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Permian–Triassic boundary microbialites (PTBMs) are organosedimentary carbonates formed immediately after the end-Permian mass extinction. All those reported PTBMs constrained by convincing conodont biozones are present stratigraphycally not higher than the Hindeodus parvus zone and most of them are dominated by thrombolites. This paper provides the first record of a brief, but spectacular development of stromatolite-dominated PTBMs within the basal Isarcicella isarcica conodont zone of the earliest Triassic from the Xikou section of South Qinling Block that was at the margin of the North China Block during the Permian–Triassic transition and was geographically separated from the major occurrence of post-extinction microbialites in the South China Block. This stromatolite cap overlies a 3.7-m-thick oolitic limestone and is composed of a lower 0.2-m-thick bed and an upper 0.5-m-thick bed, separated by a 0.2-m-thick greyish green siliciclastic mudstone. These two stromatolite beds mainly consist of columnar stromatolites with subordinate domal stromatolites. The intercolumn and interstitial spaces within the stromatolites are filled with oolitic grainstones. At the microscopic scale, laminoid structures in stromatolites comprise wavy, millimetric-domical and tangled laminae. The increased grain and fossil contents and/or bioturbation in the domical and tangled laminae indicate that the formation of these laminae is likely related to an increase in the populations and the disruptions by benthic metazoans, as well as an influx of sediment grains. The δ13Ccarb values fluctuate between 2‰ and 3‰ in the uppermost Permian strata; a distinct negative shift of 1.9‰ occurs at the topmost oolitic grainstone, just below the lower stromatolite bed, and the lowest value of −0.1‰ is located at the base of the upper stromatolite bed. The stratigraphic succession from stromatolites to thrombolites of the PTBMs may represent a transgressive succession and/or a transient ecosystem recovery immediately after the end-Permian mass extinction. The thrombolites-dominated PTBMs mainly developed in near-equator shallow marine geographic locations, and stromatolite-dominated PTBMs mainly developed at higher latitude settings, which probably indicates that a relatively lower diversity and abundance of marine benthic metazoans existed at higher latitudes after the end-Permian mass extinction.  相似文献   


Border policing and immigration law enforcement produce a spectacle that enacts a scene of ‘exclusion’. Such spectacles render migrant ‘illegality’ visible. Thus, these material practices help to generate a constellation of images and discursive formations, which repetitively supply migrant ‘illegality’ with the semblance of an objective fact. Yet, the more these spectacles fuel anti-immigrant controversy, the more the veritable inclusion of the migrants targeted for exclusion proceeds apace. Their ‘inclusion’ is finally devoted to the subordination of their labour, which is best accomplished only insofar as their incorporation is persistently beleaguered with exclusionary campaigns that ensure that this inclusion is itself a form of subjugation. At stake, then, is a larger sociopolitical (and legal) process of inclusion through exclusion. This we may comprehend as the obscene of inclusion. The castigation of ‘illegals’ thereby supplies the rationale for essentializing citizenship inequalities as categorical differences that then may be racialized.  相似文献   

Evolutionary researchers have recently suggested that pre-modern human societies habitually practised cooperative breeding and that this feature helps explain human prosocial tendencies. Despite circumstantial evidence that post-reproductive females and extra-pair males both provide resources required for successful reproduction by mated pairs, no study has yet provided details about the flow of food resources by different age and sex categories to breeders and offspring, nor documented the ratio of helpers to breeders. Here, we show in two hunter–gatherer societies of South America that each breeding pair with dependent offspring on average obtained help from approximately 1.3 non-reproductive adults. Young married males and unmarried males of all ages were the main food providers, accounting for 93–100% of all excess food production available to breeding pairs and their offspring. Thus, each breeding pair with dependants was provisioned on average by 0.8 adult male helpers. The data provide no support for the hypothesis that post-reproductive females are the main provisioners of younger reproductive-aged kin in hunter–gatherer societies. Demographic and food acquisition data show that most breeding pairs can expect food deficits owing to foraging luck, health disabilities and accumulating dependency ratio of offspring in middle age, and that extra-pair provisioning may be essential to the evolved human life history.  相似文献   

