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Several recent books have claimed to integrate literary study with evolutionary biology. All of the books here considered, except Robert Storey’s, adopt conceptions of evolutionary theory that are in some way marginal to the Darwinian adaptationist program. All the works attempt to connect evolutionary study with various other disciplines or methodologies: for example, with cultural anthropology, cognitive psychology, the psychology of emotion, neurobiology, chaos theory, or structuralist linguistics. No empirical paradigm has yet been established for this field, but important steps have been taken, especially by Storey, in formulating basic principles, identifying appropriate disciplinary connections, and marking out lines of inquiry. Reciprocal efforts are needed from biologists and social scientists.  相似文献   

Literary scholars are generally suspicious of the concept of universals: there are presently no candidates for literary universals that a high proportion of literary scholars would accept as valid. This paper reports results from a content analysis of patterns of characterization in folktales from 48 culture areas, aimed at identifying patterns of characterization that apply across regions of the world and levels of cultural complexity. The search for these patterns was guided by evolutionary theory and the findings are consistent with previous research on patterns of altruism, sex differences in mate preferences, sex differences in reproductive strategy, and differing emphases on male and female physical attractiveness. World literature, especially originally oral literature, represents a vast and neglected repository of information that researchers can use to more precisely map the contours of human nature. Jonathan Gottschall received his Ph.D. in English from Binghamton University and now teaches at St. Lawrence University in Canton, New York. His research focuses on integrating Darwinian approaches to human behavior and psychology with literary studies. The other authors are undergraduate students at St. Lawrence University.  相似文献   

Coelacanths: a human responsibility   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The living coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae has a unique position in world biodiversity which raises important questions about conservation and ethics. Some relevant details of coelacanth biology are summarized, including those obtained by direct observation from submersibles. The importance of the coelacanth for evolutionary theory and palaeontology is shown to be paralleled in cultural, literary and artistic areas of human heritage. Threats to the Comoran coelacanths from artisanal fishing are described and conservation measures discussed in relation to local customs and economies as well as the promotion of tourism to spread a new awareness and concern for coelacanths worldwide.  相似文献   

In 1966, Laura Bohannan wrote her classic essay challenging the supposition that great literary works speak to universal human concerns and conditions and, by extension, that human nature is the same everywhere. Her evidence: the Tiv of West Africa interpret Hamlet differently from Westerners. While Bohannan’s essay implies that cognitive universality and cultural variation are mutually exclusive phenomena, adaptationist theory suggests otherwise. Adaptive problems ("the human condition") and cognitive adaptations ("human nature") are constant across cultures. What differs between cultures is habitat: owing to environmental variation, the means and information relevant to solving adaptive problems differ from place to place. Thus, we find differences between cultures not because human minds differ in design but largely because human habitats differ in resources and history. On this view, we would expect world literature to express both human universals and cultural particularities. Specifically, we should expect to find literary universality at the macro level (e.g., adaptive problems, cognitive adaptations) and literary variation at the micro level (e.g., local solutions to adaptive problems).  相似文献   

Modern problems for the theory of evolution in Russia are only partly related to domestic realities (a legacy of the 1990s, changing priorities of education, and the clericalization of the society). The main drawback comes from the acceptance of a physicalist paradigm, in which testing evolutionary hypotheses is reduced to testing predictions derived from processes working at lower levels. Hypotheses are no longer tested by direct observation of the real world, which has somehow ceased to be regarded as a source of proof. Instead, hypotheses are thought to be correct if they are supported by more readily understood patterns at lower (molecular or genetic) levels. This substitution may explain the poor support for the epigenetic theory of evolution, although it agrees with observations much better than the currently dominant theoretical concepts.  相似文献   

Aging and age-related diseases are one of the most important health issues that the world will confront during the 21st century. Only by understanding the proximal causes will we be able to find treatments to reduce or delay the onset of degenerative diseases associated with aging. Currently, the prevalent paradigm in the field is the accumulation of damage. However, a new theory that proposes an alternative explanation is gaining momentum. The hyperfunction theory proposes that aging is not a consequence of a wear and tear process, but a result of the continuation of developmental programs during adulthood. Here we use Drosophila melanogaster, where evidence supporting both paradigms has been reported, to identify which parameters that have been previously related with lifespan best predict the rate of aging in wild type flies cultured at different temperatures. We find that mitochondrial function and mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (mtROS) generation correlates with metabolic rate, but not with the rate of aging. Importantly, we find that activation of nutrient sensing pathways (i.e. insulin-PI3K/Target of rapamycin (Tor) pathway) correlates with lifespan, but not with metabolic rate. Our results, dissociate metabolic rate and lifespan in wild type flies and instead link nutrient sensing signaling with longevity as predicted by the hyperfunction theory.  相似文献   

