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The electromagnetic fields (EMF) are ubiquitous. The base transceiver station (BTS) and mobile phones (MPs) contribute to the generation of EMF around their locations and are regarded as important sources of non-ionizing radiations. The use of mobile phone has increased dramatically in recent years so also the skepticism regarding its effects. In this review, we have made an attempt to scan the key research papers those aimed at elucidating the effects of EMF starting from extreme low frequency (ELF) to radio frequency (RF) through low frequency (LF). We have selected papers that dealt with the effects of radiations emanating from the BTS and MPs on human sleep, circadian rhythm, and cognition. Mostly, we have concentrated on papers published in the last 15 years. We came across conflicting reports. The findings reported in many papers suggest that the exposure to EMF has potentiality to compromise parameters related to sleep quality; in contrast, there are several reports those have given a clean sheet to the EMF exposure. The effects of EMF on circadian rhythms also remain inconclusive. The EMF exposure while did not produce any effect on circadian rhythm of heart rate and blood chemistry, it modulated the rhythms in cortisol and melatonin characterized by a decline in their 24-h circulating levels. The effects of exposure to EMF on cognitive parameters, like performance and memory, are also equivocal. The existing contradictory findings could be attributed to inter-individual variability in tolerance, gender-, and age-dependent differences in response, latitudinal differences in efficacy, variability among employed methodologies and differences in specific absorption rate, frequency of the mobile phone usage, and interaction of EMF with other physiological and environmental factors, among others. The future research should be carried out with added focus on elucidating the modulatory effects of these factors to put an end to the existing controversies on the biological effects of low/RF EMF radiations.  相似文献   

The starch binding domain of α-amlylase from moderate halophile was expressed in E. coli with His tag (His- SBD12) and characterized for its halophilic properties. His-SBD12 was stable up to 35°C and showed binding activity, although at reduced level, to amylose even in the absence of NaCl. Both NaCl and specific ligands exhibited insignificant influence on the secondary structure of His-SBD12, but showed significant stabilization effects against thermal unfolding concentration-dependently, showing its halophilic properties. NaCl increased thermal stability of His-SBD12 by 4°C at 0.2 M and 15°C at 2 M, and enhanced refolding rate by ~7-fold at 0.2 M and ~170-fold at 2 M. Its specific ligands, β- cyclodextrin (at 3 mM) and maltose (at 470 mM), also stabilized the protein by 11° C, most likely reflecting affinity difference between these two ligands. However, they showed marginal effects on refolding rate. These observations suggest that although binding of NaCl and specific ligands to the native structure can explain their stabilization effects on His- SBD12, it is not a sole factor for modulating their effects on folding of His-SBD12.  相似文献   

Neto  Ana Isabel 《Hydrobiologia》2000,432(1-3):135-147
The intertidal benthic algal communities of two sites located on opposite coasts of São Miguel Island (Azores), were studied over a 2-year period (September 1993–September 1995). At both sites (São Roque on the south coast and São Vicente on the north), the littoral region was surveyed from the upper intertidal down to the sublittoral fringe. The survey revealed five distinct zones, with a variable degree of overlapping. The two upper zones were characterized by animals (littorinids and barnacles, respectively). Lower down, algal communities formed three distinct zones: an upper Fucus spiralis/Gelidium microdon association, a more extensive turf zone, and a belt featuring erect or frondose algae. Upper in the eulittoral, the turf was mainly monospecific, and dominated by Caulacanthus ustulatus. The lower eulittoral turf was dominated by articulated coralline algae, the associated species differing between the two sites studied. Mainly erect algae (Pterocladiella, Asparagopsis, etc.) occurred furthest down the shore and extended into the nearby shallow sublittoral. Two intertidal communities were studied at each locality: the upper eulittoral (Caulacanthus turf in São Roque and the Fucus spiralis/Gelidium microdon association at São Vicente), and the lower eulittoral (the coralline turf). The lower littoral communities had a higher algal diversity. A general pattern was observed in the seasonal variation of biomass: the lower levels exhibited the higher values in late summer/early autumn, the period in which the upper levels had the lowest standing crops. Physical factors are proposed to account for this. No significant inter-annual variations could be detected, indicating relatively stable communities, at least on a short-term basis.  相似文献   