The ‘Reaction experiment with Hipp chronoscope’ is one of the classical experiments of modern psychology. This paper investigates the technological contexts of this experiment. It argues that the development of time measurement and communication in other areas of science and technology (astronomy, the clock industry) were decisive for shaping the material culture of experimental in psychology. The chronoscope was constructed by Matthäus Hipp (1813–1893) in the late 1840s. In 1861, Adolphe Hirsch (1830–1901) introduced the chronoscope for measuring the ‘physiological time’ of astronomical observers. Hirsch’s observatory at Neuchâtel (Switzerland) served to control the quality of clocks produced in the nearby Jura mountains. Hipp provided the observatory with a telegraphic system that sent time signals to the centers of clock production. Time telegraphy constituted the stable surroundings of the reaction time experiments carried out by both astronomers and psychologists. This technology permitted precise measurements of short time intervals and offered to Hirsch, as well as to Wilhelm Wundt (1832–1920), a useful metaphor for conceptualizing their respective ‘epistemic objects’. But time telegraphy also limited the possibilities of the experimental work conducted within its framework. In particular, noise from outside and inside the research sites at Neuchâtel, Leipzig and elsewhere disturbed the precise communication of time.  相似文献   

In this study we have examined the reception of Mendelism in France from 1900 to 1940, and the place of some of the extra-Mendelian traditions of research that contributed to the development of genetics in France after World War II. Our major findings are:
(1)  Mendelism was widely disseminated in France and thoroughly understood by many French biologists from 1900 on. With the notable exception of Lucien Cuénot, however, there were few fundamental contributions to the Mendelian tradition, and virtually none from about 1915 to the midthirties. Prior to 1900, Cuénot's work was already marked by a striking interest in physiological mechanisms; his physiological preoccupations played a considerable role in his account of the inheritance of coat color and of susceptibility to tumors in mice. His analysis of the roles of the many genes involved in pigment formation was developed with an eye to one of the first models of the metabolic reactions involved. It yielded one of the earliest suggestions that the steps controlled by single genes involve enzymes as the products of genes.
(2)  The inflexible structure of the French universities played an important role in discouraging research in genetics and in the failure to train the post-World War I generation in that discipline.
(3)  During this period the disciplines of physiology, microbiology, and causal embryology were dominant in French experimental biology. The issues that were most prominent within these disciplines—differentiation and development, regulation of growth and morphology, infection and assimilation—were not easily treated within genetics. The failure of Mendelism to resolve a variety of legitimate explanatory issues to the satisfaction of serious investigators trained in the dominant French disciplines also contributed to the failure of Mendelism to penetrate French science. The violent anti-Mendelian polemics put forward by many of the most committed neo-Lamarckians raised many of the same issues regarding the supposed insufficiency of Mendelism. Cuénot's reluctance to encourage his students to pursue careers in genetics illustrates the compound nature of the resistance.
Despite the absence of a developed tradition of Mendelian research, a French school of molecular genetics had developed by the 1950s. It flourished outside the university system at the Institut Pasteur, the Institut de Biologie physico-chimique, and the CNRS (though some of its leading figures had university connections), and it was only beginning to enter into university curricula. The most important indigenous research that informed the new tradition was that of Eugène Wollman on paraheredity of phage infection and lysogeny, of André Lwoff on the physiology and nutritional requirements of protozoa and bacteria, and the embryologically influenced genetic investigations of Boris Ephrussi. The conceptual and methodological resources of the French school were enriched by this background; a full understanding of the products of the fifties, we believe, requires a proper appreciation of these antecedents. Molecular genetics in France grew out of the Pasteurian tradition of microbiology and the highly developed tradition of causal embryology as modified by Ephrussi. Both of these traditions were extra-Mendelian and not anti-Mendelian, but they both shared a number of the problems and assumptions that were at the center of the extremist resistance to Mendelism. In many respects, then, it is more fruitful to see the entry of French biology into molecular genetics as a development of its microbial-physiological and causal-embryological traditions, coopting the tools and techniques of genetics, rather than the other way around.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Paleoclimatic data indicate that an abrupt climate change occurred at the Eocene–Oligocene (E–O) boundary affecting the distribution of tropical forests on Earth. The same period has seen the emergence of South-East (SE) Asia, caused by the collision of the Eurasian and Australian plates. How the combination of these climatic and geomorphological factors affected the spatio-temporal history of angiosperms is little known. This topic is investigated by using the worldwide sapindaceous clade as a case study.