目的:探索建立一套科学有效临床教学目标管理体系。方法:医院根据目标管理理论,按照以人为本、科学合理、分类分档、自主选择、量化考核原则,由设置目标、签订目标责任书、考核评估三步建立教学目标管理体系。结果:过近4年的实施,各临床教研室考核得分逐年提并且每年差别有统计学意义(x2=28.22~9.31,p<0.01);师资水平、教学质量大幅提高,2002、2003、2004级临床医学专业学生参加医学院本科毕业考试的理论、操作考试成绩逐年提高,并且每级之间的差距有统计学意义(T=-1.974~-7.019,p<0.05)。结论:临床教学目标管理体系对促进教学水平提高、调动临床教师积极性有重要意义。  相似文献   

In the last years we have learned a lot about the pathopysiology of a cluster of the diseases called Metabolic Syndrome but currently an exciting discussion debates the Metabolic Syndrome in a light of a mystery of medicine or a clinical paradigm with a controversary about diagnostic, treatment or preventive procedure. There is now convincing evidence that prevention is the most important and effective way to reduce the personal and socio-economic burden of the Metabolic Syndrome and its associated complications. Still, it is currently not clear how to implement preventive interventions into clinical practice but will require an integrated and transdisciplinary approach on an international level in order to efficiently reduce premature morbidity and mortality. Nevertheless, global strategies are still lacking but are needed to tackle inequalities in health between industrialized countries and the developing world. A global health strategy has to take into account political, epidemiological, environmental, infrastructural and genetic aspects. The Metabolic Syndrome is not a mystery - it is a clinical paradigm and global challenge.  相似文献   

The cognitive rhetoricians have introduced the idea of cognitive domains into literary theory, but they have not yet developed a model for a comprehensive, species-typical structure of human motives. Evolutionary psychology can provide this model. Elemental human motives and basic emotions provide the deep structure of literary representations, and this deep structure serves to organize the particularities of circumstance and individual identity. Personal power and reproductive success are governing purposes in life and in literary representations. The concept of individual identity is necessary to literary representation, and a theory of literature based in evolutionary psychology has to incorporate models of personality. Literature and its oral antecedents organize experience in personally meaningful ways. They provide models of behavior and help regulate the complex cognitive machinery through which humans negotiate their social and cultural environments.  相似文献   

Much has been written about Freud's influence on popular culture. This article addresses the influence of literature on Freud's psychoanalytical theory, specifically the role that modern detective fiction played in shaping Freudian theory. Edgar Allan Poe gave Freud the literary precedent; Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's creation Sherlock Holmes gave him the analytical model. In turn, the world of crime story-telling embedded Freudian theories in subsequent forms, spinning the tales of crime into a journey into the human mind. As these tales were popularized on the silver screen in the early 20th century, psychoanalytical ideas moved from the lecture halls into the cultural mainstream.  相似文献   

The learning of evolutionary theory typically takes place in the classroom or laboratory. Students of these traditional approaches often leave with the notion that applications of evolutionary theory have little bearing on their lives. The Evolutionary Studies Consortium (EvoS; ) has been extremely successful in overcoming these barriers and demonstrating the bridges across academic areas that can be created with the principles of evolution as a guide. While this is a fantastic means through which to educate students about the intricacies of evolution, we believe that the full potential of this approach has yet to be realized. Applications beyond strict academic contexts are still waiting to be mined. Here, we outline an approach that proposes the implementation of a nutrition and physical fitness program, alongside classroom pedagogy, as a means of helping students learn about evolution and how it can be used to increase their own quality of life.  相似文献   

