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This paper uses semi-structured interviews with Ecuadorian “white mestizos” of the upper classes to provide insights into the nature of racism in Ecuador. Interview data illuminate the specifics of racism and discrimination suffered by some of those labelled as mestizos, demolishing anew the idea of a homogenous mestizaje. Longo and cholo emerge as specific ethnic terminology used to create a racial/class distinctions among mestizos struggling for ethnoracial capital in a newly defined plurinational and intercultural state. These findings are contrasted with recent progressive state policies that address the plight of groups historically marginalized or ignored by the Ecuadorian narrative of mestizaje, but fail to look within mestizaje to battle against the remnants of colonial constructions of power and difference.  相似文献   

This article proposes a new reading of early-19th-century modernity by examining India's so-called “ethnographic” paintings, and arguing that rather than participate in a trajectory of speed and acceleration these works produce colonial polyrhythmic temporality. First, the article establishes that many of these images depict action, not ethnicity or occupational group. It then situates these images in economies of circulation, viewing, politics and commercial enterprise. By focusing on the action in the subject matter—do-ing rather than do-er, processes rather than occupations—a layered, polyrhythmic range of temporalities emerges, upturning dualistic, acceleration-driven, and rupture-based understandings of visual culture from this period.  相似文献   

The Nanticoke-Moors of Delaware are an ethnic group of Native American, Afro-American, and Euro-American descent. Their physiognomic and ethnic marginality has subjected them to a limited range of social and economic options under the influence of American racial policies. This article concerns their ethnic formation in the colonial period and the demographic effects (changes in fertility, mortality, and structure) of their 19th- and 20th-century social history. The demographic sample consists of 406 headstones from three community cemeteries. Each cemetery represents a socially and economically distinct unit, including a group that identifies with its traditional Indian heritage, an Afro-American acculturated group, and a migrant community of marginal ethnic affiliation. Variation and change in life expectancy is shown. Relationships between the political and economic processes affecting Nanticoke-Moor social affiliation, and those affecting color caste-class formation among mainstream Afro-Americans, are discussed.  相似文献   


As communication networks, missionary societies showed an early interest in the new medium of photography and will turn out to have contributed significantly to visual sources on African and Asian History before 1900. An intensive study of the photographic images of Christian Hornberger of the North German Mission (active as photographer in the Volta Region of Ghana 1863–68/9) shows the European preconceptions about the images appropriate to Africa did not have it all their own way. From attempting to document visually the depravity of African society and the ideals of the Mission community his photography helped him to turn to creating images of the dignity of Africans—men and women—at traditional kinds of work.  相似文献   

Summary Scientific photography is an important facet of plant tissue culture. The aim of photography in plant tissue culture should be to illustrate clearly the developmental stages occurring in vitro. However, the photographic results presented in publications are often poor, and morphogenetic responses are often not clearly documented. Plant tissue culture is a very visual science, and the valuable tool of photography is often not used properly. If the morphogenetic responses are not well documented, an important part of the reserch is missed, and the report ends up having limited scientific value. Simple methods for improving the results of photography in plant tissue culture are discussed, along with photographic equipment, photomacrography, stereophotomicrography, suitable backgrounds for photography, use of a digital scanner, and the construction of photographic plates.  相似文献   


In remote villages of the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea, where official village courts and other state institutions are absent, local leaders routinely hold unofficial village courts to maintain law and order. They base their decisions on local perceptions of order and justice, all the while emulating elements of state justice and constantly referring to the state as the source of their legitimacy. As these unofficial judicial institutions historically emerged as a convergence of local patterns of leadership with colonial concepts of order, they neither form a completely new nor completely autochthonous method of conflict settlement, but are an example of para-statehood, in which local leaders take on state functions in the absence of the state.  相似文献   

Digital photography for rhinoplasty   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Standardized, high-quality, preoperative photographs of the nose are critical for preoperative rhinoplasty planning, comparative postoperative assessment, and demonstration of surgical results. To produce these high-quality, reproducible photographs, it is essential to standardize lighting, to properly position the patient in standard views, to avoid lens distortion, and to maintain consistent camera-to-subject distances. Traditional photographic standards have been well documented in the literature; however, most do not address digital photography, and none address digital photography for rhinoplasty. Certain variables in digital photography that are not present in 35-mm photography can be critical to the appearance of the final image. Variables such as image color and contrast (which usually vary between digital cameras), focal length differences between 35-mm and most digital cameras, the effect of resolution and compression on image quality, and the effect of the printing method used can affect the appearance of the external anatomy of the nose in the final print or image. Lack of detail in the external nasal anatomy becomes an issue if the surgeon uses the photograph intraoperatively for reference, as the authors do. Initially, the authors experienced difficulties with observing subtleties in the tip-defining points and tip anatomy using digital photography when compared with our traditional methods of 35-mm photography. The lack of detail in the external anatomy was most prevalent in the frontal and basal views. Thus, the authors have since tailored their photographic methods to document the rhinoplasty patient to maximize the visual information of the external nasal anatomy in the photographic and the printed image. This article is intended to review the photographic principles for standardized rhinoplasty photography, address the additional considerations necessary when using digital photography, discuss the printing variables that can affect overall quality of the printed image, and discuss the authors' new method of photographing the rhinoplasty patient.  相似文献   