Analyses of divergence time inference, diversification and biogeography (constrained by paleogeography) are applied to a combined plastid and nuclear DNA sequence data set. Biogeographical and diversification analyses are performed over a set of trees to take phylogenetic and dating uncertainty into account. Results are analysed in the context of past climatic fluctuations.

Key Results

An increase in the number of dispersal events at the E–O boundary is recorded, which intensified during the Miocene. This pattern is associated with a higher rate in the emergence of new genera. These results are discussed in light of the geomorphological importance of SE Asia, which acted as a tropical bridge allowing multiple contacts between areas and additional speciation across landmasses derived from Laurasia and Gondwana.


This study demonstrates the importance of the combined effect of geomorphological (the emergence of most islands in SE Asia approx. 30 million years ago) and climatic (the dramatic E–O climate change that shifted the tropical belt and reduced sea levels) factors in shaping species distribution within the sapindaceous clade.  相似文献   

The First Appearance Datum (FAD) of the conodont Lochriea ziegleri in the lineage Lochriea nodosaL. ziegleri has been considered the most suitable definition and global correlation-level for a revised base of the Serpukhovian Stage. Abundant specimens of Lochriea are recorded throughout the Late Visean–early Serpukhovian interval in the Naqing section, South China. Among them, the P1 elements, with wide morphological variability, enable confirmation and refinement of main lineages within the genus. Two lineages are proposed: 1) noded Lochriea species, such as L. mononodosaL. nodosaL. ziegleri, L. senckenbergica and L. multinodosa, and 2) ridged Lochriea species such as L. monocostataL. costataL. cruciformis. The possibility for their phylogenetic relationships is evaluated in this paper.  相似文献   

Carbonate concretions with structures and fossil groups associated with microbialite developed in a dolostone crust at the Permian–Triassic boundary of the Xishan section in Jiangsu Province, South China. These structures include clotted fabrics and laminated carbonate needles, as well as abundant carbonate crystal fans. Fossil groups associated with microbialite include microconchids, small gastropods, and small foraminifers. These fabrics and fossils suggest that the concretions are carbonate microbialite blocks developed in the dolostone crust. On the basis of the analysis of the microfabrics and the fossil groups together with a comparison to modern analogues, we attribute the formation of the micritic patches in the microbialite concretions to the calcification of cyanobacterial mats via carbonate nanoparticles and we attribute the carbonate crystal fans to the direct recrystallization of micritic carbonates. The sparitic patches were interpreted as either the direct recrystallization of micritic carbonates or the precipitation of carbonate spars in the inter-/intra-spaces of metazoan shells together with the recrystallization of these shells. The similarities to modern stromatolites, both in morphology and in internal texture, suggest that the laminated carbonate needles are stromatolite laminae built by filamentous cyanobacteria. The preservation of these microbialite microfabrics indicates that early lithification by carbonate precipitation was widespread and intense following the end-Permian boundary events. The weak development of microbialites as small concretions may be attributed to the deeper water depth and the lower water energy in the Xishan area during the earliest Triassic.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》1994,342(2):181-184
The venom of the scorpion, Tityus serrulatus, was fractionated to investigate the chemical and pharmacological properties of its α-toxin content. Three α-toxins (Ts III, Ts IV and Ts V) were purified by conventional chromatography (gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography), followed by immunoaffinity chromatography. Competition experiments using reference α- and β-toxins suggested that these α-toxins were contaminated with around 0.01% of β-toxin. The sequence of the first 30 amino acids of Ts IV was established. Using an oligonucleotide probe, a cDNA encoding its precursor was cloned from a venom gland cDNA library. The primary structure deduced from the cDNA nucleotide sequence provides possible explanations for the polymorphism of these three molecules.  相似文献   

Summary The elephant seal population of South Georgia was surveyed comprehensively during the 1985 breeding season. 87711 females and 10260 adult males were counted. The counts were corrected using a model of the haul-out distribution to adjust for date of count. Annual pup production was estimated to be about 102000. Counts made at various beaches on South Georgia between 1951 and 1964 were examined to compare pup production then with present data. Although the population has fluctuated substantially, the 1985 population estimate was very similar to the estimate based on an incomplete survey in 1951. This contrasts with the Indian Ocean and Macquarie Island populations of this species which recent surveys show to be declining.  相似文献   