A foundational question for the discipline of psychiatry is the nature of psychiatric disorders. What kinds of things are they? In this paper, I review and critique three major relevant theories: realism, pragmatism and constructivism. Realism assumes that the content of science is real and independent of human activities. I distinguish two “flavors” of realism: chemistry‐based, for which the paradigmatic example is elements of the periodic table, and biology‐based, for which the paradigm is species. The latter is a much better fit for psychiatry. Pragmatism articulates a sensible approach to psychiatric disorders just seeking categories that perform well in the world. But it makes no claim about the reality of those disorders. This is problematic, because we have a duty to advocate for our profession and our patients against other physicians who never doubt the reality of the disorders they treat. Constructivism has been associated with anti‐psychiatry activists, but we should admit that social forces play a role in the creation of our diagnoses, as they do in many sciences. However, truly socially constructed psychiatric disorders are rare. I then describe powerful arguments against a realist theory of psychiatric disorders. Because so many prior psychiatric diagnoses have been proposed and then abandoned, can we really claim that our current nosologies have it right? Much of our current nosology arose from a series of historical figures and events which could have gone differently. If we re‐run the tape of history over and over again, the DSM and ICD would not likely have the same categories on every iteration. Therefore, we should argue more confidently for the reality of broader constructs of psychiatric illness rather than our current diagnostic categories, which remain tentative. Finally, instead of thinking that our disorders are true because they correspond to clear entities in the world, we should consider a coherence theory of truth by which disorders become more true when they fit better into what else we know about the world. In our ongoing project to study and justify the nature of psychiatric disorders, we ought to be broadly pragmatic but not lose sight of an underlying commitment, despite the associated difficulties, to the reality of psychiatric illness.  相似文献   

BeadArray-based solutions for enabling the promise of pharmacogenomics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fan JB  Hu SX  Craumer WC  Barker DL 《BioTechniques》2005,39(4):583-588
A "one-size-fits-all" approach continues to characterize today's healthcare paradigm. But emergent rules, information, genomics tools, and economics are driving a fundamental and inevitable shift to a more personalized world of medicine. In this new world, the interests of insurers, regulators, suppliers, healthcare providers, and most important, patients, will have converged. The new goal will be the right treatment for the right individual at the right time. In this world, personalized medicine, through pharmacogenomics (PGx), will be the new healthcare paradigm. We will briefly examine healthcare trends and current opportunities for PGx development. We will then demonstrate how microarray technologies-among them bead-based approaches-have emerged as a key enabler for bringing home the promise of PGx.  相似文献   

The fast-slow paradigm of life history theory has been a popular approach to individual differences in the evolutionary behavioral sciences. Currently, however, the fast-slow paradigm faces several theoretical and empirical challenges. Motivated by questions regarding the validity of certain assumptions of the paradigm, the current study provides an empirical investigation of human female “fast” versus “slow” strategies. In a sample of 1867 women recruited using MTurk, we use structural equation modeling (SEM) to test whether childhood exposure to different environmental variables had unique effects on proposed life history traits, whether mediated by—or independent of—pubertal timing. Models also test whether the proposed life history traits covary with one another as expected by the paradigm. Data reveal that exposure to violence and poor health in particular, but not environmental harshness or unpredictability in general, had significant effects on pubertal timing. Pubertal timing appeared to mediate effects of childhood environments on age at sexual debut, but not any other adult outcome (e.g., sociosexual orientations, reproductive outcomes). Some associations with mating strategies were incompatible with assumptions of the prevailing fast-slow paradigm; for instance, greater short-term mating orientation was positively associated with childhood socioeconomic status and negatively associated with offspring number. These results highlight the need for a new or revised theoretical approach to understanding developmental, mating, and reproductive strategies.  相似文献   

Within the field of cognitive neuroscience, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a popular method of visualizing brain function. This is in part because of its excellent spatial resolution, which allows researchers to identify brain areas associated with specific cognitive processes. However, in the quest to localize brain functions, it is relevant to note that many cognitive, sensory, and motor processes have temporal distinctions that are imperative to capture, an aspect that is left unfulfilled by fMRI’s suboptimal temporal resolution. To better understand cognitive processes, it is thus advantageous to utilize event-related potential (ERP) recording as a method of gathering information about the brain. Some of its advantages include its fantastic temporal resolution, which gives researchers the ability to follow the activity of the brain down to the millisecond. It also directly indexes both excitatory and inhibitory post-synaptic potentials by which most brain computations are performed. This sits in contrast to fMRI, which captures an index of metabolic activity. Further, the non-invasive ERP method does not require a contrast condition: raw ERPs can be examined for just one experimental condition, a distinction from fMRI where control conditions must be subtracted from the experimental condition, leading to uncertainty in associating observations with experimental or contrast conditions. While it is limited by its poor spatial and subcortical activity resolution, ERP recordings’ utility, relative cost-effectiveness, and associated advantages offer strong rationale for its use in cognitive neuroscience to track rapid temporal changes in neural activity. In an effort to foster increase in its use as a research imaging method, and to ensure proper and accurate data collection, the present article will outline – in the framework of a paradigm using semantic categorization to examine the effects of antipsychotics and schizotypy on the N400 – the procedure and key aspects associated with ERP data acquisition.  相似文献   