A recombinant β-galactosidase from Caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus was purified with a specific activity of 211 U mg?1 by using heat treatment and His-trap affinity chromatography. The native enzyme was an 80-kDa trimer with a molecular mass of 240 kDa. Maximum activity was observed at pH 6.0 and 80ºC, and the half-life at 70ºC was 48 h. The enzyme exhibited hydrolytic activity for p-nitrophenyl-β-d-galactopyranoside (pNPGal), oNPGal, or lactose, whereas no activity for p-nitrophenyl-β-d-glucopyranoside (pNPGlu), oNPGlu, or cellobiose. The catalytic residues E150 and E311 of β-galactosidase from C. saccharolyticus were completely conserved in all aligned glycoside hydrolase family 42 β-galactosidases. The results indicated that the enzyme was a β-galactosidase. Galactose uncompetitively inhibited the enzyme. Glucose inhibition of the enzyme was the lowest among β-galactosidases. When 50 g l?1 galactose was added, the enzyme activity for pNPGal was reduced to 26%. When 400 g l?1 glucose instead of galactose was added, the activity was reduced to 82%. When adding galactose (200 g l?1), only 14% of the lactose was hydrolyzed after 180 min. In contrast, the addition of glucose (400 g l?1) did not affect lactose hydrolysis, and more than 99% of the lactose was hydrolyzed after 120 min.  相似文献   

A fishery independent underwater visual census technique was used to assess the effects of fishing on the diversity, biomass and trophic structure of the diurnally active non-cryptic reef-associated fish communities of the Seychelles. One hundred and thirty four species associated with three significantly different types of reef habitat were censused at one unfished ground and in six fishing grounds subject to different fishing intensity and the biomass of several species targeted by the fishery. The diversity of families containing target species (lutjanidae, lethrinidae) was significantly higher at unfished and lightly fished sites as was the total biomass of the fish community and the biomass of piscivorous, piscivorous/invertebrate feeding and herbivorous trophic groups. However, there was no indication that the biomass of non-target species increased in response to the removal of their predators by fishing. The findings of this study are significant for fishery managers because they suggest that the intensive differential cropping of top predators will not necessarily lead to increases in the biomass and productivity of their prey.  相似文献   

Kjensmo  Johannes 《Hydrobiologia》1997,347(1-3):151-159
Primarily as a result of road salting, the water masses ofLake Svinsjøen, a small meromictic lake in southeasternNorway, have been subject to great changes in salinity duringthe period 1947–1995. The greatest change in saltconcentration has occurred in the upper part of themonimolimnion (depth 10–15 m) where mean conductivityincreased 104.2 per cent, from 143 to 292 S cm–1. Inthe upper mixolimnion (depth 0-5 m), mean conductivity rosefrom 130 to 238 S cm–1 during the same period. Theions responsible for the salinity changes were Na+ andCl from de-icing salts, and Ca2+ and Cl fromsalts used to keep down dust from roads. Further sources ofCa2+ are the road asphalt and increased weathering andleaching of the lime-rich rocks caused by acid precipitation,the main source of the additional inputs of SO tothe lake. The salinity changes caused major changes inmeromictic stability, S . In the period1947-1966, S increased by 24 g cm cm–2,and the maximum level of meromictic stability, 125 gcm–2, was found in 1966. As a result of higher rate ofsalt accumulation in the upper part of the monimolimnion andin the mixolimnion, S decreased by 30 g cmcm–2 during the period 1966-1991, and a simultaneousrise in the chemocline took place. In the period 1991-1995 anadditional decrease of 26 g cm cm–2 occurred. Continuedectogenic inputs of salts through processes typical of thetime period investigated will in future further weaken thelake's meromictic stability, and may cause the demise ofmeromixis in Lake Svinsjøen, a development which may haveimportant implications for primary productivity of thelake.  相似文献   

The activity of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH, EC1.1.1.27) is often changed upon inflammatory responses in animals. Lanthanoid (Ln) was shown to provoke various inflammatory responses both in rats and mice; however, the molecular mechanism by which Ln3+ exert its toxicity has not been completely understood, especially that we know little about the mechanism of the interaction between Ln with 4f electron shell and alternation valence and LDH. In this report, we investigated the mechanisms of LaCl3, CeCl3, and NdCl3 on LDH activity in vivo and in vitro. Our results showed that La3+, Ce3+, and Nd3+ could significantly activate LDH in vivo and in vitro; the order of activation was Ce3+?>?Nd3+?>?La3+?>?control. The affinity of LDH for Ce3+ was higher than Nd3+ and La3+; the saturated binding sites for Ce3+ on the LDH protein were 1.2 and for La3+ and Nd3+ 1.55. Ln3+ caused the reduction of exposure degree of cysteine or tryptophan/tyrosine of LDH, the increase of space resistance, and the enhancement of α-helix in secondary structure of LDH, which was greatest in Ce3+ treatment, medium in Nd3+ treatment, and least in La3+ treatment. It implied that the changes of structure–function on LDH caused by Ln3+ were closely related to the characteristics of 4f electron shell and alternation valence in Ln.  相似文献   

