishes of the North Atlantic Ocean, i.e. species inhabiting deep continental shelf areas, continental and island slopes, seamounts and the Mid‐Atlantic Ridge. While several studies demonstrate that distribution patterns are species specific, several also show that assemblages of species can be defined and such assemblages are associated with circulatory features and water mass distributions. In many subareas, sampling has, however, been scattered, restricted to shallow areas or soft substrata, and results from different studies tend to be difficult to compare quantitatively because of sampler differences. Particularly, few studies have been conducted on isolated deep oceanic seamounts and in Arctic deep‐water areas. Time series of data are very few and most series are short. Recent studies of population structure of widely distributed demersal species show less than expected present connectivity and considerable spatial genetic heterogeneity and complexity for some species. In other species, genetic homogeneity across wide ranges was discovered. Mechanisms underlying the observed patterns have been proposed, but to test emerging hypotheses more species should be investigated across their entire distribution ranges. Studies of population biology reveal greater diversity in life‐history strategies than often assumed, even between co‐occurring species of the same family. Some slope and ridge‐associated species are rather short‐lived, others very long‐lived, and growth patterns also show considerable variation. Recent comparative studies suggest variation in life‐history strategies along a continuum correlated with depth, ranging from shelf waters to the deep sea where comparatively more species have extended lifetimes, and slow rates of growth and reproduction. Reproductive biology remains too poorly known for most deep‐water species, and temporal variation in recruitment has only been studied for few deep‐water species. A time series of roundnose grenadier Coryphaenoides rupestris recruitment spanning three decades of fisheries‐independent data suggests that abundant year classes occur rarely and may influence size structure and abundance even for this long‐lived species.  相似文献   

Donovan, S.K. 2011: The poorly illustrated crinoid. Lethaia, Vol. 44, pp. 125–135. Artistic licence is kept under firm control when restoring fossil tetrapods and their natural environments, but the same care is not always applied to reconstructions of ancient invertebrates. Selected renderings of fossil crinoids illustrate grossly inaccurate skeletal geometry and outmoded ideas of palaeoautecology. Together, these combine to give the public an incorrect impression of what a fossil crinoid looked like and how it lived, in some instances inferior to what was possible in the 19th century. The reason why crinoids receive such poor service from artists is, in part, probably due to their being exotic; humans and other tetrapods are a common part of our experience, whereas stalked crinoids, although extant, can only be seen in life with the aid of a research submersible in deep water (>100 m). Crinoids also have a complex endoskeleton that requires care in illustration. They are unusual creatures in an alien environment even at the present day. But echinoderm palaeontologists need to be more energetic in promoting the correct depiction of ancient species. □Crinoidea, illustration, morphology, palaeoenvironments, reconstruction.  相似文献   

The amount of energy allocated to growth versus other functions is a fundamental feature of an organism's life history. Constraints on energy availability result in characteristic trade‐offs among life‐history traits and reflect strategies by which organisms adapt to their environments. Freshwater mussels are a diverse and imperiled component of aquatic ecosystems but little is known about their growth and longevity. Generalized depictions of freshwater mussels as ‘long‐lived and slow‐growing’ may give an unrealistically narrow view of life‐history diversity which is incongruent with the taxonomic diversity of the group and can result in development of inappropriate conservation strategies. We investigated relationships among growth, longevity, and size in 57 species and 146 populations of freshwater mussels using original data and literature sources. In contrast to generalized depictions, longevity spanned nearly two orders of magnitude, ranging from 4 to 190 years, and the von Bertalanffy growth constant, K, spanned a similar range (0.02–1.01). Median longevity and K differed among phylogenetic groups but groups overlapped widely in these traits. Longevity, K, and size also varied among populations; in some cases, longevity and K differed between populations by a factor of two or more. Growth differed between sexes in some species and males typically reached larger sizes than females. In addition, a population of Quadrula asperata exhibited two distinctly different growth trajectories. Most individuals in this population had a low‐to‐moderate value of K (0.15) and intermediate longevity (27 years) but other individuals showed extremely slow growth (K = 0.05) and reached advanced ages (72 years). Overall, longevity was related negatively to the growth rate, K, and K explained a high percentage of variation in longevity. By contrast, size and relative shell mass (g mm?1 shell length) explained little variation in longevity. These patterns remained when data were corrected for phylogenetic relationships among species. Path analysis supported the conclusion that K was the most important factor influencing longevity both directly and indirectly through its effect on shell mass. The great variability in age and growth among and within species shows that allocation to growth is highly plastic in freshwater mussels. The strong negative relationship between growth and longevity suggests this is an important trade‐off describing widely divergent life‐history strategies. Although life‐history strategies may be constrained somewhat by phylogeny, plasticity in growth among populations indicates that growth characteristics cannot be generalized within a species and management and conservation efforts should be based on data specific to a population of interest.  相似文献   

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