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Espanto or susto has been analysed from various points of view in the last fifteen years. From a survey covering 109 case analyses collected in Nicolas Ruiz (Chiapas, Mexico), we reached the conclusion that this folk illness cannot be conceived of as a syndrome in the medical sense. A semiological analysis showed that espanto can be better described as an indigenous theory whose function is to relate illness events to other levels of reality.According to indigenous belief, the Holy Earth and the chtonian spirits of the underworld play an important role in the origin of the illness. This origin is associated with an opening of the earth as is illustrated in the earthquakes or the volcanic eruptions forming the prototype of a fright experience leading to espanto; or, it is attributed to agents who inhabit locations where the earth presents a fissure (river, ravine, cave). It is through these holes that the Holy Earth exerts her power. Concomitantly, the body of the victim is believed to open itself to the influences of the bad winds of espanto. Trembling is another aspect of the phenomenon which is observed at numerous levels: first, during the fright experience; second, when the victim falls ill (chills jumping in bed); and third, when the curandera takes the pulse of the patient to see if the blood is afraid. These multiple analogies lead to the assumption that there is a meaning shared by these separate manifestations.  相似文献   

Moberg, R. 1995. The lichen genus Phaeophyscia in China and Russian Far East. -Nord. J. Bot. 15: 319–335. Copenhagen ISSN 0107–055X.
Fifteen species, more than half of the total known species in the lichen genus Phaeophyscia , are shown to be present in China and Russian Far East. Morphology, anatomy, chemistry, distribution, habitat, relations to other taxa and some evolutionary trends are discussed. A key to the species is presented and regional distribution maps of all species are given. Several species are new to the area. New combinations are: Phaeophyscia endococcina var. endococcinodes and Phaeophyscia hispidula var. exornatula . The following names are reduced to synonymy: Phaeophyscia endococcinodes, Physcia endococcinodes var. megalospora, Physcia endococcinodes var. stellata, Phaeophyscia imbricata, Phaeophyscia exornatula, Phaeophyscia limbata , and Physcia endococcina var. latiloba .  相似文献   

华东地区青冈种群的等位酶变异   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
华东地区6个青岗种群等位酶变异的检测结果表明,青冈种群的遗传变异较大,每位点含有的等位基因较多,平均为2.3个,种水平的平均每位点等位基因数目为2.4。种群水平有效等位基因数目为1.446,种水平为1.467。Hardy-Weinberg平衡检验表明,青冈种群中不少位点偏离该平衡,其原因是种群内含有较多的纯合子,表现为多数位点的固定指数大于0,其中有9个位点的固定指数与0的偏差达到显著水平。  相似文献   

由中国植物学会、上海市植物学会、浙江植物学会联合举办的华东区“植物生态学和地植物学”学习班于1984年7月1日在浙江省东部宁波市鄞县天童山国家森林公园开学,历时25天。植物生态学和地植物学是工农业布局、国土整治、生物资源合理利用和保护的理论基础。当前华东地区的工、农、林、牧、副、渔、特各业及其城市、乡镇的建设都在迅猛发展。陆地、水域、城市、乡镇的生态系统以及自然景观都存在着向良性发展或者朝恶性变化的  相似文献   

2010秋季东海今生颗石藻的空间分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
靳少非  孙军  刘志亮 《生态学报》2013,33(1):120-131
根据2010年11月东海29站位所采集108个样品偏光镜检分析结果显示:调查区共发现26种今生颗石藻,优势种为赫氏艾密里藻(Emiliania huxleyi)、大洋桥石藻(Gephyrocapsa oceanica)、卡特螺旋球藻(Helicosphaera carteri)和粗壮环翼球(Algirosphaera robusta)等.水体中今生颗石藻丰度为0-76.562个/mL,平均值为18.641个/mL;颗石粒丰度0-4506.47个/mL,平均值为613.44个/mL,今生颗石藻在表层和底层均呈斑块状分布,海盆区站位丰度较近岸站位下降明显,但物种丰富度明显增多;颗石球丰度最大值站位发生在硅藻水华站位.将研究区域划分为3个断面进行分析:PN断面、沿岸流断面和黑潮断面.比较显示,PN断面的空间分布差异性较大,赫氏艾密里藻具有最高丰度的颗石粒和颗石球.沿岸流断面颗石粒/颗石球、黑潮断面中颗石粒(除底层外),自表至底随水深增加有轻微增加趋势,黑潮断面颗石球丰度高值区集中于25-80 m之间.结合历史环境资料,分析得出东海调查期水体混合、泥沙再悬浮以及硝酸盐浓度是控制今生颗石藻物种丰富度与物种特异分布的主要因子;今生颗石藻在不同环境中具有不同的生活策略,其空间分布特征随取样季节和海区不同有较大变化.  相似文献   

The breakthroughs in microbiology have allowed us to come to terms with the microbial resources present in culture collections and in natural environments. The challenge at present is to manage these microbial resources, particularly when one deals with open systems where the dynamics of microbial ecology are predominant. Hence, to properly address the aspects of Microbial Resource Management (MRM), one needs to handle the questions of who is there, who is doing what with whom and how can one adjust, control and/or steer these mixed cultures and communities. It is argued that microbial ecologists and environmental microbiologists need to address a new mind‐set. The Beijerinck axioma that all microorganisms are everywhere should not be presumed to be generally valid. The Darwin based niche assembly concept needs to be supplemented with the neutral theory of Hubbell. The Pareto 80/20 principle is also applicable to the macro‐economies of microbial communities. Finally, the concept of a “stable” microbial community should be replaced by that of a cooperative community continuum. Overall, MRM is at the basis of a number of new developments in domains such as environmental safety and health, renewable energy production, closing environmental cycles and providing new materials. Specific examples such as, for example, pro‐active immuno‐stimulation by means of drinking water, electro‐microbiology, decreasing global warming by implementation of methanotrophs and generation of nano‐biocatalysts are discussed.  相似文献   

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