Emotional signals are perceived whether or not we are aware of it. The evidence so far mostly came from studies with facial expressions. Here, we investigated whether the pattern of non-conscious face expression perception is found for whole body expressions. Continuous flash suppression (CFS) was used to measure the time for neutral, fearful, and angry facial or bodily expressions to break from suppression. We observed different suppression time patterns for emotions depending on whether the stimuli were faces or bodies. The suppression time for anger was shortest for bodily expressions, but longest for the facial expressions. This pattern indicates different processing and detection mechanisms for faces and bodies outside awareness, and suggests that awareness mechanisms associated with dorsal structures might play a role in becoming conscious of angry bodily expressions.  相似文献   

The crustaceans and rotifers of 17 samples from the plankton and 3 from the littoral from lakes of the lower Rio Nhamundá, an affluent of the Amazon were studied.

145 taxa of rotifers and 46 of crustaceans were found; two rotifers and three crustaceans are new to science: Keratella americana nhamundaiensis, Euchlanis triquetra var. nhamudaiensis, Echinisca superaculeata, E. sioli, and E. mira. In the taxonomical part 24 rotiferan and 22 crustacean taxa are described in more detail, drawings of them given, and partly remarks made about the geographical distribution.

In the biocenotical part the conditions of dominances were studied: Brachionus zahniseri and Keratella americana within the rotifers and Bosminopsis deitersi and Oithona amazonica within the crustaceans are the dominant species in the pelagial. In the littorial Synchaeta stylata and Stre‐blocerus pygmaeus were found to be dominant.

The species diversity and also the evenness is higher within the rotifers than in the crustaceans. By means of an index of similarity dendrograms were drawn where groups of lakes can be differentiated by using the similarity between the crustaceans. The proportion of neotropical species in relation to pantropical and cosmopolitical species is lowest in the rotifers, higher in the cladocerans and highest in the copepods at 100%.  相似文献   

Liu Y  Huangfu J  Qi F  Kaleem I  E W  Li C 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e30998
We cloned the β-glucuronidase gene (AtGUS) from Aspergillus terreus Li-20 encoding 657 amino acids (aa), which can transform glycyrrhizin into glycyrrhetinic acid monoglucuronide (GAMG) and glycyrrhetinic acid (GA). Based on sequence alignment, the C-terminal non-conservative sequence showed low identity with those of other species; thus, the partial sequence AtGUS(-3t) (1-592 aa) was amplified to determine the effects of the non-conservative sequence on the enzymatic properties. AtGUS and AtGUS(-3t) were expressed in E. coli BL21, producing AtGUS-E and AtGUS(-3t)-E, respectively. At the similar optimum temperature (55°C) and pH (AtGUS-E, 6.6; AtGUS(-3t)-E, 7.0) conditions, the thermal stability of AtGUS(-3t)-E was enhanced at 65°C, and the metal ions Co(2+), Ca(2+) and Ni(2+) showed opposite effects on AtGUS-E and AtGUS(-3t)-E, respectively. Furthermore, Km of AtGUS(-3t)-E (1.95 mM) was just nearly one-seventh that of AtGUS-E (12.9 mM), whereas the catalytic efficiency of AtGUS(-3t)-E was 3.2 fold higher than that of AtGUS-E (7.16 vs. 2.24 mM s(-1)), revealing that the truncation of non-conservative sequence can significantly improve the catalytic efficiency of AtGUS. Conformational analysis illustrated significant difference in the secondary structure between AtGUS-E and AtGUS(-3t)-E by circular dichroism (CD). The results showed that the truncation of the non-conservative sequence could preferably alter and influence the stability and catalytic efficiency of enzyme.  相似文献   

The effects of estradiol, testosterone and progesterone on the electrical and mechanical characteristics of rat atria were determined. Cellular membrane potentials were obtained with microelectrodes and the contractility recorded from a sensitive strain gauge. All three steroids at concentrations near 10−5 M produced characteristic changes in the membrane potentials, the most striking effect being a pronounced slowing of the depolarization of the action potential, without simultaneously reducing the magnitudes of the resting or action potentials. As a result, there was slower impulse conduction in the atria, a lengthening of the action potential and a consequent increase in the refractory period. The repolarization rate was slowed. These changes are due to effects on the transmembrane fluxes of Na+ and K+, a decrease in permeability being assumed.These effects are similar to those produced by the standard antiarrhythmic drugs, such as quinidine; and these steroids, particularly testosterone, have been found to be potent in the prevention and abolishment of atrial arrhythmias, both in vitro and in vivo. The steroids also block the effects of acetylcholine on the atria and this may play a role in the reduction in excitability and automaticity.Testosterone, but not estradiol nor progesterone, exerts a temporary stimulation of the atrial contractility, which is not due to any effect on the membrane, but is related in some manner more directly to the contractile systems.  相似文献   