Nineteenth-century anthropologists struggled to establish themselves as scientists in a cultural milieu of enthusiasm for “curiosities.” Because commercial photographers appropriated the “authenticity” of photographic realism, the need increased for ethnographic photographers to distinguish between such realism and the “scientific authority” of their own visual productions. Through a case study of anthropometric photography of the Chippewa, this article examines the tension between, on the one hand, ethnographers' exploitation of the technological and symbolic attributes of photography to promote the scientific and political goals of the discipline, and on the other hand, the influence and function of visual genres and visual allegories in conditioning and framing what viewers accepted as “real” and “true.”  相似文献   

The main objective of this article is to discuss a rethinking of knowledge production that involves the incorporation of artistic practice as one aspect of its methodology. The point of departure is still photography as one such practice, and the fact that it is almost entirely banished from mainstream social anthropological methodology and analysis. To acquire a new position for photography within social science research practice, a repositioning of both the researcher and the role of the image itself is sought. It is suggested that a visual methodology based on still photography must move beyond the interpretational boundary of the realist representational paradigm and approach the expressive aspect of the photographic medium. The empirical foundation for this article is the author's experience as an art photographer as well as a photographing social anthropologist in the northern province of Ethiopia, Tigray (Tigre).  相似文献   

The exploratory discussion in this article starts from the fact that it is the realism of photographic representations which enables them, in an indexical sense, to point back to a reality beyond themselves as images. In the same vein, it is as a metonymic space-time fragment that the photograph can indicate a continuation of reality beyond its own framing of the visible. Or, putting it differently, rather than constituting transparent representations, presence in photographs is evoked through absence of the real. What is not problematized in photographic theory and visual anthropology is that photographs thus depend on imagination for their interpretative connection to reality. My argument sees photographic practice as interference, which pushes the medium past the implicit positivist premise for visual knowledge production in anthropology. Furthermore, when understanding the ability to imagine as movements in reason, the separation between imagination and reason, presumed necessary for the scientific production of knowledge, is also challenged. Concerned with rethinking photography in visual anthropology, imagination’s role in knowledge production will be explored through my photographic art project, Houses/Homes.  相似文献   

This article examines the importance Gypsies attribute to photographic images of themselves, suggesting that such images play a crucial role in the reproduction and questioning of their identity. Based on empirical evidence collected among Gypsy communities in the Lisbon urban area, the article tests its main hypothesis through a detailed analysis of two key dimensions: the photographic session as an intense interactive situation and the content of the photographic images. An analytical reflection concludes that the Gypsy photography phenomenon might be understood as a kind of ritual.  相似文献   

In this article, I explore an anthropologically underresearched topic, boredom, utilizing ethnographic data from the Australian Aboriginal settlement of Yuendumu and situating that research in a comparative perspective. I examine the concept's genesis and meaning at Yuendumu using the social-constructivist approach to boredom as proposed in literature studies, sociology, and philosophy. That approach provides an account of how the emergence of boredom in 18th-century Europe is linked to processes of modernity. That perspective, however, has led to claims that boredom is a Western phenomenon and that its existence elsewhere is because of "Westernization." In this article, I argue against that perspective by linking instances of boredom at Yuendumu to perceptions of personhood and to conceptualizations of being in time—particularly socioculturally specific ways of perceiving time and postcolonial temporalities as generating the emergence of boredom. This boredom is a historically and socioculturally specific phenomenon, arising out of distinct sociocultural engagements with locally particular processes of modernity.  相似文献   

In two rural communes of the Vesubie Valley, in the south of France, twenty‐five hundred family photographs were collected. Taken between 1890 and 1950, these pictures not only provided a basic approach to life histories as sensitive aids to photo‐interviews, they represented an understanding of the communities’ past and present and were a powerful source of social life renewal. They also bear witness to the importance of traditions and culture of family photography itself. Crucial confrontations between social classes, ages, sexes, rural and urban cultures, and tradition and modernity are demonstrated by the obligatory staging of photographic rituals  相似文献   