The diversity of native species assemblages and that of indigenous cultures that once characterized the temperate forests of southern Chile have experienced a process of homogenization ever since the Spanish conquest. Today this process continues to erode both biotic and cultural diversity. With the goal of linking ecological research with actions to conserve the biological and cultural richness of this region, we established the Institute of Ecological Research Chiloé. The Institute's philosophy and activities involve three approaches: (1) participation of professional ecologists in environmental education and decision making, through collaboration with the community at local, regional, and global scales. (2) programs of ecological education, which include planting indigenous trees in urban areas and creating a local botanical garden with representative Chilean forest species. (3) critical analyses of the narrow economic and utilitarian environmental ethics that currently prevail in Chile, and often in other Latin American nations, and examination of traditional or novel alternative ethics and perspectives that address multiple interrelations between biological and cultural dimensions.  相似文献   

Since the late eighteenth century, fossils of bizarre extinct creatures have been described from the Americas, revealing a previously unimagined chapter in the history of mammals. The most bizarre of these are the ‘native’ South American ungulates thought to represent a group of mammals that evolved in relative isolation on South America, but with an uncertain affinity to any particular placental lineage. Many authors have considered them descended from Laurasian ‘condylarths’, which also includes the probable ancestors of perissodactyls and artiodactyls, whereas others have placed them either closer to the uniquely South American xenarthrans (anteaters, armadillos and sloths) or the basal afrotherians (e.g. elephants and hyraxes). These hypotheses have been debated owing to conflicting morphological characteristics and the hitherto inability to retrieve molecular information. Of the ‘native’ South American mammals, only the toxodonts and litopterns persisted until the Late Pleistocene–Early Holocene. Owing to known difficulties in retrieving ancient DNA (aDNA) from specimens from warm climates, this research presents a molecular phylogeny for both Macrauchenia patachonica (Litopterna) and Toxodon platensis (Notoungulata) recovered using proteomics-based (liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry) sequencing analyses of bone collagen. The results place both taxa in a clade that is monophyletic with the perissodactyls, which today are represented by horses, rhinoceroses and tapirs.  相似文献   

Garland E. Allen 《Genetica》1997,99(2-3):77-88
Eugenics, the attempt to improve the genetic quality of the human species by ‘better breeding’, developed as a worldwide movement between 1900 and 1940. It was particularly prominent in the United States, Britain and Germany, and in those countries was based on the then-new science of Mendelian genetics. Eugenicists developed research programs to determine the degree to which traits such as Huntington's chorea, blindness, deafness, mental retardation (feeblemindedness), intelligence, alcoholism, szhiophrenia, manic depression, rebelliousness, nomadism, prostitution and feeble-inhibition were genetically determined. Eugenicists were also active in the political arena, lobbying in the United States for immigration restriction and compulsory sterilization laws for those deemed genetically unfit; in Britain they lobbied for incarceration of genetically unfit and in Germany for sterilization and eventually euthanasia. In all these countries one of the major arguments was that of efficiency: that it was inefficient to allow genetic defects to be multiplied and then have to try and deal with the consequences of state care for the offspring. National Socialists called genetically defective individuals ‘useless eaters’ and argued for sterilization or euthanasia on economic grounds. Similar arguments appeared in the United States and Britain as well. At the present time (1997) much research and publicity is being given to claims about a genetic basis for all the same behaviors (alcoholism, manic depression, etc), again in an economic context – care for people with such diseases is costing too much. There is an important lesson to learn from the past: genetic arguments are put forward to mask the true – social and economic – causes of human behavioral defects. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The Neotropical window fly genus Heteromphrale Kröber, 1937 is revised. Two previously described species (Heteromphrale chilensis (Kröber, 1937) and Heteromphrale cyanops (Edwards, 1932)) are redescribed while a new species (Heteromphrale blanca sp. n.) is described from Argentina. The male of Heteromphrale chilensis and female of Heteromphrale cyanops are described and figured for the first time, and a key to species is presented.  相似文献   