The effects of different algal foods and water temperatures on the growth and fatty acid content of the Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus L., were studied. Four types of algae, given in the same amounts as the control diet, were used as food: Microcystis aeruginosa, colonial and single-celled forms; Arthrospira fusiformis; and Scenedesmus quadricauda. The control group was fed a commercial diet of cichlid pellets, while another group was left unfed. The feeding experiment was run at 25 °C. The condition factor decreased in all algal fed fish groups, except the one fed on Microcystis colonies, whereas the control group showed no significant change. Both food quantity and quality were responsible for this result. Some short-chained fatty acids in the diets could be traced in the long-chained counter-parts in the fish tissue. Both saturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids were higher in the control vs. treatment groups, whereas the polyunsaturated fatty acids displayed no significant differences amongst any of the treatment groups studied, including the unfed group. Direct quantitative comparison of individual fatty acid in the diet vs. tissue lipids in the fish proved to be difficult due to the great capacity of these tilapias to elongate and desaturate 18 carbon acids into long-chained homologues. The effect of temperature was studied by growing the fish at 16, 20 and 25 °C. All groups were fed commercial cichlid pellets. The level of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids increased at 20 °C, whereas polyunsaturated fatty acids showed little variation. Docosahexaenoic acid, belonging to the important omega 3 group where the first double bond starts at carbon number three, was highest at 16 °C, resulting in a markedly elevated omega-3/omega-6 ratio at that temperature.  相似文献   

The hydrogeology between the catchment area and the divided dystrophic Lake Fuchskuhle with respect to the genesis and the land-water interactions were investigated. Water levels at numerous locations in the catchment area were measured in order to characterize the hydrology. The water balance of the area was calculated based on long term climatic investigations. The geology of the peat was documented at 25 sampling points by cores collected with a peat drill. Chemical parameters including pH, total phosphorus and total nitrogen concentrations, DOC concentration, colour (SAK 436 m–1) and the UV254/DOC ratio in the catchment area and in two compartments (NE and SW compartment) were determined. The chemical fluxes of DOC, nitrogen and phosphorus from the catchment area into one compartment (SW compartment) were determined. During the genesis of the Lake Fuchskuhle area two aquifer systems (local peat aquifer, regional sandy main aquifer) developed. Both aquifers are largely independently with almost no lateral interactions. Two compartments are supplied with water from the local peat aquifer. From the other two compartments, however, water is flowing out into the peat body. During high groundwater inflow into the SW compartment higher concentration of DOC, nitrogen and phosphorus in the SW compartment were detected. The fen can be divided in two parts: in the meso — to eutrophic fen northwest and the mainly meso — to oligotrophic — acid fen in the southeast. The significant differences in parameters such as pH, conductivity and DOC concentration gave a clear picture of the heterogeneity of the two compartments and their dependence on the catchment area with the two aquifers.  相似文献   

A polarographic method based on the Brdi?ka current (the polarographic catalytic hydrogen evolution current produced by proteins in the presence of cobalt salts) was applied to direct titration of subtilisin BPN′ (S.BPIST) with plasminostreptin (PS) at a concentration level of 10”8 m. The first and second dissociation constants of the S.BPN-PS complex were determined by fitting theoretical curves to the titration data, in which the multiple equilibria involving microscopically distinct forms of S.BPN-PS complex were taken into account. The intrinsic free energy change in the first binding of S.BPN′ to dimeric PS was larger than that in the second binding. The dependence of the microscopic dissociation constants of S.BPN′-PS complex on pH indicates the participation of ionizable groups of pKa 8.0 and 9.4 in the complex formation. The repulsive effect between negatively charged molecules of S.BPN′ and PS in the complex formation at elevated pH is suggested.  相似文献   

This study provides a case history of the impact of the 1998 El Ni no event on a lake charr population in a shallow (maximum depth = 13m) lake in the southern boreal shield ecozone of Ontario. The lake lost its native charr population by acidification from air-borne pollutants in the 1950–1960s. A naturally reproducing population was re-established through hatchery stocking after the water quality improved in the 1980s. The warm years triggered by the El Ni no event exposed fish to bottom water temperatures of 20°C for several weeks and resulted in the loss of all hatchery-reared juveniles that were released in 1998. A few adults survived the warm years by making use of cold water refuge areas (groundwater seepage). This study shows how climate change can eliminate charr populations at the margins of their range. It also illustrates the potential confounding effects of climate warming on aquatic ecosystems already subject to other stressors.  相似文献   

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