The International Geophysical Year (IGY), which took place between July 1957 and December 1958, helped us to rethink the world. At a time when there was a major paradigm shift in our understanding of the physical world, the international collaboration of the IGY helped to reset the discipline. The International Biodiversity Observation Year (IBOY) is now occurring at a time when our dependence on, and understanding of, biodiversity is being acknowledged as a paradigm shift in our present view of the world. Although the benefits of IGY were initially intellectual with practical effects remaining unknown until many years later, the benefits of greater knowledge of biodiversity will support efforts towards sustainability and affect the quality of life, both now and in the future. By providing the framework for international collaborations between scientists involved in every aspect of life on Earth, IBOY has the potential to redefine our current understanding of biodiversity in a manner similar to how IGY helped redefine the geophysical world.  相似文献   

This article addresses the question whether and how literary documents can be used to further our understanding of a number of key issues on the agenda of the philosophy of biology such as “complexity” and “reductionism”. Kant already granted a certain respectability to aesthetical experiences of nature in his third Critique. Subsequently, the philosophical movement known as phenomenology often used literary sources and literary techniques to criticize and question mainstream laboratory science. The article discusses a number of literary documents, from Moby-Dick to Jurassic Park, that explicitly stage a confrontation between scientific and non-scientific ways of experiencing and understanding the natural world. Special attention is given to the work of Michael Crichton. Its relevance for the philosophy of biology is pointed out.  相似文献   

Abstract Osteoporotic fracture incidence and underlying risk factors like low peak bone mass are heritable, but the genetic basis of osteoporosis remains poorly understood. Based on beam theory, stating that mechanical properties of a structure depend on both the amount and quality of the constituent materials, we investigated the relationship between whole bone mechanical properties and a set of morphological and compositional traits in femurs of eight inbred mouse strains. K-means cluster analysis revealed that individual femora could be classified reliably according to genotype based on the combination of bone area (tissue amount), moment of inertia (tissue distribution), and ash content (tissue quality). This trait combination explained 66–88% of the inter-strain variability in four whole-bone mechanical properties that describe all aspects of the failure process, including measures of brittleness. Stiffness and maximum load were functionally associated with cortical area, while measures of brittleness were associated with ash content. In contrast, work-to-failure was not directly related to a single trait but depended on a combination of trait magnitudes. From these findings, which were entirely consistent with established mechanical theory, we developed a hierarchical paradigm relating the mechanical properties that define bone fragility with readily measurable phenotypic traits that exhibit strong heritability. This paradigm will help guide the search for genes that underlie fracture susceptibility and osteoporosis. Moreover, because the traits we examined are measurable with non-invasive means, this approach may also prove directly applicable to osteoporosis risk assessment.  相似文献   

《Ecological Complexity》2005,2(2):117-130
In this review we argue that theories and methodology arising from the field of complex systems form a new paradigm for ecology. Patterns and processes resulting from interactions between individuals, populations, species and communities in landscapes are the core topic of ecology. These interactions form complex networks, which are the subject of intense research in complexity theory, informatics and statistical mechanics. This research has shown that complex natural networks often share common structures such as loops, trees and clusters. The observed structures contribute to widespread processes including feedback, non-linear dynamics, criticality and self-organisation. Simulation modelling is a key tool in studying complex networks and has become popular in ecology, especially in adaptive management. Important techniques include cellular automata and individual-based models. The complex systems paradigm has led to advances in landscape ecology, including a deeper understanding of the dynamics of spatial pattern formation, habitat fragmentation, epidemic processes, and genetic variation. Network analysis reveals that underlying patterns of interactions, such as small worlds and clusters, in food webs and ecosystems have strong implications for their stability and dynamics. These investigations illustrate how complexity theory and associated methodologies are transforming ecological research, providing new perspectives on old questions as well as raising many new ones.  相似文献   

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