The piecemeal development of capitalist socioeconomic systems in the colonial Chesapeake was deeply intertwined with projects of white ethnogenesis. Crafting a sense of "groupness" along lines perceived as racial required free "whites" to remain economically and socially interdependent. A variety of strategies and material forms—including reciprocal exchanges, hall-parlor house plans, and earthfast construction—facilitated this cohesion. Such integrative tactics coexisted in colonists' behavioral repertoires with more "capitalistic" strategies that prioritized private profit over social obligation. Colonists' deployment of diverse social strategies reflects a complex calculus assessing the benefits of economic autonomy against the benefits of ethnic ("white") solidarity. These dynamics can be illustrated through an 18th-century archaeological site at Flowerdew Hundred in the Chesapeake.  相似文献   

This article unpacks the history of a 'tribal' region in Central India to show that the current appearance of 'two-dimensionality' or stark opposition between the people and the state is a product of colonial and post-colonial policies rather than a pre-colonial relic. It challenges the idea of 'coercive subordination' as an adequate explanation for kingship in this area, as argued by the late Alfred Gell. Instead, this article uses the same phenomena, annual Dussehra rituals and successive rebellions, to argue for a more dialectical concept of hegemony. It also takes issue with culturalist interpretations of rule, arguing instead for a historically nuanced political economy.  相似文献   

This essay analyzes one of Germany’s former premier research institutions for biomedical research, the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics (KWIA) as a test case for the way in which politics and human heredity served as resources for each other during the Third Reich. Examining the KWIA from this perspective brings us a step closer to answering the questions at the heart of most recent scholarship concerning the biomedical community under the swastika: (1) How do we explain why the vast majority of German human geneticists and eugenicists were willing to work for the National Socialist state and, at the very least, legitimized its exterminationist racial policy; and (2) what accounts for at least some of Germany’s most renowned medically trained professionals’ involvement in forms of morally compromised science that wholly transcend the bounds of normal scientific practice? Although a complete answer to this question must await an examination of other German biological research centers, the present study suggests that during the Nazi period the symbiotic relationship between human genetics and politics served to radicalize both. The dynamic between the science of human heredity and Nazi politics changed the research practice of some of the biomedical sciences housed at the KWIA. It also simultaneously made it easier for the Nazi state to carry out its barbaric racial program leading, finally, to the extermination of millions of so-called racial undesirables.  相似文献   

We have tested both the usefulness of high-resolution digital photography for data acquisition and digital image analysis, by non-supervised classification and high pass filter, for recognition and abundance estimation of benthic intertidal organisms. These digital tools were compared with visual scan and photo quadrat conventional methods. The comparison was done using 40 quadrats (10×5 cm) randomly selected along a 5-m transect on the rocky shore of the Pemaquid Point, Maine, USA. ANOVA for repeated measures was used to test differences among methods. Monte Carlo simulation analysis was used to explore differences among methods over a large set of data (n=100, 500, 1000 quadrats). Differences among methods were observed when 40 quadrats were used. Tukey multiple comparison test showed that abundance estimation from visual scan, photo quadrat and digital image analysis by high pass filter do not differ significantly among them but differ from non-supervised classification results. Due to its accurate estimation, high pass filter (Prewitt) method was chosen as the most reliable digital method to estimate species abundance. Monte Carlo simulation of visual scan, photo quadrat and high pass filter results showed significant differences when the number of quadrats was larger. These results showed that the combined use of digital photography and digital image analysis techniques for the acquisition and analysis of recorded data is a powerful method for the study of intertidal benthic organisms. Results produced using these techniques were similar than those produced by conventional methods but were obtained in a much-reduced time.  相似文献   

This article analyses two dominant discourses of racial politics in Hawai'i and the work they do naturalizing haole (white people or whiteness in Hawai'i) in the islands. The first is the well-worn discourse of racial harmony representing Hawai'i as an idyllic racial paradise with no conflict or inequality. Frequently contrasting the islands with the ‘racist mainland’, this discourse circulates among many communities and is widely referenced. There is also a competing discourse of discrimination against non-locals which contends that haoles and non-local people of colour are disrespected and treated unfairly in Hawai'i. As negative referents for each other, these discourses work to reinforce one another and are historically linked. I suggest that the question of racial politics be reframed towards consideration of the processes of racialization themselves – towards a new way of thinking about racial politics in Hawai'i that breaks free of the not racist/racist dyad.  相似文献   

This article looks at photographic practices in Roviana Lagoon in the western Solomon Islands of the South Pacific. It argues that the efficacy or affective power of photographs in this context must be understood in terms of what is locally called maqomaqo (soul or shadow). Photographs contain a material trace of the essence of what they portray, which enables them to “touch” their viewers. This case study allows us to think about the innate metaphysic of photography, and about the way in which “photography” only ever exists as a series of local photographies, which emerge from the interplay between this innate metaphysic of the photographic technology and local ontologies.  相似文献   

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