The role of bacterial variation in the waxing and waning of epidemics was a subject of lively debate in late nineteenth and early twentieth-century bacteriology and epidemiology. The notion that changes in bacterial virulence were responsible for the rise and fall of epidemic diseases was an often-voiced, but little investigated hypothesis made by late nineteenth-century epidemiologists. It was one of the first hypotheses to be tested by scientists who attempted to study epidemiological questions using laboratory methods. This paper examines how two groups of experimental epidemiologists, the British group led by W. W. C. Topley and Major Greenwood, and an American group directed by Leslie T. Webster at the Rockefeller Institute, studied the role of variations in bacterial virulence in the course of laboratory epidemics of mouse typhoid. Relying on Ludwik Fleck’s concept of thought styles and thought collectives, the paper analyzes the fundamental conceptual differences between these two groups of researchers and analyzes the kinds of innovations they introduced as they attempted to integrate bacteriological and epidemiological approaches. The paper shows that the stylistic differences between the two groups can be understood better in the context of the institutional histories and disciplinary relations of epidemiology and bacteriology in the two countries.  相似文献   

The Lindu plain, located in the northern mountainous region of the Lore Lindu National Park in Sulawesi, Indonesia, provides many ecosystem services for the population inhabiting the area and harbours a unique biodiversity. Palynological, charcoal and diatom analyses of a lake sediment core from Lake Lindu (Danau Lindu) reveal that during the last 1,000 years the Lindu plain has been modified by human activities. Evidence of frequent burning and possible shifting cultivation from an earlier phase from ca. ad 1000 to 1200 might be related to the metal age population which erected the megaliths in the province of Central Sulawesi. From ca. ad 1200–1700 there followed 500 years of wetter climate conditions, corresponding to the southward movement of the Intertropical Convergence Zone. At the same time, decreases of macro-charcoal concentrations and pioneer vegetation indicators show that the use of the landscape of Lindu plain had become more permanent. Following a phase of forest recovery from ca. ad 1730 to 1910, the most recent part of the Lake Lindu record shows a trend towards deforestation that started in the late 20th century, lasting until now. The lake level started to fall at the beginning of the 20th century, as shown by the increase of sedimentation rate and supported by low pollen concentration and palaeomagnetic data. Such a change was unprecedented for the last 1,000 years covered by the record, and it has no link to the climate variability as reconstructed for the last hundred years. If deforestation increases and a larger amount of water is channelled away from the lake for irrigation purposes, the lake level will continue to fall. This suggests that there is a need for better management of the forests surrounding the plain and of the irrigation systems in the area open for cultivation.  相似文献   

《Mammalian Biology》2014,79(3):170-175
The endemic South American “ungulates” (SANU) were traditionally assumed to be a monophyletic offshoot of the Granorder Ungulata, but the current reorganization of the extant ungulates in Laurasiatheria and Afrotheria (based on molecular data) leaved them in an undetermined systematic position. The delayed dental eruption versus cranial growth was proposed as a hard-tissue synapomorphy of Afrotheria. In a recent paper, at least some endemic SANU (Notoungulata, Astrapotheria, and possibly Pyrotheria) were interpreted as allied to Afrotheres by having a late replacement of deciduous cheek teeth. This statement was based on: (1) the usual occurrence within these groups of individuals with deciduous and permanent teeth; (2) the individual size (estimated comparing the length/width ratio of cheek teeth) of specimens with permanent premolars erupted is indistinguishable from that of specimens with deciduous premolars (putative juveniles), and (3) the retention of at least dP1–dP3 in adult specimens of Parastrapotherium (Astrapotheria). Herein we critically examine the presumed existence of delayed dental eruption in astrapotheres, pyrotheres and xenungulates and the assumptions on which it was based. The alleged evidences supporting the occurrence of delayed dental eruption in SANU arise from misinterpreted information from the literature and conceptual mistakes (i.e. delayed dental eruption versus cranial growth was confused with delayed replacement of premolars versus molar eruption). Based on examination of at-hand specimens, we found that there is no evidence for a delayed premolar replacement relative to the eruption of the molars in astrapotheres, pyrotheres, and xenungulates. A delayed dental eruption in relation to jaw growth does not occur at least in Astrapotherium magnum. Although a very recent study proposed close relationships among afrotheres and at least notoungulates and xenungulates, a more complete analysis is still needed to elucidate the evolutionary relationships of astrapotheres and pyrotheres.  相似文献   

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